About this mod
Gives the central most part of Azuras Coast a distinct Appearance.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Gives the central most part of Azuras Coast a distinct Appearance.
Although it is not mentioned alot in game. The Zafirbel bay is an actual named part of the Azuras Coast region. Considering that it's home to three Telvanni settlements as well as a few other notable locations, it could be hard to identify if you aren't looking at the world map. Well now you will find large black marble pillars in place of most of the original Menhirs that were identical to the ones in the rest of the region. As well as unique sand and rock textures for certain parts of the landscape.
• OAAB Data
• TR Data
• Large marble pillars in place of the original Menhirs.
• Unique sand and darkstone textures in several areas.
• Large ridges and cliffs on the isles to make the area feel more isolating
• Additional cluttering of the two bandit camps you can find in the region.
• Minor cluttering around the exteriors of Anudnabia and Yansirramus. This does not touch the interiors.
• Normal maps for OpenMW users.
Contains both 1K and 2K textures for those who have 2K monitors. There is also a version that makes the pillars a more brown texture if you want the pillars to not stand out as much.
• Cleaned with tes3cmd via Mash64
• A previous mod of mine, Vassamisi Island has been incorporated into this mod. You will not need to install it if you have this installed.
• Tel Arhun and Sadrith Mora are left untouched as to not conflict with BCOM and other city overhauls.
• A new dock enterance has been added to the exterior of the Hlervi Ancestral Tomb. Note that this does not touch the interior so any mods you have that edit the interior should be fine.
- Telvanni Mesh Improvement - https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42343
- OpenMW (Normal maps are included)
- Telvanni - Arkitektora of Vvardenfell - https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43530
- Beautiful cities of Morrowind - https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49231
- Apel's Asura Coast and Sheogorath Region Retexture - https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42573
- Telvanni Sea Beacons - https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/50957
♦ OAAB team for additional items and clutter
♦ TR Team for additional clutter
♦ Ryan King Art for Blender Tutorial on marble used for Menhirs
♦ Elinen for the textures used for the sand and darkstone. They are found on the Oldrim nexus as a modders resource. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19066