(French) Brewer - An Alcohol Brewing Mod
Requis |
(PT-BR) JS Knapsacks
Actual Sweet Roll Variants (Base Object Swapper - New Flavours - High Poly Sweetroll)
Hard Requirement. |
Actual Sweet Roll Variants - Traduction Francaise
Obligatoire |
Actually Useful Butter Churns - Base Object Swapper
Akaviri Katana Variants - BOS-SPID world integration (vanilla and mods)
soft requirement (recommended) - if you want to use the BOS files to distribute the weapons through the world |
Alchemy Recipe Expansion (Base Game - DLC - Rare Curios - Improvements - Fixes)
Not required, but strongly recommended. If installed, some of the hand-placed recipes in the world will be replaced with ones from this mod that make sense or for more diversity. |
Alchemy Recipe Expansion - French
Si vous voulez que certaines recettes soient distribuées dans Bordecielm |
Alchemy Station Variants - Base Object Swapper
Required for SE and AE |
ALT - Nordic RowBoat - The Gislinge - BOS
Amazing Apparel and Accessories
Hard Requirement. |
Amazing Lockpicks - Enhancements
SE/AE Optional. Replaces vanilla lockpicks that are found lying around in game with unique lockpicks |
Animated Ice Floes
Hard Requirement |
Animated Ice Floes - French
Obligatoire |
Animated Ice Floes - ITA
Requisito della mod originale. |
Animated Icebergs
Hard Requirement |
Animated Ivy
If using the BOS version. |
Animated Ivy - FR
Requis pour la version BOS. |
Animated Ships Patches
Must if want no ESP version. |
Ant Trails yield Ant Paste
With no worldspace edits, mod requires BOS for world placement; or you could yourself add references... |
Apocryphal Library
Required to swap the statics in Apocrypha, mod will do very little without this. |
Apocryphal Library and The Midden-Expanded Integration
Required by Apocryphal Library |
Apocryphal Library and The Tale of Tsatampra Xiros Integration
Required by Apocryphal Library |
Apocryphal Library and Undeath Remastered Integration
Required only if using the swap function from Apocryphal Library |
Are We There Yet
Argonian Maid Remover
Need for swap books in open world |
Armored Draugr Corpses
Required |
Ashbound - Solstheim Revisited
Hard requirement |
Assorted Vampire Fixes and Tweaks
For the Silverware Remover module. |
Atlantean Landscape -Complete- Complex Terrain Parallax
for footprints on sandy and muddy terrain |
Awesome Potions Simplified Replacer - Base Object Swapper
Obviously |
Barriles de Vino (rellenar)
Requerido para cambiar los barriles del juego por los nuevos que rellenan vino. |
Base Object Swap Writer (BOS) - INI Writer Extension
This extension writes files for BOS |
Base Object Swapper VR
Documentation and credit only. No download needed |
Base Object Swapper xEdit Scripts
Battlehorn Beverages - Hearthfire Wine Expanded
(Optional) For random swapping of placed Argonian Bloodwine bottles |
Better Bed for Breezehome (no esp)
Better Blended Mushrooms
Necessary. |
Better Dynamic Snow - Embershard Mines Log Fix - BOS
Better Dynamic Snow 2.11 - Definitive Edition
for SE/AE |
Better Mihail Mimics
absolutely required |
Better Sweetrolls on Tamriel - Base Object Swapper
require |
Black Briar Monopoly
Needed for my mod to function |
Blackreach Fern to Dawnguard Plant
Won't work without it |
Blacksmith Forge and Anvil Variants - Base Object Swapper
Required for SE and AE |
Blacksmith Workbench Variants - Base Object Swapper
for SE and AE |
Blended Roads less bumpiness - Base Object Swapper
Needed. |
Blowing in the Wind Lite (moveable lanterns with Base Object Swapper)
Base Object Swapper needed to swap vanilla lantern for moveable lantern mesh from BitW |
Blubbos Deity Tree of Kynareth for COTN Falkreath - Base Object Swapper
Blue Night Retching Netch - Raven Rock Overhaul
Book Bound - Saving Overhaul - now with Sleep to Save and optional BOS distribution
optional, for a chance to find Strange Scrolls in inns |
Born in a Barn - Door Curtains for Shacks - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. This mod won't work without it. |
BosExtender mo2 plugin
Absolutely necessary |
Brazier Solstheim - Base Object Swapper
Breezehome TNF Expanded - Rocking horse on fire fix (BOS)
Breton Battleaxe
Brewer - An Alcohol Brewing Mod
Required to show the brewing stations |
Bruma Aspen Consistency Patch - BOS
Bruma Clutter for Skyrim Imperials - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
Hard requirement. Only for SE and AE. |
Burn'em Banners
Hard requirement, obviously |
C.O.I.N. - Coins of Interesting Natures
CACO Farm Overhaul Pumpkins for Official Unique Flowers and Plants - Base Object Swapper
Cannibalism Expanded
Optional, but strongly recommended for the mod to take full effect. |
Capital Whiterun Expansion Lite
Capital Windhelm Expansion Lite
Carriage Ferry Travel Overhaul useless dock removal - Base Object Swapper - CFTO - BOS
Catch of the Day - Fish Hang in Inns too - Base Object Swapper.
Hard requirement. This mod won't work without it. |
Catches Cook on Campfires - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Catches Cook on Campfires - Base Object Swapper - Traduction francaise
Obligatoire |
Cathedral - 3D Snow Berries - Rusty Edition
Must have if you want variants |
Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers - Alternate Textures
Soft requirement. Only needed if you use the optional Base Object Swapper file to make flowers smaller. |
CC Tundra Homestead - Aspens to Pines (BOS) (and a No Tree Option)
Required |
Chanterelle - Last Seed Frostfall Patch
Chanterelle Healing Stones
Chest Variants - Base Object Swapper
Required for SE and AE |
ChickenMike's Random Assortment of Patches (C.R.A.P.)
