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About this mod
Culminating from a year of hard work, Tamriel_Data contains a data unified file structure spearheaded by Project Tamriel and Tamriel Rebuilt as the first adopter.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Bloodmoon Tribunal Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
--Usage of Assets in PT_Data.bsa--
Many of our assets were made for exclusive usage by province mods by their creators. Please make sure to contact us at first, if you wish to unpack something from PT_Data.bsa to use it in your own work. If you are granted usage of the objects in question, make sure the original creators are duly credited for them.
However, if you are prepared to add Tamriel_Data.esm as dependency to your mod and use PT_Data.bsa as-is for your project, there will be no need to ask for permission. Only make sure not to re-upload our data files to your own modpage, but ask downloaders to get Tamriel_Data from our own download mirrors. If you do all of this, there will be no need to credit us separately.
--Usage of Assets in TR_Data.bsa--
The following resources should only be used in mods with a dependency on Tamriel_data (please do not distribute the resources):
- Molecrab
- Riverstrider
- Telvanni Cephalopod
All other resources can be used and redistributed without needing a dependency on Tamriel_Data, provided the TR team is duly credited for the resources used.
Feel free to make mods of any description dependant upon the Tamriel Rebuilt mods. We welcome any such work that you may desire to work on.File credits
The following is a probably incomplete list of modders that contributed to the creation of assets found in our two data.bsas aswell as bookart and sound - folders. If you discover an asset whose creator is not listed here, please, let us know.
Andres Indoril
detritus2004 (Khajiit faces)
Lady Nerevar
Lestat DeLioncourt
London Rook
Melchior Dahrk
Silaria (Argonian faces)
Ald-Ma' Cyrod
Lestat DeLioncourt
Lord Berandas
Abot (seagull script and sounds)
Alaisiagae (dragonscale armor)
Arcimaestro Anteres (creatures and animations)
Cait (animals)
Cyborg (warship)
Daduke (helmet)
Darknut (black bear)
Dongle (log cabins & other things)
Donnergott (candle boxes, candlestands, etc)
Dracus (oak trees)
EJRS (imperial helmets)
Khan Raider (steel helmet)
Lord Yig (some tapestry textures)
Melchior Dhark (sewer grates)
Midgetalien (draugr henchman)
Momo (dock resources, nord ruin resources)
N'Dib (cliffs)
Nioliv (robe meshes)
Nomad (fern)
NZdawghaus (nord tapestries)
PeterBitt (nirnroot)
Quorn (newt scale armor)
Remiros (Varla Stone)
Silicon Bros (assorted armor pieces)
Vurt (trees)
Westly (head, hair and clothing) (sound effects)Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Russian
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- Italian
- Changelogs
Version 10.0
- - Added Velothi Lighthouse (MwGek)
- - Added Dunmer Ebony Helm Variants (AnhoraNexus, Cicero Concept: Ateiggaer)
- - Added Alma Rula's Ceremonial Helmet (Kynesifnar Concept: Rats)
- - Added More Dwemer Statues (Svartalfar, Cicero, Kynesifnar, Revenorror)
- - Added Bellman Entry for Literary Critic (Taniquetil, Why)
- - Added Corkbulb Bow (AnhoraNexus Concept: Ateiggaer)
- - Added Additional Com Potions (Phenoix12)
- - Added Velothi Ruins (OAAB)
- - Added Velothi Rubble (chef)
- - Added Yneslea Palm Trees (DarkKnightComes, Cicero)
- - Added EEC Tapestries, Signs and Banners (Rats)
- - Added NiCollisionSwitch Dongle Water (Melchior Dahrk)
- - Added more Hlaalu Big and Tall pieces (Tosky)
- - Added Hlaalu Wall Screen tile (Tosky)
- - Added Hlaalu Dome tile (Tosky)
- - Added OW and SH Tilled Dirts (Revenorror, chef)
- - Added Open Tall Canton (Atrayonis)
- - Added Editormarker NPC (Hemaris)
- - Added Editormarker Playerhome (Hemaris)
- - Added 3rd Colovian Robe (Worsas Concept: MammaHyena)
- - Added Legion Fort floor for high battlements (Hemaris)
- - Added Shipal-Shin sandstone cave set (S'wit, Kynesifnar, Revenorror)
- - Added Bloodmoon rocks (all current VM rocks renamed)
- - Added Coral (old OW coral fungus) (S'wit)
- - Added Ostern Rural Set (Joanasc Concept: Drathar, ThomasRuz)
- - Added Modular Lower Canton Set (MwGek)
- - Added Telvanni Merchant Hats (Feivelyn, Kynesifnar Concept: Ateiggaer)
- - Added Ex Telvanni Robes and Hats (Feivelyn, Kynesifnar Concept: Feivelyn)
- - Added Filled Small Sack Variants (Denis418)
- - Added Cyrodillic Wheat and Sacks (Worsas)
- - Added Anvil Shipyard Building (Worsas)
- - Added Generic Coal Containers (Osidian)
- - Added Additional Kvetchi Pass Flora, logs and stumps (Worsas, Joanasc)
- - Added Imperial Baskets (Infragris, Worsas)
- - Added Bleakstar (Spineinside, ThomasRuz)
- - Added Skis (Hemaris)
- - Added Falkreath Building Set (Joanasc Concept: roerich)
- - Added Breton Wizard Robe (c0dacan0n, Kynesifnar, Aleister)
- - Added Tall GC Fireplace (Lucevar)
- - Added Ancient Nordic Weapons (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Velothi Mountain Flowers (Fluxbender)
- - Added Cathnoquey Palmwood Tableware (Fluxbender Concept: Pickles)
- - Added Yneslea Clay Tableware (Fluxbender Concept: Pickles)
- - Added Curved Velothi Int Corner (Kynesifnar)
- - Added Padomic Sage (MwGek)
- - Added Redoran Warbanners (Remiros, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Scroll for Appraisal Quest (Remiros, Cicero, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Dwemer Lift (Wojtek, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Legion Tower Base (Greatness7, Taniquetil)
- - Added Yneslea Rattan (MwGek)
- - Added Indoril Ulvra Bonemold (DharmaPR, Feivelyn, Kynesifnar Concept: DharmaPR, Pickles)
- - Added Generic Padomic Coastal Palms (MwGek)
- - Added Temaris Veloth Statue (MwGek)
- - Added Padomic Ocean Rocks (Kynesifnar)
- - Added Padomic Ocean Textures (AcrylicFrog)
- - Added more Snowy Darkstone Textures (Kynesifnar)
- - Added more Blunt Weapons (Rats)
- - Added GCPoor Tunnel Block tile (Worsas)
- - Added Common and Expensive Telvanni Clothes (Feivelyn, Kynesifnar Concept: Feivelyn)
- - Added Temaris Land Textures (Asylum)
- - Added Iron/Pewter Candle Snuffer (EndoranWest)
- - Added Imperial Navy Officer Armour (Worsas Concept: Ateiggaer)
- - Added unique Ward of Akavir (Shadow_Mimicry, Kynesifnar, Cicero Concept: Jackimoff Wackimoff)
- - Added Cathnoquey Bronze Clutter (Fluxbender Concept: Pickles)
- - Added Ngopta (Fluxbender Concept: Pickles)
- - Added Draketails (ThomasRuz)
- - Added Keptu-Quey Bull Drawing (Rats)
- - Added Gauntlets of the Poor (Lamb Shark)
- - Added FurnP Pos Chest (Aveno)
- - Added Imperial Sewer Stairs (Joanasc)
- - Added Shinathi Heads (Rats Concept: Gnomey)
- - Added missing Kragen Bonemold pieces (Lamb Shark Concept: Pickles)
- - Added Temarin Bugloss (MwGek)
- - Added Tiger Guar (Cicero, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Cathnoquey Puffball Flower (Fluxbender)
- - Added Dwemer Robe (Ashtaar, Svartalfar, Cicero, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Cathnoquey White Sand (Cicero)
- - Added Blessings for Nord Priestesses (Tristior)
- - Added Kushimmu Nerevarine Reward (Cicero, OAAB)
- - Added missing HD textures for TR faces (Rats)
- - Added Natural Cave Entrances (Cicero, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Steel Truncheon (Rats)
- - Added GC retexture of T_Mw_CaveMold_4way_Room_01 (Snailsting)
- - Added Cathnoquey Natural Cave Entrances (Asylum, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Damaged Velothi Urns and Altars (OAAB)
- - Added Colovian Fortresses (Joanasc, Worsas, Spineinside)
- - Added AC rock variants for darkstone 3 (Cicero)
- - Added Kenassa Tong faction
- - Added Summerset Celadonware (DangerDog, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Scathecraw trees (VenuSprout)
- - Added Sammas Bonemold Helmet (Rats, Kynesifnar)
- - Added generic seafood barrels (Shadowhawk)
- - Added Com (nord) lighthouse (MwGek)
- - Added Com perfumes (Worsas)
- - Added Aanthirin rock texture (Cicero, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Sharai Hopper (Joanasc, sfx by Beninate Concept: Gnomey)
- - Added Shipal-Shin sapphire ores (Cicero)
- - Added Bosmer Trade Ship (Joanasc Concept: Ateiggaer)
- - Added Dwemer Tomb (Kynesifnar, Geophysic2013)
- - Added many more Reman ruin pieces (Worsas)
- - Added Dunmer candles for more clutter sets (Fluxbender)
- - Added Alchemist's Globe (Feivelyn, Kynesifnar Concept: 10Kaziem)
- - Added Bosmer Kitchenware (Worsas)
- - Added additional com beds (OAAB)
- - Added Blackdrake (PulcharmSolis, Taniquetil)
- - Added open coffin (Brannon the ilk)
- - Added Aegrotat (Kynesifnar)
- - Added Dragonfield Trees (ThomasRuz, Kynesifnar, Worsas)
- - Added Goldmoor Rocks and Flora (Joanasc)
- - Added Burned GC Trees (chef)
- - Added Moth Herder Helmet (PulcharmSolis, Taniquetil)
- - Added Leafy Plant (Asylum)
- - Added Missing cave 4way_Room_01 variants (Snailsting)
- - Added Tall De_R Bookshelf (OAAB)
- - Added New Redoran Exterior Shells (shivatheo)
- - Added Small Dunmer Ship (OAAB Concept: Gnomey)
- - Added Generic Barrels with wine (chef)
- - Added Imperial Carved Wood Clutter (Kaiel)
- - Added more Cyrodiil Road Signs (chef)
- - Added Additional Kvetchi Cave Entrances (Worsas)
- - Added Shorter In_Cavern_Beams (Stele)
- - Added Copper Dome Chapel (chef,
- - Added Pilgrim's Pillar (DarkKnightComes Concept: 10Kaziem)
- - Added Open Small Weathered Crate (Denis418)
- - Added Morrowind Creature Skulls (Sandman, Vidi_Aquam, Kynesifnar)
- - Added More Aanthirin Trees (Cicero)
- - Added Vounoura Assets (Cicero)
- - Added burnt GL Tree_01 (Cicero)
- - Added Astrologer Class (Taniquetil)
- - Added Ratcatcher Class (Taniquetil)
- - Added Hlaalu Ledge with no ends (Stele)
- - Added Hlaalu Interior Dome set (Stele)
- - Added Ynesai Race (PulcharmSolis)
- - Added Yneslea Tall Yellow Flower (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Yneslea Tree (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Dwemer Rourken Exterior Set (Joanasc)
- - Added First Era Colovian Redware (Kaiel)
- - Added Nibenese Robes (Feivelyn, Kynesifnar Concept: Ald Ma Cyrod)
- - Added Dreugh Citadel Set (Lamb Shark, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Cathnoquey Rocks (Asylum, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Nordic Tomb Artifacts (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Chimeri-Quey Chitin Weapons (AnhoraNexus, concept: Drathar)
- - Added various filled containers (Aveno)
- - Added Guarskin Armor (AnhoraNexus, concept: Pickles, Gnomey)
- - Added Additional Chimeri-Quey Head & Hair (Kynesifnar)
- - Added Yneslea Ground Textures (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Iron Helm Variants for Cyrodiil (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Hlaalu River Watch Set (Vidi_Aquam, VenuSprout, concept: Ateiggaer, Pickles)
- - Added Muatra Pedestal (rats)
- - Added Ald Iuval Council Hall (shivatheo)
- - Added Yneslea Rock Set (Feivelyn)
- - Added New Velothi Buildings (shivatheo)
- - Added Valenwood Wine (Worsas, Steppenwolf)
- - Added Rich Redguard furniture (Joanasc)
- - Added Sword of Dibella (Cicero)
- - Added Padomic Coral (Captain Angus, Swit)
- - Added Daedric Crossbow and Bolts (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Iron Shortbow (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Greater Bonelord (Svarmerll, AnhoraNexus, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Area Effect Arrows (Bethesda)
- - Added Skyrim Bulls (Kynesifnar)
- - Added Somber Widow (MwGek, DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Medium OW Mushroom (Hemaris, Fluxbender)
- - Added more OAAB things (OAAB, Revenorror, Worsas)
- - Added Foul Murder Mural (RandomPal, Cicero)
- - Added Wraithmail Ringlet (Cicero)
- - Added Com Trade Ship + wreck (Taniquetil's Brother, Worsas, Revenorror, Kynesifnar Concept: Shadowhawk)
- - Added Curled Ferns (Asylum, Kaitou)
- - Added Plaques (Joanasc)
- - Added GC Set Patches (Joanasc)
- - Added Keptu-Quey Obsidian Weapons (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Minotaur Barrowguard (Joanasc Concept: Ateiggaer)
- - Added More Rich Imp Furniture (OAAB)
- - Added missing TD Legion tiles for PC (Taniquetil)
- - Added P and M Redguard Furniture (EJRS, Worsas)
- - Added Redguard wood, porcelain and clay Tableware (Joanasc)
- - Added many missing container variants (Aveno)
- - Added Argonian Skeleton & bones (Revenorror)
- - Added Dreugh Furniture (Tammilisake, Kynesifnar, Feivelyn, Fluxbender Concept: Tammilisake, Feivelyn)
- - Added Dagi-Raht Khajiit (Rats)
- - Added Red Coral (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Scepter of Violation (VenuSprout)
- - Added Starfish (MwGek, Remiros, Fluxbender)
- - Added Colovian Common Shoes (Matt Andrews Concept: MammaHyena)
- - Added Bosmer Dresses (Worsas)
- - Added Nord Barrow additions (Worsas)
- - Added Richton Coat of Arms (Cicero)
- - Added Tall Hlaalu Sewer Tiles (shivatheo)
- - Added Hlaalu RoomT Balcony (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Hlaalu half railings (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Daedroth Statue (AnhoraNexus, Cicero)
- - Added Nord Barrow hall door (Wolli, Kynesifnar)
- - Added Red bottles, coloured paper, gold thread (Revenorror)
- - Added vanilla plant pot without the plant (Revenorror)
- - Added Cinnamon and Lotte (Revenorror)
- - Added Legion Lighthouse (MwGek)
- - Added Blue Palms (Fluxbender)
- - Added Swamp Troll Sounds (Beninate)
- - Added Padomic Candles (Fluxbender)
- - Added Temaris and Cathnoquey Bushes (Asylum, Fluxbender)
- - Added missing ebony clutter (OAAB, shivatheo)
- - Added Altmer Trade Ship (Ajbaj, Worsas)
- - Added Glass and Gold Hlaalu Decoration (Feivelyn)
- - Added Clambering Moor Boneshrooms (VenuSprout)
- - Added Temaris Succulents (Asylum, MwGek, DarkKnightComes, Cicero)
- - Added Sanguine Voice Acting (MAJ-12 MEDIA, Beninate, Cicero)
- - Added Namira Statue + Ring (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Rihad Lighthouse and poor set (Joanasc)
- - Added Cane of the Madstar (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Wyrm's Fang spear (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Guar pack (DarkKnightComes)
- - Added Kurahk (AnhoraNexus)
- - Added Plainstrider (Petethegoat, Axebeard, Bisty, Kynesifnar, Feivelyn Concept: Gnomey, Feivelyn)
- - Added Clambering Moor (Bloodmoon) grass (chef)
- - Added Geysers (OAAB)
- - Added Nord Trade Ship (Worsas Concept: Shadowhawk)
- - Added Narsis Arena (MwGek, shivatheo)
- - Added Narsis Council Quarter Sewer Room (shivatheo)
- - Added Narsis Grand Council Platform + Ceiling (Galrom, shivatheo, athcliath97)
- - Added PI Sand piles (Phenoix12)
- - Added the rest of the Shipal-Sharai buildings (chef)
- - Added Dreugh Queen (Feivelyn, Joanasc, shivatheo Concept: Tammilisake)
- - Added Narsis Consulate Dome (shivatheo)
