About this mod

A collection of patches for Cities of the North - Falkreath, primarily moving object placements to match the new interiors, along with a few Worldspace patches

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It's me again, (well, US this time - very happy to be working with Czasior, ra2phoenix, and InstantKor to crank things out. Give 'em all some kudos and thanks in the comments! :) ) working at resolving potential conflicts with Cities of the North - Falkreath. Each mod which has a patch is listed below, with specific details of all changes contained in spoilers, if necessary. All patches are ESP flagged as ESL, unless otherwise noted.

Please remember that patches sometimes involve Persistent references, so they will require a new save/playthrough. Before making a request for help, please double check that the problem exists on such a new save.

Gardden has already added COTN Falkreath to his Great Cities of JK's North, so if you're using both of 'em, head on over there and get yourself taken care of!

Included Patch Descriptions

3DNPCs/Interesting NPCs - Shifts placed objects/markers to match new interiors/exteriors. Last checked against version 4.4

A Cat's Life - adjusts a bunch of records to match the modified city layout. Last checked against version 2.0

An Abstract Falkreath - Ruined Kingdom - Removes / shifts clipping parts of ruins. Last checked against version 1.0

Additional Hearthfire Dolls - Shifts placed doll to match new interior. Last checked against version 3

AI Overhaul SSE - Shifts some placed idle markers to match the new interiors/exterior. Last checked against version 1.6.6

Amulets of Skyrim - Moves a few amulets to their appropriate locations in the new interiors. Last checked against version 4.061

Anna NPCs - moves the portal from underneath the castle to a more accessible spot, navmesh conflict resolution. Last checked against version 4-3-2b

At Your Own Pace - Thieves Guild - Shifts a few objects to match the modified interiors layout. Last checked against version 2.0.4

Atlas Map Markers - NOTE: Based on MCM version. Removes map marker for Jarl's keep, as COTN Falkreath adds its own. Last checked against version 2.0

BadGremlin's Collection AIO - Moves a placed fish to its appropriate location in the new interior. Note: Patch is for AIO, not for the Fishys .esp. Last checked against version SE1

Book Covers Skyrim - Placement correction for two books. Last checked against version 4.2

Bring Meeko to Lod - Forwards persistence on one ref. Last checked against version 1.0

Cheesemod for EVERYONE - Shifts a few added cheeses to match the new interior. Last checked against version 1.01

Cloaks of Skyrim - Moves two placed cloaks to appropriate locations in the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.2.1

Clockwork - Ties terminus door into new navmesh. Last checked against version 1.0

Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul - Shifts a few placed references, general CR. Last checked against version 2.0.8

Cooking Adventures in Skyrim - Fixes cellar trapdoor placement and spawn point of the baker. Last checked against version 2.0

Creation Club: Bittercup - Shifts a note to match the new interior

Creation Club: Elven Hunter Armor - Shifts placement of some elements to match the new interior. Does CC have version numbers?

Creation Club: Fishing - Shifts a fish spawn to be in water which isn't covered up.

Dawnguard Sentries Plus - adjusts the position of a few markers. Last checked against version 1.1c

DootY - adjusted position of outhouses. Last checked against version 3.1

Drinking Fountains of Skyrim - Lets the placed drinking fountain work in Falkreath. DESIGNED FOR ESP-FE VERSION. Last checked against version 1.6

Drunks of Skyrim (TPOS2) - Fixes a spawn point of the drunk man, and adjusts marker placement. Last checked against version

Elder Scrolls Legends Imports - Shifts placement of a few records placed under Hakkvind's Hall. Last checked against version 2.0

Elder Scrolls Online Imports - Disables ESO Imports version of the hall, forwards most COTN changes, redoes navmesh. Combination patch with LOTD available. Last checked against version 8.1

Embers XD - Shifts some fires/embers to match new interiors/exteriors. Last checked against version 2.4.0b. Probably will not work with earlier versions

Enhanced Landscapes - Disables some placed flora to not conflict with new layout, forwards landscape records where needed. Last checked against version 2.0.

