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The Overhaul Morrowloot deserves.
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equipment of Elven, Orcish, and Dwarven make are rare and superior,
but Glass, Ebony, Dragon, and the elusive Daedric are rarer still and unrivaled in quality...
Until the Dragonborn turns level 20.
The gods have decided everyone gets formerly treasured weapons and armor
when that one guy gets a bit tougher. Before he came around, it was almost like...
you had to explore to find something valuable.
Behold, Morrowloot. Trainwiz started it, Fuma expanded it, and now MorrowLoot Ultimate overhauls your game for it in a way that's vanilla-friendly. Skyrim's loot and most enemies are no longer leveled, new and vanilla artifacts are powerful, and Morrowloot's old leveled lists have been meticulously perfected. Earn your success and reap the rewards.
See the 2.0 article, The Anniversary Edition article, and pinned comments under Posts for details. Know that any patches not up to v2.0 are likely out of date to some extent.
Now only the most important/recommended compatibility patches are hosted here, the rest will be kept at the official Patches page.
Also a new Summermyst patch! (here on the main page)
And added "Mental Elemental Spells" to my Balance Mods page - a plugin that attempts to rebalance the overpowered tri-Elemental spells from the Arcane Accessories Creation
For Slower Leveling:
Install Skyrim Skill Uncapper(Fixed) and download the 125 Skillcaps and 0.5x Leveling in Optional Files, highly recommended.
Check out the MLU Community Patches page for more compatibility patches by other users
Skyrim's Loot Deleveled
You won't find Daedric, Glass, Ebony, Dragon, or Stalhrim randomly anymore. Elven, Orcish, and Dwarven equipment are much less common. Glass+ is only hand-placed, usually in high-level dungeons, but sometimes where you might be able take them at any level. Elven, Orcish, and Dwarven (aka Uncommon) equipment will usually appear only on strong enemies (such as Bandit Chiefs) or where they should logically appear: the Thalmor carry Elven, Orcs carry Orcish, and Dwarven ruins contain Dwarven. Nordic equipment can be found a bit more commonly, integrated into mainland Skyrim.
Rare is Better
Glass, Ebony, Stalhrim, Dragon, Daedric, and Artifact (aka Elite) items' base stats are higher and their gold values significantly so. Tempering is about 40% less effective, roughly equal to what a master-level smith gains from the new base stats - your max-level power is about the same, but early levels lower. There is now a significant power jump from common to rare. Common gear will be less useful and non-smithing characters will be more viable. When you encounter an Elite item good for your character, it should be an upgrade on the spot.
Skyrim's Enemies Deleveled
Short explanation: many enemies will significantly outlevel you in the beginning, and then underlevel you later. Skyrim's enemy scaling is governed by Encounter Zones, which control the minimum and maximum level spawns within. If a dungeon's Encounter Zone has a minimum of 20, and you walk in at 10, it will treat you like you're 20. Skyrim hardly uses this mechanic, but MLU sets new minimums with maximums usually at +10 levels, to lock enemy and loot spawns at specific level ranges. Levels range from 10 to 70... as does the loot. Main questlines will begin at approachable levels and scale up sharply, likely requiring you to find some side work or progress two at a time.
This means you will find dungeons you can't yet complete - be prepared!
Alternatively, if you'd rather use another mod's EZs, such as Arena, simply load it after MLU. I highly recommend you give 2.0's levels a try, they've been overhauled to provide smoother quest progression and outdoor enemy scaling (see the 2.0 article).
Quest Rewards Deleveled
Finishing a quest at any level will now reward you with the highest-level version. This effect is retroactive - if you completed a quest before installing MLU, you'll find the item has its best potential stats now (except for new custom Thane weapons, which are all nice now).
New items and Artifacts
All of the custom Artifacts from the original Morrowloot, with the exception of Skullcrusher, come along with MLU. Review Trainwiz's original Morrowloot page for a list of artifacts. MLU also adds Ancient Nord Hero weapons, bearing the vanilla stats of Ebony (MLU buffs actual Ebony to be much stronger) in place of enemies like the Draugr Deathlords' former inappropriately common Ebony. Some of the hand-placed items will hold powerful enchantments with new suffixed names, disenchantable to regular enchants.
Powerful loot, powerful foes
Where many high-value items can be found, powerful enemies are usually in your way. It might just be the Encounter Zone of a dungeon or a new, unique enemy from MLU. Unique enemies will neither despawn nor respawn and can be saved for later if you can't beat them at first. Believe me, you'll know them when you see them :)
MorrowLoot Updated:
Even after 4E Edition, Morrowloot still needed updates. There are a lot of holes in the leveled lists and additional mods were always necessary to "finish" what Morrowloot tries to achieve. I've combed through the leveled lists from Skyrim and all DLC and sealed every last leak. If you see anything Dwarven, Elven, Orcish, Glass, Stalhrim, Ebony, Dragon, or Daedric somewhere - it was supposed to be there. Congrats.
MLU treats crafting differently from 4E Edition, however:
- The Ancient Knowledge perk now serves as an alternative requirement to the tree perk for crafting Dwarven equipment, greatly increases your tempering of Dwarven equipment, and also buffs your enchantments on Dwarven and Elite items by 10%. It no longer increases Smithing XP.
- Dwarven and Orcish weapons have had their damage and stats swapped, just the same as WACCF does, for the purposes of balancing with the above buff to Ancient Knowledge. This also corrects an inconsistency with Vanilla Skyrim where the Dwarven perk was first, but Orcish weapons were inferior. Leveled lists have been adjusted for this where Dwarven and Orcish weapons are allowed to spawn.
