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JPSteel Czasior AgentW ra2phoenix JPdreamer

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About this mod

A collection of compatibility patches for JPSteel's Northern Roads.

Permissions and credits
  • French
Northern Roads is a fantastic mod but by definition changes A LOT of Skyrim's landscape records. Depending on load order and the cells affected, this will cause all manner of texture and landscape height seams or erasure of its roads. The patches on this page will resolve landscape conflicts by redoing the conflicting landscape, adjusting object heights or placement, and other required fixes.

Load order instructions:
1. Your main mods / Northern Roads
2. Patches for your other mods, THIS INCLUDES (if used) Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods (LFFGM) and Landscape and Water Fixes (LAWF) and a cross-patch between them
3. Any Water for ENB (WENB) patches
4. NR - Enhanced Landscapes patch and NR - tree mods patches
5. NR - LAWF patch
6. NR - LFFGM patch
7. NR - WFE patch (it must be above other patches it conflicts with for the least bad outcome without a combo patch)
8. NR - miscellaneous patches
9. NR - Ryn's Snow-Shod Shadow Stone patch (if applicable)
10. NR - cities/towns/outskirts overhauls patches
11. NR - combo patches

List of patched mods (and credits):
- A Cat's Life by DarkFox127
Alternate Start - Live Another Life by Arthmoor
- Amber Guard by Schlitzohr
Amol Village by Schlitzohr
Anga's Mill - Cities of the North Addon by Tate Taylor
- Anga's Mill Reborn by mnikjom
- Aspens Ablaze by mindflux
- Better Courier by Korodic
- Beyond Skyrim - Bruma by The Beyond Skyrim - Cyrodiil Development Team
- The Blackest Reaches by sinisterax
- Blended Roads by T4gtr34um3r
- Butterflies Land True by Wanderhall
- BUVARP SE RE by AndrealphusVIII
- BUVARP - Chillridge Farm - Cities of the North Addon by MissileMann
- Capital Whiterun Expansion by Surjamte
- Capital Windhelm Expansion by Surjamte
Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul by Kinaga
- Carriage Drivers Are Alive by ToosTruus, CosmicSloth0 and WiZKiD34
- Cities of the North - Dawnstar by JPSteel2
- Cities of the North - Falkreath by JPSteel2
- Cities of the North - Morthal by JPSteel2
- Cities of the North - Winterhold by JPSteel2
- Complementary Grass Fixes by Mefariah
- Creation Club: Farming, Fishing, Myrwatch, Saints and Seducers, The Cause, Tundra Homestead
- Cutting Room Floor by Arthmoor
- Dark's Whiterun Market by Darkmaster06 and Pymous
- DK's Realistic Nord Ships by DeviantKhaled and JPSteel2
Dunpar Wall by Schlitzohr
Elder Scrolls Online Imports by SarthesArai
- Enhanced Landscapes by AceeQ
Expanded Towns and Cities by missjennabee
The Fall of Granite Hill by Arthmoor
Finding Helgi...and Laelette by SomethingObscure
Forgotten City by TheModernStoryteller
- Fossil Mining by aviform
- Goblins and Durzogs by 4thUnknown (based on a fixed plugin by MaskedRPGFan)
Granite Hill Village by Schlitzohr
Granitehall by Schlitzohr
- Greymoor by Sclitzohr
The Great City of Winterhold SSE by Archinatic
- The Great City of Winterhold - COTN Winterhold patch by Jelidity
- The Great Town of Ivarstead SSE by Archinatic
- The Great Town of Karthwasten by Archinatic
The Great Town of Shor's Stone by Archinatic
- The Great Village of Kynesgrove by Archinatic
The Great Village of Mixwater Mill by Archinatic
The Great Village of Old Hroldan by Archinatic
Halla - A Whiterun Player Home by Elianora
Half Moon Creek by Drengin
Half-Moon Mill - Cities of the North Addon by Missile
Happy Little Trees by T4GTR34UM3R
Helgen Reborn by Mike Hancho
- Hold Border Banners by Thicketford
Iggath by Schlitzohr
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul by Arnaud dOrchymont
- Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass by Ahzaab
Immersive Patrols by Scrabbulor
- Imperial Dragonknight Armory by Suran
Interesting NPCs (3DNPC) by Kris Takahashi and Nexus Moderation Team (Nexus port)
- Interesting Roads by Kralyks
- JK's Markarth Outskirts by JKrojmal
- JK's Riften Outskirts by JKrojmal
JK's Riverfall Cottage by JKrojmal
JK's Sinderion's Field Laboratory by JKrojmal
JK's Skyrim by JKrojmal and Teabag86
- JK's Sky Haven Temple by JKrojmal
- JK's Solitude Outskirts by JKrojmal
- JK's Whiterun Outskirts by JKrojmal
- JK's Windhelm Outskirts by JKrojmal
- JKs Ryns Whiterun Exterior by JKrojmal, Ryn, Czasior and robertgk2017
- Khajiit Has Wares by allonsywisegirl
Lainalten by Schlitzohr
- Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods by code1k
Legacy of the Dragonborn by icecreamassassin and the LOTD team
- Lux, Lux Orbis and Lux Via by GGUNIT
- Markarth Outskirts by GGUNIT
- Moon And Star by Gan Xingba
- More To Say by abramcf
- Nature of the Wild Lands by fxckthisworld
No Snow Under the Roof by Prometheus
- Nordic Ruins of Skyrim by Archinatic
- New Weynon by Schlitzohr
Oakwood by Schlitzohr
- Obsidian Mountain Fogs by Cathedral Team
- Old Hroldan Ruins by sa547
- Open Cities Skyrim by Arthmoor
Outlaws Refuges by Sokkvabekk
- Quaint Raven Rock by Undriel
Radiance - Radiant Quest Enchancements - Locations by Sarthes Arai
- Realm of Lorkhan by TwinCrows
- RedBag's Falkreath by RedBag
- RedBag's Falkreath - Half-Moon Mill Addon by monkeyangie
RedBag's Morthal by RedBag
RedBag's Rorikstead by RedBag
Redbag's Solitude by RedBag
Reich Corigate by Schlitzohr
- Road Signs Overhaul and Road Signs Overhaul 2.0 by GeraldMods
Rodryk's Dragon Bridge by Alistair Rodryk
- Routa - Stormcloak and Warrior Cabin by Elianora
- RYFTEN Down by Yuril
Ryn's Alchemist's Shack by Ryn
- Ryn's Anise's Cabin by Ryn
- Ryn's Brandy-Mug Farm by Ryn
- Ryn's Broken Tower Redoubt by Ryn
Ryn's Farms by Ryn
- Ryn's GoldenGlow Estate by Ryn
- Ryn's Guardian Stones by Ryn
- Ryn's Hollyfrost and Hlaalu Farms by Ryn
- Ryn's Karthspire by Ryn
- Ryn's Loreius Farm by Ryn
Ryn's Lund's Hut by Ryn
- Ryn's Merryfair Farm by Ryn
- Ryn's Ritual Stone by Ryn
- Ryn's Robber's Gorge by Ryn
- Ryn's Sarethi Farm by Ryn
- Ryn's Shadow Stone by Ryn
- Ryn's Snow Shod Farm by Ryn
Ryn's Standing Stones by Ryn
- Ryn's Steed Stone by Ryn
- Ryn's Valtheim Towers by Ryn
Ryn's Western Watchtower by Ryn
Ryn's White River Watch by Ryn
- Ryn's Whiterun City Limits by Ryn 
- s6o6t LORE - Mundus Stones by son6of6tredis
- s6o6t LORE - Oblivion Gates by son6of6tredis
- Settlements Expanded by Urtho
- Sky Haven Temple Gardens by Albro
- Skyrim Fixes Collection by mnikjom
Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes by WiZKiD and lilebonymace
- Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls by Xenophobe3
- Skyrim Wayshrines - Immersive Fast Travel by Pharros and jss2a98aj
- Snowhawk Expanded - City Ruins by SavlianBSCyrodiil
Solitude Docks by AssyMcGee (based on Solitude Docks Updated by Fe4therstone)
- Solitude Watchtower by Drengin
- Stendarr Rising by JKrojmal, Teabag86, DrMonops and Janquel
Stonehills by Schlitzohr
- The Stumbling Sabrecat by tarlazo
The Tools of Kagrenac by Titansbane and PrivateEye
Traverse the Ulvenwald by Guthrum
- True Nordic Farmhouses by Spiffyskytrooper and Nasenohrring
Undeath Remastered by Antioch08
- Unique Border Gates by Kelsenellenelvian
- Unique Border Gates Fixes by duinnin
- Vernim Wood by Schlitzohr
- Water for ENB by mindflux
- Waymark - A Road Signs Mod by lordkenyonkmp
- Western Watchtower Doesn't Start Broken by JaySerpa
- Windhelm Bridge Revived by miliyx and zohryu
- Windstad Mine by Skvindt