For Dovahnique's Diverse Dark Elf Lanterns Capital Windhelm Expansion Patch |
Chocolate-Frosted Chocolate Sweetroll (with Sprinkles)
For v2.0 :) |
Cities of the North - Dawnstar - Unique Door Design
City Trees
For some patches and add-ons to function |
City Trees - Polish Translation
Cloaks of Skyrim - Unique cloaks restored for RMB's version
Only for the patches |
Collect Clover
Collect Ivy SSE Adjusted
(Required if you download one of the ESL-ified main files.) |
Collectable Firewood - Base Object Swapper
Won't Do Anything Without It |
Collectible Mysterium Xarxes - Base Object Swapper
And all its requirements. |
Colorful Giant Mushrooms
Colourful Lutes In Tamriel
Required to make the mod work |
Condensed Potions 'Eorlund Collection'
Cooking in Kettles on Campfires - Base Object Swapper
Required |
COPPER - Precious Objects Complex Material and Dynamic Cubemap
For the distribution |
COTN Falkreath - A Somber Culture Retexture
Required for the matching doors and exclusive textures for any added vanilla buildings. |
COTN Falkreath Lite
Creation Club Basket Distribution - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
Hard requirement. Only for SE and AE. |
CS Dirt and Blood Washbasin BOS Patch
Required |
CS' Hearthfires Trophy Patch
Hard requirement |
D.I.Y - Doo Ingredients Yuk
Without it, shrubs and plants cannot be replaced to poop. |
Dancing Shadows BOS
hard requirement |
Dark Dungeons - Base Object Swapper
Dawn of Skyrim - No trees in Whiterun - Base Object Swapper
Dawn of Skyrim Lite
Dawnstar and Brandy-Mug Farm Fences Fixed (BOS)
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Dawnstar is Snowy - City Trees Patch - Plants and Fences BOS
for the BOS Version |
Dead Shrub Be Gone - Base Object Swapper
Required for this mod to work |
Deadlands Seducers
Not a hard requirement. Needed for the Ryn's Mehrunes Dagon Shrine Patch. |
Deadly Bear Trap Base Object Swapper
Destructible Skyrim - Base Object Swapper
Absolutely required for this mod to do anything. VR users should use the VR version instead. |
Detailed Landscapes - Burning Drift Wood in Eastmarch Volcanic Region (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Charred and Smoking Shrubs in Eastmarch Volcanic Region (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Clifftrees to Bent Pines in The Reach (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Desert Grass in The Reach
Detailed Landscapes - Eastmarch Volcanic Region AIO (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Fire Craters and Flaming Rock Debris in Eastmarch Volcanic Region (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Flame Stalks in Eastmarch Volcanic Region (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Gem Geodes in The Reach
Detailed Landscapes - Gleamblossoms and Caveworms in Falmer Hives (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Heart Stone Deposits in Eastmarch Volcanic Region (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Hold Border Banners Renewal (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Indian Rice Grass in The Reach
Detailed Landscapes - Mushroom Trees in Morthal Swamp (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Poison Blooms in Morthal Swamp (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Poison Blooms Root Weeds Mushroom Trees Screaming Maw Thorn Hooks in Morthal Swamp AIO (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Reach Trees to Bent Pines in The Reach (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Root Weeds in Morthal Swamp (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Root Weeds in The Reach (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Rot Scale in The Reach
Detailed Landscapes - Screaming Maw in Morthal Swamp (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Smouldering Pine Trees in Eastmarch Volcanic Region (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Sword Ferns in The Reach
Detailed Landscapes - The Reach AIO (BOS)
Detailed Landscapes - Thistle Lavender and Nightshade in The Reach
Detailed Landscapes - Thorn Hook in Morthal Swamp (BOS)
Dismember Those Skeletons
Required only if you want to pick up bones found around the world. |
Distributed Arc's Mead Barrels
Distribution for some weapon mods
Diverse and Lootable Firewood - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Diverse and Lootable Firewood - BSO - Traduction Francaise
Obligatoire |
Diverse and Lootable Firewood - Vanilla - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. |
Diverse Archery Targets - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Diverse Bird's Nests - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Diverse Bloody Rags - Base Object Swapper
Diverse BOS Kitchenware
Diverse BOS Mead Barrels
Diverse Cairn Banners - Base Object Swapper
Diverse Campfires - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Diverse Candles - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Diverse Catches - Base Object Swapper Fish Racks
Hard requirement. |
Diverse Cathedral Dragons Tongue
Diverse Cathedral Nightshade
For the magic |
Diverse Downed Logs - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. |
Diverse Farm Fences - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Diverse Farmhouse Chimneys - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Diverse Foods - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Diverse Hearthfire Ovens - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Diverse Mari's Deathbell
Diverse Mari's Glowing Mushrooms
Diverse Snowberry Wreaths - Base Object Swapper
Diverse Tanning Racks - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. |
