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About this mod

Up to 27 destinations and 17 carriages, depending on installed mods. The drivers sport a more 'lifelike' behavior with new AI and personal campsites. High-poly covered carriage by mathy79. Optional "Convenient Storage and Delivery", "Convenient Passengers", "Convenient Guards", "Inconvenient Accidents", "Horse Change", "Travel Speed Tweak".

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Final version, no new content or patches shall be added... happy gaming.

Adds carriages in Morthal, Dawnstar, Falkreath, Winterhold, Rorikstead, Ivarstead.
The "Beyond Skyrim - Bruma" version also adds carriages near the Cyrodiil border and Bruma.
The "Helgen Reborn" version adds another carriage in Helgen.

The drivers have a daily schedule and a campsite where they rest and sleep. The Hearthfire drivers take advantage of the house (this can be disabled in the installer.)
They are more patient than usual and wait a while before starting to complain about your tardiness. The Hearthfire drivers never hurry you up.

If you can't see the driver nearby (he could be idling somewhere, sheltering, sleeping, frolicking or whatever), just sit on the cart and he'll get to work (disabled in Winterhold.)
If the driver is sleeping or indoors, the horse gives him a holler (disabled in Winterhold.)
When you hire a driver, he goes to the cart and seats himself.

If when you say "I'd like to hire your carriage", you get a "Look out, I think we have company" answer, that means that you can't travel because you are 'in combat' (even if you don't know who or what is pissed off with you.)
I added this extravagant feature because a missing "I'd like to hire your carriage" dialogue option, although a vanilla behavior, might make someone think that something is wrong.

In Winterhold the weather is harsh and the outskirts dangerous, so Loddvar spends his time at the inn. Blow the horn (it's on the haybale) and he will quickly come (no pun intended), or hire him inside the inn and go to the carriage.
He swaps his indoor light outfit with a warmer one when outdoors, but this behavior can be disabled in the MCM.

Install, re-install, or switch to a different CC version (Vanilla, Bruma, Helgen, I.C.) while away from carriage camps. Even better on a save made in an interior location or a capital city.

You can travel to
Darkwater Crossing, Dawnstar, Dragon Bridge, Falkreath, Heljarchen Hall, Ivarstead, Karthwasten, Lakeview Manor, Markarth, Morthal, Nightgate Inn, Old Hroldan, Riften, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Shor's Stone, Solitude, the Whiterun/Rorikstead/Markarth/Falkreath crossroad, the NW Coast, Whiterun, Windhelm, Windstad Manor, Winterhold (and Bruma and/or Helgen if you install the dedicated versions.)
The Hearthfire destinations are available when you buy the property.

With the Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE version you can travel to the border, but only after having started the quest "Welcome to Cyrodiil". Going by carriage could cause the quest to glitch and don't start properly.
From Pale Pass you can also travel to Bruma after having completed the aforementioned quest, and from Bruma back to Skyrim.
Being the border closed and guarded, only the authorized driver is allowed to travel to Bruma.

With the Helgen Reborn version
you can travel to Helgen after the "Desperate Times" quest.
A new driver moves in later, when the rebuilding is almost completed.

Carriage travel when encumbered is allowed, but it costs 50 extra septims.
The installer has a few options to customize these settings, including a scot-free one.
Compatible with mods allowing to change the travel fares.

Ferry add-on
Cross the Styx river by boat in Solitude and Windhelm for one coin and keep your feet dry.
Row from Castle Volkihar to Dawnstar, Solitude, Windhelm (strong back required, but free of charge.)
The boatmen don't sit all the time, they walk around a little to stretch their legs and butts.

Gorgeous, high-poly, covered carriage
, courtesy of mathy79.
2K textures included, optional 4K patch available.
Optional (obsolete, I guess) patch for "Better Dynamic Snow SE".

Convenient Storage and Delivery
The Storage and Delivery service works like a more lore-friendly, less OP 'bag of holding'. You might appreciate it if you have mods that punish the player for high inventory weight.
If you're overburdened with loot and managed to drag yourself to a carriage station, you can ask the driver to send for your personal container at the Drivers Guild warehouse.
When you leave the area the crate is sent back into storage.
If you're also planning a travel, you can ask for the retrieved crate to be shipped to your destination (including ones without a carriage.)
The service costs 50 gold (100 at the Cyrodiil border and Bruma) for retrieving, and 50 (100) for shipping.
Your employed drivers (the Hearthfire ones) won't ask for gold.
For technical reasons, the option is only available when the driver is outdoors.
Enabled by default. With SkyUI a menu allows to toggle the service on/off.

