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About this mod

Engine bugfixes, optional tweaks and new features with no performance impact. Fully customisable via in-game menu and INIs.
Adds support for Inventory Searching, Cookable Grenades, Manual Reload, Smooth Aiming, WASD Menu Support and more.
Fully compatible with TTW and The Frontier.

Permissions and credits

An engine-level collection of Quality-of-Life improvements in one file with INI settings to enable tweaks.
Fully compatible and recommend for Tale of Two Wastelands and The Frontier.

All features are optional and disabled by default and can be configured by using the Pause->Settings->Tweaks menu (changes are applied when the game is closed and reopened). Launching the game fills out the nvse_stewie_tweaks.ini (available in the optional downloads section). As an alternative to the in-game menu, tweaks can be enabled by modifying the relevant line under the [Tweaks] section to be ‘= 1’ instead of ‘= 0’. For hotkey options, change the value under [Hotkeys] to the desired key .

It is safe to install, configure, update or uninstall mid-playthrough (a new save is not required).

When updating, the mod's INI will be automatically filled with any new settings after launching the game - you do not need to reconfigure settings when updating.

New in 9.00+
New in 9.45
Sleep Healing Min Duration - require sleeping for some time before health is restored on unowned beds
Use Hit Location in Cinematic Killcams - make the (non-VATS) cinematic killcam focus on the hit body part
Scale Radio Volume - scale the volume of radio music and conversations independently

Revive Unconscious Companions - make auto reviving on cell change optional
No Self Explosion Damage - add option to not damage non-hostile NPCs
Grabbing Items Is Crime - add minimum value
No Casino Bans - make GetCasinoWinningStage not return banned
Popups Dont Move Cursor - fix jip 53.70 compatibility

Hide quest objectives with an empty name+quest name.
Fix rare havok crash.
Fix rare issue where radio volume could reset when using some holotapes.
Fix crash when some NPCs are activated.
Fix crash when SetLevel is called on some containers.

New in 9.41
Revive unconscious - fix crash if actor has no process (regression in 9.40).
Vendors Obey Their Buy/Sell Flags - fix JG incompatibility.

Fix vanilla bug where creatures had doubled damage resistance. (WallSoGB)
Fix vanilla bug where non-hitscan projectiles didn't splash in water. (WallSoGB)

New in 9.40
VATS Ignore Non-Explosive Projectiles - prevent highlighting spears etc. in VATS

Target Projectiles in VATS - add option to allow targeting mines
Robotic Companions Heal With Scrap Metal - make healing item configurable and play UIVATSInsufficientAP sound if you have no healing items
Revive Unconscious Companions - add message when healing item is removed, prevent companions auto-reviving when changing cells
Map Selectable Companions - add option to prevent summoning unconscious companions
No Screenshot Popup - add optional sound
Pickpocket Worn Items - add option to only allow stealing holstered weapons

Fix mod crash when projectiles are created without a baseform.
Fix mod crash when using /DumpMenu on menus with long strings.
Lower minimum deadzone to from 10% to 5%

Fix JIP crash when SetOnFireWeaponEventHandler scripts remove an actor's equipped ammo.
Add merchant repair menu support to JIP's RefreshItemsList command
Fix doubled XP when kill command is used on injured NPCs.
Prevent death when endurance is decreased at 1hp.
Prevent healing when endurance is decreased.
Fix backpack damage stages not updating.

New in 9.35
Exploding Destructible Indicator - show exploding cars on the HUD grenade indicator
Weapon Mod Menu - add option to show all weapon mods while in godmode.
Scale Weapon Sounds - fix random crash.
CompassQuest/PlacedMarker Height Indicators - fix dependency on Compass NPC Indicator.
Fix crash when actors with unloaded limbs are dismembered.

New in 9.30
No Self Meltdown Damage - prevent damage from your own explosions from the meltdown perk
Prevent NPC Addiction - prevent NPCs gaining addiction status effects
No Dialogue Zoom - prevent the camera zooming in when entering dialogue
Separate Alcohol Effects - allow using different alcohols to stack their effects
God Mode Prevents Jam Animations - prevent weapon jams if godmode is active
Scale Gunshot Volume - allow modifying player/npc gunshot volume

HUD Marker Name Indicator - add support for player placed marker
Player Marker Height Indicator - add map menu support
Map Selectable Companions - add summon all option
WASD Menus - add typing for the help menu page number
Tweaks Menu - show recently modified settings in red
Tweaks Menu - add filter to only show recently modified settings
Tweaks Menu - add hexadecimal input fields

HUD Door Indicator - fix doors at z=0 showing incorrect height
Using Keys Rewards XP - don't reward XP if unlocking the same door in a row
Prevent Reload Canceling - fix ammo count sometimes showing 0 if switching while holstered
No PipBoy In Combat - support the PipBoy hotkey tweaks (Quest, Map etc.)

Fix terminal menu showing even if you died while it opened.
Fix EnemyHealth tile visibility being tied to the Take prompt.
Fix crash if a font button tries to load with no texture path.
Fix custom save names not showing when scrolling far enough in the saves menu.

Store the refID of companions and doors in the local map in a _RefIDStr tile trait

New in 9.25
Armor Causes Sinking - sink while swimming with heavy armor
Container Quantity Menu Shows Weight - show transfer weight in the quantity menu
Repair All Confirmation - add a confirmation when repairing all items
Reputation Shows Fame/Infamy - show fame and infamy in the reputation menu

Keep Roulette Bet Amount - remember the max *placed* bet from the last spin.
Lockpick Keyboard Support - add support for arrow keys.

Autosave Manager - properly exclude time in the pause menu.
Custom Crafted Health Percentage - fix crash if item is empty.
Custom Num Special Points - also affect ShowChargenMenuParams.
Fire While Aiming - fix firing too early in VATS.
Fire While Aiming - fix grenade minigun being spammable.
Less Frequent Player Sounds - fix player sounds never playing.
Map Selectable Companions - fix dependency on other tweaks.
No Disarm Companions - add additional check when actors stagger.
Quest Sorting - fix alpha+alphabetical sorting.
Show Mod Name In Perk Descriptions - address NVAC conflict.
Spin Weapon Fix - ignore the Sprtel-Wood 9700 (workaround)

Fix the pause menu 'help' not working in the gambling minigames.
Reset companion location triangles when reopening the map menu.
Use left stick to move cursor in console, and activate to click.

New in 9.21
Jump Swims Upwards - add jump/crouch to swim up/down

Improved Hacking - mark guessed special characters as duds.
Sort Perk Menu - option to reverse sort available perks by required level.
No Place Map Marker Popup - option to only reset if hovering an existing marker.
Armor Condition Label - move label up if no weapon is equipped.
Anim Debugging - keep debugging the selected actors when the console is closed if using Keep Selected Console Ref.

Map Selectable Companions - fix click detection.
Attack Toggles Controller/Keyboard - workaround button label issues when swapping to controller at the main menu.
Weapon Visible During Dialog - hide weapon if aiming when entering dialog.
VATS Dequeue Weapon Shots On Disarm - fix null crash on actor disarm.
Show 'Disarm' instead of 'Take' on armed mines (regression in 7.85).

Fix vanilla issue where refs didn't attach their sounds when loaded.

New in 9.15
Endurance Scales Min Fall Height - allow longer falls before taking damage with higher endurance
Engine Optimizations - fix bMisc bug that caused C6025 error popups in FNC and potentially other rare crashes.

New in 9.10
Map Selectable Companions - summon hired companions by clicking on them on the map
Water Sources Show H2O - show H2O restored by water sources
Explosion Radius Buff - add option to exclude player.
Notes Use Book Menu - fix tile not greying out.
Add missing file check to ConsoleBackground xml.
Fix TAB in pipboy XML closing the menu.
Fix vanilla crash when EquipItem Ammo is called on a ref with no base process.

New in 9.06
Unequip Weapon Mods - fix crash while crafting using full durability items.
Manual Reload - fix looping reload autofilling with bReloadWhenFiringWithEmptyClip and prevent reloading if you're already in a reload anim.
Smooth True Ironsights - remove dependency on ViewModelShakeFix 1.2.

Fix vanilla bug where the recipe menu would not refresh properly when RemoveItem was called on the player.

New in 9.05
Auto Unlock Terminals - automatically skip the hacking minigame if your science skill is over the terminal's science requirement
Terminal Password Note Rewards XP - gain XP when using notes to unlock terminals
No Hotkey Equip Sounds - prevent equip/unequip sounds when using weapon hotkeys
No Companion Item Damage - prevent companion items taking damage
Reloading Prevents Weapon Hotkeys - prevent using weapon hotkeys while reloading
Timescale Affects Minigames - make the SGTM command affect minigames

Make 'Tab Closes Pipboy in Key/Limb Menus' optional.
Using Keys Rewards XP - add option to require meeting the lock skill.
Skip Very Easy Locks At Max Skill - make skill delta configurable and apply to all lock levels.
Pickpocket Overhaul - add option to always succeed when picking free items.
Unequip Weapon Mods - return weapon mods when a weapon is used as a crafting component.
WASD Menus - make control backspace clear the quantity menu value
Quick Use - show HP and FOD/H2O when shift-viewing chems

Engine Optimizations - fix issue which could break the trait menu display.
Map Marker Reputations - fix crash when viewing the map with some custom reputations.
HUD Armor Condition Label - fix crash if a mod has removed the Action Points tile in the VATS UI.

Fix very rare crash when resolving teleport doors for pathing.
Enable godmode when activating TestAllCells.
When crafting using weapons or armor, use the lowest condition weapon first.
Roulette - fix rare random crash after closing the menu, and ensure 0 counts as a win when bet on.
Fix the 0 slot never counting as a win in Roulette.
Fix HUD showing source weapon name instead of projectile name (excludes thrown weapons).
Fix vanity camera flipping upside down when looking up/down too far.
Fix rare crash when processing dialogue activate packages.

Make JIP's RefreshItemsList command also refresh the weapon modding menu.

New in 9.00
Display Item Effect Totals - show item effect totals in the Pip-Boy e.g. HP +26(3s) -> HP +78 (26x3s)
Planting Live Grenades Requires Weapon Skill - prevent reverse pickpocketing live explosives if you don't meet the weapon skill requirements
Disable Inventory Right Click Drop - prevents right clicking dropping items in the PipBoy

Stats Menu Effect Duration - add option to display in minutes/hours.
Repair Items Preview - add optional button label while alt is held.
Reload While Firing - now cancels the queued attack.
Jumping Costs AP - add option for only requiring AP during combat.
Save Manager - add option to highlight the active save in the Save/Load list.

Engine Optimizations - remove some save/load inlines due to rare crashes caused by an unknown conflict.
Using Keys Rewards XP - fix fLockRewardXPScale only accepting integer values.
Play Jams While Firing - prevent jams for recharger weapons.
Add compatibility for JIP's SetRefName for various tweaks.

ToggleNavMesh - fix interior cells disappearing (thanks WallSoGB).
Fix vanilla bug where inventory items would occasionally be invisible.
Scale HUD compass element alphas based on the alpha of CompassWindow.

Since 8.70
Significant internal changes and improvements, and separated config for various features:
Manual Reload + Remember Weapon Ammos
Smooth True IronSights
Faster Start Menu
Jump While Aiming
Compass Height Indicator
Save Manager
Faster Sleep Wait
Double Jump
WASD Menus
Menu Search
Cookable Grenades
Inlines Vanilla Functions

For a full changelog see here .

Quality Of Life
2 Hotkey Restored - replaces the 'Ammo Swap' icon with a functional weapon slot '2' (rebinding the Ammo Swap Key may be required)
Activating While Seated Doesn't Stand Up - prevents standing up when you press 'Activate' without a ref selected while seated
Aiming Unholsters Weapons - take out your weapon when aiming
Allow Activate While Animation Plays - allow activating objects while firing, reloading, jumping etc.
Allow Sleep Wait With Reduced Max Health - allow sleeping while max health is temporarily reduced
Allow Weapon Hotkeys While Equipping - use weapon hotkeys while switching weapons
Better AutoWalk - moving left/right does not cancel autowalk and add backwards movement support
Better Pickup Prompt - show the value and weight for a whole stack of items while looting and indicate the weight in red if it would overencumber you
Billy Goat Mode (Climb Steeper Angles) - allow adjusting of max walking/jumping/autowalk climbing angle
Clicking Shows Rest Of Terminal Note Page - make clicking in terminals only skip to next page if the whole page is shown already
Compass Rotates In Vanity Camera - also rotate the compass while holding the POV button to look around
Console Background - add a background to the console
Console Output Text Shadow - darken and add a faint shadow to console output text
Decrease Dialogue And Start Menu Click Delay - half the delay between clicking on menu items (500ms->250ms)
Delay Post Combat LevelUp - add a 3s delay after combat before the LevelUp menu will show
Delay Post Combat Reputation Message Box - add a 3s delay after combat before the reputation changed message box will show
Don't Save Duplicate Commands To Console History - prevent consecutive duplicate commands being stored in the sent history
Entering VATS Doesn't Unholster Weapon - allow entering VATS without unholstering your weapon
Extra Selected Console Ref Details - include the name of the last mod that modified the selected console ref
Faster Save Menu Close - remove a hard-coded 3 second delay when saving with the save menu
Faster Terminal Hacking Transition - decrease the delay after successfully hacking from 3 seconds to 0.5 seconds
Faster Quest And Note Menu - only redraw the menus when gaining new notes/quests
Godmode Prevents Landing Pain Sound - prevent the hit shader and landing sound when falling in godmode
Hide Grenade Indicator If Explosion Does No Damage - hide the HUD grenade indicator for projectiles whose explosions do no damage
Improved Character Edit Menu - add right click/Y to allow panning in the character creation menu
Improved Flycam Controls - add AutoMove, flying up and down using Jump and Crouch, rotating pressing Z and C, and scroll wheel to change flight speed. Additionally pressing Reload enables a smooth camera
Improved Hacking - options to: prevent single character attempts, i.e. clicking on "/" won't use an attempt; prevent duplicate guesses; remove a dud instead of replenishing allowance if allowance is already full; don't print the clicked on characters with the "Dud removed" and "Allowance replenished" messages; remove dud ignores guessed words; print guesses on a single line instead, e.g. HORIZON (1/7)
Include Plugin Name In Console Prints - prepend [Modname.esp] to debug prints from scripts
Keep Quest Text Visible While Aiming - don't hide the quest/location text when aiming
Keep Roulette Bet Amount - don't reset the bet amount to 1 after playing roulette
Less Restrictive VATS Menu Exiting - allow dequeuing actions or exiting vats while zooming in/out
Level Up Menu Scrollwheel Support - allow use of the scrollwheel to increase/decrease skills in the Level Up Menu
Lockpick Click To Rotate - add left click to rotate during lockpick
Lockpick Keyboard Controls - add (control/shift) left+right to move the bobby pin and jump to spin the screwdriver
Lower Ambient Music Volume During Dialogue - scale the volume of background music during dialogue
Lower Radio Song Volume During Dialogue - lower the volume of radio songs while speaking to an NPC
Marker Added Popup Name - include the cell name in the "Map marker added." popup
Menu Numpad Support - allow use of numpad in menus and the console
More Responsive Controller Aiming - improves responsiveness of looking around with a controller
Multithreaded Hacking Menu - improve hacking menu speed by loading words in background when opening the menu
No Interior Black Post-Loading Screen - remove the hardcoded 1 second of black screen after entering all interiors
No Minimum Companion Map Distance - remove the minimum distance for showing a companion on the world map
No PipBoy On Alt Tab - stop the PipBoy from opening/closing when you ALT-TAB
No Place Marker Popup - don't show the 'Place/Remove marker' popup when placing markers on the map
No Poison Confim - remove the confirmation prompt when poisoning a weapon
No Screenshot Popup - print the "Screenshot Created" message to console instead of showing a popup
Non-Selectable Player In Console - prevent the player being selected when clicking in console (happens frequently with Enhanced Camera)
Pause Holotapes - add ability to pause/reset a holotape
Persistent Console History - store/restore sent console commands to a text file between sessions
Prevent Gib Sound When Entering Cells - prevent body part explosion sounds when entering cells
Queue Holster Weapons While Anims Play - pressing holster weapon while animations play will holster the weapon when they are finished
Radio Keeps Song Position When Loading Saves - don't rewind current song when loading a save if the same song is playing
Rebind 1/3-9 Hotkeys - allow rebinding the 1/3-9 weapon hotkeys in the settings menu
Reloading With No Ammo Swaps Types - swap ammo types when reloading with no rounds of the current type
Remember Selected Console Ref - remember the selected reference when closing the console
Save PipBoy Scroll Positions - store the scroll height of each inventory page in the cosave
Scope Visibility Delay - delay visibility of scope overlay when zooming in, and optionally stopping aiming while reloading
Select Unavailable Radios - allow selecting unavailable radios to use when back in range
Semi Auto Queue - queue the next shot for semi-automatic weapons if the trigger is pulled before the current shot is completed
Show Currency In Misc Containers And Caps In PipBoy - unhide faction currency in the misc tab of containers, and caps in the PipBoy
Show Quest And Non DR/DT Items In Vendor Repair Menu - unhide quest items and armors with no DR/DT in the vendor repair menu
Show Unconscious Companions on Map - show unconscious companions on the local/world maps (in red)
Skip Continue Game Prompt - skip the "Continue from your last saved game?" prompt when clicking continue game in the main menu
Skip Deathcam Hotkey - add hotkey 'left-alt' to instantly end the player deathcam
Skip Main Menu Loading Video - automatically skip the loading video when entering the main menu
Skip To Perk Screen If No Skill Points To Assign - skip the skillpoint screen if all skills are already maxed out
Slot Machine Continual Spin Hotkey - add a hotkey 'W' to continually spin the slot machine
Sort Usable Ammos To Top - sort equipable ammo to the top of the inventory
Un-hotkey Items - allow removal of a hotkey from an item by selecting it again
Use Hip Fire Anims While Scoped - use hip fire animations and recoil patterns while scoped to prevent weapons lingering in your face when unscoping
VATS Ignores Teammates - stop VATS targeting companions
VATS Target Head By Default - target the head instead of torso when entering VATS

12 Hour PipBoy Clock - show the time in 12 hour format in the PipBoy MapMenu
24 Hour Sleep/Wait Clock - show the time in 24 hour format in the Sleep/Wait menu
Added To Inventory Message Uses Item Icon - use item icon instead of 'present' icon when gaining items
Ammo Label Uses Long Name - use the longer name for ammo on the HUD
Armor Condition Label - add an armor condition label to the HUD
AP and HP Visible While Using Scope - show the AP and HP bars while using a scope
Barter Quantity Menu Shows Value - show value in the barter quantity menu
Barter Show Caps Change - show the final caps after a transaction beside player/merchant caps
Barter Show Total When Over Sell Limit - show the total barter amount even if it's more than the merchant's caps
Better Map Zooming - zoom in where the cursor is on the map menu
Blackjack Total Display - show a display of your hand values in BlackJack
Capitalize Recipe Menu Categories - show recipe menu categories in full caps
Changing Cells Shows Quest Reminders - show quest objectives when changing cells
Changing Container Category Scrolls To Top - scroll to the top when changing container/barter categories
Clicking Current PipBoy Tab Sorts/Filters Inventory - clicking on the current PipBoy tab sorts/filters the inventory
Color New Map Markers - color newly added map markers in red (till the save is reloaded)
Color Weapon Low Condition Label - allow coloring the weapon low condition label
Colored HUD Bars - color the HP and AP bars red when they are low
Companions Use Location Font on Map - make companions use the same font as locations on the map
Compare Armor Stats - add - or + next to armor DT and DR in inventories compared to the current equipped armors
Compare Weapon Stats - add - or + next to weapon damage and DPS in inventories compared to the current equipped weapon
Compass Always Shows Nearest New Location - always show the nearest undiscovered location on the compass or map
Compass Left Side Fade - fade icons for NPCs, doors etc. on the left side of the compass (works well with a centered compass)
Container Encumbrance Indicator - show container weight in red if the item stack would overencumber the player
Container Quantity Menu Shows Weight - show transfer weight in the quantity menu
Containers Show Equipped Ammo - show an equipped square beside equipped ammo in containers/barter
Critical Hit Messages Include Limb Name - include the limb name in critical hit messages
Custom Add To Inventory Message Timer - customise the length of time the 'Added to inventory' message is shown
Custom Companion HUD Color - customize the color for companions on the compass
Custom Max HUD NPC Compass Ticks - allows a custom max number of compass ticks above the vanilla maximum of 10
Custom Popup Icons - add configurable icons to popup messages
DD.MM.YY Date Format - use a custom date format in the Sleep/Wait and PipBoy menus
Dialog Number Hotkeys - add hotkeys to press dialog options (pairs well with VUI+'s numbered topics setting)
Disable Compass Edge Alpha - remove the hardcoded fade from NPCs, locations and player placed marker on the right side of the compass
Disable Grenade Indicator - hide the nearby grenade indicator
Disable HUD Hotkey Wheel - prevent the hotkey wheel showing when holding a hotkey
Disable Hard-coded Tutorial Messages - disable hard-coded one-time tutorial menu messages
Disable Hardcore/RADS Needs Messages - prevent the "... increased" and "You are now sick with ..." messages, toggle each individually
Display Item Effect Totals - show item effect totals in the Pip-Boy e.g. HP +26(3s) -> HP +78 (26x3s)
Distance Based Compass Alpha - scale the alpha of compass locations and NPCs based on distance from the player
Distance Based Quest Marker Visibility - hide the quest marker if it is further than some distance from the player (separate value for interiors/exteriors)
Disable Show Quest Location - disable the "Show Location" button functionality in the quests tab
Don't Multiply Item Stats By Stack Size - show the stats of an individual item instead of the entire stack in inventories
Drop Item Hotkey - add a key 'Q' to drop items in the PipBoy
Embolden Tagged Skills in Stats Menu - show tagged skills in bold in the Stats menu
Enemy Healthbar Show Buffed HP - include health modifiers in enemy healthbars (e.g. buffout)
Exploding Destructible Indicator - show exploding cars on the HUD grenade indicator
Grey Read Terminal Notes - grey out terminal entries after reading them
HUD Color Sliders - add color sliders for the main HUD in the settings menu - note DUI doesn't support the extra options
HUD Show Region Names - show interior cell names or the closest marker name in the HUD region text (the bottom left 'Mojave Wasteland' text)
Hide Ammo Label - hide the ammo label from the main HUD, optionally showing total ammo
Hide Caps Added Messages - hide item added messages for caps
Hide Completed Quests - hide completed quests in the PipBoy
Hide Crosshair In First Person - hide the crosshair while in first person
Hide Crosshair In Third Person - hide crosshair in third person
Hide Crosshair In Killcams - hides the crosshair during cinematic/player view killcams
Hide Cursor In Dialog - hide the cursor during dialog
Hide Cursor In Message Menu - hide the cursor in the message popup windows
Hide Equipped Items In Barter/Containers - don't display player equipped items in the barter menu and containers
Hide Exterior Load Screen Backgrounds - remove the background image and tip text when changing cells (excludes loading a save)
Hide Food Worn Off Message - prevent the 'X worn off' message for food items
Hide Healthbar In Killcams - hide the healthbar during killcams
Hide Hotkeyed Items in Barter/Containers - hide items that are in the 1-8 hotkey slots in barter/container menus
Hide Hotkeyed Items In Repair Menu - prevent repairing with hotkeyed items
Hide HUD Crippled Limb Indicator - prevent the vaultboy showing when you injure a limb
Hide Loading Screen Tips - hide the tips shown during load screens
Hide Location Popup - stop the 'Location Discovered' text
Hide Main Menu Downloads Button - remove the downloads button from the main menu
Hide Map Marker Added Popup - remove the "Map Marker Added" popup
Hide Map Marker Faction Reputation - hide the faction reputation on locations in the world map
Hide Misc Quest Items - hide quest items in the misc PipBoy tab
Hide No Fast Travel Undiscovered Message - prevent the 'sNoFastTravelUndiscovered' mesasge when clicking on an undiscovered map marker
Hide PipBoy Quest Item Weight And Value - hide the weight and value of quest items and keys in the PipBoy
Hide Quest Failed Popup - hide the quest failed text (optionally only if the quest was started)
Hide Quest Objective Text - hide the quest added text when objectives are added, or a save is loaded - optionally hide completed objectives
Hide Ranks In Trait Description - hide the 'Ranks' from the description of traits in the Trait menu
Hide Read Notes - filter out read notes in the PipBoy
Hide Red Crosshair On Distant Invisible NPCs - prevent the red crosshair when mousing over invisible enemies in the distance
Hide Reputation Messages - disable the reputation gain/loss messages and popups (optionally only hide them if you're already at min/max rep)
Hide Reputation Tab If Empty - hide the stats menu reputation tab if you haven't met any factions
Hide Skill Tags - hide the [Speech] etc. tags in dialogue, and [FAILED] and [SUCCESS] in responses
Hide Unavailable Radios - don't show unavailable radio stations in the PipBoy radios tab
Hide Unconscious Message - remove the "... is now unconscious" message when an actor is knocked out
Hide Unmarked Compass Locations - show unvisited locations on the compass only if they are marked on the map
Hide Unspoken NPC Names - hide the names of NPCs that haven't spoken to the player from the HUD prompt
Hostiles Use Neutral Color On Compass - make hostiles the same color as friendlies on the compass
HUD Marker Name Indicator - show the name of the nearest location marker you're looking towards on the compass
HUD Weapon Name Label - briefly show the current weapon name when a weapon is equipped
Invert PipBoy Repair Condition Sorting - sort low condition items to the top of the PipBoy repairs list
Item Repair List Preview - make holding ALT and opening the repair menu show which weapons/armors can repair the hovered item
Keep Crosshair When Aiming - keep the crosshair visible when aiming with non-scoped weapons
Living Anatomy Shows DR - show the damage resistance of the target, remove useless decimal places for DT and hide DR/DT if the target has none
Local Map Separate Interior/Exterior Door Icon - use a separate icon for local map doors which lead to an exterior
Location Discovered Corner Message - show the location discovered text as a corner message
Lockpick/Hacking Requirement Message Shows Current Skill Level - show current skill level in skill required messages
Main Menu Continue Save Icon - show the image of the save to load when 'Continue' is hovered at the main menu
Map Marker Reputation Shows Faction Name - show (Faction name - reputation) when hovering over a location, e.g. (NCR - Neutral)
Map Markers Show Distance - show the distance to the hovered location marker in the Map Menu
Map Recenter Hotkey - Y button or R key centers on player, Enter centers on MenuSearch location
Map Remembers Position - remember the last viewed position in the Map Menu
Menu Alternate Ammo Type Indicator - show a + beside inventory ammo count if you have alternate ammos
Menu Hide Weightless/Sort By Weight Button - add a UI element to the PipBoy, Inventory and Barter menus that toggles visibility of weightless items, or sorts by weight
Menu Key Repeat Acceleration - scroll faster after holding the key for some time
More Detailed Stats Menu - show the value modifier amount in the (+) and (-) for skills/SPECIAL, and show them above their min/max
More Precise Rad Meter - show decimal places in the radiation meter
Move Ammo Type Label - move the ammo type label to under the ammo count
No Capitalised Container Categories - don't capitalise the container category titles (Aid, Weapons, Armor etc.)
No Cripple/Critical Messages - disable the messages when crippling or critical hitting an NPC
No Karma Messages - disable the good/bad karma messages and sounds, or stop bad karma sounds repeating within an interval
No Red Crosshair on Enemies - stop the crosshair turning red when hovering over an enemy
No XP Popup - hide the XP bar and sound
PipBoy Challenge Icons - use challenge icons in the PipBoy challenges menu
PipBoy Shows Weapon Poison Effects - show melee weapon poison effects when viewing weapons in the PipBoy
Player Placed Marker Height Indicator - show whether the player placed map marker is above/below the player
Power Armor Prevents Screen Blood - prevent screen blood effects if you are hit on your power armor
Quantity Menu Respects Companion Carry Limit - limit the quantity menu max count when transferring items that would overburden a companion
Quest Compass Height Indicator - indicate whether a quest marker is above or below the player on the compass
Quest Text Visible In Menus - make quest update text visible in the PipBoy and Hacking menus
Recurring Challenge Indicator - show (Recurring) beside the progress indicator for recurring challenges
Remove Sneak Label - remove the [HIDDEN] etc. label
Remove Queued Cripple/Critical Messages For Dead NPCs - remove 'Critical Hit'/Crippled Limb' corner messages when the target dies
Repair All Confirmation - add a confirmation when repairing all items
Reputation Shows Fame/Infamy - show fame and infamy in the reputation menu
Right Click Changes To Previous Container Category - make right clicking the title cycle to the previous category in containers/barter/recipe
Right Click Marks Notes Unread - add right click to mark a note as unread
Save Character Selector - add a character name selector to the Save/Load menu for switching between playthroughs
Show Active Quest Notes Shows All Started Quests - show notes for all started, non-completed quests instead of just the current quest
Show Book Effects - show 'Permanent {{Skill}} +n' in the Effects tab for books in the inventory
Show Caravan Cards In Misc Tabs - show caravan cards in the misc tab for containers and barter
Show Mod Name In Perk Descriptions - show the source mod of perks in the perk menu
Show Note Menu in PipBoy - show the Scroll menu when opening notes from the PipBoy
Show Sneak Label While Standing - show the [HIDDEN] etc. label while standing
Show [Use Password] On Terminals With Password Note - show [Use Password] if you have collected the password
Show Weapon Ammo Use In Menus - show the ammo used per shot when viewing a weapon in the inventory
Skip Load Game Confirmation Prompt - skip the confirmation prompt when loading a save
Sleep Wait Slider Shows Wake Time - show the wake time on the sleep/wait slider
Sort Level Up Perks - sort the levelup perk menu alphabetically
Sort Misc Stats - sort the Stats Menu's misc stats page alphabetically
Sort PipBoy Notes - sort the PipBoy Notes tab alphabetically or move unread notes to the top
Sort PipBoy Quests - sort the PipBoy Quests tab alphabetically or by completion
Sort PipBoy Repair Menu - sort the PipBoy repair menu
Sort Recipe Menu - sort uncraftable recipes by if you have the required skill for them
Sort Repair Services Menu Alphabetically - sort the RepairServicesMenu by worn/alphabetically/condition
Start Menu Back Key - add hotkey TAB to go back in the start/pause menu
Stats Effects Menu Show Time Remaining - show the time remaining beside temporary effects in the Stats Menu
Stats Menu Percentage XP - show the XP bar as a percentage in the Stats Menu
Subtitles Show Actor Names - show actor name above their subtitles
Switch Controller/Mouse By Clicking/Pressing A - allow switching between controller/keyboard input by pressing A/Clicking
Synchronize Container Categories - make switching categories in containers/barter change both inventories
Terminal Exit Key - pressing TAB exits the current terminal
Terminal Instant Display Hotkeys - add hotkeys Shift and Right Mouse Button to instantly display the current terminal text
Terminal Number Hotkeys - add number hotkeys to select terminal entries
Timescale Affects Minigames - make the SGTM command affect minigames
Unvisited Cell Indicator - show a * in the door activation prompt for unvisited interior cells
VATS AP Display Includes Reload Cost - include the reload AP cost when queueing a VATS attack that will cause a reload
Water Sources Show H2O - show H2O restored by water sources

Gameplay/Balance Features
Agility Scales Movement Speed - movement speed is affected by the agility stat (affects player and all NPCs)
Automatically Unequip Broken Armor - automatically unequip armor when it breaks (affects player and all NPCs)
Cap Skills by SPECIAL - cap the max value for skills in the Levelup Menu based on SPECIAL stats
Charged Attacks Cost AP - require action points for unarmed/melee power attacks
Contact Mines - instantly detonate mines when they are stood on
Custom Hacking Answer Length - customize the hacking word length, min/max, difficulty multiplier and 'Computer Whiz' perk bonus
Detected By Whom - show the names of all actors detecting the player (excluding teammates)
Disarm Requires Weapon Skill - add a chance for mines to not disarm, or instantly explode based on explosion skill
Drop Equipped Weapon Hotkey - adds a hotkey to drop the equipped weapon
Entering VATS Costs AP - require Action Points to enter VATS, optionally only allow VATS if you have enough AP to fire the weapon
Fallout 76 Encumbrance - allow running and jumping while over-encumbered using action points
Fast Travel Requires Nuka Cola - make fast travel consume an Ice Cold Nuka or Nuka Quantum/Quartz/Victory
Hold And Release Throwables - allows click and holding throwable weapons before throwing them
Instant End VATS Hotkey - add hotkey MenuMode (the PipBoy key) to instantly exit a VATS killcam
Jumping Costs Action Points - add an Action Points cost when jumping
Jump Swims Upwards - add jump/crouch to swim up/down
Kills Reward AP - earn Action Points when killing outside of VATS
Level Difference Based Combat XP - make XP based on the level difference between the player and killed actor
Map Selectable Companions - summon hired companions by clicking on them on the map
Mark Nearby Locations On Map - permanently reveal locations on the PipBoy map when passing nearby
Move During VATS Playback - allow movement during VATS killcams
No Healing Items In Combat - prevent use of healing items while in combat
NPCs Drop Live Grenades - makes NPCs drop a live grenade if crippled/killed mid-throw
NPCs Earn Ammo Casings - allow NPCs to earn ammo casings
Partial Reloads - use reload animations ending in _partial.kf when player reloads with a non-empty clip
Pickpocket Overhaul - modify the pickpocket formula to take into account item weight, target perception and detection. Optionally show success chance
Power Armor Scales Fall Damage - add a multiplier to the damage attained when falling with a power armor torso equipped (affects all NPCs)
Prevent Reloading Without Empty Clip - only allow reloading if the clip is empty
Quick Use - holding shift and activating the crosshair item will equip it (Aid, Armors and Weapons), or the Book Menu when activating notes (requires Book Menu Restored). Show item stats while shift is held (DAM/DPS for weapons, DT/DR for armors)
Remember Bobby Pin Health - keep bobby pin damage between lockpick attempts
Repairs Reward XP - earn XP when repairing items
Revive Unconscious Companions - use stimpaks to revive unconscious companions
Robotic Companions Heal With Scrap Metal - heal companions using scrap metal + repair skill instead of stimpaks + medicine skill
Run Slower In Water - scale movement speed when wading through water depending on depth in water (thanks JazzIsParis)
Run While Aiming - remove the movement penalty while aiming
Running Costs Action Points - add an AP cost for running
Scope Hold Breath - decrease scope wobble at the cost of Action Points while shift or Activate are held
Show Doors On Compass - show nearby teleport doors on the compass
Slow Breath Regen - slowly regenerate breath when not underwater (vanilla is instant)
Supported Power Armor - make power armor weightless when worn
Unequip Weapon Mods - allow unequipping weapon mods, hides duplicates from the mod menu and return weapon mods if repairing with a modded weapon
Use Weapon Repair Kits In Repair Menu - show repair kits in the weapon repair menu
Vendors Obey Their Buy/Sell Flags - make vendors obey their Buy/Sell flags, hiding items they don't accept
Weapon Requirements Matter - disallow the player equipping items without the prerequisite strength and weapon skill levels

Misc Features
Adjustable Scope Zoom - add scroll-wheel to zoom while aiming
Alternate Sighting Node Hotkey - add a hotkey to switch to using ##SightingNode2 if the weapon has one
Anim Debug Prints - show which anims are active for the player in the console
Anim Variants Support - add support for reload/aim/equip/unequip animation variants
Change Radio Station Hotkeys - add next/previous radio station keys
Clear Nearby Player Marker - remove player placed marker when nearby
Combined Combat XP - delay XP popups till the end of combat
Container Respawns Message - show a warning in the bottom bar in a container if the container is set to respawn
Continue Game Hotkey - add hotkey 'R' to load the last save from the Start Menu (for devs only)
Controller Cycles Weapon Hotkeys - use left/right on d-pad for cycling through weapon hotkeys
Convert Screenshot Format - automatically convert screenshots to jpg, tiff or png (thanks iranrmrf)
Double Tapping Reload Changes Ammo Type - double tapping reload changes ammo types
Equip Last Weapon Hotkey - add a hotkey to equip the last equipped weapon
Exit Game Hotkey - add a hotkey to exit the game
Exit to Main Menu Hotkey - add a hotkey to exit to main menu
Fire While Aiming In/Out - allow firing weapons while aiming in/out
Fire While Landing - allow firing weapons while lower body animations play
Heartbeat Sounds Fade - fade heartbeat sounds shortly after taking damage
Hide HUD Key - add a key to hide the compass/HP and ammo/AP
Hold To Activate - require holding the activate key for some period to use crafting, containers, furniture, terminals, water, or to steal items
Holster Weapon Key - replace 'hold reload to holster' with a hotkey - not compatible with controllers
HUD Fatigue Indicator - add a fatigue indicator similar to the H20, FOD and SLP indicators from hardcore mode
Interior Fog Remover - remove non-static fog from interiors
Local Map Respawned Cell Indicator - show respawned cells as red and visited cells as white on the local map
Mousewheel Scrolls Weapon Hotkeys - cycle through hotkeyed weapons using the mousewheel
No Lockpick Activate - stop the container menu showing after opening a container with lockpick or key
Numbered Dialog Topics - add the index to the start of dialog options in conversations
Pause on Load Game - automatically pause the game when a save is loaded
Per Bullet Looping Reload - require pressing reload N times to load N rounds for looping reload weapons
Pick Locks And Hack Terminals With Key Or Password - holding shift allows picking locks/hacking terminals even if the key/password is held
PipBoy Local Map Hotkey - add a hotkey for opening the local map
PipBoy Map Hotkey - add a hotkey for opening the PipBoy Map
PipBoy Quest Hotkey - add a hotkey for opening the PipBoy quests tab
PipBoy Radio Hotkey - add a hotkey for opening the PipBoy radios tab
Place Map Marker At Player Position Hotkey - adds a hotkey to place the map marker at your current position
Print Vanilla Errors To Console - enable debug logging left in the game
Radio Volume Up/Down Keys - add hotkeys to increase/decrease the PipBoy radio volume outside of menus
Randomize Killcam Mode - randomly alternate between player view and cinematic killcams
Recently Dead Unlooted NPC Indicator - shows recently killed NPCs on the compass until they have been moused over
Reloading With Full Clip Changes Ammo Type - switch ammo types when reloading with a full clip
Save Hotkeys - add hotkeys to full-save, incremental save and reload the current save
Separate Horizontal Sensitivity - add a slider for horizontal sensitivity in the controls menu
Shift Screenshot Hides Menus - taking a screenshot while holding shift hides the menus
Skip Radio Track/Topic Key - add a key to skip the current radio track
Smooth Camera Hotkey - adds a hotkey to toggle a cinematic/smooth camera
Spam Activate Key - add a hotkey to repeatedly press the use key
Stealing Sends No Alarm - don't alert NPCs when stealing their items (excludes pickpocketing)
Talk While Sneaking If Shift Held - allow talking while sneaking (instead of pickpocketing) while shift is held
Toggle 1st Person When Unholstering Weapon - toggle 1st person when reading a weapon, and 3rd when holstering
Toggle Collision Key - add a key that disables collision while held
Toggle Crosshair Key - add a hotkey to toggle visibility of the crosshair
Toggle Menus Hotkey - add a hotkey for the ToggleMenus command
Toggle PipBoy Light Key - add a configurable key to toggle the PipBoy light
Toggle Sneak Indicator Hotkey - add a hotkey to hide the sneak indicator
Toggle True IronSights Hotkey - add a hotkey to toggle True IronSights
Toggle-able Scope Night Vision - pressing the Toggle PipBoy Light key while aiming with a night vision weapon toggles off the night vision effect
Turn Slower While Aiming - add a configurable scale on look speed while aiming
Use Keyboard/Mouse In Gamemode While A Controller Is Connected - allow keyboard/mouse while a controller is connected (excludes menus)
Using Keys Rewards XP - gain XP when using keys on doors
Wear Power Armor Without Training - allow wearing power armor without the Power Armor Training perk