- - Added iron ingot crates (LilianaUnfolded)
- - Added Redguard utensil list and chest (Aveno)
- - Added expanded Old Mournhold set (shivatheo Concept: Nirva)
- - Added Auroran Weapons (Worsas)
- - Added General Use Talos Tapestry (Kynesifnar, Athcliath97)
- - Added GITD-less variants for shipwrecks (Kynesifnar)
- - Added Afliq SFX (Beninate, Fluxbender)
- - Added Padomic Palm Wine (Fluxbender)
- - Added MW variants of SHOTN's natty cave exit (Snailsting)
- - Added Lake Algae (Fluxbender)
- - Added Sea Urchins (Fluxbender)
- - Added Asparagus Trees (VenuSprout Concept: 10Kaziem)
- - Added Bosmer rings (Worsas, Steppenwolf)
- - Added Beeswax (Worsas, Steppenwolf)
- - Added books:
- - Divine Sacrifice (Infragris)
- - Memories of Western Highlands (Infragris)
- - Sayings of the Church-Mothers (Infragris)
- - The Image and the Divine (Infragris)
- - Arcturianism For Beginners (Infragris)
- - Tales of the Woven City (Infragris)
- - The Secret Throne of Vampires (Infragris)
- - The Pilgrim and the Soldier (Infragris)
- - Iniquities of the Current Era (Infragris)
- - Temple Zero - A Warning (Infragris)
- - Narsis: A History (Mark)
- - Seven Families of Clan Hlaalu (Mark)
- - Fixed Dark Seducers using a unique weapon
- - Fixed non-navigable GCPoor ramp2 (Worsas)
- - Fixed Indoril Mace being set as an axe
- - Fixed custom Khajiit stretching (Lamb Shark)
- - Fixed Indoril stair and striderport collisions (Lamb Shark)
- - Fixed Giant Kobolds (final?) (Lamb Shark)
- - Fixed Roa Dyr stair collision (Lamb Shark)
- - Fixed TD Mw and Cyr Goblin stats (Ronik)
- - Fixed typo in For My Gods And Emperor (FlinSunset)
- - Fixed a few misc and ingred naming errors (Revane)
- - Fixed Velothi Wall 6 collision (Stele)
- - Fixed missing Akatosh windows (Kynesifnar)
- - Updated Chitin Open Helm (AnhoraNexus)
- - Updated Dwemer bow and added a club (AnhoraNexus, Cicero)
- - Updated Templar Weapons (twice) (AnhoraNexus)
- - Updated Galleon Collisions (Worsas)
- - Updated Othreleth Woods Region map colour
- - Updated (nerfed) Javelin damage by half
- - Updated Bonemold Open helm (AnhoraNexus)
- - Updated Coral Fungus (Joanasc)
- - Updated Falkheim Region name to Grey Plains Region
- - Updated Gilded Hills Region name to Brennan Bluffs Region
- - Updated Reachmen race with unique bodies + new faces (rats)
- - Updated old Vurt Joshua trees with new meshes (Joanasc)
- - Updated Fearstruck from HR to PI
- - Updated Sanguine Rose and Skull of Corruption (Cicero)
- - Updated Uriel V Shield (Rats)
- - Updated Imperial Cutter and Galleon (Melchior Dahrk)
- - Updated Iron sabers (Rats)
- - Updated Reach rocks with collisions (Joanasc)
- - Updated swamp troll collision box (Lamb Shark)
- - Updated Othreleth Woods sounds (Beninate)
- - Updated Reman ruin int and ext pieces (Worsas)
- - Updated Eyestar model (shivatheo, Kynesifnar)
- - Updated Bal-Darum Bonemold (Lamb Shark)
- - Updated Reach Cave Textures (Worsas)
- - Updated Lex Imperii books (Infragris)
- - Updated Skyrim Barrow Textures (Worsas)
- - Updated Dreugh Closed Helm (AnhoraNexus)
- - Updated Daedric Scimitar (AnhoraNexus)
- - Updated Silver Longbow (AnhoraNexus)
- - Updated Ebony Blade and Ethos Knife (Cicero)
- - Updated keys (Zobator)
- - Updated Ebony Crossbow (AnhoraNexus Concept: Ateiggaer)
- - Updated Narsis Gazebo (Overseer Concept: Athcliath97)
- - Updated Velothi MT and PI flowers with Graphic Herbalism (Fluxbender)
- - Updated a few PI meshes and icons (Fluxbender)
- - Updated PC crate textures (OAAB, Cicero)
- - Removed potion_ancient_brandy from T_Mw_Random_Drink
- - Deprecated T_Sc_MistressTR
Version 9.0
- - Added stackable GC stairs
- - Added GC sewer entrance tile
- - Added Tsaesci Urns
- - Added 2 Cyr cave sets
- - Added levelled bullfrog
- - Added lampknight and barrister classes
- - Added Unique Bendu Olo helm
- - Added Tantha nests
- - Added Strid levelled lists
- - Added Boar Meat to Wild Boars, replacing Bristleback Leather
- - Added Orc Tapestries
- - Added Another Reachmen Interior
- - Added Lamp Knight Class
- - Added Clan Khulari Faction
- - Added some SHotN enchanted weapons
- - Added Falkreath land textures
- - Added Colovian Iron Armor
- - Added Reman Ruin Tapestries
- - Added Dasek Marsh Region
- - Added Woad Flower
- - Added more Jerral Mountains rocks
- - Added more Valstaag Highlands textures
- - Added Aqueducts
- - Added Skyrim Caretaker and Scribe classes
- - Added Companions faction
- - Added Tacca plant
- - Added Nord tanning pits
- - Added Dasek Marsh mud textures
- - Added Kreathi Dale dirt textures
- - Added more Ayleid interior tiles
- - Added Kreathi Dale moss textures
- - Added com R cupboard and round table
- - Added merged version of a common Haafingar house + wood steps
- - Added Drajkmyr Marsh mud textures and flora
- - Added more Haafingar meshes
- - Added Haafingar Set Zenithar Window
- - Added Gjeche Ale, Risla, and Strongmead
- - Added Hay bale
- - Added Ghulve (drink)
- - Added Elephant Grass
- - Added a few new Breton heads
- - Added salt baskets for Drajkmyr
- - Added GC com set diagonal wall
- - Added Falkreath bushes
- - Added Colovian Steel Armour
- - Added Ayleid Sorceror Kings
- - Added Koglings
- - Added combined Temple (small) for Anvil
- - Added Umbranox Saber
- - Added Quaesto Vil
- - Added Wood elf amulets
- - Added basilisk hide
- - Added bosmer hide baskets
- - Added long Imp FurnM table
- - Added Beorinhal Banner
- - Added Salt stations
- - Added Inscribed stone
- - Added Orcish lanterns
- - Added town guard armours
- - Added rich wall addons for windows
- - Added rich closet
- - Added Redguard Ships (TES3A)
- - Added Auroran
- - Added Bosmer Bone Arrows
- - Added Gold Anvil (misc)
- - Added new connectors for Ayleid Round interior tiles
- - Added Cyrodiilic Pigs
- - Added Dragon Cult Clutter
- - Added Ironwood Logs
- - Added Direnni load doors
- - Added more redguard lamp variants
- - Added Bosmer deerhide
- - Added Redguard shirts
- - Added some new imp tables
- - Added braziers for Imp_DngRuinSky
- - Added Packaged painting
- - Added alternate Anvil chimneys and canopies for performance heavy areas
- - Added more Goldenrod variants
- - Added grey goat pelt
- - Added GCPoor interior ramp
- - Added new global kelp variants
- - Added another GC wall cover
- - Added Sky and PC placeholder guides
- - Added Dartboard
- - Added modular block-and-tackle rigging set
- - Added Telescope
- - Added more and Updated Colovian Banners
- - Added 2 Colovian Robes
- - Added Cow Tools
- - Added com rowboat
- - Added Static Water Hyacinths, Lilly pads and mangrove roots
- - Added Books:
- - Artificial Diseases
- - De Sphaera Nirni
- - Guide to the Guild Guides
- - Teleportation: Premise and Praxis
- - Weir Gate Memorandum
- - The Grand Alliance
- - Horskva Kongerike 1 & 2
- - Riddles, Good with Mead
- - The Friend of Giants
- - The Hsaarik Elegy
- - Old Fjori the Cove
- - Radr, Stag-King
- - Legends of Athalwyrm the Clever-Man
- - Fixed Sky farmhouse interior gap
- - Fixed some incorrect bookart paths
- - Fixed Xahxes' Gift, Part I also containing Part II
- - Fixed the Alphyn corpse persisting
- - Fixed enchantment values of the Songs of Pelinal VII and VIII
- - Fixed a few typos in books from github
- - Fixed Nord dresses first person view
- - Fixed huge collision in sky_ex_SN_roof_01_02
- - Fixed turnip CTD
- - Fixed HR market stands
- - Fixed Ice Wraith hostility
- - Fixed some Colovian Barrow collisions
- - Fixed wereboar head glitch
- - Fixed Silver palm sprigs
- - Updated "some" artifacts
- - Updated Gold Coast rock texture
- - Updated Black Bears to fight level 80 so they attack you when you get close
- - Updated Colovian Barrow loot list to remove septims
- - Updated Falkheim Region Sounds
- - Updated Stinkhorn
- - Updated Cyrodiilic Dremora to sometimes drop a Daedra Heart
- - Updated Reachman ladder collisions
- - Updated Direnni grate collisions
- - Updated hidden door
- - Updated Markarth int tiles
- - Updated Karthwasten atlas and collision
- - Updated Gold Coast and Gilded Hills weather settings
- - Updated Nord heads
- - Updated hundreds of sky and pc meshes with optimizations
- - Updated com bookends
- - Updated some shotn books
- - Updated hundreds of sky and pc meshes with optimizations (again)
- - Updated SHotN trees normals
- - Updated Breton heads
- - Updated Anvil walls and platforms
- - Updated Imperial faces
- - Updated various PC plants
- - Updated Chokeberry poly count
- - Updated wasabi bowl potion to be a squeezable tube thing
- - Updated the existing weapons from the Imperial set
- - Updated Playing Card textures
- - Updated orc tapestries
- - Updated GC tunnel set floors
- - Updated Reman Ruin interior floor texture
- - Updated and expanded SetGC interior windows
- - Deprecated old Colovian Iron and Steel Sets
- Tamriel Rebuilt
- - Added Bodrem Quarry Rocks
- - Added Single Model Ebon Tower
- - Added Unique Face and Hair Models for Arnie the Scrib
- - Added De Windmills
- - Added Hlaalu tapestries
- - Added Dunmer Middle Class Beds
- - Added Dreugh Hunter Helm
- - Added Neldrac's Reach + Alt Adamantium Crossbow Quivers
- - Added Thoricles' Bane
- - Added Andothren Buildings
- - Added Hlaalu Temples of the Divines
- - Added Round Hlaalu Interior Set
- - Added Dedicated Asset for Arvud Tower covers
- - Added Hlaalu Balconies (no rope)
- - Added Hlaalu Council Company Scrip
- - Added Dedicated OM large stairs
- - Added "Preview Enabled" Global
- - Added Rapiers and daggers
- - Added More Horker variants
- - Added Asset request: Ebony Bowl and Plate
- - Added Glow Mapped Kobold
- - Added Vent Worms
- - Added Firewatch Tapestries
- - Added Buoy
- - Added Hlaalu Half length Endcaps
- - Added Necrom Bonewalkers
- - Added Misc hair models
- - Added Altmer Glass Armor
- - Added New portraits
- - Added Ceramic Playing Cards - Morag Tong expansion
- - Added Asset request: Rich Common bed without canopy
- - Added Dunmer Purple Glassware set
- - Added Ruined Books
- - Added Smith Crates
- - Added Asset Request More Hlaalu Ledge pieces
- - Added Hlaalu Sewer Set
- - Added Land Dreugh
- - Added Shutag Pod
- - Added Urgent Asset Request - Roth Roryn flora and LTEX
- - Added Firewatch Staff
- - Added Akrash sword
- - Added Omaynis Banner
- - Added Adding missing pieces for common interior set
- - Added Orc head, Vivec-painted
- - Added Red and White Paper Lanterns
- - Added Collared Rats
- - Added Stackable Com Stairs
- - Added Sea Cup
- - Added Bonemold Throwing Stars
- - Added Cine Tree
- - Added Large Regular Dunmer Rugs
- - Added Octagonal Lighthouse Tower for Firewatch
- - Added Asset reques: required interior shells for TV Redoran settlements
- - Added Unique Bel Betu Crystal
- - Added Market Stands, Tents & Flags on Ropes
- - Added Breton Mithril Weapons
- - Added Round Dwemer Platform
- - Added LegionMW pieces for round towers
- - Added Asset request Hlaalu forge/fireplace
- - Added Storm Monarch
- - Added Dwemer Steam Colossus
- - Added Malahk Orc Waystones and Altar
- - Added Open Dunmer Tent
- - Added Naval Navigation Tools
- - Added unique Alandro Sul Helmet
- - Added Imperial Arrowslit Shutters
- - Added resin deposits
- - Added Imperial cellar wall
- - Added expansions for the Wooden cutlery, plate, and bowl set
- - Added new Nord faces
- - Added alternative shipwreck model
- - Added banners for Andar Mok, Bodrum, and Darvon
- - Added severed Dunmer heads
- - Added new Chuzei bonemold armor
- - Added new OM rubble pieces
- - Added Chitin Pioneer helm
- - Added Seducer
- - Added Clambering Moors Dead Trees
- - Added Rich Dark Elf Bar Set
- - Added Roth Roryn Dwemer Alcoves
- - Added Com Jaildoor
- - Added More Collision Shapes
- - Added Legion Set Addons
- - Added More Legion Set Addons
- - Added Another Hlaalu Strider Port
- - Added Double Sided Imperial Wall
- - Added Wood Imperial Chapel Window
- - Added Com M Drawers
- - Added Indoril Entrance tiles
- - Added Duchess' Guard Silver Cuirass
- - Added Imperial Cutter Ships
- - Added Javelines
- - Added Misc Hairs 2
- - Added Backless Redoran Interior Shell
- - Added Akaviri Invasion Relics
- - Added Ashwalker Spawners
- - Added Indoril Bonewalker Placeholder
- - Added Imperial Ebony Shield
- - Added Imperial Gold Armour
- - Added Dark Seducer
- - Added Note To Self Editormarker
- - Added Edited Redoran Interior Pieces
- - Added Prerelease Tapestries
- - Added Firewatch Cobblestone Texture
- - Added Suj Sprout
- - Added Red Leaf Trees
- - Added Imp SetMw Tower Interiors
- - Added Varga
- - Added enchanted items from Battlespire
- - Added Random Jungle Plant
- - Added Imperial Rugs and Tapestries
- - Added Polyhedrascope
- - Added CM moss texture
- - Added RM Volcano mesh
- - Added combined Roa Dyr meshes
- - Added Stones March Armor
- - Added Keptu urns
- - Added Chimer bronze weapons
- - Added snowy menhirs
- - Added Othreleth Woods Shroud Caps
- - Added Single strut for com ints
- - Added plateau rocks
- - Added Spyglass
- - Added GITD support addon
- - Added DE rugs
- - Added Coral Fungus
- - Added Glowshrooms
- - Added Andothren Port Authority and Apartment block
- - Added object entries for an unused vanilla Com Cabinet
- - Added SHotN gallows with morrowind woods texture
- - Added War-Banner of Prince Bashomon
- - Added Imperial Fort helix stair set (Firewatch Chapel Additions)
- - Added Poison Bloom
- - Added Drumpear
- - Added ITO island levelled creatures
- - Added new large Imperial gates
- - Added Yam Orb
- - Added more com int set parts
- - Added static pulley
- - Added Devourer Daedra
- - Added Xivali
- - Added Candleless Lampstand
- - Added Hanging Light
- - Added gem free T_B_De_HeadFemTR_34
- - Added Skylamp
- - Added Hlaalu Brevur statue
- - Added Indoril Pathways
- - Added white version of B_N_Dark Elf_F_Hair_02
- - Added Othreleth Woods bulbshroom
- - Added Firewatch EEC building
- - Added Velothi Ceiling Column/Railing
- - Added Praise Vehk, Mephalan Wall Decal
- - Added OAAB scorch decals
- - Added Fighters Guild Tapestries
- - Added MW (and optimised) legion forge
- - Added Hlaalu Divine shrines and tapestries
- - Added Ashlander Shirt
- - Added Omaynis Rock Alcove
- - Added Khalaan Decobbling assets
- - Added Tanna and Corkbulb containers
- - Added Spindlewort Howling SFX
- - Added Skyrender Nest SFX
- - Added Acid Pool SFX
- - Added Ghostfence Machine SFX
- - Added Riverstrider Eggs
- - Added Static Shield and Crossed Swords
- - Added new Dwemer staff and great mace
- - Added altered vanilla Hlaalu wall slope
- - Added small Narsis Tower and 3 Generic Hlaalu buildings
- - Added ruined Azura, Mephala, and Sheogorath statues
- - Added Gremlins
- - Added Aanthirin road texture
- - Added unused vanilla dried mud texture
- - Added Unique ancient vampire head
- - Added corkbulb, chitin, iron and bonemold darts
- - Added OAAB palisade Gates
- - Added rotated SH rock textures
- - Added 2 types of 3 layer Tribunal Temple
