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S6S and Azhidaljun and Clavyn and KorianHun

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About this mod

Featuring 16 new healing items and new Survival healing options, this Aid Addon adds Antiseptic, Bandages, Blood Draw Kits, Medkits, Preserved Blood Packs, Hemostatic Pills, Combat Stims, Army Morphine Syrettes, Steroids, and Afterburner Gum to the wasteland, with configurable saturations per-item.

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Intended for use in Hardcore, and generally with something that reduces, removes, or adds more conditions to food healing, this is a healing addon/rebalance pack, adding more items and recipes to fill out the healing item selection in the wasteland. The new bandages in particular are added in a broader set of locations than stims were in the main game, such as clutter lists and such.

  • Rebalanced Blood Packs, Doctor's Bags, Hydra, and Auto-Inject Stimpaks/Super Stimpaks from LR.
  • Sixteen new healing and aid items, three of which scale with Survival.
  • Complete wasteland integration, including additions of items to select junk lists, in addition to healing leveled lists.
  • Configurable item saturation.
  • Brand new assets for the new items!
  • High-quality custom icons, including a set that's mostly vanilla friendly, and one that's more detailed.
  • Crafting and Breakdown recipes for all Medkits.
  • All needs penalties are properly conditioned for hardcore.
    It's not carefully balanced for non-Hardcore players, but you won't experience anything game-breaking if you use this without Hardcore enabled.
  • Some items feature a new bandaging sound effect.
  • There's an option to increase saturation of scalpels and scissors in loot to make crafting easier.
  • All items are completely functional when used on NPCs. Manual Companion Consumable Consumption is the recommended method of doing so, but other mods which cause NPCs to use ingestibles via the EquipMe/EquipItem script function should work as well.
Item Rebalances:
Blood Pack
  • It restores a decent 4 health for 10 seconds, but the standard version is a non-preserved blood pack, so it deals 2 radiation for 12 seconds. It's been marked as a food item, so it's healing scales with Survival now.(It didn't scale with anything before.
    The reason for the change to Survival scaling is to provide a slightly different utility between this and the Preserved Blood Pack, and to indicate that you get better healing from the dirty blood based on your "endurance," conceptualized by the Survival stat in this case.

Doctor's Bag
  • Doctor's Bags have been reworked to pop up a menu allowing you to restore one limb by an amount of health equaling your Medicine skill. They are by default not usable in combat, and will advance time by an hour when used.
  • They are crafted with a Medical Brace, Surgical Tubing, Scalpel, and Forceps. They now have a breakdown recipe.
    The new function even applies when clicking a limb in the status menu!

Combat Ultra Stim (formerly the Auto-Inject Stimpak)
  • Boosts reload, attack and movement speed by 10%, Agility by 1, AP restoration speed by 25%, increases max AP by 50, instantly restores health by 50, boosts max health by 75, and it restores 100 hunger and sleep deprivation, but it then penalizes hunger and sleep deprivation by 1 for 200 seconds. Damages your health by 75 and chest by 25 if it's used while a Combat Ultra-Stim is active.
  • Can be diluted into 3 regular Combat Stims, or condensed from 3 Combat Stims and an Empty Syringe.
  • Has an option for distribution throughout the wastes. Unlike the other items, this setting can be set to 0 and turned off, leaving the stim only in LR locations.*
    Overlapping effects with the Combat Stim will stack, but also negate the instant health restoration from both of them, and damage your chest. Very powerful, but they're a massive strain on your body.

Auto-Inject Super Stimpak
  • Now the Ultra-Stimpak. (Will be reworked if someone ever makes an actual custom model for the Ultra-Stimpak.)
  • Buffed to restore twice as much health as the Super Stimpak, take just three seconds, and restore limb health, but it also carries a fairly high food/hydration penalty, and a slightly steeper sleep deprivation penalty.  
  • Also increases health by 50 for two minutes, after which your health is reduced by 30 for an additional minute. 
  • Crafting recipe has been changed to require a Super Stimpak, Psycho, Leather Belt, and an Combat Stim.
  • Has an option for distribution throughout the wastes. Unlike most other items, this setting can be set to 0 and turned off, leaving the stim only in LR locations.*
    The Auto-Inject Stimpaks were changed to make them more interesting late game meds, and because the initial Auto-Inject stimpaks weren't very interesting, and they removed your agency in choosing what healing items to use and when.

  • Now just allows you to ignore crippled limbs for it's duration.
  • Damages dehydration by 75.
  New Items:
Basic Bandage
  • Heals 1 health per second for 15 seconds, and an additional 1 per second for 10 of those seconds if you're out of combat.
  • Stops BLEED/New Blood bleeding effects.
    Not very strong, but won't count toward Overdose. Better outside combat.

