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Requires Version 4.2.1 or Greater of Sim Settlements: Conqueror
Faction: The Atom Cats
Assault Support: Yes Defender Support: Yes Decorations: No Soundscape: No Special Units Recruitment: Yes Flag: Yes
The Atom Cats have grown in numbers and have decided to help spread the cool.
Recruitable Peepers (Eybots) and Eggbeaters (Vertibirds) Unique Atom Cat modded weapons (Thousands) Custom Outfits Liberator Faction Atom Cats Dialog Rock N Roll
Known Issues:
The Atom Cats are masters at Power Armor Mods but are new to the weapon scene, Jack. So most of their creations are boss some are bitch'in and a few are bad news.. So just in case they all carry a wrench to pound some skulls.
Vertibirds have no pilots. This will be fixed in the next release.