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About this mod

Animation in first and third POV for all your ingestibles.

Permissions and credits
Successor of Animated Drinks and Food and Chems..., Animated Ingestibles does exactly what its title suggests: animate the consumption of objects. And that for the items of the base game but also officials DLC and many mods.
Animations can be played in either third person or first person view. If some objects only benefit from a summary animation using a generic 3D model that does not necessarily represent the object, the majority of them have a personalized animation wich vary depending if the player is sitting or not. So when you consume a Nuka Cola, you will see your character drinking a bottle of Nuka Cola. If you consume a beer, you will see a beer. A steak? You will see a steak.
Drinks, Food, Chems are taken into account as well as a few miscellaneous items such as Magazines and Skill books.

Everything is configurable at will via an MCM or an .ini file. You will be able to activate or deactivate animations for certain items, under certain conditions. I have done my best to allow you to configure the mod as you wish.

Here is a more precise description of each setting you can configure with the MCM. Just in case some of you enjoy to read.
Global Settings

  • Max Animation Quantity: how many animations could play in a row.
  • Cancel Penalties: when the player cancel an animation, penalties can be applied. You can choose some conditions for these penalties, related to if you are in combat or not. The Cancel control can be chosen next to it. You will have the choice between the Attack key and the Grab key.
  • Fast n' Furious: this function allows animations to be played 50% faster when you're in combat. The value you choose for this setting determines the number of skill points required for the animation to run faster. (Survival for food and drinks items, Medicine for chems. There is no faster animation for 'Others' items). Some animations look a bit strange this accelerated. You can disable this feature by setting it to 0.
  • No Need Holstering: bounded to Fast n' Furious line in the MCM, allows animation to play without the need for holstering weapon.
  • No Animation Key: you can choose a control which, held down when using an item, will avoids the animation of this item for this time.
  • Generic Animation: enables generic animations to play for item without a proper configuration.
  • Exclude/Include Key: choose a control that, held down while using an item, puts that item in your personal list of items excluded from mod. If you use this on an already excluded element, it will be removed from exclusion list and the intended animation will play. This is an easy way to enables/disables animation for an item on the go, without the need of messing with .ini files.
  • Cancel Key: choose a control to cancel the current animation. Next in the queue will play. Following animation waits for you to stop holding the key, allowing you to open fire, reload or even use the pipboy again. You can also choose to cancel every queued animations. 
  • Mod's Sounds: by default, animations (mainly 1st POV ones) are silent. Enabling this function will trigger sounds scripts for more immersion!
  • Change Vanilla Sounds: this option will simply change the default 'equip' sound for most ingestibles, so that it does not repeat with the sounds of the mod. Players using ShowOff xNVSE Plugin will benefit even more from this option.
  • Hide Crosshair: a simple option to hide crosshair when animation is playing. Not compatible with mod altering crosshair, like oHUD.
  • Wild Wastelands: some little surprises when playing animation for precise items while owning the Wild Wastelands trait. This function do almost nothing at this moment.
  • Disable 'Frills': the mod comes with a little a feature allowing nice little things during 1st POV animations, such as the Nuka Cola cap which is removed from the bottle at the appropriate time, as well as the caps of certain bottles. You can disable this if you encouter issues with that. 
  • Disable Gourmand Tweaks: by default, the mod will avoid using 'table' animation while at the Gourmand restaurant of the Ultra Luxe because tables there are pretty low. Much lower than any other table in the game and Animated object is not well positionned then. You can disable this feature if you use a mod like Lively Gourmand, or any other mod making tables highter.
  • Prefer 'Direct' item: tells to the mod to use the meshes and textures of the item in game rather than its equivalent provided by the mod. This increases compatibility with other mods, without the need for an additional patch. On the other hand, using this function leads to the quasi-systematic deactivation of 'frills' for those items.
  • Remove Helmet: forces any headgear using 'Mask' slot (or only those tagged as 'Power Armor') to be removed when playing the animation. Works in 1st and 3rd POV
  • Fix Player Scaling: if you encounter graphical issues (clipping) with some 'stool' and 'table' 3rd POV animations, it could be because your character's size isn't the vanilla default one (1.0). This option allow the mod to temporarily force this default setting to avoid issues and restore your character height after animation.
  • Load/Save Settings: allow you to save MCM settings into an .INI file, or load them from it. You can also enable the AutoSave/AutoLoad function so each change is saved into the .INI automatically, and loaded the same way at game start.

Common settings
Here is the list of settings you will find in each submenu (Food, Chems and Others).

