About this mod
This is a perk/trait pack inspired by Disco Elysium, and its thought cabinet in particular.
It features many new perks and traits, and a brand new "flaw" system.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- Changelogs
This is a perk pack inspired by Disco Elysium, and its thought cabinet in particular.
If you like RPGs and haven't played Disco Elysium yet, you should. I consider it to be one of the best games ever made, and it's such a breath of fresh air with the state of the video game industry right now.
Disco Elysium pulls no punches when dealing with the notions of self-abuse, self-destructive behavior, thoughts, ideation, or suicidal-ideation. A handful of the content items in this mod involve that aesthetic. Those who are sensitive to the portrayal of those ideas may find some of the content herein to be unpleasant.
Please note that I am not giving this warning for the intention of disparaging people who have difficulty with the portrayal of such things, and I hope that my phrasing does not come across that way.
If you're not familiar with Disco Elysium and its thought cabinet, here's an overview:
The thought cabinet vernacular is a little different than traditional perk text; It consists of some flavor text, followed by a couple lines detailing each effect and making a comment about them one way or another. That format will be maintained here, as I feel it's a great place for writing and tone to shine.
Some available perks will *debuff* you for a period of time, until you can choose to internalize a thought's "answer" or discard the perk entirely.
Magnate and Bankrupt are included, and they are the only political/economic thoughts will be included here, and any discussion of politics or economics in the posts will be promptly removed. I don't want this to be the place for that, and I don't want to moderate discussions on that topic.
Flaws are a new kind of opt-in "perk" that debuffs you, but grants you the chance to take a new regular perk right away (or as soon as you're level 2, for traits you select at level 1).
Some flaws are granted by challenge or special criteria, and some are selected as traits at the start of the game. When provided by a challenge, you can choose to reject the thought, instead of internalizing it.
This system requires the bPreviewPerksOnLevelUp Stewie setting be turned on, which will show you the perk menu each time you level up, regardless of whether you gain a perk that level or not. Simply hit continue to exit that menu.
Ambitious (Trait)
Req: Level < 3
You just can't wait to be at the top of the wasteland food chain. You suffer a reduction to skill points, which decreases as your level increases.
On the upside, you know exactly how you'll get to that position that you so deserve.
Bottomless Stomach
Where does the food go? Nobody knows, not even you! Your hunger rate is doubled, but your increased metabolism has allowed you to develop other strengths.
Prompted by Wasteland (Desert) Survivalist*.
Congenital Heart Defect
You suffer from a heart condition that causes you to take constant health and chest damage during the entire duration of Buffout, Slasher, Psycho, Turbo, Rebound, Steady, Super Stimpaks, Hydra, or Party Time Mentats.
However, suffering from this adversity has taught you a thing or two.Prompted by Tough Guy*.
Doom Spiral (Trait)
Req: PER < 7
Oh no! This is the start of it all! As your health decreases, any hit, no matter how severe, has an increasing chance to instantly kill you. (-1% health = +1% chance)
However, your all-or-nothing attitude grants you a particular clarity about overcoming adversity.
Empath (Trait)
Req: PER 3+, CHA 4+
Your tender heart and care for others makes it difficult for you to hurt other living things. When attacking a living being, you deal 10% less damage to with ranged weapons, 20% less with Melee or Unarmed weapons, and an additional 20% less when your target is lower than 50% health. However, your compassion guides you to other ways to solve your problems.
Fickle (Trait)
Req: Luck > 3
Fortune favors the bold; you favor indecision. You suffer -3 Luck, but your lack of decisiveness has allowed you to cultivate a characteristic that suits you better.
Hemophiliac (Trait)
Req: END < 4
You have a condition that prohibits proper blood clotting; you have a chance to suffer damage anytime your health is below 90%. However, this difficulty has shown you one of your other latent talents.
Human Sieve (Trait)
Water runs through you like a river into the sea. Your thirst rate has been doubled, but your thirst has led you to a new conclusion.
Prompted by ...And Not A Drop To Drink.
Insolent (Trait)
Req: CHA < 3
You're just absolutely intolerable. At every opportunity, you insult and demean people. Your permanent Speech and Barter skills will never increase past 15, but your selfish attitude has shown you a new way to approach life in the wasteland.
Lazy (Trait)
Req: STR < 3
You just don't wanna move your muscles. Just make everyone else pick up the slack, they do it anyway! You have -10% carry weight and your run speed is reduced in proportion to your encumbrance (max -35%), but your free time and unspent calories have allowed you to excel somewhere more suited to you.
