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About this mod

Reintroduces the remaining six wines from Oblivion to complete the set with the Argonian Bloodwine that returned in Hearthfire, each with their own unique set of effects. Includes optional BOS support.

Permissions and credits
The drink Argonian Bloodwine that was added in Hearthfire first appeared in the Fighter's Stronghold DLC for Oblivion.

It was one of seven beverages originally produced by Talan, a vintner who specialized in magical brews. You would acquire his services for Battlehorn Castle once you'd furnished the castle's wine cellar.

Fighter's Stronghold was by far my favorite of the "smaller" DLCs released for Oblivion - with Battlehorn Castle almost always being my home of choice after its release - so I was happy to see a reference to it added in Hearthfire through the Argonian Bloodwine. However, as the Argonian Bloodwine was not the only unique drink from Battlehorn Castle, and each drink had wildly different effects, I decided I wanted to bring back the rest of them, not only to simply be able to have them all once again, but also be able to utilize their unique set of effects on occasion.

The remaining six missing wines from Battlehorn Castle - Colovian Battlecry, Frostdew Blanc, Ice Nerveshatter, Julianos Firebelly, Sparkling Honeytongue, and Stumblefoot's Reserve - now return to Skyrim.

The Argonian Bloodwine itself has also been tweaked, changing its color from the generic green color seen in Hearthfire back to the blood red color originally seen in Fighter's Stronghold, as well as restoring its disease resistance effect that was not included in the Hearthfire version.


Below is a list of all seven Battlehorn wines and their effects:

Argonian Bloodwine

Resists 40% of poison damage for 50 seconds
Resists 40% of disease for 50 seconds
Can breathe underwater for 50 seconds

Colovian Battlecry

Health regenerates 10% faster for 50 seconds
Blocking absorbs 5% more damage for 50 seconds
Increases Heavy Armor skill by 5 points for 50 seconds

Frostdew Blanc

Restores 50 points of Health
Restores 50 points of Stamina

Ice Nerveshatter

Resists 15% of fire damage for 50 seconds
Health is increased by 15 points for 50 seconds

Julianos Firebelly

Resists 15% of frost damage for 50 seconds
Health is increased by 15 points for 50 seconds

Sparkling Honeytongue

Increases Speech skill by 10 points for 50 seconds
You haggle for 10% better prices for 50 seconds

Stumblefoot's Reserve

Carrying capacity increases by 25 for 50 seconds
One-handed weapons do 10% more damage for 50 seconds
Two-handed weapons do 10% more damage for 50 seconds


The six restored wines have been added to Hearthfire's BYOHLItemInnRuralDrinkNewWines leveled list, and as such will start appearing alongside Argonian Bloodwine at inns and taverns. This should be conflict-free, as this list's sole purpose is to inject the new drinks into merchant inventories via a quest upon installation of Hearthfire.

Prices have been adjusted for each wine to match their values amongst each other in Oblivion while using Hearthfire's Argonian Bloodwine as a point of reference for "inflation".

Additionally, if you have Base Object Swapper installed, bottles of Argonian Bloodwine placed in the world will have a random chance to be swapped out for one of the six restored wines instead. Many bottles of Argonian Bloodwine get placed in the Hearthfire homes when they are furnished, so this mod should help add some visual diversity to those homes as well.

Support for Survival Mode is built-in but it is not required.

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