Military Bandage
  • Heals 25 health over 25 seconds, but it reduces Agility by 1 while it heals. Heals 1 bonus health over 15 of those seconds if you're not in combat.
  • Stops BLEED/New Blood bleeding effects.
    Rarer, but better Bandage. Comes with an Agility penalty to account for it's better healing.

  • Grants 10% bonus healing for 45 seconds. 
  • It's more for use in Medkit crafting recipes than individual use, but they're common enough that popping them for the buff makes sense when you're using a bunch of healing items. It does not affect the health restored by Medkits, since the kits generally contain an Antiseptic in them already.
    It will apply to food healing, which is why my Consumables mod is recommended (provides scripted food healing) or something that removes food healing completely. Arcade's vanilla healing bonus applies to food as well; it doesn't really make sense, but it's in line with the base game.

Improvised Hemostatic Pill
  • Each pill you pop will advance the Hemostatic level by 1, which will reduce recovered health and received limb damage by 10%. This caps at -50%.
  • Any pills taken after 5 will simply increase the remaining time on the effect. The effect is cleared all at once when the pills wear off.
  • Requires a Tin Can, Buffout, Healing Powder, Purified Water to craft, and 6 pills are crafted.
  • Marked as a food item, so it scales with Survival.
    The recovered health penalty will not apply when using a Medkit and the setting to advance time when using them is turned on. This is based on the premise that the time taken to use the Medkit will be long enough that the pills would wear off. If this setting is turned off, this penalty still doesn't apply to Survival-style Medkits.

Solvitol (Painkillers)
  • Provides +12% DR for 200 seconds, damages dehydration by 25.
  • Does not stack with Med-X, just increases it's duration.
    Commonly used for crafting of Medkits. Has no addiction itself, but it will increase the likelihood of other addictions if you take it while on Solvitol.

  • Will recover one arm or leg by 8%, reduces Agility by 1 for 30 seconds.
  • Can be applied during combat.
  • Agility penalty is nullified by Solvitol or Morphine Syrettes.
    Not nearly as useful/strong as a Doctor's Bag, but it's good to a couple have in case you're stuck somewhere with a crippled leg or arm and don't have other supplies.

Morphine Syrette
  • Grants 90 seconds of ignored crippled limbs, reduces Strength for about two minutes.
  • Can be crafted using an Empty Syringe, Med-X, Surgical Tubing and a Purified Water, grants 8 Syrettes.
  • Weaker version of Med-X, with a 1% addiction chance.
  • Valuable for their weight in resale.
  • Default name is actually Med-X Syrette, which can be changed back to Morphine Syrette in the config ini if you prefer.*
Combat Stim
  • Boosts reload and movement speed by 10%, increases AP by 25, instantly restores health by 25, boosts max health by 50, and it restores 50 hunger and sleep deprivation, but it then penalizes hunger and sleep deprivation by 1 for 100 seconds. Damages your health by 75 and chest by 25 if it's used while a Combat Ultra-Stim is active.
  • Overlapping effects with the Ultra-Stim will stack, but also negate the instant health restoration from both of them, and damage your chest.
    Non-addictive max health and AP boost, along with reload speed and movement speed boost, and it can temporarily ameliorate hunger and sleep needs, but you'll need a nap and a snack after it wears off.

  • All Medkits have a breakdown recipe.
  • Medkits cannot be used in combat, and they will advance time.*
  • If your health is at max and you use a Medkit, it's restoration will be divided amongst all your limbs equally, in the same fashion that the base game Doctor's Bag does.
  • Medkits will stop bleeding effects.
    In the following descriptions, Survival skill/Med skill refer to (Skill / 100). For example, 64 Survival skill means 64%. An Improvised Medkit with 64 Survival skill will restore 9.6% of max health.Improvised Medkit
  • Restores (15% x (2 x (Survival Skill / 100))) of max health.*
  • Crafted with a Tin Can, Purified Water, Empty Syringe, Lunchbox, Antiseptic, and two Hemostatic Pills.
    It's not very strong, but it's a relatively cheap way to get your limbs off of crippled for a short time, and it's relatively easy to craft. - Healing amount done is not penalized by your Hemostatic level.

Survival Medkit
  • Restores (30% x (2 x (Survival Skill / 100))) of max health.*
  • Crafted with a Tin Can, Solvitol, Purified Water, Empty Syringe, Lunchbox, and two Improvised Hemostatic Pills.
    A moderate improvement on the Improvised Medkit for Survival players. - Healing amount done is not penalized by your Hemostatic level.