Gameplay/Balance Tweaks
Agility Scales Jump Height - jump higher based on agility
Allow Entering VATS While Anims Play - allow entering vats while reloading, landing, firing etc.
Allow Exploding Unplayable Explosives - allow fragging NPC equipped weapons marked as unplayable such as Dead Money's Gas Bombs
Allow Opening PipBoy While Camera Shakes - allow opening the PipBoy while the screen is shaking
Allow Pickpocket If Already Caught - allow pickpocketing even if the NPC has already caught you
Allow Unsafe Fast Travel - remove restrictions on fast traveling from interiors (you will need to be careful not to break scripted encounters)
Allow Weapon Hotkeys While Firing - allow weapon switch hotkeys while firing
Armor Causes Sinking - sink while swimming with heavy armor
Auto Unlock Terminals - automatically skip the hacking minigame if your science skill is over the terminal's science requirement
Auto Weapon No Firing Delay - allow tap-firing automatic weapons even if they haven't finished their current firing animation
Auto Weapons Jam While Firing - allow firing anim jams to play while firing an automatic weapon
Barter Affects Repair Costs - adjust repair prices based on barter skill and perks
Character Melee Damage Ignores Scale - prevent NPC and player height affecting their melee damage
Clip Size Matters - prevent firing weapons if you don't have enough ammo for one burst
Companions Don't Consume Ammo - don't remove ammo from companions when they fire weapons
Compass Hide Enemies - remove enemies from the compass (optionally show them if they're firing a weapon)
Constant Purified Water Price - make purified water always sell for its value
Crippled Legs Prevent Fast Travel - prevent fast travel if a leg is crippled
Crippled Legs Scale Jump Height - scale jump height when legs are crippled
Crippling Doesn't Disarm - don't disarm NPCs when crippling their arm
Custom Armor Condition Penalty - modify the dt/dr penalty for damaged armor
Custom Buy/Sell Scale Per Category - allow customization of buy/sell multipliers for each type of item (weapons/armors/aid/misc)
Custom Crafted Item Health Percentage - configure the health percent of crafted items (default is 80%)
Custom Num SPECIAL Points - set a custom number of special points to allocate in the vigor tester/special book (TTW)
Custom Perks Per Level - set number of perks to earn per level
Custom Skill Points Formula - modify the base skill points earned and points per intelligence on level-up
Custom iMaxCharacterLevel - set a max player level independent of the number of DLC loaded
Debug Lockpick Menu - show the debug lockpicks menu on all locks (cheat)
Difficulty Doesnt Affect NPC-NPC Damage - scale NPC-NPC damage independently from the fDiffMultHPByPC gamesettings
Disable Fast Travel - prevent fast travel
Don't Allow Selling Items - remove the ability to sell items in the barter menu
Drowning Drains Action Points - drain action points before taking damage when drowning
Encumbrance Includes Grabbed Items - include the weight of the grabbed ('Z' key) item stack for determining if player is over-encumbered
Endurance Scales Min Fall Height - allow longer falls before taking damage with higher endurance
Equip Broken Items - allow broken armor and weapons to be equipped
Explosion Knockdown Avoidance Chance Uses Strength - check strength instead of agility when calculating knockdown avoidance chance
Explosion Radius Buff - make inner 30% of explosion radius deal full damage and cap minimum damage at radius to 20%
Explosions Don't Push Collectible Objects - prevent explosions moving items if they can be taken
Extend Lockpick Sweet Spot Range - makes lockpick harder by allowing the unlock spot to be on the edges of the screen
Fast Travel Doesn't Progress Time - don't progress time or hardcore needs when fast-traveling
Fast Travel Over-encumbered - remove the need for "Long Haul" to fast travel while over-encumbered
Fast Travel While Enemies Are Nearby - allow fast travel while enemies are nearby
Force Lockpick Breaks Pin Instead of Lock - failing to force a lock breaks the bobby pin instead of the lock
Free Wild Wasteland - allow selecting wild wasteland without using a trait slot
Grabbing Items Is A Crime - make grabbing items carry the same penalty as stealing
Ignore Lock Level - allow picking locks of any skill level
Ignore Terminal Lock Level - allow hacking terminals of any level
Independent Hardcore Features - enable toggling of ammo weight, sleep healing and hired companions being essential independently of the hardcore mode
Keep Broken Items Equipped - don't unequip or show a message for items when they break
Light Step Affects Companions - make player light step affect companions
Locational Melee Damage - use body part damage multipliers for melee and unarmed hits
Lockpick Remembers Bobby Pin Angle - keep the bobby pin angle when a pin breaks
Lockpick Show Key Name - add the name of the required key to the end of the sImpossibleLock message. Note that some vanilla keys are named "Key"
Loot Unconscious NPCs - allow looting of knocked down NPCs
Luck Doesn't Affect Gambling - remove the luck skill's effect on gambling (equivalent to a luck of 5)
Meltdown Affects Teammate Kills - teammate kills will have the meltdown effect if the player has Meltdown
Move While PipBoy Opens - allow movement while the PipBoy is opening
NPCs Can Disarm Player - allow NPCs to disarm the player in combat
NPCs Can Sneak Attack Critical - allow NPCs to land sneak attack critical hits on each other and the player
NPCs Hear Mines Explode - make NPCs react to mine explosions
NPCs Take Limb Fall Damage - allows NPCs to take damage to their legs when falling
No Ammo From Taking NPC Weapons - prevents earning additional ammo when taking an NPCs weapon
No Casino Bans - prevent bans in casinos
No Companion Item Damage - prevent companion items taking damage
No Companion Kill XP - prevent companion damage to NPCs counting towards gaining XP
No Disarm Companions - prevent companions being disarmed in combat
No Environment Radiation In Power Armor - prevent environmental radiation when wearing full power armor
No Exit Hacking - prevent exiting the hacking menu if you have made an attempt (anti-cheat)
No Free Barter Items - set a minimum cost for buying free items (e.g. ammo casings)
No Grabbing Owned Items - remove the ability to grab owned items
No Lock Encounter Zone Levels - don't freeze the level of encounter zones when they are first visited
No Lock Failed Terminals - don't lock terminals when they are failed
No Max Casino Bet - remove the betting limit for slots, roulette and blackjack
No Melee Weapon Damage If Target Dead - don't decrease weapon condition when hitting dead NPCs
No NPCs On Compass Unless In [Danger] - hide all NPCs on the compass if you aren't in [Danger]
No PipBoy In Combat - stop the player using the PipBoy when in combat
No Player Stagger Anims - prevents the player staggering when crippled
No Recurring Challenges - prevent recurring challenges resetting when completed
No Scale NPC Armor DR/DT By Condition - don't scale NPC armor damage threshold or damage resistance based on condition
No Scale NPC Weapon Damage By Condition - don't scale damage from NPCs based on their weapon condition
No Self Explosion Damage - prevent player explosives injuring the player (B42 QuickThrow is not compatible as it doesn't mark the player as the attacker)
No Self Meltdown Damage - prevent damage from your own explosions from the meltdown perk
No Sneak Attack Criticals - remove sneak attack criticals
No Stealing After Repair - place caps in merchant containers instead of their inventory when using repair services
No VATS Target Invisible - disable targeting of cloaked enemies in VATS
No Weapon Condition Damage Penalty - make weapons always deal their max damage regardless of their condition
No Weapon Movement Penalty - remove the movement penalty for having a weapon out
Non-Melee Damage Ignores Scale - prevent NPC and player scale affecting non-melee damage
Open PipBoy And Use Weapon Hotkeys While Reloading - allow opening PipBoy and use of weapon hotkeys while a reload animation plays
Perks Affect Fist Weapon Speed - allow weapon attack speed perks to affect the unarmed fists weapon
Pickpocket Worn Items - allow pickpocketing items NPCs are wearing
Planting Live Grenades Requires Weapon Skill - prevent reverse pickpocketing live explosives if you don't meet the weapon skill requirements
Player Melee Damage Ignores Scale - prevent the player’s height affecting melee damage
Player Melee Distance Scaling - scale the reach of all melee weapons
Power Armor Scales Limb Damage - scale limb damage for hits on power armor
Power Attack While Overencumbered - allow melee power attacks while overencumbered
Prevent Hitting Holstered Weapons - make projectiles pass through NPC holstered weapons
Prevent NPC Addiction - prevent NPCs gaining addiction status effects
Prevent Repair If Not At Workbench - prevent repairing if not looking at a workbench
Reallocate Skill Points On LevelUp - allow reassigning all skills when levelling up
Reload Jams Affected By Agility - scale reload jam speed by reload speed multipliers
Reload While Firing - allow reloading while firing animations play
Reloading Prevents Weapon Hotkeys - prevent using weapon hotkeys while reloading
Remove Landing Anim - remove the animation when the player lands a jump
Remove Weapon Damage Buffer - weapon damage decreases for weapons above 75% condition
Repair Scales Crafting Condition - scale crafted item health by repair skill
Scale AP Regen While Overencumbered - add a scale to AP regeneration while overencumbered
Scale Critical Damage - apply a scale on critical hit damage (after perk modifiers)
Scale Earned XP - scale all earned XP
Separate Alcohol Effects - allow using different alcohols to stack their effects
Sit to Wait - make the player only able to wait while sitting down
Skill Level Matched Weapon Repairs - disallow repairing a weapon if your repair skill is less than the weapon's skill requirement
Skip Very Easy Locks At Max Skill - automatically open very easy locks if at max lockpick
Sleep Healing Min Duration - require sleeping for some time before health is restored on unowned beds
Sleep In Owned Beds - allow sleeping in owned beds
Sleep On Chairs - sleep when waiting while sat down
Sleep Wait Anywhere - add options for allowing waiting in combat, midair etc.
Slower Backpedaling - scale movement speed while strafing or walking backwards
Sneak Attack Criticals Only For Melee Weapons/Throwables - disable sneak attack criticals for non-melee weapons
Sneak Attack Criticals Require Headshots - only earn sneak attack criticals for headshots
Sneak Attack While Standing - allow sneak attack criticals while standing
Sneaking Doesn't Force Power Attacks - allow non-power attacks while sneaking - requires separate anims
SpeedMult Scales Jump Height - scale actor jump heights by their speed multiplier Actor Value
Strength Affects All Throwable Distances - make the fThrowingStrengthPenalty gamesetting also affect grenades and mines
Target Projectiles In VATS - give grenades more than 0% chance to hit in VATS (does not take visibility into account)
Terminal Password Note Rewards XP - gain XP when using notes to unlock terminals
VATS Dequeue Weapon Shots On Disarm - remove queued VATS attacks on NPC weapons if they get disarmed
VATS Max Distance Uses Weapon Max Range - allow VATS targeting from a larger distance with snipers than pistols
Weapon Modding Skill Requirement - prevent modding weapons if you don't meet the weapon's skill requirements
Weightless Aid Items In Non-Hardcore - make aid items weightless while not in hardcore
Weightless Items - make all Weapons, Armor, Aid, Misc or Ammo items weightless
Weightless Worn Armor - make armor weightless while it is worn