Diverse Tanning Racks - Base Object Swapper (French)
Obligatoire |
Diverse Windmill Sails - Base Object Swapper
For all but the basic replacer version |
Diverse Winery - TMD
Required |
Diverse Witcher Missives Boards - Base Object Swapper
Required. Make sure you've got the latest version. |
Dovahnique's Diverse Dark Elf Lanterns (BOS - ENB Lights - High Poly)
Must be up to date |
Dovahnique's Diverse Dark Elf Lanterns Vanillified
Required |
Dovahnique's Diverse Deadly Nightshade - (BOS - ENB Lights)
And all of its requirements, all must be up to date. |
Dovahnique's Diverse Deadly Nightshade - (BOS - ENB Lights) - French
Obligatoire |
Dovahnique's Diverse Deathbells - Base Object Swapper (Optional ENB Lights)
MUST - Make sure your BOS is up to date or this will not work. |
Dovahnique's Diverse Deathbells BOS - French
Obligatoire |
Dovahnique's Diverse Decaying Fungal Pods (BOS - ENB Lights - High Poly)
Make sure your BOS + it's requirements are up to date or this will not work. |
Dovahnique's Diverse Vendor Carts - Base Object Swapper
And all of its requirements, all must be up to date. |
Driftwood Tree Swap and Sizes Randomized - Base Object Swapper
Dunmeri Barset for The Retching Netch (Base Object Swapper)
Dunmeri Furniture in Gray Quarter
Dwemer Water Wheels - Markarth - Wyrmstooth - Base Object Swapper
DX - Enhanced urn
Dynamic Candles - Blow Them Out and Light Again
Required. |
Dynamic Things Alternative - Base Object Swapper
Dynamic Things Alternative - Base Object Swapper - DV
Dynamic Things Alternative - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Dynamic Torches - Base Object Swapper
mandatory |
DyndoLOD FX Glow Accurate Disabler - Quality of Life
ELAF Dig Treasure (Cavar Tesoros) Espanol Spanish Castellano
Requerido |
ELAF Dig Treasures
Required |
ELAF Hidden Chests
HARD requeriment. |
ELAF Hidden Chests (Cofres Ocultos)
No funciona sin el. |
ElSopa Potions Redone Replacer - Base Object Swapper
and all its requirements |
Elven Supremacy - Currency Swapper for Thalmor
Optional: For septims to be swapped to sancar in Thalmor locations. |
Enhanced Spider Egg Sac BOS Version
hard requirement |
Eternal Flames
Even More Folded Rags
EVGAT - Dynamic Climb-able Ladder Doors
Evil Dead Trees - Dying Trees in Evil Places
for Base Object Swapper version |
Excessive Shrubs Removed (BOS or Plugin)
For BOS version. |
Exist's Lowpoly Firewood
Optional |
Extravagant Blue Palace - Base Object Swapper
Won't work without this. |
F.T.F.Y. - SkyKing's Unique Signs - BOS Conversion
Obviously. |
Fabled Forests - Exclude Morthal Marsh - Enhanced Landscape - Dead Marsh Standalone Patches
for the SWAP.ini in the Optional Files |
Fabled Forests - Floating Trees fix BOS version
Fabled Forests - Ivy on Trees
Mandatory |
Fabled Forests - No Ash Pine and Reach Trees in Tundra (BOS)
Mandatory Requirement. |
Fabled Forests - Orc Strongholds - BOS Patch
Kudos to powerofthree! ❤️ |
Fabled Forests - Ulvenwald - Compatibility Patch (BOS)
Mandatory Requirement. |
Falkreath Aspens Addon - Patch Collection (BOS)
Required. |
Falkreath Gravestone Diversity - Base Object Swapper
Version 2.0 or higher (not required for ESP based option) |
Falmer Huts Animated
Falmer Rag Animation and Texture Fix
Required |
Fancy Glowy Blackreach Mushrooms
For the intended visuals. |
Farm Tools Weapon Pack - Distributed
Fences Of Skyrim (FOS)
Fences of Skyrim - Addons
Ferrymen and JKs Skyrim Patch
Festival Flags of Skyrim
Hard Requirement |
Festival Flags Upscaled
If using BOS version. |
Fine Fall Ferns - Base Object Swapper
Required, duh. |
Fishing - CFTO - HS Honeyside Patch
For the Base Object Swapper version. |
Fishing Rods are Fishing Rods
Flame Atronach SE - Variants by Aewin
OPTIONAL - if you want the variants to be distributed through the world |
Flame Atronach SE - Variants by Aewin - Turkish
Opsiyonel - Çeşitlerin dünya çapında dağıtılmasını istiyorsanız |
Floating Hanging Moss Fix - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
Hard requirement. Only for SE and AE. |
Flora Additions - Waterplants
Only if using the optional BOS file. |
Folded Rag Diversification
Only needed if you choose the 'Full Rag Diversification' option |
Frost Atronach SE - Variants by Aewin
OPTIONAL - if you want the variants to be distributed through the world |
Functional Ships
Soft requirement |
FX Glow Remover (BOS)
FYX - 3D Shack Kit Walls
Necessary for the optional file to work |
Garbage Loot - Barrels and Sacks
for fresh food inside homes and such, made for version 2.5.1 |
Giant Club is Playable
Glenmoril - Boethiah Shrine Replace
For SE/AE 2.5.0 + (if you use BOS version) |
Glorious Solitude Door - Rotation Fix - Base Object Swapper
Mandatory. |
Glowgill - Blackreach Mushrooms
Gonzeh's Shor's Stone Overhaul - Vanilla Farmhouse Assets Patch
Required. |
Google's ESO Provisioning
Gourdeous - Gourds and Pumpkins
Gourdeous - Gourds and Pumpkins - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Grave Digging - Necromancy Addon
REQUIRED, else there will be no graves to dig up |
Grindstone Variants - Base Object Swapper
For SE and AE |
GUM - Gone Ugly Meshes - Myrwatch
Hard |
Hagraven Houses Animated
Halffaces - Casks Diversification
Mandatory. Don't work without it |
Halffaces - Diverse (BOS) BloodyRags
Only for Diverse (BOS) version. |
Halffaces - Diverse (BOS) common table square
Mandatory. Don't work without it |
Halffaces - Diverse (BOS) noble chair (Lite)
Mandatory. Don't work without it |
Halffaces - Diverse (BOS) wooden bowl (Lite)
Mandatory. Don't work without it |
Halffaces - Diverse (BOS) woodenchair01
Mandatory |
Halffaces - Folded Rag retexure - Base Object Swapper 1K-2K
Require for AiO (BOS) version |
Halffaces - Folded Rags Overhaul
