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- Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE
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Created by
The Beyond Skyrim - Cyrodiil Development TeamUploaded by
BeyondSkyrimDCVirus scan
Tags for this mod
- Companion/Follower Friendly
- Companions/Followers
- Gameplay
- Lore-Friendly
- Fair and balanced
- English
- German
- Animation - Modified
- Music
- Voice Acting
- Terrain
- Water
- Models/Meshes
- Video
- Guilds / Factions
- Lighting
- Quests
- Armour & Shields
- Creatures
- Items - Apparatus
- Locations - Dungeons
- Items - Clutter
- Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
- Overhaul
- Skyrim VR
- Crafting
- Stay Home. Make Mods.
- Shields
- ROG Theme Event 2021
About this mod
Travel beyond the borders of Skyrim and explore Bruma, the northernmost county in Cyrodiil. Delve into Ayleid ruins, meddle in local affairs or explore the wilds - the journey begins now.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
Assets originally belonging to public resources retain their original permissions. See relevant resource page.
You are not allowed to redistribute resources made specifically for Beyond Skyrim, unless you are their original author or have been given express permission by them, or the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil team.
You are not allowed to redistribute the full mod.
You are free to distribute altered/new versions of the resources (such as retextures, armors variations, ...,) as long as the published mod is dependent on Beyond Skyrim: Bruma.
You are free and welcome to distribute addons and compatibility patches for Beyond Skyrim: Bruma.
You are free to distribute translated versions of the plugins and the resources on Nexus.
You may distribute translated versions of the plugins and the resources outside of Nexus after receiving express permission from the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil team.
If you intend to distribute files or plugins intended to fix issues in Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, please consider sharing them with the team first for inclusion in future updates.File credits
SkyUI - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604
Tamira / Stroti - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/776954/?
Scot (Mushrooms for toadstool hollow) - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10402/?
Artisanix (picture frames) - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17423/?
Imperial Wayshrine - http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/36869/?
Phitt's Sheogorad - http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37329/?
GKB's Trees - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19268/?
Hoddminir resources - https://www.darkcreations.org/hoddminir/category/modders-resources
747823 - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3871/?
Province Cyrodiil for the base of the Ayleid set
We are updating these credits as we update the package - we may add or remove credits for accuracy. If you do not see your name here or in our staff credits and should be - please let us know as soon as possible and we will rectify that.Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Other Author: hor006 Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE - Traditional Chinese Translation Czech Author: Iperit Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE CZ Turkish Author: Gonzo - Negatrm - Faltafalot Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE - Turkish Translation (v1.6.3) Portuguese Author: SolidSnake7412 Beyond Skyrim Bruma PTBR 1.6.3 Mandarin Author: Citachi Beyond Skyrim CHS 1.6.X support Spanish Author: Rubenoky - Calazzo - Eslizon Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE - Spanish Translation - Definitive Edition Spanish Author: eslizon Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE - Spanish Translation Italian Author: SDB98 - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Italian Translation Team Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE - Traduzione Italiana German Author: yanxxgeist Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE German Mandarin Author: Eyre11 Beyond Skyrim - Bruma DLC integration patch-CHS Portuguese Author: jarl1 Traducao Pt Brasil - Beyond Bruma 1.6.1 Turkish Author: Negatrm - Faltafalot Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE - Turkish Translation Russian Author: Beyond Skyrim - RU Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE RU (FIXED) Spanish Author: Jaume Alcazo Castellarnau y Rubenoky Beyond Skyrim Bruma SPANISH Mandarin Author: hor006 and zeinman55 and sedna1795 and ShaquilleWang Simplified Chinese Localisation of Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE Portuguese Author: Neo7p5 Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE - translation brazilian portuguese PT-BR - Version 1.3.3 Polish Author: MIA Team - Tsubaki394 and nazg2001 Poza Skyrim - Bruma SE (Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE). Polskie tlumaczenie Russian Author: The Beyond Skyrim - Cyrodiil Development Team Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE Russian version Italian Author: Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Italian Translation Team Beyond Skyrim - Bruma - Traduzione italiana - Mirrors