- - Added new artifacts for Firewatch
- - Added a whole lot of generic containers
- - Added a Dunmer potters wheel
- - Added Dreugh Wax Candles based off of OAAB scamp candles
- - Added select OAAB Hackle-Lo, blue kanet and goldreed
- - Added many new Velothi interior tiles
- - Added Blue Flamed Daedric Lamp
- - Added Magickeater and Magickmirror Robes
- - Added House Affiliation Pillar
- - Added OAAB vanilla tree saplings
- - Added Armorer's Challenge artefacts
- - Added square Hlaalu canal corners
- - Added even even more new Hlaalu generic buildings
- - Added new guarskin service banners
- - Added Oarless Dunmer ship
- - Added Chimeri-Quey and Keptu-Quey races
- - Added wooded topped guard tower
- - Added more spells
- - Added Hleryn Statue
- - Added Dagger of the Open Soul
- - Added Cursed Crown of Ushu-Dimmu
- - Added Savior's Hide set
- - Added ITO Stronghold Teleporters
- - Added Scathecraw 03 and 04
- - ADded OAAB Dwemer Set (Buildings + Chain int tiles + Puzzle activators + Pipe set + Grate floor + furn)
- - Added Bloodrust sword
- - Added Glass Club
- - Added snowy variant of Scrub Plain LTEX
- - Added more to (and updated) the silver, orcish, glass and iron weapon sets
- - Added ITO roadsigns
- - Added Red Roses
- - Added snowy AC rock textures + unused vanilla darkstone
- - Added Sanguine fires
- - Added Imperial Templar Steel weapon set
- - Added Hircine Shrine (wolf version)
- - Added Daedric Curve stairs
- - Added Velothi Mountains levelled creature lists (from template)
- - Added Indoril weapons from concept art
- - Added Keptu Urns
- - Added Dreugh weapons
- - Added more Nordic weapons
- - Added Adamantium throwing weapons
- - Added Dagon Urul and Molag Ruhn Regions
- - Added Blueware plate
- - Added Dwarven Repair Hammer
- - Added Stalhrim Weapons
- - Added Missing Nordic Ringmail armour pieces
- - Added Wood and Corkbulb staves
- - Added Sanguine Statue
- - Added the missing weapons from the Imperial weapon set
- - Added Crystal Ball
- - Added various OAAB furniture items
- - Added Redoran Hunting Hounds
- - Added Dwarven Junk Throwing Stars
- - Added dummy spells for MWSE override
- - Added new cave shell
- - Added new Hlaalu Tall int tiles
- - Added Placeholder City/District Guides
- - Added Sturgeon (OAAB)
- - Added dunmer market shelf/display
- - Added a few more ebony weapons
- - Added Chimeri-Quey urns
- - Added Horsen Fungus
- - Added Sundered Scar Rocks
- - Added Ground Drumpear Seeds
- - Added Sulphur Containers
- - Added more glass lanterns
- - Added Gold Candlesticks
- - Added Mournhold Entrance Corner
- - Added Hlaalu Company Scrip Scripts
- - Added Sulphur Rock pools
- - Added Sweetbarrel variants
- - Added Ynesai Urns
- - Added half sized Hlaalu floor tile
- - Added Shipal-Sharai buildings
- - Added Spiny Llomar variants
- - Added Othmura manor
- - Added long de_r tables
- - Added Gold Rapier
- - Added Hlaalu Canyon Watch Bonemold
- - Added Legion of Shadows artifacts
- - Added Vanilla bread variants
- - Added Extra Narsis Waterfront tile
- - Added Orlukh's Cleaver
- - Added Shalk rug
- - Added Palm Leaf Scrolls (PI)
- - Added open top Hlaalu stairs
- - Added Malakh Orcs
- - Added Ventshrooms and Boreal Hydnum
- - Added Cathnoquey Cave set
- - Added CM Red mushroom tree
- - Added Shellmold armor
- - Added Sweetbread Polypore
- - Added Imperial Navy uniform
- - Added Combined Hlaalu interior tiles
- - Added Ynes Clutter
- - Added Exterior Friendly Velothi Set
- - Added Nibenese Katanas
- - Added Iron Warhammer variant
- - Added 6th House Weapons
- - Added Shipal-Shin Crossbow
- - Added Chitin Weapons
- - Added Dark Elf Crying Voice
- - Added Andothren FG Map
- - Added Namiras Shroud
- - Added Nordic Claw
- - Added Velothi Entrance variant
- - Added White Bloatroot
- - Added Bricca Bank Sign
- - Added Weir Gate focus lens
- - Added Guide to Firewatch and Andothren
- - Added Chapel Windows
- - Added Daedric Fountain
- - Added custom Conjuration spells (MWSE only as of now)
- - Added Books:
- - Geometry for Barbarians
- - Arithmetic for Barbarians
- - The Tools of the Trade
- - On Daedric Design
- - The Dwarven Firmament
- - Almalexia Speaks to Her Children
- - Compendium of Lost Artifacts
- - The Talking Guar of Vhul
- - Analysis on the Asurani Writing
- - On the Perfection of the Guar
- - Horoscope for 3E 427
- - History of Firewatch
- - Lichdom: A Trap, an Escape
- - Various Generic Books
- - Ash and Blood: The Imperial Simulacrum in Morrowind
- - Welcome to the Arena
- - The Lantern Thief
- - The Malahk: Scourge of the East
- - Bonewalker Rituals
- - Fixed tr_in_c_plain set
- - Fixed General Texture Compression
- - Fixed Optimized book and note meshes
- - Fixed Optimized hair and head meshes
- - Fixed Fixed Rouge items
- - Fixed Tr_de_urn_open01 model rework
- - Fixed Misc keys rework
- - Fixed Imperial studded leather rework
- - Fixed Data fixes + first wave of expanded enchanted generic items
- - Fixed Hlaalu bricks UV mapping fix
- - Fixed Nahgacra's Soul Thef by renaming it Nahgacra's Soul Heist
- - Fixed a lot of problems with the Ebonheart Bellman
- - Fixed some book title (Book of Nordic Proverbs, The Malahk: Scourge of the East)
- - Fixed note meshes having a small version of themselves underneath
- - Fixed Guide to <X> icons to resemble those of Patch for Purists (which align with their meshes)
- - Fixed Common Pillar UVs
- - Fixed Eastern Quarantine Book Jacket
- - Fixed Swamptroll-Fix for OpenMW
- - Fixed tr_terrain_rocks_rm/rr fixes
- - Fixed spelling in map of Aanthirin
- - Fixed skeleton rise scripts
- - Fixed tr_ex_dwrv_plat_02 not having collision
- - Fixed Dreugh Hunter Helm using Dres Hunter Helm body part
- - Fixed bad planter 01 collision
- - Updated Bellman book art and texture
- - Updated some DE tapestry textures
- - Updated DE M furniture
- - Updated Ash Parasols with atlas
- - Updated Tur Julan Door
- - Updated Dunmer and Common Scales and Weights Remake
- - Updated Khalaan sky tweaks
- - Updated Fire Flower Remake
- - Updated Optimized Sign Meshes
- - Updated Atlased Bluefoot and TerrasTrees
- - Updated Paper Lanterns
- - Updated Imperial Braziers
- - Updated Floating Lanterns
- - Updated Mournhold Lanterns
- - Updated CM Grass
- - Updated Various Ingredients
- - Updated Goblin Decals
- - Updated the Arkhon Lim book by replacing its content completely
- - Updated the VampirePC and VampireNPC scripts to use VampClan (100 = Baluath, 101 = Orlukh, 200 = Khulari)
- - Updated the Sheggo Shelf with an atlased version
- - Updated Optimized ext meshes pt 1
- - Updated Grass texture swap on Roth Roryn cliff meshes
- - Updated New and fixed Imperial highway bridge meshes
- - Updated Vermai Battlespire (almost) sound effects
- - Updated Ruffin's Daedric Helm Rework
- - Updated Broken bottles rework
- - Updated tr_book_cover_28 texture rework
- - Updated Atlased statues
- - Updated the content of "Morrowind Historia: Andothren"
- - Updated Imperial Sewer Grates
- - Updated various meshes used in the Old Ebonheart harbor
- - Updated broken plank meshes
- - Updated Dunmer Tent Scales
- - Updated Argonian hair models
- - Updated various things (Aug 9th Data Edits)
- - Updated Roth Roryn to Roth Roryn Region
- - Updated Shalk to Brown Beetles in Armun Ashlands lists
- - Updated Ebony Clutter textures
- - Updated Tumtum Parasols
- - Updated Rockburst
- - Updated Bad Pauldron Dremora
- - Updated "Some" Indoril meshes
- - Updated Redoran Watchman Armour set
- - Updated Cupling
- - Updated old large gates
- - Updated Dwarven arrow and bolt
- - Updated Thirr Valley Mangrove texture
- - Updated Mages Guild Tapestry ID
- - Updated Pudjing ID
- - Updated Maormer race with new unique assets
- - Updated Terras Trees again
- - Updated old Dwemer weapon meshes
- - Updated Thirr Valley road texture
- - Updated Wolli's terrace cliffs
- - Updated ixed galleon sails (uv map and new texture)
- - Updated Wolli-cliffs med single-material update
- - Updated Ethos Knife (Version 3)
- - Updated Steel Scimitar
- - Updated Ebony Warhammer and Battleaxe
- - Updated all broken bottles and weapons into misc items
- - Updated Orc Skull
- - Updated cork into a misc (again)
- - Updated Cooking Knives
- - Updated Orc Heads
- - Updated De_M furniture set
- - Updated Hamum Roots
- - Updated High Elf tapestry
- - Updated Ice Crystal
- - Updated Sundered Scar palms
- - Updated bamboo (optimised)
- - Updated Darvon banner to Darvonis
- - Updated Daedric wards with scripts
- - Updated Akavir Invasion Map
- - Deprecated T_De_BlueGlassBowel_01 (use T_De_BlueGlassBowl_01 instead)
- - Deprecated Daedric Lord set
- - Deprecated T_Mw_Flora_Parasol_c and T_Mw_Flora_Parasol_s, new sapling versions with a more appropriate poly count were made
- - Deprecated cloned AC cave entrance
- - Deprecated Warm Meat
- - Deprecated the broken bottle static that is made up of all 3 misc items
- - Deprecated old Othreleth Woods flora
- - Deprecated useless vanilla daedra copies
- - Removed "The Dragon Break Reexamined" from two levelled lists
- - Removed OrdinatorUniform script from all Ordinator in Mournhold pieces that are not helmets or cuirasses
Version 8.0
- - Added Witch's Hut
- - Added Velothi platform and ashpit
- - Added rich Dunmer display rack
- - Added HD Geranium tree textures
- - Added Dunmer Burial Flags
- - Added Hirv creature
- - Added Imperial spiral stair junction
- - Added Velothi Mountains shrubs
- - Added Tribunal shrine variants
- - Added Godsblood axe, seax and spear
- - Added Velothi Mountains rock groups
- - Added Baluath vampire scripts and faction
- - Added non spiked Daedric mezzanine
- - Added Bel-Betu voice lines
- - Added cloth Dunmer overhangs
- - Added chitin bolts
- - Added Geranium tree expansion
- - Added more options for dunmer lanterns
- - Added Hlaalu canal corners
- - Added Daedric sigil amulets
- - Added OM rubble
- Project Tamriel
- - Added Dunmer ebony armor
- - Added tiling rich rug and GC rich walls
- - Added heavy chitin armor
- - Added stoneware bowl
- - Added Reman Legion armor
- - Added more com candle options
- - Added squirrels
- - Added Khalaan grass
- - Added cursed amber
- - Added Cicero artifact pack 1
- - Added Necrom Archmatron head and hair
- - Added Haafingar building set
- - Added Imperial tiling pieces
- - Added Danstrar vertebrae and skull
- - Added new rock arch
- - Added GC and Anvil maps
- - Added Shipal Shin bushes
- - Added Yoku weapons
- - Added generic sound effects
- - Added Indoril lanterns
- - Added Spider Impaler blade
- - Added compass
- - Added Asylum hammer pack
- - Added Velothi Mountains gravel texture
- - Added new Colovian Highlands trees
- - Added Great house ceramic playing cards
- - Added glass warhammer
- - Added Asylum artifact pack 1
- - Added Cicero artifact pack 2
- - Added Imperial sewer half pieces and room tiles
- - Added invisible door for ladders
- - Added Treasure Wood sword
- - Added clones of some vanilla book meshes without daedric letters
- - Added small Dunmer rugs
- - Added Cyrodiil tavern signs
- - Added Redoran buildings
- - Added Skyrim crops
- - Added cut Bloodmoon weapons
- - Added wide GC dock piece
- - Added Dunmer archery targets
- - Added Anvil set atlas, combined buildings and Glow in the Dahrk compatibility
- - Added Othreleth Woods ground textures
- - Added SHotN wereboar trapped in crystal (file only)
- - Added new minerals
- - Added new generic, Andothren, Narsis, and Sadrathim Hlaalu buildings
- - Added Penumbra gemstone
- - Added more natural tiles
- - Added Reman Legion weapons
- - Added NPC praying idle animation
- - Added misc alchemy ingredients
- - Added Neb's Talon dagger
- - Added mainland stronghold propylons
- - Added Ascadian Isles Dwemer alcoves
- - Added Muskrat creature
- - Added Alphyn creature
- - Added new vanilla style lichens and vanilla lichen variants
- - Added Skyrim Imperial Legion fort interior set
- - Added Andothren Almalexia shrine
- - Added Ayleid weapon pack
- - Added armored troll creatures
- - Added black circles
- - Added deer creature
- - Added RM bunk bed
- - Added Bosmer Wenbone bow
- - Added OOAB ebony clutter
- - Added Nord hair
- - Added OOAB ebony alchemy set
- - Added a dark water circle
- - Added Old Ebonheart manor mesh
- - Added Native Thirr Bonemold armor set
- - Added OOAB kwama mine clutter
- - Added exterior Colovian Barrow pillar
- - Added Hortator ceramic card game
- - Added vanilla voice greetings with "outlander" etc cut out
- - Added Yneslea items from Remiros
- - Added Iron Toda creature
- - Added OOAB misc items
- - Added Danswyrm Viper creature
- - Added female elk creature
- - Added new SHotN regions
- - Added sounds for ceramic cards
- - Added OOAB clay clutter
- - Added OOAB blue glass clutter
- - Added Hlaalu interior stair expansion
- - Added SHotN Redguard set atlas
- - Added books:
- - Added 7 combined Dragonstar buildings
- Indoril Beroth and the Hermit
- - Added rich Imperial display case
- - Added TotSP pine trees
- - Added middle class Imperial cabinet
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 1
- - Added Reachman amulet and misc item
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 2
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 4
- - Added misc TD things that were in Sky_Main
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 5
- - Added Whiterun rock set
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 6
- - Added books:
- The Restless North, Book I
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 8
- The Restless North, Book II
- The Restless North, Book III
- An Indoril's Garden
- The Talhjolde Companion
- Talhjolde, Hvals Bol
- Talhjolde, Modiskva Bern
- The Tale of King Vrage's Sons
- Talhjolde, Horsk Olf
- - Fixed TR beetles are hard to hit with marksman
- Talhjolde, Allfathirs Beit
- - Fixed Nordic shield edge texture
- Lost and Found in the Reach
- - Fixed Dremora and Ghost deaths
- - Fixed Imperial ruin tiles
- - Fixed various misplaced texture locations
- - Fixed Direnni castle collision
- - Fixed plank pile collision
- - Fixed Imperial galleon sail and collision
- - Fixed old Hlaalu balconies
- - Fixed GC lighthouse interior collision
- - Fixed aloe vera puplp price
- - Fixed Markarth interior shell doorframe height
- - Fixed Sermon Zero typesetting
- - Fixed Nord head scale and ears
- - Updated Staff of Typos Sophia model
- - Fixed Colovian Highlands shrub collision
- - Updated Ethos Knife UV
- - Fixed Militia Armor names
- - Updated wooden mace model and UV
- - Fixed type in T_BkGen_BusinessLedger_02
- - Fixed Aeli damage intelligence
- - Updated cavern roots
- - Updated cooking knives with new models
- - Updated reeds to be smaller and longer
- - Updated Imperial broadsword models
- - Updated iron dagger 03 model
- - Updated Shard of Vehemence model and texture
- - Updated Conjurer's Ring model and texture
- - Updated Sword not Held stats, texture and added floating animation
