About this mod

"Uhhh fire those retro rockets. Shoot the fruiton torpedoes. And like uhh make us go that way."

- Captain Jean Fluc Butthead U.S.S Enterprise

Permissions and credits
Now you can pretend to be your favorite Star Trek captain with this settlement blueprint, because why the hell should the BOS have the only airship in town, the smug bastards. The ship is heavily inspired by the original series U.S.S Enterprise with hints from the NX-01 Enterprise from Star Trek Enterprise, and the Airship Enterprise comic (A steampunk version of Star Trek). the ship is set up to be more a player home then an actual settlement but could easily be modified to be a fully functional settlement.

All the mods listed are in the requirements section minus the following two

Arcade Workshop Pack 
Home Decor Workshop Pack 

Both are Creation Club mods and not required if you don't have them.

The location of the ship and where to place the workbench are shown in the pics above.

Red shirts, a drunken Scottish engineer, and over acting sold  separately.