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Teabag86 Czasior JanquelUploaded by
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About this mod
Collection of small compatibility patches with Palaces and Castles Enhanced for load order flexibility, floating object/missing idle cases
- Requirements
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- German
- Changelogs
If you're using JK's Interiors, make sure to also install JK's Interiors - Palaces and Castles Enhanced Patch Collection
Included Patch Descriptions
3DNPCs/Interesting NPCs - Two patches included - one is a replacer for the version included with the main mod that includes some additional needed fixes. Second is a small CR patch with the PCE patch for SFCO included here. Last checked against version 4.4, technically, but 4.5 should have no plugin changes.
Additional Hearthfire Dolls - Shifts placed dolls to match new interiors. Last checked against version 3
Aemer's Refuge - Conflict resolution on navmesh. Last checked against version 2.83
AI Overhaul SSE - forwarded PCE changes to packages where conflicts (except keeping the AIO interrupt rules), shifted idle markers to match new interiors. Checked against version 1.8.1 I should note that AI Overhaul now has an official patch hub and seeing as this is the only one of the patches I've made for it that touches Packages, it's possible that they may make their own for this, in which case this patch will come down. Consider it an unofficial patch for now.
Alternate Start - Live Another Life - Forwards a few missed cell settings, Updates scenes to have PCE headtracking. Last checked against version 4.1.4
Amorous Adventures Plus - Shifts a certain NPC's spawn point into the Blue Palace Jarl's chamber cell, since the bedroom is there now. Last checked against version 1.3.
Amulets of Skyrim - Moves some necklaces/rings which were floating to new locations/settled them to the new surfaces. Last checked against version 4.061
Animal Bones - Deepening Elements of Skyrim - Adjusts skull position in Dragonsreach. Last checked against version 1.0.
Animated Armoury - DAR Edition - shifts placed books to match new interior, CR on a bunch of displays, disables some conflicts on placed weaponry. Last checked against version 2.3
Arcanum - A New Age of Magic - Shifts two placed tables to match new interiors. Last checked against version 4.0.1
Artifacts of Skyrim - Revised Edition - Shifts a placed object to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.0.1
Ars Metallica - Shifts a note so it doesn't fall on the floor. Last checked against version 2.0.6.
BadGremlin's Collection AIO - Moves a few of the fish to their appropriate locations in the new interiors. Note: Patch is for AIO, not for the Fishys .esp. Last checked against version SE1
Book Covers Skyrim - CR on 4 books. Last checked against version 4.2
BUVARP RE - Shifted position of one NPC spawn, CR on some cell settings. Last checked against version 1.1b technically (changelog of 1.1c is unrelated, so it's fine)
Castle Volkihar Rebuilt - CR on a bed and tooooooooooooons of spiderwebs. Last checked against version 2.0.6
A Cat's Life - Shifts a few markers and beds in the Blue Palace and Dragonsreach. Last checked against version 2.0
Cheesemod for EVERYONE - Shifts a few added cheeses to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.01
Citizens of Tamriel - shifts spawning point of one NPC in Palace of the Kings. Last checked against version Redux.
Cloaks of Skyrim - Moves a few placed cloaks to appropriate locations in the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.2.1
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul - Shifts some elements (mostly mixtures) in Sybille Stentor room to match the interior modifications. Last checked against version 2.0.8
Creation Club - Alternative Armors - Dragon Plate. Shifts a note inside Castle Dour to match new interior
Creation Club - Civil War Champions patch. CR on one ref, shifts a chest to match new Palace of the Kings interior.
Creation Club - Lord's Mail patch. Shifts a note to match new Castle Dour interior.