- - Updated Colovian Highlands rock/gravel and road textures to be darker
- - Updated Bluefoot model
- - Updated anvil set textures to match Stirk
- - Updated Thirr Valley ground textures
- - Updated Rivernewt creature with animations
- - Updated Roth Roryn scrub texture
- - Updated PC shrines, wayshrines and doomstones with scripts
- - Updated frying pan mesh
- - Updated Thirr Valley mushroom vertex shading
- - Updated Reach, Karthwasten and Dragonstar maps
- - Updated Velothi well texture
- - Deprecated misnamed Reachmen race and body parts
- - Updated Neldrac's Reach texture
- - Deprecated misnamed Doomstones
- - Updated Ebony Blade texture, mesh and UV
- - Deprecated ImperialWatch and CensusAndExcise factions
- - Updated Staff of St. Roris texture and UV
- - Updated Flask of Lillandril texture and UV
- - Deprecated Roast boar meat
- - Updated plank pile UV
- - Deprecated Roast chicken leg
- - Updated Orange Moss texture
- Tamriel Rebuilt
- - Updated some statics with water to use the new textures
- - Added T_ScGlobal_PassTime MCP fix
- - Updated Dwemer Centurion armor as misc items
- - Added Witch's Hut
- - Updated Indoril building 01 mesh
- - Added Nord weapon sheaths
- - Updated Tanna flora
- - Added Dunmer Mages Guild tapestry
- - Added Redoran Watchman helm
- - Updated Othreleth Woods rock ID and texture
- - Added Velothi platform and ashpit
- - Updated various icons
- - Updated Indoril pavgate
- - Updated glass weapon meshes
- - Added Bert Pod flora
- - Added iron blade sheaths
- - Updated banking scripts
- - Added Adamantium blade sheaths
- - Updated goblin rug thickness
- - Added rich Dunmer display rack
- - Updated fake water texture to match the vivec water
- - Added fallen Geranium tree branches
- - Updated ghosts with weapons animation
- - Added HD Geranium tree textures
- - Updated Othreleth Woods sounds
- - Added Fetish of the Ishanuran
- - Updated Grey Meadows flora meshes and textures
- - Added Sash of the Obainat
- - Updated and atlased stoneware meshes
- - Added Necrom Undercroft assets
- - Updated Hlaalu bridge meshes
- - Added Shial Shin cliffs and terrain assets
- - Added modular Dres building set
- - Added misc sheaths
- - Updated Dagger of Meridia mesh and texture
- - Added silver katana
- - Updated Moon Reiver mesh and texture
- - Updated Mosslog mesh and texture
- - Added Dunmer Burial Flags
- - Updated Claw of Naaf mesh and texture
- - Updated dreugh armor set
- - Added Weir Gate glow map
- - Updated Akavit Invasion maps
- - Added Ebony Blade sheath
- - Updated Nordic Mutton to Mutton
- - Added 3 Hlaalu bridges
- - Updated Mephala statue with new model
- - Added Huntsman sword sheath
- - Deprecated misnamed OW RockMoss objects
- - Added Hirv creature
- - Added Imperial spiral stair junction
- - Added Velothi Mountains shrubs
- - Added Tribunal shrine variants
- - Added Godsblood axe, seax and spear
- - Added Velothi Mountains rock groups
- - Added Baluath vampire scripts and faction
- - Added RM peaks
- - Added Imperial trap door
- - Added vanilla bucket variants
- - Added red, blue and yellow Dunmer overhangs
- - Added Shipal Shin shrubs
- - Added pointy roof Imperial guard tower
- - Added hlaalu stairs
- - Added Old Ebonheart flags
- - Added Dwemer scrap armor
- - Added misc tray
- - Added Cutting Room Floor items
- - Added Imperial canvas overhangs
- - Added non spiked Daedric mezzanine
- - Added Bel-Betu voice lines
- - Added cloth Dunmer overhangs
- - Added Shipal Shin cliff art
- - Added Goblin camp assets
- - Added Necrom vault keys
- - Added closed glass helm
- - Added ring pack
- - Added silver warhammer
- - Added standard speech skill check script
- - Added Narsis waterfront set
- - Added Hlaalu modular building set
- - Added Armun Ashlands sounds
- - Added Old Ebonheart Wyrm fountain
- - Added Imperial fountain
- - Added Dunmer ebony armor
- - Added stoneware bowl
- - Added more com candle options
- - Added Khalaan grass
- - Added Daedric wards
- - Added Aanthirin terrain bridge
- - Added Treasure Wood sword
- - Added small Dunmer rugs
- - Added Redoran buildings
- - Added cut Bloodmoon weapons
- - Added Dunmer archery targets
- - Added Othreleth Woods ground textures
- - Added Othreleth Woods ovary tree recolours
- - Added new minerals
- - Added new generic, Andothren, Narsis, and Sadrathim Hlaalu buildings
- - Added more natural tiles
- - Added NPC praying idle animation
- - Added misc alchemy ingredients
- - Added Velothi Mountains beehives
- - Added mainland stronghold propylons
- - Added Ascadian Isles Dwemer alcoves
- - Added Omaynis signpost
- - Added new vanilla style lichens and vanilla lichen variants
- - Added Hoom sounds
- - Added Andothren Almalexia shrine
- - Added armored troll creatures
- - Added black circles
- - Added OOAB green glass clutter
- - Added OOAB halberd and arrows
- - Added Kobold creature
- - Added OOAB ebony clutter
- - Added OOAB ebony alchemy set
- - Added Old Ebonheart manor mesh
- - Added Native Thirr Bonemold armor set
- - Added OOAB kwama mine clutter
- - Added Native Chev-Aram armor set
- - Added Hortator ceramic card game
- - Added Yneslea items from Remiros
- - Added OOAB misc items
- - Added OOAB yellow glass clutter
- - Added The Ebonheart Bellman papers
- - Added sounds for ceramic cards
- - Added OOAB clay clutter
- - Added OOAB blue glass clutter
- - Added Hlaalu interior stair expansion
- - Added books:
- Indoril Beroth and the Hermit
- Bones of Hlur'Matta
- On the Definition of Heresy
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 1
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 2
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 4
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 5
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 6
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 7
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 8
- His
- An Indoril's Garden
- Bondman's Creed
- Song of the Scarabs-On-March
- The Tale of King Vrage's Sons
- - Fixed TR beetles are hard to hit with marksman
- - Fixed tr_cont_v_chest_01 collision
- - Fixed Orc skeleton skull colour
- - Fixed Nordic shield edge texture
- - Fixed Dremora and Ghost deaths
- - Fixed various misplaced texture locations
- - Fixed plank pile collision
- - Fixed old Hlaalu balconies
- - Fixed Necrom fane interior collision
- - Fixed moss clump size
- - Fixed Sermon Zero typesetting
- - Updated Staff of Typos Sophia model
- - Updated Ethos Knife UV
- - Updated wooden mace model and UV
- - Updated iron tanto 01 with new model
- - Updated steel dagger 02 with new model and vanilla textures
- - Updated cooking knives with new models
- - Updated Imperial broadsword models
- - Updated iron dagger 03 model
- - Updated Redoran platform/stair UVs
- - Updated Sword not Held stats, texture and added floating animation
- - Updated toy guar model
- - Updated Bluefoot model
- - Updated Thirr Valley ground textures
- - Updated Roth Roryn scrub texture
- - Updated improperly upscaled clothing textures to use the low res version
- - Updated various armors to use vanilla textures
- - Updated Dunmer heads with emeralds to use the vanilla emerald texture
- - Updated Thirr Valley mushroom vertex shading
- - Updated Velothi well texture
- - Updated Neldrac's Reach texture
- - Updated Ebony Blade texture, mesh and UV
- - Updated Staff of St. Roris texture and UV
- - Updated Flask of Lillandril texture and UV
- - Updated plank pile UV
- - Updated Orange Moss texture
- - Updated ashy RM cliffs to the proper ash texture
- - Updated Weirbeam size
- - Updated some statics with water to use the new textures
- - Updated Dwemer Centurion armor as misc items
- - Updated Khalaan terrain pieces with optimizations
- - Updated Indoril building 01 mesh
- - Updated Tanna flora
- - Updated Indoril building 05 mesh
- - Updated Othreleth Woods rock ID and texture
- - Updated various icons
- - Updated Indoril pavgate
- - Updated glass weapon meshes
- - Updated Sacred Lands maps
- - Updated banking scripts
- - Updated goblin rug thickness
- - Updated fake water texture to match the vivec water
- - Updated ghosts with weapons animation
- - Updated Othreleth Woods sounds
- - Updated Grey Meadows flora meshes and textures
- - Updated and atlased stoneware meshes
- - Updated Hlaalu bridge meshes
- - Updated spiked iron pauldron texture
- - Updated cave troll sounds
- - Updated Vivec's shield mesh and texture
- - Updated Dagger of Meridia mesh and texture
- - Updated Moon Reiver mesh and texture
- - Updated Mosslog mesh and texture
- - Updated Claw of Naaf mesh and texture
- - Updated dreugh armor set
- - Updated Katariah's Death-Mask
- - Updated Akavit Invasion maps
- - Updated Nordic Mutton to Mutton
- - Updated Mephala statue with new model
- - Deprecated misnamed OW RockMoss objects
- Project Tamriel
- - Added tiling rich rug and GC rich walls
- - Added GC brick walls
- - Added Reman Legion armor
- - Added squirrels
- - Added dry and snowy reeds
- - Added Cicero artifact pack 1
- - Added Haafingar building set
- - Added Danstrar vertebrae and skull
- - Added diseased bats
- - Added GC and Anvil maps
- - Added Yoku weapons
- - Added GC market stands
- - Added com banner hangers
- - Added Spider Impaler blade
- - Added Asylum hammer pack
- - Added new Colovian Highlands trees
- - Added Sep's Bow
- - Added Asylum artifact pack 1
- - Added Cicero artifact pack 2
- - Added Imperial sewer half pieces and room tiles
- - Added invisible door for ladders
- - Added clones of some vanilla book meshes without daedric letters
- - Added Cyrodiil tavern signs
- - Added Skyrim crops
- - Added wide GC dock piece
- - Added Anvil set atlas, combined buildings and Glow in the Dahrk compatibility
- - Added SHotN wereboar trapped in crystal (file only)
- - Added Ayleid interior tiles and new round interior tower set
- - Added Penumbra gemstone
- - Added Reman Legion weapons
- - Added Reman Legion skeletons
- - Added Gold Tantha creature
- - Added Neb's Talon dagger
- - Added Ring of thunderblows
- - Added Imperial chain variations
- - Added Muskrat creature
- - Added Alphyn creature
- - Added Skyrim Imperial Legion fort interior set
- - Added Ayleid weapon pack
- - Added Wolli cliffs for the Gilded Hills
- - Added Tsaesci creature
- - Added deer creature
- - Added RM bunk bed
- - Added Bosmer Wenbone bow
- - Added Nord hair
- - Added a dark water circle
- - Added iron greatsword
- - Added Blacknettle flora
- - Added exterior Colovian Barrow pillar
- - Added Nord heads
- - Added vanilla voice greetings with "outlander" etc cut out
- - Added Iron Toda creature
- - Added Danswyrm Viper creature
- - Added female elk creature
- - Added new SHotN regions
- - Added larch trees
- - Added new birch trees
- - Added mangrove trees
- - Added SHotN Redguard set atlas
- - Added 7 combined Dragonstar buildings
- - Added rich Imperial display case
- - Added TotSP pine trees
- - Added middle class Imperial cabinet
- - Added Reachman amulet and misc item
- - Added SHotN levelled lists
- - Added misc TD things that were in Sky_Main
- - Added Whiterun rock set
- - Added books:
- The Restless North, Book I
- The Restless North, Book II
- The Restless North, Book III
- The Talhjolde Companion
- Talhjolde, Hvals Bol
- Talhjolde, Modiskva Bern
- Talhjolde, Horsk Olf
- Talhjolde, Allfathirs Beit
- Val-Staag of the Vesturhola
- Notebook (x2)
- Lost and Found in the Reach
- - Fixed Imperial ruin tiles
- - Fixed Direnni castle collision
- - Fixed Imperial galleon sail and collision
- - Fixed GC lighthouse interior collision
- - Fixed aloe vera puplp price
- - Fixed Markarth interior shell doorframe height
- - Fixed Nord head scale and ears
- - Fixed Colovian Highlands shrub collision
- - Fixed Militia Armor names
- - Fixed type in T_BkGen_BusinessLedger_02
- - Fixed Aeli damage intelligence
- - Updated cavern roots
- - Updated reeds to be smaller and longer
- - Updated Blade of Woe UV and texture
- - Updated Shard of Vehemence model and texture
- - Updated Conjurer's Ring model and texture
- - Updated Colovian Highlands rock/gravel and road textures to be darker
- - Updated Skyrim runestones to be lighter
- - Updated anvil set textures to match Stirk
- - Updated Rivernewt creature with animations
- - Updated PC shrines, wayshrines and doomstones with scripts
- - Updated birch trees
- - Updated Colovian Highlands rock models
- - Updated frying pan mesh
- - Updated Reach, Karthwasten and Dragonstar maps
- - Deprecated misnamed Reachmen race and body parts
- - Deprecated misnamed Doomstones
- - Deprecated ImperialWatch and CensusAndExcise factions
- - Deprecated misnamed Vurt Trees
- - Deprecated Roast boar meat
- - Deprecated Roast chicken leg
- - Deprecated Roast venison
- ===
- Tamriel Rebuilt
- - Added T_ScGlobal_PassTime MCP fix
- - Added Witch's Hut
- - Added Imperial weapon sheaths
- - Added Nord weapon sheaths
- - Added Dunmer Mages Guild tapestry
- - Added Redoran Watchman helm
- - Added Velothi platform and ashpit
- - Added quivers
- - Added Redoran hero blade sheath
- - Added Bert Pod flora
- - Added iron blade sheaths
- - Added Adamantium blade sheaths
- - Added rich Dunmer display rack
- - Added fallen Geranium tree branches
- - Added HD Geranium tree textures
- - Added Fetish of the Ishanuran
- - Added Sash of the Obainat
- - Added Necrom Undercroft assets
- - Added Shial Shin cliffs and terrain assets
- - Added new Velothi buildings
- - Added modular Dres building set
- - Added misc sheaths
- - Added silver katana
- - Added Orc skeleton
- - Added Dunmer Burial Flags
- - Added Snowy and ashy RM terrace cliffs
- - Added Weir Gate glow map
- - Added Staff of the Typos Sophia
- - Added Ebony Blade sheath
- - Added 3 Hlaalu bridges
- - Added Huntsman sword sheath
- - Added Hirv creature
- - Added Imperial spiral stair junction
- - Added Velothi Mountains shrubs
- - Added Tribunal shrine variants
- - Added Godsblood axe, seax and spear
- - Added Velothi Mountains rock groups
- - Added Baluath vampire scripts and faction
- - Added RM peaks
- - Added Imperial trap door
- - Added vanilla bucket variants
- - Added red, blue and yellow Dunmer overhangs
- - Added Shipal Shin shrubs
- - Added pointy roof Imperial guard tower
- - Added hlaalu stairs
- - Added Old Ebonheart flags
- - Added Dwemer scrap armor
- - Added misc tray
- - Added Cutting Room Floor items
- - Added Imperial canvas overhangs
- - Added non spiked Daedric mezzanine
- - Added Bel-Betu voice lines
- - Added cloth Dunmer overhangs
- - Added Shipal Shin cliff art
- - Added Goblin camp assets
- - Added Necrom vault keys
- - Added closed glass helm
- - Added ring pack
- - Added silver warhammer
- - Added standard speech skill check script
- - Added Narsis waterfront set
- - Added Hlaalu modular building set
- - Added Armun Ashlands sounds
- - Added Old Ebonheart Wyrm fountain
- - Added Imperial fountain
- - Added chitin bolts
- - Added Geranium tree expansion
