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- Lucifer - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower
Lucifer - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower
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About this mod
Lucifer is a fully voiced Argonian follower with over 6K lines of dialogue and custom built features. Despite his unnatural voice for an Argonian, he is a skilled fighter. Gain his trust and he will share what he knows about himself as he doesn't know who he really is, even though he may disagree with some of your actions, he won't leave your side.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
The use of AI is NOT allowed anywhere on my mods, this is including player speak mods (DBVO)!
Do NOT use AI of my voice and do NOT use my voice to train AI.
AI is harmful for artists and voice actors. Hence why it will never be supported by myself.
Any patches that modify my mods MUST have my approval first! Anyone who does not get my approval, will have their mods taken down.File credits
Smartbluecat - Voicing Inigo
RabbittWinri - Voicing and writing Khash interactions
Joseph Russell - Being helpful when I have issues with my mod.
TheWolfeScott - Voicing Nebarra
Maplespice - Voicing and writing Remiel Interactions
BluePwnsU - Voicing and writing Xelzaz interactions
FrownDere99 - Voicing and writing Lobo interactions
Kukielle - Voicing and writing Daegon interactionsDonation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Korean Author: comepath Lucifer - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower Korean Turkish Author: pulsadenura Lucifer - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower Turkish Translate Portuguese Author: Eloir Lucifer - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower - Lucifer PTBR Mandarin Author: MrVideoFreak Lucifer - CC Banters and Mihail - Dwarven Pack Patch - CHS Mandarin Author: myself Lucifer Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower - CHS Russian Author: Medusa_User Lucifer - Argonian Custom Voiced Follower Russian Spanish Author: nicolastorres26 Lucifer - Argonian Custom Voiced Follower - Spanish Translation - Mirrors
- Changelogs
- Added new Xelzaz Scene
- Tweaked Lucifer's reaction to being walked into slightly again.
- Fixed some scenes not starting.
- Disabled some Daegon scenes (as requested by the mod author)
- Fixed Lucifer spawning in Helgen randomly.
- Lucifer will now "relax" in a castle, inn, any player home and store. (There is no way to turn this off for now, but I will add this if people request it).
- Tweaked Lucifer's reaction to being walked into slightly.
Version 0.9.4
- *New Content*
- - Added a debug tool to get interactions with other mods to work.
- - Added interactions with Daegon.
- - Added interactions with Lobo.
- - Added new interactions with Anum-La.
- - Added new interactions with Inigo.
- - Added new interactions with Nebarra.
- - Added new interactions with Remiel.
- - Added new interactions with Xelzaz.
- - Added lines to let you know when Lucifer is ready to talk about his past.
- - Added loading screens.
- - Added new Alternate Start lines for Lucifer. (Joining Dawnguard, Dark Brotherhood, Empire, Winterhold College)
- - Added new combat dialogue.
- - Added new generic dialogue.
- - Added new "Help Me..." situations. (See Article for info)
- - Added new intro lines.
- - Added new Jess lines.
- - Added new lockpicking lines.
- - Added new questions.
- - Added quest commentary dialogue for some daedric quests.
- - Added quest commentary dialogue for some dungeon and side quests.
- - Lucifer can now buy a neckless from Madesi.
- - Lucifer is now at Helgen during the opening scene. (Skyrim Intro)
- *Changed Content*
- - Changed the wording of the "I need some help... (Skyrim Quest Related)" to "I need some help...".
- - Changed how long Lucifer will move out of the way for. 4 seconds -> 5.5 seconds.
- - Changed how long you have to wait to gain Lucifer's trust to get him to open up about his past.
- - Changed how Lucifer reacts when you walk into him.
- - Changed how much money Lucifer earns over time. (A random number between 100 - 1000 once a week -> A random number between 1 - 250 once a week.)
- - Changed the "J" quest to show "Completed" instead of "Failed" to stop confusion.
- - Lucifer will comment less often on finishing fights without the player's help.
- - Lucifer will now buy from Madesi less often.
- - Lucifer will revive followers less often.
- - Made some of Xelzaz's comments about Lucifer play less often.
- - Made "I need some help..." appear less often and will try to only appear when the option is available. (Not always the case)
- - Remastered the Help Me section.
- - Remastered the home system.
- - Remastered the patchless system. (Added new debug messages for the papayrus logs and slowed it down slightly to see if it will fix any interactions not working.)
- - Remastered the revive system.
- - The Tracker Quest is now a misc quest.