Legally Blind (Trait)
Req: PER < 3
If a driving test were part of the GOAT, they'd have kicked you out of the vault! Selecting Legally Blind will ensure that your Perception never increases past 2, but your other finely honed senses have allowed you to excel in another area.
Lubberly (Trait)
Req: AGI < 3
It's shocking that you don't break all the bottles you pick up; you seem to break everything else. Sneaking is very ineffective for you, but you've learned other ways to handle your problems than subtlety.
Narcoleptic (Trait)
You have trouble staying awake for even moderate periods of time. You will randomly pass out for a moment or two. Hope it's not at a bad time! Fortunately, your unique trait has helped you understand more about yourself.
Obstinate (Trait)
Req: CHA < 5
You're too stubborn to give any ground in a negotiation, or even try to see from the other person's perspective. Each time you fail a speech check for the first time, you lose XP equal to the sum of your permanent Barter and Speech stats, multiplied by your level, but your Barter and Speech will both be permanently increased by 1.
Prompted by Know When To Fold 'Em.
Paranoid (Trait)
Req: INT 3+
You're so obsessed with what's going on behind the scenes that it often hinders your critical thought about what's right in front of you. You've lost -2 Intelligence.
However, you were on to something with your suspicions.
Philistine (Trait)
Req: PER < 6, INT < 5
You figured out your best tool for interacting with the world early, (you will be able to pick another perk immediately), but now learning new things makes you uncomfortable, and you find yourself always relying on familiar ideas.
-10 Energy Weapons and Science.
-x2 Energy Weapon AP cost.
-10 Medicine.
-20% reduced XP.
The spirits walk with you, guiding you in unforeseeable ways.
You randomly gain and lose small stat bonuses and penalties, but the guidance of the spirits has taught you how to persevere in the wasteland.
Temporarily hidden until I establish the ludicrously complicated scripting necessary for the function that I want it to perform.
Sarcopenic (Trait)
Req: STR < 5
Your muscular inadequacy results in weapons with a base or modified weight of 10 lbs. or more weighing you down 2.5x as much, but don't despair - you excel in other ways!
Sluggish (Trait)
Req: AGI < 5
You're moving as fast as you can, but everyone else just seems to be able to do more than you. You suffer -20% AP regen and equip speed, but your sloth-like persistence has shown you a new strength within yourself.
Soviet Roulette (Trait)
Req: Luck = 1
Every shot you fire is a roll of the dice - or rather, a spin of the chamber. Once per reload, your weapon will immediately jam when you land a critical hit, but the pure adrenaline rush of taking that chance overloads your dopamine receptors and triggers your unique survival instinct.
*(Must not have completed challenge before installing Elysium)
Thoughts are prompts that occur at certain triggers, which are either flaws that allow you to get another perk immediately at cost of a debuff, or offer you a chance to achieve a reward for completing its objective.
Fall From Grace and Redemption Arc occur when you reach Very Good or Very Evil karma, respectively, and have less than 10% health. You can only perform one of these tasks; whichever you fulfill will grant you a perk of your choice. Fall From Grace requires that you start at maximum karma and reach maximum evil karma, Redemption Arc requires the opposite. Perks/events which modify your karma will help you achieve these tasks; this is intended.
Addictive Personality
You just can't get enough of the hard stuff, that grimy stuff, that junk that hits your veins and makes your heart scream! You have 3x the normal addiction chance.
However, your extended consumption of chemicals has shown you something new about life in the wasteland.
Prompted by completing the Day Tripper challenge*.
Danger Close
Req: Hit yourself with an explosion more times than the sum of your Endurance and Luck stats.
Quit hitting yourself! All those lesions and lacerations lacing your body leave you lamenting your lack of valetudinarianism.
All future damage you deal to yourself that penetrates your DT will result in knocking yourself over, but your carelessness allows you to excel in another area.
Unfortunately, mines that are placed in the world trigger this, which I can't do anything about.
The brutality of the wasteland has imbued your heart with a dark radiation that poisons your belief in doing right by others. While your karma is below neutral, for every 10 XP you gain, your negative karma increases by one point.
Method of acquisition has yet to be implemented. Will likely be provided via an in-game activity that I intend to implement in the future.
You've come a long way, and experienced some serious head trauma. Your heart longs for the familar comforts and dangers of the Capital Wasteland. Your addiction chance and limb damage are increased by 25% anytime you're not in the Capital Wasteland or its surrounding territories.
