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About this mod

Do you use MorrowLoot Ultimate and enjoy using weapon mods? Do you find having 3 Patches for 1 Mod annoying? Do you want balanced weapon options beyond what Skyrim offers? Then welcome to OMEGA Heavy Armory, adding over 100 NEW weapons to Skyrim in one single esp.

Permissions and credits
  • Italian
What is OMEGA Heavy Armory?

OMEGA Heavy Armory adds in over 100 new lore-friendly weapons.  Introducing new weapon types such as Spears, Halberds, and Short Swords while expanding some of the more limited weapon sets such as Silver, Imperial, Forsworn, and Draugr weapons.

But instead of needing the MLU Patch, the Enchanted Patch, and then a Weapon AF Patch in order to get the true weapon design envisioned by MLU's author, I've put everything into one consolidated Merged Plugin.  And it is 100% MLU compatible.

So what does OMEGA Heavy Armory do?
So many new toys!!

I don't want to distract too much from what the original author of Heavy Armory wrote about his own mod below.  So I will be including all of the changes in the spoiler below.  This is 100% MLU compatible. 

Click me!

What are the overall changes to weapons to match the MLU design?
I followed the design path of Weapon AF...

  • Weapon values have been adjusted to MLU and Weapon AF design.
  • Greatsword based weapons have an adjusted weapon Speed of 0.8.
  • Elven weapons are lighter and 10% faster.
  • Glass weapons are lighter and 10% faster.
  • Dragonbone weapons are 10% slower.
  • Daedric weapons are lighter and do the same damage as Dragonbone weapons.
  • Weapons scaling now goes Dwarven < Elven < Orcish (to match armor scaling) and is included in the leveled lists.
  • Some Heavy Armory values have been rebalanced to make all weapon choices equally viable.
  • Glaives and Spears have been given the same adjustments so they are mechanically identical.

MLU changes the Ancient Knowledge perk so that Dwarven Weapons now gain a +25% from Ancient Knowledge (except Crossbows).  OMEGA changes the Ancient Knowledge perk so that Dwarven Weapons now gain a +35% from Ancient Knowledge (except Crossbows).  The OMEGA change reflects how much later in the game you attain Ancient Knowledge using OMEGA.

What are the actual weapon values?
Statistics, numbers, and you know...the good stuff.

The weapon values are adjustments off of the item it is based upon.  So if a Mace did 12 damage, then a Club would do 9 damage.  If an Axe has a Speed of 0.9, then a Hatchet would have a Speed of 1.15.  And so on...

  • Club (Mace): Dmg -3, Speed +0.2 
  • Glaive/Spear (Greatsword): Dmg -3, Reach +0.45
  • Halberd (Battleaxe): Dmg -3, Speed +0.05, Reach +0.2
  • Hatchet (War Axe): Dmg -2, Speed +0.25, Reach -0.15
  • Long Mace: (Warhammer): Dmg -1, Speed +0.05 (mid way between WH and BA)
  • Maul (Mace): Dmg +4, Speed -0.15
  • Quarter Staff (Warhammer): Dmg +3 of Mace (+4 of Mace if Glass+), Speed 1.1 flat
  • Shortspear (Sword): Dmg -1, Speed -0.1, Reach +0.3
  • Shortsword (Sword): Dmg -2, Speed +0.25, Reach -0.15
  • Trident (Greatsword): Dmg -2, Reach +0.3

What did you do to Dragon weapons?!
Just matching the MLU design for Daedric items.

  • All Dragonbone Temper Recipes now require 2 Dragon Bones.
  • All Dragonbone Crafting Recipes now require 3 Dragon Bone and 2 Ebony for one handed weapons.
  • All Dragonbone Crafting Recipes now require 6 Dragon Bone and 4 Ebony for two handed weapons.

The reason why is very simple.  MLU made Daedric the best in slot weapon choice while sequestering it behind the requirement of finding a Black Book first.  But for some reason it left Dragon Bone and Dragon Scale crafting ridiculously easy to attain.  The OMEGA (MLU replacement mod) answer is to increase the crafting costs to such a level where it's realistic/likely to attain a full set of Ebony/Glass weapons and armor before you attain a full set of Dragon weapons and armor.  The way it should be.

Other Changes?
For balance!