Small Medkit
  • Restores (25% x (2 x (Medicine Skill / 100))) of max health.*
  • Requires: Stimpak, Bandage, Antiseptic, Scalpel.
    Easy to craft, but it won't do a ton of healing until your Medicine is pretty decent.

Army Medkit
  • Restores (35% x (2 x (Medicine Skill / 100))) of max health.*
  • Crafted with a Stimpak, Military Bandage, Antiseptic, Scalpel, Splint, and a Morphine Syrette.
    Moderate improvement to healing, but it can be used in combat, regardless of the toggle for Medkit healing in combat. However, it reduces your Endurance by 2 for 3 minutes, and it multiplies enemy crit. chance against you by 1.5x.

Scientific Medkit
  • Restores (50% x (2 x (Medicine Skill / 100))) of max health and (35% x (Medicine Skill / 100)) of max rads.*
  • Crafted with a Stimpak, Antiseptic, Scalpel, RadAway, Surgical Tubing, and two Bandages.
    Quality health restoration with more effective rad reduction than a RadAway used on it's own.

Field Medkit
  • Restores (75% x (2 x (Medicine Skill / 100))) of max health and (35% x (Medicine Skill / 100)) of max rads.*
  • Crafted with a Bandage, Antiseptic, Scalpel, RadAway, Preserved Blood Pack, Morphine Syrette, Splint, and two Stimpaks.
    Complicated to craft, expensive to buy, and moderately heavy, but it's basically as good as seeing a doctor after near-fatal encounters that you manage to survive out in the field.

Medkits do not have return options for their supplies, as they are powerful and the consumption of their supplies is important to their balancing.

Blood Draw Kit
  • Damages health by 40, reduces Endurance for 3 minutes, and it damages your hunger and dehydration by 55, but it grants a Blood Pack.
  • Crafted with an Empty Syringe, Surgical Tubing, Scissors, and an Empty Blood Pack. Can optionally return the tubing, syringe, and scissors upon use.
    Provides the same amount of health damage as a blood pack returns. This allows you to "store your current health for later" in circumstances where you're about to regain health by sleeping, eating, waiting, etc., but you're already at max health.

Preserved Blood Draw Kit
  • Requires an extra Rad-X on top of the regular Blood Draw Kit. Can optionally return the tubing, syringe, and scissors upon use.
Preserved Blood Pack
  • Heals for the same amount, but without the radiation that comes with the non-preserved Blood Pack.
    In contrast to the basic blood back, it scales with Medicine, since it's a much more medically sound healing item than an irradiated one.

Afterburner Gum
  • Boosts your movement speed by 8%.
  • Carries a 1% chance of giving a Jet addiction.
  • Crafted with a Tin Can, Jet, and 3 Bubblegum.
    Generally intended for use during long periods of travel, but useful in combat.

  • Permanent boost of 30 health.*
  • Very rarely found in loot, and in a handful of specific locations. Not craftable.
  • Simply add them to a companion's inventory to be prompted as to whether or not to use it on them, unless you use MCCC, in which case you use MCCC's method of usage on companions.
    Guaranteed locations are Motor Runner's room, as a reward for completing the drug quest for Melissa of the Great Khans, at the Red Rock Drug Lab, the Y-17 Medical Facility, in Doc Henry's room in the Jacobstown Lodge, the Followers' Safehouse, and in Vault 22's Food Production level.

You can choose how saturated the items are in-game per item.
The items' integrations can't be turned off individually, because of the way the items are intertwined in recipes.
You can also choose whether the Army Morphine Syrettes say Morphine or Med-X. Default is Med-X, it can be changed back to Morphine in the config ini.
You can turn off the increased saturation of scalpels, and they're turned off by default.
You can configure the amount of health provided by Steroids.
Doctor's Bag and Medkit time passing and out-of-combat restrictions are toggle-able, though their balancing is specifically intended for it to be on. The amount of time that will pass is configurable.
The amount of limb healing that splints do is configurable.
You can adjust the max of how much each medkit restores.
The KorianHun style icons can be toggled back on.

JIP LN, xNVSE, Johnny, the usual stuff.

Regular installation. You will need to reset your config options each update.
A Base Object Swapper patch is available and recommended, which will swap various base game worldspace placements with appropriate items from this mod, to allow you more opportunities to see the models in the world.
There is a small esp-free patch for BHYSYS that adds some medical supplies to the starting gear lists.