This flaw is only prompted for TTW players. Upon returning to DC the first time, this flaw will be removed and you will gain a free perk.
Karma Chameleon
Karma Chameleon allows you to switch to a karmic alignment of your choice once per level, at cost of the XP progress that you have made toward your next level.
To use this ability, press activate with Karma Chameleon selected in your Pip-Boy.
As the stealth field runs along each nook and cranny of your body, a strange tumbling sensation starts in the back of your psyche. You're not going to lose your mind, but it feels as though something might be... different. Something may be in a place it doesn't belong.
Letting this sensation of invisibility run rampant in your mind may unlock something powerful in your mind - the first time you use a Stealth Boy each level, one of your SPECIAL stats will be reduced by 1, and one increased by 1, but you will gain a perk that will retain until your next level, at which point your stats will be reverted and you will lose that perk.
Use 10 Stealth Boys to be prompted with this thought. Only stealth boys used after installing V10+ will count.
Polar Personality (Trait)
You seem to bounce between acting aggressive and kind.
+At odd numbered levels, you gain +4 to Melee Weapons, Unarmed, Guns, Explosives, and Energy Weapons, but your social stats are reduced by -3.
+At even numbered levels, you gain +4 to Speech, Barter, and Medicine, but your combat stats are reduced by -2.
At level 30 (or your max level if you set it lower), you're presented with the choice of the following conclusions:
You've hardened your heart and chosen the path of violence. You permanently gain +5 to your combat stats.
People Pleaser
You've excised your taste for violence and sworn yourself to peaceful solutions. You permanently gain +6 to your social stats.
True Discretion
You know when to smile, and when to bare your teeth. You gain +3 to your combat skills while in combat, and +3 to your socials skills while outside of combat.
-Polar Personality's effects are only coded up to level 30. Set your max level in the config ini if it's lower than 30, and if it's 30 or greater, just leave it alone.
-Polar personality will also change your eye color for combat vs social levels. The eye color for each, and for True Discretion, are configurable in the config ini. Simply replace the current values with the Editor ID of the eyes you desire for each.
Sunglasses At Night
Req: Spend 30 real-time minutes wearing sunglasses inside or at night
As you peer through the darkened lenses of your shades, you're beginning to see a reflection of the visions in your own eyes. While those squares might think your specs are bogus, you know your cheaters are choice. If you continue to wear your sunglasses in the dark, you'll be made in the shade.(-1 PER and INT while wearing sunglasses indoors or at night until developed)
After you've worn sunglasses inside or at night for a real-time hour:
As you peer through the darkened lenses of your shades, you're beginning to see a reflection of the visions in your own eyes. While those squares might think your specs are bogus, you know your cheaters are choice. You've gained +2 Charisma while wearing sunglasses indoors and at night!
Tragic Survivor
One by one, those that walk by your side seem to fall. Try as you might, you have failed to save two souls who shared your stride; if more are drawn to you and take up arms in your name, surely they shall fall as well. (-2 Luck and -1 Charisma while you have any companion.) However, their sacrifice has shown you a new truth of life in the wastes.
Prompted once you have two companions die while in your service. Instances where companions turn on you and you must kill them don't count, this only increments if they're an active companion when they die.
Obviously, this requires that you either do the in game events where companions are killed, or have any mod installed that either makes companions not essential, or adds a companion that's never essential in the first place.
Mod added companions: add the companion's base form to FLSTCompanions.
Why Do They Hunger?
Req: Kill 35 feral ghouls
Ever since you've heard about ghouls, one question has been wracking your brain: Why do they hunger?
-They're definitely zombies. Ghouls suffer much less damage to all locations except the head, and they regain health equal to the damage they do to you on each hit.
+They're definitely zombies. Ghouls suffer much more damage to the head, they instantly die when their head is crippled, and you gain bonus XP when you kill them.
The health steal only applies when attacking the player.
Architect (Trait)
Look at all those glorious buildings, left to ruin and decay, buried in the dessicated husk of humanity.
-Your XP gain is halved while outdoors.
+You gain +1 skill point upon level up while indoors equal to half of your Intelligence, rounded down.
Bad Influence (Trait)
Req: CHA < 5, INT < 7, Evil or Very Evil
You really bring out people's vulnerabilities when you're intoxicated. When you're drunk and rolling with at least one companion, your chems and meds last 20% longer, but you deal double damage to any teammates that wander into your line of fire.
Magnate (Trait)
Req: Luck 6+, Barter tagged
You know how to make your money worth its weight. For each 1000 caps you hold above 3000, you have increasingly reduced purchase prices, up to a maximum of -17%. However, while you have less than 3000 caps, your buying prices are increased.