  • Works from 3rd POV, Works from 1st POV: determines whether the animations work or not when you are in 3rd POV or 1st POV.
  • Force POV: force to switch to a wanted POV (1st POV, 3rd POV or 3rd POV if the character is sitting) for animations. Animation in 1st POV will work when sitting, but I recommend to force those of food and drinks to 3rd POV when sitting since they are more unique.
  • Work in Combat: enables or disables animations when you are in combat. Note that starting a combat while an animation is playing won't cancel it.
  • Types: on the right panel of the MCM, you can enable or disable animations for a specific type (junk food, cooked food, stimpak, jet...) of ingestible. Because you maybe don't want all items animated. Some Types have more than a ON/OFF options, be sure to check them all.

'Food and Drinks' Settings 
Here is the list of settings you will only find in 'Food and Drinks' submenu.
  • Seated Bonus: enables or disables a bonus when you're eating properly, sitting on a chair or on a stool. Works only with cooked food or big pieces of meat. Bonus is mainly more efficient food.
  • Longer Animation if seated: obvious function, enables or disables longer animations when sitting. Note that only 3rd POV animations are concerned.
  • Timescale variation: slow down the time when animation is playing while sitting. This is made to avoid the need of hours for just eating a steak. Playing with Timescale could be unsafe. Use it at your own risks.
  • Vault 13 Canteen: enables or disables the Vault 13 Canteen animation when your character auto-drink it.

'Chems' Settings
Here is the list of settings you will only find in 'Chems' submenu.
  • No Animation in PA: this option will avoid animation for playing when wearing Power Armor. Use it if you want to simulate an auto-inject function for Power Armors. Works only for 'injected' chems like Stimpak or Med-X.
  • MKII Management: manage the MKII suit from Old World Blues. Different settings are availables here. 'OFF' let animation occurs when wearing the suit, even when auto-injected. Use it mostly if you're using a mod removing the auto-inject function from the suit. 'Compatible' setting will be the obvious choice: it disables animation for Stimpak when wearing the MKII Suit, auto-injected or not. 'Perfect' requires the 'Animated Ingestibles - Perfect MKII' optional module. The 'Perfect' setting disables animation for Stimpak only if triggered by the auto-inject function of the suit. If the player consume those manually, animation will still play, which is not the case with 'Compatible' setting. Requires official DLCs. 
  • Delay option: Turbo and Stimpak have an option to delay their effect after the animation played. Don't use this option if you're not playing in Hardcore Mode or be sure to have a mod tweaking all the Stimpak effects to have a duration instead being immediate. If not, you will have twice the effect being triggered and that is pure cheating! Stimpaks from Jsawyer mod and variations (including JSUE) should be compatible out of the box.

'Others' Settings
Here is the list of settings you will only find in 'Others' submenu.
  • Long reading: enables a much longer animation time when reading books and skill books. Works both from 1st POV and 3rd POV. You can't edit the time of reading, however.


  • kNVSE Animation Plugin to be able to make diagonal moves when playing animation. Be sure that bFixIdleStrafing is set to 1 into the .ini file provided.
  • The Mod Configuration Menu is not required, but I'm sure you want to easily configure the mod as you want, right?
  • Setting bAllowActivateWhileAnimPlays to 1 into lStewieAl's Tweaks' .ini allows you to activate things, like doors, while animation is playing. Pretty cool.
  • Vanilla UI Plus is really awesome but it causes colours in MCM to not apply. If you prefer having colours into your MCM as intended by mod's authors, delete the Menus/Prefabs/MCM folder from Vanilla UI Plus.
  • Better Beans for Animated Ingestibles and other mods from that author are really nice improvements.

Main Files
Easy. If multiples files, choose and download only one.

Update Files
Always stay up to date! If any, install the update of your choice after main files. Update files have to win conflicts with main ones.

Optional Files
Custom Config contain blank custom .ini files if you need to change how animation works for each item, add new animations... Experimented users only. Mostly undocumented.
Perfect MKII will provide a better management of the MKII suit from Old World Blues DLC. This plugin will allow you to choose 'Perfect' setting in the MCM. Read detailed informations above for more... informations. Recommended.
JSUE Fast Travel Patch is a plugin that add a line into a script of JSawyer Ultimate Edition mod to prevent animation from playing when bFastTravelItemRequirement is set to 1 in its .ini. Otherwise, this file will have no effect. Mandatory if you're using this feature.
Rocket Shaped Nuka Cola Bottles use a mesh made by Jokerine to replace animated Nuka Bottles of the mod by rocket shaped ones. Vanilla will only replace vanilla bottles while the other file will also replace color variations of animated Nuka Bottles that could be triggered by other mods.
Nuka Cola World files are compatibility files for zzjay's Nuka Cola World mod. Choose them wisely.

