Daedric Shrines - All in One - My Patches by Xtudo - Wintersun Lakeview Teldryn Only Cure Wyrmstooth Antennaria Evil Aemer Thieves Guild Headquarter Helgen Reborn Death Mountain Cut Content Restoration Moon and Star Leaf Rest Talos
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About this mod
My patches for the lovely mod. ESL, USSEP fixes, removed ITMs and floating rocks, NSUTR, Helgen Reborn and VIGILANT patches, updated loading screens, HD textures and more.
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Several patches and addons to the lovely statues made by Mandragorasprouts.
- Converted both files to ESL.
- Carried on Unofficial Patch fixes.
- No map markers version available. If you don't want custom shrine map markers show on your map.
- HD Meridia Pedestal. 2K. Now it matches the statue color palette. Compatible with Meridia's Luxon Beacon Replacer too.
- No Snow Under The Roof patch. ESL.
- Azura Statue replacer.
- Helgen Reborn patch.
- Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest patch.
- The Only Cure - Quest Expansion patch.
- GG's Thieves Guild Headquarters patch.
- The Great City of Solitude patch.
- Namira Navmeshed patch.
- Solitude Skyway patch. It moves the Shrine of Sheogorath to a different near location. And it could work with mods that edit that area too.
- Molag Bal - Not a replacer patch.
- Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD) - Entrance Statues replacer patch. 100% compatible with ELFX and Lux.
- Helsmyrr Village patch.
- Lakvan's Stronghold - Shadowkey Dungeon and Player Home patch.
- Opulent Thieves Guild patch.
- Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD) - Interior Statues replacer patch. Fully compatible with LOTD v6.
- Azura Shrine Temple SSE patch.
- Fists of Fury - Skyrim patch.
- Death Mountain - Dark Tower patch.
- JK's College of Winterhold patch.
- Lux patch. Use it together with Lux Orbis - Daedric Shrines AiO Patch.esp. As they complement each other.
- Aemer's Refuge patch.
- Antennaria patch.
- Skyrim Cut Content Restoration - Bear's Cave Mill patch. Works with Bear's Cave Mill Revised (Cut Content Restoration), Moon and Star and Natural Waterfalls too.
- The Evil Mansion - Remastered patch.
- Enhanced Solitude SSE patch.
- The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal patch.
- Wyrmstooth patch.
- HS Player Homes - Honeyside and Severin Manor patches.
- Azura's Dawn SSE patch.
- Lakeview. Manor - As It Should Be patch.
- Leaf Rest patch.
- Snazzy Interiors - Dawnstar Silus Vesuius' House patch.
Fixes v4.3 (Updated for Daedric Shrines - All in One v1.02)
- Converted man_DaedricShrines.esp and man_DaedricShrines_Wintersun_Patch.esp to ESL.
- Carried on USSEP fixes on both files.
- Modified the Daedric Prince loading screens to show off the awesome new statues. Based on the mod by Mur4s4me. New files included in the man_DaedricShrines.BSA file, there's no need to unpack it.
- Removed one ITMs. (Just one in the new v1.01)
- Removed/disabled some floating rocks.
- Fixed bug when Nocturnal is always visible in Thieves Guild cistern.
- No map markers version available.
Optional files
- Azura Loading Screen. It will replace the statue from the loading screen. I made it a plugin, not a mesh replacer, to avoid conflicts with mods that use the original statue. ESL.
- Meridia HD pedestal: 2K. Now it matches the statue color palette. Compatible with Meridia's Luxon Beacon Replacer too. It is the same file than the Daedric Shrines - Meridia - My patches.
- VIGILANT SE patch. Adjusts the statue of Meridia to the new lovely model. Which is used three times by the Vigilant mod. It is the same file than the Daedric Shrines - Meridia - My patches and VIGILANT - My patches. Load it before Lux or similar mods. ESL.
- No Snow Under The Roof patch. ESL.
- Azura Statue replacer. Two versions included in the same download, "Default size", and "3x its size" for an epic Statue. Optional 2x version added.
- Helgen Reborn patch. Fixes the conflicts with the Shrine of Hircine. If you have problems with the mine door in a existing save, open the game's console, click on the mine door and type: recycleactor.
- Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest patch. Two version included, default and Wintersun, install only one.
- The Only Cure - Quest Expansion patch. Based on the version made by FrostyDudes17. ESL.
- GG's Thieves Guild Headquarters patch. Patch shared with me by bloodyrist, thanks you very much!
- The Great City of Solitude patch. Two versions included in the same download, Default and Wintersun.
- Namira Navmeshed patch. Based on the version by 1fromVault22, thanks you very much!
- Solitude Skyway patch. Two versions included in the same download, Default and Wintersun.
- Molag Bal - Not a replacer. It will move Molag Bal’s statue behind the altar in Volkihar castle instead of replacing it. Two versions included in the same download, Default and Wintersun.
- Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD) - Entrance Statues replacer patch. Three versions included in the same download: Azura - Nocturnal, Peryite - Hermaeus Mora and Vaermina - Sheogorath. Highly recommended to use together with Daedric Shrines by Mandragorasprouts - Legacy of the Dragonborn Add-on (LotD). 100% compatible with ELFX and Lux. Fully compatible with LOTD v6.
- Helsmyrr Village patch. Two versions included in the same download, Default and Wintersun.
- Lakvan's Stronghold - Shadowkey Dungeon and Player Home patch.
- Opulent Thieves Guild patch.
- Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD) - Interior Statues replacer patch. With Azura and Nocturnal. Highly recommended to use together with Daedric Shrines by Mandragorasprouts - Legacy of the Dragonborn Add-on (LotD). Fully compatible with LOTD v6.
- Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD) - Hall of Heroes - Wintersun - Nocturnal patch. It will fix the statue position on the LOTD Hall of Heroes, and the haunted one too.
- Here is a patch to remove to redundant, inferior, Daedric alters added in Wintersun; the alter, map marker and associated objects are disabled. To rely on the true Daedric Statue Shrines in all their glory for the blessing. By Kulharin. (Thanks you very much!)
- Azura Shrine Temple SSE patch. It will remove six floating icicles.
- Fists of Fury - Skyrim patch. Landscape fixed, and some items moved, to avoid clipping with the Altar of Azura, east of Windhelm.
- Death Mountain - Dark Tower patch. Res-positioned several Statues of Nocturnal and other tweaks.
- JK's College of Winterhold patch. Replaces the Statue of Azura inside the Arch-Mage's Quarters.
Lux patch. Use it together with Lux Orbis - Daedric Shrines AiO Patch.esp. As they complement each other.This patch is obsolete now, please remove it.- Beyond Skyrim - Bruma - Namira patch. Adds the terrifying Statue of Namira to BS - Bruma. ESL.
- Aemer's Refuge SE patch. Fixed and tweaked several statues. ESL.
- Statue of Nocturnal - No Floating Birds. Only meshes.
- Antennaria patch. Fixes the Nocturnal statue. ESL.
- Skyrim Cut Content Restoration - Bear's Cave Mill patch. Relocates the Shrine of Hircine to avoid conflicts. Works with Natural Waterfalls and Moon and Star as well. ESL.
- The Evil Mansion - Remastered patch. Moves the Statue of Mephala outside the mansion.
- Enhanced Solitude SSE patch. Fixes two statues in the Bathhouse.
- The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal patch. Fixed two Clavicus Vile and seven Nocturnal internal statues. Load it before Lux or similar, if you use them.
- Wyrmstooth patch. Snowy Statue of Vaermina added. Fixed Statue of Nocturnal.
- HS Player Homes - Honeyside and Severin Manor patches. Install them before ELFX, LUX or similar patches.
- Azura's Dawn SSE patch. Exterior and interior statues replaced.
- Lakeview. Manor - As It Should Be. Replaced one little interior Statue of Azura.
- Leaf Rest. Replaced Nocturnal and Azura. Statue of Mara patch here.
- Statue of Talos - Hermaeus Mora replacer. Since their shapes are very different, some minor clip may occur with items placed on the statues.
- JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection patch here. Very important! Install it if you use the mod, or you'll have CTDs.
- Snazzy Interiors - Dawnstar Silus Vesuius' House. Replaced Mehrunes Dagon stone head.
