About this mod

Lucifer is a fully voiced Argonian follower with over 6K lines of dialogue and custom built features. Despite his unnatural voice for an Argonian, he is a skilled fighter. Gain his trust and he will share what he knows about himself as he doesn't know who he really is, even though he may disagree with some of your actions, he won't leave your side.

Permissions and credits
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Art by Meru Ur
Lucifer is a custom voiced Argonian follower with over 6000+ lines of dialogue. Despite his goofy nature and unnatural voice for an Argonian, he is a skilled archer and fighter and will follow you whether you go. He will listen to your commands unless he feels that it isn't the right thing to do. Try and ask him about his past and he may or may not share any. Continue to make yourself the hero, anti-hero or villain of Skyrim and he will trust you more... or is that what someone wants him to do? Gain his trust and he will share what he knows about himself as he doesn't know who he really is, even though he may disagree with some of your actions, he won't leave your side.

None. Just install and play.

  • Over 6000 lines of fully voiced unique dialogue.
  • Full Companions, Dragonborn Main Quest and Skyrim Main Quest commentary.
  • Does not affect your follower count.
  • Summon Spell.
  • Interactions with followers.
  • Unique follower framework system.
  • Bleed out and revive system.
  • A puzzling backstory which gets updated with new content every update.
  • Settings to stop him from singing/calling you dragonborn.
  • Map tracker.
  • Home management system.
  • Custom Music/Soundtracks.
  • Many new unique features to come...

Starting Location
You can find Lucifer hanging around in Dragonsreach. You can install mid-game but it is highly recommended to create a new game to get the full experience. This has Start Alternative Life combability so you do not need to play the Helgen Start. 

Voice Actors
Lucifer - Myself
Jess - samaradubhlainn
Hoginar - bibliomancer
Lucifer's Dad - AnnoyingPoisonUser
Assassin - Thea Solone
Inigo - smartbluecat
Khash - RabbittWinri
Remiel - Maplespice
Xelzaz - BluePwnsU
Daegon - Kukielle

Known Issues
Lucifer won't talk to me - (Rare bug) Fix: Save and reload.
Mod Conflictions
Follower Frameworks or anything that controls/modifies Lucifer as this will cause him to break. Please do not add Lucifer to any follower frameworks as he has his own one.
UFO WILL cause issues to Lucifer. Please do not use the mod as there's no way to blacklist custom followers.
Argonian Fins Vanilla Replacer will cause issues with facegen.

Bug Reports
You can report bugs on my discord server or using Nexus.

Support the mod
You can support me and the mod by endorsing the mod, telling your friends and uploading videos/pictures. If you wish to support further. You can send direct donations using the donate button on Nexus or checking out my Ko-Fi page.

Lucifer Follower Interactions
Want Lucifer to interact with your follower? Send me a message on nexus or discord and we can come up with some ideas.

Hope you enjoy the mod. Let me know of any bugs and feel free to provide feedback.