Name Bethesda.net - Changelogs
Version 1.6.3
- Add bronze, jade and copper amulets custom appearances
- Remove interface files from BSAssets bsa so it's only installed when selected in the fomod
- Include fixes from hotfix 1.6.1 that were missing from 1.6.2
Version 1.6.2
- Replace optional map marker disable plugin with optional FOMOD
- Rewrite of book "The Wind from Oblivion"
- Fix Stormcloak in Chains missing script properties glitched in the last hotfix
- Fix disappearing staircase in Fort Cutpurse
- Fix small gap in Plundered Mine
- Fix floating tree in Applewatch
- Fix map marker not getting the (Cleared) tag after you killed the boss in a lot of dungeon
- Fix colovian clothing first person textures
- Fix some armor and clothing keywords
- Fix ring recipes object count
- Disable recipes where components can't be acquired
Version 1.6.1
- Fixed flat health bar display issue for users on the latest version of Skyrim - might cause the same issues on older versions where there was none previously due to the way Bethesda updated their files
- Fixed potential stall in Penitus Oculatos scene in "A Stormcloak in Chains"
- Fixed missing fence normal map texture
- Fixed missing coffee tankard assets
- Removed duplicate references
- Removed all appearances of Summon Will-o-the-Wisp from the game
Version 1.6.0
- Added map markers (SkyUI compatible version that also works without SkyUI and SKSE, alternatively a CoMAP version)
- Removed BSHeartland - Meshes.esp for easier installation. Save games still work without it. Make sure to clean masters for patches when it is required as a master.
- Fixed invisible peaches
- Fixed missing bruma guard armor tempering recipe
- Removed broken mesh: meshes\bscyrodiil\lod\imperial city\cyrlod_ic_pillarring01.nif
- Fixed Rielle doorway being invisible in some circumstances
- Restored ai packages that caused the game not to load with outdated patches
Version 1.5.5
- Fixed an objective in Stormcloak in Chains not being failed
- Fixed a bug where Renod's lute is stuck in the inventory
- Fixed not being able to speak to Cadius in Whispers of the Mountain after the zombie attack scene
- Fixed pickaxe and handaxe meshes
- Improved the objective flow in Whispers of the Mountain
Version 1.5.4
- Add new/missing hairs
- Added fast travel marker to Skyrim
- Fixed certain ogres not showing up
- Fixed minotaur lord not showing up
- Fixed Beast's Maw being blocked
- Fixed missing footsteps for a castle piece
- Fixed dialogue conditions in `The Courier`
- Fixed barter menu not appear for one line
- Updated some meshes to SE format
Version 1.5.3
- Fixed Ugly Love start (requires new savegame)
- Fixed missing effect textures
- Fixed breakable barrel CTD
- Fixed the disability to sit in CYRLowerChair01FL
- Misc tweaks
Version 1.5.2
- Added survival mode keywords
- Fixed deleted Skyrim cell
- Fixed inaccessible Frozen Grotto
- Fixed unbalanced Ogre Teeth
- Fixed mage gloves ornate
- Fixed misc placement issues
- Removed permanently disabled objects
- Removed coffee recipe
- Removed map markers outside the playable area
- Removed orphaned assets
Version 1.5.1
- Added Elsweyr cliff textures for high ini settings
- Removed broken occlusion
- Fixed Frostcrag Spire exterior mesh
Version 1.5.0
- Added up to date Cyrodiil LOD for Bruma
- Removed access to unfinished Fingerbowl and Outlaw Endre's Cave
- Removed access to Ogre Camp near Mountain Watch to prevent start of an unfinished quest
- Fixed ayleid lich helmet assets
- Fixed radiant quests sending you to unplayable areas
- Fixed Ugly Love script performance
- Fixed missing textures in goblin loading screen
- Fixed erros in DLC patch
- Fixed crashing hairs BSKHairFemaleRedguard08 and BSKHairMaleImperial10
- Fixed missing bard song subtitles
- Fixed a few spelling issues
- Fixed gap near Camp of the Devout
- Fixed some helmets being invisible when worn by orcs
Version 1.4.2
- fixed broken zombie mesh
- fixed broken cloud ruler temple west wing interior meshes