- Daedric Shrines - All in One v1.01 by Mandragorasprouts.
- Optional: Dibella statue v1.04 by Mandragorasprouts. Only its textures are required.
- Optional: Helgen Reborn v106SSE by Mike Hancho.
- Optional: Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest SSE v7.0.0 by Undriel.
- Optional: The Only Cure - Quest Expansion v1.01 by JaySerpa.
- Optional: GG's Thieves Guild Headquarters v1.3 by GGUNIT.
- Optional: The Great City of Solitude v2.02 by soldierofwar and Archinatic.
- Optional: Solitude Skyway v1.3 by Urtho.
- Optional: Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE v6.6.0 by icecreamassassin.
- Optional: Helsmyrr Village SSE v1.1 by Maverick11 and Kojak747.
- Optional: Lakvan's Stronghold - Shadowkey Dungeon and Player Home v1.0.1 by ak0d.
- Optional: Opulent Thieves Guild v2.0.3 by Sokkvabekk.
- Optional: Azura Shrine Temple SSE v1.2 by mnikjom and Gorky45.
- Optional: Fists of Fury - Skyrim v1.2.0 by MissileMann.
- Optional: Death Mountain - Dark Tower SSE v3.0 by OBLISAN TEAM - converted by Dreifels.
- Optional: JK's College of Winterhold v1.0.2 by Jkrojmal.
- Optional: Lux Orbis v3.1.1 by GGUNIT.
- Optional: Beyond Skyrim - Bruma v.1.6.3.
- Optional: Aemer's Refuge SE v2.83 by LeanWolf and masterofshadows.
- Optional: Antennaria v2 by Arafura.
- Optional: Skyrim Cut Content Restoration v1.2 by RoastGorilla439.
- Optional: Moon and Star v3.2 by Gan Xingba.
- Optional: Natural Waterfalls v1.9 by clofas1 and ToosTruus.
- Optional: The Evil Mansion - Remastered v5.02 by JPTR.
- Optional: Enhanced Solitude SSE v2.8 by kojak747.
- Optional: The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal v1.3 by MannyGT.
- Optional: Wyrmstooth v1.20.2 by Jonx0r.
- Optional: HS Player Homes - Honeyside v2.0.3 by Hylios Sykes.
- Optional: HS Player Homes - Severin Manor v2.0.0 by Hylios Sykes.
- Optional: Azura's Dawn SSE v1.2 by Antiscamp and mnikjom.
- Optional: Lakeview. Manor - As It Should Be v2.0.0 by Nimee and AndreeaA.
- Optional: Leaf Rest SSE v1.6 by aukmat and mnikjom.
- Optional: Snazzy Interiors - Dawnstar Silus Vesuius' House v1.0 by gutmaw.
- Daedric Shrines - AIO version for LE here.
I made it for my game and now I'm sharing it, I hope you like it.
Don't forget to endorse and share your screens.
Especial thanks
- To Mandragorasprouts for her awesome mods (keep them coming!).
- To Mur4s4me for the loading screens.
- To bloodyrist, 1fromVault22 and FrostyDudes17 for some files used as base for my patches.
- To my lovely Patreons and supporters.
(They work perfectly with the AIO version)
Several mountain color palettes to the wonderful Statue of Mehrunes Dagon. 4K and 2K versions available.
Tweaks to the statues of the Reclamations in front of Raven Rock Temple that were added in Quaint Raven Rock, using Mandragorasprouts' models. ESL.
Tweaks to the Daedric Halls in Legacy of the Dragonborn's Museum to incorporate Mandragorasprouts' shrine models, along other small tweaks. ESL.
A lovely, truly lovely, Dibella statue replacer.
It adds the impressive statue of the embodiment and personification of chaos and change, SITHIS.
Mesh Replacer for Mandragorasprouts Hircine statue with his lore accurate skull mask. No ESP.
Updates the original Statue of Vaermina added by Gallows Hall with the improved version of Mandragorasprouts. No ESP.
Some cell edits and interactable Daedric Shrines statues for use with Pilgrim - A Religion Overhaul. ESL-flagged All-in-One.