Mandatory |
Halffaces - Milk Jug Diversification (BOS)
Mandatory for BOS version |
Halffaces - upper table square V3 and Diverse (BOS)
Only for BOS version |
Hammer and Whetstone - Portable Tempering
Handplaced Potions and Poisons randomized
Handy Crafting and Spells - Crafting Storage and Travel Enhancements
For included patches |
Handy Man 2.0
Hanging Moss to Climbing Roses - Base Object Swapper
Hanging Snow Hares - Base Object Swapper Support
Mandatory if using the BOS version to swap in snow hares |
Happy Little Trees - Alternate Cut Stumps
Happy Little Trees - DLC Trees (Base Object Swapper)
Only if you are using version 2.0. |
Happy Little Trees - Ivy on Trees (Base Object Swapper)
Mandatory |
Happy Little Tweaks
only for Base Object Swapper version |
Harvest Ivy
Hasphat's Awesome Vegetables
Hard Requirement. To mix this with other Food Expansions and base game |
Havoc and Non Havoc Lanterns
Hawk Patch - Base Object Swapper Remake
Helgen Cave Rubble Fix for Alternate Start Live Another Life
Required |
HFs - Archery target remodel - Diverse BOS
Mandatory. Don't work without it. |
HFs - Barrels All-in-One
Mandatory. My "Diverse (BOS)" mods don't work without it. |
HFs - Diverse (BOS) Inkwell and Quill
Mandatory. Don't work without it. |
HFs - Diverse (BOS) Satchel
Mandatory! Dont work without it |
HFs - Diverse (BOS) wooden plate - REDONE
Mandatory |
HFs - Treacherous honey (mead barrel) BOS
Mandatory. Don't work without it. |
High Quality Ivy for Riverwood's Gate - Base Object Swapper - NVFH Supported
Required |
High Quality Ivy for SD's Farmhouse Fences
Required |
High Quality Ivy Replacer - Base Object Swapper - Seasons of Skyrim
Soft requirement, necessary if you want more ivy meshes. |
Higher Poly Vanilla Alchemy Stations
Required for the "BOS" version |
Honningbrew Barrel Flickering Fix
If you want to use the pluginless version |
HS Honeyside - Hearthfire Extended Patch
If using Base Object Swapper instead of the ESPFE option. |
HS Solitude Angeline's Aromatics - Do As You Say Redux - BOS Patch
Required |
Icy Dungeons Pack
Mandatory |
Icy Landmarks - Base Object Swapper
Icy Stalhrim Source - Base Object Swapper
For Base Object Swapper version |
Icy Windhelm - Universal Brazier Patch
Immersive Barrels - Base Object Swapper and Replacer
Immersive Laundry - Animated
Hard Requirement |
Immersive Vampire Clutter - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
Hard requirement. Only for SE and AE. |
Imperial Farmhouses for Helgen - Wyrmstooth Extension
Hard requirement |
Imperial Tents Animated
Improved Vanilla Reach Trees
Only required for Marsh Trees Only Option |
Interactive Wash Basins - Base Object Swapper
Iron Plate Shield
(Optional) |
Ivy Whiterun Well - Whiterun Textures Patch
Must. |
JKs Ragged Flagon Water Fix
Jonado's random patches
Needed for the Turn of the Seasons - Realistic Boat Bobbing patch. |
Jorrvaskr - No More Silverware - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Jorrvaskr Basement Floor Seams FIX
JS Dwarven Oil SE
Required for variants. Without Base Object Swapper, you will only get the default Dwarven Oil model. |
JS Dwarven Oil SE - Polish Translation
Wymagane dla wariantów. Bez Base Object Swapper otrzymasz tylko domyślny model krasnoludzkiego oleju. |
JS Instruments of Skyrim SE - Separated Recolors
Optional |
JS Knapsacks SE
For distribution / randomization |
JS Knapsacks SE - French
Pas obligatoire mais très fortement conseillé |
JS Knapsacks SE - Polish Translation
JS Rumpled Rugs SE
Necessary for swapping meshes |
JS Rumpled Rugs SE - French
Obligatoire |
Absolutely necessary |
JS_BOSConverter Plugin for MO2
Absolutely necessary |
Kabu's Really Gourd Plant Replacer
Kabu's Really Gourd Plant Replacer - French
Obligatoire |
Kaidan Immersive Features' Tent Patches plus
for the patch to silence the birds chirping/singing outside the tent |
Kanjs - Diverse Strongboxes Patch
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
Kemper's Lore Unfriendly Drink Pack
HARD requirement |
Kemper's Lore Unfriendly Food Pack
Kemper's Meats and Soups Expansion
HARD requirement |
Kemper's Tropical Fruits - Exotic Imports
required to change the food into fruits |
Kemper's Vegetable Expansion
HARD requirement |
Khajiit Has Tents Animated
Hard Requirement - Make sure you are on the latest version |
Khajiit Has Wares Tents Animated
Kimachuu Vending Machines
オプション。Optional Filesを使用する場合にのみ必要。 |
KR2's Garden Ornaments (French)
Optionnel |
KR2's Garden Ornaments - Wind Chimes - Bird Houses
If using the bird egg patch. |
Large Nordic Tent Replacer for Skyland Animated
Legacy of The Dragonborn - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Patch
Less Windy Sovengarde
If using the Some Wind -version |
Lightened ImageSpace Modifiers - Base Object Swapper
Lightened JK's Riverwood
For SE/AE v2.5.0 + |
Lightened JK's Whiterun
For SE/AE v2.5.0 + |
Lightened Skyrim - Base Object Swapper edition
For SE/AE 2.5.0 + |
LightsBane - Destroy Lanterns and Hide in Darkness
Required. |
Lil Patches
LIM - ALT - Alternate Start Race Menu Activator
Soft requierement |
LIM - GoT The Black Dread Skull Replacer BOSified
Required |
LIM - Jk's Sleeping Giant Inn x Lux
Required |
LIM - Windhelm Short Tower Fix
Required |
Little Library - New Books in Skyrim
Soft requirement |
Lootable Static Food and Potions
Lore Friendly Wooden Swords - Replacers
Required for BOP Version only. |
Lore Friendly Wooden Swords - Replacers - Traduction Francaise
Obligatoire |
LP Overhaul - Light Placer Conf - LPO
LPO requires BOS to remove bogus FX. |
Lucidstorm's Medieval Chair Replacer - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. Make sure you have the latest version installed. |