- - Added more options for dunmer lanterns
- - Added Hlaalu canal corners
- - Added Daedric sigil amulets
- - Added OM rubble
- - Added burnt Ascadian Isles trees
- - Added Dunmer ebony armor
- - Added heavy chitin armor
- - Added stoneware bowl
- - Added more com candle options
- - Added Khalaan grass
- - Added cursed amber
- - Added Necrom Archmatron head and hair
- - Added Imperial tiling pieces
- - Added new rock arch
- - Added Shipal Shin bushes
- - Added bear traps
- - Added generic sound effects
- - Added Indoril lanterns
- - Added compass
- - Added Velothi Mountains gravel texture
- - Added Great house ceramic playing cards
- - Added glass warhammer
- - Added Hlaalu stair balconies
- - Added Daedric wards
- - Added Aanthirin terrain bridge
- - Added Treasure Wood sword
- - Added small Dunmer rugs
- - Added Redoran buildings
- - Added cut Bloodmoon weapons
- - Added Dunmer archery targets
- - Added Othreleth Woods ground textures
- - Added Othreleth Woods ovary tree recolours
- - Added new generic, Andothren, Narsis, and Sadrathim Hlaalu buildings
- - Added misc alchemy ingredients
- - Added Velothi Mountains beehives
- - Added mainland stronghold propylons
- - Added Omaynis signpost
- - Added new vanilla style lichens and vanilla lichen variants
- - Added Andothren Almalexia shrine
- - Added armored troll creatures
- - Added black circles
- - Added OOAB green glass clutter
- - Added OOAB halberd and arrows
- - Added Kobold creature
- - Added OOAB ebony clutter
- - Added OOAB ebony alchemy set
- - Added Old Ebonheart manor mesh
- - Added Native Thirr Bonemold armor set
- - Added OOAB kwama mine clutter
- - Added Native Chev-Aram armor set
- - Added Hortator ceramic card game
- - Added Yneslea items from Remiros
- - Added OOAB misc items
- - Added OOAB yellow glass clutter
- - Added The Ebonheart Bellman papers
- - Added sounds for ceramic cards
- - Added OOAB clay clutter
- - Added OOAB blue glass clutter
- - Added Hlaalu interior stair expansion
- - Added books:
- Indoril Beroth and the Hermit
- Bones of Hlur'Matta
- On the Definition of Heresy
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 1
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 2
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 4
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 5
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 6
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 7
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 8
- His
- An Indoril's Garden
- Bondman's Creed
- Song of the Scarabs-On-March
- The Tale of King Vrage's Sons
- - Fixed TR beetles are hard to hit with marksman
- - Fixed tr_cont_v_chest_01 collision
- - Fixed Orc skeleton skull colour
- - Fixed Nordic shield edge texture
- - Fixed Dremora and Ghost deaths
- - Fixed various misplaced texture locations
- - Fixed plank pile collision
- - Fixed old Hlaalu balconies
- - Fixed Necrom fane interior collision
- - Fixed moss clump size
- - Fixed Sermon Zero typesetting
- - Updated Staff of Typos Sophia model
- - Updated Ethos Knife UV
- - Updated wooden mace model and UV
- - Updated iron tanto 01 with new model
- - Updated steel dagger 02 with new model and vanilla textures
- - Updated cooking knives with new models
- - Updated Imperial broadsword models
- - Updated iron dagger 03 model
- - Updated Redoran platform/stair UVs
- - Updated Sword not Held stats, texture and added floating animation
- - Updated toy guar model
- - Updated Bluefoot model
- - Updated various armors to use vanilla textures
- - Updated some statics with water to use the new textures
- - Updated glass weapon meshes
- - Updated goblin rug thickness
- - Updated ghosts with weapons animation
- - Updated Grey Meadows flora meshes and textures
- - Updated Hlaalu bridge meshes
- - Updated spiked iron pauldron texture
- - Updated Katariah's Death-Mask
- - Updated Nordic Mutton to Mutton
- - Updated Mephala statue with new model
- Project Tamriel
- - Added tiling rich rug and GC rich walls
- - Added GC brick walls
- - Added Reman Legion armor
- - Added squirrels
- - Added dry and snowy reeds
- - Added Cicero artifact pack 1
- - Added Haafingar building set
- - Added Danstrar vertebrae and skull
- - Added diseased bats
- - Added GC and Anvil maps
- - Added Yoku weapons
- - Added GC market stands
- - Added com banner hangers
- - Added Spider Impaler blade
- - Added Asylum hammer pack
- - Added new Colovian Highlands trees
- - Added Sep's Bow
- - Added Asylum artifact pack 1
- - Added Cicero artifact pack 2
- - Added Imperial sewer half pieces and room tiles
- - Added invisible door for ladders
- - Added clones of some vanilla book meshes without daedric letters
- - Added Cyrodiil tavern signs
- - Added Skyrim crops
- - Added wide GC dock piece
- - Added Anvil set atlas, combined buildings and Glow in the Dahrk compatibility
- - Added SHotN wereboar trapped in crystal (file only)
- - Added Ayleid interior tiles and new round interior tower set
- - Added Penumbra gemstone
- - Added Reman Legion weapons
- - Added Reman Legion skeletons
- - Added Gold Tantha creature
- - Added Neb's Talon dagger
- - Added Ring of thunderblows
- - Added Imperial chain variations
- - Added Muskrat creature
- - Added Alphyn creature
- - Added Skyrim Imperial Legion fort interior set
- - Added Ayleid weapon pack
- - Added Wolli cliffs for the Gilded Hills
- - Added Tsaesci creature
- - Added deer creature
- - Added RM bunk bed
- - Added Bosmer Wenbone bow
- - Added Nord hair
- - Added a dark water circle
- - Added iron greatsword
- - Added Blacknettle flora
- - Added exterior Colovian Barrow pillar
- - Added Nord heads
- - Added vanilla voice greetings with "outlander" etc cut out
- - Added Iron Toda creature
- - Added Danswyrm Viper creature
- - Added female elk creature
- - Added new SHotN regions
- - Added larch trees
- - Added new birch trees
- - Added mangrove trees
- - Added SHotN Redguard set atlas
- - Added 7 combined Dragonstar buildings
- - Added rich Imperial display case
- - Added TotSP pine trees
- - Added middle class Imperial cabinet
- - Added Reachman amulet and misc item
- - Added SHotN levelled lists
- - Added misc TD things that were in Sky_Main
- - Added Whiterun rock set
- - Added books:
- The Restless North, Book I
- The Restless North, Book II
- The Restless North, Book III
- The Talhjolde Companion
- Talhjolde, Hvals Bol
- Talhjolde, Modiskva Bern
- Talhjolde, Horsk Olf
- Talhjolde, Allfathirs Beit
- Val-Staag of the Vesturhola
- Notebook (x2)
- Lost and Found in the Reach
- - Fixed Imperial ruin tiles
- - Fixed Direnni castle collision
- - Fixed Imperial galleon sail and collision
- - Fixed GC lighthouse interior collision
- - Fixed aloe vera puplp price
- - Fixed Markarth interior shell doorframe height
- - Fixed Nord head scale and ears
- - Fixed Colovian Highlands shrub collision
- - Fixed Militia Armor names
- - Fixed type in T_BkGen_BusinessLedger_02
- - Fixed Aeli damage intelligence
- - Updated cavern roots
- - Updated reeds to be smaller and longer
- - Updated Blade of Woe UV and texture
- - Updated Shard of Vehemence model and texture
- - Updated Conjurer's Ring model and texture
- - Updated Colovian Highlands rock/gravel and road textures to be darker
- - Updated Skyrim runestones to be lighter
- - Updated anvil set textures to match Stirk
- - Updated Rivernewt creature with animations
- - Updated PC shrines, wayshrines and doomstones with scripts
- - Updated birch trees
- - Updated Colovian Highlands rock models
- - Updated frying pan mesh
- - Updated Reach, Karthwasten and Dragonstar maps
- - Deprecated misnamed Reachmen race and body parts
- - Deprecated misnamed Doomstones
- - Deprecated ImperialWatch and CensusAndExcise factions
- - Deprecated misnamed Vurt Trees
- - Deprecated Roast boar meat
- - Deprecated Roast chicken leg
- - Deprecated Roast venison
- ===
- Tamriel Rebuilt
- - Added T_ScGlobal_PassTime MCP fix
- - Added Witch's Hut
- - Added Imperial weapon sheaths
- - Added Nord weapon sheaths
- - Added Dunmer Mages Guild tapestry
- - Added Redoran Watchman helm
- - Added Velothi platform and ashpit
- - Added quivers
- - Added Redoran hero blade sheath
- - Added Bert Pod flora
- - Added iron blade sheaths
- - Added Adamantium blade sheaths
- - Added rich Dunmer display rack
- - Added fallen Geranium tree branches
- - Added HD Geranium tree textures
- - Added Fetish of the Ishanuran
- - Added Sash of the Obainat
- - Added Necrom Undercroft assets
- - Added Shial Shin cliffs and terrain assets
- - Added new Velothi buildings
- - Added modular Dres building set
- - Added misc sheaths
- - Added silver katana
- - Added Orc skeleton
- - Added Dunmer Burial Flags
- - Added Snowy and ashy RM terrace cliffs
- - Added Weir Gate glow map
- - Added Staff of the Typos Sophia
- - Added Ebony Blade sheath
- - Added 3 Hlaalu bridges
- - Added Huntsman sword sheath
- - Added Hirv creature
- - Added Imperial spiral stair junction
- - Added Velothi Mountains shrubs
- - Added Tribunal shrine variants
- - Added Godsblood axe, seax and spear
- - Added Velothi Mountains rock groups
- - Added Baluath vampire scripts and faction
- - Added RM peaks
- - Added Imperial trap door
- - Added vanilla bucket variants
- - Added red, blue and yellow Dunmer overhangs
- - Added Shipal Shin shrubs
- - Added pointy roof Imperial guard tower
- - Added hlaalu stairs
- - Added Old Ebonheart flags
- - Added Dwemer scrap armor
- - Added misc tray
- - Added Cutting Room Floor items
- - Added Imperial canvas overhangs
- - Added non spiked Daedric mezzanine
- - Added Bel-Betu voice lines
- - Added cloth Dunmer overhangs
- - Added Shipal Shin cliff art
- - Added Goblin camp assets
- - Added Necrom vault keys
- - Added closed glass helm
- - Added ring pack
- - Added silver warhammer
- - Added standard speech skill check script
- - Added Narsis waterfront set
- - Added Hlaalu modular building set
- - Added Armun Ashlands sounds
- - Added Old Ebonheart Wyrm fountain
- - Added Imperial fountain
- - Added chitin bolts
- - Added Geranium tree expansion
- - Added more options for dunmer lanterns
- - Added Hlaalu canal corners
- - Added Daedric sigil amulets
- - Added OM rubble
- - Added burnt Ascadian Isles trees
- - Added Dunmer ebony armor
- - Added heavy chitin armor
- - Added stoneware bowl
- - Added more com candle options
- - Added Khalaan grass
- - Added cursed amber
- - Added Necrom Archmatron head and hair
- - Added Imperial tiling pieces
- - Added new rock arch
- - Added Shipal Shin bushes
- - Added bear traps
- - Added generic sound effects
- - Added Indoril lanterns
- - Added compass
- - Added Velothi Mountains gravel texture
- - Added Great house ceramic playing cards
- - Added glass warhammer
- - Added Hlaalu stair balconies
- - Added Daedric wards
- - Added Aanthirin terrain bridge
- - Added Treasure Wood sword
- - Added small Dunmer rugs
- - Added Redoran buildings
- - Added cut Bloodmoon weapons
- - Added Dunmer archery targets
- - Added Othreleth Woods ground textures
- - Added Othreleth Woods ovary tree recolours
- - Added new minerals
- - Added new generic, Andothren, Narsis, and Sadrathim Hlaalu buildings
- - Added more natural tiles
- - Added NPC praying idle animation
- - Added misc alchemy ingredients
- - Added Velothi Mountains beehives
- - Added mainland stronghold propylons
- - Added Ascadian Isles Dwemer alcoves
- - Added Omaynis signpost
- - Added new vanilla style lichens and vanilla lichen variants
- - Added Hoom sounds
- - Added Andothren Almalexia shrine
- - Added armored troll creatures
- - Added black circles
- - Added OOAB green glass clutter
- - Added OOAB halberd and arrows
- - Added Kobold creature
- - Added OOAB ebony clutter
- - Added OOAB ebony alchemy set
- - Added Old Ebonheart manor mesh
- - Added Native Thirr Bonemold armor set
- - Added OOAB kwama mine clutter
- - Added Native Chev-Aram armor set
- - Added Hortator ceramic card game
- - Added Yneslea items from Remiros
- - Added OOAB misc items
- - Added OOAB yellow glass clutter
- - Added The Ebonheart Bellman papers
- - Added sounds for ceramic cards
- - Added OOAB clay clutter
- - Added OOAB blue glass clutter
- - Added Hlaalu interior stair expansion
- - Added books:
- Indoril Beroth and the Hermit
- Bones of Hlur'Matta
- On the Definition of Heresy
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 1
- A Pearl Betwixt Empires, vol. 2
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 4
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 5
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 6
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 7
- A Dunce in Morrowind, vol. 8
- His
- An Indoril's Garden
- Bondman's Creed
- Song of the Scarabs-On-March
- The Tale of King Vrage's Sons
- - Fixed TR beetles are hard to hit with marksman
- - Fixed tr_cont_v_chest_01 collision
- - Fixed Orc skeleton skull colour
- - Fixed Nordic shield edge texture
- - Fixed Dremora and Ghost deaths
- - Fixed various misplaced texture locations
- - Fixed plank pile collision
- - Fixed old Hlaalu balconies
- - Fixed Necrom fane interior collision
- - Fixed moss clump size
- - Fixed Sermon Zero typesetting
- - Updated Staff of Typos Sophia model
- - Updated Ethos Knife UV
- - Updated wooden mace model and UV
- - Updated iron tanto 01 with new model
- - Updated steel dagger 02 with new model and vanilla textures
- - Updated cooking knives with new models
- - Updated Imperial broadsword models
- - Updated iron dagger 03 model
- - Updated Redoran platform/stair UVs
- - Updated Sword not Held stats, texture and added floating animation
- - Updated toy guar model
- - Updated Bluefoot model
- - Updated Thirr Valley ground textures
- - Updated Roth Roryn scrub texture
- - Updated improperly upscaled clothing textures to use the low res version
- - Updated various armors to use vanilla textures
- - Updated Dunmer heads with emeralds to use the vanilla emerald texture
- - Updated Thirr Valley mushroom vertex shading
- - Updated Velothi well texture
- - Updated Neldrac's Reach texture
- - Updated Ebony Blade texture, mesh and UV
- - Updated Staff of St. Roris texture and UV
- - Updated Flask of Lillandril texture and UV
- - Updated plank pile UV
- - Updated Orange Moss texture
- - Updated ashy RM cliffs to the proper ash texture
- - Updated Weirbeam size
- - Updated some statics with water to use the new textures
- - Updated Dwemer Centurion armor as misc items
- - Updated Khalaan terrain pieces with optimizations
- - Updated Indoril building 01 mesh
- - Updated Tanna flora
- - Updated Indoril building 05 mesh
- - Updated Othreleth Woods rock ID and texture
- - Updated various icons
- - Updated Indoril pavgate
- - Updated glass weapon meshes
- - Updated Sacred Lands maps
- - Updated banking scripts
- - Updated goblin rug thickness
- - Updated fake water texture to match the vivec water
- - Updated ghosts with weapons animation