Contact Courier (Trait)
Req: STR 8+, ENT 7+, INT < 7
You only know one way to solve your problems - with your fists.
+50% damage with Unarmed weapons.
-50% damage with Melee weapons.
+50% increased spread when using ranged weapons.
Decentralized Circulation (Trait)
Req: END 3+, have 500+ current rads
Radiation has begun to provide you with some vaguely... arthropoid mutations.
+Your circulation has become decentralized. You take 80% less limb damage.
-When your peripheral limbs are crippled, your bleeding is catastrophic. You suffer -1 HP per second for each non-chest limb that is crippled.
Delicate (Trait)
Req: END < 3
You've never been much good in a fight, you always seem to hit the mat before your opponent does. You've lost -50% max health, but you've learned about the more subtle ways of life.
When you take this perk, your permanent health pool will be reduced by 50% immediately. This means that if you start at level 1 with 50 max health, your health will be reduced by 25 - but all future health changes are unaffected. If you gain +25 health from leveling up, another perk, etc., those bonuses will take full effect. The -50% health is a one time penalty, not an ongoing modifier - this is due to the lack of a perk entry point that directly affects max health.
Desert Rose (Trait)
Req: END < 5, CHA 6+
You're a beautiful soul, in a desolate place.
-Your Endurance is reduced by 1.
-Enemy crit. chance is doubled while your health is below 50%.
+Your Charisma is increased by 2 while your health is above 50%.
Growth Serum (Trait)
Req: INT 8+
You've concocted a bizarre serum, which will increase your carry weight as you gain experience! However, it does severely tax your body.
-Your carry weight is halved immediately.
+Your carry weight is multiplied by 1.045x each time your level increases, until you hit level 30.
Gunpowder Season (Trait)
Req: AGI 4+, PER 4+
Salvation comes from the end of a smoking barrel.
-50% reduced spread when using Guns.
+4x chance to gain cases/hulls when firing Guns.
+50% spread when using Energy Weapons and Big Guns.
-50% attack speed when using Melee or Unarmed weapons.
(Explosives aren't affected by this trait at all. I don't want to make them benefit from it, but they do use gunpowder, so they're a "blind spot".)
Hip Shooter (Trait)
Req: PER < 5 and AGI 6+, or Fast Shot
Like a true gunslinger, you can fire your weapon from any angle; only you can't seem to aim down the sights worth a damn.
-25% accuracy while aiming down the sights.
+25% accuracy while firing from the hip.
Graceful (Trait)
Req: AGI 7+
Your poise is perfect; your delicacy is divine; unless you start tripping over your own feet. You gain +1 Charisma while you are not under the effect of alcohol or any addiction, but you suffer -2 when you are drunk or addicted.
I Don't Believe In Luck (Trait)
Req: Luck = 1, No Miss/Mister Impossible
You've always been beset by "misfortune"; good thing you don't believe in Luck.
-Crit chance has been reduced to 0.
Card Counter (Requires I Don't Believe In Luck)
Req: Level 16, PER 9+, INT 7+, I Don't Believe In Luck
All it takes is a keen eye and the discretion to not call attention to yourself.
+Better results while gambling
This is performed by granting you an 8 point bonus in luck. If your game increases skills based on luck, like default, there is a skill debuff on all skills to even out the luck bonus.
Icarus (Trait)
Your ostentatious nature may help you learn quicker, but it also inspires a greater degree of violence from your foes.
+50% XP gain until level 30.
-Enemy crit chance is doubled.
+25% stacking limb damage received at levels 10, 20, and 30.
Masochist (Trait)
Req: STR 6+, END 7+
When you're feeling healthy, all you can think about is when you'll get to bleed again.
-You lose 2/4/6 DT and 1/2/3 INT at 25/50/75% health, and -25% AP regen speed while lower than 50% health.
+You gain 3/6/9% DR and 1/2/3 END at 75/50/25% health.
Impact Play (requires Masochist)
Req: Level 10, STR 3+, END 7+, Masochist
At first it was just bleeding that got your heart racing, but you've developed a taste for more percussive punishment. Each time you are hit with an Unarmed or Melee Weapon, you gain +10% Damage Resistance for 15 seconds, up to a maximum of +50%.
Miss/Mister Impossible (Trait)
You're the luckiest girl in the world, though that doesn't seem to matter much. All of your hits are criticals, but you do no critical damage at all.