M.O.I.S.T. - Massive Outstandingly Insane Swamp Tree
Mandatory |
Man-Eater Giants - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
Hard requirement. Only for SE and AE. |
Man-Eater Giants - Base Object Swapper (BOS) (French)
Obligatoire |
Market Stalls Animated
Medieval Wines for Dungeons and Tombs - Base Object Swapper
Mehrunes Dagon Unique Shrine - Shrine Objects Swapped - Base Object Swapper
Merchants of Skyrim - Patches and Tweaks ) - Base Object Swapper and SPID
Required for city patches |
Mesh Improvement Compilation
Mihail Chicken Variant (Color - Weight - Hanging) - SPID-BOS
Required |
Mihail Chicken Variant (Color - Weight - Hanging) - SPID-BOS - French
Obligatoire |
Mihail's Hanging Dead Chickens (BOS Version)
Mihail's Hanging Chickens won't show up in your game without this. |
Missing Vanilla Potions by Xtudo - Base Object Swapper
and all its requirements |
Missives - Notes and Announcements
MisterB's Lootable Things
Only necessary for the DTA patch |
Mo's Ongoing Patches
A few addons between BOS and other mods |
Modern Female Sitting Animations Overhaul
Optional with OAR Version - Fixes Solitude Throne to properly play Throne Animations |
Modern Lighting Overhaul (MLO) - ESPless - Particle Lights for CS or ENB
Required |
Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE - Music - Weather and Other Fixes
From version 3.1 required to have custom large tent animated |
More dynamic less clutter in JKs Riften
More dynamic less clutter in JKs Riverwood
More dynamic less clutter in JKs Solitude
More dynamic less clutter in JKs Whiterun
More Sensible Quartermasters
More Sensible Quartermasters - Heavy Armory Patch
Optional |
More Silver and Dwemer Kitchenware - Base Object Swapper (Plus LotD Display Patch)
More Unique Towns for Quest Mods
Hard requirement |
Morrowind Lights - ENB Paper Lantern Base Object Swapper
Morrowind Mint - Currency Swapper for Solstheim
Optional: For septims to be swapped to drams around Solstheim. |
Mountain Flowers - Base Object Swapper - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers - Reimagined Mountain Flowers - Skying Mountain Flowers
version 1.1.0 or higher |
Moveable Chain - German v2.2.3
Für Originalmod |
Moveable Statics To Items (Base Object Swapper)
Needed for this to work at all |
Mrf's Solitude
Hard Requirement |
Murmurs and Mead
Hard Requirement |
Museum Gate Remade - Legacy of The Dragonborn
My .ini Tweaks for Halffaces' BOS mods
Hard Requirement |
My ugly shrub remover attempt - Base Object Swapper
Myrwatch Clutter for College of Winterhold (BOS)
Hard requirement. Only for SE and AE. |
Narrative Loot Clutter Integration - Regional Variety (BOS)
New Directions for Road Signs - Base Object Swapper
New Directions for Road Signs - French
Obligatoire |
New Madness 2.0
for optionnal trees and mushrooms |
No Cooking in Taverns - Base Object Swapper
made for version 2.5.1 |
No Ice Meshes in Troll Pit - BOS
No More Mist - Base Object Swapper
No Morthal Snow - Redone
Hard Requirement |
No Peryite Vines in JK's Markarth
The only requirement. This mod doesn't even require JK's |
No Whiterun Braziers at Castle Volkihar
Nocturnal Moths
Required |
Nocturnal Moths - French
Obligatoire |
Nordic Ruins Shaft Cap Mesh Fix
for BOS version |
Nordic Stonewalls
VERSION 2 ONLY. Not a hard requirement but definitely recommended. |
Northern Cardinal - Beyond the Horizon
(Optional) Required if using both Jk's Solitude Ourskirts and EVGAT |
Northern Concept - Northern Roads
Optional - For distribution of variants |
Northern Roads Tents Animated
Only Pine Shrubs (BOS)
Orc Currency
Optional: To replace coins & coin purses in the strongholds by Osh. |
Outlaw Refuges - Base Object Swapper
Pearls and Clams - Base Object Swapper
Pelagius Wing - Base Object swapper
Required. |
Pets of Skyrim-JK Skyrim Patch - Base Object Swapper
Pick The Unpickable
Pick up the Bones BOS
Mandatory |
Required since version 1.1 |
Pines to Oaks - Tree Replacer - BOS Version
req to swap |
Plant Size Variety
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Powder Pots
Pretty Animated Potions Replacer - Base Object Swapper
and all its requirements |
Pretty Pilgrim - Daedric Shrines And Pilgrim
Mandatory. Won't work without it. |
Pumpkin Pie - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Pumpkin Plant Overhaul (CACO - Unique Flowers and Plants - Base Object Swapper - Seasons of Skyrim)
Required for vanilla version. |
Purples Dragon's Tongue Diversified
Hard Requirement |
Rally's Display Cases
it´s only a Hard Requirement for the BOS version of my Display Cases |
Rally's Market Stalls Animated
only required for the animated version |
Random Barrel Roll - Base Object Swapper
At least version 2.5.0 |
Random Collectable Objects (Base Object Swapper)
Randomized Standing Stones - Base Object Swapper
version 3.2.0 or greater |
Real Water for Mara's Statue - Base Object Swapper
Required. |
Real Water for Wash Basins - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Realistic Boat Bobbing SE - BOS Edition
Required |
Realistic Boat Bobbing SE - BOS Edition - ITA
Libreria di funzioni di BOS, installazione richiesta. |
Redbelly Mine Tweak - Base Object Swapper
Hard Requirement |
Regional Diverse Common Table Square - Halffaces (Base Object Swapper)
Reimagined Mountain Flowers - Base Object Swapper - Seasons of Skyrim
If you want snowy variants of flowers in Skyrim's northern regions. |
Relic of Dawnstar - TESLORE
Mandatory ! |
Remove FX Fog Mist and Smoke from Dungeons (BOS)
Remove your thistle - BOS
Mandatory |
renthal311's Villiage beds - Base Object Swapper
Mandatory. Don't work without it |
Resource Pack Utilized - Vanilla Next-Gen.
