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File credits
Pickles and Alexander for their work on the new Kagouti and Alit Hide armours for a future version of Tamriel_Data.
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Version 1.1.1
Edits to:
Cavern of the Incarnate: - Ane Teria (removed her shield)
Version 1.1
Updated for Tamriel_Data v.11
Replaced the False Incarnate Idrenie Nerothran's Dwarven Jinkblade with thrown Dwarven Jinkknives and a Dwarven Netch Blade. This is to make her more interesting as a summon in AliceL93's "Call Incarnate" mod.
Bugfix: Added missing icon for the Ebonweave bracer worn by Kaushad
Version 1.0.5
False Incarnates: New stats and wargear to synergise with AliceL93's "Call Incarnate" mod.
Upgraded Airan-Ahhe's Spirit Spear from Chitin to Ashlander Glass. Upgraded Erur-Dan's Cuirass to Dreugh and its enchantment from Restore Health 11pts to 15-25pts. Upgraded Erur-Dan's Spear to Glass
Modified the False Incarnates in the Cavern of the Incarnate, taking care to complement their backgrounds and personalities. You'll see their weapons if using the mod Weapon Sheathing, and will unequip when handing them to you.
Edits to:
Erabenimsun Camp: Han-Ammu's Yurt: - Han-Ammu
Erabenimsun Camp: Ranabi's Yurt: - Ranabi
Zainab Camp, Ashkhan's Yurt: - Kaushad
Version 1.0.2
Wind of Ahaz changed from a Chitin Waraxe to an Ashlander Glass Waraxe, to show his status as Gulakhan.
Edited Kaushad, Zainab Ashkhan. He's an older guy but not elderly, shrewd and somewhat handsome according to the Zainab Nerevarine quest.
Edits to: Ahemmusa Camp, Addammus's Yurt: - Ulabael
This edition of Interesting Outfits focuses on Ashlander NPCs, giving various characters makeovers with assets from Tamriel_Data and OAAB_Data for a more unique look. Almost every Ashlander on Vvardenfell has been given a once-over, including the rogue bandits you find in the wilderness.
The Ashlanders have lasered off their Tribunal-aligned 'hand' face tattoos, and are wearing some unreleased assets from Tamriel_Data, namely the new Kagouti and Alit Hide sets by Pickles and Alexander.
- Tamriel_Data - OAAB_Data
- Compatible with ivolga's Mabrigash Armored Robes - Will conflict with mods that edit Ashlander npcs without Merged Objects.
Recommendations: There are a bunch of mods that compliment this one nicely: