Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
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Author notes
This mod uses assets from Animated Ingestibles by Zebumper and Alcohol Bottles Overhaul by zzjay, with adaptations made by me. If you have their permission to use their assets, you may then ask me for mine.
File credits
This mod uses the framework, model templates and some textures from Animated Ingestibles by Zebumper.
This mod uses the models and textures from Alcohol Bottles Overhaul by zzjay (with minor alterations) with their permission. Per their mod page's request, I shall include the following credits verbatim:
"zzjay > Models and textures and all edits. ------------------------------------ Vodka Bottle base texture by sergeilihandristov https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/vodka-bottle-009e2eb4f0f44faa9fb79aead2717266 Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) LICENSE ------------------------- Beer Bottle (base mesh) by Darren.Hogan https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/wooden-beer-carrier-4d49352816554cf487f03bcc73726e7e Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International: LICENSE ------------------------- All models were tweaked and adapted. ------------------------------------ OldPaper and Paper by Ftourini
Jmenaru > cubemap humus > cubemapsHumus cubemaps are licensed under Creative Common License 3.0"
Donation Points system
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- Absinthe - Atomic Cocktail (Which actually opens up when drinking!) - Battle Brew - Dixon's Whiskey* - Jake Juice* - Large Wasteland Tequila* - Moonshine - Scotch - Sierra Madre Martini - Sunset Sarsaparilla - Vodka - Wasteland Tequila* - Wine - Whiskey
To do list (in the far future):
- Make the moonshine bottle actually remove its cork in first person.
Requires both mods mentioned above, obviously, and must be loaded after them (let it overwrite Animated Ingestibles' files)
* Included in this mod are two .ini files to allow these drinks to properly use their models (and some other small changes to other drinks). I don't think any other mod uses these files as of now, however if any mod ever do, you'll have to "merge" them (as in open them in notepad and merge their contents in the correct categories, should be pretty straight forward).
p.s. Making models work without crashing the game is way harder than I thought. I've tested all the scenarios these models appear (1st person, 3rd person, stool, chair) and they work fine for me. I've tested both in a heavily modded game and a near vanilla one (only using the required mods and their respective requirements. All pictures are from these vanilla trials). I hope you have no problems as well.