- *Fixes*
- - Cleaned up some records being touched by my mod for no reason.
- - Fixed a Remiel spoiler scene playing too early.
- - Fixed "Could you please move out of my way?" not working properly.
- - Fixed late recruiting of Lucifer causing Main Quest lines to stack up and be delayed.
- - Fixed Lucifer "Kill Paarthurnax" Quest Dialogue playing when he wasn't recruited.
- - Fixed Lucifer reviving followers who weren't following the player.
- - Fixed Lucifer talking to followers who weren't in the area.
- - Fixed not being able to set Lucifer into favor mode without dialogue.
- - Fixed soft locking Lucifer when he said his opening dialogue too early on Live Another Life options.
- - Fixed some dialogue playing too late and/or not being relevant.
- - Fixed some spelling mistakes.
- - Fixed the debug tracker from displaying a completed objective when the objective was never displayed.
- *Removed Content*
- - Removed a song that Lucifer can sing.
- - Removed the Escaping The Jail Live another Life interaction for Lucifer due to consistant bugs. (Live Another Life)
- - Removed some dialogue that wasn't being used.
- - Removed singing full songs until the next patch.
- Uploaded the correct fix.
- Added a new line to hopefully get interactions to work
- Disabled an Anum-La scene for now.
- Hopefully fixed the CTDs.
- Tweaked some dialogue from repeating alot
- Removed a feature that was causing crashes
- CTD Fix related to the Assassin.
- CTD fixed
- The Assassin now has a voice.
- Changed the assassin quest.
- Fixed a scene with Xelzaz not playing the correct responses.
- Fixed Khash lines not playing properly when Lucifer is summoned near Khash.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Fixed the Anum-La scenes not playing.
- Added a new question.
- Added a scene with BeemJa.
- Added a scene with Madesi.
- Added interactions with Anum-La. (iNPCs)
- Added interactions with Xelzaz.
- Added new scenes with Khash.
- Added new combat dialogue.
- Added new generic dialogue.
- Added new hugging dialogue.
- Added quest commentary for the Kill Paarthurnax Quest.
- Lucifer now has his own money system. (Not accessable by the player)
- Lucifer eats potatoes more often.
- Lucifer no longer requires Breezehome to progress his quest.
- Lucifer no longer requires relies on the main quest to progress his story.
- Lucifer no longer requires you to speak to him for Main Quest commentary.
- Lucifer will now hug Argonians no matter what.
- Cleaned up some scripts.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't recruit Lucifer if you hadn't completed Dragon Rising.
- Fixed rare cases were Lucifer would turn into a werewolf.
- Fixed some issues regarding some Live Another Life options.
- Fixed some lines playing incorrectly inside Dumzbthar.
- Fixed some scripts causing lag.
- Lucifer no longer gives you 5000 gold to buy Breezehome.
- Removed a few scripts not being used or causing some lag.
- Added a couple new lines to help the quests work properly.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 0.9.3
- Added an interaction with Rolff.
- Added custom soundtracks.
- Added new friendly fire comments.
- Added new Nebarra comments.
- Added some more lore.
- Added Remiel Interactions.
- Lucifer will now auto dismiss and cannot be summoned until you reach being freed in Project AHO.
- Lucifer will now craft himself Healing Potions when dismissed and in a home.
- Lucifer will now work on the standing stones in Solstheim if commanded too. (NEW GAMES ONLY!)
- Lucifer is no longer affected by Miraak when inside Dumzbthar (Lucien Follower Quest).
- Reconditioned alot of lines.
- Fixed a missing line for the Serpant Stone.
- Fixed a quest not progressing correctly.
- Fixed Escaping the prison option from LAL not working.
- Fixed Lucifer waiting when hiring him through a Live Another Life option.
- Removed some lines that were not used.
- Fixed a bug where Nebarra would talk about Lucifer when he wasn't there.
- Fixed a bug where Lucifer would be dismissed.
Version 0.9.2
- Added Cyrodilic Collections Quest Mod Reactions. (Lucifer may be delayed in reacting)
- Added Halloween Style combat lines. (Will be disabled in next update)
- Added minor lore for Lucifer.
- Added new bleeding out lines.
- Added new combat lines.
- Added new hugging lines.
- Added new generic lines for Lucifer.
- Added new Inigo Interactions.
- Added new Khash lines about Lucifer.
- Added new questions for Lucifer.
- Lucifer can now sing 'Ragnar The Red'.