Misc Tweaks
Allow Duplicate Control Binds - allow binding multiple controls to the same key
Allow Take All In Companion Containers - show the 'Take All' button in companion inventories
Allow Targeting Player Projectiles in VATS - allow targeting projectiles created by the player in VATS
Alternate Level-up Sounds - play different level-up sounds every A or B levels (e.g. every 5 or 10 levels)
Armor Prevents Blood Decals - prevent blood decals for attacks that don't penetrate target DT
Auto Continue Game - automatically load the last save when starting the game
Auto SetConsoleOutputFile - automatically call SetConsoleOutputFile after plugins are loaded
Blood Splatter Minimum Damage Threshold - only show blood splatters above a minimum health damage threshold
Bloody Mess Only Gibs Targeted Limb - prevent arms, legs or head being dismembered when shooting an NPC's torso
Chance Based Killcams - give a chance the cinematic/player view killcam won't play when killing the last of a combat group
Compress Duplicate Console Prints - print the count beside duplicate consecutive single console lines
Console Print New Mods On Load - print which mods are new when loading a save created without them
Console Print Timestamps - add the current time to each line in the console
Container Store All Hotkey - holding shift stores items instead of taking items in containers
Container Take All Confirmation Prompt - adds a confirmation prompt if taking more than 10 items (configurable)
Continuous Jumping - holding the jump key will repeatedly jump
Controller Trigger Deadzones - add a deadzone to LT/RT for attack controls
Crippled Limbs Play Pain Sound When Landing - play the pain sound when landing with crippled limbs
Crit Chance Ignores Firerate - don't divide automatic weapon crit chance by their fire rate
Custom Close Terminal Fade Time - adjust the time the terminal menu fades for when closed with keyboard/controller
Custom Hotkeys - reassign Console, Screenshot, PipBoy F1/F2/F3 menu and VATS accept keys
Custom Location Discovered Sound - customize the sound played when discovering a location
Custom Subtitle Distance - show general subtitles from further away
Detached Beams - prevent beam projectiles sticking to the weapon barrel when turning
Dialog Press To Continue - stop Actors automatically advancing between lines in conversations (giving time to read what they are saying)
Disable Achievements - prevents earning of Steam/GOG achievements
Disable Border Regions and Show Message - allow leaving the world borders, showing a repeated warning while outside
Disable Character Respec - disable the character recreation popup script that occurs when leaving Goodsprings
Disable Combat Music - prevent combat music
Disable Godmode On Load - disable godmode when loading/reloading a save
Disable Hit Shader - disable the HUD radial blur when damaged (optionally only when in god-mode)
Disable Holstered Weapon Zooming - prevent zooming in when aiming with a weapon holstered
Disable Inventory Right Click Drop - prevents right clicking dropping items in the PipBoy
Disable Invisibility In PipBoy - disable stealth boy/armor invisibility when opening the PipBoy
Disable Knockdown In Godmode - prevent the player being knocked down while in god-mode (may break scripted events)
Disable PipBoy Idle (Sway) Anims - prevent idles playing while in the PipBoy (vanilla uses them for swaying)
Disable Weapon FOV - disable the zoom when aiming for all non-scoped weapons
Disable Weapon Hotkeys - ignore DPAD and 1-9 weapon keys outside the PipBoy
Disarming Mines Picks Them Up - auto collect mines when disarming them
Don't Set Quest If Completing Objective With No Active Quest - stop the active quest being set if an objective was completed and no quest is active
Don't Set Quest When Gaining New Objectives - prevent the active quest getting set when new objectives are gained
Fall Deaths Cause Dismemberment - causes leg dismemberment or explosion upon death by fall damage
Fallout 3 Audio Distortion - use audio distortion similar to Fallout 3 for NPCs wearing masks
Fast Travel Doesn't Reset Weather - prevent weather changes when fast travelling short distances
Faster Controller POV Rotate - increase controller rotation speed (when POV is held)
Faster Enter Lockpick Menu - speed up the animation for entering the lockpick menu
Fatal Non-Sneak Crits Always Gib - make fatal (non-sneak attack) critical hits always explode or dismember limbs
First Person VATS - play VATS firing-camera shots in first person
God Mode Prevents Jam Animations - prevent weapon jams if godmode is active
Haptic PipBoy - vibrate controllers when changing pipboy tabs
Hip Fire VATS - hip fire in VATS if entered while not aiming
Hold Key To Show Wait Menu - make the sleep/wait menu require the key to be held rather than pressed
Hotkeying Equipped Items Holsters Them - pressing the hotkey for an item that's already equipped will holster it instead of unequip
Invert Camera X - invert the camera X movement
Invert Container Menu Scrollwheel Category Change - swap the direction of category change when scrolling on the title of a container category
Jumping Doesn't Drop Grabbed Item - prevent the grabbed item being immediately dropped when jumping
Keep Fall Height When Loading Saves - don't reset fall damage when loading a save
Keep Holotapes Playing When Selecting Other Notes - don't stop the current holotape when viewing text/picture notes
Keep Voice Acting Notes In Dialogue - display the voice acting notes e.g. {afterthought} in dialogue
Less Frequent Player Combat Pain Sounds - add a minimum interval between player pain sounds
Level-Up Always Shows Perks - show the perk selection screen even if there are no points to assign
Load Screens Click To Continue - require clicking to exit load screens
Louder Third Person Empty Clip Sounds - play the first person empty clip sound while in third person
Melee Impact Effects Follow Targets - make melee blood decals follow the target instead of floating in midair
Menu Fades Ignore Timescale - ignore timescale (turbo, bullet time etc.) when fading menus in/out
Midair Fast Travel - allow fast travel while in midair (does not negate fall damage)
More Frequent NPC Light Updates - decreases the time between NPC light detection updates
Movement Keys Cancel Each Other - make holding left+right or forward+backward not move the player
NPCs Drop Their Holstered Weapon On Death - make NPCs drop their equipped weapon on death even if it isn't out
No Alt Tab Pause - stop the game pause menu showing when the window loses focus
No Ammo Casings - stop ammo casings being earned when firing
No Audio Distortion - remove the audio distortion when NPCs are wearing masks
No Character Name Limit - remove the name length restriction when creating a character
No Chem Worn Off Effect - remove the chem worn off Imagespace Modifier
No Controller PipBoy Texture - don't use a different texture on the PipBoy when a controller is connected
No Despawn Visible Stuck Projectiles - prevent stuck projectiles despawning if you can see them
No Dialogue Zoom - prevent the camera zooming in when entering dialogue
No Drop Weapon Sound On Player Death - prevent the 'clunk' of items being unequipped when dying
No Explosion In Face Blur - remove the radial blur when an explosion occurs nearby
No Hotkey Equip Sounds - prevent equip/unequip sounds when using weapon hotkeys
No Killcam For Companion Kills - prevent the killcam showing for non-player kills
No Main Menu Exit Confirmation - remove the confirmation prompt when clicking quit game in the main menu
No Quest Added Sound When Killing in Cinematic Killcam - stops the cinematic killcam playing the 'Quest Added' sound when an actor is killed
No Scrollwheel POV Change - prevent the POV (1st/3rd person) changing when scrolling
No Skill Book Message If Increase Is Zero - prevent the 'Skill increased by ...' message if the skill didn't increase, and display fractional skill book increases to two decimal places
No Turning Anim - prevent player turning anims to stop the glide when stopping while turning
Non-Toggle Sneak Button - make the sneak key held rather than toggled
NPCs Use High-Res Weapon Models - use 1st person (high-res) models for NPCs' weapons
Open PipBoy To Inventory By Default - make the PipBoy always open to the inventory page (F1/F2/F3 still navigate to their respective categories)
PipBoy Light and Weapon Holster Timers Ignore Timescale - make PipBoy light and holstering hotkeys take the same time regardless of game speed
PipBoy Light Stays On After Cell Change - stop the PipBoy light being turned off when entering an exterior cell
PipBoy Tab Hotkeys Don't Close The Menu - prevent the PipBoy tab hotkeys (F1/F2/F3 by default) closing the PipBoy
Place Map Marker At Hovered Location - places map markers directly at the location if one is hovered
Play Armor Sounds In 3D - play armor foley sounds in 3D when in 3rd person
Pop-up Menus Don't Move Cursor - prevent pop-up menus moving the mouse to the center of the screen
Power Attack If Blocking - remove the melee power attack delay while blocking
Prevent Bush Passthrough Sounds - prevent the bush passthrough sounds
Prevent Companion Footstep Sounds - silences teammate footsteps for the player
Prevent NPC Comments - prevent NPCs commenting on various player actions (e.g. knocking over items)
Qwertz Layout - swap the Y and Z keys in menus and console
Race Menu Allow Female Facial Hair - allow selecting facial hair on female characters
Remove Controller Stick Deadzones - make the deadzones for controller thumbsticks customizable to allow finer movement
Remove Follower Topics - prevent companions mentioning when they are injured, low in ammo, crippled etc.
Rotate Further While Seated - allow seated rotation between -115° to 115° (from vanilla -90° to 90°) in first person, and 360° in third person
Run And Gun Mult In Combat Only - only use the fActionPointsRunAndGunMult gamesetting when in combat
Saving Doesn't Close Pause Menu - keep the pause menu open after saving
Scale Ashpile Size - scale the size of ashpiles depending on actor size
Scale Explosion Shake - scale the hud and camera shake caused by explosions
Scale Gunshot Volume - allow modifying player/npc gunshot volume
Scale Radio Volume - scale the volume of radio music and conversations independently
Scroll Only Changes Camera Height If POV Held - mousewheel only changes camera height if the 'Change View' key is held
Separate Scope Zoom Speed - allow a custom zoom speed for scopes (vanilla changes would affect weapons without scopes too)
Shift VATS Ignores Friendly NPCS - opening VATS while holding shift doesn't target friendly NPCs
Signal Strength Affects Radio Song Volume - make songs quieter when static is playing near the edge of a radio's range
Silent Sneak Power Attacks - prevent player shouting during power attacks if sneaking
Skill Book Saver - prevent usage of skill books if the skill is already at 100 points
Skip Vigor Tester SPECIAL Pages - skip to the vigor tester review page to assign points
Sneak While Equipping Weapons - allow toggling sneak mode while (un)equipping a weapon
Splash Damage Affects Bloody Mess Gibbing - give projectile splash damage a chance to trigger bloody mess torso explosions
Swap Ammo With Weapon Holstered - allow swapping ammo types while weapon is holstered
Take All Doesn't Close Container Menu - keep container menu open after using take/store all
Timescale Affects Reload Sounds - scale reload sound pitch and length with timescale
QuickLoad from Start/Pause Menu - add support for the QuickLoad key in the Main/Pause menus
UK Keyboard - use the UK keyboard layout in console and menus
Unspoken NPC Indicator - add a * to the prompt for NPCs who haven't been spoken to
Use Aid At Max Health - allow using stimpaks and doctors bags at max health
Use Hit Location in Cinematic Killcams - make the (non-VATS) cinematic killcam focus on the hit body part
VATS Ignore Non-Explosive Projectiles - prevent highlighting spears etc. in VATS
VATS Stop Burst If Target Dead - stop firing the current burst when the target dies in VATS
Visible Weapon During Dialogue - keep player weapon visible during dialogue
Weapon Impact Effects - spawn sparks and play impact sounds when equipped/holstered weapons are hit
XP Sound For Minigames At Max Level - play XP sounds when hacking or lockpicking at max XP

