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Sim Settlements Team

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About this mod

It's time to take the settlements to War.

- Option to prestart the game with pre-built settlements run by NPCs for you to explore and Conquer.
- Convert settlements to military outposts for your favorite factions and run attacks with them.
- Quest line to play as a Raider.
- New Sim Settlements content.

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TLDR: Third Official Expansion to Sim Settlements.

Adds the ability to pre-build all of the settlements as NPC-run cities which you can explore, help, or Conquer.

Includes a Raider quest line which unlocks new Perks, Building Plans, and Leaders (Will be expanded throughout the year!)

IMPORTANT: Always be sure you are on the latest version of Sim Settlements and Workshop Framework - both mods include code Conqueror relies on.

Conqueror pushes Sim Settlements into new directions, allowing you to Explore and Conquer, or Build and Destroy (or all of the above). Starting the game with pre-built Cities opens up an entirely new way to look at Fallout 4, and tons of new possibilities for gameplay. 

Prefer to build everything yourself? You can still do that, the Conqueror system will be expanding beyond the Raider questline in future patches so you can use it to convert some of your settlements into military outposts to run a Commonwealth army!

This is an Expansion Pack - and will always require the latest version of Sim Settlements and Workshop Framework, whenever you update this, be sure to also update both of those mods.


At the surface, this expansion appears to be entirely about Raiders. Aesthetically, it definitely is. We decided to fully embrace the visual and even gameplay behind raiders. Though functionally, this expansion will add a ton of possibilities and benefits to all SS players.

Conqueror is about providing new ways to play, both at the beginning of a new game, through the Pre-Built settlements and the Raider questline, and at the end by offering you a way to convert your settlements to operate like military outposts*.

Like the expansions before it, Conqueror will continue to receive bi-weekly updates for the foreseeable future to improve and expand the gameplay based on community feedback.

Workshop Framework

This expansion requires Workshop Framework, though Sim Settlements and the Three-in-One do not. Workshop Framework offers a host of new features Conqueror is taking advantage of, one of which is a much faster threading engine to allow for pre-built City code to run fast enough.


Pre-Build Cities - When you start a new game, you have the option to cause the City plans to run autonomously. It includes a variety of options to customize things, such as which Settlements, which City Plans, how populated they should be, what level they should go to, etc.

Whether you want to build an empire to conquer, or just want a new experience with Cities to discover and explore, this feature will dramatically change the way you experience Fallout 4.

Play as a Raider - Many players have lamented that there’s no way to play a bad guy. Now while we can’t provide a complete experience like the base game, we’re offering an interesting alternative. You’ll be able to join up and do quests with a raider right near the beginning of the game in Concord.

At launch, there is a relatively simple quest line to help you take over the settlements for your Gang. In the future, we’ll continue to expand this quest line and add more raider features to give you a more fully fleshed out experience.

Conquer Settlements - As part of the above mentioned Raider quest line or with a Faction Pack, you’ll be able to conquer settlements, converting these settlements into Outposts and Vassals where you build up an army instead of a village of settlers.

Outposts are a more military focused settlement, with less concern on growing food, and more focus on growing an army. Vassals provide the food and supplies needed to run your Outposts.

After capturing a settlement for a faction, the following can occur (depending on what is configured for the faction)

  • Decorations for that faction will be dispersed throughout it the next time you return.

  • Plots with faction skins available will have those factions applied.

  • Settlement flag will be converted to the faction flag.

  • Dynamic soundscape will be adjusted to match the tone of the faction.

  • Instead of settlers, all newly recruited NPCs will be faction appropriate.

  • Visitors will be replaced with faction appropriate, or disabled.

Run an Empire - Focus on your settlements as a whole, and control your empire with military might. 

After converting settlements to Outposts or Vassals, their needs are transformed into military focused stats that can be handled by assigning troops in an optimal way, running attacks to raise morale, and fighting back enemies from taking over your new settlements.

  • Setup soldier Patrols between your Outposts and Vassals.

  • Assign different roles to your soldiers to maximize the effectiveness of your settlements.

  • Establish firm control of your Outposts and Vassals or risk losing them to enemy attacks.

  • New HUD elements added with HUD Framework to help manage the new mechanics.

Want to add support for another Faction or even make your own Faction? Check out the Faction Leader's Toolkit

Building Skins - This expansion introduces a method for buildings to be dynamically changed. This can happen in response to events, or manually by using the Customize Plot menu on the ASAM Sensor.

This system is part of the 4.0.0 patch of Sim Settlements and includes a variety of paint jobs for the default Sim Settlements buildings.

Conqueror also includes Raider themed versions of all of the default Sim Settlements buildings.

NukaWorld Red Rocket City Plan - A raider themed City Plan for the NukaWorld Red Rocket is included. Unlike most city plans, this one will change depending on who has control of it. With each of the three NukaWorld raider gangs having their own version at level 3.

Heavy Agricultural Plot - The first ever 3x3 plot is introduced. This provides 50% more food than a 2x2 plot, but also requires power, and has higher water and defense penalties.