Use a mod manager/organizer to install, or drop the loose files into your Skyrim data folder.
Patches should have their appropriate masters set and should be loaded after any mods that they are patching. Some of the fixes in question are on persistent objects and may require a new save.

This will resolve issues between the mods listed, but in rare cases, a third mod may conflict or two patches will conflict, and a new patch needs to be created.  We aren't necessarily taking requests, but mention it in comments and it's possible we may pick it up.

Additional notes
- All files are ESL-flagged.
- Patch for More to Say is intended for a merged version of the mod (MoreToSay.esp).
- If you are using Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes AND Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods, put the compatibility patch between these two (file from Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes FOMOD) BEFORE any Northern Roads patches.
- The s6o6t LORE - Mundus Stones patch is for the full version that has an esp.
- You should load the patches in the same order as the patched mods.

Other Northern Roads patches we're aware of:
Northern Roads Patch Collection - Addon Patches and Combos by JPdreamer,
Northern Roads - Additional Patches by Alaxouche,
Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite,
Minotaurs SE,
- Seasonal Landscapes,
Unofficial EFPS patches.

Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition and the Creation Kit
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
JPSteel for Northern Roads
robertgk2017 for his various mod's bugfixes which partially was implemented and modified in some of the patches here
Alaxouche for additional fixes for some patches
Jelidity for Beyond Skyrim: Bruma patch
Showda for Anga's Mill Reborn, The Fall of Granite Hill and Whistling Mine patches
MissileMann for COTN-ETaC and TGV Kynesgrove-ETaC combo patches
Khrys for Skyrim Fixes Collection and Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls patches
Lavellan for Complementary Grass Fixes patch
Sasquatch678 for The Blackest Reaches patches