Enhanced Lights and FX - CR, applies ELFX-style lighting to the interiors of the COTN buildings. Last checked against version 3.06

ezPG - shifts the position of one exterior activator, and moves NPCs and markers to new spots in the Dead Man's Drink. DESIGNED FOR THE FULL VERSION OF THE MOD. Last checked against version 2.1

Falkreath Hauntings - switch the position of a few elements. Last checked against version 2.0

Farmhouse Chimneys - Disables added chimneys since COTN buildings already have 'em. Last checked against version 4.0.5.

Fyr Manor - Adjusts placement of the key. Last checked against version 1.0.4

Grass Mods - Master isn't set so theoretically should work with any grass mods. Forwards landscape changes from COTN Falkreath, but re-paints some sections to reduce grass clipping through geometry.

The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns - Combines TGC changes for Falkreath and COTN Falkreath. Combo patches are available for Helgen Reborn, ESO Imports, LOTD, Clockwork, and Skyrim Underground, along with any extra permutations which are necessary. Last checked against version 2.01.

The Great City of Falkreath - Combines TGCF changes for Falkreath and COTN Falkreath. All combo patches are available for it as the previous, along with a combo patch for JK's Skyrim. Last checked against version 1.21

Guards Armor Replacer - Shifts placement of a few armor pieces to match the new guards' barracks interior. Last checked against version 5.5a

Helgen Reborn - Redoes added building in COTN style, moves placement. Moves a few markers to match the new interior. Last checked against version 106.SSE

Holidays - adjusts the placement of a bunch of elements to match the new city layout. Last checked against version 2.14

Identity Crisis - Shifts a bunch of stuff to not conflict with the new exterior. Last checked against version 1.02

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Forwards Immersive Citizens ownership and sandbox flag changes.  Positions Immersive Citizens markers correctly for new interiors.  Places existing beds for Steward, Housecarl, and Valdr into COTN's new locations instead of the new ones to preserve Immersive Citizens' packages for these NPCs. Last checked against version 0.4

Immersive College of Winterhold - Shifts scrying location to (hopefully) cover the new interior. Last checked against version 6.2

Immersive Laundry - Slightly tweaks placement of a few laundry items (and adds two poles) to match the new exterior. Patch works with both vanilla and JKs Skyrim versions of COTN (and I think the great cities ones but I forgot to check >_> Last checked against version 1.0d. Sovn has a bunch of Laundry patches (for the other COTNs too) available here .

Immersive Wenches - moves a bunch of markers to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.60SE

JK's Skyrim - Combines JKs changes and COTN aesthetics. Last checked against version 1.7

Keep it Clean - Shifts trapdoor to match the new interior. Last checked against version 3.15a

Knight of Thorn - Fixes the placement of the notes in the Inn and resolves one conflict. Last checked against version 1.00

Landscape and Water Fixes - Forwards COTN Falkreath changes wherever appropriate, forwards ownership from Landscape and Water Fixes. Last checked against version 8.6.2

Lanterns of Skyrim II - Shifts lanterns/lights/etc to match new exteriors.  Adds a few more light sources in appropriate spots. Last checked against version 3.1

Legacy of the Dragonborn - Moves a few fliers, drunk marker, a few other assorted things, and the Dev Aveza approach to not clip any buildings. Combo patch with ESO Imports available. Last checked against version 5.5.2

Lucien - Shifts spawn point of Lucien to be within the bounds of the new Inn, along with two other markers that don't really matter but whatever. Last checked against version 1.6.3

Map Markers Complete - Removes Jarl's castle marker since COTN adds their own. Last checked against version 1.2

Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim - Shifts lanterns/lights/etc to match new exteriors. Last checked against version 1.0.5

Missives - Shifts the missives board to match COTN Falkreath. Last checked against version 2.03

More to Say - Forwards persistency changes for NPCs that have it added. Master not set, should work with either the separate or merged version. Last checked against version 8.0.3

Mystic Condenser - Fixes placement of the Mystic Condenser put in the Jarl's keep. Last checked against version 2.3.

