'The Homestead' lived in Log Cabin Manor at Red Rocket - Settlement Transfer Blueprint.
Abernathy Farm - Little Village BLUEPRINT for Transfer Settlement
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged. |
Another Red Rocket Blueprint
Another Starlight Blueprint
Arlathan Castle
Atom's Greatness
Required for the main file. |
Atom's Greatness (RU)
AustereLemur's Homeplate Transfer Settlement Blueprint
Required for Vanilla Extensions and Red Rocket Reborn to work |
Big E's Section 9
Big E's Sweet Haven
Big E's The Thicket
Biker Town now Under new mngmnt
Blueprint for Kingsport Lighthouse
Bob's Iguana Diner
Bob's Iguana Diner (RU)
BoS Outpost Zimonja blueprint
Box Houses
Box Houses (RU)
Castle City - WIP
Castle in the Sky
Castle in the Sky (RU)
Castle Settlement Build
Needed for Castle in the sky, Stairs ladders and Ramps, Port Royal |
Citadel. A Player Home.
(needed for Pipe Galore) |
Commonwealth rethought settlements All 6 of them
County Crossing Blueprint
Covenant Little Village
Dragon Rich Castle
East Point Oil Platform
(needed for Pipe Galore) |
Echo Lake Lumber Mill - Mansion and more stuff- BLUEPRINT for Transfer Settlement
Egret Tours Marina Little Port
Needed for Bob's Iguana Diner |
Fallout 4 Coastal Cottage Little Mansion and Cottages
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Fallout 4 Endgame
(needed for Pipe Galore) |
Fallout Shelter for Power Armor Hoarder
Fire Base SIGMA transfer settlements blueprint
Greentop Nursery Little Village
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Grrlie's Egret Tours Marina
REQUIRED: I use the SMM patch from https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44325 |
Grrlie's Starlight Drive-In
only if using PlantMe MP |
Hangmans Trading Hub Transfer settlement Blueprint
Hearthfire inspired Settlement Blueprint
Hometown Sanctuary
Jamaica Plain Abbey
James' Bioshock-inspired Red Rocket
Required for Port Royal |
Kingsport Light House Settlement (Ghouls and Children Of Atom Included)
Kingsport Lighthouse Little Village
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Longfellow's Cabin Little Village
Needed for Bob's Iguana Diner |
MAEDOOSA's Coastal Cottage Blueprint Settlement Mod
MAEMAE'S County Crossing Blueprint Mod
Minutemen Capital Sanctuary
Minutemen Rapid strike Castle
Murkwater construction site Little Village
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Murkwater Hidden Village Transfer Settlements Blueprint
hard requirement. master file for all of Ethreons mods |
Mystic Pines Retirement Home
Needed for Vanilla Extensions |
National Park Visitor's Center Little Village
Required. |
NDL Series - Barns
NDL Series - Conduits
New Taffington
Nordhagen's New Renaissance
Mostly a recommendation to organize 3 mods |
Nuka Red Rocket Little Village
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Oil Platform in the Commonwealth. A Player Home.
(needed for Pipe Galore) |
Outpost Zimonja - Little Mansion
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Pipe Galore
Pipe Galore (RU)
Plant Me
Player Home at Boston Airport - Transfer Settlement Blueprint
required by Vanilla Extensions and Stairs Ladders Ramps |
Port Royal
Required for the main file |
Port Royal (RU)
Red Rocket - Little Village BLUEPRINT for Transfer Settlement
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Red Rocket Reborn
Red Rocket Reborn (RU)
Red Rocket Reborn - Expanded
Required for the mod to work |
Red Rocket Sanctuary cooperative Transfer settlements build
load BEFORE Cabin in the woods |
Red Rocket Settlement
Restored Croup Manor - Player Home Settlement Blueprint
Sanctuary - a red jewel
Sanctuary Little Village
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Sanctuary medieval city Settlement Blueprint
Sanctuary Ob Der Concord
Sanctuary Wizard Wall - Castle Blueprint
Settlement Blueprint for Brick Vault Bunker mod
Simple Red Rocket
Required for The Cabin in the Woods mod to work |
SMM Patches by Vanguard (Declutter your workshop menus)
Adds SMM menu for this mod (and removes direct menu edits) |
Somerville Place Little Place
Needed for Bob's Iguana Diner |
SS2 - Fort Starlight
Must have for the fort or you will have nothing |
Stairs Ladders Ramps
Only needed for the main file. |
Stairs Ladders Ramps (RU)
Starlight - Castle Walls only
This is needed for Castle in the sky to work |
Starlight Drive In Little Village
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Starlight settlement transfer
master plug in for |
Taffington Boathouse Reborn - Settlement Blueprint
Taffington Villas - Transfer Settlement Blueprint
Important plug in for cabin in the woods and castle in the sky mods |
Tenpines Bluff Little Village
Install before Bob's iguana diner. Main+Optional patch for Workshop Rearranged. |
Tenpines Fortified Inn
Tensai New Upgrade
The Cabin in the Woods
The Cabin in the Woods (RU)
The Keep in Far Harbor
(needed for Pipe Galore) |
The Master Plan (RU)
The Slog Little Village
Required |
Touch of Home on Spectacle Island-TSB By Maedoosa
Transfer settlements Halloween Island Castle
Vanilla Extensions
Vanilla Extensions (RU)
Vanilla Extensions - Russian Localization
Vault 88 - A little tiny vault...or not
main + Optional patch for workshop rearranged |
Virtual Glowing Sea Church
Wasteland Billboards
Wasteland Billboards (RU)