The lost "Crystal City" of Massama has been discovered by a desperate group of escaped slaves. Through a series of quests, players will learn some of the secrets behind The Curse of Massama while trying to keep the separate factions from killing each other over the raw glass they've mined.
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If author(s) is/are not able to be contacted through a reasonable effort, Then you are free to copy and redistribute the material in its entirety for use in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
File credits
Alisiagae - glass ring model Anumaril - Velothi Rubble Texture Darknut - giant dwemer pipe Davegh - glowstone rock textures Greatness7 - music code Hemaris - rock meshes, mushroom textures, aster texture help, easter egg inspiration and help with bookart joanasc - skylamp creature LondonRook - Lougian - Rocks Momo - Vine roots texture MwGek - Velothi Lighthouse, curtains, rafter rugs Nobiax - Grapevine texture Project Enhance - textures Remiros - Cave Pieces Rubberman - Glowshroom base model/texture R-Zero - Chain Sachiel - Rocks Senten - Rocks Siberian Crab - Velothi shrines Stripes - Cliffs Tamriel_Data - Velothi Rubble Meshes Team Ceaseless Centurions - crossover content Team Dark Sisterhood - crossover content tewlwolow - music track - Textures Tri-Tachyon - heavy metal riff YarYulme - Dwemer Gear Staff
Donation Points system
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Additional underwater detailing in Massama Commons and Ring of Yendorr cells
Additional detailing in both parts of the city including the mining area
More secrets to discover throughout the mod
Improved performance in Massama City and Commons cells
More fitting waterfall for the aqueduct leading into the main city
Added crime system to Uxith-Kei faction (talk to Ravos to clear the bounty if you catch too much heat)
Cleaned dialogue
Improved pathgrids
Bug fixes
Version 1.6
Fixed script on Massama door
Fxed Ravos' proposal book having no text
Fxed dwemer mines reappearing
Improved boethiah challenge script so the AI is less likely to freak out
Covered hole in the map in Massama, City cell
Version 1.5
Added missing music file
Version 1.4
Added journal entry when the Uxith-Kei leave
Made He-Who-Stands-There's greeting add the "Slaves in the Grazelands" topic if players skip the intro quest
Added Seducer model
Gave directions to the smith in the relevant quest
Made Vasteix trigger the "Ghost Sightings" quest to reduce back and forth walking for the player
Gave directions to Sirramus manor in the relevant quest
Fixed dialogue filtering issue which broke progression of the "Ghost Sightings" quest
Fixed script expression error for aa22_Fx_WaterfallRoundTall
Gave method of returning to Massama after the questline
Fixed boethiah's axe mesh and sheath
Fixed enchant effect on Mirror Shield
Version 1.3
Fixed journal typo in cursed shield quest
Fixed a book formatting error
Made a few more NPCs Uxith-Kei
Added Twin Lamps topic
Added banner for Twin Moons Club
Made compatible with Mines & Caverns
Version 1.2
fixed dialogue filtering
Version 1.1
cleaned dialogue
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
by the Ancestral Ashkhans
The lost "Crystal City" of Massama has been discovered by a desperate group of escaped slaves. Through a series of quests, players will learn some of the secrets behind The Curse of Massama while trying to keep the separate factions from killing each other over the raw glass they've mined in the glittering depths.
Made for 2022 Morrowind Modding Madness Themes: Enterprise and Industry + Conflict Optional Objective: Add at least five quests involving the Twin Lamps, either supporting their faction or in opposition to them Qualifications: This mod deals with the glass mining and slave industries. It involves conflict between the inhabitants of Massama. It adds six quests involving the Twin Lamps.
Delve into the newly overhauled Massama Cave
Explore an enormous underground Velothi city inhabited by 90+ new NPCs while enjoying atmospheric music by tewlwolow
Epic new dungeons including Velothi catacombs, a daedric shrine, dwemer ruins, and caverns
Unravel the mysterious hauntings that plague the citizens
Perform 6 quests for the Twin Lamps members in the city
Or side with the Telvanni and exterminate the escaped slaves
Learn about the city and its inhabitants with over 8,000 words of dialogue
Meet two new factions of escaped slaves locked in tense conflict
Beware new traps and the dangers of stealing raw glass the people here have mined
Earn the trust of the inhabitants of Massama and inherit a spacious manor
Discover an enormous Dwemer complex to unlock the Secrets of the Crystal City
Be dazzled by brilliant new visual effects like sunrays, spore clouds, and enormous waterfalls
Prove that you are Worthy in an undocumented side challenge dedicated to Boethiah
Over 200 new assets give the new locales connected to Massama a fresh look
Practice your alchemy while harvesting 5 new ingredients throughout the new locations
Reward exploration with side puzzles and unique rewards hidden between the 30+ new interiors
Savor the white aster flower which the locals ferment into a new wine and can be brewed into tea with Ashfall installed
Wield a new set of raw glass weapons crafted in Massama
Loot the ancient dram coins which were in circulation at the time the city of Massama was in its prime
Find Boethiah's legendary axe that he wields with his statue.
OpenMW compatible
Mines & Caverns compatible
No exterior cell edits
Please let us know about any compatibility issues that you encounter.
Getting Started
Recommended levels 15-20
Twin Lamps: Start the vanilla `The Twin Lamps` quest by freeing enough slaves and talking to one of them about `Twin Lamps`. Then find and talk to Ilmeni Dren about it.
Telvanni/Non-Faction: Latest Rumors from Telvanni members in Sadrith Mora.
Glow in the Dahrk -- Makes the light rays fade in/out natural at dawn/dusk.
Morrowind Optimization Patch -- includes split up collision shapes and other optimizations to improve mod performance