Patriot (Trait)
Req: INT < 5
Echoing through the desolate wastelands, the voice of true authority still speaks.
-25% reduced damage against the Enclave.
+1/2 Charisma bonus while Intelligence is below 4/2.
Only active for TTW players.
Physical Instrument (Trait)
Req: END 9+, Unarmed tagged
You solve your problems with the most reliable tool; your own flesh. Things will be easier to straighten out once everyone else is unconscious or dead.
You gain an unarmed damage bonus equal to your current AP %, but every unarmed attack strike you land will drain your AP by an amount equal to the hit's damage.
Prohibition (Trait)
Req: Level 2, INT < 6, PER < 6
They're still out there. Looking for booze... Your booze. You're not sure who "they" are, the only way they'll take it is from your cold, dead hands!
-1 Intelligence while under the effects of alcohol.
+10 Barter while under the effects of alcohol.
+10 Barter while holding 10 or more bottles of alcohol.
I originally had another effect planned that would allow you to get bonus caps for selling alcohol, but due to a bug with the required script command, I had to scrap it.
Root Of All Evil (Trait)
Req: Good or Very Good
"Money has never made man happy, nor will it, for there is nothing in it's nature to produce happiness"
You lose karma every time you gain caps , but your impecunious nature has shown you more judicious practices for survival in the wasteland that don't involve money.
The amount is not specified here, as it is configurable. Default is 25%.
The Game Was Rigged From The Start (Trait)
Your 18 karat run of bad luck isn't quite over. You still have that asshole in the flashy suit to contend with.
+Enemies gain +50% crit chance.
Prompted when you pick up Benny's cigarette from the cemetery.
You're Holding All The Cards (Requires The Game Was Rigged From The Start)
Req: The Game Was Rigged From The Start, Have the Platinum Chip
But now the chips have come in, and you're a winner! You retrieved the Platinum Chip and took back your own destiny.
+50% crit chance.
You can select whether this perk is granted automatically if you've killed Benny and have the platinum chip in your inventory, or if you must select it in the perk menu when you level up once you have the platinum chip in your inventory.
Torque Dork (Trait)
Req: STR 8+
You just can't get enough of that leverage.
+25% damage with Melee Weapons.
-Your weapon condition damage is increased by 5x with all other weapon types.
Titanium Tortoise (Trait)
Req: END < 5, no Power Armor Training
Just look at those glorious, gleaming metal shells covering those dashing Power Armored soldiers! Just thinking about being enclosed in that tight titanium, close around your whole body makes you feel vulnerable while wearing anything else.
You've become obsessed with finding and wearing Power Armor, and wearing it grants you +20% movement speed while in deep water and +15 Energy, EMP and Electric Resistance while crouched.
However, while wearing Power Armor, you suffer -20% sneak speed when you have a weapon out, and while you aren't encased in tough titanium, your DT is halved and your carry weight is reduced by 20%.
Bonuses modeled off of the unique characteristics of tortoises. Bonus strength isn't very strong, as PA is already very, very good. Requirement of having no PA training to take the perk is so that there's a period of time when you experience the malus.
Weak Knees (Trait)
Req: END < 2, AGI < 5
All that crouch-walking is murder on your joints. You suffer -10% sneak speed, and take leg damage anytime you run while sneaking. Fortunately, you've learned from your disadvantage.
What Are You, Stupid? (Trait)
Req: INT 6+, PER 8+
You're so smart. Nobody has ever been smarter than you. Literally the pinnacle of humanity right here.
+Crit chance against targets stupider than you.
-Crit chance against targets smarter than you.
Who Killed The World? (Trait)
It wasn't the animals; it wasn't the robots; You know who killed the world.
+10% damage against humans
-15% damage to non-humans
--Super mutants count as humans for the sake of this perk.
Credit to ItsMeJesusHChrist of Consistent Pip Boy Icons for the excellent CPI v4 source icon files that I used in composing the new ones. New perk icons are 512 x 512, just like CPI. If used without CPI, the images will look different and higher res. I will not be downscaling the icons for vanilla resolutions. Downscale 'em yourself if you want, you can do whatever you want with the image icons, just credit me please.
Req: Luck < 4, Barter tagged
People go easy on you when you're broke. Maybe it's manipulation, or maybe they just feel bad for you. Your buying prices are reduced substantially while you have low amounts of money, but once your bag of caps begins to refill, they start to expect you to pay more and more, in return for their previous generosity.
Blood Bag
Req: Level 2, END 7+, Survival 25+
Blood Bag has two versions: One that applies when Aid Addon is installed, and one without it.