Some of the weapon values made by the original author made certain weapons feel much strong than others.  The few tweaks I made were only to make all weapon choices feel equally viable.  Staying in line with the OMEGA design this mod removes all Ebony and Glass from the Thalmor and Draugr Leveled Lists. 

Keeping it real.

  • MLU.esp (That can be MLU or OMEGA MLU, either way)
  • Summermyst (Unenchanted does NOT require this, Enchanted does require this)

Known Issues!
People got issues, mods do to!  Should have maybe called this Unknown Issues...  

Short Sword and Hatchet may be too fast.  I will be play testing and listening to feedback, so I'll make changes if I need to.  Keep in mind the reduced reach and the reduced burst damage when looking at these weapons.

When used with OMEGA MLU, Enchanted HA needs to load after the OMEGA Summermyst Patch.

You know, the people who made this possible!

Credits to PrivateEye the author of Heavy Armory - New WeaponsMerrymac the author of Heavy Armory Enchantedchocolatenoodle the author of MLU and Weapon AF, and the1yunico author of the Heavy Armory Patch from MLU Community Patches.

These guys are all super BOSS!!  Give them some Kudos for having open permissions!!

Any other cool stuff?!
I've got other mods!!

(SJG) OMEGA - The Modular Gameplay Overhaul for SSE
(SJG) OMEGA - Heavy Armory - The Weapon AIO Mod for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) OMEGA - Ashara SSE Merchants and Trainers for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) Lights On - Spells Emit Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Lights Out - Spells Emit No Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation for SSE (Works for Spell Blades as well)
(SJG) Better Sounding Female Dragon Shouts
(SJG) Quick Light Patch (based upon in game Torch values for light settings)
(SJG) UPF Patcher - See the Encounter Zone level in the name of the zone

Skeleton Jack
-Suffer Well Brothers and Sisters...

Everything beyond this point is a copy/paste from the original mod.

What is Heavy Armory?

The goal of Heavy Armory is to expand the variety of weapons used in the world of Skyrim in an immersive and lore-friendly way. 
Heavy Armory adds over a 100 new lore-friendly weapons and introduces new weapon types like spears, halberds and shortswords and expands some of the more limited sets like the Silver, Imperial, Forsworn and Draugr weapons.
If you’re looking for some new weapons to wield (or to get your face bashed in with!), and value immersion like I do then look no further!
Heavy Armory is the mod for you!

My aim was to make new weapons that blend in seamlessly with the weapons Bethesda created.
That’s why I used bits and pieces of existing weapons to create new varieties. Basically, I don’t even want you to notice that there’s a mod running ;)

Where do we find these new weapons?

The new weapons are spread throughout level lists so you will encounter them naturally on enemies, in shops and in loot. You can of course also craft them from any forge (if you have the necessary skill and resources).


The easiest way to install the mod is by downloading and activating through the NMM. It will do all the work for you.
If for some reason you need / want to do a manual install just download and extract the content of the .7zip to your Skyrim/Data folder (choose overwrite if asked).
All that's left to do is activate the .esp and start the game!

Mod Content

The barbarian’s weapon! Best described as a weaker version of the mace.

Mostly used by: Bandits, Forsworn, Falmer
Uses mace animations and specific perks.

Functions as a longer version of the battle axe. The halberd swings slightly faster while also dealing less damage.

Mostly used by: Guards, Stormcloaks, Dawnguard, Bandits
Uses battle axe animations and specific perks.

Hatchets are smaller variations of the normal war axe. This means that the hatchet has less reach and damage but can be wielded blindingly fast.

Mostly used by: Vampires, Falmer
Uses war axe animations and specific perks.

For those warriors who like to swing with two handed blunt weapons but think the warhammer is a bit too heavy. This weapon bridges the gap between the warhammer and battle axe.

Mostly used by: Guards, Stormcloaks, Dawnguard, Bandits, Draugr
Uses warhammer animations and specific perks.

Want the destructive power of a two-hander without forgoing the extra defense of a shield? The maul is the most damaging one handed weapon, but also the slowest.

Mostly used by: Guards, Stormcloaks, Bandits
Uses mace animations and specific perks.

The fastest two handed weapon in the game. Quarter Staves may seem weak for two handed weapons, but they allow the player to attack and block much faster.

Mostly used by: Vampires, Alik’r, Silver Hand
Uses warhammer animations and specific perks.