Here is the list of mods that are, or not, compatible. Pay attention that the validity of the information given is valid for a specific mod's version. Other version of the mods mentioned could lead to incompatibilities as well as compatibility improvements.

Animation compatibility
Note that a non compatible mod doesn't means you can't use it. It just means that no animation will be provided for items from that mod. With Version 4, you can use the 'Generic Animation' setting to force an animation to play for any item not supported by the mod, wich leads into 100% compatibility with any mod.
Pure textures replacer mods should be compatible out of the box. Animated objects mostly use default textures, so any changes of those textures will be reflected to animated objects too. I won't list compatibility for all texture replacers mods.

DUST Survival Simulator (2.0) - Yep 
Fallout - New California - Don't know 
Fallout - The Frontier (2.5.5) - Yep (models and textures won't match for some items)  
Tale of Two Wastelands (3.3) - Yep (tell me if I missed some items, plenty of them could use a generic/inaccurate mesh, that's not a bug)

105 Unique Skill Magazines (1.01) - Nope 
31 New Food Items (1.4) - Yep (graphics won't all match) 
A Cup Of Tea (1) - Yep 
A Quoter1 Texture Pack V1 (1.0) - Yep 
Addictol - An Addict's Best Friend (1.0) - Yep 
Aid Addon (6) - Yep 
Alcohol Bottles OVERHAUL - by zzjay (1.0.2) - Finally yes (needs 'direct' feature to be enabled in MCM or use this
Animated Coffee Brewers (1.03) - Yep 
Autumn Leaves (1.031) - Yep 
Become a Hotdog Vendor (v1.0) - Yep 
Better Booze (0.2b)Yep (and yes, it's a mod for Fallout 3) 
Bottle Brahmin Milk NV (1.5) - Yep 
Bottle Rinse Repeat (3.0) - Yep 
Caesar Salad (1.0)Yep (XD) 
CAM - Chems Alcohol and Meds (9a) - Nope 
Campfire Cookin' (1.2) - Yep 
Canteen (5d) - Nope 
Casino Brand Drinks (1.0) - Yep 
Chugger's Finest Banana Bourbon (1.0) - Yep (graphics won't exactly match) 
Cirrius Magazines Retextured - Yep 
Clandestine Chemistry- Rock Bottom Drugs (1.0) - Yeah man 
Coito Ergo Sum (4.12) - Yep 
Collectible Canteens (1.02) - Yep  
Collectible Nuka Colas (1.2) - Yep 
Cowboy Coffee and Coffee Grounds (1.1) - Yep 
Craftable Bread And Sandwiches (v2) - Yep 
Desert Ration MRE - Survivalist Food (1.3.1) - Yep 
Dpillari's Fallout 3 Style Whiskey (1.0) - Yep (there's a patch on that mod's page, but outdated)
Drug Synthesizer - Reloading Bench for Chems (1.0) - Yep 
Drugs - Jenkem (1.0) - Nope 
FAE - Full and Empty - No Forms Edited (1.8) - Nope 
Fallout 4 Nuka Cola Bottle Replacer (1.2) - Yep (use optional Rocket Shaped Nuka Cola Bottles By Jokerine) 
Fallout 4 Style Soda Replacer (1.1) - Yep (use optional Rocket Shaped Nuka Cola Bottles By Jokerine) 
FO76 Style Mutations (1.12) - Yep 
FO Tactics Fusion Cola (1.0) - Yep 
Fruit Juices (uno) - Yep (graphics won't match)
Future Fallout Chems (1.6.0) - Yep
Gecko Vodka (0.01)Yep (3rd POV model use vanilla vodka model)
(Goodsprings) Beer Whiskey and Wine (1.0) - Yep 
Handbottled Water (1.1)Yep 
Hardcore Canteen (1.1) - Nope  
Hester's Novelty Sodas (1.00) - Yeah  (right model is only for 1st POV and please don't use its Alternate Bottle Meshes files)
High Res Vanilla Water Bottle Textures and Meshes (1.7) - Yep (use compatibility patch on this mod's page) 
HiRes Water Bottle Textures and Meshes (1.1) - Kind of (graphics won't match at all but animation will play) 
Holy13 Canteen Remastered (1.0) - Yep (compatibility is included directly in that mod) 
Hunting Expansion (1) - Yep 
Hunting Expansion (Fixed) (1.2.1) - Yep 
Ice Cold It All Yep 
Ice Cold Vending Machines TTW Friendly Yep 
