About this mod
Settlement Keywords expands on the current Settlement Menu system offering mod authors even more categories to use for their mods.
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Settlement Keywords Expanded is a continuation of Stuyk's framework. SKE is a mod authors resource and provides an alternative to adding items to the Bethesda vanilla menus. With SKE mod authors have more choices for their settlement items. More choices means less clutter in settlement menus.
The file provided, SettlementKeywords.esm, will work with some SK mods. This mod doesn't alter any of the vanilla menus so it will not conflict with any DLC. Missing vanilla menus are only caused by outdated menu patches or outdated SK mods that have not been updated. A list of mods that should not be used with SKE is provided below.
Update Notes:
As of SKE 1.46 I now offer a scripted menu option. Chose either the version that alters the settlement record directly as with previous versions of SKE, or choose the version that adds the SKE menu with a Papyrus script. If you choose the scripted menu option and you plan to uninstall SKE, remember to craft and use the uninstall chem to remove the scripted menu properties from your save game.
As of SKE 1.51 the scripted menu option now offers Menu Restore chems. They will add a single SKE menu like previous version offered, and a multi menu option similar to what DOOMBASED offered with SKI.
DLC Compatibility
SKE is compatible with all DLC including Nuka-World.
Mod Authors
Styuk made a Google Document on how to use this in your mods. Like Stuyk, I also recommend that you do not create new Form Lists, FormIDs, Keywords, or alter the menus.
Mod Users
SKE may be required as a resource for the mod you are using. Check the authors description page to see if a patch is needed or available. If no patch is available you will need to create one with FO4Edit. To see how to create patches that resolve and override conflicts you can download the xEdit (meaning all versions) Training Manual here. It says rough draft and it was initially intended for FO3/FNV however, the FO4Edit UI is the same so you can still use it for creating patches. How to resolve conflicts is discussed in Section 4.
SKE doesn't require any DLC content. SKE is a totally independent mod and does not require users to install SK by Stuyk. SKE patches require the original mod to be installed. Download and install the original mod and overwrite the old ESM or ESP file with the one I provide. The original mod will provide all the scripts, meshes, textures and anything else the mod needs. I only provide the replacement plugin files.
If you chose the SKE version that adds the SKE menu with a script be sure to craft and use the chem prior to uninstalling manually or with NMM. The other SKE version that doesn't use the papyrus script to add its menu doesn't require a chem.
Fully integrated SKE mods:
Bank of Commonwealth
Cannabis Commonwealth
Craftable Greebles
Create your own planter
Gruffydd's Signs and Posters
Gruffydd's Signs of the Times
OLD WORLD RADIO - BOSTON by Brandoman neeher and cdante
Power Conduits and Pylons Overhaul
Rebuild - Modular Sanctuary
Static Harvest Collection
Summer Roses - frogprincess_q4
Supported Mods with patch
Below is a list of mods I provide a patch for.
Advanced Bubble Turret Set - ccmads
AlternateFurniture - StuykGaming - No longer available on Nexus
AlternateSettlements - StuykGaming
Better Vendor Stalls - kellogsfrostedflakes
Blood Rust n Bone- Raider Themed Workshop Add-on - Ser JuJoo Guppy
General of the Army - Karel
Minutemen Overhaul
Minutemen Propaganda Posters - Insane Power Burger
Northland Diggers - ludvig08
Northland Grass - Trees - Landscape - Flora - ludvig08
OCDecorator - Static Loot - mcface <- Two types of patches are available
Placeable NPC's - bradenm650
The Master Plan - Ethreon
Mostly compatible SKE mods
While the listed mods are compatible with SKE and don't alter any vanilla menus, the mods alter other vanilla records. This may effect the resources required to build the item and may also cause the settlement item to appear in the SKE menu instead of the vanilla menu.
Settlement Resources Revived - StuykGaming - No longer available on Nexus
Supported Mods with patch from author
Business Settlements 1.9 (Standalone) - Tamayo831
Supported Mods that don't need a patch
While these mods do not require a Patch to use SKE they may place items in the vanilla menus.