- fixed instrumental bard song idle ending instantly
- fixed missing paint palette assets
- fixed missing green coffee bag texture
- removed unfinished bad mountain mine
Version 1.4.1
- fixed Hero of a Song not playing
- fixed missing leather shield textures
- fixed missing iron and alessian weapon meshes
- fixed unintentionally visible map markers
- fixed missing assets for coffee
- included various other missing assets from the LE version
Version 1.4.0
- Overview:
- lots of quest fixes
- lots of dialogue and voice line fixes
- lots of asset fixes
- lots of level design fixes
- voiced bard songs
- facegen updates
- lod updates
- reimplemented combat and discovery music in BSAssets for future compatibility
- restructured BSAssets for compatibility with future Beyond Skyrim releases
- regenerated DLC patch
- Quests:
- fix for alammus veil start failing if you exit dialog
- fix for beggar not leaving if you refuse reward, wont work if already reached this stage
- disabled renod quest bandits after quest complete, wont work if already reached this stage
- fixed whispers of mountain zombie respawning
- fixed prison guard stuck standing around after final scene in stormcloak in chains
- fixed dumrag failing to advance quest if anything blocks his way in the house
- improved quest behaviour if you choose to get renod a job but change your mind
- fixed persuade options that could be abused for speech skill gain
- fixed Ugly Love Manor Guard attacking
- fixed Ugly Love missing ending option
- fixed not being able to start Ugly Love after refusing it once
- fixed WE with Noble not giving you gold after intimidation
- the bounty collector no longer is a-comin'
- fixed border gate legionnaire option appearing if you aren't in the legion
- choosing to follow Hadvar in Helgen no longer lets you cross the border gate as an Imperial
- Dialogue:
- fixed typos
- matched many subtitles with voice acting
- fixed missing voice files
- fixed some voice lines being too quiet
- fixed wrong dialog conditions preventing lines from playing
- general dialog fixes
- Assets:
- collisions block were pointing at the root bsfadenode instead of their parent NiNode
- move lots of meshes to new filepaths
- updated farmhouse fences
- fixed farmhouse mesh
- fixed collision for bruma stairs
- fixed some gaps in the Frostcrag Spire collision
- fixed gaps in ayleid tileset
- fixed Bruma walls collision being too far back
- fixed collision problems and closed a bunch of gaps
- fixed Somnalius ferns giving off a red spotlight
- fixed CyrTreeRedwood missing branch tip texture
- fixed ayleid containers displayed in the wrong place
- fixed microscopes doesn't havok settle
- fixed model issue with CYRBRumaUpperClassHome01 chimney
- fixed texture flickering in the basement of Icewind Traders
- fixed arrow root ingredient can't be picked up and doesn't havok settle
- fixed ladybugs sound like coins when they drop on the ground
- fixed servant's pie can't be picked up
- fixed uninteractable welkynd and varla stones
- Level Design:
- lots of level design fixes everywhere
- fix some dungeons not being marked as cleared properly
- disabled some coffins by default
- Misc Fixes:
- many load screen fixes (frequency, model position, new models)
- fixed typo in Rielle note
- fixed mispellings of legate precilius varro
- fixed typo breaking bounty letter formatting
- fixed the skyrim report part IV incorrect Legion numbering
- fixed invinsible chainmail helm for orcs
- removed keywords that cause vanilla quests to point to outside bruma play area
- removed armour keyword from some clothing
- fixed mountain lion pelt to leather crafting conditions
- fixed untemperable Heavy Iron Cuirass
- fixed chainmail armor crafting
- fixed house with wrong key assigned to it
- attempted fix for flying skeleton
- fixed values of eastern dwemer weapons to consistent ones
- fix alchemical effect "Light" not working because of null hit shader
- prevent treasure map to respawn
- fixed boars not dropping loot
- fixed catching a lady bug give you a bee
- removed an unused duplicate of the Frostcrag Spire exterior
- fixed bruma castle great hall cell ownership
- Misc Tweaks:
- gave all ayleid containers proper name
- slight buff for silver tooth goblins
- renamed silver tooth 2nd cell
- doubled bounty quest gold reward
- buffed few boss monsters
- buffed few quest bosses with various items, perks and potions
- made renods house never give trespass bounty
- cyrodiil deers now drop their own deer pelt variations
- added few additional welkynd and varla stones in ayleid ruins
- added more idle markers to greenwood so the npcs dont compete for the chopping block