- - Updated Othreleth Woods sounds
- - Updated Grey Meadows flora meshes and textures
- - Updated and atlased stoneware meshes
- - Updated Hlaalu bridge meshes
- - Updated spiked iron pauldron texture
- - Updated cave troll sounds
- - Updated Vivec's shield mesh and texture
- - Updated Dagger of Meridia mesh and texture
- - Updated Moon Reiver mesh and texture
- - Updated Mosslog mesh and texture
- - Updated Claw of Naaf mesh and texture
- - Updated dreugh armor set
- - Updated Katariah's Death-Mask
- - Updated Akavit Invasion maps
- - Updated Nordic Mutton to Mutton
Version 7.1
Project Tamriel
- Added rich bar set
- Added hutch desk
- Added map books for various Skyrim cities and regions
- Added Elk
- Added Giant Spider and their eggs
- Fixed the male Cathay Vampire Head to no longer be playable
- Fixed various sounds to be Mono instead of Stereo
- Updated various water-bearing meshes to use the new water textures
Tamriel Rebuilt
- Added vanilla resolution landscape textures where they were missing
- Added custom bridge support beams for Almas Thirr
- Deleted endboom4 from the creature scream list
- Fixed a RM cliff to actually use RM textures intead of WG ones
- Fixed some Dunmer heads to no longer be playable that had been intended for special NPCs to begin with
- Fixed various sounds to be Mono instead of Stereo
- Updated the Akaviri shield mesh and textures
- Updated various water-bearing meshes to use the new water textures
- Updated several plants to be GH-aware
- Updated books with new text:
Dres Slave Trade
True Telvanni Nobility
- Updated the Almas Thirr Ordinator voices
- Updated a Dunmer and two Imperial heads to be more artistic and less ugly
- Updated Clambering Moor landscape texture to be more red and less saturated
Version 7.0
- Project Tamriel
- - Added artifacts:
- Conjurer's Ring
- Ring of Warding
- Chillrend
- Malkav's Ring
- Weatherward Circlet
- Shard of Vehemence
- Guardian Ring
- Shadowweave
- Ring of Sunfire
- Blade of Woe
- Dragoneye Helm
- Nandor Berald's Longspear
- - Added books:
- Barenziah II
- Last Story of Sirof
- Six Truths of Shadow
- Song of the Labyrinth
- Danstrar Serpent
- Voyage of Three Winds
- Defence of the Wolf Queen
- Lex Imperia
- Mixed Unit Tactics v. II
- Song of the Wreath Queen
- Dangers of Reach Magick
- The Hill of Kvatch
- - Added ingredients:
- Aquae Vitae
- Phyrric Acid
- Vitriol Oil
- Lich Dust
- Orc's Blood
- Pearlessence
- Lodestone
- Malouchite
- Salt
- Cured Siyat
- Arenthian Jerky
- Orichalc Grains
- Kardesh Pearls
- Ink Cone
- Hemlock Seeds
- - Added cliffs and rocks for Gilded Hills region
- - Added new Reach regions
- - Added missing windmill door mesh (SHOTN)
- - Added more Redguard and Nord faces
- - Added seaweerd en volcanic sand terrain textures (SHOTN)
- - Added salt formations, containers and terrain textures for Sutch
- - Added Siyat pipes and cigar
- - Added Ayleid claywayre items
- - Added Syrim castle assets
- - Added Markarth window
- - Added Nordic bar door
- - Added Nordic copper tankard
- - Added Extravagant west-colovian shirts
- - Added Nineholes game set
- - Added new common Imperial cloth cap
- - Added New interior and exterior poor GC tunnel tileset
- - Added Anvil trapdoor and city wall doors
- - Added more Imperial furniture planters
- - Added Extravagant West-Colovian pants and shirts
- - Added Reachmen Sheor statue
- - Added Reachmen sleeved shirt
- - Added Reachmen race vampire faces
- - Added horker skeleton
- - Added Incarnadine potion
- - Added wooden trestle
- - Added old impruin braziers
- - Added trebuchet
- - Added Imperial streetlamp and lampposts
- - Added com_p grindstone
- - Added variant on GC rural circular house without central pillar
- - Added three new upper-class chandeliers
- - Added new half-wall to common GC interior set
- - Added chisels, drills, hammer, painting supplies, sponge
- - Added Redguard items, weapons, bale containers, etc.
- - Added Redguard canoe
- - Added vampire global
- - Added Werewolf scripts and global
- - Added Imperial Temple tileset
- - Added common grindstone
- - Added a number of filled redguard containers
- - Added missing content to skyrim levelled creatures.
- - Added missing icons for some skyrim artifacts.
- - Added small waterjet asset for Anvil fountains
- - Added additional lights and scripted window lights
- - Added ambient Nordic Barrow sound
- - Added unique wereboar creature (SHOTN)
- - Added generic sour and sweet wine
- - Added fireplaces and chimneys for Skyrim houses
- - Added whalebone statics
- - Added memorial plaques and obelisks for Nordic barrows
- - Added pillars for Nordic stonewalls
- - Added new Imperial weapons (katana, shortsword, waraxe)
- - Added Ayleid arrow
- - Added Gooseberry and Cornflower container plants
- - Added Skyrim's Khulari vampire scripts, disease and abilities
- - Added seagull nest container
- - Added improved bird sounds for SHOTN
- - Added "Elf Mauler" asset
- - Added Nordic fences
- - Added four new Nordic market tents
- - Added fixed amber ingredient
- - Added Nordic firepit
- - Added Nordic shelf/display for marketstands and merchants
- - Added Nordic clay pots
- - Added Nordic drinking horn
- - Added Nordic round wooden boxes
- - Added common copperware pots
- - Added new regional wolf howl sound
- - Added Nordic deer & elk trophies, misc item antlers and swordstands
- - Added a large variety of Nordic weapons
- - Added Carline Thistle container plant
- - Added Colovian Highlands - Regional Assets
- - Added Kvetchi Pass - Regional Assets
- - Added Kvetchi Pass - Region
- - Added universal Reed plants for river banks
- - Added universal scum layers for rivers and swamp holes
- - Added an interior set for imperial sewers
- - Added new waterfall variants
- - Added a universal platform set for caverns
- - Added province-wide platform set for Cyrodiil
- - Added retextured way railings for the inside of Cyrodiil
- - Added general plank piles for Cyrodiil
- - Added retextured cave doors for Cyrodiil
- - Added Hemlock plants for Skyrim
- - Added Inkwood plants for Cyrodiil
- - Added Colovian Fur Cuirasses to accompany Colovian Fur -Hats and -Gloves
- - Updated ingredients: Ginseng, Lady's Mantle, Motherworts, Wormwood, Spike Rice, Dragonscale
- - Updated Ayleid interior dias tileset (iron grill)
- - Updated Anvil city walls
- - Updated Imperial furniture planters (standing and hanging)
- - Updated Wormmouth Armor naming convention
- - Updated rain and thunder chances in the Abecean Sea, Gold Coast and Gilded Hills regions
- - Updated Nordic regions
- - Updated almost all container plants and ores to support Graphics Herbalism
- - Updated Cyrodiil farm assets and tents to use a different wood texture
- - Updated Seagull model and textures
- - Updated cliff models
- - Updated texture of the new amber model
- - Overhauled Legion interior tileset
- - Overhauled low-quality sounds
- - Fixed Frost Lich creature bounding boxes
- - Fixed High King's Vedda book series
- - Fixed issues with T_Sky_AlchemistService and T_Sky_Farmer name fields
- - Fixed mesh gap in pc_in_impruin_4w_01
- - Fixed Direnni and Ayleid door scripts not working in after a reload
- - Fixed Goat creature walking cycle
- - Fixed grape ingredient leaves
- - Fixed Markarth cellar tiles
- - Improved Nord hair meshes and textures
- - Fixed UV and textures on Anvil trapdoor
- - Fixed size of Ayleid coffin
- - Edited pc_ex_anv_canopy_01 to be slightly easier to use
- - Fixed iron ore and aquamarine usage in lvld lists
- - Fixed spelling of T_Orc_Regular_WarAxeThooted_01 name
- - Fixed ID of class "T_Sky_HealerService"
- - Fixed name of T_SkyNor_SetFarm_Silo01 container
- - Rescaled Siyat leaf ingredient
- - Rescaled colovian grape ingredients
- - Rescaled Ayleid necklace
- - Fixed new sound implementation
- - Fixed missing icon files in HD package
- - Fixed sugarcane texture paths
- - Fixed pc_in_ar_pitbr.nif texture paths
- - Fixed sky_flora_tr_pd_06_05 texture paths
- - Fixed Sutch interior window: added daylight panel script
- - Fixed IDs of:
- T_Rga_BronzeLamp_128:T_Rga_Var_BronzeLamp_128
- T_Rga_BronzeLamp_256:T_Rga_Var_BronzeLamp_256
- T_Com_Furn_Pipe3Way_01:T_Com_Var_Pipe3Way_01
- T_Com_Furn_Pipe4Way_01:T_Com_Var_Pipe4Way_01
- T_Com_Furn_PipeCurve_01:T_Com_Var_PipeCurve_01
- T_Com_Furn_PipeLarge_01:T_Com_Var_PipeLarge_01
- T_Com_Furn_PipePump_01:T_Com_Var_PipePump_01
- T_Com_Furn_PipeSmall_01:T_Com_Var_PipeSmall_01
- T_Com_Furn_PipeTransitionLrg_01:T_Com_Var_PipeTransitionLrg_01
- T_Com_Furn_PipeTransitionSml_01:T_Com_Var_PipeTransitionSml_01
- T_Com_Furn_PipeValve_01:T_Com_Var_PipeValve_01
- - Replacer ID's for
- T_Com_Hammer_01:T_Com_Hammer_Repair_01
- T_Com_Hammer_02:T_Com_Farm_Sledgehammer_01
- T_Com_Hammer_03:hammer_repair
- - Fixed naming scheme on new unique objects
- - Fixed name of T_ScObj_FloatIntense script
- - Fixed name of T_ScObj_StartFrostPower script
- - Fixed name of T_Strike_Muatra enchantment
- - Fixed PC_in_Impruin_CR_01 mesh gaps
- - Fixed T_Imp_SetGC_X_PlatfCornSB_03 filepath
- - Fixed leveled lists and added new content
- - Fixed leveled objects
- - Fixed seagull sounds
- - Fixed Ayleid coffin size
- - Fixed canvas objects
- - Fixed grapes ingredient sizeµ
- - Fixed GC grassdirt texture tiling
- - Improved waterlily and water hyacinth textures
- - Improved Colovian pottery saturation
- - Fixed UVs and vertex colors on GC and GH rocks
- - Fixed Ayleid tower meshes collision
- - Fixed hibiscus plant container scale
- - Fixed OldImperial ruin stairs (P:C and SHOTN)
- - Fixed Imperial crypt stairs
- - Fixed pc_furn_ex_stool
- - Fixed frypan misc. object
- - Fixed scaling of Lizardfoot container plant
- - Fixed colors and meshes of Canis Root and Cabbage container plant
- - Fixed texture on hanging dried sage container plant
- - Fixed one Nordic face texture
- - Fixed Skyrim HealerService class ID
- - Fixed missing Stirk dock stairs in BSA
- - Fixed size of most of Cyrodiils mushrooms
- - Fixed size of T_IngFood_EggChicken_01
- - Fixed size of Inion Bundle container
- - Deprecated SHOTN copy-books
- - Deprecated broken wooden crossbow
- - Deprecated "Pirate" swords
- - Deprecated T_Note_SmugglerKarthgadSHOTN
- - Deprecated Cyrodiilic bear and wold pelt ingredients (duplicates of vanilla ingredients)
- - Deprecated a number of Legion tileset statics (can be replaced with existing statics)
- - Deprecated T_IngMine_Amber_02. To be replaced with T_IngMine_Amber_01
- - Deprecated T_Glb_Fauna_Leek01. To be replaced with T_Glb_Flora_Leek01
- - Removed several unused soundfiles
- - Removed duplicate texture
- - Removed T_Sky_Random_HuntingGoods2 and T_Sky_Random_HuntingGoods3 Lvld lists
- Tamriel Rebuilt
- - Banking: Moved generic dialogue to Tamriel_Data
- - Banking: Added Hlaalu House Bank (#3)
- - Artifacts:
- Repair Item: Hammer of Gharen
- Axe: Axe of the Hortator (Placeholder)
- Blunt Weapon: Sanguine's Rose
- Blunt Weapon: Skull of Corruption
- Blunt Weapon: Staff of Saint Roris
- Blunt Weapon: Wabbajack
- Book: Oghma Infinium
- Boots: Boots of the Atronach
- Bow: Neldrac's Reach
- Clothing: Belt of St. Olms
- Clothing: White Robe of St. Meris
- Long Blade: Ebony Blade
- Long Blade: Sword Not Held
- Misc Item: Flask of Lillandril
- Misc Item: King Orgnum's Coffer
- Ring: Ring of Bloodlust
- Ring: Ring of Eidolon's Edge
- Ring: Ring of St. Seryn
- Ring: Ring of the Hunt
- Ring: Ring of Instinct
- ing: Ring of the Moon
- Shield: Shield of the Trickster
- Shield: Ward of the Poet
- Short Blade: Ebony Blade
- Short Blade: Ethos Knife
- Spear: Muatra
- - Added books:
- T_Bk_BeforeGatesValsarTR
- T_Bk_MagickaMoonsDancerTR
- T_Bk_AtopATowerOnMoridunonTR
- T_Bk_DunceInMorrowindTR_V1
- T_Bk_DunceInMorrowindTR_V2
- T_Bk_DunceInMorrowindTR_V3
- T_Bk_HoomHabitatHabitsTR
- T_Bk_GospelOfSaintVelothTR_V1
- T_Bk_GospelOfSaintVelothTR_V2
- T_Bk_GospelOfSaintVelothOTR_V1
- T_Bk_GospelOfSaintVelothOTR_V2
- T_Bk_FirstCouncilCensus2E622
- - Added creatures:
- Cave Troll
- Frost Troll
- Dremora Sharpshooter (also added to levelled lists)
- Dremora Spellcaster
- Armed Ancestor Ghost
- Khajiit Skeleton
- Armun Kagouti
- Guardian (Clavicus Vile servant)
- Juvenile Riverstrider
- - Added regional sounds:
- Soluthis
- Grey Meadows
- Othreleth Woods
- Deshaan Plains
- - Added weapons:
- Silver Longbow
- Broken Bottles (two additional variants)
- Steel Swords
- Huntsman Shortsword
- Nordic Longbow
- Ebony Longbow
- Huntsman Longbow
- Ice Longbow
- Daedric Halberd
- Iron Staff
- Iron Great Mace
- Iron War Pick
- Silver War Pick
- Adamantium Arrows
- Adamantium Bolts
- Adamantium Battleaxe
- - Added armor pieces:
- Dres Chap-Thil hats
- Dres Salt Merchant helmets
- Bonemold Kragen pauldron and helmet
- Imperial Ebony helmet
- Caravaner's helm
- Redoran Bonemold open helm
- Netch Leather Rogue cuirass, helm, and hood
- Native Chev-Aram helmet and pauldrons
- Indoril Necrom Gauntlets
- Redoran Maradlai Bonemold helmets, pauldrons, cuirass, and shield
- Ordinator helmet without face
- - Added the following flora:
- T_Mw_Flora_Red_Lily_01
- T_Mw_FloraAT_Lily_01 (container version of an existing static)
- T_Mw_FloraTV_Grass_01 to 03 (statics)
- T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeZifa_01 to 03 (statics)
- T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeGeran_01 (statics)
- T_Mw_FloraTV_SpoLotus01 to 02
- T_MW_FloraSM_Fogstool_01
- T_Mw_Flora_DesertRose01 to 03 (primarily Shipal-Shin)
- T_Mw_FloraTV_ManShroomRoot_01 to 07 (statics)
- T_IngFlor_VeiledUrnula_01 (Shipal-Shin)
- T_IngFlor_BlisteringFoment_01 (Shipal-Shin)
- T_Mw_Flora_SheggShelf01 to 03 (statics, for caves)
- T_Mw_FloraMF_Palm_01 to 05 (statics)
- - Added ingredients:
- Charcoal
- Coal
- Water Lilly (4 variants)
- Blister Spore
- Garnet
- - Added a unique book model for Mysteries of the Worm
- - Added roadsigns for several settlements
- - Added town banners for several settlements
- - Added additional cliff meshes for the WG textures
- - Added Thirr Valley rock, cliff, entrance, grass plane, and hill assets
- - Added Thirr Valley ground textures
- - Added Othreleth Woods rocks
- - Added Indoril Dulcimer (plus short music pieces/sound effects)
- - Added Hlaalu settlement-in-construction assets
- - Added Hlaalu grates and watersprouts
- - Added boiling water in metal bucket activator (animation and sound)
- - Added gold and silver ingot misc items (Imperial stamp, Hlaalu stamp, and without stamp)
- - Added Shipal-Shin boulders, and rock and ground textures
- - Added Roth Roryn rock and ground textures
- - Added Bitter Coast style cliffs (with more of a lip)
- - Added roped urns and barrels
- - Added Vivec-style house banners for the Indoril and Dres
- - Added a 256x256 bone plane
- - Added decorated altars (house banners, tribunal tapestry and generic "rich" tapestry) as statics, activators may be available in the future
- - Added new large and small book models
- - Added RM versions of the small cliff meshes