Mythos - Adjusts the position of one book. Last checked against version Redux.

Nature of the Wild Lands - Removes/adjusts the placement of a few trees. Last checked against version 2.4

Off Limits - Applies new bounds and position to the box marker. Last checked against version 1.2

Open Civil War - Shifts trigger marker for an event to match the new Jarl's Keep interior. Last checked against version 2.6.3.

Outlaws Refuges - Slightly less noticeable entry. Combo patches still need to be made. Last checked against version 1.2

Radiance Locations - Forwards a flag on a container. Last checked against version 1.0.1.

Relics of Hyrule - Shifts two books and spawning point of NPC. Last checked against version

Rigmor of Bruma - Moves a few NPCs and markers to the new locations. Last checked against version 1.1c

Rigmor of Cyrodiil - Adapts Rigmor changes to the new COTN Falkreath layout. Last checked against version 1.0

Second Great War - Adjusts the position of a few actors and beds. Last checked against version 1.09

Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - Shifts placed paintings to match new interiors and updates furniture to match theming. Last checked against version 2.1.2

Skyking Unique Signs - Resolves conflict between both mods. Patch by ChickenMike. Last checked against version 1.03

Skyrim 3D Signs - CR/shifts signs to match new exteriors. last checked against version 1.2.5

Skyrim Artwork Imports - Adjusts paintings and tapestry positions to match new interiors. Last checked against version 1.0

Skyrim Creations: East Empire Expansion - Moves two references inside the Jarl's Castle. Last checked against version 1.01

Skyrim Project Optimization - Tweaks plane markers to match new interiors. Last checked against version 1.4.

Skyrim Underground - ties dungeon entrance into navmesh. For .esm version only. Last checked against version 4.6.1

Skyrims Unique Treasures - Shifts placed objects to match the new interior. Last checked against version 4.4

Solitude and Temple Frescoes 2019 - Three versions of the patch designed for different Solitude and Temple Frescoes plugin variations - make sure which one you're running before selecting the patch. Shifts mosaic to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.3.

Sons of Skyrim - adjusts the placement of armor elements. Last checked against version 2.0

Sounds of Skyrim Complete - Adjusts room and sound markers to match new interiors. Last checked against version 2.0

SUDs - Skyrim Unique Drinks - Adapts drinks placement into the new Dead Man's Drink interior. Last checked against version 1.0

Tamrielic Culture - Shifts several placed references to match the new interiors. Last checked against version V2

Thieves Guild Requirements - Shifts markers placed by TGR version 5+. For version 5+ only.

Thieves Night on the Town - Forwards a flag on an NPC to allow them to be a Thieves' Guild radiant target. Last checked against version 1.0.2

Thrones of Skyrim - Discables clipping antlers. Last checked against version 1.0

Training Dummies Provide XP - CR, applies changes to newly added dummies. Last checked against 1.1.i-guess.cant-remember-tbh

Traverse the Ulvenwald - adjusts/removes some trees. Last checked against version 3.3.2

Trees Addon SE - Shifts/disables trees to match COTN Falkreath. Last checked against version 1.2.8

Waking Nightmare - Fixes the position of one marker. Last checked against version 2.0

Wizkid Parallax Farmhouses - CR on the JKs Skyrim patch. Last checked against version 1.4

Other patches I'm aware of: The Distinct Cities of the North Interiors, Notice Board, Outlaws Refuges, another Notice Board, Realistic Water 2 v5, unique texture paths, Imperial Mail, assorted mesh fixes, Skyrim Unbound Reborn, Song of the Green, Falkreath Bathhouse 


Use a mod manager/organizer to install, or drop the loose files into your Skyrim data folder. Patches should have their appropriate masters set and should be loaded after any mods that they are patching. Some of the fixes in question are on persistent objects and may require a new save.

I don't believe this should introduce any incompatibilities beyond anything which may be present between base mods. All moved objects should have been moved to non-overlapping locations. Let me know if you hit anything.

Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition and the Creation Kit
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
Czasior, ra2phoenix, and InstantKor for their help, once again. Seriously, thanks folks :)
robertgk2017 for a batch update of a bunch of patches
AgentW for Falkreath Hauntings patch
ChickenMike for Skyking Unique Signs patch
JPSteel2 for Cities of the North - Falkreath
Kris Takahashi for Interesting NPCs and KaptainCnucklz for keeping track of it on Nexus
Darkfox127 for A Cat's Life
abstractprimal for An Abstract Falkreath - Ruined Kingdom
kelretu for Additional Hearthfire Dolls
mnikjom and SpiderAkiraC for AI Overhaul
Arthmoor for Alternate Start - Live Another Life
UNI00SL for Amulets of Skyrim
Anduniel for Anna NPCs
agd25 for At Your Own Pace
BadGremlin for BadGremlin's Collection
SparrowPrince TechAngel85 and Brumbek for Better Dynamic Snow
DanielCoffey for Book Covers Skyrim
AndrealphusVIII for Bring Meeko to Lod
aviform, EpicCrab, DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish, and Daniel Hodge for Cheesemod for EVERYONE
Nazenn for Cloaks of Skyrim
Antistar for Clockwork
krypoptyr for Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
Northward Mods for Cooking Adventures in Skyrim
rms827 for Dawnguard Sentries Plus
Taylorsd for DootY
Ludochan for Drinking Fountains of Skyrim
kinggath_creations for East Empire Expansion
SarethisArai for Elder Scrolls Legends Imports and Elder Scrolls Online Imports
mindflux for Embers XD
AceeQ for Enhanced Landscapes
anamorfus for Enhanced Lights and FX
Craftian for ezPG and Mythos
OpusGlass for Falkreath Hauntings
Scarla and TechAngel85 for Farmhouse Chimneys
DarthVitrial for Fyr Manor
soldierofwar for The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns and The Great City of Falkreath
NordwarUA and DanielUA for Guards Armor Replacer
NordwarUA for Sons of Skyrim
Mike Hancho for Helgen Reborn
isoku for Holidays
Slimesire for Identity Crisis
Shurah for Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
Grantyboy050 for Immersive College of Winterhold
nerdofprey for Immersive Laundry
Scrabbulor for Immersive Patrols
lordkoz for Immersive Wenches
jkrojmal for JK's Skyrim
Sthaag for Keep it Clean - A Bathing Mod
mmccarthy04 for Knight of Thorn
wizkid34 for Landscape and Water Fixes and Lanterns of Skyrim II
icecreamassassin, SirJesto, and the LOTD team for Legacy of the Dragonborn
Joseph Russel for Lucien
SarethisArai and hishutup for Map Markers Complete and Radiance Locations
IronDusk33 for Missives
Dave0523 for Mystic Condenser
fxckthisworld for Nature of the Wild Lands
Korodic for Off Limits
simtam for Open Civil War
Sokkvabekk for Outlaws Refuges
nesbit098 for The People of Skyrim 2
Sarthes Arai for Radiance - Radiant Quest Enchancements - Locations
JKalenad for Relics of Hyrule
Rigmor for Rigmor of Bruma and Rigmor of Cyrodiil
Reath for Second Great War
Skyking2020 for Skyking Unique Signs
mathy79 for Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim and Skyrim 3D Signs
SenterPat for Skyrim Artwork Imports
prister5 for Skyrim Project Optimization
clintmich and icecreamassassin for Skyrims Unique Treasures
gutmaw for Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
tonycubed2, Cliffworms, SirJesto and SOT Team for Sounds of Skyrim Complete
watcherzero for Tamrielic Culture
kryptoptyr for Thieves Guild Requirements
megapotato for Thieves Night on the Town
kelretu for Thrones of Skyrim
bmthrooh for Training Dummies XP
Wigfrid for Traverse the Ulvenwald
winedave for Trees Addon SE
Slimesire for Waking Nightmare
WiZkiD for WiZkiD Parallax Farmhouses