Optional Bugfixes
Ammo Burst Case Count Fix - give a chance to earn multiple ammo casings from weapons that use more than 1 ammo per shot
Don't Allow Console Till Init Is Done - prevent opening the console until settings have been loaded
Enhanced Camera Ground Sink Fix - fix a bug with Enhanced Camera where the player would sink into the ground when switching from 1st to 3rd person
Explosion Knockback Direction Fix - push actors away from explosions instead of who created the explosion
Fix Kill Challenge Source Weapon - use the last weapon that damaged an NPC instead of the currently equipped weapon for kill challenges
Inactive Window Scroll Fix - prevent scroll-wheel affecting windows outside NV
Keep XP Bar Visible When Closing Menus - fix an oversight where the XP bar would disappear when closing menus
Lethal Hits Increase Limb Challenges - increase limb cripple/knockback challenges even if the attack killed the target
Sort Unavailable Radios To Bottom - move unavailable radios to the bottom of the radios list
Spin Weapons Sound Fix - fix a vanilla bug where weapons with looping sounds stop playing their fire sound
Ultra-wide Black Rectangle, and Zoomed Menus/Scope Fix - fix bugs with 21:9+ resolutions where the fade-to-black effect would not cover the whole screen, and scopes/lockpick/terminals were zoomed in too far

Add a section [GameSettings], under which gamesettings can be added to be loaded after esps. Also read [GameSettings] section from any ini files in the NVSE/Plugins/Tweaks/Gamesettings folder.
The main tweaks INI can be overridden by .ini files in the Data/NVSE/Plugins/Tweaks/INIs/ folder will override the main INI (excluding GameSettings).
Extend vanilla XML keybindings to support Numbers, F1-F12, CAPS, TAB and ALT. e.g. _PCBUTTON_1, _PCBUTTON_F10, _PCBUTTON_CAPS, _PCBUTTON_TAB, etc.
Add support for custom tree atlas files per WorldSpace (Data\Textures\Landscape\Trees\{{WorldSpaceEditorID}}\TreeDeadLOD.dds).
Add ALT-F4 support during load-screens.
Add DPAD to scroll through body parts in VATS.
Keyboard+mouse inputs no longer persist when loading a save.
Allow un-setting of the active quest by clicking on it in the quest menu.
Add the list of missing mods to the "Content is Missing" popup when loading a save.
Show warning if sCharGenQuest is invalid when clicking 'New Game'.
Show sSaveNotAvailable when quickloading with no saves available 'No valid save game found.'.
F1/F2/F3 PipBoy hotkeys no longer trigger if the console is open.
PickRefByID no longer creates a duplicated line when selecting refs in the console.
Companions no longer mention having no ammo if they are using a recharging weapon.
Allow binding actions to the '2' key in the settings menu.
Rock-It-Launcher projectiles now show their 'Take' prompt as in Fallout 3.
Add explosion flag bit '31' for preventing an explosion from shaking the camera.
Stop the player's position being reset if flying out of bounds with collision disabled (TCL).
Prevent the concussion effect with a crippled head if in godmode.
Allow fast travel when enemies are nearby in godmode.
Allow equipping power armor if in godmode.
Allow uGridsToLoad below 5.
Allow hotkeying books and the implant GRX.
Allow dropping items in midair.
Allow selecting console refs while menus are open.
Allow firing with 0 bullets in godmode (vanilla requires at least 1 ammo).
Allow formIDs in the COC command.
Remove need to specify a count when using AddItem or RemoveItem commands.
Remove vanilla 1000 saves limit.
Add a '+' after modded weapon names in the repair menu.
Restore the TelekinesisEffect Archtype (0x15) leftover from Oblivion.
Show 'Save failed.' message when saving fails.
Fix the combat sound cooldown timer being set even if a sound didn't play.
Allow waiting on midair furniture.
Remove the "Loading extra content" popup at the start menu.
Show a warning/confirmation popup if the game rewards 20k+ XP at once.
Enable godmode when activating TestAllCells.
When crafting using weapons or armor, use the lowest condition weapon first.

Escape and printscrn buttons now function when a controller is connected.
Pressing Escape while keybinding will remove the bind for that control.
Settings now save even if the start menu was closed without clicking on "Back".
Add debounce to start menu Action Mapping to allow use of the enter key to select the control.
PipBoy scroll heights now save even if the menu is closed without clicking on anything.
XP, Quests and Messages are no longer hidden after closing the start menu.
Action Point Regeneration modifiers now apply even when the player has no weapon equipped.
Save images are shown in the Save/Load menu regardless of whether they are mouse hovered over.
Optimise the quest, note and save/load menus to improve menu load time.
Fix oversight where controllers couldn't place map markers while moving.

Stop mouse taking priority in menus after arrow keys are pressed, and VATS when using W, S or mousewheel to select a bodypart.
Inventory selection no longer disappears when using Arrow Keys/WASD.
Objective, quest, crippled limb and XP indicators no longer persist when loading a save.
Fix shift arrow keys occasionally not switching item lists in Barter/Container menus.
The currently selected list item in the Note, Quest and LevelUp/Trait menu no longer disappears when using Arrow Keys.
Don't lose the scroll position when clicking on a quest with the arrow keys
The shift key no longer gets stuck in menus and the console.
Add scrollwheel to change Recipe menu categories.
Remove an extra space after [Skill] tags in dialogue.
Allow closing the PipBoy from the keyring menu, and the Stats menu while in limb selection mode.
HighlightBodyPart and HighlightAdditionalReference no longer hide the player's weapon, and highlighted actors no longer crash the game when unloaded.
The RepairServices and Book menus now hide behind the pause menu.
The RepairServices Menu keeps its scroll position when repairing items.
Closing the PipBoy straight from the Item Mod Menu no longer unequips your weapon if it was equipped.
Ammo count and type are no longer reset when loading a save.
Fix exploit where PipBoy Repair items could be duplicated by rapidly opening/closing the menu.
Fix 'Invalid Chip Data in CasinoData List' when using the slot machine.
Fix radio conversation volume not resetting when dialogue is force exited (e.g. by loading a save), or a submenu (Barter etc.) is opened.
Fix bug where NPC weapon idle sounds could be heard from anywhere (most noticeable with the Chainsaw or Ripper).
Fix 'disintegrations' stat increasing upon entering a cell containing an ash pile.
Fix bug where reload and holster speed were incorrect after loading a save.
Fix bug with the fActionPointsRunAndGunMult gamesetting that allowed AP to become negative, and bug where reload AP was charged when changing weapons.
Fix bug where armor recipes used their message icon instead of inventory icon.
Fix bug where caravan would payout double caps.
Fix bug where the console turned invisible when returning to the main menu - additionally show the console in loading screens and VATS.
Fix bug where double tapping the ammo swap key would fully load a reload-loop weapon.
Fix bug with the Perk Menu that hid multiple perk requirements; remove extra commas and '--' for perks that only have a level requirement; remove double spaces in requirements containing 'OR'.
Add support for OR and NOT for displaying perks in perk conditions.
Fix bug where diagonal movement didn't function with collision disabled, and add jump to fly upwards.
Fix automatic weapons with ammo use > 1 not functioning properly in VATS.
Fix rare bug where the PipBoy light effect stayed on when opening the PipBoy.
Fix bug where aiming during cinematic killcams would cause the screen to flicker.
Fix bug where weapon near and far sounds did not blend properly.
Fix bug where 'GetVATSValue' and 'StopMagicShaderVisuals' could be printed to console if called from scripts.
Fix bug where VATS hit percentages were always zero when using Steady with a weapon with 0 min-spread.
Fix softlock when gaining SPECIAL points when stats are already maxed out.
Fix the mouse not functioning properly in barter/container menus opened from a terminal (e.g. the Suite Upgrade terminal in the Lucky 38 Suites)
Apply perk modifiers to the duration of chems in the PipBoy to show the correct length when using perks like Logan's Loophole.
Fix debug bobby pin health display being incorrect when opening the lockpick menu.
Fix bug where recipe menu component counts could become negative.
Fix the [GamePlay] bHealthBarShowing setting so it also affects the NPC under the crosshair (the setting is named poorly, set it to =1 to hide the healthbar).
Fix bug where [SpeedTree] bForceFullLOD = 1 reset to 0 when opening the PipBoy.
Fix fCombatMissileStickDepth and fCombatMissileImpaleDepth gamesettings only being checked for first projectile of the session.
Fix DR display becoming invisible after viewing an armor with DR and DT.
Fix saves list disappearing when confirming a save deletion with Enter/Space.
Fix tiny memory leak whenever controllers vibrate.
Fix bug where you could land on a fake ledge while falling.
Fix bug where explosions could not gib limbs if the player has the Bloody Mess perk.
Fix bug where lockpick prevented movement keys after forcing a lock.
Fix crafting menu using incorrect condition on the condition bar and show notch midway along bar for armors.
Fix level-up menu softlock when reaching max points while using the iSkillPointsTagSkillMult gamesetting.
Fix fForegroundMouseMult being ignored if fForegroundMouseBase is 0.
Fix pickpocket live grenades not working if target has ammo equipped.
Fix bug where the HUD CND arrows ignored HUD visibility flags when changing weapons.
Prevent reloading if current clip ammo is larger than the weapon's clip size.
Fix 'You have not discovered this location yet.' showing while dragging in the map menu.
Fix bug where the Dialog Menu would show when speaking to sleeping NPCs even if they had no dialogue lines.
Prevent sCantRemoveWornItem corner message showing when NPCs use the last of their force equipped throwables.
Add an error at startup if the HUD fails to create.
Fix the 'reputation' field of map markers forms being ignored for non-vanilla esp/esms.
Fix NPCs detecting you immediately when you bump into your companions.
Fix spectators incorrectly assessing weapon threat levels.
Prevent NPCs holstering their weapons if their aggro radius is breached.
Don't show 'Radio discovered' popup if the radio is marked as hidden on the PipBoy.
End controller rumble when loading a save.
Show pickup prompt for pickable grenades (e.g. baseballs from pitching traps).
Fix AP being charged for reloading in VATS even if you don't have enough ammo to reload.
Fix bug where sun light rays were offset (thanks Wall_SoGB).
Address issue where the game could infinite load from the start screen.
Fix RecipeMenu category not resetting when opening the menu.
Prevent the 'No Activate' sound playing when activating a workbench.
Fix NPCs using AttackThrow instead of AttackThrow2/3... for molotovs etc.
Fix NPCs still using crippled limb animations when limbs are restored.
Fix automatic weapons firing after playing a fire jam animation.
Fix VATS fatal hit slow-mo camera inconsistently working if difficulty is not 'Normal' (credits to yvileapsis).
Fix weapon health sometimes resetting when firing with durability increasing weapon mods.
Fix bug where NPCs continued using Power Armor idle anims when non-power armor with a backpack was unequipped.
Prevent message menu popups closing when the game starts.
Fix HUD low weapon condition label blinking scaling with framerate.
Fix VATS weapon condition label ignoring health mods.
Fix small memory leak when using ammos with multiple effects.
Fix anisotropic filtering 'MaxAniso' setting (thanks Wall_SoGB).
Fix NPCs reloading loop weapons infinitely if they don't have a full clip worth of rounds.
Fix Message Menu wrapping breaking when using custom fonts.
Fix Roulette Menu bet display when hovering between 0/00.
Fix companion names clipping the PipBoy in the Map Menu.
Fix instant crash when using the ToggleNavMesh debug function.
Show an error when loading if a condition script requires an opcode from a missing NVSE plugin.
Fix motion blur IMAD direction being inverted.
Make arrow buttons behave like the WASD keys in VATS.
Prevent levelling up while using TestAllCells.
Fix strength > 10 affecting throwing velocity.
Fix map menu reticle being offset when a controller is connected.
Fix weapon condition label being hidden for thrown weapons in VATS.
Implement vanilla ToggleHDRDebug command (thanks Wall_SoGB).
Fix bug where closing the quantity menu without selecting any items counted as a pickpocket attempt.
Improve vanilla error when settings (controls etc.) fail to save by mentioning if file is missing or read-only.
Fix companion carry limit being off by one.
Fix lag when adding/removing perks if player has a lot of perks.
Fix weapon handgrip anim resetting when getting up after being knocked down.
TestAllCells - skip wasteful FileIO reading the INI's [BudgetCaps] settings when loading a new cell.
Fix VATS player HP display being empty at low health.
Fix teammates persisting when returning to main menu and starting a new game.
Allow exiting VATS by right clicking while a controller is connected.
Show sUnluckyLossText when losing due to low luck when playing Slots.
Show warning if globals.xml fails to load.
Fix mine disarmed light not resetting when loading a save.
Prevent sCantQuickSave/sCantQuickLoad showing when pressing QuickLoad/QuickSave buttons with console open.
Fix not being able to change ammo types from the PipBoy if weapon is hotkeyed.
Fix MAT_SHOPPING_CART to use MetalSheet instead of Wood footstep sounds.
Print error to console when BipedAnims are missing their item.
Skip the last page of the computer notes if there are no visible characters.
Fix issue where fragged explosives didn't have a source weapon set, causing them to ignore resistances.
Fix inventory DAM display using equipped ammo instead of hovered ammo.
Make reverse pickpocketing live grenades ignore projectiles that don't have a timed explosion.
Fix bug where inventory items would occasionally be invisible.
Scale HUD compass element alphas based on the alpha of CompassWindow.
Fix the 0 slot never counting as a win in Roulette.
Fix HUD showing source weapon name instead of projectile name (excludes thrown weapons).
Fix vanity camera flipping upside down when looking up/down too far.
Fix bug where the recipe menu would not refresh properly when RemoveItem was called on the player.
Fix issue where refs didn't attach their sounds when loaded.
Fix the pause menu 'help' not working in the gambling minigames.
Reset companion location triangles when reopening the map menu.
Use left stick to move cursor in console, and activate to click.
Fix terminal menu showing even if you died while it opened.
Fix EnemyHealth tile visibility being tied to the Take prompt.
Fix custom save names not showing when scrolling far enough in the saves menu.
Fix doubled XP when kill command is used on injured NPCs.
Prevent death when endurance is decreased at 1hp.
Prevent healing when endurance is decreased.
Fix backpack damage stages not updating.
Fix creatures having doubled damage resistance.
Fix non-hitscan projectiles not splashing in water.
Hide quest objectives with an empty name+quest name.
Fix rare issue where radio volume could reset when using some holotapes.