Introducing Nuka Beer (1.1) - Yep 
JSawyer (v5.1)Yep 
JSawyer Ultimate Edition (5.3.11)Yep (you could need optional patch) 
Krokodil (1.0) - Yep 
Lucky Jet Inhaler (Vault 13 canteen replacer) (1.2) - Yep 
Magazine Redux (1.0) - Yep 
Magazine Retexture (1.0) - Yep 
Mega Buff (1.0) - Yep 
Mens Magazine Replacer (1) - Obviously 
milka cola (1.0) - Yep 
Milkman (1.10) - Yep 
More Cooking Recipes (1.0) - Yep 
More Foods More Buffs (1) - Mostly (graphics won't match)
More Omelets (1.0)Yep 
New Sunset Sarsaparilla and Nuka Cola Bottles (1.0) - Yep 
New Vegas Bounties II (1.47) - Enough (graphics won't match exactly) 
Nuka Beer - Reloaded (1) - Yep 
Nuka-Cola Cans (1.01) - Kind of (graphics won't match at all, my own nuka cans textures are different)  
Nuka-Cola Dark (1.0) - Yep 
Nuka-Cola Enhanced (3.0) - Yep 
Nuka-Cola Expansion Ultimate (1) - Yep 
Nuka-Cola Mayhem (2.3) - Yep 
Nuka Cola Plus (1.1) - Nope 
Nuka-Cola Wild (1.1) - Yep 
Nuka Cola World - Nuka overhaul by zzjay (1.1) - Yep (needs a patch or 'direct' feature enabled)
Nuka-Cola Yellow (2.0) - Yep (but... why?)
Nuka World Imports a Nuka Cola Overhaul (2.2)Yep (graphics won't match, but close enough, or use 'direct' feature)
NVATA (New Vegas Aid Tweaks and Additions) (v1.1) - Yep 
NV Animated Nuka Cola Bubbles (1.02) - Yep 
Odins Magazines (1.0) - Sure 
Palmetto Imports - Sunset Sarsaparilla Flavors (1.0) - Yes 
Physically Based Chems (1.3) - Yep (compatibility is included directly into this mod)
Poison Overhaul (0.65a) - Yep 
Poisonous Poisons (1.4) - Yep 
Prime Stims - HD Stimpak Replacer (1.01) - Yep (compatibility patch provided on this mod's page)
Retextured Labels - Food and More (1.00) - Yep 
RX Utility Tools (0.96a) - Yep 
S6S Ingestible and Misc Overhaul (11fix) - Yep
Salt Lake Stories (1.3) - Yep  
Simple Cooked Meats (1.0) - Yep 
Simple Diseases (1.4) - Yep 
Simple Drinks (1.0) - Yep 
Simple Roasted Food (2.0) - Yep 
Simple Wasteland Bandages (v1.0) - Yep 
Skyrocket Cafe - Vegetarian and Meaty Food (1.2) - A little (most items won't be animated but some will)
Soda Cans v04 - Nope 
Some More Ingestibles - Make Jerky and more (1) - Yep 
Staminan XX from Yakuza (1) - Yep 
Stimpak_replacer (2) - Yep 
Sunset Sodas - Yep 
Sunset Vanilla (5.0) - Yep 
Super Chems (1.0) - Yep 
SurvivalCore - Disease and Gameplay Modifications (1.06-beta) - Yep 
Sweetrolls - A Yyratheus Mod (3.0) - Yep 
Taste of the Commonwealth - Yep 
Teas of the Mojave Wasteland (3) - Yep 
Thunder Muffins (0.01) - Yep 
To Serve Man - A CDDA Inspired Cannibalism Recipe Mod (V.2.1) - Yep 
Transparent Nuka Bottles (1.2) - Yep 
TTW Cooking Revolution (0.9.9) - Yep 
Ultimate Illness Mod (1.5) - Yep 
Universal Water Bottling - Fill Empty Bottles (1.0.1) - Yep 
Variable Consumable Qualities (1.1) - Yep 
Vim (Vim) - Yep 
Washington's Malevolence TTW 3.3 (4.0.2) - Yep 
Wasteland Lunch (0.01) - Yes 
Water Bottles HQ (1.0) - Yep 
Water Overhaul (3.1.0) - Yep 
WaterMod for bottling water (0.9b) - Yep 
Wrangler Rum - Rum for New Vegas (1) - Yep 

Technical compatibility (not related to meshes/textures/animated objects)
Custom body skeletons like NV Compatibility Skeleton should be 100% compatible.
Handheld Pipboys like this one - but I didn't test them all - could cause issues with 1st POV animations: animations will be moved to the far left of the screen. Depending on your FOV settings, animations could even be off screen. I guess they move the arm position to be able to have the pipboy in hand. Don't use such a mod or force animations of Animated Ingestibles to play in 3rd POV.
However, Handheld Fixes mod fixes the issue for supported handheld pipboys.

