Active Effects Menu Declutter
Optional |
Adventurer's Magic Backpack and Lantern for CAMPFIRE
required |
Adventurers Backpacks Campfire Integration
Alchemist's Cauldron
For SE |
Alternate Perspective - Start Area Overhaul
Addon adds camping equipment to start area |
Andrealphus' Jobs Overhaul patches for alchemists
Atelier Dovahkiin SE
Backpacks are Balanced
Backpacks Increase Capacity for Followers (optional ESL)
Only required for version A and B (not C) |
Bards Reborn Bardic Lore Book Crafting System
Only required for the Add On |
Bathtubs Basins and Beyond
Book Bound - Saving Overhaul - now with Sleep to Save and optional BOS distribution
with unof update by Sthaagg Memnochs 1.3 |
Breakable Equipment - Campfire Patch
Otherwise, this patch is useless. |
Brewer - Some Addons and Patches
Build Your Own Unique. Enchanting and Disenchanting
used to place the crafting station anywhere |
Campfire - Amulets of Nine Divines Renewal Patch
Campfire - Backpack Items Patch for VR
Campfire - Backpack's Patch for Medieval Torch and Axe by Mathy79. Bedroll by cunny1975
Campfire - Balance Changes Collection
Campfire - Bits and Pieces Hoarding Fix
Campfire - CHS
需要原模组。 |
Campfire - Cloaks with Tails Patch
Campfire - Complete Camping System - French
VO nécessaire |
Campfire - Complete Camping System (PTBR)
(obrigatório) |
Campfire - Complete Camping System (Supports Skyrim VR) - Russian Translation
Campfire - Complete Camping System - Castellano - Spanish
Campfire - Complete Camping System - Czech translation
Campfire - Complete Camping System - Italian Translation
Campfire - Complete Camping System - Japanese
Campfire - Complete Camping System - New Ukrainian Translation (2025)
Campfire - Complete Camping System - Traditional Chinese Translation
Campfire - Complete Camping System - translation brazilian portuguese PT-BR - Version 1.12.1SEVR
Campfire - Complete Camping System - Turkish Translation
Campfire - Complete Camping System - Ukrainian translation
Український переклад |
Campfire - Complete Camping System FR - Feux de Camp
Campfire - Complete Camping System traducido al castellano
Campfire - Dynamic Activation Key
Campfire - HD Packed Bedroll - Version 2 SE by Xtudo
Lovely HD version of the Packed Bedroll, including its ropes now. No ESP. |
Campfire - HD Packed Bedroll SE
HD texture for the packed bedroll used by the backpacks. |
Campfire - Hotkey modded menu fix
Campfire - Hunter's Arsenal
Hard requirement, obviously |
Campfire - Hunter's Shelter
Required for "Campfire - Primitive Shelter" to work |
Campfire - Immersive Snuggling
Campfire - Medieval Torch Patch
Campfire - Pilgrim Patch
Campfire - Rebalanced Backpacks
Campfire - Torch fix SE
Fix the torch mesh used by the backpacks added by the Campfire mod. |
Campfire - Traverse the Ulvenwald Patch
Campfire - Turn of the Seasons Compatibility Patch
Required |
Campfire - Use Broom Bristles for Tinder
Hard requirement |
Campfire - Use Fire Salts for Tinder
Campfire - Use Pinecones for Tinder
Campfire - Use Straw for Tinder
Campfire and Frostfall - Unofficial SSE Update
Campfire and Frostfall - Unofficial SSE Update - Castellano - Spanish
Campfire and Frostfall - Unofficial SSE Update - German MCM
Campfire Animations
Not a "hard" requirement anymore. |
Campfire Backpack HD
Campfire Backpacks - Stronger carry weight
1.12.1SEVR |
Campfire Backpacks Carryweight Nerfed
Essential duh |
Campfire Backpacks to NPCs - SPID