- Lucifer now comments on all Standing Stones.
- Increased Lucifer's 'Move Out Of My Way' dialogue option, minimum and maximum radius. (minimum: 450 -> 550 and maximum: 800 -> 1250)
- Lucifer acknowledges durnehviir as a "friendly dragon" but he won't talk about him yet.
- Lucifer's 'Move Out Of My Way' dialogue option now last half a second longer. (3.5 seconds -> 4.0 seconds)
- Lucifer no longer starts with 30 potions of health.
- Lucifer now spawns with 30 Vigorous healing potions by default.
- Lucifer now only counts the amount of dragon souls he's seen you absorb. (Current playthroughs count some of your dragon souls)
- Fixed Lucifer not commenting on the player absorbing the dragon soul.
- Fixed Lucifer unable to heal himself/others when in bleeding out stage.
- Fixed Nebarra repeating lines about Lucifer too often.
- Fixed a CTD issue
Version 0.9.1
- Added Companions dialogue.
- Added Player Home Dialogue (Xalfek)
- Fixed a rare bug where Lucifer would be dismissed when riding a horse.
- Fixed some dialogue playing when it shouldn't.
Version 0.9
- Added interactions for Nebarra. (Fully Voiced Interactions)
- Added lines for Custom Player Homes. (Creation Club - Hendraheim, Golzarga, Quaint Nest.)
- Added lines for Inigo's Quest.
- Added new bleeding out lines.
- Added new combat lines.
- Added new hello/idle/bye dialogue.
- Added new Help Me lines.
- Added new hugging lines.
- Added new Inigo scenes.
- Added new inventory dialogue.
- Added new lines for Jess.
- Added new lines for modded weapons. (Inigo's Bow, Ruin's Edge and Shadowrend)
- Added new lore to Lucifer.
- Added new Main Quest Dialogue. (Including Dovahsil ending)
- Added new player is dead lines.
- Added new questions for Lucifer.
- Added new Start Alternative Life reactions. (Companions)
- Added new Summon Spell reaction lines.
- Added new trading dialogue.
- Added new waiting dialogue.Added new waiting dialogue.
- Added the ability to set Lucifer's home. (He will not stay in certain homes for his own personal reasons, he cannot stay in a home he doesn't know about. - The dialogue option for this is "Do you want to live here?".)
- Added the ability to get Lucifer to move out of the way. (Will monitor over time and will adjust when necessary. Please provide feedback if it needs adjusting.)
- Changed Inigo and Lucifer's meeting scene.
- Changed some of Lucifer's reaction to certain enemies.
- Changed some of the conditions needed to play the potato lines.
- Changed some of the conditions on certain lines.
- Changed the way Lucifer pronounces "Summoned". He will now say "Summonded".
- Made some dialogue play less often.
- Made the potato lines more rare to play.
- Fixed an issue on the Thalmor Embassy quest where Lucifer would get stuck in dialogue.
- Fixed Lucifer attempting to interact with Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia.
- Fixed Lucifer moving "Out of the way" during the Greybeards Training and Greeting Scenes when being told to wait.
- Fixed Lucifer getting stuck in those scenes.
- Fixed some dialogue not working as intended.
- Fixed some more grammar and spelling mistakes.
- Fixed where Lucifer wouldn't be able to sing outside of Solstheim.
- Removed Lucifer just having Breezehome as a home, meaning he will now just return to Dragonsreach until you set his home. (Current Playthroughs)
- Removed Lucifer telling the player to stop "staring at him".
Version 0.8.3
- Added debug spell for new players if they cannot locate Lucifer
- Fixed a rare bug where Lucifer would stand still after the Greybeards shout scene
- Fixed an issue where Lucifer would refer to the player as an Argonian on the shipwreck Start Alt Life option
- Fixed an issue for XB1 players where Lucifer would not read the notes from J
- Fixed an issue for modified Breezehome mods
- Fixed some grammar issues
- Should fix mod interactions with other mods
Version 0.8.2
- Fixed Bugs
- Added a minor update to the "J" quest
Version 0.8.1
- Fixed the mod checking script (Hopefully)
- Added a new scene for the courier
- Added new generic lines
Version 0.8
- Added new dialogue for the Main Quest.
- Added new hello/idle/bye dialogue.
- Added new inventory dialogue.
- Added new waiting dialogue.
- Added new Summon Spell reaction lines.
- Added new combat lines.
- Added new Inigo scenes.
- Added new Lydia scenes.
- Added new lines for Jess.
- Added new "Help Me" lines.
- Added new lore to Lucifer.
- Added new player is dead lines.
- Added new questions for Lucifer.
- Added Rescue Derkeethus Quest dialogue.
- Added some Start Alternative Life immersion. (Argonian Dock Worker, Home Owner, Arrival by boat and Shipwreck.)
- Added alternative meeting for the first time lines if the player is a skeleton race. (Playable Skeleton Races Mod).
- Added lines when using Inigo's bow, Ruin's Edge weapon and Shadowrend.
- Added Lucifer to "Stay With Me SSE" blacklist due to it causing some issues with Lucifer's brain.
- Added Lucifer to the "Death Consumes All" Quest Mod blacklist to avoid him getting infected.
- Added lines if the player is a skeleton race. (Playable Skeleton Races Mod).
- Added new takes to all favor state dialogue.
- Added new favor state dialogue.
- Added new takes to all songs.
- Added "Age Of Aggression" song.
- Added Dragon Soul absorbing lines.
- Added "Amazing View" lines.
- Lucifer now eats potatoes.
- Lucifer will now attempt to heal downed followers he interacts with. (Inigo and Lydia).
- Lucifer will now attempt to heal himself when he is in bleedout state. (Very rare chance).
- Lucifer will now get the Golden Claw if you're at the puzzle door and you forgot the claw. (Help me).
- Lucifer now has lines for hugs. (Please update to Version 2.0 of I'm Glad You're Here mod).
- Lucifer will now move out of the way during the Greybeard training and Greybeard shout scenes.
- Lucifer will no longer ask for your plans by default. (Asking what you're doing this morning etc. - New games only.)
- Telling Lucifer to not call you Dragonborn will also stop Jess calling you dragonborn. (Until MCM menu is made).
- Lucifer will no longer set off dungeon traps.
- Improved Lucifer's sneaking.
- Changed lines if you didn't have Lucifer with you for the first dragon attack when asking about his past.
- Stopped Lucifer talking about joining the companions all the time when near Whiterun and made it that the lines will only play once if you speak to a companion about joining.
- Improved the mod checker.
- Lucifer wearing one of Miraak's cult masks will now cancel out the influence of Miraak while in Solstheim.
- Humming/Singing/Whistling is now off by default - (New games only.)
- Remastered some of Lucifer's summon spell lines.
- Added a delay before receiving the letter from "J".
- Made Lucifer's walking around dialogue less repetitive.
- Changed the "Help Me" for the Golden Claw section.
- Made the "What do these stones do?" question not open up options if you weren't near a stone.
- Changed some unique hello/idle/bye dialogue to only play once. (Thane of Whiterun).
- Changed Summon Spell category to conjuration class.
- Lowered cooldown of the spell. 2 seconds --> 1 second.
- Updated the effects used for the spell.
- Fixed spelling/grammar mistakes.
- Fixed Jess not saying her chasing the player lines when they committed a crime.
- Fixed missing lines if summoned into the Thalmor Embassy.
- Fixed Lucifer asking about the results of the Thalmor Embassy Quest when he was with you.
- Fixed Lucifer not talking about killing "Grelod".
- Fixed issues where the objective trackers weren't working.
- Fixed an issue where picking up the cultist orders note and not reading it would cause Lucifer to not bring up dialogue options about the attack.
- Fixed getting dialogue for the dragonstone quest before being told to follow the Jarl.
- Fixed Lucifer standing still in Dragonsreach when dismissed. He will now wonder around Dragonsreach.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs Lucifer interacted with made them essential.
- Removed Lucifer's "Help Me" for the Thalmor Party as it's not possible to bring him there without console commands.
- Removed Lucifer saying the player wasn't moving lines as they were firing instantly and it wasn't working.
- Vaulted a spell that would stop Lucifer from attacking on request. (Unused and extremely buggy.)
- Fixed a rare bug where Lucifer would follow/appear near the player despite not meeting before.
Version 0.7.2
- Added a new Paarthurnax scene.
- Remastered Lucifer's voice lines to the first two of Skyrim's Main Quest.
- Fixed Lucifer's reactions to the player dying
- Fixed Jess not commenting on what side the player was on for the Civil War when trying to arrest the player
- Stop Lucifer attacking people randomly
Version 0.7.1
- Added a few new lines for The Golden Claw
- Added Inigo Interactions
- Added new going into combat lines
- Added bleeding out lines
- Modified the combat lines in Solstheim so they should play as normal while Lucifer wears a cultist mask.