Convenient Passengers

When approaching a carriage station you might sometimes see a random passenger...
Nothing fancy, it just tries to convey the impression that you're not the only one using a carriage in Skyrim.
To ensure compatibility with other mods and related patches this is only enabled in Whiterun, Riften, Markarth, Windhelm, Solitude, Falkreath, Ivarstead, Morthal.
The passengers can only spawn when you're far enough from the carriage. For example, in Riften you need to arrive from the countryside; getting out of the main gate doesn't allow for a spawn chance. For the same reason, arriving after a carriage travel doesn't trigger a spawn.
The spawn chance is set to 65%.
Enabled by default. With SkyUI a menu allows to toggle the passengers on/off and customize the chance for spawns.
Thank you novastark for the idea.

Convenient Guards
Not much to explain, they're private guards, they hang around and keep an eye out.
It might look like they don't do much but it's a false impression, they have a rich repertoire of amazingly witty and novel comments to delight you with.
Enabled by default. With SkyUI a menu allows to toggle them on/off.
In case you have "Helgen Reborn" the Helgen guard is disabled by default and can be enabled only by the config menu.
Thank you ColossusX13 for the idea.

Not-so-convenient Accidents
Five random, carriage-related road encounters ('road encounters' are those like the old orc, the roadside thief, the skooma peddler, and so on.)
  • Carriage with dead horse and disgruntled driver.
  • Carriage attacked by bloodthirsty bandits. Passenger and horse succumbed but the driver is a tough one. You may help him and he'll even thank you (just gratitude, no reward -- greedy players are welcome to loot the passenger) -- non-Reach only.
  • Roadside carnage with driver, horse, and passenger dead and burning -- only happens after having enabled the dragons.
  • Overturned carriage with squashed driver and passenger; the likely culprit managed to run away.
  • Forsworn attack with customary slaughter and angry Forsworn -- Reach only.
Coming soon:
Enabled by default with a 50% chance of being skipped. With SkyUI a menu allows to set the chance for spawns or disable the encounters.
The installer has an optional patch which flattens the terrain at the spawn points (where it's possible and sensible), allowing a better placement of the carts. Of course, this might conflict with other landscape-editing mods.
Thank you milankovalcik and Ringo Kid for the idea.

Horse Change add-on
Every eight hours (more or less, it also depends on your activity) the carriage horses are replaced with fresh, random ones.
This will most likely conflict with horse overhauls unless they have only meshes and/or textures (no esp.)
If you get invisible horses or other horrific outcomes, you'll need to either remove the add-on or patch it.

Carriage Travel Speed tweak
Available in the installer, requires SKSE, doesn't add plugins.
Sets the fast travel speed multiplier during carriage travels to 2.2, halfway between walking (when you fast travel the vanilla game assumes you're walking to destination, the default Skyrim value is 1.0) and running (something like 3.4), then resets it to default (1.0) when the journey ends.
For example, carriage travel from Winterhold to Whiterun takes normally about 6,5 hours, about 3 hours with the tweak.
The idea is giving better immersion if you agree that a horse pulling a cart can travel long distances somewhat quicker than a man on foot, as opposed to the usual fast travel 'fixes' assuming that a dude can run no-stop from Winterhold to Markarth and still be as fresh as a daisy.
If you don't agree, never mind, it's optional.

Better don't enable this if you wish to keep your own modded fast travel setting (e.g., "Fast Travel Speed Fix" or "Accurate and Realistic [?] Fast Travel Time"), things might become a little confusing otherwise.(*)
There are mods whose apparent purpose isn't editing travel settings, but for some reason they do it anyway (e.g., "Obsidian Weathers".)
Other mods might edit more settings besides fast travel.
In those cases you can enable the tweak and simply place this mod lower in the load order.
With mods that only edit the fast travel speed the load order method still works, but then they would be quite useless; better remove them if you decide to enable this.

(*)For example, you might load a game with the multiplier set to 3.4 by a mod, a carriage travel would run at 2.2 and the value would be reset to 1.0 at the end of the journey.
You would fast-travel via map with the default 1.0 value till you exit the game, then it would be back to 3.4 when you launch it again, and so on -- crazy.
True, I might store the current modded value and re-apply it at the end of the journey, but then carriage travels would be slower than map travel -- ridiculous.
Or I might store the current modded value, increase it for the carriage travel, and then re-apply it, but then the poor horse would have to fly like a Pegasus -- silly.
All this hoo-ha because edits to game settings made by scripts are not saved. While they'll persist across consecutive save loads during the same game session, they'll be wiped when the game closes and will revert to their hardcoded or modded values the next time the game reloads the plugins.
So, my default is 1.0 like the vanilla one -- take it or leave it.