- Ebony equipment, and any recipe that involves Ebony (including Daedric and Dragonbone), can only be crafted at the Skyforge or Gloombound Forge (or certain others with AE).
- Daedric equipment can only be crafted by a master smith, at night, who's learned the secret of its making (new quest begins when you first read a Black Book).
- Rare materials, such as Ebony and Malachite, will be much less common, more expensive, and require more Ores per Ingot
The Philosophy of MorrowLoot Ultimate:
Vanilla's design is a truly open world where you can complete any content at nearly any level. While that has its own obvious purpose, it leaves any concept of "aspirational content" outside. I like my RPG to have content that is too hard for a new character, where powerful items and enemies are not the product of randomization designed to cater to you. I want to be able to say "I beat this part at this level" like it means something, and for the most coveted items to be limited in supply and truly stand out. I wanna play Morrowind like I'm 14 again!
for the spotlight videos!
Tell Zero Period about the update!
The NoobSader King's video is quite out of date, as the Alchemy changes
were moved to a separate mod long ago, but I appreciate the video!
Including the four free CC addons Fishing, Rare Curios, Survival Mode, and Saints & Seducers
A new game is recommended, but not required, for both updating and new installations
If you use an older Skyrim exe version, you may be able use the "Best of Both Worlds" downgrade patcher to still use MLU v2.0
Install the main file and any patches you need with Vortex or Mod Organizer (recommended)
I worked very hard on the Anniversary Edition patch, if you've put off playing it I'd say now is the time!
Be sure to read the Compatibility and Bashed Patching section below
MorrowLoot Ultimate changes many leveled lists, some Smithing recipes, Glass+ and Artifact equipment, Encounter Zones, and certain NPCs.
Perk Mods are compatible. Spell Mods are compatible. Combat mods are compatible.
New creature mods are compatible. Quest mods are compatible. New lands mods are compatible.
Textures and graphical mods are compatible.
The primary mods that are not will be those that edit leveled loot - they will need a patch.
Mods that affect Artifacts or Glass+ equipment will likely need a patch.
Mods that add new weapons/armor may be inconsistent with MLU, more details below.
Making a Bashed Patch
Wrye Bash can be used to automatically resolve many conflicts, but incorrect results can happen without special attention. For example, if WACCF or Weapon AF is included in your Bash, they can add Orcish, Dwarven, and Elven items back into common loot lists. I would recommend only Bashing MLU and its patches and perhaps some manual work in xEdit if you're not sure about what you're doing.
Load Order: place MLU.esp "medium low" - below most anything that doesn't require being at the bottom (and patches below that)
Mods that should be further below include Environmental and Lighting mods, or others that say so on their description pages.
Maintaining a massive, complex mod list is difficult and prone to small issues. Including MLU in such a setup will require more attention than most other mods.
"The Method" is a recommended practice of manually patching every new mod you install at a time for perfect results.
If a mod you love is incompatible, let us know in the comments and a patch may come.
To see for yourself if a mod you use conflicts, open both mods in SSEEdit and look through its records - overwritten records will be dark red. Often it's best to just let MLU win the conflict.
Apothecary by Simon Magus - does everything I wanted to accomplish with Skyrim Alchemy Fixed and much more. Ends instant potion spamming, rebalances effects, and adds new and great mechanics. CACO is another fantastic Alchemy mod, recommend using the MCM to makes Potions restore over time.
Perked Races - Instead of Racial Powers, they start with Perks from the Skill Trees! Also replaces flat Skill Bonuses with % increased XP and tweaks starting Attributes and Resists. It's the successor to Subtle but Classless. Designed for buildmakers.
Morrowloot Ultimate Simplified - a stripped-down version of MLU by AsatorThundrGod (not updated to 2.0)
ChocolateNoodle's Little Balance Mods - a handful of small plugins that make gameplay balance changes. I recommend Economy Tweaks with MLU to make Gold a more serious element of gameplay (makes having Eorlund Gray-Mane craft Ebony armor with Honed Metal for you a hefty investment, for example). The same results can be made with Trade and Barter by setting fBarterMax to 4.95 and fBarterMin to 3.00.
Simple Soul Gem Crafting - Craft Gem Dust from Jewels, Gems, or Soul Gem Fragments. Craft Soul Gems from Gem Dust.
A note about extra armor/weapons mods:
MLU boosts the stats of vanilla Glass+ and new equipment mods are based on vanilla stats. As a result, these mods can be incoherent in your game without a rebalancing patch, but they won't spoil your character. If they're distributed by vanilla leveled lists, they may also appear in inappropriate locations by Morrowloot standards even with a Bashed Patch.
I'll be trying to patch the most important new Armors and Weapons mods for MLU, but not everything can be done. You may want to learn to take the time to learn to edit them yourself in SSEEdit if you wish to use many such mods alongside.
First one goes to Matthiaswagg for her help with a custom quest. I called myself a noob (still am) and asked for help because I was stuck - and this boss delivered. She completely authored that part of the mod and has a fantastic collection of uploads herself.
In addition:
Trainwiz for the original Morrowloot
Mebantiza for so much support over the years
Fuma for Morrowloot 4E Edition (built off his version)
gorey666 for No Leveled Item Rewards (copied and expanded on his method)
T3nd0 and TenderHooligan for their Encounter Zones (started with theirs and tweaked)
And to the users, if not for whom this page would serve no purpose.