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Created by

hype1 and Cer12

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About this mod

Removes city-specific logos/symbols from doors often used in new worldspace mods, to further immersion. Also contains ESL-Flagged plugin to retain original Solitude/Windhelm gates.

Permissions and credits
Glorious Doors of Skyrim is a great mod, however it adds city-specific logos/symbols to some of the doors. This can become problematic when said doors are used in different locations (the midden being one vanilla example). Additionally, any mod-added areas that use the doors can be jarring, some examples being Beyond Reach and Legacy of the Dragonborn.

So, to rectify this crippling threat to immersion and with the help of Base Object Swapper, I've made a fix that keeps the original symbolled doors in their respective cities only, while any additional doors outside of them don't have them.


Install manually or with mod manager.


Full credit to hype1 for Glorious Doors of Skyrim- Thanks for letting me post this, and for making such a fantastic mod!