Advanced Settlement Turret Set - ccmads
Crafting Fury 9000 GTX - Elianora
Conduits and Pylons Various Wireless Power Ranges
Just some Curtains and Rods - friffy
Movable Power Armor - Kentington Download - Movable Power Armor 1.0 - No Category
NX Pro Farming - Nephatrine Author has Hidden - Working on large update/rewrite
Settlement Supplies Expanded maintained by Ethreon - originally by Troy Irving
Stackable Brick Walls and Foundations - mm137
Where Did I Put That?
Compatible mods that add menus with scripts
Improper installation or uninstallation will result in permanent menu loss and the changes will be reflected in your save game. Follow all authors instructions as I cannot help you if a script has damaged your Settlement menu.
Art Connoisseur Stations - Zoran
Better Stores - blazeda59 - Not available for now
Buildable Burning Campfires and Fireplaces - Necrocytosis and steve40
Build your own Vault
Functional Displays - Display your collection - SecretAgent99
Homemaker - NovaCoru - Only 1.50 or higher uses a scripted menu
Invisible Furniture - Akarnan
Settlement Objects Expansion Pack - ccmads
Snap'n Build - ad3d0
-- Note if your structures menu is gone because you disabled SNB without using the Holotape, you need to use the Lost Structures category fix
Standalone Atom Bomb Pinups Paintings - Zoran
Great Mods that alter Vanilla menus:
The following mods alter settlement menus directly and may need menu patches.
Robot Home Defense
Incompatible Mods & Patches
The listed mods when used together will cause conflicts between themselves.
Minutemen Overhaul 2.0 <<<>>> General of the Army 1.0.1
SKE Translations
In Italiano: Settlement Keywords Expanded ITA
Unsupported Modifications
**This is subject to change and I get lazy updating things often ;)**
NOTE: Authors can release SKE Patches with FO4Edit.
Incompatible With
- Any mod that changes the Settlement Menus
NOTE: Patches can be made to use this framework with FO4Edit.
Files that should be removed from your load order when using SKE
I provide working fixes for the Settlement menus and some popular mods. However, I have not provided fixes for every settlement mod on the nexus. Some mods like Business Settlements have provided SK patches that could still work depending on what the author changed.
For the most part though, if I have offered a fix in the download section then you shouldn't need compatibility patches and they may undue what I fixed. Below is a list of mods that you should remove from your load order.
**This is subject to change and I get lazy updating things often ;) Use common sense please!**
Simple Bug Fixes.esp
Robot Home Defence - Settlement Keywords.esp
Snap'n Build - Bunker.esp
Snap'n Build - Capsule.esp
Snap'n Build - Greenhouse.esp
Snap'n Build - Industrial.esp
Snap'n Build - Patches_HMM.esp
Snap'n Build - Patches_SK.esp
Snap'n Build - Real Estate.esp
Snap'N Build - Patches.esp
Homemaker patches are no longer provided because of Homemaker 1.50 or higher.
Homemaker - Bunker Disabler SK.esp <- Incompatible with SKE because it's for the old SK
Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp
Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler SK.esp <- Incompatible with SKE because it's for the old SK
Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler SK.esp <- Incompatible with SKE because it's for the old SK
Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp
Homemaker - SK Integration Patch.esp
Homemaker - SKE Integration Patch.esp
Homemaker - SSEx Compatibility Patch.esp
Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SK.esp <- Incompatible with SKE because it's for the old SK
Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
Load Order
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
<< ESM files that doesn't alter Settlements >>
Robot Home Defence.esm
Snap'n Build.esm
<< Any other ESM that alters Settlements >>
<< Any ESP that alters Settlements >>
Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp
Friffy_Fixed Curtains.esp
Business Settlements.esp
<< Any other ESP >>
Stuyk and StuykGaming
If you would like to take over this project, for I have become consumed by Black Desert Online. Please feel free to do so, you can even post a
new mod file. I'll link it via Description.
Thanks to Stuyk for making this available to be updated by others.
smkviper's Comment

Special thanks
Thanks to Ethreon for new SKE icon. It is greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all who have contributed to the discussion on how to expand the menu options. These contributors include, Ethreon, Gruffydd,
VIitS, Gambit77, Wolftech, and RustyXXL. I could not have made this without their feedback.
Other thanks goes to eldiabs, and jsxaraan for reminding me that not every system works for everyone. I value their input and will try to utilize some of their ideas for future versions.