required |
Campfire Better Dynamic Snow Patch
Campfire Camping Synergy
Campfire CC fish cooking
obviously for the patch to work |
Campfire Chanterelle Tree Patch
Required |
Campfire Cloak Invisibility Patch
Campfire Cloaks use slot 46 only
Campfire Collectable Deadwood and Branches Base Object Swapper
Campfire Complex Material Ash
Campfire Cooking Gives Alchemy Experience
Campfire Dynamic Collisions
Campfire Dynamic Collisions-ITA
Prerequisito della mod originale. |
Campfire Integrations Compendium
Campfire Learn Unique Recipes
Campfire Patch for Water-Borne Diseases for SunHelm
Campfire Placeable Fires
Campfire rough bed tweak
Campfire Skillrate Alternative
My mod is useless without this. |
Campfire Text Edits (More Vanilla-Like)
Campfire WaC Patch - Backpack Gear Display (esl flagged)
Campfire Walking Stick Improved - ESPFE
Hard requirement. |
Camping Essentials
CC Camping - Disable Camping Supplies
Not a hard requirement, but I made this patch because I use Campfire. Tagging for discoverability. |
CC Fishing Campfire patch
And of course CC Fishing from Anniversary Addition. |
Chanterelle - A Native Life
If some options are selected |
Chanterelle Campfire Formlist patch
obviously for the patch to work |
Cheery Crafting - Campfire Edition
CLARALUX Fires provide heat for Frostfall
Craftable Training Dummies - Campfire - Dynamic Things
Mandatory. |
CS' Campfire Item Descriptions
Cuyi's Campfire Backpacks
Dark Souls style Chesko's Campfire replacer
Dietary Consumption - ESPFE
Hard requirement. |
Dodo's Influential Custom Key Symbols (Modded Icons and Wheeler Patches)
Optional Wheeler Patch and I4 Icon Addon |
Dragon Tree Island Wildlife Version Gold
Dwemer Pipe Steam Warms You (Survival Mode) (esl flagged)
Only if you use the Campfire version |
Dynamic Things Alternative - Misc Crafting Items
ElSopa - Campfire HD SE
Embers XD - Campfire - Fires Hurt Combined Patch
Eremite Camping and Combat for Campfire - PORTUGUES BR
Eremite Lite patch for Campfire
Even More Heim - Smithing Tweaks and Lightweight Overhaul Patches
For its respective patch, see the notes down below about compatibility with the CC Backpacks patch! |
Faster Arrows AE for Requiem Campfire Hunterborn
Fires Hurt SE - Patches
Required if using the patch for Campfire |
FormList Patch Collection
Optional. For patches. |
Frostfall - Campfire - WLanterns Mod Menue Fix - Deutsch (German)
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival - Castellano - Spanish
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival - Italian Translation
Frostfall FR - Soufflegivre
Frostfall Repacked and Fixed - Guide
Frostfall Repacked and Fixed - Guide (Reuploaded and Remade)
Frostfall Tweaks
Required by Frostfall |
Frostfall's Fur Armor - Russian Localisation Patch
Give Me Shelter
Haladoon's Hunter Gear
ONLY NEEDED IF YOU CHOSE CAMPFIRE VERSION. Allows recipes to be crafted at campfire. |
Halberds - Skill and Perks Tree
Hearth Craft
Hide and Fur Crafting at the Tanning Rack
Mandatory |
High Poly Project - My fixes SE by Xtudo - Campfire Winterhold Restored
Optional: Patch for this wonderful mod and the impressive High Poly Project mod. |
Igniting Animation for Campfire
Optional, to build a campfire. |
JGD ALLGUD HotB Campfire and Frostfall Patches - Separate Files
For Frostfall and Campfire Repacked |
KN Cutting Trees ITA
1.12.1 |
KN Cutting Trees with Campfire Ext - Ulvenwald - Patch
Knapsack Enhanced