By default, this will be locked, until you do some of the Raider quest to unlock the plans included with Conqueror. Add-on pack authors will be able to release building plans for it that do not require any quests to unlock, when those are installed, the plot will be available immediately.

New Building Plans - Several new building plans have been added for Martial, Industrial, and Recreational plots with a very dark vibe to fit Conqueror’s Raider theme.

New Leader Options - You can now make leaders an optional requirement for building City Plans. We’ll also be introducing more leaders as the Raider questline unfolds throughout the post-launch patches of Conqueror.

The Future

Outpost Overhaul - Once converted into an Outpost, the goal is for those settlements to become a military operation. There will be new mechanics that make you feel more like you’re running a military base than a settlement, including managing and improving your soldiers. Added in Patch 4.1.0

Control Battle - We imagine an end-game, where enemy factions make attacks on your smaller outposts and vassal settlements to try and take them from you, in a constant battle to remain dominant over the Commonwealth. You’ll have to manage your troops, resources, and actions to ensure you retain control over your empire.

More Raider Mechanics - We want this to provide a full raider experience from the beginning of the game, so we’ll be adding more activities and gameplay mechanics to help with that.

Continued Story - The raider quest line is kind of a Chapter 1 to something much larger we have planned.

Better NukaWorld Integration - We’ll tie in the new Outpost mechanics to also work with the Raider Gangs of NukaWorld. As well as make use of those gangs in various ways as Conqueror evolves.

The Team


Cynical_Bounce - Settlement Design, Gang Flags, Concept Art, and more!
Cpt. COOTS - Plot and Desk Designs!
Ohnno - Plot Designs!
Ruined World - Vault Boy Animations, Logo Design, and more!
ZeroBigSis - 3d Models and Textures!
Fanciestmoon - Settlement Design!
Donald Strong - Settlement Design and Best Hair!
uituit - Plot Designs and Raider Skins (and Muse)!
VigilanteSilver - Face Master!
frogprincess - Paint Jobs!
robboten - 3d Models Sliced and Diced!
Fuji - Concept Art and Textures!
Cerelia - 3d Models and Textures!
Tohtori Herra Kai - Face Design (so fast, so face)!
Wanamingo - Kitbash and Texturer Extrordinaire!
VaultGirl2077 - Face Design - Raiderfication level: Expert!
hagyjalbeken - Ophelia's Leg - Thanks for letting us use part of your mod!
Niero - Aiden's Eyepatch - Thanks for letting us use part of your mod!
fadingsignal - Tactical Detonator - Thanks for letting use part of your mod!
crazylion - Cultist Blades - Thanks for letting us use part of your mod! (Thank you Wanamingo for handling the porting and designing new textures!)

Code and Implementation

kinggath - The Monkey!
scratched - Optimizing For Life!
eskannonen - CK Wizard!
Cpt. COOTS - Pyrrhic Victory!


medievalismist - Battler of!
KrazyHorse - Crusher of Bugs!
Sirlach - The Newest Knight!
Lancars - If He Can't Find It, It Doesn't Exist!
Woodfuzzy - Vacationing from the Commonwealth!
XV-Versus - Late Night Hunter!
MadHzShft - So thorough, he must be a librarian!


Sci - Lead Sound Engineer: Cutting, Mixing, and Sound Design!
JebRWocky - Cutting, Mixing, and More!
Del Chupenabray - VA Wrangling, Sound Selection, Soundscape Mastermind!
shadowpuppet - VA Wrangling and Director!
ElderJames - VA Support Man!


snarkywriter - Testing and Documentation!
WetRats - Wiki Master!
damanding - Keeping Discord Sane!
GA_DarkerSide - The Master of Forum Organization!
RayBo - Community All-star!

Voice Talent

khobis - Voice, Director, and Talent Scout!
Colonel Boofus
Alex Cain
Ezra J. Wayne
Eileen Anglin
Emaline Tuck
Eric Umstott
Nick Boesel
Chris Onyx
Brendan Mariani
Stewart Moyer
Blythe Renay
Lauren Joy
Melissa Sheldon
Jason Arnold
Sirick as Jason
Ian Herring as Brutus
Kerstyn Unger as Sarah
Leanne Maksin as Dakka
Abigail Wahl as Ack-Ack
Ki McKenzie as The Ron and Torque
Chumborino as The Cook
Sethfuzzy as Skeezits
Adam Bennett as Rook
JebRWocky as Leech
Aurore Gautheur as Ms Nanny
AdoxTalks as Bedlam
PeeJVA as Bellows
River Kanoff as Aiden
Jeff Wong as Maul and The Toilet King
RobynRybnik as Ophelia
Glenn Bulthuis as Jammer


superweevil - Lead Writer of all Conqueror story content (Dark Side of the Writing Squad)!
areyouscreennig - Battling Twine so you don't have to!
Sirick - Part VA/Part Writer, 100% Sirick!
ZeroDivision - File and Comma Master!
Old Wyrmm - The legend of Buzzy!
SephiraJo - The ladies of Thicket!

If you contributed to the project and I missed you (or missed your link), let me know! It was definitely unintentional!