Travel beyond the borders of Skyrim, and visit Bruma, the northmost county in Cyrodiil.
Discover what has become of the city's residents since the events of Oblivion in all-new adventures and storylines. Plunge into the depths of ancient Ayleid ruins. Explore an expansive region larger and denser than the Dragonborn DLC. In Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, the choices - and their consequences - are yours alone.
Rediscover Frostcrag Spire, Cloud Ruler Temple, Frostfire Glade and many other legendary locations. The journey back to the Heartland begins now. Are you prepared?

- The city of Bruma, reimagined and recreated from scratch in exhaustive detail, containing over 70 residents, each with their own unique dialogue, stories and routines
- A fully-explorable County Bruma, larger in size and scope than the Dragonborn DLC, packed to the brim with new dungeons, points of interest and secrets - brought to life with more custom art assets than any comparable Skyrim mod
- All-new Cyrodilic weapons and armor
- Seamless integration with the base game - cross the border with your existing character or start a new one
- Innumerable all-new quests and storylines
- Over 24,000 lines of high-quality voiceover from a professional and semi-professional cast whose combined credits include Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Apotheon and Heroes of Newerth
- Over three hours of original music

Official Trailer
Mod review by TheEpicNate
Bruma playthrough by Zero Period Productions

Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is known to lose or corrupt data when downloading/installing large mods like Bruma. This will lead to loss of functionality or otherwise cause errors with content related to the mod, and is part of the reason the Nexus staff began development on Vortex as a replacement. If you encounter an issue and installed the mod using NMM, you will be asked to reinstall manually before moving on with assistance.
Click "download with manager" or download the archives manually. Once the mod is activated, ensure that both BSAssets.esm and BSHeartland.esm are enabled in your load order and that BSHeartland.esm loads AFTER BSAssets.esm. BS_DLC_patch.esp should then follow BSHeartland.esm.
Manual installation
Download and unzip the archives, and place all contents in your Skyrim/Data folder. Ensure that both BSAssets.esm and BSHeartland.esm are enabled in your load order and that BSHeartland.esm loads AFTER BSAssets.esm. BS_DLC_patch.esp should then follow BSHeartland.esm.
Uninstalling Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is not supported due to the way that the game engine 'bakes' data into saved games. If you wish to stop using Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, you are STRONGLY advised to roll back to a saved game that predates your installing Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, or start a new saved game.
If you uninstall Beyond Skyrim: Bruma without rolling back to a previous saved game or starting a new one, it is very likely that you will experience bugs. This is due to the way the game engine handles data files, and is true of Bethesda's official DLC as well as other comparable mods.
Compatibility Patches and Add-ons:
- Bruma Signs SMIM patch - SE
- Valdacil's Item Sorting Patch
- WARZONES - Assault Attack Compatibility Patch
- Ordinator Beyond Skyrim Patch for Investor Perk
- Realistic Needs and Diseases (USLEEP) for Beyond Skyrim
- Fisherman Shack (Player Home)
- Patch for convenient horses
- Alternate Start Options for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE

Q: What kind of people are you looking for? How can I join the Cyrodiil team?
A: We are always on the lookout for talented concept artists, 3D modellers, landscape designers and people skilled with the CK, although we have openings for other positions as well. Just send an application through Our site, along with a sample of your work. If you have any questions about joining you can ask in Our Discord. And if you don't have the skills now, consider joining The Arcane University our training division.
Q: What is Beyond Skyrim?
A: Beyond Skyrim is an ambitious community, composed of various, independent projects working together to bring the other Provinces of Tamriel - like High Rock, Cyrodiil, Hammerfell and Morrowind - into the game and timeline of Skyrim.
Q: Will it require a new game?
A: Nope! You will be able to use your existing characters from Skyrim. Just hop over the border, and continue your adventures.
Q: Is this the same thing as Skyblivion / Skywind? Why aren't you working with them?
A: No, Skyblivion and Skywind are remakes of older Bethesda games in the Skyrim engine. This is an entirely new mod in which the player can visit a version of Tamriel contemporary to Skyrim. Our goals and methods are different, but we keep up a good relationship.
Q: Why not you just port content from Oblivion / Morrowind / other games?
A: Because this is a violation of Bethesda's EULA, and would be grounds for them to close down the project.
Q: Will this be released for consoles?
A: Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is now available for Xbox One. We cannot release it on PS4 due to Sony's policies on mod assets prohibiting us from doing so.

The Beyond Skyrim: Bruma original soundtrack is available for streaming and download here!
You may also check out this video featuring Lead Composer Daniel Ran, as he explains the creative process behind the Beyond Skyrim: Bruma soundtrack:

But we're not stopping with Bruma - we're working on the rest of Cyrodiil, too - from the naval heart of Anvil to the swampy marshes of Blackwood and the grandeur of the Imperial City, as part of the wider Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil project. Be sure to follow us on our social media outlets to get up the latest news on patches and the continued development of Cyrodiil.

For the latest news on Beyond Skyrim and its projects, follow us on one of our social media pages and chat with us on our Discord community outpost!
VK (ВКонта́кте)

Because of the extensive number of contributors, we saw it necessary to separate the full credits list from the main mod page. You can find the full credits in the readme tab and also at:
Project Design
The Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil Development Team
Special Thanks
The Dark Creations staff
The Niftools Team
The SKSE Team
The SkyUITeam
The Tamriel Rebuilt Team
The Province Cyrodiil Team
The Rigmor of Cyrodiil Team
The Beyond Skyrim Collaboration