- Fixed a few spelling mistakes.
- Fixed talking about the weather while inside a cave
Version 0.7
- Added dialogue for all dragonborn main quests
- Added new hello/idle/bye dialogue
- Added new combat dialogue
- Added 2 Lydia interactions
- Added one Paarthurnax interaction
- Changed the first meeting of Lucifer's dialogue if you meet certain conditions (Examples: Argonian, have a certain follower with you)
- Added new location dialogue
- Added [REDACTED]
- Added Lucifer Summon Spell (You receive this during a quest)
- Added new comments on you what side you are on for the civil war
- Added Singing
- Added new questions and added new responses to some questions
- Added stone information for Solstheim
- Added player dying reaction
- Changed Lucifer's starting loadout
- Changed where "..." would appear if Lucifer had something else to say.
- Fixed issues where other NPCs would try and say Lucifer's lines
- Fixed issues where Lucifer would try and say lines incorrectly
- Fixed some spelling mistakes
- Fixed bugs
Version 0.6
- BSAs now work properly
- Added new comments based on location
- Added Imperial/Stormcloak side comments
- Added more Main Quest Dialogue
- New settings available to stop Lucifer from calling you Dragonborn, Humming/Whistling and plans for the time of day
- Added more inventory dialogue
- Added new idle dialogue
- Fixed Bugs
Version 0.5.1
- Removed BSA file due to ongoing issues
- Added loose files to help fix issues
Version 0.5
- BSA and ESP files. No more loose files
- Tracker requirements changed. - You can now get his tracker immediately after hiring him.
- Floating gap in Lucifer's neck fixed
- Made Lucifer less repetitive. (Hopefully)
- Made Lucifer use less loading memory when talking.
- Made Lucifer now travel to Breezehome if you own it.
- Lucifer will now comment on if you've been to jail, if you've absorbed dragon souls and much more...
- Added new combat dialogue
- Added more Lucifer Lore
- Added new questions for Lucifer.
- Added new first time hiring dialogue
- Added more Dragonborn DLC/Main Quest Dialogue.
- Added new generic dialogue
Version 0.4
- Fixed Horn of Jurgen Windcaller dialogue looping.
- Fixed Lucifer's repetitiveness
- Added new tracker. (please start a new game if it doesn't show up in game)
- Added new generic dialogue
- Added more dragonborn/main quest dialogue
- Added new comments related to locations.
- Added more Lucifer lore.
Version 0.3.5
- Fixed dialogue incorrectly playing
- Added dialogue for The Temple of Miraak quest
- Added some Riften Dialogue
- Fixed Cult Attack Dialgoue
Version 0.3.1
- Fixed dialogue for Horn of Jurgen Windcaller quest causing loop.
Version 0.3
- Fixed recruiting bug
- Added new dialogue for Solstheim.
- Added new generic dialogue
- Fixed conditions on some generic dialogue
Version 0.2
- Fixed missing audio files
- Fixed issues with Lucifer not talking about quests
- Added more combat sounds
- Added dragonborn cult attack dialogue
- Donations
Straight donations accepted

Art by Meru Ur
None. Just install and play.
- Over 6000 lines of fully voiced unique dialogue.
- Full Companions, Dragonborn Main Quest and Skyrim Main Quest commentary.
- Does not affect your follower count.
- Summon Spell.
- Interactions with followers.
- Unique follower framework system.
- Bleed out and revive system.
- A puzzling backstory which gets updated with new content every update.
- Settings to stop him from singing/calling you dragonborn.
- Map tracker.
- Home management system.
- Custom Music/Soundtracks.
- Many new unique features to come...
Jess - samaradubhlainn
Hoginar - bibliomancer
Lucifer's Dad - AnnoyingPoisonUser
Assassin - Thea Solone
Inigo - smartbluecat
Khash - RabbittWinri
Nebarra - TheWolfeScott
Remiel - Maplespice
Xelzaz - BluePwnsU
Lobo - FrownDere99
Daegon - Kukielle
UFO WILL cause issues to Lucifer. Please do not use the mod as there's no way to blacklist custom followers.
Argonian Fins Vanilla Replacer will cause issues with facegen.
You can report bugs on my discord server or using Nexus.
Lucifer Follower Interactions
Want Lucifer to interact with your follower? Send me a message on nexus or discord and we can come up with some ideas.
My other mods
Followers Move Out Of The Way