- - Added burned books as misc item
- - Added new Stronghold exterior pieces
- - Added a Dunmer small tent set (1/2 yurt sized)
- - Added a Dunmer medium tent set (3 yurt sized)
- - Added additional Telvanni interior pieces (connectors)
- - Added additional Redoran interior pieces (ceiling and platform)
- - Added Mournhold dock pieces
- - Added a Mournhold door gate
- - Added Velothi exterior assets (new dock set, canton-style market place, towers, houses)
- - Added floating lanterns
- - Added an edited shack set with a flat ground pane
- - Added sand heaps
- - Added Daedric rubble heaps
- - Added a Hlaalu Striderport
- - Added a Hircine statue
- - Added a standing Malacath statue
- - Added Deshaan salt plains
- - Added Deshaan salt pools
- - Added additional Orc heads and hairs
- - Added additional Dunmer heads and hairs
- - Added an elderly Khajiit face
- - Added assets for a Daedric plane
- - Added cut up statics of the propylon portal
- - Added Velothi cave inside entrances mirroring the existing outside version
- - Added curved wooden docks
- - Added curved Imperial docks
- - Added non-ruined Old Mournhold style buildings and doors
- - Added Old Mournhold styled Mournhold pillars
- - Added a silver hand mirror (plus a unique variant)
- - Added schematics for the Enhanced Dwemer Centurions
- - Added Velothi tomb meshes and containers
- - Added a fixed version of Bethesda's photodragons
- - Added a ballpeen repair hammer
- - Added a global and script for passed time
- - Added high resolution versions of the Aanthirin ground textures
- - Added a skeletal hand as misc item (to go with the misc item skulls)
- - Added a faceless Dunmer head
- - Added spooky voices for a special occasion
- - Added a new ghost effect (activators and a script)
- - Added a lot of Dunmer clothing
- - Added voiced dialogue for the Almas Thirr Ordinators
- - Added Dunmer wall decals (intended for Hlaalu and Velothi sets)
- - Added a broken Molag Bal statue
- - Added one-sided Indoril and Hlaalu walls
- - Added some unique Dreugh-related assets: amulet, glove, face
- - Added a lot more cave pieces
- - Added a flipped Velothi curved ramp
- - Added a bigger Velothi temple exterior
- - Added a variety of canton buttresses (stairs, balconies, both)
- - Added a skybox
- - Added various canvas sacks
- - Added a version of the Uriel V propaganda map
- - Added a paper version of the Tamriel map (originally taken from PGE1)
- - Added ingredients to various Oblivion plants
- - Added glowbugs
- - Added tiny urns as misc items
- - Added three more blood decals
- - Added new Hlaalu windows
- - Added coal pile containers and coal ingredients
- - Added red dirt textures for Shipal Shin
- - Added an equipable Tiki Torch
- - Added sand piles with dunmer fortress rubble
- - Added the Punavit drinking Set
- - Added a daedric Broadsword
- - Added nordic ring artifacts
- - Added gemstone ore containers
- - Added large icelayer meshes
- - Added daedric stone terrain textures for Shipal Shin and Aanthirin
- - Added tree stumps for Aanthirin
- - Added missing pieces to the bone- and BM- cave sets
- - Added several objects for Dwemer Ruins
- - Added ash piles
- - Added Shipal Shin rock groups
- - Added Shipal Shin rubble
- - Added Southern Maidenhair plant
- - Added Fern for Clambering Moor
- - Added ground textures for Clambering Moor
- - Added Blister Spore mushrooms
- - Added Garnet gem
- - Added global water lilies
- - Added a lava (Water)fall
- - Added a variety of terrain objects
- - Added Stalagmite groups for several cave sets
- - Added silver ore containers
- - Added several ancestral tomb assets
- - Added indoril bell hammers
- - Added skyrender hive exterior objects
- - Added natural containers for Amber, garnet and topaz
- - Added Propylon Portals for Morrowind mainland
- - Added Goblin Tribe symbols for Velothis
- - Added dwemer exterior pieces
- - Added a dunmer trellis
- - Added orcish darts
- - Added Lesser Clannfear
- - Added new summon effects
- - Added a variety of silver daggers
- - Added a new necrom armor variant
- - Added steel- and iron ingots
- - Added default guard npcs
- - Added barrow stairs and - tombwall
- - Added scripted skeletons and other undeads (Skeletons arise!)
- - Added Telvanni Cephalopod Armor
- - Added Zifa Plants
- - Added Geranium Tree
- - Added a few OM - objects for Khalaan Manor of the Lord
- - Added Domina Armor
- - Added Gold Armor
- - Added steam activator for lava rivers without giant purple box
- - Added Black Triangle for minimap correction in interiors
- - Added a new asset test cell to the data files
- - Deprecated the Cooked Rat meat (replaced it with the current/correct version)
- - Removed unused snow peaks and ridges
- - Removed remaining Amanita Muscaria levelled list and ingredient
- - Removed the umpteenth implementation of the Queen of Bats axe
- - Removed unnecessary giant napkin icons
- - Removed unused bookarts
- - Fixed collision on the Aanthirin Bulb Trees
- - Fixed collision problems with Imperial interiors in OpenMW
- - Fixed a CTD due to regions not having a sleep encounter list
- - Fixed visual and technical problems with the shed mesh
- - Fixed collision problems of some Dwemer floor meshes
- - Fixed visual problems of the rich Dunmer desk
- - Fixed collision and visual problems of the Thorn Elowan mesh
- - Fixed the Jet texture
- - Fixed various tr_in, tr_in_mh, and tr_in_mould meshes by removing unnecessary animation frames
- - Fixed an error in the Velothi Gourd Harp script
- - Fixed the names of various "Map of X" books to reflect their content
- - Fixed the size of the Daedric Helm of Rebellion
- - Fixed countless spelling and grammar errors in books
- - Fixed lore errors in books
- - Fixed collision problems with some Hlaalu stairs
- - Fixed model errors on the broken urn meshes
- - Fixed several books not displaying their last line properly
- - Fixed the Native Chuzei Gauntlets to have an armor value of 17
- - Fixed collision problems on a large Necrom gate
- - Fixed mine entrance
- - Fixed egg clutches
- - Fixed various furniture
- - Fixed various flora
- - Fixed some harbor assets
- - Fixed planks and rails
- - Fixed some RM - rocks
- - Fixed Yeth Resin texture
- - Fixed some keys
- - Fixed icon of T_De_Cm_Robe_04
- - Fixed biscuit icon
- - Fixed clipping issues with necrom pauldrons
- - Fixed collision and texture seam - problems with a bunch of cavern tiles
- - Fixed dwemer dagger
- - Fixed and improved a large amount of further objects in TR_Data.bsa
- - Fixed a bunch of other things
- - Updated the Darnim Watch town banner to spell "Ildrim"
- - Updated the adamantium set (quality and aesthetics overhaul)
- - Updated the mesh for Soul Anchor
- - Updated the mesh for Gawi-Lo
- - Updated the mesh for the Ring of Lightning Speed
- - Updated the mesh for the Iron Morningstar
- - Updated the static water meshes for graphical fidelity
- - Updated sound files for Indoril instruments
- - Updated sound files for the mouse creature
- - Updated leaf textures of the Aanthirin Bulb Trees
- - Updated the Vermai to be a bit faster
- - Updated missing enchantments to various scrolls: Inner Pale Sun, Seventh Barrier, Eight Barrier, Flaming Hand, Spring Tail Leap, Trenchant Hand
- - Updated TR_Death_ArmorDummy by adding missing xnif and xkf files
- - Updated various map books by adding more current maps
- - Updated a lot of old weapon icons
- - Updated the Indoril guards to use Chev-Aram armor and act like low-level militia (individual high-level retainers will keep their bonemold armor)
- - Updated an Indoril bridge mesh
- - Updated the tapestry "Map of Tamriel"
- - Updated some ingredients to use "SH" instead of "SS"
- - Updated TumTum textures
- - Updated various mountain meshes
- - Updated almost all container plants and ores to support Graphics Herbalism
- - Updated light rays for caves with a script that disables them at night
- - Updated Hammer of Gahren to be a repair item rather than a weapon
- - Updated the stats of many enchantments, weapons, etc
- - Updated gold ore and - containers
- - Updated dunmer -carts and -wagons
- - Updated straw heaps
- - Updated cliff models
- - Updated several potion models
- - Updated hookah
- - Updated terrain ridges
- - Updated global ferns
- - Updated nails to look smoother
- - Updated appearance of Neldrac's Reach (artifact)
- - Updated stats of Faceless Ordinator helm
- - Updated iron ore texture
- - Updated names and stats of a number of objects (White robe of Saint Meris, Cutlass of Archon, Hammer of Olfor)
- - Updated model of Nerevars Axe
- - Updated models of Champion's Ring and Ring of Vitality
- - Updated models of a number of daedric and glass weapons
- - Updated models of imperial dagger, saber, swiftcut saber and broken imperial shortsword
- - Updated model of T_Mw_Und_Mum_02
- - Updated and fixed necrom armor
- - Updated model of tapestry urn
- - Updated models of iron broadswords
- - Updated model of the gold dagger
Version 6.0
- Project Tamriel
- - Added Ayleid Rings
- - Added Expensive Nibenese Amulet
- - Added Wraiths and Faded Wraiths
- - Added Common Cell Door
- - Added Poor and Rich Common Lecterns, Rich Lectern container
- - Added Easel
- - Added Mages Guild Banners
- - Added Ayleid Beds, Benches, Chair, wallshelves
- - Added Ayleid Pit Dividers and extra Ledge Exits
- - Added Common GC set forge
- - Added Legion Circular room and second Void big4way
- - Added Olives ingredient
- - Added Figs; Fig Trees and Dried Figs
- - Added Siyat plant
- - Added Spices: Anise, Cardamon, Curcuma, Dried Hibiscus, Muscta, Nigella, Pepper, and Saffron
- - Added New Amphora container variation
- - Added New exterior Legion stairs
- - Added Cod ingredients, containers, creature
- - Added Market stalls
- - Added Books:
- The 1,000 Spirits of Old Cyrod
- The Coronation of Eplear
- Fighters Guild Charter (P:C version)
- Mages Guild Charter (P:C version)
- Ordo Legionis (P:C version)
- Funerary Rites of Cyrodiil (reworked and expanded series)
- The Middle Dawn
- The High King's Vedda
- - Added common market stands
- - Added Nord mummy containers
- - Added Goblin Thrall (SHOTN)
- - Skyrim magical items and arcane artifacts
- - Added Grey Wolf creature
- - Added Oleander, Thorntail flora containers (Elsweyr)
- - Added Nordic wagon wheel
- - Added Nordic windmills
- - Added Nordic smith's shed variation
- - Added Nordic bridge variation
- - Added Fish Cod racks
- - Added chandeliers with extra long ropes
- - Added Nordic farmhouse interior shells
- - Updated Amphora containers
- - Updated Flax Flowers
- - Updated pc_furn_coffin_stone
- - Updated race descriptions for Tamriel_Data added races
- - Updated Ayleid hanging chair
- - Updated Skyrim Goblin creatures
- - Updated Dragonstar banners
- - Updated Skyrim cave clutter
- - Fixed P:C loaddoors handle issue
- - Fixed coffin materials
- - Fixed pc_furn_ex_plank_pile1
- - Fixed pc_terrain_gc_rock_11
- - Fixed common wallshelves
- - Fixed Common floors
- - Fixed collision on GH cliff meshes
- - Fixed Grapes and grapevines
- - Fixed various Legion interior assets (pc_in_imp_ceiling, pc_in_impbig_t_4way, pc_in_impbig_w_4way, pc_in_impsmall_rail)
- - Fixed Stirk common set interior skirting
- - Fixed copper textures on saint shrines
- - Fixed collision of mine entrances
- - Fixed collision on crypt interiors
- - Fixed ghost textures
- - Fixed Open iron helmet
- - Fixed data designation of Reachmen race
- - Fixed Elsweyr flora: sugarcane, hibiscus, palmtrees
- - Fixed Skyrim bar mesh collision
- - Fixed Redguard "hidden door" mesh
- - Fixed Anvil flag texture issue
- - Removed Aloe Vera pulp ingredient icon (PT version only, duplicate)
- - Removed unused P:C flora textures from replaced meshes (pc_flora_aloe3, pc_flora_cattail_..., pc_flora_flax1-3, pc_flora_goldenrod)
- - Removed sky_in_cvn_bm_01-07 asset duplicates (unused)
- - Removed wide Legion interior hall (pc_in_impbig_w_4way and pc_in_impbig_w_wall)
- - Removed superfluous crypt interior assets: pc_in_crypt_corner_02, pc_in_crypt_endcap, pc_in_crypt_hall_02, pc_in_crypt_side_02
- - Removed T_Example Cells (will become available as a dedicated plugin)
- Tamriel Rebuilt
- - Added classes for Scribes and Bankers
- - Added Morrowind-style chapel glasses
- - Added Velothi Well
- - Added Weir Gate, Weir Gate active beam, and sounds
- - Added banking template
- - Added MapPos activators for keeping TR_Map variables correct in interiors
- - Added various maps
- - Added common interiors with dormers and balconies, additional roof meshes
- - Added Hlaalu overhangs
- - Added wooden heater shields (equippable)
- - Added Indoril tapestries, additional Imperial Dragon varieties
- - Added globals for teleport disabers
- - Added armor dummy (non-)animation files
- - Added template for newspapers
- - Added Yeth-Grub creature
- - Changed Dridea sounds
- - Changed Skyrender sounds
- - Changed around 100 meshes for performance
- - Changed some polearm stats, following their function
- - Fixed Velothi Well and Curia Mural meshes
- - Fixed various typos
- - Fixed missing door sounds
- - Fixed the Baker class to add services
- - Fixed sound issue for Dwemer centurion archers
Version 5.1
Project Tamriel
- Added Khajiit subraces
- Added Alfiq creature/race
- Added Maormer race
- Added Reachman race
- Added Redguard Lamellar Armor with color variants
- Added Ayleid furniture, interior and exterior pieces
- Added Skyrim-appropriate tent retextures
- Added Imperial signpoles and signposts
- Added extra Colovian barrow pieces
- Added smaller blacksquare door
- Added GC lighthouse interior
- Added Redguard containers, cutlery, and Sift drink (alchemy)
- Added cairns, cave and mine entrances for GH region
- Added new, versatile Reman ruin hallway pieces (pc and sky versions)
- Added wide GC bridge for Sutch
- Added new cave connector, allowing for cave pieces to be used vertically (...cave2_s_07)
- Added several new Direnni interior tiles
- Added new bathtubs and basin furniture
- Added double height walls, tiling pillar/fences, and seperate struts to the common interior tilesets
- Added new grate, banners and fountain for Dragonstar
- Added new books:
T_Sc_BookOfCirclesPC (scroll version)
- Added new flora containers and ingredients:
Poppad Gourd
Pitcher Plant
Mara's Beads
Marsh Stalk
Indureta Stalk
- Added NPC size and activation reach indicator (T_Aid_Character_01)
- Updated containers and ingredients of various flora containers and ingredients
- Updated rich hanging bookshelf
- Updated sundial mesh
- Updated Redguard hidden door mesh
- Updated Redguard hookahs and tongs meshes
- Updated Redguard buildings collision
- Updated pc_furn_ex_cart_02_2
- Improved Skyrim goat amination files
- Changed handling of reflect maps in several meshes for OpenMW compatability
- Changed names of Ayleid spell scrolls that had the same name for different spell effects.
- Updated Imperial crypt set
- Updated GC interior skirting mesh
- Fixed P:C and SHOTN creatures for OpenMW compatability
- Fixed Impruin (Reman ruin) hallway width due to clipping issues
- Fixed collision on Anvil exterior stairs
- Fixed Colovian Red Fur Gauntlets and Helmet
- Fixed painting T_Imp_Furn_Painting_09a
- Fixed mine entrances
- Fixed pc_in_col_barrexit UV
- Fixed texture paths on Skyrim barrows
- Fixed Redguard mill mesh
- Fixed Varla and Welkynd stones not having the correct weight and/or price before being picked up
- Fixed various flora containers not having lvld lists or associated ingredients
- Deprecated the "Book of Circles" in favor of a scroll version.
- Removed deprecated PC books
- Removed Ayleid furniture with wrong IDs
Tamriel Rebuilt
- Added internal TR Map scripts for NPCs
- Added Imperial heads and hair
- Added Redguard heads and hair
- Added various expensive, exquisite, and extravagant clothing for Dunmer and Imperials
- Added two helmets: Expensive Imperial Cap and Exquisite Colovian Fur Helm
- Added spiked Iron and Steel pauldrons
- Added Imperial Ebony armor set
- Added light Chitin pauldrons
- Added town banners for Dondril and Vhul
- Added Deshaan chlorine pools
- Added various Imperial signs
- Added velothi gourd (with sound effects)
- Added imperial sign holders and signs
- Added unique Dwemer Lighthouse for Andothren
- Added cave rays
- Added new cursed items: gold and gems
- Added new dungeon trigger: ghost spawn
- Added new uniques: Prey Seeker Helm, Swiftcut Saber, and Renald the Incredible Lute
- Added a variety of soap
- Added coloured tiles, replacing pillows as fort-building material
- Added new floor sets for Velothi and Stronghold cantons
- Added 90° inverted cave tunnels, to make caves horizontally interesting
- Added additional cliff meshes for Roth-Roryn and (Armun) Ashlands
- Added a mummy creature
- Added Aanthirin spore clouds
- Added new books:
- Added flora:
Saltgrass (statics)
Saltstrap (statics, containers & ingredients)
Thirr Valley mangrove shrooms (statics)
Aanthirin Pyrous Uracia (containers & ingredients)
Shipal-Shin Tanna Plant (containers & ingredients)
Spartium Bealei (statics)
- Changed textures for the Deshaan bread
- Changed internal Map global assignment script
- Changed the Narsis meshes for performance
- Changed the Aanthirin ground textures
- Fixed missing high-res textures for the Shroom Tables
- Fixed missing textures for the Skyrender Riders
- Fixed inverted bodyparts on native bonemold pauldrons
- Deprecated Colovian bread ingredients
- Deprecated T_Bk_TheFourthTR
- Removed majority of deprecated TR books
Version 04
Project: Tamriel
- Added T_Imp_FurnR_TableSmall_02
- Added more Colovian Fur armor pieces: boots and black fur helmet and gauntlets
- Added Imperial Mananaut helm
- Added Ayleid Keystone object
- Added more Ayleid chains
- Added Gilded Hills Region
- Added Gilded Hills groundtextures and terrain assets (rocks, trees, saltpiles)
- Added Rune- and Doomstones
- Added common wall shelves
- Added expanded common cellar set
- Added smaller anvil ext stairs (T_Imp_SetAnv_X_Stairs_04)
- Added anvil exterior stonewall pillar/endcap
- Added Anvil cobblestone groundtexture
- Added new books
T_bkGen_ (generic books)
- Added Imperial Legion skirts (T_Imp_Cm_SkirtLegion)
- Added Legionnaire Skeleton creatures (T_Cyr_Und_SkelLegion)
- Added variations on common furniture bookshelves
- Added Portraits
- Added Trebataur creature
- Added the following flora:
T_Cyr_Flora_Ironrye (still uses Skyrim cloudy corn model)
T_Cyr_Flora_Monarda01 (replaced Bergamot)
T_Cyr_Flora_Aquilegia01 (replaces Columbine)
T_Cyr_Flora_Indureta01 (replaces maize)
T_Cyr_Flora_Siyat01 (replaces tobacco)
T_Cyr_Flora_Lycovine_01 (replaces tomato)
T_Cyr_Flora_Poppad01 (replaces pumpkin)
- Added Cataphract, Kalantar and Klibanion Mail armors for use by guards
- Changed Stirk bookart map
- Changed GC Planters model
- Changed small chests model
- Changed Anvil House textures
- Changed vintner buckets
- Changed existing painting models and textures
- Changed Dark Welkynd stones name to Loria Stones
- Changed Ayleid furniture IDs
- Changed price of many Ayleid items
- Changed content of the Ami-El book series
- Changed weight and price of several books
- Changed names of various pieces of Colovian Iron and Steel Armor
- Changed name of Sacred Lotus to Perriff's Lotus
- Fixed Colovian hair meshes
- Fixed geometry on T_Imp_SetAnv_X_Stairs_04
- Fixed Colovian founder shrine
- Fixed pc_in_gc_cm_wll
- Fixed T_cyr_agent class (no name)
- Fixed bad body part assignments on dreugh helm, open iron helm, and colovian fur gauntlets
- Fixed door collision problems (OpenMW issue) on several Stirk, GC and crypt doors (keep an eye on this, some meshes might not have the correct bounding box collision flag)
- Deprecated a large number of PC books
- Deprecated old brothel signs
- Deprecated old Anvil chapel building
- Deprecated following flora:
T_Cyr_Flora_Tobacco01 (copied to Glb)
T_Cyr_Flora_Tomato01 (copied to Glb)
- Deprecated copy of Kali Mes bracers (wrong code)
Tamriel Rebuilt
- Added more Imperial Chain armor pieces: boots and gauntles
- Added more Imperial Silver armor pieces: boots, bracers, greaves, and pauldrons
- Added weapon: Nordic Saex, in silver, steel, and iron qualities
- Added additional in_dae_cave connectors
- Added misc item: Astrolabe
- Added magic item: Penitent's Ring
- Added flora: Deshaan Saltrice
- Added flora: Salt Crocus
- Added flora: Weeping Veil
- Added statics: Tumtum Parasol
- Added statics: Giant Elowan
- Added statics: Shroom Table, in blue, red, orange, and green colours
- Added statics: Cyrodiilic Bamboo
- Added statics: Munzur Tree
- Added statics: Aanthirin Bulb trees and stumps
- Added statics: Nail (singular)
- Added statics: Old Ebonheart wyrm statue
- Added statics: Small Dunmer Guar-skin tent set (interor, exterior, banners, door)
- Added statics: Dres Common Tileset (exteriors only)
- Added statics, scrolls, and equipment specific to Ebon Tower
- Added lightsources: de_lantern variations, in purple, cyan, yellow, and blue
- Added Dunmer hairstyles
- Added Breton heads
- Added Bosmer heads and hairstyles
- Added tr_ex_common_plat_end
- Added new books:
- Changed Skyrender model
- Changed Swamp Troll animations
- Changed some Indoril house meshes, will need further improvement
- Changed the TR_Flora_AJ meshes
- Fixed .kf/.nif files for banner (for OpenMW)
- Fixed Nordic Iron Greaves' weight class
- Fixed typo in "Redemption Volume III"
- Fixed typo in "Redemption Volume IV"
- Fixed wrong icon for "Defense of Morrowind Volume I"
- Fixed wrong icon for "Daedric Septis"
- Fixed animation error for a butterfly
- Deprecated following flora:
T_Glb_Flora_AmanitaMs01 in favor of T_Mw_Flora_TempleDom01
T_Glb_Flora_AmanitaMs02 in favor of T_Mw_Flora_TempleDom02
- Deprecated following alchemical item:
T_Orc_Drink_LiquorUngorth_01 in favor of T_De_Drink_LiquorLlotham_01 (T_Orc_Drink_LiquorUngorth_02 is the definite Ungorth drink)
Version 02
- TR_Data:
- Added Argonian heads by Silaria
- Added Khajiit heads by detritius2004
- Added a set of breton artisan swords
- Added some new imperial fortress pieces for Old Ebonheart
- Added an imperial mural for Old Ebonheart
- Added the following books:
Recording of the Heads 1E 820
Homily of the Pilgrim
The CASE Against Human Edibles
Seven Varieties of Shadow
The Origin of the Ash Yam
How to Treat Heretics
On the Importance of Heresy
In Regards to the Dunmeri Chitin Armor
Orcsurance, a One-Act Comedy
On the Evil of Heresy
- Fixed a robe pointing to wrong textures
- Assigned velk sounds to the right creature
- Overwrote the current orange moss with a larger version. Turned it into a container plant with an ingredient.
- Fixed the groundmesh of the argonian hist armor
- Fixed a bunch of further problems in TR_Data
- Added saddled versions of the Cyrodillic horses and one more color variant. The black horse has been recolored.
- Added a further harpoon variant
- Added a set of ancient colovian bronze tableware for Colovian Barrows.
- Added Dark Welkynd Stones for Ayleid ruins
- Added old withered wooden chests for Colovian Barrows.
- Added a statue of Kynareth
- Added interior variants of several load doors used at P:C
- Added a set of ancient ayleid armor
- Added some new building variants for Anvil
- Added a proper dockset for Anvil, Stirk and the gold coast.
- Added a further reman mural.
- Added a number of imperial native armor style sets, (some are still using placeholder meshes)
- Added two imperial incense burners
- Changed the material settings of the imperial wayshrines.
- Changed the statues of the imperial divines so they match each other in size.
- Changed some of the buildings and structures used for Anvil
- Changed gold coast rock textures so they have mipmaps.
- Changed an expensive chandelier used for imperial homes.
- TR_Data:
- Donations
No donations accepted
New in Version 11:
An optional normal maps folder for OpenMW users has been added, as well as the beginning of our OpenMW scripts file. Many deprecated objects were added back into the main file due to CSSE's new object hiding feature, so as a result the Tamriel_Data Graveyard has been retired after a very short lifespan.
New in Version 10.1:
Optional MWSE-Lua enhancements. Tamriel_Data, Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel are still compatible with OpenMW. We will make the new Lua-based features available in OpenMW-Lua too, as soon as it becomes possible.
The 2 BSAs have been split back into 3 due to file size issues. See below for details on re-registering your BSAs.
Due to a large number of deprecations, the Tamriel_Data Graveyard mod was created to ensure compatibility with mods depending on Tamriel_Data
What is Tamriel_Data?
Tamriel_Data is first and foremost an asset repository. It contains meshes, textures, books, and region data that can be used by other mods.
It originated from the works of the biggest Morrowind province mods, Project Tamriel and Tamriel Rebuilt and contains not only their assets, but a unified, logical file structure, making their assets easily accessible not only for their modders, but for other projects too.
Additionally, Tamriel_Data supplies both vanilla-style resources (Tamriel Rebuilt standard) and a high-resolution alternative (Project Tamriel standard), making sure the assets do not look out of place even if graphical replacers that only cover vanilla Morrowind assets are used.
Note: While the assets for Project Tamriel are all available in both high and low resolution, Tamriel Rebuilt does not have a full selection of HD textures. Any texture artists willing to help are welcome! Please visit the website!
Reporting Bugs and Ongoing Development
Bug reports for Tamriel_Data can be done via Github.
If you would like to follow the development of Tamriel_Data's assets, or if you have assets you would like to submit, you can join the Discord servers for Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel.
For the first time, Tamriel_Data version 9 contains a small optional MWSE addon. As of now the addon includes new conjuration spells to summon our new Daedra creatures. To use these features you will need to have an up to date MGE XE installed.
Anything covered in our MWSE addon will be remade for OpenMW as soon as it's possible.
Patching savegames and mods
Tamriel_Data contains a filepatcher directory, within it are a .jar and a .txt file. Both are necessary if you need to patch other files.
If you have mods or savegames that rely on one of the old asset ESMs (TR_Data.esm, PC_Data.esm, or Sky_Data.esm), you will need to run the patcher over your mods and savegames! It will update your dependencies to point to Tamriel_Data.esm as well as the new asset names.
First, make sure you have a JRE installed. If you don’t have one, the patcher will behave as if it was an archive (Windows will try to unpack it), when it’s actually an exectuable file.
Run the TR_FilePatcher and choose one or more savegames or mods to patch. Make sure to save backup copies!
Choose and patch...
...and done!
If you are updating save games that were saved while using Tamriel Rebuilt build 16.09 or earlier, they will contain different region and city names, along with reference changes that the patcher can't solve. Make sure to clean your save afterwards with Wrye Mash or Enchanted Editor, as you normally would.
Tamriel_Data for modders
Tamriel_Data is free to use as a master file, for more detailed permissions please refer to the text files contained in the download archive.
Why would you want to use it if you are modder?
The most obvious benefit is, of course, more resources. You can never have enough meshes, textures, ingredients, and books.
The real benefit lies in the unified, consistent name structure, which enables modders to easily understand the item they are placing and
the context it has in the game.
This has become a necessity for the big province mods, as Tamriel Rebuilt moves closer to the southern parts that border Cyrodiil, and Skyrim: Home of the Nords moves eastwards to Morrowind. Not only are we able to share our assets, we are avoiding a lot of doublettes in three different ESMs.
For more information about the naming scheme, please refer to the article tab.
Of course, the names still have a character limit. Nothing is perfect until the release date of OpenMW, after all.
Nexus Dontations
Any and all donations through nexus will be used to help with hosting costs for Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel's web server.
Using old versions of Tamriel_Data
Prior to version 10.1 of Tamriel_Data, BSA archives were used.
Register your BSAs
Tamriel_Data.esm replaces TR_Data.esm, PC_Data.esm, and Sky_Data.esm. If you have used one of the big three province mods (Tamriel Rebuilt, Skyrim: Home of the Nords, Province: Cyrodiil), you
will be able to use only Tamriel_Data.esm in the future and uncheck all
the other resource ESMs. Similarily, the previously two BSAs became
three BSAs: PT_Data.bsa has become redundant and can be deleted.
If you just started out with Morrowind and have no installed any of these before, make sure to register your BSAs!
What does that mean?
First, make sure you have the files installed correctly - the BSAs and ESMs go
in your Data Files folder. Activate the ESMs via Wrye Mash or the
Morrowind Launcher, as you would any other mod.
Then locate the Morrowind.ini in your Morrowind game directory, find the [Archives] section, add the three new BSAs (TR_Data.bsa, PC_Data.bsa, and Sky_Data.bsa), done. If PT_Data.bsa is still there, delete it. If you use OpenMW, you will need to reimport your Morrowind.ini.
Alternatively, you can of course use BSAReg (link is external), which ususally takes care of that automatically.
Example setups
Just make sure that your Tamriel_Data is up to date, the province mods
will tell you which version you need to have installed. Registering your
BSAs is only necessary once, but it is critically important.
For a more detailed explanation, including Mod Organizer 2 instructions, read this post.
The road ahead
As Tamriel_Data unifies the data of three province mods, it might evolve into its own framework. Similar to COBL, it contains fully lore-friendly, consistent additions to meshes, textures, food, books, regions, factions, and so much more.
Last but not least, this is a definite statement from both projects: we're in this together, for the long haul.