360 Movement (1.2) - Yep (consider setting 'bCheckForSpecialIdle' to 0 in its .ini)
Addicted (2) - Yep 
Aid Quick Menu (1.7) - Yep 
Animated Sleeping (0.4) - Seems to have issue (read 'Something related to the 1st animation' entry into BUGS section) 
Asurah Reanimation Pack ( - Seems no (I didn't test, but more than one user report issues, use it at your own risks) 
Auto-Equip (4.1) - Yep 
Diagonal movement (0.6) - Yep (but still need kNVSE Animation Plugin if you want diagonal moves when animation is playing)
DiaMoveNVSE (Alpha04.53) - Yep (same as above)
DiaMoveNVSE Patched (1.0.1) - Yep (same as above)
Enhanced Camera (1.4c) - Seems good (could have graphical issues, be sure to set 'bUseThirdPersonArms' to 0 to avoid them)
Ezekiel Project (3.25) - Not sure (use animations from Ezechiel Project or from Animated Ingestibles, but not both)
First Aid (1fix3)Yep (use animations from First Aid or from Animated Ingestibles, but not both)
First Aid Reborn (1.4)Yep (use animations from First Aid Reborn or from Animated Ingestibles, but not both)
Immersive Fast Travel Requirements (1.1) - Yep
JAM - Just Assorted Mods (4.4) - Yep
JVS - Just Vanilla Sprint (4.2g) - Yep (animation will play atfer you stop sprinting)
JWH - Just Weapon Hweel (4.2k) - Yep
Magazine Submenu (1.0.0) - Yes
Player Headtracking (0.1a) - Maybe (a user reports a crash when using this mod, another one says it's ok, I didn't test myself)
Skill Magazine Box (1.0) - Yes
Smart Helmets (1.11) - Yes, but... (headgear could auto-unequip when animation in 1st POV, then equip again)
Smart Helmets 2 (1.9) - Yes, but... (same as above)
Solid Project (V33) - Yes, but... (use animations from Solid Project or from Animated Ingestibles, but not both)
Universal Pip-Boy Customization (1.6) - Yes but... (Auto-Hide Pip-boy setting causes 1st POV animations issues, use YAPR for that)

There is an easy way if, for any reason, your mod need to disable Animated Ingestibles for some time.
Just insert the following lines in one of your scripts:

if getINIFloat "ModList:bAnimatedIngestibles" "zebumper\zebumper's cross mods config.ini"
setINIFloat "Functions:iIsStopped" x "zebumper\AnimatedIngestiblesTechnical.ini"
Where x could be one of these values:
0 = mod isn't stopped, working.
1 = mod stopped
2 = mod is stopped for next ingestible only
-1 = cancel current animation (don't trigger Cancel penalties)
-2 = cancel current animation and all the followings queued (don't trigger Cancel penalties)
Note: you only need to reset manually the value to 0 if you set it to 1 before. Other values cause the value to go back to 0 by itself

Thanks to DarkPopulous for the video showcase (mod was in version 1, things could have changed)

For an espless alternative, have a look at B42 Inject - Animated Item Use - ESPless. It works!

bluebellfairy for 3rd POV animations and generic animated objects (Animated Food & Animated Chems)
FLipdeezy for animated objects tweaks, upgrades and always precious tips
hitman47101 & Fallout2AM for first POV animations from Animation Resources 
Alex Birdman for Bandage mesh and base textures (kudos to Sweet6Shooter for pointing me to that) 
bananasuicide and PaddyOtaku for Bandage animation
Jokerine for rocket shaped Nuka bottles meshes from Jokerine's Misc Resources and Tutorials - FNV 
jet4571 & lylejk for Pizza mod resource 
Polyfemus & Kuroitsune for meshes from Become a Hotdog Vendor 
SirSquidly for nuka wild and nuka dark textures from Nuka-Cola Wild & Nuka-Cola Dark 
ZuTheSkunk for meshes and textures from Craftable Bread And Sandwiches 
zzjay for meshes from Nuka Cola World - Nuka overhaul by zzjay 
Book textures are extracted from copyright free old comics. 

Huge thanks to the NVSE/xNVSE teams, to Pelinor for the wonderful MCM system and to jazzisparisc6, carxt & lStewieAl for all the magic.