Fix crashes when:
- gaining XP above level 99
- loading a save created with a higher uGridsToLoad setting
- loading a disabled object that has LOD - and display a console error message
- viewing a weapon that has weapon mods that are no longer present
- an NPC's race could not be resolved -- default to using the CaucasianVanilla race
- trying to click on an off-screen menu item using the keyboard
- closing a quantity menu opened using the arrow keys
- loading an invalid BSFadeNode
- loading an invalid BSMasterParticleSystem
- reconnecting a controller while hacking a terminal
- equipping a PipBoy item while opening/closing the PipBoy
- loading a nif whose HkpShape has invalid child nodes
- explosions occur near some water
- loading with a weapon modification that has weight.
- FireWeapon is used with some reload loop weapons
- loading some broken facegen files
- moving too quickly in exteriors or near multibounds
- stealing items with broken ownership
- pinning some dismembered limbs
- viewing an item whose effects list string is too long
- switching between controller and mouse
- crafting using the default ammo for your equipped weapon with no ammo equipped
- NPCs try using alternate ammo types with explosive ammo
- using a weapon with a 'continuous beam' projectile
- NPCs change packages during dialogue
- rare issue where scripts caused 'SCRIPTS: Nested call to ScriptRunner::Run' crash during loading
- rare issue related to freeing weapons when actors die
- clicking through the credits if no save was active
- rare issue related to NPC patrol packages
- rare crash related to queued texture loading
- rare animation crash if an actor has no weapon sequence but is firing
- an actor has an inventory weight of -1
- refs have a null cell when saving
- rare issue where pathfinding failed to resolve a door
- rare issue related to reloadLoop weapons
- rare issue where bodypart data contained a null node
- TestAllCells speaks to an actor before their node has loaded
- checking cell imposters before the player has entered the cell
- companions end up in an unloaded worldspace
- SetActorRefEssential is called without a ref
- movement anims have no controlled blocks (and show a warning)
- Console_Print is called outside of the main thread
- using 'Continuous Beam' projectiles
- playing a holotape that has the 'Sound' type
- rare crash related to quickly equipping items in the PipBoy
- rare crash where teammates could be called to speak after being unloaded
- rare crash when processing dialogue activate packages
- rare crash when closing the Roulette minigame
- rare crash when resolving teleport doors for pathing
- rare crash when some havok entities are activated
- rare crash when some NPCs are activated
- EquipItem Ammo is called on a ref with no base process
- a font button tries to load with no texture path
- actors with unloaded limbs are dismembered
- SetLevel is called on some containers

Make NVAC print the module addresses when reporting a crash (where available).
Menus now accept L3 and R3 button presses (for nvse plugin devs).
Show a warning if a mod is loaded that has recompiled all scripts, as this will lead to problems in most cases.
Show a warning containing which mod is missing which masters if they are missing during loading.
Show a warning if the 4gb patcher is in the game folder but hasn't been ran.
Prevent loading with 255 plugins as it causes instability.
Store the refID of companions and doors in the local map in a _RefIDStr tile trait
Make JIP's RefreshItemsList command also refresh the weapon modding and merchant repair menus.

Use Mod Organizer 2/Nexus Mod Manager/FOMM, or manually extract the main and menuconfig .zip files into your Fallout New Vegas 'Data' folder.
First time users should download the INI file from the optional files section.

You might also like:
Smooth True Iron Sights Camera - aim down sights without the camera snapping to place!
Manual Reload - stop the game automatically reloading when a clip is emptied
Ammo Count/Type Memory Per Weapon Ref - remember ammo type and count for all player weapons - replaces a vanilla feature where looting an NPC's weapon would also give some ammo
Cookable Grenades - holding a grenade before throwing it decreases its fuse
Double Jump - allow jumping in mid-air
Faster Title Screen - remove the wait for the Fallout New Vegas logo to be at full alpha
Jump While Aiming - remove the block on jumping while aiming
Compass Height Indicator - show whether an NPC is above or below the player on the compass as in Fallout 4
Save Manager - add a customizable number of save slots for incremental and auto-saves, event based saves and a configurable timed auto-save. Also add a 60 frame delay before the vanilla auto-save on cell transition to reduce potential crashing
Faster Sleep Wait - add a configurable delay between hours while waiting or sleeping
Extended Menu WASD Support - allow WASD for movement and spacebar for interaction in menus. Moving left/right will jump down a page in listboxes. TAB goes back or closes any menu. Scale scroll speed in menus while Shift is held (optional). Navigate the Map Menu by holding alt and using WASD and zoom in and out with W/S if alt isn't held
Menu Search - add Ctrl-F to search in PipBoy, Container, Barter, Recipe, Levelup Perks and Save/Load menus
Optimise Vanilla Functions - rewrite various vanilla functions to decrease loading/saving time and improve general performance

Combat Lag Fix (NVSE) - fix a bug which caused lag when the HUD healthbar updated
Console Paste Support - add CTRL-C/CTRL-V support to the console
ActorCause Save Bloat Fix - fixes a bug which caused save bloating
Basic Console Autocomplete - adds a simple autocomplete when typing console commands, and a 'reverse search' to find recently entered commands

Massive thank you to jazzisparis, LuthienAnarion and the NVSE team whose decodings have proven essential for these tweaks.
Huge thanks to xilandro for designing the Tweaks Menu!
Thanks RoyBatty for continued support with TTW.
Thanks Hitman47101 for the Quick Scope anims, and all the help with animation related features.
Thanks ItsMeJesusHChrist for the local door indicator icons, and the beautiful Vanilla HUD Cleaned.
TrueCourierSix for the features included in version 4.45.
Brodie Thiesfield for their SimpleINI library.
Thanks DarkPopulus for the installation/configuration video tutorial .
Finally thanks carxt, tgspy, C16, voidwalker and Qolore7 for all your suggestions and support.