Daedric Cloaks - Shifts one cloak spawn (guess where!) Last checked against version 1.5
Daedric Shrines - Mephala - Shifts/resizes the shrine so that it's not floating in the air. Last checked against version 1.02
Dawnguard Arsenal - Forwards NPC persistence/new sandboxes, moves replaced weapons to new locations. Last checked against version 1.0
Dawnguard Tweaks and Enhancements - CR on a couple refs, shift one NPC spawn, tweak new door position to match PCE. Last checked against version 0.2
Deadly Dragons - CR on location field. Last checked against version 6.5.7
DX Dark Knight - CR on a planter. Last checked against version 1.1
DX Faction Crossbows - modifies some elements position in few areas. Last checked against version 1.1
EasierRider's Dungeon Pack - Shifts the location of a couple books which are inaccessible in the new layout. Last checked against version 1.5
Elder Outfit Overhaul - Just a load order compatibility patch. Ensures Gerda spawns in her new location if EEO is placed after PCE. Last checked against version 1.52.
Elder Scrolls Legends Imports - Conflict resolution, adjusts markers placement in Blue Palace. Last checked against version 2.0
Elder Scrolls Online Imports - CR on a bunch of references, changes a few newly placed records for consistency with ESO changes, resolves clipping in Understone Keep. Last checked against version 9.0
Embers HD - Load order compatibility patch. Both mods slightly move a single fire in different ways. Truthfully, you probably wouldn't even notice a difference without this one - it's pretty subtle, and honestly not necessary. Last checked against version 1.3998
Embers XD - Shifts the placement of fires to better utilize the new look of Embers XD, includes some ashes spread around, and in a few places
substitutes fire types to better match aesthetics. Last checked against version 2.6.1 (as in no errors - if you notice float, let me know). FOMOD is based off uncompacted Embers XD.esp. Direct download of XD compacted ESL is available on the optional files section, but will not be receiving updates.
Enhanced Lights and FX - Upload of the version that's been floating around in the PCE comments for forever by Teabag86. Replacer for the patch that comes with PCE. Last checked against version 3.06
Enhanced Solitude - Shifts a couple objects which were spawning in the void in the blue palace. Last checked against version 2.8.
Enhanced Solitude Docks - Moves one patrol idle to be on top of the new topography from Enhanced Solitude Docks. Last checked against version 3.4
Extravagant Interiors - Blue Palace only. huge thanks to Ababmer and Anistar for their open permissions, and kojak747 for the patch. Requires original mod for textures, use this plugin IN PLACE of theirs.
Groot's Markarth - CR on a number of things, removed some other stuff to make Understone Keep work well. Last checked against version 0.6
Guards Armor Replacer - Shifts placement of a few armors to match the new interiors, primarily in Castle Dour, Palace of the Kings, and Dragonsreach. Last checked against version 5.5a
Headhunter - Shifts some spawns in Windhelm dungeon to match new layout. Last checked against version 1.3
Here There Be Monsters - Cthulhu - Shifts a few placed refs in Castle Dour to match new interior. Last checked against version 8.49
Immersive College of Winterhold - Shifts scrying location to (hopefully) cover the new interior. Last checked against version 6.2
Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul - Slightly tweaked/updated version of the patch on the PCE page. Cleaned up some of the package/scene stuff, I think. Last checked against version 1.73
Immersive Laundry - Shifts/disables a few things to prevent clipping/duplication since PCE Blue Palace already has Laundry. Last checked against version 1.0d
Immersive Wenches - moves a couple idle markers to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.60SE
Konahrik's Accoutrements - moves a couple objects in Dragonsreach to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 5.5.3
Lucifer - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower - CR on a couple refs, shift one book, and CR on the Solitude Dialogue quest. Last checked against version
Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim - CR, applies appropriate lantern versions to ones added by PCE. Last checked against version 1.0.5
More Craftable Equipment - CR, shifts new racks to locations that don't conflict. Last checked against version 1.1.5
Morrowloot Miscellania - Item Distribution - moves some of the placed items to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.3, although it looks like there's one daedric shield which the patch places in a different spot which is no longer present at all in MLM. However, it also means there's no daedric shield placed in MLM at all, which....seems weird? So I'm leaving it be. It's hard to get to, regardless.
Morrowloot Ultimate - same changes as the previous, but for the original flavor. As Morrowloot Misc - Item Distribution hasn't had updates which impact, MLU is presumed to be up-to-date, as well.
Mystic Condenser - Moves Mystic Condenser objects to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 2.3
Off Limits - Shifts/resizes regions to match new palace layouts. Last checked against version 1.2
On A Crimson Trail - CR, shifts an object, disables a couple things. Last checked against version 1.1
Open Civil War - Moves a couple markers inside of the Riften hall in order to not overlap with new objects. Tested on version 2.6.2
Phenderix Magic World - Shifts spawn locations of a few vendors to not be in furniture. Last checked against version 6.0.5
Populated Cities and Towns - shifts the placement of one marker, forwards cell changes from PCE. Last checked against version 4.1.
Populated Skyrim - Shifts the placement of three NPCs, forwards cell changes from PCE. Last checked against version 4.1
Realistic Water Two - Slight shift of soot water to match the new blacksmith trough location in Fort Dawnguard. Updated for version 5, if using an older version look for the Old Versions section on the files tab.
Red Flame - Slight shift of one book which was hanging off of an end table. Last checked against version 1.
RedBag's Dragonsreach - Modifies position of some clipping elements in the throne area. Last checked against version 1.4b
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - CR patch from the comments in PCE by Teabag86. Slightly tweaked/updated. I understand how scenes work now! I think! Last checked against version Final.
Relics of Hyrule - Shifts 7 refs to match new interiors. Last checked against version
Requiem - CR/shifting a toooooooooooon of stuff to match new interiors. Last checked against version 5.2.2.
Royal Armory - Moves one placed sword and display case to a new location to match the modified interior. Available in two versions - regular and compatible with SFCO. Last checked against version 2.2.
ScrollScribe SE - A Scroll Crafting Mod - Shifts position of scroll enchanter. Last ckecked against version 1.4
Scrollwriting in Skyrim - CR/Shifting on a bunch of stuff to make all the stations match new interiors. Last checked against version 2.0
There Is No Umbra - Shifts a placed book to not drop on the floor. Last checked against version 1.27 technically, but looking at the changelog should be good through 1.32 at least.
The Second Great War - Moves many references and objects to match new interiors, forwards cell changes from PCE. Thanks to Reath1 for sanity-checking my described changes. Please note that, due to the nature of many of the changes only being factored deep into the game, this patch is not fully tested. Please report to me any problems you run into. Last checked against version 1.08
Serana Dialogue Addon - CR to forward persistence/location on a couple NPCs. Last checked against
Shadow of Meresis - Forwards persistence on an NPC. Last checked against version 1.1.75
Skyrim Artwork Imports - Moves any needed objects placed to match the new interior. Due to PCE using many of the same assets, if there's a conflict, I had PCE win out with its placement. Last checked against version 1.0
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - forwards changes to creatures in Fort Dawnguard to their new locations. Last checked against version 6.6a
Skyrim Improved Puddles - Shifts the puddles placed in Windhelm Bloodworks to match new interior layout. Last checked against version 1.4.
Skyrim Project Optimization - Updated/fixed version of patch on main page. Restores some occlusion planes that could be used/shifts them to be useful. Has hard requirement of master because planes added in Fort Dawnguard are not injected. Sorry, not sorry. Last checked against version 1.5
Skyrim Sewers - Upload of patch from the PCE comments by Teabag86. Resolves conflicts, finalizes navmesh between the two. Last checked against version 4.15
Skyrim Underground - Shifts a few of the entrances to match the new interiors. Patch for ESM version, ESP version available in old files. Install only one. Last checked against version 4.6.1.
Skyrims Unique Treasures - Shifts placed objects to match the new interiors.Last checked against version 4.4.
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - Main patch LOCATED HERE NOW. Additionally, two small CR patches with MLM and 3DNPC included here. Last checked against version 2.0
Solitude Dome Paintings - CR patch to have the changes to the dome in PCE match the new painting changes for SDP. Last checked against version 1.0.
Solitude Skyway - Shifts a vendor spawn point to not be in a wall. Last checked against version 1.3
Song of the Green - Shifts persistence/linked refs on an NPC. Last checked against version 1.3
Sons of Skyrim - Shifts a bunch of placed armor/weapons to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.1.2
Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE - For tonycubed2's version of the mod. Shifts the position of some sound markers and adds a few of new ones, forwards acoustic space changes. Last checked against version 2.0.
Sounds of Skyrim Complete (Arthmoor Version) - Same patch, provided by Glanzer. Last checked against version 2.0.4
Special Edition Followers - CR on persistence/linked refs for an NPC's ref. Last checked against 1.01
Spindrift Knight - Shifts wardrobe to fit new interior. Last checked against version 1.2
Tale of Dwemer - Shifts a couple books to match new interior. Last checked against version 1.7
Tamrielic Culture - Shifts placement of new objects to match new interiors. Last checked against version V2
The Brotherhood of Old - moves two NPC spawn points to be within the bounds of the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.04
The People of Skyrim 2 - Resolves direct conflicts between the two mods in 5 cells, shifts a few objects to match interiors. Patch is for the partial version of TPOS2. Last checked against version
Thieves Guild for Good Guys - Shifts three quest items to new locations in PCE interiors. Last checked against version 3.0
Thieves Guild Requirement - CR on a few references, ties the PCE moved places for the Stones of Barenziah into the TGR changes. Additional patch for the droppable version included. For version 5+ only.
Thorn Princess - Shifts chest to be in Elisif's new bedroom. Last checked aginst version 1.1
Training Dummies XP - CR, applies changes to newly added dummies. Last checked against 1.1.i-guess.cant-remember-tbh
DX Ursine Armor Pack - Shifts the Imperial crafting manual to be within the bounds of Castle Dour. Also the Stormcloak one in Palace of the Kings Last checked against version 2.0
Undeath - Connects the added Undeath stuff in to PCE's Castle Dour, connects in navmesh. Thankfully, the place the Undeath stuff plugged in is a section of Castle Dour which is basically unchanged in PCE, so very little change was necessary. Undeath version 1.7
USSEP+CRF - Updated version of patch from main mod, fixes navmesh CR and a few other things that were overlooked/added since patch was made. Last checked against CRF version 3.1.11. USSEP also includes some cell settings forwarding/etc, and bashed tags.
Vigilant - Hooks the new door in Windhelm Bloodworks to the navmesh, shifts a patrol marker to not overlap. Last checked against version 1.5.
Waking Nightmare - Shifts some placed markers to match new interiors. Last checked against version 2.0
Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Forwards reference changes to new locations. last checked against version 2.1
Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Armor and Clothing Extension - Forwards reference changes to new locations, shifts one placed pair of boots to a new location. Last checked against version 1.0.
Zulfardin - Ties changes into new navmesh.
Other patches that I'm aware of: Want more pictures?, Do as You Say Redux, Marry Elisif
Use a mod manager/organizer to install, or drop the loose files into your Skyrim data folder.
Patches should have their appropriate masters set, and should be loaded after any mods which they are patching. Some of the fixes in question are on persistent objects, and may require a new save.
I don't believe this should introduce any incompatibilities beyond anything which may be present between base mods. All moved objects should have been moved to locations which are non-overlapping. Let me know if you hit anything
Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition and the Creation Kit
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
SetteLisette for Palaces and Castles Enhanced
kojak747 for the Extravagant Interiors patch
Kris Takahashi for Interesting NPCs and KaptainCnucklz for keeping track of it on Nexus
kelretu for Additional Hearthfire Dolls
LeanWolf for Aemer's Refuge
mnikjom and SpiderAkiraC for AI Overhaul
xiderpunk for Amorous Adventures Plus
mihail for Animal Bones - Deepening Elements of Skyrim
Nickanack for Animated Armoury
UNI00SL for Amulets of Skyrim
Kosorsomesaykosm and noptasis for Arcanum - A New Age of Magic
Arthmoor for Alternate Start - Live Another Life , Ars Metallica, Castle Volkihar Rebuilt, Sounds of Skyrim Complete, USSEP, and Cutting Room Floor
HeiroftheSeptims for Artifacts of Skyrim - Revised Edition
BadGremlin for BadGremlin's Collection
DanielCoffey for Book Covers Skyrim
Andrealphus VIII for BUVARP RE and Dawnguard Tweaks
DarkFox127 for A Cat's Life
aviform, EpicCrab, DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish, and Daniel Hodge for Cheesemod for EVERYONE
Craftian for Citizens of Tamriel
DeserterX for DX Faction Crossbows, DX Dark Knight, and DX Ursine Armor Pack
Nazenn for Cloaks of Skyrim
Logistics of Breath for Daedric Cloaks
MandragoraSprouts for Daedric Shrines - Mephala
Madcat221 for Dawnguard Arsenal
moose109 for Deadly Dragons
EasierRider for EasierRider's Dungeon Pack
Shadohz for Elder Outfit Overhaul
SarthesArai for Elder Scrolls Legends Imports and Elder Scrolls Online Imports
mindflux for Embers HD and Embers XD
kojak747 for Enhanced Solitude Docks and Enhanced Solitude
anamorfus for Enhanced Lights and FX
Abamer for Extravagant Interiors, and Antistar for the Clockwork assets
groott22 for Groot's Markarth Expansion
NordwarUA and DanielUA for Guards Armor Replacer and Sons of Skyrim
jayserpa for Headhunter
araanim for Here There Be Monsters - Cthulhu
JPSteel2 for Immersive City Gates (and me for a cleaned version)
Grantyboy050 for Immersive College of Winterhold
shurah for Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul
nerdofprey for Immersive Laundry
lordkoz for Immersive Wenches
edhelsereg for Konahrik's Accoutrements
MrVideoFreak for Lucifer
mathy79 for Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim
Parapets for More Craftable Equipment
evenshadefalling for Morrowloot Miscellania
ChocolateNoodle for Morrowloot Ultimate
Dave0523 for Mystic Condenser
korodic for Off Limits
EpicCrab for On A Crimson Trail and Spellwriting in Skyrim
simtam for Open Civil War
Phenderix for Phenderix Magic World
the Sands of Time team for Populated Cities and Towns and Populated Skyrim
isoku for Realistic Water Two
Adolon for Red Flame
RedBag for RedBag's Dragonsreach
cloudedtruth for Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
JKalenad for Relics of Hyrule
ProbablyManuel for Requiem
PrivateEye for Royal Armory
m3ttwur5t and OmniZenn for ScrollScribe SE - A Scroll Crafting Mod
Reath1 for The Second Great War
Martimus for Serana Dialogue Addon
ghos71y for Shadow of Meresis
SenterPat for Skyrim Artwork Imports
lifestorock for Skyrim Immersive Creatures
PCG4m3r for Skyrim Improved Puddles
prister5 for Skyrim Project Optimization
viituska for Skyrim Sewers
AncientKane for Skyrim Underground
clintmich and icecreamassassin for Skyrims Unique Treasures
gutmaw for Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
Fickji and Featherstone for Solitude Dome Paintings
Urtho for Solitude Skyway
waribiki for Song of the Green
tonycubed2, Cliffworms, SirJesto and SOT Team for Sounds of Skyrim Complete
sushisquid for Special Edition Followers
Caenarvon for Spindrift Knight and Thorn Princess
HankDTank for The Tale of Dwemer
watcherzero for Tamrielic Culture
TomTesoro for The Brotherhood of Old
nesbit098 for The People of Skyrim 2
FableFoge for There is no Umbra
Mordivier2 for Thieves Guild for Good Guys
kryptoptyr and DrMonops for Thieves Guild Requirement, Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes, Armor and Clothing Extension and Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
bmthrooh for Training Dummies XP
Antioch08 for Undeath Remastered
Vicn for Vigilant
Slimesire for Waking Nightmare and Zulfardin
They're the artists who did the real work - go and give them a download and endorsement. I just made my best attempt at getting things to play well together :)