Aid Addon version:
You're a universal donor in a world that needs blood transfusions more than ever.
You gain an extra blood bag when using a blood draw kit, and your recovered health is increased by 25% and you gain extra AP regeneration while under the effect of a blood bag or blood draw kit.
Non-Aid Addon Version
Blood truly is the water of life in the wasteland. When you consume a blood pack, your health will be restored by a value equal to the sum of your Strength and Endurance, and your AP will be restored by a value equal to the sum of your Endurance and Agility.
Req: Level 10, CHA 5+, Survival 35+
Smoking, Courier. It will take a lot of tobacco-smoking for you to become a *boiadeiro*.
In these wild, uncultured times, with a gun in one hand and two lit, unfiltered cigarettes in the other, you make your own rules.
+5 Crit Chance while holding 10+ individual cigarettes.
+5 Speech while holding 8+ cigarette packs.
+1 Charisma while holding 5+ cigarette cartons.
I really want to rework this to be a bonus while under the effect of a usable cigarette, but I haven't decided on a usable cig mod to go with.
Buck Wild
Req: Level 25, AGI 8+, Guns 75+
It may not be mating season, but when you've got four walls around you and a shotgun in your hand, you're the most aggressive stag in the pack! Your shotgun spread, attack speed, and damage are all increased by 25% while in an interior.
While the increased spread could arguably be a debuff, the other factors compensate for it. Intended to make it more appealing to hit multiple targets with wide spread in interiors instead of trying to land every pellet on one target to get a complete kill.
Req: Level 8, Melee Weapons 35+, Evil or Very Evil
Chop that meat! Thanks to your sadistic tendencies, you now gain bonus XP and restore action points when you cripple or dismember a limb, regardless of whether the target is living or dead.
You also gain +20% non-power attack speed with one-handed melee weapons!
Chainsaw Carnage
Req: Level 25, Butcher
A hefty cleaver may hew bone, but you're starting to need high-volume viscera to fulfill your violent delights. You deal +20% damage with automatic melee weapons like the Chainsaw, and when you kill a target using such a weapon, you will gain +10 DT for four seconds and time will slow for a short duration.
(The Thermic Lance does not qualify.)
The time slowing does not stack, but the DT bonus will extend with multiple kills while active.
Burning Sensation
Req: Level 10, END 8+
Your anomalous body chemistry immediately rejects radiation, at the cost of your health. While you are irradiated, you will lose one point of health and disperse one point of radiation per second. This may be fatal!
Adrenaline Adjunct
Req: Have Burning Sensation's effect be active for 30 real-time minutes
Hours of radiation accrual and dispersal have overstimulated your adrenal glands, resulting in constant health and AP regeneration while you are poisoned!
Automatically granted upon hitting its criteria.
Death Wish
Req: Level 2
The elation of feeling yourself at the precipice of death gives you a rush unlike any other. When an enemy lands a critical hit on you, you have a Luck based chance to receive an XP bonus equal to the damage dealt by that hit.
Intended to de-incentivize loading a save after a rough combat encounter.
Direct Modes of Taxation
Req: Level 12, PER 6+, Luck 3+, Barter 65+,
You're the tax collector; the cold, icy grip of death won't part you from the money left on the bodies of NCR and Legion members.
+Chance to find more NCR and Legion money on the bodies of members of their respective factions.
+Perception-based chance to add NCR and Legion money to targets you hit with unarmed strikes.
Gallows Humor
Req: Level 2, PER 5+, CHA 5+, Evil or Very Evil
You know just the right time to "lighten" the mood with a dark joke.
+10 Speech and Barter for 30 seconds after killing something.
+25% increased XP and +1 Charisma for 30 seconds after killing something if you have an Evil or Very Evil companion.
Time duration will stack, degree of bonus will not.
Req: Level 2, PER 5+ or Trigger Discipline
Hands in the air! Keep 'em there! Don't move a muscle! One wrong move, and I'll blow you away, punk!
-25% accuracy outside of V.A.T.S.
+25% accuracy in V.A.T.S.
Applies during Bullet Time. While this could hypothetically be a trait, the criteria of being able to acquire it via Trigger Discipline makes it a little easier to get via a perk. Besides, it's a very, very strong bonus, even in the face of its malus.
Healing Factor
Req: Level 8, END 8+, Luck 8+, have 250 current rads
The radiation in your body, combined with your unique genetics, has allowed you to develop a strange treatment which has made your body slowly heal your limbs up to full any time they're damaged, at the cost of increasing all of your needs while you heal.