L.V.X Magicks - Campfire Unleashed - WILD FIRES
Campfire Unleashed Fixes the PapyrusUtil.dll file error caused by Campfire |
Lantern Oil (Reserve)
Last Seed - Survival Needs and Diseases
Required |
lilebonymace's patches and xEdit scripts
Mac's Alternate Perspective Add-ons
OPTIONAL - Only if using it's patch |
Milk Seed - Milk Drinker Last Seed Patch
Required |
Modern Lighting Overhaul (MLO)
Patch |
My Survival Mode AE (esl flagged)
Outfit Presets for Skyrim Outfit System SE Revived
For the Warm Cloaks and if you want backpacks, optional |
Placeable Dog House
Hard Requirement. |
Predator Patches Galore
Realistic Camp Storage
Absolutely Required |
Realm of Lorkhan - The Void
Required, as I integrated the tents and other supplies directly into my merchant. |
Repel Rain - ITA
Requisito della mod originale. |
Repel Rain - magical umbrella for Frostfall 3.0 SE
Requiem - CC Backpacks
Requiem Survival Experience - Plotinuz Updated
Scroll to Book Special Edition (S2BSE)
Seasonal Foods - Tea Coffee Cocktails - Seasonal and Regional Drinks Expansion
optional, for Campfire addon only |
SEGFALT's Survival Tweaks
Sensible Campfire Crafting
Essential |
Simple Arrow Crafting Tweaks
MUST, needs the crafting framework for stone arrows |
Simple Campfire Additions
Simple Campfire Stuff - Special Edition
Simple Food and Hunting Overhaul -Campfire- Survival Mode Food Restores Hunger
Hard Requirement |
Simple Hunt Overhaul and Campfire cooking patch
required for patch to work |
Skills of the Wild - Helps to Have a Compass Patch - NO HUNTERBORN NEEDED
Foundational |
Skills of the Wild - New Campfire Survival Skill Trees
Skills of the Wild - New Campfire Survival Skill Trees - Spanish
Skills of the Wild - Ukrainian translation
Skills of the Wild CACO Hunterborn VR Patch (outdated)
Skills of the Wild VR Patch
Patch for Schoolsacks of Simonrim - A CC Backpack Overhaul |
Snuggly Serana SE
Hard dependency. |
Spears Skill and Perks Tree
Spinning Wheel - Campfire Patch
SSE Craftable Hearthfire Planters - Campfire addon
Sunhelm and Campfire Balance Tweaks - Unyielding and Backpacks Nerf - CCOR Support
SunHelm Survival and needs - SunHelmCampfireSkill chs
必须 |
Swap all Campfires with Campfires from Campfire
Tailoring Workbench
Tent Pitcher - Campfire Plugin
Tentapalooza for Campfire
Tentapalooza Unique Storage Containers Patch
The Dinner Time SE
Master File. This is absolutely necessary. |
Throwing Weapons - Skill and Perks Tree
Traverse the Ulvenwald Patch - Campfire Collectable Deadwood and Branches Base Object Swapper
Truly Hot Flame Atronach for Campfire and Frostfall
You need it as it's master-file to my mod ;) |
Turn Cast Iron Pots into Campfire Cooking Pots (and Vice Versa)
Turquoise Fantasy Heroine Bodyslide Preset
used in pics |
Usable Unlit Campfires - A Campfire Addon
Use Pinecones for Tinder (French)
Installation nécessaire |
Warm Drinks SSE (Spanish)
Warm Drinks SSE - Simple Tea And Coffee Recipes - for Campfire
Warm Drinks SSE - Simple Tea And Coffee Recipes - for Campfire (Russian translation)
Weightless mod that you dont want
Wintersun - Alternative Devotee effects for Kynareth
Hard requirement |
Woodchopping FormList Patches for Mod Woodcutting Axes - FormList Manipulator (FLM)
Patches the Stone Hatchet. |
Wounds add-ons - Healers - Spells - Patches
For patch files |
Wounds Campfire CACO patch
YASH Food Portion Adjustments
Required only if you want to use the Campfire add-on. |