The shortspear is a one handed version of the spear. Having the longest reach of any one handed weapon, it’s useful for people who like to keep a distance to the enemy.

Mostly used by: Guards, Stormcloaks, Imperials, Bandits
Uses sword animations and specific perks.

Perfect for those players looking for a compromise between the speed of the dagger and the power of the sword.

Mostly used by: Bandits, Vampires, Draugr
Uses sword animations and specific perks.

The spear has the highest range of any weapon in the game. The glaive is similar to the spear but does slightly more damage. 

Mostly used by: Guards, Stormcloaks, Imperials, Bandits
Uses greatsword animations and specific perks.

Tridents can dish out quite a bit of damage but their range is shorter than that of the common spear.

Mostly used by: Bandits, Alik’r, Silver Hand
Uses greatsword animations and specific perks.

Recommended Mods

Royal Armory
Made in the same way and with the same goal as Heavy armory. RA adds special
weapons to all the most important characters in Skyrim. Good for the 
artifact collectors and people wanting to add some immersion to their Skyrim experience.


Spanish translation by johnyrisu
German translation by penetrator3

Recommended Mods

I can recommend the following mods because they work well alongside Heavy Armory or enhance the gameplay in some way:

Royal Armory 
Made in the same way and with the same goal as Heavy armory. RA adds special weapons to all the most important characters in Skyrim. Good for the artifact collectors and people wanting to add some immersion to their Skyrim experience.


-Do Texture replacers work with HA?
Yes, as long as they override the original Skyrim textures.

-Does (Mod X) conflict with Heavy Armory?
Heavy Armory may conflict with other mods that add weapons to the game through leveled lists. This isn’t a game breaking problem but it’s always a good idea to create a bashed patch using Wryebash.
Heavy Armory adds a few weapons to the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood and Skyhaven Temple so this might conflict with mods that change these areas too. This is not likely to cause a lot of problems but it’s best to load those mods after Heavy Armory.

-I don't see any of the new weapons and they don't show up in the crafting menu!
Did you actually activate the .esp? Or maybe you simply don’t meet the smithing requirements yet.

-Some/most weapons appear invisible.
This issue could be related to the NMM. Try re-downloading the mod. If that doesn't fix the problem, try a manual install. This has been known to fix it.

-Will you create a patch for (Mod X)?
No. But if anybody would like to create a patch between HA and another mod they are free to do so. Upload your mod and send me a link so I can link to it in the description.

-Can I translate Heavy Armory to another language?
I’d be happy if you did! Upload your translation and send me a link so I can link to it in the description.

-Can I use assets from your mod for my own mod project?
Sure! But I’d ask you to notify me either through a PM or in the comment section. Also I want to be credited in your mod for the work you use.

Thank you

Thank you! Yes, you! Everybody who ever downloaded, endorsed and/or commented on this mod. It’s because of you guys that I continue working on this stuff. All the support means a lot to me and I’m happy that there are people who enjoy using my mods.
Special thanks to Kelinalo and Kryptopyr for creating the CCO compatible version of Heavy Armory on which I based the final version of the mod.
Also thanks to billyro for fixing some issues with the weapon meshes!
Finally a huge thank you to Katcher12 for helping with converting this mod to the Special Edition!

You know, the people who made this possible!

Credits to PrivateEye the author of Heavy Armory - New WeaponsMerrymac the author of Heavy Armory Enchantedchocolatenoodle the author of MLU and Weapon AF, and the1yunico author of the Heavy Armory Patch from MLU Community Patches.  Without their permissions this wouldn't exist.

These guys are all super BOSS!!  Give them some Kudos for having open permissions!!

Any other cool stuff?!
I've got other mods!!

(SJG) OMEGA - The Modular Gameplay Overhaul for SSE
(SJG) OMEGA - Heavy Armory - The Weapon AIO Mod for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) OMEGA - Ashara SSE Merchants and Trainers for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) Lights On - Spells Emit Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Lights Out - Spells Emit No Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation for SSE (Works for Spell Blades as well)
(SJG) Better Sounding Female Dragon Shouts
(SJG) Quick Light Patch (based upon in game Torch values for light settings)
(SJG) UPF Patcher - See the Encounter Zone level in the name of the zone

Skeleton Jack
-Suffer Well Brothers and Sisters...