Immaculate Coiffure
Req: Level 6, CHA 7+
All of your time spent styling your bespoke bob has left you clinging to your precious few remaining bobby pins. You gain +3 Lockpick and +50% bobby pin durability as your total diminishes below 9. (+24 Lockpick/5x durability max.)
Another anti-save scum perk.
(Inexplicable) Feminist Agenda
Req: Level 6, Male, no Confirmed Bachelor or Lady Killer, CHA 4+, INT 5+, PER 6+
Something stirs within in you - something *interdisciplinary*. Is it a newly formed reaction to getting your head ventilated by a dashing rogue, or something you've always had? One thing is for sure: you're not a *mild* feminist. You're ready to let loose, on each and every member of the un-fairer sex!
+Women appreciate your attitude. +5 Speech and Barter when speaking to women.
+5% damage against men.
Last Laugh (Prompted by losing more than 50% health in combat (10 - Permanent Luck Amount) times.
If you lose more than 50% health damage during a single combat session, you will be 3x as likely to be critically hit, but you will gain twice the XP once combat ends.
(This effect will stay active if you heal the health lost during that combat session.)
Intended to incentivize you to fight through taxing combat encounters instead of just reloading when you get rocked.
The XP bonus will start to take effect during combat, but there's a three second grace period after combat ends for the Stewie tweak that blocks XP gain during combat.
Suffer Well (Requires Last Laugh)
Req: Level 10
You're so delighted by laughing in the face of death that pain has become your greatest teacher. Whenever you lose health, you gain XP equal to the magnitude of health loss, multiplied by your Intelligence/100.
Req: Guns 45+, INT < 5, Shot by Benny
Every time you say “I am the Law“ - and you say it *a lot*, it's basically *hello* for you - your jaw does this *weird thing*. It sort of shifts sideways, hanging off your face at a jaunty angle, while the word *law* sounds oddly guttural and low. It's... strange. Maybe it's a side effect of getting shot in the head by ol' Benny, but it sure helps with intimidation.
-15 Speech.
+5% improved prices while at Good Karma.
+10% improved prices while at Very Good Karma.
Lucky Number
Req: Level 4
"Luck is an accident that happens to the confident."
Your resolute confidence in your Lucky Number manifests in the ability to fire a weapon with a single projectile with perfect accuracy when your ammo count matches your current Luck.
Rigorous Self Critique
Req: Level 8, Evil or Very Evil
Your hands may not be clean, but with lots of soap and a change in behavior, you can wash away your past to start anew.
+1/2 Strength while Good/Very Good.
-2 Endurance while Bad/Very Bad.
-Your XP will be penalized whenever you lose karma, in an amount equal to the magnitude of the change multiplied by your Intelligence.
Yes, this does penalize you more for a higher Intelligence.
Req: Level 2, AGI 4+, END 4+, Hardcore
Left foot, right foot. Left leg, right leg. Once you get going, you can practically sleep on your feet. While walking or running at night, you recover sleep deprivation, at a rate of 1 per 2 seconds of walking.
This perk unfortunately carries a performance cost with it on weaker computers. I don't know of any way to fix this, unfortunately.
Servant Of Chaos
Req: Level 8
You swear loyalty to no creed, no culture, and no crown. As a Servant Of Chaos, you will gain XP anytime your karma changes, equal to the degree of the change.
Semi-Sacred Geometry
Req: Level 16, Science 40+, Day Tripper
The lovely air; the wind it breathes; it's all connected, and it's all perfect. Your experience with addictive chems has granted you +2 INT and PER while under the effect of any non-alcoholic chem.
Late level req, but it's very powerful.
Sixgun Samurai
Req: Level 30, AGI 9+, Guns 80+, Melee Weapons 80+
Your first hit on a weapon after drawing a revolver will cause the target to drop a one-handed weapon or jam a two-handed weapon. If you hit their right arm, it will cripple it instead.
Your first sword hit after switching off a revolver will have 2x crit. chance and crit. damage. If it's a power attack it will instead deal +50% damage.
Your first revolver hit after switching off a sword will penetrate 10 DT and guarantee a crit.
Obviously requires a high degree of presence of mind during combat to use to its max potential, but it's very strong. Excellent with Bullet Time/V.A.T.S.' ability to target areas with high precision.
