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About this mod

Renovation of the landscape in the area between the Half-Moon Mill, Moss Mother Cavern аnd Evergreen Grove.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
The creek, on the banks of which the Half-Moon Mill is located, has become more realistic and natural.
In Vanilla, this creek flows out of Lake Ilinalta, three steps behind the bridge it narrows strongly, turns into a thin stream, and disappears into the pond of the Evergreen Grove.
Mod changes the direction of the stream flow. The creek has its source near the Moss Mother Cavern and flows into Lake Ilinalta.

Installation and load order:
Install with your preferred mod manager or manually.
The Half Moon Creek.esp should be placed in load order below other plugins that edit the same cells.
It is highly recommended to create LODs for objects and trees using SSELODGen or DynDOLOD.

This mod is not compatible with any mods that significantly changes the same cells.
The mod comes with compatibility patches for: Realistic Water Two SE and Water for ENB, CACO (Created by Showda), 3D Landscapes (Created by Showda).

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