Embark on a set of unique adventures by helping out Yul Marshee complete her collection of lost treasures and assist her in building a bizarre Dwemer contraption.
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File credits
Merlord and Safebox for using some parts of their MWSE scripts.
Melchior Dahrk for assisting with the airship animation and Glow in the Dahrk support.
Cyprinus and Melchior Dahrk for using Midjourney AI on discord to create some base textures.
Hemaris for creating a snowy overlay used on land textures to create snowy variants.
OAAB data team for the amazing assets.
Tamriel Data team for the awesome assets.
The Morrowind Modding Community for giving modding competitions a platform and helping out.
Darkelfguy for hosting the morrowind modding madness event.
Donation Points system
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Version 1.3
Made the Nchardumz quest show up in the journal again.
Made the Bal Fell quest properly close after killing Nencirmo.
Fixed some issues with the dialogue and journal when paying for the spear in the hidden tomb quest.
Fixed a floating object in Yul's house.
Version 1.2
Moved Yul's house to a more compatible spot in Pelagiad, like now compatible with BCOM.
Cleaned all landscape changes from Pelagiad to be more compatible, like with mods that add groundcover.
Added a northmarker and window to Yul's house.
Moved the info about the controls of the airship to the MWSE menu.
Added a FixMe command (Shift-X) to the airship to escape when somehow stuck.
New dialogue and topics added that improve the flow of the questline.
Added a new second encounter with Nencirmo.
The airship now slowly updates as you complete the quests, reflecting it getting built as you collect the items for it.
Slight overhaul of Haendolf Barrow.
Improved ending sequence.
Characters now correctly check if you have enough gold.
Several bugfixes, typos removed and edge cases closed.
Version 1.1
Increased the value of some items hidden at a shipwreck.
Fixed an issue with the script on the Control Rod giving another journal entry afer buying it, dropping and picking up.
Lying in the first quest to Ergala will make you loose disposition with him.
Added ownership to all items in Yul's house.
Increased the size of the lava planes in Nchardumz, maintenance tunnels to not glitch.
Changed the interior door in Haendolf's barrow to match the exterior one.
Deleted a bugged vent in Nchardumz, maintenance tunnels.
Changed some cluttering and detailing in Solstheim, Jolgeirr Barrow: Hidden passage & Haendolf's Barrow
Fixed a collision issue at Fahlbtharz, Lavaworks.
Added a solstheim topic to Yul if you haven't been there before.
Mentioned the location of the barrow in the forgotten barrow quest journal after buying the dagger from Skalf.
Yul now says you still need to go to the forgotten barrow if you have the dagger, but not visited the barrow.
Yul reveales the location of Bal Fell to you while doing the second quest.
Added the controls of the airship to the last journalentry of the questline.
The Provincial Privateers Presents:
Mod Designers Dev Shah Jackimoff Wackimoff Mojo187 MwGek Taniquetil
About the mod Embark on a set of unique adventures by helping out Yul Marshee complete her collection of lost treasures and assist her in building a bizarre Dwemer contraption. Start out by visiting Yul's house in the quiet town of Pelagiad.
Featuring • Story driven exploration • Find and delve into multiple new dungeons and locations • Discover unique treasures and antiquities • Add to Yul Marshee's collection with your discoveries • Build your very own airship together with Yul and take it with you when exploring
Note: We had planned for an actual launch sequence from the house. But due to time constraints we are afraid we have to leave that to a future update.
Airship controls • Forward ---> Key Forward • Backward ---> Key Backward • Up ---> Shift + Key Forward • Down ---> Shift + Key Backward • Land ship and dismount ---> Q • FixMe Command when Stuck --> Shift + X
You can only land the airship when close to the ground. Trying to land on sloped terrain might be a bit un-immersive. Landing on very steep sloped terrain is blocked in the script.
Incompatibilities The final part of this mod and the actual flying with the ship is not compatible with OpenMW. The adventurous quests are all compatible. We have fast travel for OpenMw users, and as an optional toggle option for MWSE users, planned in a future release.
This mod is can cause conflicts with other mods that change or alter the following locations: • Pelagiad • The wilderness area directly north east of Ald Redaynia • Bal Fell, East Wing • Ald-ruhn, Codus Callonus: Bookseller • Nchardumz, Lower level • Solstheim, Jolgeirr Barrow