Rest By Campfire - Base Object Swapper
and all of its prerequisites |
Retextured Signs - Unique Signs English-Spanish
required |
Return To The Hist - Argonian Burial Caravan
Optional, Used for BeastSkeletons to swap static Argonian bones to lootable ones |
Revenant Spirits of the Soul Cairn
Optional. Required to remove lightning bolts from the Soul Cairn. |
Revised Barrels
if you use the standalone version |
Ribbit Remix
Hard Requirement |
Riften Ragged Flagon Flickering Fix
For SE/AE 2.5.0 + (if you use BOS version) |
Riften Temple Sconce Fix - Base Object Swapper or Sconce Nif Replacement
Necessary for the Base Object Swapper Version |
Rigmor of Cyrodiil Pine Trees BOS
Must |
RMB SPIDified - New Legion
Optional, if you want vanilla Imperial Armours replaced with New Legion armours in the world |
Road Signs Fast Travel - Base Object Swapper
Road Signs Fast Travel - Base Object Swapper - German v3.2
Für Originalmod |
Rodryk's Dragon Bridge - Seasons patch
for the slate-roof smithy option |
Ronan's Quaint Raven Rock - Mihail's Crows and Ravens Patch (BOS)
Required for BOS version |
Ronan's Rodryk's Dragon Bridge and Tamrielic Culture Patch (BOS)
Required unless you choose the espfe option |
Ronan's The Great Town of Ivarstead - Mihail's Crows and Ravens Patch (BOS)
Required |
Ruin Coins
Required: Swap items inside dungeons. |
Ruin Coins - ITA
Scambia gli oggetti nei sotterranei. |
Runecarver - ESO style enchanting overhaul
Ryn's Skyrim patch collection
Required for the Ryn's Lumber Mills - Seasonal Alchemy Add-On patch. |
SB - Pressure Plate Trap Blending - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
For 2.0 version. 1.0 will work without it. |
Scarecrows of Skyrim
If using the BOS version. |
Sconces of Solitude - Unique Solitude Braziers - Base Object Swapper
Seasonal Diverse Tundra Shrubs - Cathedral 3D and Mari's Flora
Hard requirement |
Seasonal Foods - CACO add-on with BOS distribution
optional, to rebalance the food spawning in the world, made for version 2.5.1 |
Seasonal Foods - Tea Coffee Cocktails - Seasonal and Regional Drinks Expansion
optional, to make drinks appear in the world, made for version 2.5.1 |
Seasonal Landscape Additions
Required for a few of the Unfrozen resources to swap correctly. |
Seasonal Simplicity of Settlements - Dragon Bridge
hard req, required by orig mod |
Seasonal Spiffed Up Tundra Scrubs - Animated
Hard requirement |
Seasons for Vigilant
Serana Dead Sexy and Milk Mod Economy Better Integration
Need to swap the objects |
Serpent's Modular Randomizer
Shelter of Skaal - fadingsignal's Skaal Tent for Solstheim (Base Object Swapper)
Shor Why Not - A Mining Overhaul For One Specific Mine Only No Others Do Not Ask For Others
Used to replace Redbelly Mine's ore veins without needing to override the cell/refs. Make sure to download BOS's own requirements, too. |
Shrub Replacers - Base Object Swapper
Required to swap shrubs |
Shrubs Resized - Base Object Swapper
For SE and AE |
Simple CC Suppression - WIP
Simple Food Spoilage System
For spoiled food in some places |
Simple Inn Gambling
made for version 2.5.1 |
Simple Snow Improvements - Giant Obelisk Fixes (BOS)
Hard requirement! |
Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim Fixes (BOS)
Hard requirement! |
Simple Snow Improvements - Snow Forts (BOS)
Hard requirement! |
Simple Snow Improvements - The Great City of Winterhold (BOS)
Hard Requirement! |
Simple Trees Randomizer
Will have no effect without this mod. |
Simplicity of Seasons
Core Requirement - to switch out some objects |
Simplicity of Settlements - Dragon Bridge - Base Object Swapper
Minimum version 2.0.0 |
Simplicity of Settlements - Morthal - Base Object Swapper
Sink of Scrubbing - Interactive Wash Basins
Hard requirement |
Sink of Scrubbing x Wash Basin Variants Patch
Hard Requirement. |
Sit on Stuff
Sit on Stuff - Deutsch
Sit on Stuff - Polish Translation
Sit on Stuff - Ukrainian translation
Size Matters - Base Object Swapper Scale Transforms for Various Objects
Hard requirement |
Skeuomorphism of Skyrim - Immersive Plaque Reading Interface
Skyking Mountain Flowers
(optional) If you want the snow variants to show up in snowy areas. |
SkyKing Reimagined and More Mountain Flowers Together
Skyrim 3D Furniture Pelagius Wing Fix - Base Object Swapper
Hard Requirement |
Skyrim 3D Furniture Potemas Catacombs Fix - Base Object Swapper
Hard Requirement |
Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants - FERNS ONLY
Required for the additional ferns, optional file. |
Skyrim Food Expansion
Hard Requirement. |
Skyrim Food Expansion - French
Obligatoire |
Skyrim Silver - Currency Swapper for Windhelm
Optional: For septims to be swapped to ulfrics around Windhelm. |
Sleeping of Saplings - Dead Trees Everywhere (BOS)
required |
slightly Better Garlic Braids - Base Object Swapper supported
Required for the BOS version to work. |
slightly Better Kettles - Base Object Swapper or Replacer
For kettles to appear on spits and in fireplaces |
slightly Better Nordic Henges - Base Object Swapper
Required for the main version. Vanilla versions don't require Base Object Swapper. |
Small Nordic Tent Animated
Smaller Cathedral 3D Plants
Required for the BOS version |
Smaller Goblets Cups and Jugs - Base Object Swapper
Smaller Mihail Crows and Ravens
To shrink Moveable Static birds (Required for both versions) |
SMIM Woven Farm Fence Parallax
Soft requirement. Only required if you use the Ivy Fence option. |
Snazzy Bookcases - Base Object Swapper
...and it's requirements |
Snazzy Bookcases - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Snazzy Common Wardrobes - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Snazzy Diverse Carriages - Base Object Swapper
Required! |
Snazzy Noble Wardrobes - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Snazzy Ruins Chests - Base Object Swapper
Snazzy Ruins Chests - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Snazzy Safes - Base Object Swapper
Snazzy Safes - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Snazzy Silver Inkwells - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
Snazzy Strongboxes - Base Object Swapper
Snazzy Strongboxes - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Snazzy Upper Wardrobes - Base Object Swapper - French
Obligatoire |
Snorri's Overhauled Statues - Talos
Won't work without it. |
Snowy Carts for Snowy Regions
Hard Requirement |
Snowy Ships for Snowy Regions
Hard Requirement |
Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision and Aesthetics
Snowy Tree Swapper - Base Object Swapper
Useless without it. |
SOFA on Solstheim - Dunmer Furniture Expansion
Required if you choose the BOS version. |
Solstheim Exterior Soundscapes
Sons of Skyrim - Brayven's Cut
soft requirement; needed to swap items in the world with new ones |
Soul Cairn Gravestone and Spire Sizes Randomized - Base Object Swapper
Soul Cairn Tree and Shrub Sizes Randomized - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Soul Cairn Trees and Shrubs Improved Textures
Version 2.5.0 or higer. Only required if you use the floating tree fix. |
Sowables of Skyrim - Grow Tomatoes SSE
Soft requirement. Only needed if you want to use Base Object Swapper to swap in tomato plants |
Sowables of Skyrim - Potatoes
2.0 or higher (Only need if you use more immersive option) |
Spiffed Up Tundra Scrubs
Only required for animated meshes |
Spoiled Rotten
Required for replacement of Dungeon Loot and other food items with spoiled variations. |
Stairs of Skyrim - Windhelm Bridge Stairs
optional: for slightly better shrub placement |
Static Lit Lanterns To Wearable Lanterns
Static Swaps Variety - AIO
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Crate and Barrel
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Festival Flags
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Fishing Poles
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Imperial Moss
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Nature Moss
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Nordic Moss
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Odds and Ends
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Static Swaps Variety - Practice Dummies
Hard requirement. Does nothing without it. Any version should work. |
Statue Of Kynareth - Alternate Placement
For the BOS versions only |
Stendarr's Beacon Banners (Base Object Swapper)
Hard requirement. It won't work without this. |
Stones of Solitude - Better Blended Rock Piles
v1.1.0 or higher |
Storm Atronach SE - Variants by Aewin
OPTIONAL - if you want the variants to be distributed through the world |
Stormy's Colourized Megapints - Base Object Swapper
MUST - Otherwise my mod won't work |
Stormy's Wine Goblets - BOS or Replacer
Only if using the BOS Swap Version |
Stormy's Wooden Megapints or Vanilla Tankards - BOS and ANIO
This mod is an absolute must otherwise my mod won't work |
Stretched Snow Begone Definitive Edition - Stretched Snow On Walls and Buildings Fix
For the Stretched Snow Begone Base Object Swapper Update and the Stretched Snow Begone - Siege at Icemoth Patch |
Structures of Skyrim Snowy AF - Immersive Traitors Post
Mandatory |
Structures of Skyrim Snowy AF - Winterhold - Smelt Cellar
Mandatory |
Structures of Skyrim Snowy AF - Winterhold Is Rebuilding
Mandatory |
Stuff of Shadows - 3D Nightingale Stone - Nightingale and Twilight Sepulcher Improvements and Bug Fixes
Stuff of Shadows - 3D Nightingale Stone - Nightingale and Twilight Sepulcher Improvements and Bug Fixes - Polish Translation
Subdivide and Smooth - Vines
If you want to swap for darker vines |
Subtypes of Snowberries - Base Object Swapper
Minimum version 2.0.0 |
Subtypes of Snowberries - Base Object Swapper - German
Voraussetzung für die Original-Mod |
Summerset Shadows Banner Fixes
Hard requirement |
Superellipse Potions 'Eorlund Collection'
Swap all Campfires with Campfires from Campfire
Swaps of Skyrim - A Candle and Dwemer Lights Mod - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Sweets and Such - Base Object Swapper
Hard requirement. |
Switch Thy Forests Up (STFU)
Sword Fern 06 Remover - Base Object Swapper
Required. |
T.R.E.E.S. (Tree Resize Enhancement and Environmental Scaling)
Taffy Variants - Base Object Swapper (BOS)
soft requirement; placed the new taffy in the world |
Tavernkeep Cooks - Base Object Swapper
made for version 2.5.1 |
That Iron Sword Base Object Swapper Patch
Thatch Roof for Walkways
For the BOS version. |
The Dibellan Baths - TRX Dibella Statue (BOS)
The dirty snow of Windhelm
Need |
The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE - Moveable Lanterns and Signs
Hard Requirement |
The Old Ways - Nordic Religion
(Optional) Recommended if you want shrines added by other mods to be replaced with the new shrines. |
Thickets and Dead Shrub Swapper with Options
Hard requirement. This mod will not work without it. |
Thickets to Marsh Plants
Only needed for the BOS version. |
Thieves Guild - Rug To Candle Swap
Thieves Guild Vault
For all patches and some add-ons to function |
Thirsk Expanded Bloodmoon Style SSE
Needed for the Simplicity of Snow and Seasonal Alchemy patches. |
Train and Study - Base Object Swapper
Needed for version 2.0 and above. |
Training Dummies SE - BOS
Traverse the seasonal Fabled Veydogolt integrated (BOS)
Required. |
Tru-Torches SE - Base Object Swapper
Foundation for the BOS Options |
Turn of the Seasons
Optional: Required to remove falling aspen leaves from seasons outside of Autumn. |
Ugly Flora Begone - Base Object Swapper
Obviously. |
Unique Culture Falkreath II
Unique Eastmarch Windhelm Bridges - Base Object Swapper
Required for swapping the bridges in. |
Unique Farmhouse Architecture - Falkreath (Base Object Swapper)
Required for SE and AE |
Unique Festival Ropes
Unique Markarth Doors - Security Overhaul SKSE - Base Object Swapper
Unique Northern Vanilla Farmhouses - Base Object Swapper
Unique Red Wave
If you don't have this, you won't see the ship replacer in game. |
Unique Riften Bee and Barb Specials - Base Object Swapper
Required |
Unique Towns - Addon
Hard Requirement. |
Unique Towns Farmhouses BOS
Unique Wooden Bridges - Base Object Swapper
Unmarked Locations Pack - All In One (French)
Obligatoire |
Unmarked Locations Pack- All In One - Patch Hub
Upper Class Farmhouse - Base Object Swapper
For the BOS version only |
Upper Class Longhouse
Required for the BOS versions |
Usable Unlit Campfires - A Campfire Addon
Usable Vanilla Lanterns (Base Object Swapper)
USSEP Bitterblade Hollow Iron Ore - Base Object Swapper
Required for the Base Object Swapper version |
Various Bars and Counters
Hard Requirement |
Various Bedrolls
Hard Requirement |
Various Food for Cooking Pots
Required or no worky |
Various Food for Cooking Pots - Traduction FR
Nécessaire pour le mod de base |
Various Immersive Beds
Required for my mod to function |
Various Immersive Buckets
Won't work with out this |
Various Immersive Coinbags
Various Immersive Farmtables
Needed for my mod to function |
Various Immersive Honey Pots
Needed for my mod to function |
Various Immersive Rowboats
Won't work without this |
Various Immersive Saws
Needed for my mod to function |
Various Immersive Smelters
Hard Requirement |
Various Immersive Talos Statues
You need it |
Various Immersive Tankards
My mod will not work without this |
Various Immersive Tanning Racks
My mod will not work without this |
Various Immersive Workbenches
Needed for my mod to function |
Various Ruins Jars
Needed for my mod to function |
Various Shack Doors
You need this |
Various Swords
Optional - If you want to use this feature |
Vendor Carts Animated
Hard Requirement |
Village beds varied
Volkihar Castle and Forsaken Cave Cringe Fix
for BOS version |
Volkihar Soundscape Overhaul
Required for all sounds to play |
Wall Basket Variants
For SE / AE |
Warmaiden's Logpile Fix - Base Object Swapper
For the BOS version. |
Wash Basin Variants - Base Object Swapper
Required for SE and AE |
Watchtowers of the Rift - BOS
WeldingMans Enchanting Table Variants with ENB Light (BOS)
Required for variants! |
Whispering Tomes of Apocrypha
Optional. Required only to swap sound markers. |
Whiterun Green Tundra Shrub - Blubbos Bush Base Object Swapper
Need this to work |
Whiterun Has Walls
Hard Requirement for Whiterun walls to be replaced |
Whiterun Has Walls - FR
Indispensable |
Whiterun Has Walls - Polish Translation
Zalecane lub wymagane, jeśli wybierzesz zamiennik ścian autora |
Whiterun Has Walls Redone
Optional, but recommended! |
Whiterun Has Walls Redone - Polish Translation
Zalecane, ale niewymagane |
Whitrun Tree Patch
Wildlander Patches and Bugfixes
For NSUR Morthal Wheres Wares Patch. |
Windhelm Brazier Replacer - Base Object Swapper
This mod does nothing without this |
Windhelm Bridge Reforged - The Citadel of Snow
Hard Requirement |
Windhelm Bridge Rugs
optional |
Windhelm Entrance Offset Fix - Base Object Swapper
Window Shadows RT - Updated
Only if you're using the Optional File |
Wine Barrels Refill
Required to swap the vanilla barrels to the new ones that fills wine |
Winking Skeever Platter Remover - BOS
Witcher (ish) Style Road Sign Fast Travel
WiZkiD Forgotten Potions and Poisons Replacer - Base Object Swapper
and all its requirements |
WiZkiD Lootable Firewood Piles - ITA
Requisito della mod originale. |
WiZkiD Specific Signs
WiZkiD Specific Signs - German v1.1
Für Originalmod |
WiZkiD Specific Signs - Russian Translation
Wyrmstooth - Icy Mesh Remaster - Tweak
Required. |
XMP Oil Barrels
Required. |
Yellow Mountain Flowers for Skyrim Fields (BOS)
Hard requirement. Only for SE and AE. |
Yggdrasil World Tree x Blubbos - Base Object Swapper
Mandatory |
Zero Magicka Overhaul
Recommended (not used in basic edition) |