Lastly an off-topic suggestion, if I may.
I recommend Drop It - Stamina Management  (well, of course I do) for immersive and realistic hikes.
And to top it all, Convenient Horses.

A mod version compatible with "Immersive Citizens" is available.
It overrides the drivers' AI and campsites and it's stand-alone, not a patch.

  • "Capital of Falkreath"
  • "Capital of the Pale"
  • "Capitals and Towns of Skyrim"
  • "Cities Entrances Overhaul" -- Don't install the CEO Markarth patch if you're using "Markarth Entrance Overhaul Fixed".
  • "Cities of the North - Falkreath"
  • "Cities of the North - Winterhold"
  • "ClefJ's Winterhold"
  • "Cutting Room Floor" (Whiterun)
  • "Dawnstar" -- If you have "Dawnstar" and "JK's Skyrim", load the compatibility patch from JK's mod after this one.
  • "Enhanced Solitude Docks"
  • "Enhanced Solitude" -- Don't install the patch if you also have "Enhanced Solitude Docks"; use only the ESD one.
  • "Expanded Towns and Cities" (modular and AIO)
  • "Falkreath"
  • "Headhunter - Bounties Redone" (for the carriage guards' aggro)
  • "Heljarchen Farm"
  • "Holds The City Overhaul" (modular and AIO)
  • "Ivarstead"
  • "Justice - City Exteriors" (Markarth)
  • "Lakeview Extended"
  • "Legacy of the Dragonborn" and BS-Bruma version of CC (Pale Pass carriage camp area)
  • "Lux Via" (Dawnstar)
  • "RedBag's Rorikstead"
  • "Rorikstead"
  • "Ryn's Farms"
  • "Ryn's Whiterun CIty Limits"
  • "Solitude Expansion"
  • "Storefront"
  • "Thanedom Of Heljarchen"
  • "The Great Cities" (modular and AIO)
  • "The Great Cities of JK's Skyrim - Patch" (that's the old version, not the new "North" one)
  • "The Great Town of Ivarstead SSE"
  • "Unofficial Moonpath to Elsweyr Patch" (Falkreath)
  • "Winterhold - Expanded Ruins"
  • "Winterhold Restored"

Load order
  • "More to Say" -- IMPORTANT -- Load CC after MoreToSay.esp (AIO) or MoreToSayFalkreath.esp / MoreToDo.esp (modular)
  • Load CC after "Better Courier"
  • Load CC after "Cities of the North - Dawnstar"
  • Load CC after "Clockwork"
  • Load CC after "JK's Skyrim" -- patch for Ivarstead available in the installer
  • Load CC after "Mandragora's Winterhold Overhaul"
  • Load CC after "Solitude Docks"
  • Load CC after "The People of Skyrim 2"
  • Load CC after "Windhelm Bridge Overhaul"
  • Load CC after "Windyridge"
  • Load the BS-Bruma version of CC before RigmorCyrodiilPatch.esp
  • Load CC before "Foggy Morthal and Swamp" or get the patch

  • Works fine with "Capital of Hjaalmarch"
  • Works fine with "Capital of Winterhold"
  • Works fine with "Cities of the North - Morthal"
  • Works fine with "RedBag's Solitude"
  • "Markarth Outskirts" has a CC patch in its installer
  • Patch "High Poly NPCs 2.0" here
  • Patch "Great Cities of JK's North" here (Rorikstead)
  • Patch "Redbag's Morthal" here
  • Patch "Dark's Whiterun Market" available on the mod's page
  • Patch "JK's Whiterun Outskirts" here

Something wrong in the landscape around the carriages means that there's a conflict with some other mod -- tree or grass mods and town overhauls are the most likely cuplrits.
If you can't use SSEEdit to detect conflicts (which is always the safest, quickest, and better option), try to guess which mod could edit the terrain.
Try to change the load order.
If the change doesn't fix the errors or creates new ones, the mods are not compatible without a patch.

Not compatible with
  • Carriage mods.
  • "East Empire Expansion"
  • "Nernies Ranger Pack SSE"
  • "Great Cities of JK's North"
  • Trailblazers (More Immersive NPCs)
  • "Survival Mode - No Carry Weight Modifier"
  • "Kingdom Of the Pale"
  • "Northern Roads", although a very basic patch is here
  • "Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods", although a few old patches are still available as optional download.
  • "The city of Bromjunaar", unless the new driver's reference is disabled and CC loaded after it.
  • "The People Of Skyrim Complete SSE"
  • "WARZONES - Assault Attack for SSE"
  • Mods that replace the character assets [meshes, textures] might sometimes cause 'black face' errors. Generating new facegen in the CK should fix the issue.