The "Sweet Economy" suite of mods (STARS+SWEEP+Sweet Consumables+SPARE) is most recommended, but SITE or a similar hard-edit based economy overhaul will also do. This file should be placed lower in your load order than SITE.
Those who do not use such an economy overhaul may find that items are disproportionately low in value in comparison to other item types in the game.
There is a small scriptrunner patch available that reverts the item values to their old NV proportions. Not recommended - as stated above, my Core Suite of mods or a SITE/TTW styled economy overhaul is recommended.

Recommended for use with my Ingestibles mod and New Blood or BLEED.
Also strongly recommended for use with Famine

Recommended Mods:
This is a part of my "Core" series, which are all designed to work in tandem and balanced for each other:
Sweet Consumables
Aid Addon
New Blood
While these mods will work without each other, the use of all of them provides the intended experience.

DMT patch available - simply adds some of the items to the vending machines.
CDO patch available.
AGE patch available - adds some of the new items to some of the loadouts.
A Base Object Swapper patch is available and recommended, which will swap various base game worldspace placements with appropriate items from this mod, to allow you more opportunities to see the models in the world.
A ySI patch is available here.

Place this lower than my Ingestibles mod if you use it.

Incompatible with other mods which change the way Doctor's Bags work, like Med-Tek Trauma.

Automatically compatible with TTW, New Blood, and BLEED. No patch needed. Everything will work fine without them.

Patch available for Critical Damage Overhaul, which replaces the bandages in the recipes in this mod with the ones from CDO, and allows you to turn the bandage integration from this mod to 0, which you should do if you use that patch.

Bleedout has a patch for Aid Addon in it's download.

Compatible with TTW

Info for mod authors who patch animations for this file:
A simple OnUseAidItem event handler will result in animations being played for Doctor's Bags, Medkits, and Splints even if they are determined to not be needed and returned by the system. I've added a new event dispatch to allow you to set an event handler for when the system does actually use those items:
The event's name is "AidAddonUseItem", and it provides two arguments to the handler - rAidItem, the base form of the item being used, and rActor, the actor it's being used on.
An example of a line to set an event for this handler:
SetEventHandler "AidAddonUseItem" MyUDFScript "first"::MedkitField "second"::PlayerRef
A formlist cannot be used for the first filter - instead, one should leave the first argument unfiltered and use
if IsRefInList FLSTMedkitListPlaceholder != -1
inside their event handler to check if the passed form is in your custom list of items.
Do not use "second"::player to filter for the player like most standard event handlers - instead use PlayerRef specifically. The event passes the specific actor reference and not a base form.

Sometimes survival aid items will show up in what should ostensibly be pre-war first aid kits/containers. There's not much I can do about this without it being a huge pain, the game uses very generic aid leveled items in a lot of locations.
I've been struggling to figure out why Steroids are so cheap for sale and purchase, but I haven't figured it out.

Can the animation from the original F4 stimpak replacer be ported?
I don't know how, and I don't know anybody who wants to do it, so that's gonna be a no unless someone volunteers.
Another medkit type?
I don't want to oversaturate things. It would have to be very well justified and fill a niche that's currently unfilled to be considered.
Why does the survival medkit somehow turn from a lunchbox to a medkit model?
To make a visual differentiation between the survival scaling medkits that still identifiably comes from the lunchbox in the recipe. The base game doctor's bag recipe doesn't have a bag included either, so just let me have this. I think it's nice to have more reasons to pick up and use lunchboxes, they're all over the place and hardly used.
Bandages will stop BLEED's bleeding effect? Even though the esp doesn't require the BLEED esp?
Yes. CDO required an actual patch though.
More custom sounds?
I probably will make some more, but not super soon.

Medical Asset Pack by payload and others for the F4 asset implementation. See the credits tab on this page for detailed credits.
MEDKITS - Craftable medkits by Korian for the excellent original icons, inspiration for my original Medkits mod, and for making all-new icons for this mod!
ovosch93 for the empty blood pack modder's resource.
Minimod - High Resolution RadX for the base of the antiseptic texture that I tweaked.
Azhidaljun ported the meshes from the F4 modder's resource and tweaked some of the textures.
Clavyn ported the textures from the F4 modder's resource.
ItsMeJesusHChrist supplied the modder's resources used for this page's images, as well as the initial icon for some of the custom ones I did myself.
Matt of the TTW discord did the fantastic rework of one of PM's Med Textures for Solvitol.
Bale allowed use of edited meshes and textures from Physically Based Chems.

As per the original modder's resource's resource files, all of the new models and textures for the healing items are Creative Commons. Request permission from Korian if you want to redistribute their icons.

If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi.