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About this mod

New stealth mechanic - now the light level makes sense. Beware of lit spots, destroy or extinguish lanterns, and use shadows to hide yourself.

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When the Wayward Realms trailer came out, showing similar mechanics, I decided that I needed it in Skyrim. Now that I've got it working, you can also use it. Enjoy!

I was also inspired by an Oldrim mod that I once used myself - Improved Sneak Detection. From there I borrowed the idea of magical effects that are applied to the player depending on the light.

The source files are on my GitHub.


  • This mod consists of several modules: the mechanics of lanterns extinguishing and breaking & dynamic active effects applying that increase or decrease sneaking skill based on the lighting level or whether the player is holding a torch/casted a candlelight.

  • If you want to experience a little more realism, you can check to install the Eternal Flames patch in FOMOD (original mod is not required). It replaces lanterns inside ruins with extinguished ones where it makes sense.

  • All modules are optional and can be configured via MCM. The settings are stored.
  • Read more in Modules and Features sections below.


You need Base Object Swapper, ConsoleUtilSSE NG, Papyrus Util SE, Keyword Item Distributor, and MCM Helper.


Hide in Darkness

  • Stealth light-dependent magic effects (read more in Features).

Destroy Lanterns

  • Destructible and extinguishable (also by spells) lanterns. Optionally, with an animation (see the gifs).
  • Unattached light within the radius of the lantern is optionally removed as unnecessary. (You need to enable the option in the MCM)
  • Works perfectly with Light Placer-based mods.
  • Respawn on cell reload.

Placed Unattached Lights Remover (the separate file in Miscellaneous)

  • Removes lights around the lanterns and candles that are not linked to them.
  • Use it if you know what you're doing and want this.


Depending on whether the player is holding a torch, casted the candlelight, or is simply in a place with a certain amount of light, these detection status effects are applied:

  • Out of Sight: You sneak better by XX points as the shadows surround you.
  • In Plain Sight: You sneak worse by XX points as the light falls on you.
And if you are the origin of the light, in this case you are not just lighted more than you need to be, you literally become a beacon for enemies. Your sneaking skill will be reduced by the maximum amount possible - 50 points. You can find out the rest as you play.

To reduce the amount of light so you can hide more effectively, you can:


Compatible With:

Not Compatible With:


CyberRumor for allowing to use their assets, I adapted their pre-configured _SWAP.ini file for the Eternal Flames patch.