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About this mod

Runecarver changes the way enchantments are crafted. Enchantments require now runes, which can be found from leveled lists, mined from deposits, extracted from enchanted items and crafted from soul gems. Enchanting is now interesting!

Permissions and credits
I am not currently modding for Skyrim. Consider this mod abandoned and free to use as you wish. Maybe it can help as a foundation in something else? If you use large parts of this mod in your creation, please mention this mod as an inspiration.

This is the first version of this mod. Use at your own risk!
I recommend to try this out, but maybe don't use it for your long and serious playthorugh without a backup save?

Runecarver changes the way enchantments are crafted. Enchantments require now runes, which can be found from leveled lists, mined from deposits, extracted from enchanted items and crafted from soul gems. Enchanting is now interesting!

There are two types of runestones: essence and potency.
Essence runes include fire, holy, skill and many others. Glyphs require different essence runes: for example fire + resist = Glyph of Fire Resistance.
Potency runes define the strength of the enchantment. Every potency rune matches a soul gem (petty, lesser, common...).

Runestones can be found in four ways.
Mining: some vanilla ore veins have been replaced with a rune stone variant.
Loot: some leveled lists include runestones.
Extraction: enchanted gear can be deconstructed the following way:
  • craft a Potency Rune Fragment from Potency Runes or Soul Gem Fragments
  • craft a Rune Extractor on enchanting table (iron ingot + Potency rune fragment)
  • equip the gear you want to destroy
  • click the Rune Extractor in inventory
  • select the slot which has the item you want to deconstruct
Deconstruction yields a random rune.
Crafting: potency runes can be crafted on enchanting table from filled soul gems and soul gem fragments.

Glyphs are crafted from one potency rune and one or more essence runes. Once crafted, a glyph can be applied to gear in the following
  • ensure that you have equipped the gear you want to enchant
  • click the glyph in inventory (misc items category)
  • select the slot which has the enchantable item
Link to spreadsheet containing all Glyph recipes

Staff enchanting is not currently touched, it works exactly like in vanilla.
Multiple enchantments per item is not supported yet! This makes Extra Effect perk useless.

  • SKSE
  • Base Object Swapper
  • Address Library for SKSE plugins
Glyphs are based on vanilla enchantments.
Mods that alter vanilla enchantments: should be compatible.
Mods that add enchantments: new enchantments cannot be crafted without a patch.
Mods that remove vanilla enchantments: some glyphs will not work.
Mods that use Base Object Swapper to alter ore veins or enchanting tables: incompatible.
Mods that change enchanting perks: may be incompatible without a patch.

Known issues
Gear name doesn't update before unequipping.
Extra effect perk doesn't do anything.

Can be installed anytime.

Mod adds a perk to the player which decreases enchanting experience. This needs to be removed

Creating a patch
Should be relatively easy by editing the provided zEdit patcher. It needs manual tweaking per mod though.

How it works
Mod uses vanilla Object Effects. It ignores unique and robe enchantments. Enchantment power is calculated from the number at the end of the effect, for example enchArmorFortifyAlchemy01 would use same stats as enchanting with a petty soul gem. If the effect doesn't have a number at the end, for example Muffle, it uses a common potency rune.

Future ideas
Feel free to share ideas or help in developing this mod!
  • Better models for runes and glyphs
  • More models for glyphs
  • Better UI
  • Unique way to acquire Mythic Potency Runes
  • Implement staff enchanting
  • Implement multiple enchantments per item
  • Categories for enchanting table menu
  • Naming of the enchanted item
  • Variant for obtaining runes from enemies' bones instead of mining. Maybe distributed with SPID
  • Patches for popular mods, like Summermyst