Req: Level 10, PER 8+, CHA < 6, INT 7+
Your eyes pierce through people's lies. Each time you fail or succeed a particular dialog skill check for the first time, your Perception is increased by 1 and your Charisma is reduced by 1 for three minutes. Additionally, for every 2 successful checks per 1 failed check, you will gain a permanent +1 to Speech.
Req: Level 10, PER 7+, Sneak 50+
If your targets could see your face in the moments before their grisly fate, they would die of fright before you even made a move. While within 30 yards of a target, for each second you look directly at a person who is unaware of you, your crit. damage will increase by 1%, up to a maximum of 25%.
(Ranged weapons only gain half of this bonus.)
The moment your crosshair moves off your target, the bonus is lost.
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Req: Level 10, INT 6+
You're a master of disguise; while you wear the faction armor of a faction that you have a negative reputation with, you will gain +2 Charisma, +7 Sneak, and +5 Critical Chance.
This perk is rather strong, but it only applies to the use of Caesar's Legion, NCR, Brotherhood, Powder Ganger, and Khan armors; as such, I want it to still be a worthwhile pick.
This will work with a mod that disables the disguise system. No really, it'll work fine.
JIP LN, xNVSE, Johnny, ShowOff, the usual stuff. SUP is also required.
KEYWORDS and Sweet Keywords are required.
Stewie Tweaks' "Show Perk Menu Every Level" setting is also required for the flaw system.
Vanilla UI Plus is a requirement, since the text is too long to not clip.
The bShowModNameInPerkDescriptions Stewie Tweak is a hard incompatibility, as it pushes the perk description text past the character limit, causing crashes. There is a warning that pops up when the game restarts that warns about this. All reports of such will be relegated to a closed bug report.
TTW users should either use TTW Quick Start, which has the capacity for SPECIAL -> trait selection, or TTW - Trait Menu Change to allow for selection of traits which are SPECIAL related.
Regular installation, but make sure you set your game's max level config option lower if your level cap is lower than 30.
Ensure that ShowOff is installed.
Make sure the Stewie "bPreviewPerksOnLevelUp" Stewie tweak is turned on. A file is included to automatically turn it on, but if you're not seeing the perk menu at every level up, then the flaw system will not function correctly.
Make sure the Stewie "bShowModNameInPerkDescriptions" Stewie tweak is turned off. A file is included to automatically turn it off, but if you're experiencing crashes when scrolling past certain perks, ensure that this setting is turned off.
Recommended for use with S6S Perks, my Perk Overhaul, SSS/other mods which allow (functionally) unlimited traits, and Levelup Traits.
I strongly recommend against use of any respec/trait removal mods, as well as the psych eval in OWB. They can cause issues with mod-added or altered perks, and I have no intention of trying to account for these circumstances.
Give swords and revolvers from other mods their appropriate keywords in the same fashion that the Sweet Keywords does.
Mods that add mind altering or addictive chems need to be patched. The following script chunk can be added to any other mod's startup script or a scriptrunner to patch them for Elysium:
ref rELYFLSTChems = EditorIdToFormID "ELYFLSTChems"
My writing skill.
Should I play Disco Elysium?
If you like RPGs, yes. It's one of the best.
Will I be missing information or references if I haven't played it?
No. There's some extra flavor you might pick up on if you've played DE, but I think the content here fits into Fallout just fine.
My max level is higher than 30, should I set it higher?
No. Polar Personality's effects are only coded up to level 30, at which point they'll stop taking effect, because the mod expects you to exchange the perk for a different one based on the menu choices you're presented with.
Change the perk description lengths to let me use the bShowModNameInPerkDescriptions Stewie tweak?
I'm not going to. Feel free to make a patch that does so yourself, plenty of people would appreciate it. Put it up on your own page if you want to share it with other people, I have no interest in putting it up here.
Disco Elysium for being so good.
David D contributed some perk ideas and description text edits from the original DE though descriptions.
Credit to ItsMeJesusHChrist of Consistent Pip Boy Icons for the excellent remade source icons that I used in composing the new ones.
Some of ItsMeJesusHChrist's custom icons have been used directly.
DaStig77 helped contribute to the Saguaro Stalker perk's text, effects, and icon.
Matt provided the idea to rename Trembling In Titanium to Titanium Tortoise.
Vault Dweller's Survival Perk Pack's icons via CPI v4 Mod Patches were used as part of the icon creation process for Root Of All Evil, Miss Impossible, Bottomless Stomach, and Lucky Number.
Project FNVIcons icons via CPI v4 Mod Patches were used for Torque Dork, Gallows Humor, and Contact Courier.
Please just credit me if you use any of my stuff.
If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi.