About this mod
Entirely remade patch that fixes bugs and fixes/restores cut content.
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Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch
French Version
Fallout 3 Setup Advice (Outdated)
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This mod fixes in game errors and bugs in Fallout 3 + all DLCs. It's designed to also optimize FO3 with decompression for better performance. Cut content is reviewed/restored only if fixable and able to blend into the game perfectly. Think of this patch as it finishes coding the game since FO3 is a very unfinished game.
Bug Reports
If you post a bug in the comments thread here, please follow the sticky posts at the top. If you want to talk to me about bugs, I'm on discord. hairylegs222#7285.
Other Thoughts
Before releasing v3.0 I backported Tale Of Two Wastelands fixes from scratch and revised everything v2.3.2 of this patch in comparison and tested everything I could think of along with some testers. Went through all the reported bugs in the bugs tab. Lots of help from Roy (former TTW project lead) and endless hours of work from the Tale Of Two Wastelands team. Please go there when you have a chance and thank them for all the work they did. I personally no longer experience any crashes anymore. This is extremely impressive compared from when I used to play FO3 encountering crashes constantly. Please enjoy and be fortunate of everything that's put into this.
Important Note: Please do not edit the Fallout 3 + DLC ESM files and do not edit this patch or you're asking for things to break in your game. This is only designed for the English version of the game.
Highly Recommended Mods You Should Install
- NVAC (Put the nvac.dll inside your Fallout 3/Data/FOSE/Plugins folder)
- LStewieAL's Tweaks
- ActorCause Save Bloat Fix
- FO3 BSA Decompressor
- Zlib Updated - FOSE
- Viewmodel Shading Fix - FOSE
- Sunlight Fix - FOSE
- Vanilla UI Plus
- Visual Objectives
- One Tweak but Updated
- Goodies :)
Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm is around 55,000 records. Which means this patch touches A LOT of the coding because Fallout 3 is a very buggy game. One of the buggiest games I've ever seen. That being said, running other mods alongside this patch will massively conflict with each other. If you want other mods to run correctly alongside this patch then I highly recommend you open FO3Edit, right click on the left side, apply filter to show conflicts. Solving those conflicts are the way to go.
Checking In Game If UUF3P Is Running
- Either load a Save or Start a New Game (not from the Main Menu)
- Go into console pressing `
- Type GetQuestRunning UUF3PGenericHandlerQuest
- Hit enter and it should return 1 indicating the UUF3P quest is running
- English Fallout 3 Game Of The Year Edition or v1.7.0.3 or higher
- Anchorage
- The Pitt
- Broken Steel
- Point Lookout
- Zeta
- FOSE v1.3 beta2
- Command Extender
- ButcherPete FOSE
- Unofficial Fallout 3 ESM Patcher (Not 100% required but is designed towards it)
- Make sure your FO3 is fully installed
- Click Play so it can detect your video hardware and it will automatically create ini files for you located in Documents/My Games/Fallout3
- Click Ok to both popup messages
- Go to Options and configure your settings the way you want them
- When you're done with your settings click Ok so it will save and exit out of that window
- Then click Play (starting the game once will automatically create more files for you in Documents/My Games/Fallout3)
- Exit the game when you get to the main menu
- Uninstall any error-fixing mods that are already included in this patch
- Uninstall the original Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch by Quazzy and any prior version of this mod if present
- Install Unofficial Fallout 3 ESM Patcher
- Download Fallout Anniversary Patcher and inside its zip file, extract all files into your Fallout 3 folder where your Fallout3.exe is located
- Open Patcher.exe in your Fallout 3 folder, follow its instructions, and wait until it says it's finished, then exit the window
- Download FOSE and inside it's zip file, extract all those files to your Fallout 3 folder where your Fallout3.exe is located
- Download Command Extender and inside its zip file, put the fose folder into your Fallout 3/Data folder
- Download ButcherPete FOSE and inside its zip file, put the fose folder into your Fallout 3/Data folder
- Install a mod manager (Mod Organizer 2 Preferably)
- ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated is required for this patch to work. It can be set in mod managers for your Fallout 3 game
- Download the Main download in the Files section for this mod and use your Mod Manager to install the FOMOD installation
- Before launching the game, make sure your load order in your mod manager is in the load order below
- Make sure your load order has all check marks next to each esm file
- Launch the game from your mod manager using Fallout3.exe, NOT fose_loader.exe
- Start a new game! If you disregard this step and load a current game that never had this patch running on it, expect game breaking bugs to occur
- 00 - Fallout3.esm
- 01 - Anchorage.esm
- 02 - ThePitt.esm
- 03 - BrokenSteel.esm
- 04 - PointLookout.esm
- 05 - Zeta.esm
- 06 - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
- Use your Mod Manager to uninstall
- Sometimes the main menu music continues to play loading your savegame. Loading a new cell that has assigned music fixes it
- NPC's weapons floating near or on their hands. Only 2 ways I could figure out what helps with this. Best way to fix this is to save then load your save. Another way is to go into console, click on the npc, type resurrect and hit enter
- Murder reaction dialogue for girl or guy (game engine doesn't detect correctly whether player killed a man or woman)
- Attack loop sounds from Miniguns, Gatling Lasers, Sentry Bot's, etc sometimes keep going when not firing. Best way to fix this is to save then load your save
- Certain angles a black square appears on certain surfaces
- After looting helmets/masks from decapitated npcs their helmets/masks stay on their heads
- NPC's hands sometimes appear very large. Best way to fix this is to save then load your save
- Armor effects double for your followers when doing the "Let's trade equipment" towards the same armor they have equipped. Fast traveling also doubles their armor effects. Entering different cells will remove the added bugged effects until they're back to normal
- Multi projectile critical damage in VATS isn't accurate
- Windowed mode can cause the in game menu brightness settings to not change no matter what setting they're at
- Fixed/Removed Mabel Henderson's death script changes (unnecessary and fixes a crash)
- Fixed Project Impurity Quest to complete when inserting the virus and the player doesn't activate the purifier (SetStage in the wrong spot to account for it)
- Moved Grey Matters and Mirelurk Ecology perk restorations over to Goodies mod
- Fixed Anchorage NPCs to be disabled when entering the tent
- Fixed Megaton NPCs to not get stuck underneath the Atom building (disabled unnecessary NavMesh island)
- Fixed/Moved a Gary's Galley table set away from the wall that prevents NPCs from getting stuck trying to walk in between the chairs and wall (markers around it also moved and updated NavMesh)
- Fixed Navmesh in the Weatherly Hotel (NPCs walking into chairs and the left side of the door. NavMesh Triangles under the chair and the bench next to the door)
- Removed all package flags that lock/unlock doors at location and lock/unlock doors at package start/end (unreliable)
- Removed all door edits/scripts that did nothing (Either weren't owned or never get locked)
- Removed all door edits/scripts that didn't need to clear ownership (For example Andale Smith's basement should stay owned)
- Re-implemented all door locking/unlocking/ownership scripts throughout the game to be in dialogue, quests, door scripts, etc
- Fixed all door locking scripts to do a level lock amount different per door
- Fixed all companions to have 100% condition armor/weapons (inconsistent with other gear)
- Fixed the player being unable to interrupt/break Butch during when Wally tells Butch he isn't in charge of the Tunnel Snakes
- Fixed and rewrote the Megaton/Tenpenny player home theme scripts. Decreased the scripts, stripped all the unnecessary DoOnce, and fixed the theme ImageSpaces to stay applied, even when saving, exiting game, loading save (works in conjunction with the latest version of ButcherPete)
- Fixed Doc Church to greet the player every time entering his clinic (wrong type of package used)
- Fixed the Rivet City Security hello line "This place is closing soon. Do your business and get out." to be said only during 8pm, not also at 9pm
- Fixed/Restored Confessor Cromwell to do 4hr sermons inside the Church (unused routine, needed fixes, and some scripting)
- Fixed Confessor Cromwell to always be looking forward during his Sermons
- Fixed Nathan's routine around Moriarty's Saloon to be at 6am for 12hrs (no time was set)
- Fixed Knick Knack to be standing on the cinder blocks in his shop
- Fixed Knick Knack to not be stuck trying to switch to his shop routine (standing there twitching)
- Fixed Knick Knack's dialogue routine to Knock Knock to be 2hrs long (was 0 before)
- Fixed Megaton Settler gift giver to not be interrupted by hello dialogue
- Fixed Nova's dialogue routines towards Billy, Jericho, Moriarty, and Nathan to only occur when the player is in the same cell as her and to not be interrupted by hello dialogue
- Changed UUF3P's generic handler quest delay to default so it's running less often (No longer need it running as often, stripped it, and only contains FOSE, Command Extender, and ButcherPete checks)
- Fixed all inconsistent naming of Enclave Mister Gutsy', Enclave Protectrons, Enclave Robobrains, Enclave Sentry Bots, Outcast Protectrons, Outcast Robobrains, and Outcast Sentry Bots
- Fixed/Repositioned a clock in the wall in the Gold Ribbon Grocers
- Fixed/Repositioned a light and a light activator that was in the ceiling in the Broken Bow
- Fixed/Repositioned Armitage's starting marker to be within NavMesh bounds
- Fixed/Repositioned many objects at the Northwest Seneca Station Enclave camp (FFEnclaveCamp06)
- Fixed/Repositioned many graffiti that was flickering
- Fixed/Repositioned 2 floating papers in Turtledove Detention Camp Administration
- Fixed/Repositioned 2 unreachable Alien Power Cells in the Zeta Robot Assembly
- Fixed/Repositioned 3 unreachable Microfusion Cells in the Underground Lab
- Fixed/Repositioned a lamp clipping into a desk in a Point Lookout shack
- Fixed/Repositioned a door in Arlington
- Fixed/Repositioned a rubble pile that was clipping into the bridge ramp above it
- Fixed/Disabled a lean marker inside the Outcast Outpost that was owned by Moriarty
- Fixed/Improved Regulator's AI that are inside The Regulator HQ (not engaging in combat outside and saying hello dialogue)
- Fixed the Aqua Pura Water Beggar dialogue choice to give Aqua Pura and not Purified Water
- Fixed the "All I have is irradiated water." Water Beggar dialogue choice to also account towards the player having Aqua Cura
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Sure, I can spare some water. <Give 1 water.>" towards Ben Canning to check/give Purified Water first and Unpurified Water 2nd if the player doesn't have Purified Water, not the other way around
- Fixed/Added the dialogue choice "Sure, I can spare some Aqua water. <Give 1 water.>" towards Ben Canning to account towards having Aqua Pura and Aqua Cura
- Fixed the Pitt Wasteland train area slavers to not go hostile towards the player after completing the main mission (player becomes part of the Brotherhood Of Steel faction and the BOS are enemies to slavers)
- Fixed Republic Of Dave map marker to not cause the player to be looking at the ground upon fast traveling to it
- Fixed Tenpenny Tower Ghoul Encounter to be active at stage 200 and greater
- Fixed 5 turrets in the Archival Secure Wing East to not attack the other robots (created new ones being on the same faction)
- Fixed Rivet City Armory's turret to wake up properly after the door is unlocked in front of it
- Fixed the flickering textures on the citadel courtyard model
- Fixed 3 dead Ghoul Wastelanders that were floating high above ground
- Fixed an Enclave camp flamer NPC to have negative karma
- Fixed the whole Millicent Wellington scene of her killing her husband and Susan to play out smoothly (re-arranged package scripts)
- Fixed a radio tower LOD + regenerated LODs
- Fixed the very hard locked terminal in the Wheaton Armory terminal to not cause all terminal's text to turn white on your currently loaded game
- Fixed the Lincoln Memorial Poster to not be a quest item if the player still has it after completing Head of State quest
- Removed the restored Notice From Winthrop note from dialogue and placed it on an Underworld wall instead
- Fixed the player that says "I don't need a reward. I couldn't sleep at night knowing you could all die." to Lucas Simms that was missing giving the player a picture of the bomb and does the give animation
- Fixed Jenny Stahl to have an alternate line towards "Sorry, hon. The noodle stand is closed. If you want something, ask Leo in the restaurant." to account for if Leo is dead
- Fixed an encounter between the Outcast and Enclave trainees north of the Nuka-Cola Factory that wouldn't trigger
- Fixed T-51b PA Helmet's eye slit + Winterized as well
- Fixed Sydney to show up for the random encounter when she attacks the player
- Fixed an enclave soldier's AI to be very aggressive (Enclave3MissileAAFTEMPLATE)
- Fixed missing textures for 2 Brokensteel rubble piles
- Fixed a locker that wasn't owned by Abraham Washington
- Fixed the Ticket booth awning at Vernon Square Station that was upside down
- Fixed highway raider outpost from not spawning near Temple of the Union
- Fixed multiple train track wonky textures
- Fixed Pre-War Spring Outfit's dropped world model (invisible on Tenpenny Tower shelves)
- Fixed Oasis' music type
- Included fixes that includes invisible walls to Takoma Park Crater, repositioned statics, missing black planes, Radscorpion dismemberment fixes (Thanks to Roy)
- Fixed/Removed switchblade and police baton models (I missed removing them from TTW)
- Fixed a Wasteland tree LOD + regenerated LODs
- Fixed the plastic surgery facial reconstruction screen model
- Fixed all NPC's forced dialogue to account for if their target is dead or not
- Fixed all scripts and conditions towards locked doors to account for being broken
- Fixed 2 train track models having wonky texture issues
- Fixed/Reverted Rivet City doors having "ignored by sandbox" that caused NPCs with sandbox routines to be stuck
- Fixed Angela and Gary Staley to ask Rivet City residents to take their orders once per meal time
- Fixed Angela to say "I'll be right with you." when the player is within Gary's Galley radius
- Fixed Angela to still offer services when eating at Gary's Galley
- Fixed Gary Staley to say "Have a seat anywhere. Someone will be with you in a minute." when the player is within the Gary's Galley radius
- Fixed Angela and Gary Staley's serving times, and to be unlimited for each meal (no need when they're active towards the NPC's eating times)
- Fixed Angela, Gary Staley, Brock, Belle, Mister Buckingham, and Vera Weatherly to only serve NPCs when the player is in the same cell
- Fixed Shrapnel to say "Hey, girlie. This ain't a god damn dress shop. There's nothing in here you oughta be buyin'." when Angela Staley is within Shrapnel's store radius and she's currently on a break from work
- Fixed Tammy Hargrave to say "James? Who knows where that little shit has run off to. Mind your own business, Brock. I'm going to get a drink." to Brock when James isn't in the same cell as her
- Fixed Father Clifford and Diego to start their preaching dialogue when at the podium (half the time was standing there not talking)
- Fixed Father Clifford and Diego to not have a difficult time getting to the preach target and they won't get stuck trying to get off of the walkway after the sermon from removing the walkway underneath the Rivet City Church podium
- Fixed Father Clifford and Diego to stop saying the preach dialogue when their preach package expires (church sermon ended)
- Fixed Father Clifford and Diego to be always looking forward when preaching
- Fixed Father Clifford and Diego to be uninterrupted by hello dialogue during their preaching
- Fixed Rivet City, Megaton residents, and Euology Jones to not get stuck trying to complete routines when the player isn't in the same cell as them (Adjusted AI)
- Fixed the AntAgonizer, Behemoth Achievement, Brokensteel President Metro, Brother Gerard, Alien Non Hostile, Doctor Lesko, Garza, Mabel Henderson, Mechanist, Mister Burke, Wasteland Survival Guide Mirelurk quest, Those Queen Ant quest, Arefu, The Family, Tenpenny Tower Feral Ghoul attack, and Reilly's Rangers quest scripts to account for if the player's teammate/follower does the killing blow
- Fixed the Metro Protectron and Super Mutants in the Dupont Circle Station to stop talking to each other if one of them dies during their conversation
- Fixed Butch, Christine, Old Lady Palmer, Paul Hannon, Stevie Mack, Susie, and Wally Mack to be seated uninterrupted by hello dialogue at the Vault 101 Bday party
- Fixed Butch to get up out of his seat to confront the player when wanting the sweetroll
- Fixed Paul Hannon to follow Butch when he confronts the player, and will go into combat with him if the player makes Butch mad (incorrect package type)
- Fixed Stanley to not sit too early at the bday party
- Fixed Stanley to be included in the Growing Up Fast quest script to look at the player when everyone else does
- Fixed all eat routines to allow searching for food if they don't have any
- Fixed the Andale residents to have conversations to each other (Adjusted AI)
- Fixed all NPC forced dialogue to be uninterrupted by hello dialogue (Adjusted AI)
- Fixed Red to offer services while sleeping (she offers services whenever in the clinic, and that's where she sleeps)
- Fixed when Cherry steals Dukov's key to be uninterrupted by hello dialogue (Adjusted AI)
- Fixed Citadel Lyons, Scribes, Knights, and Paladins to have random conversations with each other during all routines (Adjusted AI)
- Fixed Underworld residents to have random conversations with each other during all routines (Adjusted AI)
- Fixed Roy Phillips, Bessie, and Michael to have random conversations with each other during all routines (Adjusted AI)
- Fixed American Captives, injured limping Americans, posing for picture Americans, and American War Correspondent to head for inside the Command Tent and get disabled (before they would stop at the Command Tent's entrance and stay there)
- Removed Rivet City EVP scripts from Generic Handler script (no longer needed)
- Fixed all actors to update more frequently (this also fixes dead bodies that wouldn't appear)
- Removed leftover TTW animation files (oops)
- LOD fixes + Regenerated LODs
- Fixed silent Feral Ghoul animation sounds
- Fixed incorrect dialogue line from Dad after Tranquility Lane
- Fixed Tripwires, bear traps, and pressure plates not working right (my bad)
- Fixed visual glitch with XP UI (fonts folder snuck in there)
- Fixed/Re-implemented all of Rivet City's extra flavor dialogue lines residents say at the beginning or end of their routines (going to bed, bar, work, etc). This made some NPC scripts not needed anymore. Fixed many incorrect lines being triggered or at the wrong times. Made all necessary lines to be specific (saying to someone, if they're alive, near them). Restored some lines as well
- Fixed Father Clifford to still preach after Diego and Angela get married
- Fixed the Rivet City wedding to not break if Angela's "wait to walk down the isle" expired before she got there
- Fixed the Rivet City wedding to not be at a standstill when Angela is supposed to walk down the isle
- Fixed the Rivet City wedding residents to have infinite time to show up for the wedding
- Fixed/Restored Angela and Diego to sleep in their new bed after getting married
- Fixed/Restored Angela and Diego to sandbox in their new room after getting married (when no other routine is being called)
- Fixed/Removed empty death leveled item lists from Angela Staley, Cindy Cantelli, Flak, Gary Staley, Jenny Stahl, Paulie Cantelli, Shrapnel, and Vera Weatherly
- Fixed/Added Gob to say "For you, a discount" to the player if Moriarty is dead
- Fixed/Added Fawkes to say "We both know you're here to obtain the G.E.C.K. Now, follow me. I'll retrieve the G.E.C.K. for you." if the player hasn't made a bargain with him yet (his line saying "now my part of the bargain" when no bargain was struck made no sense)
- Fixed Sid and Centaurs in Vault 87 observation cells to not be hostile only until their own cell doors have been unlocked
- Fixed Sid to not be in the Centaur faction so Centaurs and Super Mutants will attack him after he's released
- Fixed the named order of the Observation cell terminals
- Fixed Free Labor quest markers to show the full path of where to go for each objective
- Fixed a crash when the player fast traveled from Vault 101 to Springvale Elementary
- Fixed a crash when Tobar entered the Ferry cabin when the player returned from PL
- Fixed Tobar's Wasteland Ferry sandbox routine
- Fixed the PL Ferry area Mirelurks to not respawn and resurrect from the dead (Disabled them)
- Fixed the PL ferry boat cutscene to no longer bug out (Player stood there with controls disabled until the timer ran out)
- Fixed 4 Tenpenny Residents to use the correct templates
- Fixed 3 Tenpenny Resident Template type NPCs to be actual templates
- Fixed 4 Tenpenny Resident Template type NPCs to not be used as the spawned NPC (inconsistent and template NPCs shouldn't be used as the spawned NPC)
- Fixed a key's name from "Fuel Stash Conatiner Key" to "Fuel Stash Container Key"
- Fixed Eulogy's upper exterior door to match its interior counterpart
- Fixed Paladin Gunny's sleep routine to sleep in a bed (the only unassigned bed in the citadel)
- Fixed all the Brotherhood dialogue lines when they address each other as sir, sir knight, Paladin, etc
- Improved Anchorage's death effects when they fade away to be faster (no longer uses OnDeath)
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Wait, I meant, um, isn't she cute? Here you go." to close the baby's crib, not open it
- Fixed Silver's side quest dialogue to be unlocked at all times
- Fixed the dialogue choice "I took care of Silver for you." towards Moriarty to be unlocked
- Fixed the dialogue choice "You're lying. The Vault's been sealed for 200 years!" towards Moriarty to not be available if the player already knows they ventured out of the vault from reading the Vault 101 overseer's terminal scouting report
- Fixed the Pitt slaves to not say "Help us" still when the player frees them from the pen in the Wasteland near the cart ride
- Fixed/Restored Jericho's response "I spent a lot of time out there and I've left a lot of ghosts in my path. Some of them, well... they're coming a bit close to catching up to me." to when asking him about the Wasteland
- Fixed/Restored Roy Phillips to say "I had a feeling you'd be coming, deep in my angry bones, I just knew it. We're all set, just get that door open!" to the player when approaching the DCTA Emergency Access Terminal
- Fixed/Restored Roy Phillips to say "Come on kid, get that door open!" randomly to the player when approaching the DCTA Emergency Access Terminal
- Fixed/Restored Roy Phillips to say "I'm counting on you, get that door open!" randomly to the player when approaching the DCTA Emergency Access Terminal
- Fixed/Restored Roy Phillips to say "What's the hold up?" randomly to the player when approaching the DCTA Emergency Access Terminal
- Fixed/Restored Roy Phillips to say "Get this door open already!" randomly to the player when approaching the DCTA Emergency Access Terminal
- Fixed/Repositioned the DCTA Emergency Access Terminal slightly to the right so the quest compass points to it on the correct side of the wall. Not the opposite side of where the Ghouls are waiting
- Fixed/Adjusted the Ghoul's AI that are waiting in the Metro Access & Generator to not become hostile so easily towards the player causing Roy to also be hostile (They still will become hostile if the player gets close enough to them)
- Fixed the Metro Access & Generator Containment Door to only be activated once when unlocked so the player doesn't get negative karma twice when unlocking the door with the terminal and blowing up the transformers
- Fixed the Ammo Press Terminal infinite bug by exiting the terminal when making ammo
- Fixed/Blocked the dead body container cheat at the Pitt front gate
- Fixed the Pitt guards (right after the front gate) to not say you killed his buddies when the player started combat but didn't kill any of them
- Fixed/Restored Mex that was supposed to say "Hold it right there, grinder. Inspection." if the player is wearing slave clothes before forcing a conversation at the Pitt front gate
- Fixed/Restored Mex that was supposed to say "Hold it right there, Waster. Inspection." before forcing a conversation with the player at the Pitt front gate
- Fixed the dialogue choice "How did someone like you get a nickname like Princess?" towards Princess to be only said once (choosing this a 2nd time after asking Sammy about Princess breaks the progression choice)
- Fixed Grandma Sparkles' Shack name to Grandma Sparkle's Shack
- Fixed 2 radiation areas in the last house on the right to be disabled until the Apostles take over that area (was never setup right and for some reason this bug shows up now?)
- Fixed/Moved 2 creature spawns away from Robco so they don't possibly kill Tinker Joe and his robots
- Fixed the Vault Tec Terminal 76 Project Goals
- Fixed a Super Mutant Radscorpion Hunter to have a leveled melee weapon
- Fixed a Super Mutant Radscorpion Hunter to be part of the Super Mutant faction
- Fixed all scripts to account for one hit kills
- Fixed all scripts to account for if a corpse gets shot that the player didn't kill
- Fixed generic disable on next load script (Ash and goo piles use this)
- Fixed Vera's dialogue line "Welcome back, sir." to have an added condition to only trigger when the player is near her hotel
- Fixed Vera's dialogue line "Welcome back, ma'am." to have an added condition to only trigger when the player is near her hotel
- Fixed/Changed "talk to him." to "let me know when you are ready to order." in the dialogue line "Hi. I'm Angela. My dad runs Gary's Galley. If you want anything to eat, talk to him." Didn't make any sense when she takes orders
- Fixed Angela's dialogue line "Hi. I'm Angela. I run Gary's Galley. Let me know when you are ready to order." to have an added condition to only trigger when the player is near their restaurant
- Fixed the turret in the Jefferson Memorial and Gift Shop to be friendly to Super Mutants (requires a new game for this to take effect)
- Fixed Warrington Station's exterior chain gate to switch to its unlocked model after it's unlocked
- Fixed a dialogue choice with Old Man Harris to show the proper choice depending on if the player talked to the other Andale residents or not
- Fixed Ian and Arefu to not go hostile, and not fail the quest unexpectedly if the player attacked The Family afterwards
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "Look, this place isn't the answer. You need to go home and face your demons." the player says to Ian to be a speech challenge (developers didn't finish setting it up)
- Fixed all dialogue lines that had too many inconsistent periods .... in the entire game
- Fixed Dr Li's dialogue line "I'm unarmed! Don't shoot!" to only be spoken if the hostile target has a firearm out
- Fixed/Changed "am I" to "I'm" text in a Stiggs dialogue line that didn't match the audio
- Fixed/Moved "is" text in a Mother Curie dialogue line that didn't match the audio line
- Fixed/Added in "was" text into an Elder Lyons dialogue line that he said in the audio but was missing from the text
- Fixed/Added in "any" text into a Macready dialogue line that he said in the audio but was missing from the text
- Fixed/Added in "this" text into a Somah dialogue line that she said in the audio but was missing from the text
- Fixed/Cut out "I think" text from a Somah dialogue line since she didn't say it in the audio
- Fixed/Cut out "Can you believe these" from a Brokensteel Megaton Settler dialogue line since one voice type incorrectly said "those"
- Fixed/Cut out "in that alley in Chevy Chase" from Sarah Lyon's dialogue line "When I first saw you long ago in that alley in Chevy Chase, I thought you were just some trashy Wastelander. I'm glad I was wrong." to account for if the player skipped going to Chevy Chase
- Fixed all inconsistent spellings of "ghoul" to "Ghoul"
- Fixed all inconsistent spellings of "muties" to "Muties"
- Fixed all inconsistent spellings of "super mutant" to "Super Mutant"
- Reverted back all unnecessary weight changes to items
- Fixed/Reverted back the Lucky 8 Ball to give a permanent Luck increase while in the player's inventory rather then a (1)+ to Luck
- Fixed/Reverted back the Plasma Rifle mesh
- Fixed/Reverted back Robot limb FX mesh
- Fixed player's random death dialogue lines (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed 2 Nurse Graves dialogue greeting lines to be spoken at anytime and not only during the Reilly's Rangers quest (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed 2 Doctor Barrows dialogue greeting lines to be spoken at anytime and not only during the Reilly's Rangers quest (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed/Added Nurse Graves into the NPC Underworld Resident Form ID list (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Sergeant Benjamin Montgomery to not possibly follow the player outside of the Anchorage simulation. In TTW this was a problem and wouldn't hurt to apply it here too (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all "prewar" typos that should be "Pre-War" (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Mr Handy robot named Andy animation flags to add flies to not set off mines or traps (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Guardian Drone's animation flags to add flies to not set off mines or traps (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all dog's animation flags to add swims (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed a chair in Bailey's Crossroads to be static so the player won't get stuck in it (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed some start combat dialogue lines for Vault 108 Gary NPCs, Chinese soldiers, slavers, raiders, Big Town residents, and the Brotherhood NPCs (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Jabsco so if you instantly kill him he actually drops his knife now (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed/Restored a Doctor Li dialogue line that she's shocked to see the player if the player rescues Dad but he isn't at Rivet City yet (A script was moving him there immediately and blocking it) (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Colonel Autumn to interrupt the conversation between Doctor Li and Dad so they aren't standing there for a minute straight without saying anything (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the enclave vertibird landing scene lines that James (Dad) says through the loud speakers when the player is inside the Jefferson Memorial pipe (Thanks to Kazo TTW)
- Fixed so the player doesn't have to wait so long for Dad to start talking when the player turns the valve at Project Purity (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed George in Tranquility Lane to greet the player consistently when the player enters it (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the Chinese Stealth Armor to be voice modulated (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Dad's 21:6 line to be said once (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed some XMarkerHeadings in Cliffside Cavern stuck in the walls that were stopping raiders patrolling properly (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all head gear to not have "Hair" and "Hat" flags on at the same time to prevent hair from sticking out of them (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all bear traps, pressure plates, and tripwires to not be set off by their owners (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all actor's trap and mine ownerships so they don't blow themselves up (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all mine's positions so they don't spaz out. Can be triggered a lot when you quicksave and quickload (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Added hundreds of meshes + texture fixes from TTW (Thanks to the TTW team)
- Added TTW - Mothership Zeta Sally Fix by HautdenLukas
- Added Pipboy Fix - Fallout 3 Edition by CuteMurders and Silvie
- Fixed Simone's bed in Simone's Tent to be owned by Simone. Not by Caleb
- Fixed Caleb's bed in Caleb's Tent to be owned by Caleb. Not by Simone
- Fixed Bill's bed in Caleb's Tent to be owned by Bill. Not by the Player
- Fixed Alejandra's Sandbox routine to be inside Caleb's tent. Not in Simone's
- Fixed Caleb's eat and sleep routines to be inside Caleb's Tent. Not in Simone's
- Fixed Simone's eat and sleep routines to be inside Simone's tent. Not in Caleb's
- Fixed Arefu to not go hostile if the player kills The Family (Script mistake my bad)
- Fixed Charon to not constantly be equipping his shotgun after killing his employer
- Fixed the player being unable to accept blowing up Megaton after telling Lucas Simms Burke wants to blow up Megaton
- Included Brotherhood Turrets Hostility Fix by ledzepiv
- Fixed Zeta Cryo Lab pods that wouldn't activate
- Fixed some Zeta archways that wouldn't work
- Fixed the Hit Squad NPCs (Talon and Regulators) to all attack the player if the player attacks them before they engage in dialogue
- Fixed the Hit Squad Regulator NPCs to have the Bounty note and not the other Regulators
- Fixed bearded male NPC's eyebrows (bad edits removed)
- Fixed Project Impurity quest to complete if the player keeps the virus
- Fixed Regulator and Talon Mercs to enable when they're supposed to at the Northwest Seneca and Anacostia Stations (Script error mistake)
- Fixed Moira Brown to stop endlessly force greeting the player at the Megaton Ruins when she's a Ghoul after blowing up Megaton
- Improved scripting towards starting UUF3P's fix quests
- Reverted back Achievement scripts in case something uses it one day (Steam, GOG, etc)
- Removed identical to previous override records to accommodate for ESM Patcher latest version 1.3
- Fixed Sarah, Fawkes, Charon, and RL3 to ignore combat when going to the Project Purity chamber and inputting the code. Remaining enclave soldiers outside the doors can cause them to be stuck in combat mode
- Fixed the Nuclear Anomaly perk to not harm the player and work as intended
- Fixed/Replaced OnLoad script blocks in the entire game with reliable/responsive GameMode script blocks. This should help reduce stutters loading NPCs that did have OnLoad scripting before
- Fixed Abomination, Ants, Bloatfly, Centaur, Brahmin, Deathclaws, Dogs, Feral Ghouls, Mirelurks, Mirelurk Kings, Mole Rats, Queen Ants, RadScorpions, Super Mutant Behemoths, and Yau Guai hurt sounds to no longer overlap their own sounds. Making them regular random dialogue lines instead of sound effects added onto the lines fixed this. Also implemented subtitles (dialogue lines need subtitles to work)
- Fixed all package dialogue types (ensures they will trigger)
- Fixed/Improved both of Sticky's force greets before bringing him to Big Town
- Fixed Michael Masters' greetings in the Warrington Station to say different lines depending on if the player is detected, sneaking, or has a weapon drawn
- Fixed Moriarty's Saloon to be renamed to Gob's Saloon when Moriarty is dead and Gob is alive
- Fixed/Moved all GetInSameCell == 0 NPC script blocks to reliable Quest scripts (For example: When the Antagonizer retires and she doesn't get disabled following her to the Wasteland)
- Fixed settlements missing exterior Default Public Music in Andale, Big Town, Canterbury Commons, Girdershade, Republic of Dave, Rivet City, Temple Of The Union, and Tenpenny Tower
- Fixed quests that had finished objectives marked not completed after completing the quests. Aiding the Outcasts, Not of This World, Project Impurity, Protecting the Water Way, Take it Back, The American Dream, This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough, and Trouble on the Homefront
- Fixed Project Impurity quest to start and objective "Infect the Project Purity water supply... Or not." to be displayed after obtaining the Modified FEV Virus
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest objective "Infect the Project Purity water supply." to be displayed after obtaining the Modified FEV Virus
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest objective "Turn in the FEV virus over to Elder Lyons." to be displayed after obtaining the Modified FEV Virus
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest objective "Turn in the FEV virus over to Elder Lyons." to be completed after giving the Modified FEV Virus to Elder Lyons
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest objective "Infect the Project Purity water supply... Or not." to be completed after giving the Modified FEV Virus to Elder Lyons
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest to be completed after giving the Modified FEV Virus to Elder Lyons
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest objective "Infect the Project Purity water supply." to be completed after inserting the Modified FEV Virus into the Project Purity Auxiliary Filtration Input
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest objective "Infect the Project Purity water supply... Or not." to be completed after inserting the Modified FEV Virus into the Project Purity Auxiliary Filtration Input
- Fixed/Restored Project Impurity quest and objective "Infect the Project Purity water supply... Or not." to be completed if the player didn't give the virus to Elder Lyons and didn't infect the water supply
- Fixed a ladder in Franklin Metro Utility that shouldn't let the player interact with it (Ladder has no portal connected to it)
- Fixed/Re-positioned a plane above a static ladder in Franklin Metro Utility
- Fixed a mismatched door in Chevy Chase
- Fixed Faydra to do a syringe dialogue animation that was missing when saying "Here's a shot for the rads"
- Fixed the player being unable to talk to the Pitt front gate guards before talking to Mex (no dialogue exists for that)
- Fixed Sergeant Daniels and Private Beckett's cryo pods to open (activate) in the Zeta Cryo Lab
- Fixed Elliot to immediately force greet the player after Sergeant Daniels and Private Beckett die
- Fixed one of Dr. Li's routines in the Science Lab after the player sides with Seagrave in the Council side quest
- Fixed 2 typos when Dominic D'Ellsadro and Uncle Roe mention the Mechanists's real name "Wollinski", not "Wollinksi"
- Fixed/Reworked the Paradise Falls Carter head exploding scene when the player 1st arrives at the front entrance. Fixed the dialogue line "Run Sammy, run! We can make it!" to be heard by the player. It triggered too far away to be heard. Scene will trigger close up to hear the lines. Fixed Forty to say "You! Get back here now!" and "You're fuckin' dead, you hear me? Dead!" while Carter is escaping. Fixed Forty to also say "Thought you'd get out of here, did you? You little shit. Get back inside, now." to Sammy after Carter's head explodes. Fixed Sammy and Forty to walk back into PF after Forty says that line to Sammy. Fixed Carter to try to escape even if the PF Residents are hostile towards the player. He was entering into PF breaking the scene when combat was near him
- Fixed the objective "Retrieve the G.E.C.K." in the Finding the Garden of Eden quest
- Fixed the Reilly's Rangers Quest objective "(Optional) Locate the Ranger's ammo crate." target to only show up if the player asks Donovan or Brick "Where can I get some more ammo around here?"
- Fixed/Cut the line "Gonna have to get the code from Butcher though." Brick says since Butcher's line doesn't exist
- Fixed/Cut the line "Ask Butcher for the code though." Donovan says since Butcher's line doesn't exist
- Fixed/Restored 5 hello type dialogue lines Mister Burke says when the player is pointing a weapon at him
- Fixed/Restored 3 hello type dialogue lines Little Lamplight kids say when the player is pointing a weapon at them
- Fixed/Restored the Craterside Supply mercenary to say "I'd put that weapon away if I were you." when the player is pointing a weapon at him
- Fixed when Mister Crowley says "You did me a great favor with those keys. How do you like my new armor? Those keys led me right to it." to not be said once a day so he's not able to say "You stole what was rightfully mine! Get lost." afterwards making no sense
- Fixed in all ways telling Mister Crowley if Ted, Dave, Dukov, or Tenpenny are dead to account for if they're already dead before the quest begins
- Fixed when the player says "Sure. Take it. I don't have any use for it." to Mister Crowley to complete the objectives involving giving him each key
- Fixed when the player says to Mister Crowley about not having any proof yet to be all goodbyes, be specific towards not having each key, and the player can try again with proof talking to him again
- Fixed/Restored Mister Crowley to also obtain the T51b Power Helmet when he gets the T51b Power Armor (developers partially did this but didn't finish)
- Fixed Mister Crowley to not sometimes get stuck trying to obtain the T51b Power Armor when right in front of it (his get PA Helmet package was never ending)
- Fixed the T51b Power Armor stasis field to get disabled after Crowley gets the armor set
- Fixed the T51b Power Armor/Helmet to disable themselves after Crowley gets the armor set
- Fixed Dr Barrows unique healing dialogue lines to use the Doctors quest instead of Reilly's Rangers quest. When Reilly's Rangers quest ends, all associated dialogue will no longer trigger
- Fixed/Cut when Michael Masters says "Still want to live in the past, huh? Well, forget it. Those days are long gone." Unvoiced line that doesn't exist
- Fixed/Cut when Michael Masters says "Yuck, the thought of walking around naked's making me sick." Unvoiced line that doesn't exist
- Fixed/Restored Lydia Montenegro to say "Still want to live in the past, huh? Well, forget it. Those days are long gone." when the player is interested in the Pre-War Theme
- Fixed/Restored Lydia Montenegro to say "Yuck, the thought of walking around naked's making me sick." when the player is interested in the Love Theme
- Fixed when Andy Stahl says "Can't a man eat in peace? Go talk to Jenny or Leo if you need something." only when he's sitting, eating, the player already talked to him, player passed his initial greeting stage, and Jenny/Leo are alive
- Fixed when Andy Stahl says "Look, I need to balance these books. If you'd like to order some food, please talk to Jenny or Leo. " only when he's sitting, working, the player already talked to him, said once a day, player passed his initial greeting stage, and Jenny/Leo are alive
- Fixed when Andy Stahl says "Yep. Still balancing the books. Is there something exciting about watching me? Look: Go talk to Jenny or Leo." only when he's sitting, working, the player already talked to him, fixed its emotion type to anger, player passed his initial greeting stage, and Jenny/Leo are alive
- Fixed when Andy Stahl says "You again. Is there something exciting about watching me? Look: Go talk to Jenny or Leo." only when he's sitting, working, the player already talked to him, player didn't pass his initial greeting stage yet, and Jenny/Leo are alive
- Fixed when Andy Stahl says "Hmm? Oh. I'm afraid I'm quite busy right now. If it's food you're after, talk to Jenny or Leo. Otherwise, I can't help you." only when the player hasn't talked to him yet, player didn't pass his initial greeting stage yet, and Jenny/Leo are alive
- Fixed when Andy Stahl says "You again? Go Bother Jenny or Leo, will ya?" only when the player already talked to him, fixed its emotion type to anger, player didn't pass his initial greeting stage, and Jenny/Leo are alive
- Fixed when Andy Stahl says "Whatever. I need to get back to work." only when he's sitting and working
- Fixed the Taft Tunnel Overflow Door Control Terminal to block the player from using it. If the player used it to unlock the door before Dr Li did, it caused the scientist team to remain in their waiting positions
- Fixed the slaves to stop looking at Ashur and leave after Ashur's speech. They were just standing there looking at Ashur until the player exited the cell and they got disabled
- Fixed the You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head quest Tenpenny dead dialogue choices with Crowley to not have both available at the same time. For example: "Allistair Tenpenny is dead, but not from a shot to the head" "Allistair Tenpenny is already dead". Script error that always caused both to be true
- Fixed/Prevented a save glitch at the Vault 101 Birthday party. If the player saved the game when the Overseer is standing next to Old Lady Palmer and the door he entered from is still open. Loading the save, the door didn't close and remained open. That door is supposed to close and leads to out of bounds
- Fixed the Blood Ties quest objective "Locate the Family." to complete when it's displayed and the player already found The Family
- Fixed Robert's (The Family's front entrance guard) force greet to the player so his AI isn't interrupted by hello lines and fixed his starting location
- Fixed Defender Morgan's force greets to the player starting locations
- Fixed Paradise Falls missing worldspace climate type and corrected its imagespace type with its own PF type
- Fixed Rory to be killed when the player tells him he's on his own (he runs for the exit) and either the player or Rory aren't in the Paradise Falls worldspace
- Fixed Rory to be included being killed with all the other Megaton residents when they're blown up 💥 if he's in Megaton
- Fixed Rory to be killed if he's on his way to Megaton and the player blows up 💥 Megaton
- Fixed Cross' Super Sledge to explode only when hitting enemies (inconsistent with other super sledges)
- Fixed the Cryo Grenade to not Dismember/Explode limbs when hitting enemies (inconsistent with Cryo Mine)
- Fixed the Eyebot's laser weapon to only dismember limbs when hitting enemies (inconsistent with other laser weapons)
- Fixed the Mesmetron weapon to only cause limbs to explode when hitting enemies (inconsistent with Robobrain's Mesmetron and Microwave Emitter)
- Fixed a non-portal door in Mama Dolce's to be inaccessible (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed an extra space in one of Scribe Jameson's dialogue lines (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed asking Scribe Jameson about dogtags so it prevents the player from still asking about them to other Brotherhood members (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed the spelling of all madame to consistently be madam (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed/Unblocked goodbye flags from all the Citadel Brotherhood greetings so the player can ask them about power armour/holotags (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed a missing word in a dialog line about Grayditch (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed Raider friend faction so dogs don't attack Raider Brahmin anymore (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed the sleeping Brotherhood Knights in the Citadel so they respond with the dialogue line of snoring (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed knockdown actor/base/object effects so they have the right flags (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed the Gunny/Initiate conversations in the Citadel so they have a more than a 1/1000 chance of running and fixed the grenade package that was using the wrong dialogue target entirely that was causing it to not work (Thanks to TTW Kazopert)
- Fixed/Improved the entire script for the ending bink videos (Ported from TTW and script originally written by Roy)
- Fixed the Anchorage Chinese soldiers to not attack each other (Bad edit my bad)
- Fixed all incorrect, inconsistent, missing, and double door opening/closing sounds
- Fixed Faydra's dialogue greetings when winning each fight in the arena (this was my bad when I manually ordered all the dialogue by hand)
- Fixed/Improved Vault 112 Robobrain's force greet when it gives the player a vault suit
- Fixed Sticky to go wait for the player outside of the Little Lamplight gate after he says "So, when you're done with those little kids, we can go to Big Town together! I'll wait outside for you." No scripting at all existed for this line
- Fixed Sticky's dialogue line "I'll wait over here for you. When you're done playing with the children we'll go to Big Town." to have audio (I accidentally named this restored line wrong)
- Fixed the Rockwell couple in Tranquility Lane to confront each other and initiate conversations when the player fools them into believing something awful or weird they did. Also adjusted their AI behavior and conditions involved with being across different cells
- Fixed Janet to immediately force greet the player after saying "What's this... Women's clothing? Down here?"
- Decompressed all NPC records in UUF3P esm (Should be less CPU intensive + should help reduce loading times + possibly help reduce stutters in game)
- Adjusted UUF3P esm to the Unofficial Fallout 3 ESM Patcher (This massively reduced its size and record count. The only NavMesh remaining are the Rivet City fixed routes)
- Decompressed/Converted all UUF3P dialogue audio files from ogg to wav (should help with stutters loading dialogue)
- Fixed 2 models that were missing their LODs
- Reverted dead NPCs to not be persistent quest items. Only their placed references need to be persistent
- Renamed/Removed all TTW EditorID names and blended the names into vanilla (coding cosmetics)
- Renamed/Removed all UF3P EditorID names and blended the names into vanilla (coding cosmetics)
- Disabled all those Calvert Mansion planks that sometimes float (they'll be disabled until I figure out why that happens. No one will miss them anyways :D)
- Fixed a turret to account for the player having the Robotics Experts perk inside of the Rivet City Armory
- Fixed/Restored all barter transaction NPC dialogue giving animations
- Fixed/Restored a bunch of dialogue giving/taking animations with Moira during The Wasteland Survival quest
- Fixed the player asking Doctor Lesko "What do you know about Bryan Wilks?" to require talking to Bryan Wilks. Not if the player found his father
- Fixed the player asking Doctor Lesko "What should I do about Bryan Wilks?" to require talking to Bryan Wilks. Not if the player found his father
- Fixed the player asking Doctor Lesko "Can't you take responsibility for his father's death?" to require if the player found his father
- Fixed the player saying to Doctor Lesko "Hey! You're that egghe... I mean scientist the kid was talking about." to only show up when Bryan mentions Doctor Lesko and mentions him being referred to as an egghead
- Fixed/Improved Those! Quest script shortening the block towards the ants being frenzied when the player sends out the pulse through Lesko's terminal (Scripting cosmetics)
- Fixed Scavengers saying to the player "I’m headed to Big Town. There’s good money to be made there. They ordered a ton of supplies, and now that it’s safe, I’m heading up there!" and other similar greetings only when they aren't in Big Town
- Fixed/Improved Calvert Mansion's lighting template
- Fixed/Improved Blackhall Manor's lighting template
- Fixed/Improved La Maison Beauregard Lobby's lighting template and imagespace
- Fixed a toolbox in Lydia Montenegro's shop that was missing ownership
- Fixed 2 wardrobe closets in Anthony Ling's shop that were missing ownership
- Fixed Burke's detonator to get disabled if he's killed before getting to Tenpenny Tower while having the quest objective "Report to Mister Burke in Tenpenny Tower." displayed
- Fixed/Switched positions with 2 bathroom gender signs in the L.O.B. Enterprises East Wing
- Fixed a Citadel smoke trail that was appearing even if you didn't blow up the Citadel yet (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Added all TTW FO3 weapons that contain fixes/optimizations. Thanks to AtomicTEM for removing all the crosshairs and iron sites
- Restored missing NPC giving/taking dialogue animations in the entire game for any type of transactions with the player (please let me know if I missed any). Also they only work for NPCs that are standing
- Fixed dialogue timings of when items are added/removed from the player in the entire game. Or at best improved. Items added/removed in between multiple dialogue lines occur after they're said. This works best for their 1st lines
- Fixed Combat styles, Classes, Ghoul eyes, conditions, and leveled items for NPCs
- Fixed 33 cells that were missing music types. Zeta, dummy, and unused cells don't count
- Fixed all cells that were missing acoustic types (background noise). Zeta, dummy, and unused cells don't count
- Fixed cell ownership issues in Megaton (UUF3P Generic handler script needed adjusting)
- Fixed Old Olney S Wilson Cell Imagespace and Lighting Template
- Fixed 3 Evergreen Mills slaves inside pens to have the correct dialogue responses for when freed and not freed
- Fixed 2 Evergreen Mills slaves inside pens to escape when the gate is unlocked (the other slave doesn't escape and reveals that when talking to him)
- Fixed Fawkes to force greet the player after retrieving the geck
- Fixed the Enclave Officer in Raven Rock that confronts the player when leaving the starting room to flee for many dialogue lines. He was just standing there
- Fixed the Enclave Officer in Raven Rock to force greet the player saying "I guess you'd better be on your way... Sorry for the uhh, for the interruption." after talking to the President
- Fixed Shorty to die when he hasn't been rescued yet and completing Big Trouble In Big Town quest
- Fixed all Talon NPCs to be able to be mezzed (Some were missing the mezzed faction)
- Fixed Overseer's Terminal to not be unlocked before using it
- Fixed the player saying to Fawkes "A friendly Super Mutant. Well, now I've seen everything." to not show up if the player talked to Uncle Leo already
- Fixed the player saying to Uncle Leo "Who are you? I've never met a friendly Super Mutant before." to not show up if the player talked to Fawkes already
- Fixed the player saying to Uncle Leo "Who are you?" to show up if the player talked to Fawkes already
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "Pay? What sort of pay? And what sort of work?" the player says to Moira that was missing the [Karma] brackets
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "It's tempting, but I'll have to pass." the player says to Moira so it accounts for the correct karma amount and was missing the [Karma] brackets
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "Doesn't sound like my style. I'm out." the player says to Moira so it accounts for the correct karma amount and was missing the [Karma] brackets
- Fixed the dialogue line "I really don't want to die down here." Alex Dargon says to the player to only be said inside the Taft tunnels and not in the exterior wasteland
- Fixed 3 hostile dialogue lines involving Silver attacking the player after they're said
- Fixed Dave's kid's dialogue greetings when Dave didn't give an ok to the player yet
- Fixed the Republic of Dave adults to not get stuck after voting
- Fixed/Restored Mary saying "Man, I hate the graveyard shift." at the beginning of her shift at the front gate
- Fixed/Restored 7 dialogue lines Wasteland Hunters say randomly talking about finding Yao Guai
- Fixed/Restored the Megaton Craterside Supply Mercenary saying "I'd put that weapon away if I were you." when the player aims at him
- Fixed/Restored Dukov saying "You're drawing on me, clown shoes? I don't think so!" when the player aims at him and causes him to be hostile
- Fixed/Restored Dukov saying "You're drawing on me, bitch? I don't think so!" when the player aims at him and causes him to be hostile
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "I... uh... only drink for medicinal reasons." to Mother Maya when asking if there's a bar in town
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "I'm actually just looking for some food." to Mother Maya when asking if there's a bar in town
- Fixed/Restored the player asking "Can you help me find something else?" to Mother Maya when asking if there's a bar in town
- Fixed/Restored Mr. Brotch saying "Time for the G.O.A.T. Find a seat and wait for instructions." randomly before taking the test
- Fixed/Restored the player asking the Vault 101 Security Guards "So, who's the Overseer now?" during the Trouble on the Homefront quest
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "Whatever you say." to Bittercup after telling her her name is the dumbest name you ever heard
- Fixed/Restored all of Doctor Barrows unique healing dialogue lines. He was using the wrong lines that the Ghoul wastelander doctors say. Also fixed all the cap amounts to match what he says in the unique lines
- Fixed/Restored the player asking "You don't get a lot of customers, do you?" to Tulip
- Fixed/Restored the player asking the Big Town residents "Who's that guy in the clinic?"
- Fixed/Restored the player asking the Big Town residents "Who's in charge here?"
- Fixed/Restored the player asking the Big Town residents "Who lives here?"
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Red "Maybe I can help him."
- Fixed/Restored sticky to force a conversation by saying "Hey you. Yeah you! Don't bother with the children at Little Lamplight. Let's go to Big Town instead!" to the player after he's rejected being taken to Big Town waiting in front of the Little Lamplight gate
- Fixed/Restored Sticky's goodbye line "I'll wait over here for you. When you're done playing with the children we'll go to Big Town." when he's waiting to be escorted to Big Town
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Pronto "What have you made?" to be available after asking him if he makes a lot of his own stuff
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Pronto "Wow... your own stuff. That's... just stupid. Why take apart good guns?" to be available after asking him if he makes a lot of his own stuff
- Fixed/Restored the last 2 random dialogue lines Clover says to Eulogy Jones when they're randomly having a conversation
- Fixed/Restored/Implemented the player saying to Leroy Walker "How about I buy all the Temple of the Union slaves from you?" and accounted for in the entire quest
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Simone Cameron "I'm an escaped slave. I was told you help runaways like me. <Lie.>" before entering the Temple of The Union
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "Nah. I've got things to do. But thanks for the compliment." to Donovan after saving The Rangers and they returned back to their headquarters
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "That would be great. Maybe I'll speak to Reilly about it." to Donovan after saving The Rangers and they returned back to their headquarters
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "Well, since I saved your ass, shouldn't you be joining me?" to Donovan after saving The Rangers and they returned back to their headquarters
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "Where can I get some more ammo around here?" to Reilly's Rangers while helping them
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "Got anything for these injuries?" to Butcher while helping them
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "Tell me how this all happened." to Butcher
- Fixed/Restored the player saying "Um... no. I've still got more important things to do." to Abraham Washington when still not appecting to help him
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Abraham Washington "So, you really care about these relics?"
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Abraham Washington "Okay pops, just hand over the reward and you can get back to your history books."
- Fixed the player saying to Button Gwinnett "I'm Thomas Jefferson and I've returned to liberate the Declaration." to require being a male character
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Button Gwinnett "I'm an agent of Thomas Jefferson and I've returned to liberate the Declaration." (This requires being a female character by default)
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Knight Captain Dusk "Do you know about the Enclave?"
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Knight Captain Gallows "Yeah, no thanks." when asking for help
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Elder Lyons "I was captured by the Enclave."
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Elder Lyons "I escaped from Raven Rock."
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Elder Lyons "Fine, whatever. Let's get to it."
- Fixed/Restored Sentinel Lyons to randomly say 4 extra dialogue lines when the player is supposed to step into the Purifier but hasn't yet
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Colin Moriarty "Tell me what you know! Tell me everything!" when asking him about Dad
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Mister Burke "Forget I mentioned it" when telling him that Simms wants the player to disarm the bomb
- Fixed/Restored the Tenpenny Security Guard near the front gate to open the gate for the player when directly spoken to with 4 different dialogue responses
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Dr. Li "I've never heard Dad talk about you. Why is that?"
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Dr. Li "Why is my father so determined to work on this project again?" when asking about Project Purity
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Dr. Li "Why wouldn't you help him when he came to you?" when asking about Project Purity
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Dad "Okay. I'll be back soon." when he asks the player to kill everything remaining inside the Memorial
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Fawkes "Yikes! I'd say whoever beat you with the ugly stick overdid it." inside Vault 87 Test Labs
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Daniel Agincourt "Where can I find the fuse box?"
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Daniel Agincourt "Where are the flood control pumps?"
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Alex Dargon "Where are the flood control pumps?"
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to President Eden "I'd like to ask you a few questions."
- Fixed/Restored the player asking President Eden "Can we talk about how I get out of here?"
- Fixed/Restored the player asking the Enclave Officer "Who the hell are you?" that notices when the player leaves his holding cell inside Raven Rock
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Initiate Pek "Mock you? I'd rather kill you."
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Rivet City Residents "Where can I find Ted Strayer?" during the You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head quest
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to James Hargrave "You're too chicken to run away." with 3 different random responses when he's provoked to run away
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Sierra Petrovita "Yoo-hoo! Anyone home?" when she keeps talking about Ronald
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Moira Brown "Hold on. I need to know more before I agree to anything."
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Moira Brown "Wait. How? I mean, how many people even read anymore?"
- Fixed/Restored Moira Brown saying "Hey, now. That's my stuff. If you want something, you gotta buy it." when the player looks at something owned by her that's locked
- Fixed/Restored Moira Brown saying "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hands off the goods." when the player looks at something owned by her that's locked
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to the Talking Tree Harold "They're worshipping a tree? Ha ha ha!"
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Sapling Yew "Did you know your god wants to die?"
- Fixed/Restored Vault 112 Robots to say "Hostilities will not be tolerated." when attacking them
- Fixed/Restored Vault 112 Robots to say 2 dialogue lines when the player tries to use an occupied Tranquility Lounger pod
- Fixed the message "This Tranquility Lounger is occupied." to appear when the player tries to use an occupied Tranquility Lounger pod
- Fixed the message "You are no longer authorized to use the Tranquility Loungers." to appear when the player tries to use a Tranquility Lounger pod after completing the Tranquility Lane quest
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Betty "Sure did. And now you're all alone." after triggering the Vault 112 simulation failsafe
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Old Lady Dithers "Sure, sure. I'm working on it. Really." when talking about the Vault 112 simulation failsafe
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Janet Rockwell "It's your basement, lady. You tell me." when she discovers someone else's undies
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Timmy Neusbaum "I've got a game you can play. It's called Hide and Go Fuck Yourself."
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to the main Pitt NPCs "Tell me about The Pitt."
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Midea "So, what's the catch?" when talking about collecting steel ingots
- Fixed/Restored Raiders saying to Werhner "Go! Get him! Get the traitor!" when starting to attack him near a tower in the Wasteland
- Fixed/Restored Sandra saying "Now, stay still while mommy takes a few readings. Don't worry, dear, you're perfectly safe!" while she randomly takes notes in front of her crib
- Fixed/Restored the player asking Catherine "So, what's the catch?" when talking about helping finding her daughter
- Fixed/Restored the dialogue line "That's enough. McGraw's in charge, so we follow his orders, no matter how much we don't like it." at the end of the conversation the player hears while going down the Anchorage elevator for the 1st time
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Protector McGraw "First let's talk about what I get out of this." before entering the simulation
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Protector McGraw "Maybe I should just be going." before entering the simulation
- Restored cut words "Please! Don't shoot!" into one of Stiggs greeting lines
- Restored cut words "What is that?? What the hell is going on?" into one of Paladin Tristan's greeting lines after seeing Prime destroyed
- Fixed/Restored extra dialogue lines involved with the conversation between 2 NPCs in front of Megaton about the water beggar dying due to drinking Aqua Cura
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Obadiah Blackhall "What are you talking about?" when he mentions death is involved
- Fixed/Restored a luck dialogue choice "I think it would be good for the Republic, Mister President." towards Dave when trying to obtain Dave's special key
- Fixed/Restored the player saying to Jack Smith "The families around here seem very close." with 2 cut topics attached to it when the player learns suspicious relations
- Fixed the dialogue line "All robots! Activate! Destroy Desmond!" the Brain says to trigger when the player betrays the Brain, sides with Desmond, and activates the 1st locked door in the Brain's Underground Lab
- Fixed the Klaxon alarm glow to not be on too early before the Brain's robots attack the player and Desmond when the 1st locked door is activated in the Brain's Underground Lab
- Fixed the Who Dares Wins quest objective "(Optional) Clear the security breach in the Presidential Metro." to be cleared in every way including killing the Ghouls regardless if the robots are friendly or not, and whether the player helped kill the Ghouls or not while the robots are friendly
- Fixed the Presidential Metro Sentinel Unit to recognize the Ghoul breach is over so it can fix the main power for the subway using the fuse
- Restored Presidential Metro dialogue lines to trigger throughout the Presidential Metro when near the loud speakers
- Fixed the Who Dares Wins scripts to account for if the player's companions/followers have killed the robots and/or Ghouls
- Fixed the Arefu resident scripts to account for if the player's companions/followers killed them
- Fixed the The Family's resident scripts to account for if the player's companions/followers killed them
- Fixed Arefu and The Family to not be hostile towards the player if the player shoots one of their corpses and wasn't killed by the player
- Fixed/Improved the Lincoln Memorial border for if Walker's trust is gained. The Slavers won't confusingly attack the player when following Silas as instructed. The stairs will be the trespass warning that engages unique trespass dialogue. Beyond the stairs will initiate combat being enemies towards the player, including the entire square perimeter around the Memorial
- Fixed the Memorial Slavers to not set off their own tripwire traps
- Fixed the dialogue line "Sure. Silas will tell them you're allowed up there." Leroy Walker says to the player so it shows up when gaining his trust if the player already sells him a lincoln artifact in the 1st conversation
- Fixed Silas to change his routine immediately when gaining Walker's trust. He was standing there gaurding Walker still
- Fixed all the Temple NPCs to prepare for their journey to the Memorial immediately after Hannibal says they will
- Fixed the random Megaton Refugees that attack the player after blowing up Megaton to only be males since no female attack lines exist
- Fixed Amata that wasn't turning in her G.O.A.T exam when the player turned it in before her
- Fixed 2 stools in Vault 101 to be unable to sit on them. They're too close to the wall causing the player to go through the wall and go out of bounds
- Fixed the dialogue greeting line "That fight was impressive. One more to go." conditions Midea says to the player
- Fixed Midea to have an added dialogue line "What do you need? Make it fast." from after winning in the arena up until the player has a chosen path in the Free Labor quest. Her greeting was blank.
- Fixed the Vault 87 fire alarm model's lights to turn on when freeing Fawkes. Only their fake lights were on
- Fixed Lucy West and Lucas Simms to be moved to their original positions if they're stuck up where Stockholm is above the Megaton gate entrance (Script will work any time they're up there)
- Fixed Super Mutant Overlord's talking lip movements, swimming animation, and any other animations that were missing
- Fixed Karl from The Family to sell items only in his store and not Bloodpacks from first aid kits
- Removed mine's impact data sets which fixes being able to place mines silently when the player is hidden. Unfortunately the silent option to impacts made no difference in game and still alerted NPCs near by
- Fixed all LOD models in the entire game that were missing the "Visible When Distant" flag (Thanks Zilav for the XEdit script)
- Fixed a typo in an Underworld load screen
- Fixed Butcher to not give the Ranger Compound Terminal Password note to the player. It specifically says Reilly herself gave it to the player in the note
- Fixed Forty to stay distracted when talking to Eulogy and not have a time limit on the player to go back to Squirrel
- Fixed Crimson and Clover to not initiate broken dialogue conversations with Eulogy outside his pad. They'll only initiate conversations with him inside his pad
- Fixed 4 dialogue lines Eulogy says when doing his rounds outside mentioning "ladies" to only be said when Clover and Crimson are following him
- Fixed 3 random greeting lines Forty says to the player to be goodbyes and not open up dialogue options. There's none left
- Fixed/Restored a bandit ambush at a bridge in Point Lookout. The bridge has "Help Us" painted on the top. It will trigger the NPCs to show up when the player walks through it. Moved 2 of the NPCs so they don't instantly appear in front of the player, but instead they're hiding in the water on both sides. The sniper will appear on the top. Ammo and cinder blocks enabled always on the top
- Fixed/Restored 13 random encounter Enclave NPCs in the Wasteland (Enabled when they show up in the Wasteland during the Waters Of Life quest)
- Fixed/Restored 2 random encounter Talon NPCs in the Wasteland
- Fixed/Restored 2 Raider NPCs in the Evergreen Mills exterior
- Fixed/Restored 2 dogs and 1 Raider NPC that trigger before the player reaches the Pitt main gate involving slaves trying to escape
- Fixed/Restored 2 metro robots to appear inside the Adams AFB Metro Exit
- Fixed/Restored 4 spray jets and 1 mist that blows out of pipes inside the Memorial Sub-Basement
- Fixed/Removed linked Xmarkers to many NPCs that did nothing
- Fixed the Contract Killer perk to not drop ears for essential unconscious NPCs
- Fixed the Lawbringer perk to not drop ears for essential unconscious NPCs
- Fixed the dialogue line "So, Crowley is dead, eh?" Tenpenny says to the player to take priority over most of his other greetings. The Ghouls are attacking greetings still take priority overall
- Fixed the dialogue line "I presume you are still honoring our previous arrangement? I enjoy being alive, at least for the moment." Tenpenny says to the player to not be said when Crowley is dead
- Fixed the dialogue line "I'm mighty appreciative of your straightening things out. Perhaps next time I go on safari I'll take you along." Tenpenny says to the player once to take priority over the line "Hello, hello!" that Tenpenny says once a day to the player
- Fixed the dialogue line "Before we go, there's one last thing." Wernher says to the player before leaving to the Pitt with companions to be said only once
- Fixed the dialogue line "Good! Good... now, come speak with me. We have matters to discuss..." The Brain says to the player to be heard after Desmond has been killed inside the Underground Lab. Brain was too far away from the player to hear it
- Fixed/Improved all enslaves to be moved to the Paradise Falls slave pen when they're not in the same cell as the player (Beth poorly tried to do this)
- Fixed/Improved all non-quest enslaves to be disabled when they're not in the same cell as the player (Beth poorly tried to do this)
- Fixed Grouse to force greet with the correct response to whether the enslave died on the way there or not
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "Can someone in the Citadel train me to wear Power Armor?" the player says to random Citadel NPCs to not appear anymore when the player already has permission from Elder Lyons
- Fixed any related power armor training topics from showing up if the player already has the Power Armor Training perk
- Fixed/Adjusted Dukov, Cherry, and Fantasia's behavior when outside to ignore enemies nearby and combat they're not involved in
- Fixed Mabel Henderson's robot to not stay hostile after switching the robot back to normal on the terminal inside her house
- Fixed the Space Suit to be able to breathe underwater when it's equipped
- Fixed Harkness to be reset by Zimmer after he says the line "A3-21, initialize factory reset, authorization code: Beta, 5, 3, Alpha." and then Harkness says "What?". He'll fall to the ground, go unconscious, then get back up and follow Zimmer
- Fixed the Harkness and Zimmer confrontation distances when the dialogue triggers. Zimmer was talking to Harkness at the bottom of the stairwell lol
- Fixed the Harkness and Zimmer confrontation to not continue if either of them dies so they'll immediately change to another routine
- Fixed/Disabled the player from interrupting the Harkness and Zimmer confrontation, including pickpocketing
- Fixed Harkness to always have his weapon when shooting Zimmer. Safety script in case he has no weapon or ammo
- Fixed/Improved the objective "Visit Rivet City to learn more about the android from the Commonwealth." to have a target inside Rivet City. The target will only display if the player has either discovered the Rivet City map marker, or the Marker is visible on the map, but not fast travel enabled yet. Target won't be visible when inside Rivet City
- Fixed/Restored the prompt "I'm still looking, don't worry. I'll find him." the player says to Zimmer
- Fixed/Restored the prompt "I took a little peek at the files in your computer. Tell me about the android." the player says to Pinkerton. Fixed it to be "Say Once", have custom dialogue choices, fixed the emotion types, adjusted all the conditions, and will complete the objective "Find out what Pinkerton at Rivet City knows about the android."
- Fixed Pinkerton's Private Computer to be "Very Hard" locked difficulty in accordance with the restored dialogue line
- Fixed Lucas Simms to only trigger his dialogue to Burke when near him. Not across the room or very far away in Megaton
- Fixed the vault control panel's lever to go up and down correctly when it activates opening/closing vault doors. Before it teleported the lever each time (Thanks to Asesinamen)
- Fixed the vault control panels on each side of the vault door to be in sync with each other (Thanks to Asesinamen)
- Fixed/Restored the vault door alarm lights when the door is on (Only some vaults have the alarm)
- Fixed/Removed the ability to obtain the Well Rested bonus for 5 beds that aren't player owned (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed a utility door in the National Archives so you can't make it continually spam the same message (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed being able to wait in Eulogy's Pad (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Three Dog's PSA's so it doesn't just play the Ghoul and Raider PSA (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Three Dog's one-time intro when you fix the radio dish so it now plays correctly, also fixed a broken link so his last line plays properly (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed it so you can't trap yourself inside the concrete barriers near Jefferson Memorial (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed NPC karma dialogue lines to only be said to the player and no other NPCs (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed a gap near the warhead crash (Thanks to Roy TTW)
- Ported/Included Laser Pistol 3rd Person Latch animation fix thanks to anonx1987 and AtomicTEM for porting it
- Uncompressed the BSA (possibly helps prevent microstutters with lower end PCs and decreased loading times)
- Removed all TTW weapons that added crosshairs and iron sights
- Added older version TTW weapons that don't add anything but fixes
- Fixed all double space misspellings in the entire game (Thanks Zilav for the XEdit script)
- Removed TTW added EMP damage to Power Armor. FO3 developers only intended robots to get extra damage from it
- Reverted the loading screens back to vanilla so they're not only for specific locations after leaving Vault 101 (From TTW)
- Fixed the player home's imagespace themes to stay. Before it reverted back to default when changing cells
- Fixed Pronto's vendor chest upgrade to add the stimpacks that it originally had before the upgrade (Developers forgot to add it back in)
- Fixed 2 speech check failure lines with MacCready
- Fixed the dialogue line "Moriarty pisses in his still -- crazy bastard thinks it's hilarious. Besides, you'll get your throat cut in that pit. You're much better off here." Andy Stahl says to the player to require him being in The Brass Lantern
- Fixed Silver to only force a dialogue greeting to the player when either the player hasn't talked to Moriarty yet, or the player has and Moriarty asked for a favor. Talking to Moriarty but not asking for a favor will result in no forced greeting and no available topics to appear. No topics exist for Silver in that scenario
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "Yeah? What is it?" Silver says to the player to trigger when the side quest with her isn't active
- Fixed 3 dialogue options the player says to Silver after Moriarty asks for a favor, to require Moriarty asking the player for a favor
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "You don't still offer your... services, do you?" the player says to Silver to require the favor being resolved
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "What will you do now?" the player says to Silver to require the favor being resolved
- Fixed being able to fast travel freely from the The Temple Of The Union after the player tells Hannibal Hamlin to promise to not reveal their location
- Fixed a gate and a door to be unlocked inside the Farragut West Station at the start of The Temple Of The Union journey to the Memorial. They blocked the NPCs path to get there
- Fixed 2 slavers that are killed on purpose when Walker begins traveling to the Temple to be accounted for. Depending on where the player goes, they could easily not get counted as dead in scripting which easily broke the quest
- Fixed the quest Head Of State objective "Kill all the slavers near the Lincoln Memorial." target conditions
- Fixed the quest Head Of State objective "Join Leroy Walker in attacking the Temple of the Union." target conditions
- Fixed Hannibal to not warn/attack the player when in the Temple for no reason. His guard package behavior didn't have the "no warn/attack" behavior flag on
- Fixed Hannibal to switch to his guard package behavior after speaking to the player once and the player didn't promise yet
- Fixed Hannibal to switch to his guard defend package behavior when the slavers are going to attack. Incorrect conditions
- Fixed Silas to be part of the Paradise Falls Slaver Faction like the rest of the Memorial slavers
- Fixed/Added missing scripting for when Walker and his other slavers go back to Paradise Falls. Including PF hostile scripting and adding to the guard count deaths
- Fixed The Temple Of The Union to go hostile towards the player if the player picklocks the front gate before telling Hannibal Hamlin to promise to not reveal their location and doesn't have the key yet
- Fixed The Temple Of The Union to go hostile towards the player if the player enters The Temple Of The Union then escapes before telling Hannibal Hamlin to promise to not reveal their location
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "Not around here, but there is a group of them up north near Old Olney." the player says to Leroy Walker to appear if the player stepped foot inside the Temple Of The Union, hasn't betrayed the Temple yet, and the Temple isn't on their journey yet
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "I'm looking for runaway slaves." the player says to Simone to only appear after agreeing to help Walker find Hannibal. Not if the player talked to Walker once. Also fixed so it sets the player as an enemy towards the Temple, not just starting combat with Simone only
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "Actually, I already know he's up north, near Old Olney." the player says to Leroy Walker to appear if the player entered the Temple, talked to Hannibal, and the Temple hasn't begun their journey yet
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "Maybe. How much is it worth to find these slaves for you?" the player says to Leroy Walker to appear if the player hasn't agreed to find Hannibal yet. Not if Hannibal has asked the player to help or not
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "That's a really stupid idea." choices the player says to Hannibal
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "So the Super Mutants are dead? This is wonderful news!" Hannibal says to the player to always trigger when he asked the player to go to the Memorial and returning back knowing the super mutants are dead
- Fixed the dialogue line "Yeah, I killed them all after telling you not to." Walker says to the player to be a goodbye
- Fixed the dialogue line "That's close enough. What the hell are you doing wandering around here?" Silas says to the player to set the player knowing the super mutants are dead. Obviously talking to the slavers the player knows they're dead and makes sense with the prompts towards Hannibal when returning the news
- Fixed the dialogue line "The slaves know their place now, thanks to you." Walker says to the player to not be a goodbye that blocked topics showing up to sell Lincoln artifacts to him
- Fixed the dialogue line "You have been good to your word. You are welcome at the Temple of the Union anytime." Hannibal says to the player to be a goodbye
- Fixed the dialogue line "Stay sharp. The Wasteland is dangerous." Simone Cameron says to the player to trigger while traveling to the Memorial (incorrect condition)
- Fixed 6 dialogue lines involving Hannibal being informed of what's going on at the Memorial. Including prompts only appearing once telling him the super mutants are dead, soldiers are there, slavers are there, or slavers are dead. New developments can be chosen, but repeating the same news in different ways won't appear since he already knows
- Fixed/Added a new dialogue line to say to Hannibal to account for when the player killed all the Slavers before agreeing to help Hannibal. No choice existed for that circumstance
- Fixed all the Temple Of The Union NPC greetings when they're near the memorial, and they'll only say those lines when all 8 slavers aren't dead yet
- Fixed all the Temple Of The Union NPC greetings when the slavers are near the Temple, and they'll only say those lines when all 8 slavers aren't dead yet (Only 6 show up but the counter in the coding is still 8)
- Fixed all the Temple Of The Union NPC greetings when the player talks to Hannibal once, and before promising to him, to not be goodbyes to unlock a dialogue topic
- Restored/Fixed the dialogue prompt "Hannibal wants me to promise to keep this place safe. Why should I do that?" the player asks to all Temple Of The Union NPCs after talking to Hannibal once and before promising to Hannibal
- Restored/Fixed the dialogue prompt "What's the story with Hannibal?" the player asks to all Temple Of The Union NPCs after promising to Hannibal
- Disabled/Fixed the player being unable to mezz captives. Player can't talk those NPCs and mezzing NPCs requires initiating dialogue
- Prevented the cut content birthday NPCs from not having a chance of appearing in their underwear
- Fixed the dialogue line "Well, I'll be damned... That little so-and-so... why didn't I think of that when I was sixteen?" Mr. Brotch says to himself when seeing Wally's GOAT test to trigger before or after the player turns in his/her test
- Fixed all the Big Town residents to do cheer animations for all their dialogue lines when the player returns Red/Shorty and after the invading super mutants die
- Fixed Kimba and Bittercup to lay mines when the player teaches them how to lay mines. They just stood there doing nothing. Weapon drawn flag on their AI behavior was preventing them to do it
- Fixed all the Big Town residents except Flash to place their mines in the exact spots. Their dedicated spots weren't assigned
- Fixed Flash, Kimba, and Shorty to follow Red like the others when learning how to sneak, lay a mine, or see the robots get repaired. Missing packages
- Fixed Timebomb to sneak when the player teaches Big Town residents. No scripting existed for it in his script
- Fixed the dialogue line "Thanks for helping us. I just hope we can survive another attack. Probably won't." Big Town residents say to require talking to the player already to not interfere with their first dialogue lines
- Fixed the dialogue line "Wow. I can't believe that you were able to help Timebomb. And here I was sure that you were ready to just let him die. I guess I had you wrong." Red says to the player to require angering her beforehand
- Fixed all the beds in the PF Slaver Barracks. Including ownership fixes and assigning Ymir/Jotun their routine bed locations
- Fixed Bleak's Greeting dialogue if the player killed the PF NPC guards beforehand. She said the incorrect generic line "What do you need?"
- Fixed Cutter to be included in the PF hostile scripting. She'll be hostile no matter what if the player attacks PF NPCs, or attacking her triggers all the PF NPCs to go hostile
- Fixed Cutter's leveled item weapon to not be a raider style, NPC one
- Fixed 8 PF residents that should be in the ParadiseFallsSlaverFaction
- Fixed Jotun to have the ParadiseFallsSlaverScript assigned like all the other PF residents. This properly makes all the PF residents hostile if the player attacks him. Also adds to the kill count of how many guards have been killed
- Fixed Jotun to not warn/attack the player when near Ymir in the Slaver Barracks
- Fixed Clover, Crimson, and the Child Slaver that was missing the PF hostile scripting if the player attacks them
- Fixed all the PF residents to not go hostile if the player attacks them if they're already dead and the player didn't kill them
- Fixed Butch to not call for Officer Kendall if he's dead. In the scenario when the player refuses to help Butch save her mom from Radroaches, then Butch calls for Officer Kendall
- Fixed Lucas Simms not attacking the player when messing with him in the first conversation
- Fixed the dialogue prompt "You know what? Forget I said anything." choices to have the correct response from the topic "Out there in the Wastes, man. You must be bored to tears in this town." with Jericho
- Fixed being able to tell Mister Burke yourself that you disarmed the bomb if he didn't see you do it if he was in a Megaton interior, and the player hasn't told Lucas Simms yet "I've disarmed the bomb, Burke. That thing will never explode now."
- Fixed Burke to force a confrontation if he hasn't yet and the player told Lucas Simms the bomb is disarmed ending the quest (Opportunity to tell Burke yourself that the bomb is disarmed is lost since when the quest ends, the quest dialogue involved is gone)
- Fixed Mister Burke to confront the player when the bomb is disarmed, he's in the Megaton WorldSpace (not in an interior), and the player hasn't told Lucas Simms yet
- Fixed Burke's Hitmen to only appear in random encounters if Burke actually knows the bomb is disarmed and he threatened the player, or the player made him mad
- Fixed most of Burke's random Hello/Greeting dialogue to account for the new changes
- Fixed/Adjusted Burkes AI behavior for some of his packages (able to say Hello dialogue, ignoring combat he's not involved in, etc
- Fixed the dialogue line "Enclave strength is at 100%. They're getting reinforcements from somewhere, but we still haven't determined the location of their headquarters." to appear when they arrive in the Wasteland
- Fixed the dialogue line "Enclave troops have fortified the purifier complex. With those vertibirds, they're able to transport personnel at a remarkable rate." to not appear too early. There was no condition for them appearing in the Wasteland yet
- Fixed the dialogue line "Oh my... It's brilliant! Even I'm astounded by my genius! No, it's more than that. By OUR genius!" Moira says that was missing some words in the subtitles
- Fixed the dialogue line "It's named after Allistair Tenpenny, who runs this building. Got a bunch of rich guys that pay him to live in it." for one of the voice types that said "He's got" in the audio file
- Fixed the dialogue line "They're savage! They're brutal! They're here to keep this worker in his place -- the undefeated Bear Brothers!" to cut out "his" since there's no female line
- Fixed the dialogue line "Let's find out if the newcomer can hold his own against real fighters! Release! Fight!" to cut out "his own" since there's no female line
- Fixed the dialogue topic "Oh, great. Let me guess, more psychotic little girls..." the player says to Protector McGraw to appear only if the player completes the Tranquility Lane quest. Not stage 70 of Picking Up The Trail quest
- Fixed the player being unable to open up dialogue choices to Father Birch when the player is supposed to drink the sap to start the ceremony
- Fixed/Reverted back to vanilla 3 dialogue lines with The Brain that cut the topic choices out involving The Brain rewarding the player with death
- Fixed The Brain's robots that wouldn't attack involving 4 dialogue lines
- Fixed/Reverted the Almost Perfect perk script back to vanilla. TTW changes didn't work as intended
- Fixed/Reverted the No Weakness perk script back to vanilla. TTW changes didn't work as intended
- Fixed/Removed unnecessary Megaton cell ownership changes (Pointless when they have cell ownership already)
- Fixed other misc Megaton ownership stuff
- Fixed/Removed yellow fog in the space walk Zeta cell (My bad)
- Fixed Intense Training, it was checking Perception twice instead of Intelligence (Thanks to Roy TTW)
- Fixed all companion's armor/weapons to have 0 weight (Thanks to Roy TTW)
- Fixed Pitt Trog NPC leveled lists (Thanks to Roy TTW)
- Fixed Anna Holt to be friendly to the Enclave in Raven Rock so they don't kill her (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed/Restored a speech challenge for Wally Mack in the Vault sequence (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed random encounters to use GameMode blocks instead of OnLoad so they work reliably (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed a Molerat that wasn't in the Animal Friend faction (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed a bad condition in one of Jacob Humboldt's greetings (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed several dialogue topics for the Temple of the Union NPC's so they aren't Say Once a Day when they have no other topics to use (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Hannibal Hamlin so his "What is that stone head?" topic is said appropriately (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the message box given when Crowley has died so it actually uses the correct quest name (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Restored an unused package for the Mister Handy in Georgetown (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the Enclave soldiers that appear at Project Purity so they get disabled properly (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed/Removed extra outfits from the random encounter Wasteland Doctors (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed/Restored a dialogue line "The President will see you now. Please proceed." the President's sentry bot guards say to the player after killing the 2 enclave soldiers (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Mister Lopez to say the correct greeting dialogue line when he's currently on the observation deck of Rivet City (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed items in the New Urban Apparel Tenpenny to the correct faction (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the Citadel guards to stay in their current positions instead of wandering (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Bessie Lynn to be added to the vendor faction when moving into Tenpenny rather than always being part of it (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed mismatched wall textures in Mama Dolces (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the Zeta teleporter so it loads correctly when called upon (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the Xenotech Expert perk that was using the wrong condition function (Thanks to VV19)
- Fixed Captives Rescued stat to update. TTW cut part of the script out (Thanks to VV19)
- Fixed Anchorage weather image spaces for sunrise, day, sunset, night (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Fixed 3 Terminals with subtitle mispellings (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Fixed the 10mm Silenced Pistol Fire 2D sound that wasn't marked as 2D (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Fixed the 10mm Silenced Pistol Fire 3D sound that was the same volume as its 2D counterpart (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Fixed many dialogue subtitles (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Fixed 15 note mispellings (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Brokensteel Terminal Remote Access Research Terminal note (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a love letter note from Bittercup that's added through 3 different dialogue choices with her (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Dispatch to Scribe Yearling note that's added from Scribe Yearling involving 5 different dialogue choices (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Contract With Ahzrukhal note from Ahzrukhal that's added when the player says to him "Sure. Greta is nothing to me. I'll do it." (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Nuka 4 Zip! note from Zip when asking him "You said you were looking for Nuka-Cola?" (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Note From Walter that's added when saying to him "Sounds good to me. I'll bring you the parts I find." (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Mirelurk Spawning Pod note picture from Moira Brown when accepting to do the side quest saying to her "All right, I'll try." (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Minefield Playground note picture from Moira Brown when accepting to do the side quest saying to her "I suppose, for the sake of proper research, I can go back into Minefield." (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Minefield Playground note picture from Moira Brown when accepting to do the side quest saying to her "I'll head into Minefield. Wish me luck." (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Arlington Library Photo note from Moira Brown when accepting to do the side quest saying to her "Okay, I'll check out my local library." (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Megaton Atomic Bomb note picture from Mister Burke when accepting to rig the Megaton bomb saying to him 5 different dialogue choices (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Restored a Notice From Winthrop note when saying to him "Sure, Winthrop. I think I can help you out." (Thanks to Panzermann)
- Fixed Roy Phillips not following the Player into different levels of Tenpenny Tower when it's being attacked (Thanks to Kazopert for pointing it out)
- Fixed 10mm pistol texture sets (Thanks to AtomicTEM)
- Fixed Hunting Rifle blurry sight textures (Thanks to AtomicTEM)
- Removed Bessie Lynn from the TenpennyTowerAllResidents faction, instead adding it to her and the other Ghouls when they actually get into Tenpenny Tower (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Restored the dialogue line "Savor this moment." Mister Burke says when shielding his eyes from the Megaton blast (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Moved Goodies to its own separate mod
- Merged UUF3P quest scripts into Generic Handler Script (Scripting cosmetics and less quests running)
- Reverted all changed colored radiation suits back to vanilla and moved them to Goodies (from TTW)
- Reverted all changed colored Grimy/Dirty Prewar business suits back to vanilla (from TTW)
- Reverted receiving the cut Composite Recon Armor to the regular Recon Armor from Sarah Lyons. Moved to Goodies to receive the Composite Recon Armor
- Reverted receiving the cut Lyons' Pride Power Armor to the regular Brotherhood Power Armor set from Sarah Lyons. Moved to Goodies to receive the Lyons' Pride Power Armor
- Reverted the blood packs to have +20 as intended when having the Hematophage perk (missed removing from TTW)
- Reworked Megaton NPCs from disappearing fix (Before it tried to prevent it, but now this works at any time they're missing from the Megaton WorldSpace)
- Fixed/Repositioned the Raven Rock map marker that was underground. This caused followers/teammates to spawn underground, especially if the player had multiple followers/teammates
- Fixed Fawkes to ignore enemies when in his Vault 87 locked cell. He'll sometimes be walking around his locked cell looking for enemies saying those dialogue lines when he should be at the window/intercom location waiting
- Fixed Sydney's chair in Underworld to set ownership for her after the Stealing Independence quest is completed. This prevents other NPCs sitting in it and there's already an EditorID for it as well
- Fixed Susan to not live in Burke's place too early and only when the Ghouls have moved in. The player could still decide to kill the Ghouls at the time the developers set it up
- Fixed the dialogue option "Interested in buying some scrap metal?" towards Walter to only show up if the player agreed to his offer
- Fixed Anchorage, The Pitt, Point Lookout, and Zeta to not re-enable the Enclave Radio Station when traveling back to the Wasteland from them. They didn't account for if the player completed the Take It Back quest
- Fixed all interior imagespace types and lighting templates (Incorrect and missing ones)
- Fixed Point Lookout and the Bog worldspaces having no imagespaces
- Fixed the Protecting the Water Way quest to account for if the player won the duel against Split Jack, has the option to extort Lepelletier, and than kills the gang afterwards
- Fixed the dialogue line "Sucker didn't know who he was messing with! Hah!" Butch says to not be said only once
- Fixed the Child Slaver's greeting line "Nice as the weather is out here, how about you bring me a kid, so I can get back to Paradise Falls?" to only be triggered before having Bumble following the player
- Fixed the Child Slaver's greeting line "Just waiting for you to bring me a new friend." to only be triggered before having Bumble following the player
- Fixed the Child Slaver's greeting line "Just bring me a nice kid to meet, and I'll take care of the rest." to only be triggered before having Bumble following the player
- Fixed the Child Slaver to have default slaver greeting lines after handing off Bumble to her
- Fixed Bumble's dialogue topic "No, I don't like the outside!" to not show up when outside of Little Lamplight
- Fixed the Child At Heart and speech challenge dialogue options towards Bumble to not add a script package. The package is already on her NPC record
- Fixed Bumble to immediately run back into Little Lamplight and fail the sidequest, if the player shoots the Child Slaver while Bumble is following the player
- Fixed Bumble to immediately run back into Little Lamplight and fail the sidequest, if the Child Slaver dies
- Fixed Bumble to immediately flee or run back into Little Lamplight and fail the sidequest, if the player shoots Bumble
- Fixed to fail the sidequest if the player shoots Bumble at any time
- Fixed to fail the sidequest if the player shoots the Child Slaver at any time
- Fixed the Child Slaver to start combat with the player if she sees the player shoot Bumble
- Fixed Bumble to remove her slave collar at any time the sidequest fails and she retreats back to Little Lamplight
- Fixed/Blocked the player from interrupting the Child Slaver and Bumble's conversation
- Fixed Bumble to follow the player through the Little Lamplight exterior door (sometimes she failed to follow)
- Fixed Bumble and the Child Slaver to get disabled if they make it to Paradise Falls worldspace (only possible if the player follows them to Paradise Falls)
- Fixed the Child Slaver to get disabled if the player fails the sidequest inside Little Lamplight
- Fixed Bumble's AI to ignore combat she isn't involved in
- Fixed Bumble and the Child Slaver's follow/escort packages to avoid radiation in the Wasteland
- Fixed the dialogue option "Do you suspect your family is in danger?" to Lucy West to not appear after she knows her parents are dead
- Fixed the dialogue option "Lucy, I have bad news. Your parents are dead." to Lucy West to not appear after she knows her parents are dead
- Fixed the dialogue option "Lucy, I have bad news. Your parents are dead." to Lucy West to set that she knows her parents are dead
- Fixed the dialogue option "I hear there's a door that doesn't work." towards Joseph to not appear anymore after he repairs the terminal
- Fixed the quest objective target for the Vault 87 back door terminal to be set off when the Vault 87 back door is unlocked
- Fixed the quest objective target for Joseph to be set off after he repairs the Vault 87 back door terminal
- Fixed/Added a missing quest objective target for the Vault 87 back door to be set on when it's unlocked
- Fixed/Improved blocking the player from interrupting Brotch/kids while the kids turn in their GOAT tests to not break their dialogue lines. Player can turn in his/her GOAT test once while the other kids are turning theirs in. Added a check just in case the player can't after they all turn in their tests
- Fixed/Restored the Overseer radio station during The Trouble On The Homefront quest. The restored station is called "Radio 101". By default they set it up so either music or the Overseer announcements play each time from a random percentage
- Fixed the restored Overseer radio station to play when the player is able to hear amata's distress emergency call (only within the Vault 101 interiors by default for that station)
- Fixed the restored Overseer radio station to loop its music or announcements continuously
- Fixed the restored Overseer radio station to get disabled after the quest is over and the player left the vault
- Fixed Gustavo's greeting line "Hmph. Didn't think you had it in you. Guess you proved me wrong. Good job. Knowing those Ghouls are gone takes a load off my mind. Thanks. You'll be wanting the reward now, won't you? I suppose you've earned it. There's your caps. Contract fulfilled, debt paid. This don't mean we're buddies, alright? Now get going." to be a dialogue choice. It has a prompt "The Ghouls trying to get in are all dead." that wasn't used since it was a greeting. Also fixed so it only pops up after accepting the job to take care of the ghouls and the player killed Bessie, Michael, and Roy. This also makes sense towards what he says and the player can receive a proper reward amount from negotiating the job beforehand
- Fixed the quest objective "Kill Roy Phillips and his followers." or "Kill Roy Phillips and his followers, or Help the Ghouls get into Tenpenny Tower." or "Help the Ghouls get into Tenpenny Tower, or Kill Roy Phillips and his followers." to only get completed after accepting the job from Gustavo and the player killed Bessie, Michael, and Roy
- Fixed the quest objective "Help the Ghouls get into Tenpenny Tower." to be set off if it's displayed and the player killed Bessie, Michael, or Roy
- Fixed/Blocked dialogue towards asking if the Ghouls might move in or if the neighbors want them to move in when the player already killed them
- Fixed all the dialogue options to accept the job for Gustavo to be goodbyes. This is so the quest can update outside of dialogue and incorrect options won't show up when going back to the main options
- Fixed Michael Masters and Bessie Lynn to not get moved to Tenpenny if they're dead and the ferals are released
- Fixed the Tenpenny Tower to not get repaired if Bessie, Michael, and Roy are all dead. There's no one to repair the Tower
- Fixed responses in the topic "Where are the other Tenpenny Tower residents?" to not popup if Roy is mentioned and he's dead
- Fixed the GNR Radio reports that talk about the Ghouls trying to move in to check for if they're dead or haven't moved in yet
- Restored/Implemented a dialogue topic (that wasn't possible to trigger) into Mister Burke's threatening greetings when the player disarms the Megaton bomb
- Fixed/Restored the dialogue line "Do it! Detonate the bomb and together we'll usher in a new age of prosperity!" Mister Burke says randomly when waiting for the player to blow up Megaton (Changed it from a goodbye to a greeting)
- Restored the dialogue line "Who do we have here?" into the 1st greeting line Mister Burke says to the player in the Saloon
- Restored the dialoue line "The pulse charge is rigged? Excellent! Meet me upstairs at Tenpenny Tower. There you will see a most glorious sight." Mister Burke says when the player rigs the Megaton bomb and Burke is walking to Tenpenny
- Restored the dialoue line "Meet me upstairs at Tenpenny Tower." Mister Burke says when the player rigs the Megaton bomb and Burke is walking to Tenpenny
- Fixed/Restored Mister Burke to be involved in the Tenpenny attack only if he's currently living in the Tenpenny Tower (waiting to blowup Megaton is another route for him)
- Fixed/Restored Mister Burke to be involved in the Tenpenny "peaceful" massacre only if he's currently living in the Tenpenny Tower
- Fixed Mister Burke to go to Tenpenny Tower uninterrupted after he threatens the player then exits Megaton. If the Tenpenny attack is going on during that time, he will wait outside in the Tenpenny patio area until the Tower is repaired
- Fixed the dialogue line "Back again, hmm? Perhaps you've reconsidered my offer?" Mister Burke says to not show up if you talk to him twice after disarming the bomb and haven't talked to Simms yet
- Fixed the dialogue line "Don't hurt me!" Mister Burke says to only to be said inside Tenpenny Tower during the attack
- Fixed the dialogue line "Help us!" Mister Burke says to only to be said inside Tenpenny Tower during the attack
- Fixed the Tenpenny gate intercom to not have the guard talk to the player at the beginning of the feral attack. NPCs all moved into the Tower and it was checking if that guard was dead yet
- Fixed a crash in the Tenpenny Tower quest after using the terminal to release the ferals then going outside
- Fixed a crash when installing the Widget into the mainframe terminal during the Wasteland Survival Guide quest
- Fixed Sydney to not be the player's teammate anymore after giving the Declaration to Abraham
- Fixed the dialogue option "Yes... but I had a little help from Sydney. She didn't make it, though." to also give the player 400 caps. The other similar dialogue does but this didn't
- Fixed the cowardly Wildmen in the Pitt that weren't hostile
- Fixed Security Chief Hannon's incorrect facial features during The Trouble On The Homefront quest
- Fixed to account for if the vault 101 overseer's office door is locked/unlocked/lock broken or has the key or not when talking to the Overseer before leaving the vault
- Fixed to account for if the vault 101 overseer's terminal is hacked/locked out or has the password or not when talking to the Overseer before leaving the vault
- Fixed the vault 101 overseer to only give the player his office key and/or password depending on if the player has them, or door is still locked, or terminal hacked, etc
- Fixed the radroaches in Vault 101 at the beginning of the game to not respawn
- Fixed the radroaches in the Metro near Underworld to be unable to exit out through the nearest gate
- Fixed the Escape From PF quest objective "Escort the children out of Paradise Falls." targets to also include Penny and Squirrel
- Fixed the Escape From PF quest objective "Meet the children southwest of Paradise Falls." targets to also include Penny and Squirrel
- Fixed the Escape From PF quest objective "Tell the children to escape Paradise Falls." targets to also include Penny and Sammy
- Fixed the Escape From PF quest objective "Reach the slave pen and speak with the children." targets
- Fixed the quest objective "Tell Squirrel the guard has been distracted." to be cleared if it's displayed when the player buys the kids
- Fixed/Added a missing Escape From PF quest objective "Help Rory Maclaren escape." so it makes sense when going back to Penny and telling her Rory is safe. He's not safe yet still in PF. Also letting the player know when Rory has escaped
- Fixed Sammy to pace back and forth inside the slave pen before he gets Squirrel to talk to the player
- Fixed Sammy and Squirrel to stop walking into each other trying to reach the spot next to the barb wire fence opening
- Fixed Sammy to run to the sewer grate exit next to the kids when he's outside already, slavers are hostile, and having the quest objective displayed "Meet the children southwest of Paradise Falls."
- Fixed Sammy to not force greet inside PF interiors after buying the kids and following the player. He should only force greet in the wasteland outside of PF
- Fixed Squirrel to wait next to the barb wire fence opening when the PF slavers are hostile towards the player. His routine for that had a time setup when it should be anytime
- Fixed dialogue options "I got him out, all right. Now it's your turn." and " Yes, he's safe. Now get moving!" towards Penny only if Rory escaped PF and he's alive
- Fixed the Escape From PF quest objective "Find a way to release Rory Maclaren from the box." to be completed after the player either agrees to help Rory escape or tells him he's on his own
- Fixed the Escape From PF quest objective "Talk to Penny and tell her to leave Paradise Falls." to only display when Rory has successfully escaped PF or he's dead
- Fixed the kids and Forty to not vanish in front of the player after the player buys the kids if they're in the same cell as the player
- Fixed Forty to not get moved next to the kids when they're sold if Forty is dead
- Fixed Ymir to no longer say the bar tender killing scene dialogue lines when the PF slavers are hostile towards the player and the scene hasn't finished yet
- Fixed the sewer grate that's too small for adults to not let other adult NPCs through other than the player
- Fixed the kids (Squirrel, Penny) to not follow the player anymore after the player buys them from Eulogy and escorts them outside of Paradise Falls. It's possible for the player to quickly run away from Sammy's force greet then open the Pip-Boy, fast travel anywhere, then Squirrel/Penny would be following still
- Fixed the kids (Sammy, Squirrel, Penny) AI behavior so they don't run away or flee when the PF slavers are hostile towards the player
- Fixed the kids (Sammy, Squirrel, Penny) confidence levels to be bumped up to foolhardy if the PF slavers are hostile towards the player
- Fixed the kids (Sammy, Squirrel, Penny) confidence levels to be reverted back after completing the Escape From PF quest
- Fixed the kids (Sammy, Squirrel, Penny) to not run back into the sewer grate if combat was happening near them. Adjusted AI behavior also fixed this
- Fixed the kids (Sammy, Squirrel, Penny) to not repeat entering through the sewer grate in the PF bathroom
- Fixed Squirrel to not return to the slave pen after buying the kids or when they escape during the Escape From PF quest
- Fixed Rory to only follow or wait when the player is in PF
- Fixed Rory to immediately force greet the player when near the PF exit door
- Fixed all the kids in Paradise Falls (Sammy, Squirrel, Penny) during the Escape From PF quest so they say the correct greeting lines in every possible situation/outcome
- Fixed Penny to not leave yet when the player knows about her wanting Rory to be rescued, even if the slavers go hostile
- Fixed the dialogue Child At Heart perk option "Penny, come on. Rory's a mungo. You've got to stick with your friends." towards Penny to be top level so it shows up the same as the other speech challenge option
- Fixed/Restored a unique goodbye option/line towards Penny
- Fixed/Restored a unique goodbye option/line towards Rory
- Improved conditions to Rory's greeting lines after the player successfully rescues him
- Fixed Rory's greeting line "Get outta here! They see me talking to you, I'm dead!" to trigger when the player doesn't have the objective "Find a way to release Rory Maclaren from the box." displayed, even after the Rescue From PF quest is completed
- Fixed Rory's dialogue line "Psst. Hey. Help me out." to trigger when the player has the quest objective "Find a way to release Rory Maclaren from the box." displayed and the box he's in is still locked
- Fixed Rory's greeting line "Hey. Talk fast, they hate it when I talk to customers." to be a goodbye line. He has no more dialogue options to choose from when in Megaton
- Fixed/Restored the dialogue option "No luck yet." to Squirrel when the player hasn't distracted or killed Forty yet
- Fixed/Restored the dialogue option "Pipe down, shorty. I'm going to take care of it." to Squirrel when the player hasn't distracted or killed Forty yet
- Fixed the Little Lamplight kid's dialogue responses to account for if the player rescued Sammy and Squirrel, but not Penny
- Fixed the dialogue option "Now that I'm helping you, maybe you can help me. I'm looking for my dad..." the player says to Lucas Simms to be a speech challenge
- Fixed Red to force greet the player quickly after unlocking her jail cell, and regardless of talking to her beforehand
- Fixed Red and Shorty's reunion conversation to only trigger when Red is rescued so it doesn't interrupt Red's force greet
- Fixed/Restored Haley to force greet the player when the player enters his shop for the 1st time
- Fixed/Restored Haley's sandbox routine in his shop
- Fixed Haley's combat style to ranged since his main weapon is the Hunting Rifle
- Fixed/Restored Chief Harkness, Doctor Li, and Bannon to show up for the Council meetings every Monday morning from 9am to 12pm. Commander Danvers will take Harkness' council chair if he dies or leaves Rivet City (Screen https://i.ibb.co/sP3ZnwH/Council-Meeting-Restoration.jpg)
- Fixed the dialogue line "Hello, Bannon. Anything interesting happen in the last council meeting?" Seagrave Holmes says to Bannon to not be said when the council meetings no longer take place
- Fixed the dialogue line "I heard that the City Council is debating putting railings on the flight deck." Rivet City residents say to each other to not be said when the council meetings no longer take place
- Fixed the dialogue option "I heard that Rivet City is run by some sort of Council?" responses to account correctly if Commander Danvers replaced Chief Harkness' position, and if the council meetings take place still or not
- Fixed the dialogue line "Shit. I've got a Council meeting." Bannon says to himself to account for if the council meetings take place still or not
- Fixed the dialogue line "Time for the Council meeting. Don't want to be late." Harkness says to himself to account for if the council meetings take place still or not
- Fixed a raider boss that has the U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes book and a key to not respawn anymore
- Fixed Emaline's class type to have big guns skill since she uses a flamer
- Fixed opening/closing sounds for a random encounter fridge
- Fixed the dialogue option "Where's Doctor Li's lab?" to only show up when the player has heard about Doctor Li
- Fixed one of the Tenpenny corpse bathtub bloodstains in the Tenpenny Tower Suites to only show up when his corpse does
- Fixed chairs in the Tenpenny Lobby and the attack version to not be owned by Allistair Tenpenny
- Fixed Doctor Banfield's morning walk outside routine
- Fixed Doctor Banfield's sleep schedule to account for Tuesday and Thursday when he sleeps with Susan
- Fixed/Added missing chain supports and mounting bases for the hanging plane in the RC Capitol Preservation Society (Thanks to brony71)
- Fixed/Added missing mounting bases for flood lights in the National Guard Depot Training Wing (Thanks to brony71)
- Fixed positions towards mounting bases in Dukov's Place, RC Midship Deck, and a floodlight in the National Guard Depot Training Wing (Thanks to brony71)
- Fixed/Restored dialogue topics the Tenpenny Security Guards say. Their greetings were blocking them with goodbye flags (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Restored the dialogue line "Time is wasting." Mister Burke says to the player randomly when responding to "Time for me to go" option (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Restored the dialogue line "You'll live just long enough to regret your error in judgement." Mister Burke says to the player randomly when the player disarms the Megaton bomb (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Moved a creature spawn marker away from an encounter area so it doesn't interrupt it (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Nathan so he consistently stays in his cell in Raven Rock (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Three Dog to not skip songs after he announces it (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed Charon, Clover, and Cross so they don't complain when the player does certain actions like throwing a grenade for example (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- McGraw no longer says his Player only dialogue to other NPC's (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Olin is no longer rude to the Player despite saving her life (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Montgomery is now frozen along with the rest of the soldiers at the end scene of Anchorage (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed a broken greeting for the outcasts if you're wearing their armour (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed one of Sibley's greetings that had a goodbye flag AND a choice (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- The requistion tapes in Anchorage are now properly removed at the end of the DLC (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the birthing intro scene background sound to stop after the scene when it transitions to a new cell (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed the restored Vault 101 Birthday Party NPC's (Christine, Stevie, Susie) to look at the player when clapping (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all interior cells water types (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed all interior cells that don't have water to not specify a water type (Thanks to Kazopert TTW)
- Fixed reaver's attack animation type to be any (Thanks to Roy TTW)
- Fixed the Railway Spikes ammo name to not be plural (Thanks to Roy TTW)
- Fixed the Quantum Chemist perk to use the correct condition function towards the player. GetPermanentActorValue instead of GetActorValue (Thanks to Roy TTW)
- Fixed over 90+ models thanks to Roy and Rika TTW)
- Fixed HotelDesk02.NIF (thanks to Rika TTW)
- Added Partial CB Radio Backup Dialogue Restoration by Panzermann11
- Fixed ReloadA animation used by all bolt-action rifles thanks to gibxxi
- Added Blackhall Manor railings fix by brony71
- Fixed chalkboard models thanks to brony71
- (Goodies) Every caps transaction between an NPC and the player actually gets added to the NPC in the entire game. When before it inconsistently either only subtracted from the player or did both. Some weren't changed to make sense
- (Goodies) Converted into an esm file and renamed to Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Goodies.esm
- (Goodies) Implemented being able to also give Zip Ice Cold Nuka-Cola
- (Goodies) Implemented being able to also use Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quantum bottles to make Nuka Grenades
- (Goodies) Implemented being able to also give Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quantum bottles to Sierra Petrovita and Ronald Laren
- (Goodies) Implemented being able to also give an Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quantum bottle to Sierra Petrovita when she makes the Mississippi Quantum Pie
- (Goodies) The player will shield eyes and stagger from the Megaton explosion only if in 3rd person camera view. 1st person these idles will not trigger
- (Goodies) When Mister Burke kills Lucas Simms he gets shot in the head and his head pops. Before Simms was instantly killed from a single shot to him anywhere
- (Goodies) Janice Kaplinski gets shot in the head by Colonel Autumn, instead of she instantly dies from getting shot anywhere
- (Goodies) Fixed 2 possible unique weapon cheats if the player pickpockets The Mechanist or The AntAgonizer before they hand their weapons to the player. They'll only hand the player their weapons if they have them
- (Goodies) Removed Regulator Guard Dogs
- Fixed/Regenerated all facial animations (dialogue lip synch files) for the important ones. Radio, robot dialogue, holotapes, etc aren't needed for this
- Re-did voice audio files to be the original 44100HZ lossless quality
- Packed up all loose files in a BSA except mp3s (Radio plays better and sounds better this way)
- Cleaned up files in the BSA
- Reverted Dogmeat back to vanilla. Player can't open his inventory, can be hired with any companion, and hire any companion while he's already hired (TTW changes removed combined with me forgetting stuff)
- Fixed/Improved the script for all Rivet City NPCs that have scheduled routines to be in the cells on time they're supposed to be in to eat, sleep, patrol, etc
- Fixed Bannon, Bryan Wilks, Christie Young, Cindy Cantelli, CJ Young, Diego, Henry Young, Sister, Ted Strayer, and Vera Weatherly's eat schedules to account for going to church on Sunday
- Fixed Christie and CJ Young's following Henry schedules to account for going to church on Sunday
- Fixed Paulie Cantelli's Flight Deck schedule to not be during Tuesday and Thursday for his Capital Preservation Society schedule
- Fixed Sister's Weatherly Lounge schedule to be 2 hours less duration to be on time for his Flight Deck schedule
- Fixed Ted Strayer's eat schedule to be at 8am to be in between times for sleeping and all his 10am schedules
- Fixed Ashur's force greet when returning to him after taking care of Wernher
- Fixed/Moved an enemy spawn that was too close to the Megaton front gate
- Fixed Mama Dolce's Radio range to be in the center courtyard along with all its interiors
- Fixed when handing over the Civil War Draft Poster to Hannibal Hamlin that it gets added into his inventory instead of the John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster
- Fixed the Zeta enemy's drone cannon to shoot every time. Automatic flag was on
- Fixed the 1st two dialogue lines to have lip sync that Lucas Simms says to the player upon entering Megaton. Too far away no lip sync engaged
- Fixed 3 dialogue lines that start with "Name's Lucas Simms, town sheriff. And mayor too, when the need arises." Lucas Simms says to the player to all account for the correct number of good or bad karma
- Fixed 4 dialogue lines that start with "Name's Lucas Simms, town sheriff. And mayor too, when the need arises." Lucas Simms says to the player to have him salute (Only 1 line out of the 5 had the salute attached)
- Fixed the dialogue line "You got a weird look about you, girl. The kind that means trouble. I give everyone a fair shake. But if you do anything remotely stupid, you're dead." Lucas Simms says to the player that was missing "Name's Lucas Simms, town sheriff. And mayor too, when the need arises." to start with like the other 4 possible lines say
- Fixed Lucas Simms initial greet in Megaton, so he doesn't walk past the player
- Fixed Lucas Simms to force greet the player when the player kills Burke before Burke kills him
- Fixed Lucas Simms to force greet the player after the player disarms the Megaton bomb
- Fixed Harden Simms to force greet the player when Mister Burke kills Lucas Simms
- Fixed when Harden Simms force greets the player after Mister Burke kills Lucas Simms that Harden says the correct dialogue line
- Fixed/Blocked the player being unable to interrupt Mister Burke and Lucas Simms confrontation
- Fixed/Blocked the player being unable to interrupt Mister Burke and Roy Phillips confrontation
- Fixed/Blocked the player being unable to interrupt Roy Phillips and Tenpenny gate intercom conversation
- Fixed the Mister Burke and Lucas Simms confrontation to happen anywhere in Megaton Mister Burke is except his locked house
- Fixed Mister Burke from killing Lucas Simms from across another cell
- Fixed/Restored Moriarty to have a short conversation with Gob about cleaning up a dead body if the player kills Mister Burke in Moriarty's Saloon or Mister Burke kills Lucas Simms in Moriarty's Saloon
- Fixed the dialogue line "Well, that's been a long time coming. Good riddance." Moriarty says to be said after the short conversation with Gob about cleaning up a dead body and only if Lucas Simms was killed. Implemented Moriarty to also look at Lucas Simms corpse when saying the line
- Fixed when the player kills Mister Burke or Roy Phillips during their confrontation, so they'll continue their routines
- Fixed Mister Burke to do his routines in Megaton after the player talks to him in the Saloon
- Fixed Mister Burke to be moved out of his locked house if he's inside it when Lucas Simms confronts him
- Fixed Mister Burke's eat routine inside his house
- Fixed the Megaton popup message choice "Rig the bomb to explode." to only appear if the player has the Fusion Pulse Charge
- Fixed the popup message "Burke has been killed! You can no longer receive a reward for blowing up Megaton." to only appear at the correct times
- Fixed in the rare instance when the player has the Fusion Pulse Charge, kills Mister Burke, rigs the bomb to explode which fails the quest, to not let the Remote Detonator appear. Mister Burke didn't arrive at Tenpenny Tower yet to prepare the detonator
- Fixed Mister Burke to no longer unholster and holster his weapon sometimes when switching routines
- Fixed Mister Burke to force greet the player when he's waiting on the balcony for the player to blow up Megaton
- Fixed Mister Burke to force greet the player after Mister Burke and Tenpenny have their conversation when blowing up Megaton
- Fixed/Reworked the blowing up Megaton scene. Player controls are disabled until after Mister Burke gives the player a reward. This works in every circumstance depending on who's dead or not and if Tenpenny Tower is being attacked or not.
- Fixed Mister Burke to wait on the Tenpenny balcony and returns to his routines after Mister Burke and Roy Phillips confront each other, blow up Megaton, ferals are attacking, then Tenpenny Tower goes back to normal
- Fixed Mister Burke to not run away from the ghoul mask or feral ghouls near the Tenpenny balcony door when he's on the Tenpenny balcony
- Fixed the dialogue line "Well I'll be damned. You're from that vault! Vault 101! Ha ha! I ain't seen one of those jumpsuits in a LONG time!" Lucas Simms says to also account for the Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit and Vault 101 Security Armor
- Fixed the dialogue option "How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors?" to Mister Burke to not show up if the ferals are attacking the Tenpenny Tower or if Tenpenny is dead
- Fixed the dialogue option "Are you doing something about those Ghouls?" to Mister Burke to not show up if the ferals are attacking the Tenpenny Tower
- Fixed the dialogue option "I've met them. Roy Phillips and those other Ghouls don't seem all that bad." to only show up if the player talked to Roy, Bessie, and Michael and if they're not dead
- Fixed the dialogue option "How's that Ghoul situation coming along?" to Chief Gustavo to show up at the correct times and removed 2 choices that shouldn't be there
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm still working on getting rid of Roy Phillips and his pack of Ghouls." to Chief Gustavo to show up at the correct times
- Fixed the dialogue option "I can help with your Ghoul problem. Where are they hiding out?" to Chief Gustavo to show up at the correct times
- Fixed/Added the dialogue option "I can help with your Ghoul problem." to Chief Gustavo if the player already found where Roy's hideout is
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm going to find a non-violent solution to your Ghoul problem." to Chief Gustavo to show up at the correct times
- Fixed the dialogue option "What the hell's a Ghoul anyway? Some kind of diseased human?" to have choices and not go back to the main choices
- Fixed/Blocked the player from interrupting/pickpocketing Millicent Wellington during her conversation with her husband, killing him, and killing Susan Lancaster
- Fixed to check whether Millicent Wellington is sitting or not before shooting her husband and Susan Lancaster
- Fixed Millicent Wellington to not go kill Susan Lancaster if she's already dead
- Fixed the dialogue option "I can help take care of that little Ghoul problem for you." the player says to Chief Gustavo to not show up when the player already killed all 3 Ghouls
- Fixed the dialogue option "How would you feel about having a few Ghoul neighbors?" the player says to the Tenpenny residents to only appear after asking Tenpenny about it and if Tenpenny hasn't said it's ok for the ghouls to move in yet
- Fixed the dialogue option "What are you shooting at out there?" the player says to Tenpenny only if Tenpenny has his sniper rifle unholstered
- Fixed the dialogue option "There are some Ghouls who want to live here. What do you think about that?" the player says to Tenpenny to appear when the player knows about the Ghoul's plan, ghouls aren't allowed to move in yet, Tenpenny hasn't been asked the following question yet, and to not be said only once
- Fixed the dialogue option "What if the residents are okay with Ghoul neighbors?" the player says to Tenpenny to set the stage objective "Help the Ghouls get into Tenpenny Tower." to appear if the player hasn't yet
- Fixed the dialogue response "How did you get past the guard? What do you want?" Tenpenny says to the player to not be said when the player has the objective "Report to Mister Burke in Tenpenny Tower." and to be said only once
- Fixed/Restored the dialogue response "You've become a bit of a bore, haven't you? Go away!" Tenpenny says to the player
- Fixed the Tenpenny Suite Guard to not go unlock the door if it's already unlocked
- Fixed Tenpenny Tower quest to reset back to normal every time after all the Tenpenny residents are killed (Bodies would sometimes be endlessly rag dolling causing the OnDeath scripts to not count their deaths yet)
- Fixed Roy Phillips to go into the Tenpenny lobby after handing the player the Ghoul mask
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "You there. Hold it. Who the hell are you?" Roy Phillips says to the player to be the 1st conversation he has with the player when Roy is in the Warrington metro
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "Ho chum! What's the word?" Roy Phillips says to the player to account for certain choices the player chose that he liked
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "You're brave to keep bothering me. Or stupid." Roy Phillips says to the player to account for certain choices the player chose that he didn't like
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "What do you want?" Roy Phillips says to the player to account for certain choices the player chose that he's neutral about
- Fixed the dialogue option "Well, maybe I should talk to Tenpenny. There may be a peaceful solution." the player says to Roy Phillips to only show if Tenpenny is alive
- Fixed the dialogue option "Let me try talking to Tenpenny. Maybe he wouldn't mind you living there." the player says to Roy Phillips to only show if Tenpenny is alive
- Fixed the dialogue response "After Tenpenny died, I assumed full command. And since I hate Ghouls, I guess the answer to that question is pretty damn clear." Chief Gustavo says to the player to not be said if Tenpenny already said it's ok for the ghouls to move in
- Fixed the dialogue option "I've met them. Roy Phillips and those other Ghouls don't seem all that bad." the player says to Chief Gustavo to only appear if the player talked to all 3 ghouls, hasn't killed any of them yet, and the ghouls still aren't allowed to move in yet
- Fixed the dialogue option "How's that Ghoul situation coming along?" the player says to Chief Gustavo to only appear if the player hasn't completed "Kill Roy Phillips and his followers." yet, doesn't know the ghouls plan yet, hasn't accepted Gustavo's offer yet, and also fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm still working on getting rid of Roy Phillips and his pack of Ghouls." to Chief Gustavo to only appear if the player knows about the ghoul's plan, accepted Gustavo's job offer, and hasn't completed Killing Roy Phillips and his followers
- Fixed the dialogue option "I can help with your Ghoul problem. Where are they hiding out?" to Chief Gustavo to only appear if the player hasn't talked to Roy or Michael yet, hasn't accepted Gustavo's job offer yet, and knows about the ghoul's plan
- Fixed/Added the dialogue option "I can help with your Ghoul problem." to Chief Gustavo to only appear if the player has talked to Roy or Michael, hasn't accepted Gustavo's job offer yet, and knows about the ghoul's plan
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm going to find a non-violent solution to your Ghoul problem." to Chief Gustavo to show in his main options and only appear if the player hasn't killed Roy or his followers, ghouls still aren't allowed to move in yet, player knows about the ghoul's plan, accepted Gustavo's job offer, hasn't talked to Roy or Michael yet
- Fixed the dialogue response "They've holed up in the nearby metro tunnels. They're living with packs of Feral Ghouls. They've barred the main entrance. Go through the train yard." Chief Gustavo says to the player to mark the Warrington Trainyard map marker on the player's pipboy map if the player hasn't discovered it yet
- Fixed the dialogue options for "What the hell's a Ghoul anyway? Some kind of diseased human?" the player says to Chief Gustavo
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "Ah yes. Mister Burke is expecting you. He is waiting for you on the balcony." the Tenpenny guard says to the player to not appear anymore when he's unlocking the door and when the door is unlocked
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "Mister Tenpenny isn't taking callers." the Tenpenny guard says to the player to not appear anymore when he's unlocking the door and when the door is unlocked
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Are you afraid of the Ghouls trying to get into Tenpenny?" the player says to Lydia Montenegro
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Are you worried about those Ghouls?" the player says to Anthony Ling
- Fixed the dialogue options for "You know anything about those Ghouls trying to get in here?" the player says to Shakes
- Fixed the dialogue options for "What do you think of the whole situation with the Ghouls?" the player says to Irving Cheng
- Fixed the dialogue options for "You know anything about these Ghouls?" the player says to Tiffany Cheng
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Those Ghouls sure have people worked up, don't they?" the player says to Susan Lancaster
- Fixed the dialogue options for "I bet you know a thing or two about those Ghouls..." the player says to Herbert Dashwood
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Are you doing something about those Ghouls?" the player says to Mister Burke and not show if the ferals are attacking when he's on the Tenpenny balcony
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Those Ghouls have you stressed out, too?" the player says to Margaret Primrose
- Fixed the dialogue options for "I don't suppose you know much about those Ghouls?" the player says to Michael Hawthorne
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Do you know anything useful about those Ghouls?" the player says to Edgar Wellington
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Hear anything interesting about the Ghouls?" the player says to Millicent Wellington
- Fixed the dialogue options for "Know much about those Ghouls?" the player says to Doctor Banfield
- Fixed the dialogue response "Don't have any data in my files about that." from Shakes to not have any dialogue options and take the player back to the robot's main dialogue options. The robot doesn't have any dialogue in those options
- Fixed the dialogue response "Don't you worry about any such thing, sir. Care to wet your whistle?" from Shakes to not have any dialogue options and take the player back to the robot's main dialogue options. The robot doesn't have any dialogue in those options. Also made a female version of this line cutting out "sir"
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "Well, it'll take a little elbow grease but then this place will be a true home!" Bessie Lynn says to the player to be a goodbye. This prevents dialogue options that shouldn't appear yet
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "Bastards. Could have done it the easy way and just let us live here with them. Oh well. Guess we better get started with the cleanup." Michael Masters says to the player to be a goodbye. This prevents dialogue options that shouldn't appear yet
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm here to see Roy Phillips." the player says to Michael Masters to only be available when Michael is in the Warrington Tunnels and if Roy isn't dead
- Fixed when Mister Burke says to Roy Phillips "There's a detonator on the balcony." and changed it to "The detonator is right over there." They cut out the conversation being somewhere else, but they didn't change that line
- Fixed Susan Lancaster, Millicent Wellington, Lydia Montenegro, and Anthony Ling to not be disabled while they're in the wasteland for certain reasons when the Ghouls kill the Tenpenny residents, and the corpses appear in the basement
- Fixed Susan Lancaster, Millicent Wellington, Lydia Montenegro, and Anthony Ling to not be moved to the Tenpenny feral attack cells when they're in the wasteland for certain reasons
- Fixed Susan Lancaster, Millicent Wellington, Lydia Montenegro, and Anthony Ling to exit through the front gate after leaving Tenpenny Tower for certain reasons
- Fixed Roy Phillips to go back into Tenpenny Tower after talking to Mister Burke when all the Tenpenny Residents have been killed. He would just stand there for that scenario
- Fixed Roy Phillips to not get moved to the Tenpenny Balcony when it isn't during 2 objectives from the Power of The Atom quest. "Report to Mister Burke in Tenpenny Tower." and "Activate the detonator at Tenpenny Tower."
- Fixed Mister Burke and Roy Phillips conversation to only occur during 2 objectives from the Power of The Atom quest. "Report to Mister Burke in Tenpenny Tower." and "Activate the detonator at Tenpenny Tower."
- Fixed Mister Burke and Roy Phillips conversation to only occur while the ferals are attacking Tenpenny Tower. The player could have it trigger when Tenpenny Tower has been repaired. The dialogue lines make sense with the attack going on
- Fixed Mister Burke's dialogue response "If you can do a better job than Chief Gustavo, perhaps you can go enlighten him. I have important matters to attend to. If you'll excuse me?" to the player to only trigger if Gustavo is alive
- Fixed Mister Burke's dialogue response "Ahem. I advise you to speak more civilly. Perhaps you can go enlighten Chief Gustavo. I have pressing "evil minion" things to do." to the player to only trigger if Gustavo is alive
- Fixed missing choices in the dialogue greeting line "I'm afraid she's going to be out for a while. She's not well at all." Dr. Barrows says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Reilly's Rangers?" to Dr. Barrows to only show if the player doesn't know who Reilly is and was missing a dialogue choice
- Fixed a missing choice in the dialogue line "I'd say she tangled with some Super Mutants and lost. It's a miracle she isn't dead." Dr. Barrows says to the player
- Fixed missing choices in the dialogue line "That kind of talk is uncalled for. I was, am and always will be a doctor of medicine." Dr. Barrows says to the player
- Fixed a missing choice in the dialogue line "She was just brought in by a few others. They found her bleeding to death at the entrance to the city here." Dr. Barrows says to the player
- Fixed a missing choice in the dialogue line "Well, I wouldn't recommend it. She's in some sort of coma. It's dangerous to force someone out of one." Dr. Barrows says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Do you mind if I try and revive her?" to Dr. Barrows to be a goodbye
- Fixed the dialogue choice prompt "No time for chatter. I'm here to get you guys out." to Butcher to only show if the player accepted Reilly's proposal
- Fixed/Added the dialogue choice prompt "No time for chatter. Let's get out of here." to Butcher to only show if the player hasn't accepted Reilly's proposal
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Reilly? Who's that? Never heard of her." to Butcher to only show if the player doesn't know who Reilly is
- Fixed the dialogue choice "I don't know any Reilly, but I do know we need to get the hell off this roof." to Butcher to only show if the player doesn't know who Reilly is
- Fixed the dialogue choice "I don't know a Reilly, and I'm out of here." to Butcher to only show if the player doesn't know who Reilly is
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Yeah, she's fine. They patched her up and she's resting in Underworld." to Butcher to only show if the player knows who Reilly is
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Okay, fine. Yes, she's alive. She's safe in Underworld. Satisfied?" to Butcher to only show if the player knows who Reilly is
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Look, let's get out of here and I promise I'll take you to her." to Butcher to only show if the player knows who Reilly is
- Fixed the dialogue goodbye line "Get that fission battery then double time it back here!" Butcher says to the player to trigger only if the player doesn't have any fission batteries
- Fixed the dialogue greeting line "Well, I suppose thanks are in order... and a little something extra for your trouble." Butcher says to the player, so he'll only give the player the Ranger Compound Terminal Password if the player didn't get it from Reilly
- Fixed the dialogue greeting line "Again, I'm not sure how to thank you." Butcher says to the player, so he'll give the player the Ranger Compound Terminal Password and only if the player didn't get it from Reilly
- Fixed the dialogue greeting line "Yeah? What is it? Ready to help?" Reilly says to the player to trigger only if she proposed the offer, the player hasn't accepted it yet, and also fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue greeting line "Yeah? What do you want?" Reilly says to the player to trigger only if she hasn't proposed the offer yet, the player hasn't accepted it yet, and also fixed its choices
- Fixed/Added another dialogue greeting line "Yeah? What do you want?" Reilly says to the player to trigger only if the player chose the option "Sorry, sounds like suicide. Be my guest."
- Fixed the dialogue hello line "Sigh. This is a long way from the Statesman Hotel. Why are you still here?" Reilly says to the player to trigger only if the player accepted her proposal and Reilly is still in the Underworld ChopShop
- Fixed the dialogue hello line "Why are you just standing around here? My men might be dying!" Reilly says to the player to trigger only if the player accepted her proposal and Reilly is still in the Underworld ChopShop
- Fixed the dialogue hello line "Please, don't hang around here... just get out to the Statesman Hotel and rescue my men." Reilly says to the player to trigger only if the player accepted her proposal and Reilly is still in the Underworld ChopShop
- Fixed the dialogue hello line "You're still here?" Reilly says to the player to trigger only if the player accepted her proposal and Reilly is still in the Underworld ChopShop
- Fixed the dialogue hello line "Whoa. Feel woozy." Reilly says to the player to trigger only if Reilly is still in the Underworld ChopShop
- Fixed the dialogue choice "How do I know they're still alive?" to Reilly to only appear if the player hasn't listened to the Ranger radio broadcast help
- Fixed the dialogue choice "How did this all happen, Reilly?" Reilly says to the player to not appear after accepting her proposal and appears on certain choices before the proposal, and also fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "If time wasn't so precious right now, I wouldn't be so on edge either. I need to get help for the rest of the Rangers, and fast." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "That's not the way I do things." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "You're pretty sharp, kid." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Heh, I feel worse than I look, but that doesn't even matter to me. I'm just worried about the rest of the Rangers." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "You got a lot of class, kid." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Are you completely stupid?" Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Very bad move, but we had no choice." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "They are?! Holy shit!" Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "If time wasn't so precious right now, I wouldn't be so on edge either. I need to get help for the rest of the Rangers, and fast." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Spoken like a merc. You sound like me when I was just a kid starting out in the business." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Look, I don't know where else to go. In the shape I'm in, I'll be lucky to get ten feet." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but I got three guys alone out there with an army of Super Mutants around them." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Actually, we did lay down a bunch of countermeasures. I don't know how many of them have already gone off though." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "My bad idea I'm afraid. I had a Stealth Boy which allowed me to slip off the roof unnoticed. The plan was to get back to get some help." Reilly says to the player
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "It takes a big man to apologize... I respect that." Reilly says to the player and only towards if the player is a man
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Fine. Since you're all business and obviously don't give a damn about human life, I got a proposal for you." Reilly says to the player and removed an unnecessary script that shouldn't set the proposal yet
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "Last stand? Well, we hoped not. We figured we'd get up there and get a better signal to radio the Brotherhood of Steel for help." Reilly says to the player and removed an unnecessary script that shouldn't set the proposal yet
- Fixed the dialogue choices for the line "So you're that eager to jump in headfirst, eh? You remind me a lot of some crazy mercs I knew back in the day." Reilly says to the player and removed an unnecessary script that shouldn't set the proposal yet
- Fixed the dialogue choice prompt from "So, what's this about needing help? Tell me the whole story." to "Tell me the whole story." since Reilly isn't asking for help yet in almost all the ways this option appears
- Fixed the dialogue choice prompt from "Let's skip all the story and get to the point. What do you need?" to "Let's skip all the story and get to the point." since Reilly isn't asking for help yet in her response
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Whoa, whoa. Calm down! Who are you?" to Reilly to only appear if the player doesn't know who Reilly is and fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Hey, relax, you were badly wounded. Now... who are you?" to Reilly to only appear if the player doesn't know who Reilly is and fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue choice "My apologies. I didn't know who you were." to Reilly to only appear if the player doesn't know who Reilly is and fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue choice "Reilly's Rangers, huh? Never heard of you." to Reilly to only appear if the player doesn't know who Reilly is and fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue line "Get the Rangers home. Please. That's all I want. I don't care how you do it." Reilly says to the player to set the proposal and fixed its choices
- Fixed the dialogue line "No! There is no way my guys are dead!" Reilly says to the player to be a goodbye
- Fixed the dialogue response "Wow. You really are an asshole. Fine. I hope their deaths sit well on your conscience." from Reilly to count as negative towards to the player
- Fixed the quest objective "(Optional) Gear up at Ranger Compound." to appear after Reilly says to the player "We have a headquarters not far from here."
- Fixed the quest objective "Give a Fission Battery to Donovan" to not appear anymore if the player fixes the elevator
- Fixed the quest objective "Find Reilly in Underworld inside the Museum of History." to not appear anymore if the player skipped it and progressed in the quest to the other Rangers
- Fixed the quest objective "Lead Reilly's Rangers to safety." to not be completed too early and will only complete after the final wave of super mutants are killed, and all the rangers survived
- Fixed the quest objective "Get to the Statesman Hotel exit." to appear after fixing the elevator
- Fixed the quest objective "Get to the Statesman Hotel exit." target location
- Fixed the quest objective "Get to the Statesman Hotel exit." to be completed after exiting the Statesman Hotel and while having the objective "Return to Reilly at Ranger Compound." displayed
- Fixed the Ranger Compound Terminal to not be automatically unlocked and unlocked if the player uses the password note received from Reilly or Butcher. In case Butcher died or the player skipped his dialogue to receive it, the terminal will be unlocked anyways as a backup
- Fixed Reilly to not be crippled when she's in the Ranger Compound (This is only possible when the player revives her)
- Fixed Susie Mack and Christine to turn in their GOAT tests without issues, so now all the GOAT tests being turned in work without issues
- Fixed/Blocked the player from interrupting/pickpocketing Amata, Butch, Christine, Paul, Mr Brotch, Susie, and Wally during their GOAT test turn in conversations
- Fixed Amata to not say her interrogation scene lines anymore when she appears after opening the Vault 101 door. The rare instance when the player received the 10mm pistol from Amata, skips the interrogation scene undetected, exits through the escape tunnel, then opens the vault door.
- Fixed the dialogue line "Oh! Did you need something else?" Sierra Petrovita says to the player to not have an unnecessary script attached to it
- Fixed all the dialogue lines when giving Nuka Cola Quantum bottles to Sierra Petrovita and Ronald Laren so they say the correct responses to how many Quantum bottles are added up currently
- Fixed the dialogue option "I don't have time for this nonsense." towards Ronald Laren so he doesn't stand there forever after he says his line
- Fixed Bob, Shawna, and Rosie to not get stuck at the ballot box when voting. This happened when they weren't in the same cell as the player when they voted. Then upon entering the cell they were stuck.
- Fixed/Blocked the player from interrupting/pickpocketing Crimson and Forty's conversation before they sleep together
- Fixed 3 dialogue lines when Forty wants to talk to Euology about a raise to actually go talk to him
- Fixed Sun of Atom and Atoms Champion mute dialogue greeting lines
- Fixed/Blocked the player being unable to initiate dialogue with the sleeping patients in the Anchorage medic tent
- Fixed/Blocked the Regulator HQ exterior enemy spawns from activating the HQ shack door and killing the Regulator NPCs inside
- Fixed/Blocked the Regulator NPCs from going outside to fight the spawns nearby. Higher level spawns killed them easily outside
- Fixed the 3 Raven Rock Exterior enclave NPCs from respawning
- Fixed Star Paladin Cross' class type to be Brotherhood of Steel Knight instead of Brotherhood of Steel Soldier. Knight has melee weapons tagged and the soldier doesn't
- Fixed the dialogue line "Oh hey, hi. You again, huh? I thought maybe you'd be blown up or shot or something by now, but I guess not. Not yet, anyway." Zip says to the player, so it only appears after having the 1st conversation with him
- Fixed the dialogue line "Hey, hi! Hi, lady. Hey there. What's going on? Anything new? You have any good stories? What about Nuka-Cola, you have any of that? Huh, huh?" Zip says to the player, so it only appears after having the 1st conversation with him and after he asks the player for nuka cola the 1st time
- Fixed the dialogue line "Hey, hi! Hi, mister. Hey there. What's going on? Anything new? You have any good stories? What about Nuka-Cola, you have any of that? Huh, huh?" Zip says to the player, so it only appears after having the 1st conversation with him and after he asks the player for nuka cola the 1st time
- Fixed the dialogue line "Hey there. You have any Nuka-Cola? Even just a bit? Can I have some? Be your best friend. Honest. Totally. Not even kidding!" Zip says to the player, so it only appears after having the 1st conversation with him and after he asks the player for nuka cola the 1st time
- Fixed the dialogue line "So yeah, it's good to meet you, big kid, and maybe you've got big stuff on top of you. Do you have any Nuka-Cola, maybe? Yes? Please?" Zip says to the player, so it sets the 1st time he mentions asking for nuka cola
- Fixed the dialogue line "That reminds me, got any Nuka-Cola? 'Cause if I'm not gonna have a gun in town, then it must be okay for me to have more Nuka, right?" Zip says to the player, so it sets the 1st time he mentions asking for nuka cola
- Fixed Zip to not say karma greetings that broke his initial greetings he's supposed to say
- Fix/Prevented the Anchorage container cheat when transferring simulation items into a body upon coming back from the simulation (Unless you go out of your way to use console commands)
- Fixed/Reverted the metal helmet voice modulation since the female version is open face
- Fixed when Colonel Autumn says "Now I'm running out of patience, son. I want that code, and I want it now." to cut out "son" since there's no female version for it
- Fixed Shorty to stop talking to the super mutant guarding him if the Super Mutant dies during their conversation
- Fixed the Super Mutant guarding Shorty to stop talking to Shorty if Shorty dies during their conversation
- Fixed the Super Mutant guarding Shorty to fire his weapon at Shorty until he dies after their conversation
- Fixed the Super Mutant guarding Shorty to stop firing his weapon when Shorty dies
- Fixed the Super Mutant guarding Shorty to start combat with Shorty if he doesn't have his Hunting Rifle before shooting Shorty (Player pickpockets him)
- Fixed duplicated facial hair showing up in the character creation facial hair choices, they shouldn't be playable for the player
- Restored many dialogue lines Casdin says by having him being outside normally when before he only showed up when the player said the initial yes to the job
- Fixed Casdin's forced greeting to not have him walk all the way up to the gate and instead go to the player within the radius
- Fixed Casdin's forced greeting to be triggered at the end of Morgan's dialogue line when telling him a local is interested in the job
- Fixed Protector Casdin, Defender Morgan, and Defender Rockfowl's death items
- Fixed Defender Morgan to not briefly stand there after saying to Casdin the player is interested in the job
- Fixed the dialogue options "Can I join your group?" and "You collect technology? How do I sign up?" to not popup anymore after saying the initial yes to the job
- Fixed/Blocked the player from interrupting/pickpocketing Morgan and Casdin when Morgan goes to tell Casdin the player is interested in the job
- Fixed every instance in the Those! quest to account for if the player has talked to Bryan Wilks yet or not. Before it relied on stage 10 causing issues
- Fixed dialogue with Doctor Lesko so the reward negotiating options can't be chosen twice
- Fixed the dialogue option "Let me get back to you on this." with Doctor Lesko to be the bottom choice in every instance
- Fixed stage 10 (Find Bryan Wilks' father.) of Those! to set it only when the player hasn't found his corpse yet in every instance
- Fixed Bryan Wilks' greeting "Come on! Tell me already!" to only be said at the correct times
- Fixed Bryan Wilks' greeting "Did you change your mind or something?" to only be said at the correct times
- Fixed the dialogue option "Is there anywhere you can hide?" to still appear for Bryan Wilks if the player still hasn't told him to go hide yet and the player already found his father's corpse
- Fixed the dialogue option "Okay. I'll go look for your father." with Bryan Wilks to not appear if the player already found his father's corpse
- Fixed the dialogue option "Sorry, kid. Your old man is ant food." with Bryan Wilks to complete the objective "Deliver the bad news to Bryan Wilks."
- Fixed the dialogue option "Your father's dead." with Bryan Wilks to complete the objective "Deliver the bad news to Bryan Wilks."
- Fixed the dialogue option "Bryan, I'm sorry, but your father is dead." with Bryan Wilks to complete the objective "Deliver the bad news to Bryan Wilks."
- Fixed the dialogue option "Yeah, you'll be better off staying at home." with Bryan Wilks to clear the house of his father's corpse and other things and if the objective (Find Bryan Wilks' father.) is still being displayed, it will no longer be displayed
- Fixed when Bryan Wilks says "Oh boy! Thank you so much! I'll wait in my old house for you to come back... I need to bury my pappa anyway." to have another dialogue line cutting out "I need to bury my pappa anyway." accounting for if the player hasn't told him yet his father is dead
- Fixed the dialogue option "This is a hefty task, Doc. I'm going to need serious incentive." to be a hard speech challenge. It was setup to be one, but the developers didn't finish it
- Fixed the dialogue option "I've killed all the Nest Guardians [Lie]" with Doctor Lesko to only account for if the player has entered the hatchery and hasn't killed all the guardian ants yet
- Fixed the 5 guardian ants to frenzy each other if the player sends the pulse
- Fixed the Those! quest objective "Send the Inhibitor Pulse from Lesko's portable terminal or Kill the Ant Queen." to appear if the player lied to Doctor Lesko and hasn't sent the pulse yet (Thanks to Drithius)
- Fixed the Those! quest objectives "Find Bryan Wilks in Grayditch." or "Return to Bryan Wilks." to appear if the player lied to Doctor Lesko and sent the pulse (Thanks to Drithius)
- Fixed/Improved Protector McGraw's unvoiced dialogue line "Welcome back." to have audio (used from one of his greeting lines)
- Fixed/Altered the dialogue response "Mr. President, I'm sorry to bother you. This is Lieutenant Williams. I have an unauthorized individual here who says he's supposed to speak with you." so he says "who's" instead of "who says he's" since no female line exists for it
- Fixed the Fort Independence to let the player inside without issue when Protector Casdin says they trust the player
- Fixed 2 wall clipping issues inside the Fort Independence
- Fixed the player to be unable to use the pipboy to fast travel during Ashur's speech
- Fixed/Added a female version of when Tiffany Cheng says "That's terrific! A real man of action. That's just what we need!" to the player but the 2nd sentence is cut out
- Fixed all the terminals in the game that had those underscores in odd spots. They were missing their welcome texts
- Added lucky 8 ball's inactive message back
- Fixed Abraham Washington's key to be used for his door to his room. His key was in his inventory doing nothing
- Fixed Sandra's non angered hello dialogue lines
- Fixed a Fire Ant Nectar exchange with Doctor Lesko that shouldn't occur on the dialogue line "I would be more than happy to take that off your hands if you'd like."
- Fixed when Sierra Petrovita says "Well? What do you think? Will you take my offer?" to only appear after she said the offer and the player chose to think about it
- Fixed when Sierra Petrovita says "So, you ready to hear me out? I have a bit of a proposition for you." to only appear after the tour and before the offer
- Fixed the quest objective "(Optional) Find the ruins of the Nuka-Cola Bottling Facility." to always appear when asking Sierra Petrovita "Do you even have a clue as to where I can start looking?"
- Upgraded the Alien Captive Recorded Log 17 audio to 44100Hz quality
- Fixed when asking Butcher "Are there any other ways off this roof?" so his 2nd response "Seriously, the elevator is our only chance now that the radio tower is gone." works. Before he only said the 1st line
- Fixed the dialogue choice "My posting is Nuka-Cola R&D and my number is 987065 <lie>" to be said once on both occasions
- Fixed to only be able to mention to Evan King once about Lucy's letter
- Fixed Grouse to trigger his warning dialogue when the player tries to go into Paradise Falls without permission
- Fixed Grouse's warning dialogue to be goodbye lines
- Fixed the Strictly Business quest to not apply permission into Paradise Falls too early. Only permission should be granted through dialogue with Grouse
- Fixed a Grouse greeting dialogue to trigger if the player is sneaking
- Fixed when the player says to Grouse "Your pals over at the Lincoln Memorial seemed pretty happy with me." to require being evil or very evil
- Fixed when Grouse says "Yeah, just behave yourself. The boys up there don't fuck around." only when the player is allowed to enter Paradise Falls
- Fixed the dialogue option "Anything you want to say before you meet your maker?" to show up for Bessie Lynn after saying "Gustavo hired me to kill you."
- Fixed 2 American Grease-Monkeys that had mute dialogue lines. Only males have those voiced lines, so they're changed to males
- Fixed the player to be unable to initiate dialogue with the Chinese Soldier captives before they get shot in the head
- Fixed Impartial Mediation perk's increased speech skill to require the exact amounts of neutral karma for the player to have it
- Fixed Plik's dialogue line "That's the spirit! The other participants are waiting, so just press the button inside to let me know when to begin." audio file to not have "sir" in it
- Restored 2 dialogue responses Leaf Mother Laurel says when the player insults the Tree Father
- Restored 2 dialogue responses Agatha says when the player asks her "Is the Stradivarius worth a ton of caps?"
- Restored a dialogue response Derek Pacion says when the player asks him "What can you tell me about Canterbury Commons?"
- Restored the dialogue option "You killed my father, you son of a bitch!" to Colonel Autumn
- Restored 2 extra dialogue lines Colonel Autumn says to the player after the player gives an incorrect Purifier code
- Fixed the dialogue option "The way I see it, if you and the rebels are dead, all these problems are over." to Amata to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "There's only one solution, here. Death, and lots of it. You get to be first!" to Officer Gomez or Officer Armstrong to trigger and show the [Karma]
- Fixed the dialogue option "Heheh. You're not fooling anyone. Everyone knows you're one of the good guys." to Griffon to not have the [Karma] showing when the player gets that response
- Fixed the dialogue option "How about I buy all the Temple of the Union slaves from you?" to Leroy Walker to be said only once since the rejection responses Leroy states it's a onetime offer
- Fixed the dialogue "Just like every other thieving mungo." pickpocket line Little Lamplight kids say to not require having the Child At Heart perk
- Fixed the dialogue option "Look, bud. It'd be best if you just drift on by and leave us alone." to Billy Creel to trigger towards the player
- Fixed the dialogue option "Don't make me beat it out of you." to Winthrop to not require a caps check. No caps are involved with this response
- Fixed the dialogue option "How about 250 caps, instead? Is it a "deaw"?" to Biwwy to require 250 caps or higher, not 500
- Fixed the dialogue option "Can you teach me the ways of the Vampire?" to Vance to show up after telling him Arefu has accepted his proposal
- Fixed the dialogue option "Relax. I don't care. Take these morons for all their worth. I'm just curious." to Griffon to require evil karma or worse
- Fixed the dialogue option "Not good enough. Give me your caps, or I'll take them from your corpse." to the Brokensteel Bandits to caclculate the correct amounts of karma
- Fixed the dialogue option "The baby's here, and she's safe. How will this help the slaves?" to Wernher to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "It's here and safe. How's this going to put me in charge of The Pitt?" to Wernher to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "Sorry, but the slaves don't have time to wait for a cure. I'm taking Marie." to Sandra to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "That means kidnapping this baby is the key to ruling this city. Yoink!" to Sandra to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "Seems like an awful lot of fuss over one little baby." to Midea to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "I don't feel right about kidnapping. She's going to be safe, right?" to Midea to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "I joined with the winning side. Now shut your mouth, slave." to Midea to require evil karma or worse and have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "Sorry, but I just couldn't kidnap an innocent baby, even for your freedom." to Midea to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "He said your discovery will free the slaves and cure them. How could I say no?" to Ashur to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "He said you had the key to ruling the city, and I'm here to collect." to Ashur to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm the hero who's going to kill you and free the slaves!" to Ashur to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm the badass who'll be running this place once I kill you." to Ashur to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm the badass who'll be running this place once I kill you." to Ashur to have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "You obviously know all about the G.E.C.K., so let's help each other out." to Fawkes to trigger
- Fixed the dialogue option "What have you got to trade for a bottle of Nuka-Cola?" to Zip to show the [Barter]
- Fixed the dialogue option "You've got a laser. Technically, you'd be asking "with highly focused light." to Protector Casdin to trigger
- Fixed the dialogue option "Come on, it'll be an adventure!" to Bumble that it's a Child at Heart perk check only. Being a speech check and perk check fools the player knowing the perk was required. There's already another dialogue line being the speech check
- Fixed the dialogue option "Know anything else that could help me stop them?" luck responses from Derek Pacion to have the [Luck] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "Funny. I'll take my caps back now." response from Jericho to not have the [Unarmed] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "Oh, come on. He'll listen to reason. Go talk to him." charisma speech check when the player tries to convince a wastelander to approach the suicide preacher
- Fixed the dialogue option "Oh, it's still there, but it's full of Raiders. The place is a death trap." response from Moira Brown to have the [Charisma] showing. [Agility] was incorrect
- Fixed the dialogue option "Look, kid. There's no such thing as monsters." to Bryan Wilks to trigger
- Fixed the dialogue option "I know what an android is. I dabble in AI programming myself." to Dr. Zimmer to trigger
- Fixed the dialogue option "Vampires can drink any kind of human blood... even from bloodpacks." to Vance to apply a medicine condition check. [Medicine] was there with no condition
- Fixed the dialogue option "This isn't rocket science. I know exactly what you are." to Vance to trigger and its intelligence speech check had the wrong global type
- Fixed the dialogue option "The way you're saying "Him," I could swear you're referring to a god..." to Tree Father Birch to have the [Intelligence] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "A genetic mutation of that magnitude could only be caused by F.E.V." to Harold to trigger
- Fixed the dialogue option "It has to be the Declaration of Independence." to Abraham Washington to require 7 Intelligence or higher, not only equal to 7
- Fixed the dialogue option "Sounds like a deal. Here you go." to Abraham Washington to have the [Barter] showing when selling the Bill Of Rights
- Fixed the dialogue option "Will you give me 100 caps for it?" to Abraham Washington to have the [Barter] showing when selling the Magna Carta
- Fixed the dialogue option "My business and pleasure are the same. And you're not going to like it either." to Uncle Roe to trigger, require evil karma or worse, and have the [Karma] showing
- Fixed the dialogue option "I'm hurt. I need help, Doc." 2 responses from Lucy to show the [Child At Heart]
- Fixed the dialogue option "I think I might be addicted to something." response from Lucy to show the [Child At Heart]
- Fixed the dialogue option "What are your command options?" to Button Gwinnett to show the [Robotics Expert]
- Fixed the dialogue response "Hey, if it ain't a fellow Tunnel Snake, slumming it down here with the old crew?" from Butch to check if the player is wearing the Tunnel Snakes jacket. It was checking Butch.
- Fixed the dialogue response "If you dress up like a slave, you should be able to get past the gates without a problem." from Wernher to check if the player isn't wearing the Tattered Slave Outfit or Worn Slave Outfit
- Fixed the dialogue response "Head into The Pitt and find the cure. Remember: put the slave clothes on and stash your stuff if you can." from Wernher to check if the player isn't wearing the Tattered Slave Outfit or Worn Slave Outfit
- Fixed the dialogue response "It looks like you've already got a set of Slave Clothes to disguise yourself with. Good. That'll make things easier." from Wernher to require if the player has the Tattered Slave Outfit or Worn Slave Outfit
- Fixed/Restored doctor dialogue lines just before the player receives healing/addiction shots from Doc Church, Lucy, Cutter, Doctor Preston and Wasteland Doctors
- Fixed Lucy's doctor dialogue to only appear when she's inside the Little Lamplight Office Building
- Fixed Lucy's healing doctor dialogue so the player can only be healed after rescuing the kids from Paradise Falls or has the Child At Heart perk
- Fixed the dialogue greeting "There you go, good as new." Butcher should say after healing the player
- Restructured/Restored all offers bartering for Charon's contract based on the player's barter skills
- Fixed all the princess dialogue that had charisma checks but resulted in negative karma. Should be Evil karma checks since they result in negative karma
- Restored 2 dialogue options after giving Jericho 10 caps
- Fixed Chinese Technicians and the Crimson Dragoons to not attack each other
- Fixed Montgomery having mute dialogue lines with strike team members
- Fixed Power Armor Training perk to have the popup message appear for the perk itself instead of only after Paladin Gunny trains the player
- Fixed Power Armor Training perk to stop the quest involved with Paladin Gunny training the player if it's running
- Fixed when the player receives the Power Armor Training perk after Sarah says "Before we get started, I wanted to let you know that my father and I have been talking." to account if the player has the perk or not
- Fixed when the player receives the Power Armor Training perk during the quest Operation: Anchorage objective "Access the VSS Armory." to account if the player has the perk or not
- Fixed mailboxes to have only small things that fit in them. Crutches for example was a chance to be in them (Thanks to Drithius)
- Fixed 2 dialogue lines to trigger after Paladin Gunny trains the player to use power armor (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Bethesda Ruins raider sniper's behavior (Thanks to Roy)
- Fixed the Marigold fire ants encounter zones so they reset or not correctly (Thanks to Roy)
- Fixed museum benches model to be wood, stone was the wrong material (Thanks to tgspy)
- Fixed a lot of models and decreased FPS on Point Lookout trees (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed ownership on the fridge in the Temple of the Union (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Lucas Simms to show up in the bog hallucination. He was lodged inside the ground (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the traps in Raven Rock so they actually set things on fire now (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a potential bug to where if you killed Burke before he could kill Simms, Moriarty and Gob would stay stuck in their packages (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Fluffy and Jitters to no longer respawn (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a false door to be static in the Nuka Cola Factory Floor (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Fawkes to wait outside of Raven Rock and force greet the player after killing the Enclave soldiers near him (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Vertibird takeoff sounds to not be 2D, which could be heard very far away (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the brain in Point Lookout to not have the unconscious message keep popping up (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Uncle Leo so you don't gain karma from killing him, also fixed his template and combat style to reflect the fact he's unarmed (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a few random encounter scripts that were failing due to badly set up references (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a raider that could spawn inside a wall (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the snipers at Bethesda Ruins, Mama Dolces, and Seward Square so they don't run off from their sniper post (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed some raiders that had the incorrect voice type and no death item chance leveled items (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a turret in Mama Dolces that would incorrectly attack the chinese commandos there (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed 7 items to be owned by the Scavenger in the Wasteland location -22, -2 (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the Overseer to look at the player at the start and end of when he gives the player a pipboy (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed if the player starts the purifier at the same time it's supposed to explode, it won't explode anymore (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Lowered the collision boxes near Tenpenny's suite so you aren't randomly blocked from frolicking in the flowers (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Mister Burke's dialogue line "So, you're a masochist..." to be said to anyone (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Doctor Li to say "I'm unarmed! Don't shoot!" any time she flees (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Sentinel Lyons dialogue line to say "Vargas! Cover me!" when he's near (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a bug with the mine random encounter where only one side of the conversation would play and where it would repeat itself twice (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed snowflake to sleep normally without issue (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Tulip to sleep normally without issue (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Billy Creel's door to lock correctly consistently (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the dialogue choice in the Those quest "This is a hefty task, Doc. I'm going to need serious incentive." to set both variables to 1 since this option has 2 rewards when before it set only 1 (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the Prime robot to not briefly stop after the 2nd barrier when near that overhead walkway (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the overlord super mutants to use their unique skeleton. Was using the regular super mutant one (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Restored a Prime dialogue line it says once before moving (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Garza's wave wait package during the Water's Of Life quest (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the Armory Master to have the Broken Steel Tesla Resonance Armor instead of the regular Tesla Power Armor (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed in the Water's Of Life quest to trigger the "Escort Doctor Li through Taft Tunnel to the Citadel." stage after Doctor Li says "We don't have time to waste. We need to get moving." to the player (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored the dialogue choice "Don't you see? You've been used. You're a pawn. You deserve better." when confronting Colonel Autumn at the purifier (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed 2 dialogue choices to appear when telling Sarah she should go in the purifier (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed all 4 intercom dialogue lines when Doctor Li warns that time is running out to start the purifier (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored/Fixed dialogue lines Sarah says during the Prime enclave battle (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed both interior doors to unlock when Colonel Autumn walks away from the purifier. Before it was only 1 (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored eyebots that swarm Prime during the enclave battle on the bridge (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored dialogue lines James (Dad) and Doctor Li say before he dies (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored Stevie Mack, Susie Mack, and Christine Kendall in the Vault 101 Birthday party (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed when Allistair Tenpenny says "Hello, hello!" to not be only towards a male player (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed when Allistair Tenpenny says "I'm mighty appreciative of your straightening things out. Perhaps next time I go on safari I'll take you along." to not be only towards a male player (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Burke's hitmen to have the correct voicetype when saying their dialogue lines (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed typos spelling NukaLurk without the capitol L for its meat and creatures (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Nukalurk's claw attack impact dataset. It didn't have one assigned (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Deathclaw's faction type, body part data, and impact dataset (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the correct response to appear when the player says "I haven't decided what I'm going to do with it yet." when talking to Obadiah Blackhall to also depend on if a stage is current or not (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the power armor training quest to stop the quest after completing it (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored/Fixed Dukov to be outside late at night practicing shooting (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed all cells that didn't need the "Has Water" flag on (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the player to not be able to move before being captured by the enclave. The part just before the stun grenade drops (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the slaves at the Temple of the Union to attack if the player escapes through the windows before being trusted (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed when the player says "That's wonderful, kid. Now scram." to Bryan Wilks to not be a goodbye line (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a door type in the Warrington Tunnels (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Fawkes to not stall when putting in the code to the purifier (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the quest objective "Take the Krivbeknih to the Dunwich Building in the Capital Wasteland." to also display "Take the Krivbeknih to Obadiah OR Take it to the Dunwich Building in the Capital Wasteland." in the The Dark Heart of Blackhall (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed Obadiah Blackhall dialogue responses to "I haven't decided what I'm going to do with it yet." depending on if the quest objective "Take the Krivbeknih to Obadiah OR Take it to the Dunwich Building in the Capital Wasteland." is displayed or not (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored/Fixed Stacey into Little Lamplight (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored/Fixed Macreedy to tell Stacey to open the gate (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed 2 dialogue lines Burke's hitmen are supposed to say while attacking the player (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed 2 Somah speech checks that shouldn't be speech checks (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a wall in L'Enfant Plaza (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a sidewalk in Takoma Park (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a door in Northwest Seneca Metro Exterior and Old Olney (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a rug in Dukov's place (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a big grating in Adams Air Force (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a statue and 2 rubble piles in Pennsylvania Avenue (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned sidewalks in the Mason District (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a sidewalk in the wasteland location -1, -16 and 10, -8 and 10, -7 (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned rocks in the wasteland location -23, 27 and 9, 8 and 0, 25 and 19, 25 (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned blood and litter in the Arlington Library Media Archive (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned litter in the Penn. Ave/The Mall Metro (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a wall in the Recruitment Station (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a wall in the Our Lady of Hope Hospital (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned in the Factory (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned paper debris in Falls Church/Mason Dst Metro (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a painting in the Blackhall Manor (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned walls in the Research Lab (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned a rubble pile in the People's Bank of Point Lookout (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed/Repositioned litter in the Commanding Officer's Quarters (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Included Toshiro Kago Holotape Fix by Panzermann11
- Implemented popup messages to appear if the user doesn't have the latest version of Command Extender and latest beta version of FOSE running :D
- Republic of Dave overhaul restoration/fixes:
- Fixed 2 dialogue greeting lines to trigger only when informing Bob beforehand that Rosie won the election, and they aren't goodbye lines blocking dialogue choices
- Fixed 4 dialogue greeting lines to trigger only when informing Bob beforehand that he won and they aren't goodbye lines blocking dialogue choices
- Fixed when Jessica says "Dave says you're okay? Fine." to be said only once and if Dave is alive or not
- Fixed 3 dialogue greeting lines to trigger only when informing Rosie beforehand that she won and they aren't goodbye lines blocking dialogue choices
- Fixed 2 dialogue greeting lines to trigger only when informing Rosie beforehand that Bob won and they aren't goodbye lines blocking dialogue choices
- Fixed a dialogue greeting line Rosie says about Dave allowing the player to stay only said once
- Fixed 2 dialogue greeting lines Dave's kids say to not be goodbye lines that blocked all their dialogue choices (at least 40+ dialogue lines restored)
- Fixed when the Republic npcs say "You have my vote, Mister President." only when Dave is running by himself
- Fixed when Rosie says "Hi, Mister President." only when he's still the President
- Fixed when Jessica says "Man, the Brahmin smell awful today." to be only said once a day and not every time
- Fixed when Jessice says "I'm Dave's wife, so don't even think about trying anything..." only if Dave is alive or not
- Fixed when Rachael says "Have you heard about Dave, lady (or mister)?" to be only said if Dave is alive or not and if Dave is President or not
- Fixed when Ralph says "You're almost as big as Dave." to be only said if Dave is alive or not and if Dave is President or not
- Fixed when Rosie says "Hi there, honey. Have you spoken to Dave?" to be only said if the player has spoken to Dave or not and if Dave is alive or not
- Fixed Dave's "Very well." goodbye line to not have a script attached (this made the game think Dave counted the votes already causing him to not count the votes when the time came)
- Fixed Jessica's "Stay away from Dave. He's mine." goodbye line to be only said if Dave is alive or not
- Fixed Jessica's "You're safe as long as Dave says so." goodbye line to be only said if Dave is alive or not and if Dave is President or not
- Fixed Bob's "Just don't bother me. I've got stuff to do for Dave." goodbye line to be only said if Dave is alive or not and if Dave is President or not
- Fixed Ralph's "I have to go practice my Dave impression, anyway." goodbye line to be only said if Dave is alive or not and if Dave is President or not
- Fixed Mary's "Goodbye, Mister Not-Dave." goodbye line to be only said if Dave is alive or not and if Dave is President or not
- Fixed Rachael's "That's what Dave always says." goodbye line to be only said if Dave is alive or not and if Dave is President or not
- Fixed "Communist! She's(or He's) a Communist! Everyone come quick!" dialogue lines
- Fixed sorting 2 dialogue lines not needing a check for if Dave is dead or not
- Fixed "Daddy Dave! Help us! Please!" dialogue line to also trigger if Dave is President or not
- Fixed "Dave! Dave!" dialogue line to also trigger if Dave is President or not
- Fixed "Get Daddy Dave! Invader! Invader!" dialogue line to also trigger if Dave is President or not
- Fixed sorting 2 dialogue lines that blocked 9 responses when talking amonst themselves about the election
- Fixed when Shawna talks about Rosie being a good leader to trigger (was checking that Dave was dead)
- Fixed when saying to Shawna "You know, Bob is running for president now." to check if Bob is alive or not and if Dave is alive or not (she mentioned Dave in her response)
- Fixed when the player says to Shawna "Have you heard that both Bob and Rosie are running in the election?" to also check if Bob is alive or not
- Fixed when the adult women say "Isn't he a bit young? I mean, Dave's been running the Republic since before Bob was born..." to account for if Dave is alive or not
- Fixed when the Republic npcs say "Are you kidding? Dave is dead. How can there be an election with a dead candidate?" to trigger only before the election
- Fixed/Restructured the way Dave counts votes to account for if the player rigs the votes in all possible ways
- Fixed the player being unable to interrupt Dave counting votes (caused an infinite loop of saying "very well")
- Fixed Dave's final result dialogue lines to trigger from on all vote outcomes
- Fixed 2 dialogue lines Dave says when having a tantrum that Bob or Rosie won and then when he leaves to Old Olney, he's removed from the Republic faction
- Fixed a dialogue greeting line with Dave when he attacks the player in Old Olney saying "I warned you!" so the whole Republic doesn't become hostile to the player
- Fixed a greeting dialogue Dave says when he explains that he's going to Old Olney so it leads to a dialogue choice of 2 possible outcomes when asking him what the results of the election was
- Fixed 2 dialogue lines to trigger when asking Dave what the election results were after he loses
- Fixed 3 dialogue lines to trigger when asking Dave what the election results were after he wins
- Fixed when Rosie says "Dave won again? Well, he's the best choice." to only trigger if Dave won or not and if Dave had opponents or not
- Fixed when Bob says "Dave won it I'm sure." only if Dave won or not
- Fixed when asking Flower "Did you hear that Dave won the election?" to only be available if Dave won or not
- Fixed when asking Flower "Did you hear that Dave lost the election?" to only be available if Dave won or not
- Fixed when all the kids say "Did Dave win it again? I'd have voted for him if they'd let me." to only trigger if Dave won or not
- Fixed when the Republic npcs say "Did Dave win it again? I voted for him you know." to only trigger if Dave won or not
- Fixed Rosie to not say a response to "Have you heard that Rosie won the election?"
- Fixed Bob to not say a response to "Have you heard that Bob won the election?"
- Fixed when Bob says "Now that the old fool is finally dead, we can have some real leadership around here: me." to only trigger if Dave is still president or not
- Fixed responses from "I'd like to know more about the Republic." to trigger all the appropriate responses depending on who is the President
- Fixed Shawna's "Sir, everything here is authentic! Dave said so himself!" anger response to also only trigger inside the museum and if Dave is President or not (her next line mentions the army of dave)
- Fixed Shawna's "Sir, everything here is authentic! Dave said so himself!" anger response to not have "sir" in it since there's no option to account for a female
- Fixed Rosie's "I didn't win it, huh? Well, there'll always be other elections." response to also account for if she's an opponent or not and if Dave finished counting the votes
- Fixed Rosie's "There'll always be other elections." response to also account for if she's an opponent or not and if Dave finished counting the votes
- Fixed Bob's "Who needs it. I'd prefer to be second in command anyway." response to also account for if he's an opponent or not and if Dave finished counting the votes
- Fixed Rosie, Bob, Jessica, and Shawna to not get stuck when voting
- Fixed when the player says to Shawna "I'll leave you to the kids." only if the kids are in the museum
- Fixed/Repositioned the hula girl on the shelf in the museum of dave (if the player moved the hotplate, hula girl was floating)
- (Goodies) Added a small ladder to Lucas Simm's Hatch in his home Screen
- (Goodies) Restored an Adventures of Captain Cosmos loading screen
- (Goodies) Restored a Radio King loading screen
- (Goodies) Restored a Super Duper Mart loading screen
- (Goodies) Massively improved followers ready for combat script
- (Goodies) Restored Ant's blood color. It's slightly darker than other bugs
- Fixed Nuka Grenade's resistance type to fire resistance
- Fixed Danvers dialogue lines to also account for Harkness being on the flight deck when asking her who she reports to
- Fixed/Reworked the General Chase map explanation scene in the Command Tent of Anchorage (this prevents his animation from skating across the room)
- Fixed "The word around Underworld is that this isn't about killing Ghoul bigots..." dialogue option to appear when talking to Mister Crowley in the You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head quest
- Fixed 2 dialogue options with Patchwork when asking about Mister Crowley so the caps are removed from the player at the beginning of the bribes and enable the previous fix to appear
- Fixed a dialogue option with Quinn when asking about Mister Crowley so the caps are removed from the player at the beginning of the bribe
- Fixed a dialogue option with Ahzrukhal when asking about Charon that "He doesn't say much, does he?" to only appear if the player has spoken to Charon
- Fixed a dialogue prompt towards the player being a male or female when getting Walter's reward (errand girl or errand boy)
- Fixed the Dead Brotherhood of Steel Knight with a fatman in front of the GNR building to have a holotag
- Fixed an engine block to have opening/closing sounds in The Pitt Downtown
- Fixed/Repositioned 2 lamps in Rivet City
- Fixed/Repositioned 2 suitcases in the Warrington Station
- Fixed/Repositioned 2 postal boxes in the Tenpenny Tower Lobby
- Fixed/Repositioned 2 cars that were hiding under the Arefu bridge
- Fixed/Repositioned 3 whiskey bottles in the wasteland near a radio tower location -20, -13
- Fixed/Repositioned a footlocker in front of the Germantown Police Headquarters Exterior inside a tent
- Fixed/Repositioned a Rivet City Hangar sign in the Midship Deck
- Fixed/Repositioned a Wheaton Armory exterior door to match its interior one (turned 180 degrees)
- Fixed/Repositioned a hunting rifle in the Megaton Armory
- Fixed/Repositioned a Dead Mercenary in the County Sewer Mainline (prevents him from falling through the cell)
- Fixed/Repositioned Angela's bed in the Midship Deck of Rivet City
- Fixed/Repositioned a metal plank in the Commanding Officer's Quarters of Fort Bannister
- Fixed/Repositioned a coffee pot in the Conference Hall of the Capital Building
- Fixed/Repositioned a floating car in the L'Enfant Plaza
- Fixed/Repositioned a floating light track in the Rivet City Capitol Preservation Society
- Fixed/Repositioned a trunk container in the Wasteland, location -11, -10
- Fixed/Repositioned a floating tin can, drinking glass, and blamco in the Rivet City Marketplace
- Fixed/Repositioned a desk that was clipping into a door in the Pointlookout Calvert Mansion
- Fixed/Repositioned a RWCornerStone02 in the Arlington Cemetery (top piece was lowered into the bottom piece causing flickering)
- Fixed/Repositioned a tree clipping into a bridge in the wasteland FFEnclaveCamp25 -25,16
- Fixed/Repositioned a bush in the wasteland location -25,-15
- Fixed/Repositioned a metro wall in the Metro Central
- Fixed/Repositioned a floating booth in the wasteland location -22, -16
- Fixed/Repositioned a Dead Talon Company Merc that was beneath the floor in the Capitol Building West Entrance
- Fixed/Repositioned a pile of rocks that were under the map in the Wasteland location 14, -15
- Fixed/Repositioned a pile of rocks that were positioned too high in the olney ruins of the wasteland
- Fixed/Repositioned a fence wall in the Pitt Downtown
- Fixed/Repositioned a floating tree in the Wasteland location -4, 13
- Fixed/Repositioned a fence gate being too low in the Germantown Police Headquarters Exterior
- Fixed/Repositioned a garbage can in the Pitt Haven Entrance
- Fixed/Repositioned an empty soda bottle near Vault 112
- Fixed/Repositioned an emergency light on the exterior wall of the Robco building
- Fixed/Repositioned the Tenpenny Armament Locker in front of Tenpenny Tower
- Fixed a flickering texture near a door in the Takoma Park
- Fixed a flickering texture on the sidewalk in front of the Robco building
- Removed a dummy paradise falls door from the barracks (left over from TTW oops)
- Fixed a Squire Maxson dialogue line calling the player sir regardless of being a female
- Fixed lights in the Saint Monica's Church of Rivet City
- Fixed Abraham Washington's radio to not cause Rivet City to turn hostile when the player turns it off/on
- Fixed the player's Tenpenny Tower Suite exterior doors to require the Tenpenny Tower Suite Key to open them (interior doors required the key lol)
- Fixed 2 Butch dialogue lines to trigger when they're bullying Amata. They'll trigger depending on if the player initiated fighting with Butch during the sweetroll incident at the player's bday party
- Fixed MetHallCornerDoor01.nif degenerate normals due to tiling (Thanks to Rikako)
- Fixed MetHallCornerDoor02.nif double faces and updated the tangents (Thanks to Rikako)
- Fixed tenpennytowerback01.nif alpha property and removed 500 extra vertices (Thanks to Rikako)
- Fixed 15 speech challenge failure lines to not be speech challenge checks themselves (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Updated hunting rifle models and textures (thanks to Roy)
- Fixed Initiate Jennings to have a BOS holotag on her corpse
- Fixed Initiate Pek to have a BOS holotag if he dies
- Fixed Megaton NPCs from wandering off outside of Megaton or falling through the map in the Megaton Worldspace (This doesn't fix a savegame with a NPC already outside of the town)
- Fixed the Vault 112 Robot's dialogue. Both robots wouldn't say the right things depending on if the player had the vault 112 suit on or not before the player enters the Tranquility Lane simulation
- Added a "..." dialogue line towards NPCs that have no dialogue
- Fixed the dialogue choices after Vance says "I hear that you decided to speak to Ian regardless of my warnings." If the player chose what Ian decided to do it broke being able to negotiate an Arefu solution. Those choices come later after negotiating
- Fixed when Justin says "Please don't take Ian away from us." to be said at appropriate times and if Ian is alive or not
- Fixed when the player says "Now that I have a better understanding of the Family, may I speak to Ian?" to appear in the choices for "Are you telling me that Ian is a cannibal?" and "I find this all very hard to believe."
- Fixed when Vance tells the player Ian murdered his parents to account for the dialogue choices "I know what you did. Vance told me everything." and "I'm sorry, Ian, but your parents are dead." to appear or not when talking to Ian
- Fixed the dialogue choice "I already read your laws and I think I understand what you people are." to appear when the player hacks the terminal and reads the laws before talking to Vance
- Fixed dialogue choices for when Ian says "Don't you understand me? I killed them, okay?! My mother and father are dead because of me!"
- Fixed dialogue choices for when Ian says "Then you must think I'm some kind of a monster."
- Fixed dialogue choices for when Ian says "I killed them! My own parents!"
- Fixed dialogue choices for when Ian says "Home? I don't have a home anymore. I made sure of that, didn't I?"
- Fixed dialogue choices for when Ian says "You think I don't know that? You think I don't know what I did?!"
- Fixed Ian's force greet if the player hasn't spoken to Ian yet
- Fixed a double bed in Ronald's home
- Fixed the Outcasts to not attack the player on sight when trespassing into Fort Independence. Was an error in a script making the Outcasts attack the player if in those cells and neutral to Casdin. Now they'll say their unique trespassing dialogue lines warning the player then eventually attack the player
- Fixed the Megaton water plant to have industrial sounds
- Fixed compass quest targets in the The Dark Heart of Blackhall quest for when the player can go to Dunwich with the book
- Included Point Lookout Blackhall Manor Rail Fix by mintygang
- Restored/Fixed a speech challenge option when talking to Paulie Screen
- Fixed all NPCs/Creatures to appear/respawn when they're supposed to in the entire game (setting their placed references to persistent)
- Fixed all NPCs/Creatures to not spawn out of nowhere when loading a save, when they weren't there before (setting their placed references to persistent)
- Fixed all enable parent references to not have invalid initially disabled flags on them
- Included Floating Fix by TelShadow (Some were already fixed)
- Fixed a scavenger turret to not attack the scavenger and the player in the Wasteland location -3, -15
- Fixed/Removed playgroup forward 1 script line in the MQ05FloodControlPumpScript [SCPT:0001A02B] (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed the 5 chairs in the Weatherly Hotel so NPCs can sit in them from both sides. Before NPCs had some trouble sitting in them
- Fixed 50+ models (thanks to Rikako and rustyfork)
- Fixed all Rivet City NPCs to be on time to do their routines. Game limitation bug when they are 2 interiors cells apart and the player isn't in the cell their AI doesn't update
- Reworked scripting for when followers wait, follow, and get fired
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, James, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to enter/exit Oasis the same as the permanent followers (prevents them from glitching into the cells)
- Fixed all followers to wait during the Oasis ceremony and follow the player when the door unlocks after talking to Harold (prevents them from glitching into the cell)
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be able to enter/exit vault 87 the same as the permanent followers (prevents them from glitching into the cells)
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player gets knocked out by the enclave in vault 87. Temporary followers can't be fired so they're moved over to where Fawkes is after leaving Raven Rock, then they'll follow the player
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player enters/exits the Tranquility Lane simulation the same as the permanent followers
- Fixed all followers to wait when the player puts in the code to the purifier. This prevents followers glitching through into the purifier trying to follow the player still
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player wakes up in the citadel from the purifier
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, James, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player travels to the Pitt and back. Temporary followers can't be fired so they wait while in the Pitt and follow when returning (prevents them from glitching into the cells)
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, James, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player takes the Anchorage elevator up/down (prevents them from glitching into the cell)
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player rides the Brokensteel metro train and vertibird. They'll move to where the player goes the same as the permanent followers (prevents them from glitching into the cells)
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, James, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player travels to Point Lookout and back. Temporary followers can't be fired so they wait while in PL and follow when returning (prevents them from glitching into the cells)
- Fixed temporary followers (Cherry, James, Red, Shorty, Sticky, Sydney) to be accounted for when the player beams up to the Zeta ship, teleporting from the ship to the wasteland, and vice versa (prevents them from glitching into the cells)
- Fixed permanent followers to be accounted for if they're still inside vault 101 before/after the Trouble on the Homefront quest. They get moved in front of the entrance door. Developers only included temporary followers
- Fixed Cherry and James to be included as well if they're in megaton and the player blows up megaton, they're moved to in front of the entrance
- Fixed Cherry and James to be included as well if they're in Tenpenny Tower during the attacks. They're moved to in front of the entrance
- Fixed all followers to get moved out of Tenpenny Tower during the attack including the player's suite. Player can't enter the suite during that time
- Fixed glowing one's radiation burst to not damage actors that are immune to radiation
- Fixed glowing one's radiation burst to heal other ghouls (5 health for each burst)
- Removed TTW schematic note changes (oops missed those)
- Fixed a Pitt raider sit on ledge idle that wasn't being used due to an incorrect faction on a condition
- Removed Meshes\Architecture\Urban\TenpennyTowerBack01.NIF (No collision and player fell through the floor)
- Fixed 10 containers in Rivet City that weren't owned by a Rivet City faction
- Fixed/Blocked an unvoiced dialogue line when Protector McGraw says "Welcome back." No audio exists for it
- Fixed Dad to say to the female player an immediate dialogue reaction line after being rude to Jonas saying the BB gun is lame. With a female player it would break causing dad to not say the line then his hello dialogue lines were mute after Screen (was incorrectly setup only towards a male player)
- Reverted the wasteland 2048 map back to 1024. 2048 map will stay in goodies
- Fixed the nuka cola quantum addiction to be set once in the Generic Script (was set twice)
- Included TTW YUP FO3 Fixes:
- Raider Iconoclast Armor female glove model/texture fixes
- Energy Resistance abbreviation spelling error fix
- Enclave officer female model fix
- Vodka model fix
- Broken sidewalk model fix
- Male npcs animation hit in the head fix
- Glowing Ones melee decision hold time fixes
- Minimal use door flags to 2 doors
- Advanced Radiation Suit Effect player condition fix
- Forge Electromagnetic Pulse condition fix
- Robobrain Mesmetron condition fix
- FX Gore Pop Head impact fix
- 2 Computer Chair no name fixes
- 16 idle animation fixes including Robobrain's power down animation fix
- Statesman Hotel Elevator poppup message spelling error fix
- Gas Valve popup message spelling error fix
- New Medical Brace name fix
- Mister Sandman Perk fixes
- Enclave Deathclaw ragdoll death pose fix
- Glowing One Ragdoll death pose fix
- Med-X Withdrawal condition fixes
- Ultrajet Withdrawal condition fixes
- Discharge Hammer actor effect condition fixes (cut weapon but Goodies restores it)
- Included TTW Weapon model/texture fixes:
- 10mm Pistol
- 10mm Pistol Silenced
- 10mm Submachinegun
- 32 pistol
- 44 magnum
- Alien Atomizer
- Alien Blaster
- Alien pistol
- Alien Rifle
- Assault Rifle
- Atomic Pulverizer
- Axe
- Auto Axe
- Baseball Bat
- BB Gun
- Bottle Cap Mine
- Captains sidearm
- Chinese Pistol
- Chinese Assault Rifle (Anchorage)
- Combat Knife
- Combat Shotgun
- Cryo Grenade
- Cryo Mine
- Dartgun
- Destabilizer
- Double Barrel Shotgun
- Drone Cannon
- Fatman
- Firelance
- Flamer
- Frag Grenade
- Frag Mine
- Gauss Rifle
- Ghoul grenade
- Heavy Incinerator
- Hunting Rifle
- Infiltrator
- Jingwei's Shocksword
- Katana
- Knife
- Laser Gatling
- Laser Rifle
- Laser Pistol
- Lead Pipe
- Lever Action Rifle
- Lincoln Rifle
- Mesmetron
- Minigun
- Missile Launcher
- Nail Board
- Nuka Grenade
- Paulson's Revolver
- Police Baton
- Plasma Grenade
- Plasma Mine
- Plasma Pistol
- Plasma Rifle
- Pool Cue
- Powerfist
- Pulse Grenade
- Pulse Mine
- Railway Rifle
- Repellent stick
- Rock-It Launcher
- Rolling Pin
- Rusty Knife
- Sawed Off Shotgun
- Shishkebab
- Shock Baton
- Shovel
- Sledgehammer
- Sniper Rifle
- Supersledge
- Tireiron
- Trench Knife
- Tri beam laser rifle
- Fixed all misc item icons
- Fixed the player to be unable to initiate dialogue with the Pitt chained slave
- Fixed Milly and the remaining riot Pitt slaves to have dialogue after the Free Labor quest
- Fixed Elliot to not run around and to help the player when the soldiers are released too early
- Fixed Elliot to not react to the player when the soldiers are released correctly, and the player didn't kill them (he would say a blank dialogue line and be stuck after)
- Fixed Elliot to say his reaction lines outside of the cell the 2 soldier cryo pods are in
- Fixed the Zeta Alien workers to flee when near the player and do coward animations. All while not being displayed as enemies to the player
- Fixed Mr Brotch to still have dialogue when talking to him a 3rd time after saving him
- Fixed Forty and Crimson to sleep together when Crimson distracts Forty during the Rescue From Paradise Falls quest
- Fixed Forty and Crimson to resume their regular routines after the Rescue From Paradise Falls quest is completed
- Fixed Rory's dialogue to be said at the appropriate times
- Fixed Rory's "Thanks for getting me out of there." dialogue lines to be said in 3 possible ways depending on if the kids are in Paradise Falls still or not
- Fixed Rory to follow the player only within Paradise Falls and its interiors
- Fixed Sammy, Penny, and Squirrel to not keep returning to the Paradise Falls sewer grate (once per day flags were checked)
- Fixed a Bill Seward mute dialogue line he says to a female character when asking about the stone head
- Fixed Action Girl perk's icon
- Included Vault 101 Door Camera Fix by TelShadow (In the intro video it clearly shows those cameras there)
- Fixed Agatha from giving the player her ammo key too early
- Fixed being able to negotiate finding the violin only when not having it yet
- Fixed Agatha's unexpected bad karma dialogue greeting line to trigger for evil and very evil players
- Fixed a dialogue typo audio mismatch with Agatha
- Included Fallout 3 Broken Steel Title Update by NiraZero
- Fixed not being able to open dialogue options with Jenny Wilson (kid karma dialogue gained access to unvoiced dialogue options)
- Fixed Simone Cameron's greeting dialogue to be said at appropriate times
- Fixed 37 dialogue karma lines depending on if the player is better or worse than neutral status
- Fixed RL3 purchase dialogue (Charisma check slipped into there)
- Fixed RL3 purchase dialogue to show the [Karma] in the choices when having neutral karma or not
- Fixed a dialogue audio text mismatch when choosing "I was drawn to your eternal wisdom." talking to Jackson
- Fixed a missing table in the Administration interior of PL
- (Goodies) Removed shalebridge ant poppup message changes
- (Goodies) Changed Initiate Pek's armor to Recon Armor (why does a BOS initiate have combat armor?)
- (Goodies) Eulogy Jones wears his hat instead of the hat placed in his pad
- (Goodies) 2 Fire Ant Nectar replaces 2 ant meat in Doctor Lesko's lab in Marigold Station
- Reverted the Jingwei's Shocksword to have the alien disintegration (my mistake sorry)
- Fixed 5 dialogue conditions when Ellen DeLoria is screaming for help while being attacked by radroaches. Shouldn't be targeting the player (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed an attack dialogue condition Mr Handy says about humans resorting to violence. Shouldn't be targeting the player (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed 100+ dialogue grammar, spelling, audio text mismatches
- Fixed an opened locked jail cell in the Museum of History Lower Halls (Open by default was incorrectly set by the developers)
- Fixed 2 dialogue options involving asking Commander Danvers about Harkness
- Fixed Laser Rifle's repair list
- Fixed Tri-beam Laser Rifle's repair list
- Fixed Hunting Rifle's repair list
- Fixed Lever Action Rifle's repair list (this also applies to Lincoln's Repeater using the same repair list)
- Included fixes only from BenTweaks by BenzSmoke which are:
- Fixed 27 map marker icon types
- Fixed 2 beds incorrectly owned by Moira Brown in Dominic and Machete's House
- Fixed Cindy Cantelli to say "Welcome to A Quick Fix." only in the Rivet City Marketplace (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Restored/Fixed Elder Lyons blessing dialogue lines he says at breakfast and dinner times when sitting at the A Ring round table (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed 17 misplaced/floating objects in Alexandria Arms
- Fixed a floating car stack in the Scrapyard
- Fixed BLD08ValksDupont.NIF collision and UV errors (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed highwaycurve02rw.nif collision issues (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed highwayoverpassramp01.nif geometry errors and collision issues (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed highwaystr01rwoverpass.nif geometry errors and collision issues (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed highwaystr01rwoverpass02stone.nif geometry errors and collision issues (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed 15 Enclave combat dialogue lines to be linked to combat responses (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Removed TTW altering the CG03Script [SCPT:0001CE2E] for survival choices (oops missed that)
- Fixed a GNR dialogue line that blocked 33 Brokensteel GNR dialogue lines. Random end flag blocked them (Thanks to Kazopert)
- Fixed a glitched urban stairs model Example Screen (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed collision and other issues with blddupontangled02.nif (Thanks to Roy and Rikako)
- Fixed double opening sound with the Tenpenny Gate
- Fixed robot idle sounds. Their idle sounds actually don't work but the idle sounds work towards their conscious sounds (in the creature audio templates)
- Fixed an Enclave Radio dialogue previous info (oops I missed that one)
- Reverted Dad's surgical mask in the beginning birth scene to not modulate his voice (his dialogue is too quiet for that feature)
- Fixed an opened locked door in the National Archives (Archival Secure Wing East). This door is supposed to be locked and closed but the developers accidentally had the "open by default" flags on
- Fixed 2 Museum Information terminals in the Museum of Technology West Wing that had the wrong Exhibit Guide options
- Fixed guardrails floating in location -7, -6 of the wasteland
- Fixed a floating tree in FFEnclaveCamp28 of the wasteland
- Fixed blinking assorted papers
- Fixed Dogmeat to not give all his items to the player when he finds something
- Included Player's Tenpenny Suite TTW fixes and reverted Megaton player's house locker to its original position (Forgot to work on those)
- Fixed an enter/exit door mismatch for the Anchorage Memorial when entering the Anchorage Memorial Facility from the wasteland
- Fixed the Sentrybot's power down animation to not loop over and over (included from YUPTTW FO3 fixes)
- Fixed Seagrave Holmes close shop greeting dialogue to be said at appropriate times
- Fixed 3 Pitt slavers and random encounter slavers male/female facial glitch mismatch
- Fixed Doctor Barrows to remove proper number of caps from the player when getting healed
- Fixes to doctor healing dialogue player prompts
- Fixes to no caps check for not having enough for almost all doctor healing dialogue
- Fixed caps check to Lucy's 100 caps healing dialogue (was checking for 150)
- Fixed/Restored speech check dialogue to bargain better prices with the wasteland doctors (Screen)
- Fixed William Brandice's corpse to have fireant nectar (was a 70% chance before)
- Fixed the mister gutsy robots to be non-hostile towards the player when getting ink in the Stealing Independence quest (works for when not entering the area yet or starting a new game)
- Fixed Paladin Hoss and his Brotherhood Paladin follower to go to the Falls Church parking lot to hold their position at the appropriate time. Which is after the player talks to Hoss for the 1st time
- Fixed Paladin Hoss and his Brotherhood Paladin follower to change to follow the player (escort helping fight off enemies whenever the player returns to Falls Church worldspace)
- Fixed Paladin Hoss and his Brotherhood Paladin follower to follow the player in the Falls Church worldspace only. They won't follow the player into interiors and not fast travel with
- Fixed a glitch that occurred when Paladin Hoss and his Brotherhood Paladin follower are following the player and the player goes into an interior that's linked to going back into the Falls Church worldspace, waits near the door, then all 3 npcs enter the interior
- Fixed Paladin Hoss and his Brotherhood Paladin follower to wander around Falls Church after asking for money and completing the unmarked quest
- Fixed Initiate Pek to stop following the player and follow Paladin Hoss or his Brotherhood Paladin follower when he's in the Falls Church worldspace
- Fixed Initiate Pek to not always sneak when following Paladin Hoss or his Brotherhood Paladin follower
- Fixed Initiate Pek's dialogue lines to be said at the correct times
- Fixed 2 dialogue muted (no audio exists) lines the random encounter slaves say to the player after being freed from their collar
- Included Evergreen Mills Behemoth cage fixes from CivisRomanus Unofficial Fallout 3 Fixes
- Removed a lot of unnecessary dialogue records involving Generic type quests. Conditions are already applied on the quests themselves. These records didn't make any changes in game (From the TTW backporting process)
- Fixed Marguerite in Point Lookout to stop giving the player unlimited number of caps from repeating the same reward after fixing her stiller
- Included Essential UI Bug Fixes by Axonis. Optional in the fomod installer (Removed NV Recipe)
- Fixed karma checks for hiring Jericho (ancient vanilla bug never fixed)
- 0 to 1 weight to the Reading Glasses like all the other glasses have (Oops I missed that)
- Removed T45d name change from Linden's Outcast Power Armor and moved to Goodies (Oops missed that too)
- Ownership fixes to radios so when the player turns them off NPCs won't attack you
- Fixed an oversight with Poplar's Hood and Maple's Garb's object effects being reversed
- Fixed 2 creature spawns behind the Regulator HQ so they don't kill all the brahmin and the NPCs inside, especially at higher levels (works on a new game)
- Fixed EditorID changes that other mods could possibly use
- Manually reordered all dialogue previous info. Unfortunately, the geck didn't sort them correctly when saving and caused a dialogue line to not be recognized for the reward in Those! quest
- Removed centuar and swamplurk radioactive spit explosions and moved to Goodies
- Fixed counting books incorrectly when turning them into Scribe Yearling
- Fixed 2 unvoiced dialogue lines Scribe Yearling shouldn't say during and after brokensteel DLC
- Fixed a greeting dialogue with the Mechanist
- Fixed not being able to buy Tenpenny Tower Suite specific items
- Fixed the Drone Cannon to be obtainable from Zeta Robots
- Fixed the Workbench in the Zeta engineering core to appear
- Improved the zeta non hostile alien workers so they don't appear as enemies and flee from the player (works on a new zeta playthrough)
- Fixed the Arefu living Brahmin to always appear. Walking up to them from another location they weren't there sometimes
- Fixed a bunch of brahmin and an enclave eyebot near vault 106 to always appear. Walking up to them from another location they weren't there sometimes
- Fixed at least 10 misplaced objects in the wasteland
- Fixed Lucy West to not get stuck during her daily routines
- Fixed all the Paradise Falls slavers greetings and hello dialogue to say the correct things to the player depending on karma level. Also fixed their dialogue they should only say to each other
- Fixed the player to be unable to interrupt Ymir killing the Paradise Falls bartender. Initiating dialogue with Ymir before killing him broke it
- Fixed Wernher to hang out at the Downtown bar area after the Free Labor quest when siding with him
- Fixed not being able to invest in Crazy Wolfgang's junk. Developers put Crow's armor investment dialogue choice there by mistake. Also Crow's investment exit choices were all wrong
- Fixed Amata's interrogation scene when she has the 10mm pistol. Sometimes it would loop
- Included Better Vanilla Barber Pole by 3Dog
- Included Point Lookout - No more silent Doors by prensa
- Fixed a dialogue greeting with the player's father (James) after exiting rivet city and entering the jefferson memorial
Fixed the vault 112 suit to not be a quest item- Fixed a fake door in the slaver barracks (I missed from the TTW backporting process)
- Fixed a dialogue typo with Wally Mack
- Included TTW Dialogue Bug Fixes by ItsMeJesusHChrist
- Reverted the vault 112 suit to be a quest item. This is to prevent the robot from giving the player unlimited amount of vault suits. After exiting the simulation a script changes it back to not be a quest item
- Fixed a faction reaction error reported by the geck involving the chinese soldiers and American Captives
- Fixed a dialogue typo with Wernher
- Adjusted the generator sound to not be super loud and lowered the distance to hear it
- (Goodies v1.2) Fixed Fawkes, Charon, and RL3 to activate the purifier. Ready for combat script caused them to be stuck when initiating the idle animation for it
- Fixed an unique raider to stop respawning so the player can't get the stabhappy over and over
- Removed RockItLauncherAmmo, RepairCombatArmor, RepairCombatArmorHelmet lists with Zeta items since they're already upgraded by DLC05MZ1QuestScript
- Fixed the Vault 101 Security Armor to be repaired by Combat Armors
- Fixed double barrel shotgun reload and jam audio glitches
- Fixed the Raven Rock door to prevent the player from destroying it and entering too early
- Reverted creature companion's(RL-3, Dogmeat, Fawkes) health, damage, calculated minimum/maximum levels back to default values
- Included Tale of Two Wastelands Fallout 3 fixes and some restored content. Started from scratch and looked at every single record one by one. Over 46,000 records one by one. There's no way I'm going to look through and list that many fixes sorry. But what I didn't include was:
- Anything that enhanced the game
- Personal preference name changing
- Rebalancing (only included things out of whack)
- DLC weapon leveled items for the wasteland
- Pointless cut content (armor, weapons, etc sitting in the game files not being used)
- Compared this patch to the TTW fixes backported from scratch and revised everything
- Included CivisRomanus Unofficial Fallout 3 Fixes:
- Armor R&D Terminal description fix
- Pointlookout knife flag fix
- Wild Bill's Sidearm never jams flag fix
- Ant's Sting flag fix
- Sawbones dialogue fixes towards reprogramming it
- Ronald Laren dialogue script fix for initiating combat
- 3 Butch dialogue scripts fixed to trigger at the end for whiskey
- Dialogue script fix with Tulip to correctly remove 20 caps from the player
- Dr Li dialogue fix for after the main quest
- Knight Captain Gallows dialogue text fix, audio is different from the text
- 2 dialogue fixes towards Initiate Pek for after saving him
- 2 dialogue fixes towards Initiate Pek for only saying them indoors
- 1 Dukov dialogue fix for checking the player's charisma
- Brotherhood of Steel Paladin dialogue fix towards if Paladin Hoss is alive or not
- 3 Leo Stahl dialogue fixes for if the player has already talked to him or not
- Haley ownership fixes to the stuff in his hardware store
- Protectron terminal text fixes
- Glowing ones glow spell only active while alive fix
- Demolition Expert explosives condition check
- GNR bus explosion fixes
- Marcella's Medical Supplies safe opening/closing double sounds fix
- Vault 101 security class tag skill fix to change energy weapons to unarmed
- Dog's heads explodes fixes
- 5 dialogue text fixes
- Anchorage elevator fix. Combined with TTW script
- Doctor Preston Replicated Man dialogue quest fix
- Included Compiled fixes for Fallout 3:
- 2 dialogue fixes to uncover a secret involving Somah's past (TTW already fixed the other 2)
- 3 dialogue attached script fixes towards receiving 100 caps (25 was incorrect) from turning in Ted Strayer's, Dukov's, and Dave's Special Keys to Mister Crowley
- 2 dialogue attached script fixes for Rory Maclaren's slave collar to be removed after saving him from Paradise Falls
- Fixed 3 ownership issues with The Family's Terminals so now they're set to the player's ownership through certain dialogue choices with Vance
- Fixed a rare occurance if you talk to Silver 1st, resolve the issue with Moriarty before talking to him, then when you talk to him, I fixed it so if you somehow don't have enough caps still, he will offer the job through dialogue still
- Fixed 2 dialogue options that appear before hiring Charon (Screen)
- Fixed corrupted dialogue records due to a FO3Edit script
- Fixed some armor texture sets and beards
- Removed Fixed Party Hat by KiCHo666 which caused CTD
- Fixed Lucy and Walter to not disappear from Megaton (thanks to InAComaDial999)
- Removed the changes to the Chinese Stealth Armor/Helmet so players can wear the helmet separately from the armor with FWE
- Fixed Goalie Ledoux, Centre Dobois and Winger Gervais health from being altered to over 10 times their vanilla values
- Added Power Armor Pauldron Glitch Fix by trulypanda
- Fixed some UV's with the house interiors in Tranquility Lane. It's the stairways that have the super stretched texture on the wall (Thanks to SuBNeRoCL)
- Fixes for the Pitt which consists of some floating debris piles, and blinking in and out from engine bugs (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixes for statics around the wasteland for rocks, bushes, seams, kit pieces, and all the bathroom wall gaps (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fix for Dr Li Teleporting when using the Taft Tunnel entrance after she uses the intercom (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed RL3 being aggressive after firing, including at raven rock (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed the fire extinguisher to stop reassembling itself after it's been destroyed (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed/Improved when one of the Arefu/Family members being killed not by the player and they went hostile on the player anyways (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed the Big Town robots from disappearing (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Reworked Liberty Prime to not get stuck and stay on course (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Improved the Pointlookout broken harmonica idle (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Removed all references of junk food and replaced them with Potato Crisps to fix double items. Both ingestibles were the same(even the same Potato Crisps model) but had different names only
- Added Auto axe Invisibility bug fix by Prensa
- Added Speedloader Glitch Fix by Prensa
- Fixed the Action Boy load screen so it says it grants 25 not 20
- Fixed Christine Kendall to not be interrupted by Susie Mack so her G.O.A.T. test results won't skip completely and she walks out of the room
- Fixed a lot of dialogue subtitle typos (Examples)
- Fixed Ahzrukhal's class to be VendorDrinks not RaiderBigGuns
- Fixed this turret in the Fort Independence so it can be destroyed and not stuck in the cieling
- Fixed this dialogue bug so it won't be an option to ask about it after repairing the Galaxy News Radio relay
- Fixed this dialogue bug involving having a fission battery or not
- Fixed this dialogue bug so if the player killed his parents already it isn't a dialogue option
- Fixed the Warmonger Perk so all weapon schematics are in effect
- Fixed Victoria Watts to not find the player outside of Rivet City and she won't stay in one spot trying to run but goes nowhere. She will now run to the player and initiate dialogue at the appropriate place and time
- Fixed Cherry to be part of the Rivet City Resident Faction when in Rivet City so when the player attacks her the other residents will care (this only works before escorting her to Rivet City)
- Fixed Reilly to be part of the Underworld Resident Faction so when the player attacks her the other residents will care
- Fixed Reilly's negative dialogue options (Examples)
- Fixed when the player would revive Reilly she was in a slumped and tired position and stay that way even after Reilly Rangers quest (Example)
- Fixed Fawkes' Gatling Laser's attack animation
- Fixed RL3's Flamer shooting sound
- Fixed all the ant's flamer shooting sounds
- Fixed the EyeBot's weapon 2D shooting sound, resistance type, and on death critical damage effect
- Fixed a lot of static placements in the Wasteland, Pennsylvania Avenue, Point Lookout, Metro Central, Sea Cave, Canterbury Tunnels, Underground Lab, Bridge Tower, Olney Sewers, Satellite Facility, Freedom Street Station, Downtown, Supply Plant, Haven, and Weapons Lab (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed static texture sets for a bunch of weapons, beards, armor, and 2 switches (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed some landscapes in the wasteland and The Mall (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed a typo in the USN DIA Field Report (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed a vault door missing a script VGearDoorR87 "Vault Door" [DOOR:00014EC2] (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed a vault kit piece that had wrong UV maps (Thanks to Hopper31)
- Fixed the boards on the doors in calvert mansion persistent so they don't return to their original positions on cell reload (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed the teleporting mines and baby carriage trap at Point Lookout origin (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Added Mothership Zeta pistol fixes by RoyBatterian
- Fixed a cryo lab trigger in Zeta (Thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed all of Dukov's greeting dialogue Example
- Added PL Terminal Fix (Photo File - Wan Yang) by YakutatazuParasite
- In progress of fixing all of Megaton to account for when npcs are dead for dialogues (Examples: Screen1, Screen2, Screen3)
- Fixed the doors for entering/exiting into the purifier room that were backwards. When you entered into one of them, you'd be on the opposite side of the room. Thanks to chucksteel
- Fixed not being able to obtain the Protectron's Gaze and Ant's Sting weapons twice. If you obtained the Protectron's Gaze in dialogue and then kill The Mechanist after, you could have 2 of them in The Superhuman Gambit quest. Same scenario with the Ant's Sting. In those dialogues for both characters, their unique weapons will get removed and get added into your inventory instead.
- Fixed not gaining/losing karma (for all DLCs as well) towards dogs, vicious dogs, feral ghouls, mad brahmin, turrets, mirelurk kings, mister gutsy, mister handy, protectrons, robobrains, sentry bots, swamplurk queen, and spider drones
- Improved the Bloody Mess Perk towards the You Gotta Shoot Em In The Head quest. The perk will not be in effect towards those npcs you kill
- In progress of fixing all of Megaton to account for when npcs are dead for dialogues (Examples: Screen1, Screen2, Screen3)
- Removed being able to repair the Chinese Assault Rifle and Assault Rifle with each other
- Removed being able to repair the Tri-beam Laser rifle and Laser Rifle with each other
- Added Radio Stutter Fix by Razorwire (Agatha's Station wasn't fixed so I used this mod's method to fix it and I had to convert all its mp3s to wav files)
- Added Ash and Goo Pile Replacer by chucksteel
- Remade/Fixed 102 DLC mesh armors thanks to (insaneplumber)
- Correct reorder of NIF block (almost all NIF require, it seems to me that Beth had some problem in 3ds max NIF plugin for FO3/FNV because this problem has been almost completely eliminated in Skyrim)
- Correction of BS Num UV Set and UV (if any noticed)
- Face Normals (all NIF)
- Smooth Normals (all NIF)
- Update All Tangent Spaces (all NIF)
- Overhaul fixes to Mister Burke and restored him into the game fully (Screens)
- Burke's hitmen won't appear if he's dead
- Burke's hitmen won't appear if you charmed him
- Burke will only disappear/be disabled from game if you charm him and not blow up megaton
- You're able to initiate conversations with Burke at appropriate times including before and after quests
- Burke is a resident of Megaton with a daily routine. Going to his house to sleep at night, sit in that chair at Moriartys during the day, etc
- Burke's house isn't level locked and only unlocked with his house key
- Burke's house key is back in his inventory
- Burke has a daily routine at Tenpenny Tower. Hanging out in the balcony area during the day, sleeping in his own bed at night, etc
- Fixed a dialogue with Lucass Simms to only appear at a certain time (Screen)
- Fixed a dialogue with Moira Brown to only appear at a certain time (Screen)
- Fixed a dialogue with Billy Creel to only appear at a certain time (Screen)
- Fixed a few dialogues with Maggie (Screens)
- Fixed 2 dialogue bugs with Andy Stahl (Screens)
- Fixed the Lawbringer/Contract Killer perks so fingers only appear on the correct npcs
- Fixed Junders Plunkett's Finger to be the only finger that appears on his death
- Fixed the dialogue with Sonora Cruz when turning in Junders Plunkett's Finger to only appear if Junders Plunkett is dead and you have Junders Plunkett's Finger. Also Junders Plunkett's Finger actually gets removed from your inventory when you turn it in when before it didn't (Screen)
- Fixed a dialogue caps check with Jericho
- Fixed a medicine speech check with Doc Church
- Updated vorbis dll files
- In progress of fixing all of Megaton to account for when npcs are dead for dialogues (Examples: Screen1, Screen2, Screen3)
- Fixed the dialogue option, "What's the word around town?" with Manya so she says the correct response instead of her saying this: (Screen). Funny that her voiced response works when she's talking about herself.
- Fixed all 3 (yes there's supposed to be 3) Megaton Brass Lantern customers to actually have dialogue and be friendly. Only npc in there that's supposed to be rude is Andy. The devolopers had dialogue in there for them but it wasn't implemented correctly (Screen)
- Fixed 2 dialogue errors with Derek Pacion (Screen1, Screen2)
- Fixed a dialogue mismatch with Threedog (Screen)
- Fixed a dialogue typo with Bannon (Screen)
- Fixed 4 dialogue typos with Cindy Cantelli (Example)
- Fixed a dialogue typo with the player: "Just take all the scrap metal I have. No charge. I just want to help" Missing a period.
- Fixed a dialogue typo with Bryan Wilks: "Every time I'd sneak in there, he'd be sitting at that funny looking TV machine with the green words pushing buttons." -> "words, pushing"
- Fixed 3 dialogue options to only appear while you have certain keys equipped and the "You Gotta Shoot Em In The Head" quest is running when talking to Mister Crowley:
- Dukov is dead. I blew his brains out. <Lie>
- Dave's head popped like a zit. <Lie>
- I put a bullet right between Ted Strayer's eyes. <Lie.>
- Fixed a dialogue speech check with Doctor Barrows (Bugged Screen, Fixed Screen)
- Fixed/Switched around a few dialogues with Uncle Roe's responses (Example)
- Made adjustments to the unarmed/melee VATS cameras
- FWE Patch - updated UUF3P form lists to include FWE armor/weapons/etc
- Fixed this Bug in a better way thanks to sesom
- Fixed a dialogue with Breadbox "Oh... hey! What do you need, young lady?" to only say that to a female
- Fixed a dialogue with Rothchild so he says the correct audio for it (Screen)
- Fixed a bug in Red's "backtojail" package that causes her sometimes to return to Germantown and sit in the cell where you initially find her (thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed the bugs with Head of State and killing the slavers before getting the order to do so from Hannibal (thanks to RoyBatterian)
- Fixed 7 dialogues with Doc Church (thanks to TTW Unofficial Patch)
- Fixed 9 dialogues with doctors determining how many caps the player has incorrectly (thanks to TTW Unofficial Patch)
- Fixed an intelligence speech check with Agatha so the player can only say it once "I guess a homemade violin is never quite in tune..." (thanks to TTW Unofficial Patch)
- Fixed the dialogue with Harden Simms so you can initiate dialogue with him everytime (Screen)
- Fixed Harden Simms goodbye responses so he doesn't say "Sorry!" for every time he says bye to you
- Removed Doctor Li's glasses from her inventory. This change doesn't fix anything, restores cut content, and didn't make sense with the ending slideshow (Screen)
- Fixed followers to immediately enter the cycle airlock for the purifier when asked to (thanks to TTW Unofficial Patch)
- Fixed this dialogue choice with Zip from "What have you got to trade for an ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola?" to "What have you got to trade for a bottle of Nuka-Cola?" so it's not confusing whether you're able to trade an Ice cold Nuka-Cola with him or not
- Fixed when discussing Nuka-Cola with Zip to only appear if you have 1 or more Nuka-Cola
- Fixed Zip's dialogue so the player can initiate dialogue with him everytime
- Fixed this dialogue with Zip "Oh hey, hi. You again, huh? I thought maybe you'd be blown up or shot or something by now, but I guess not. Not yet, anyway." so he only says it to you after talking with him once
- Fixed/Repositioned the Yao Gao that was in the walls inside the Yao Guai Cave (Screen)
- Fixed Recently built shack name to Doctor Lesko's Shack
- Fixed Doctor Lesko's Shack to not set ownership to Doctor Lesko after completing the quest Those! so anything you loot afterwards won't be considered theft and going into Lesko's shack won't be considered trespassing, and if you stay too long, Lesko will flee
- Removed Mother Curie III's weapon since she's an extremely peaceful character, and does not become hostile if you killed Brother Gerard in order to enter the Monastery, or even if you flat out tell her that you're going to wipe out her cult. If threatened, she simply states that she expected some form of religious persecution and that she refuses to respond to violence with violence. If you initiate combat against the Holy Light cult, Curie will simply cower and flee
- Fixed Eclair's Cooler to be owned by himself
- Improved Vault Utility Suit Fix thanks to insaneplumber
- Fixed the radio message from Three Dog to not say "Somethin' about Super Mutants takin' residents prisoner... All I know is the kid could have helped, and didn't. Nice going, asshole." and instead say the correct message, after saving BigTown from the supermutants which completes the Big Trouble in Big Town quest
- Fixed Sticky to initiate dialogue with him after he makes it to Big Town and Red isn't there. All he said was a goodbye one liner "Where's Red?"
- Fixed/Restructured Shorty's dialogue (Example)
- Fixed 3 dialogue prompt errors with Abraham Washington involving selling the Lincoln's Repeater, Lincoln's Voice, and John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster (Example)
- Fixed a dialogue with Sticky to recognize that Red isn't in Big Town yet (Screen)
- Fixed 8 dialogue errors involving text errors and speech mismatches (Screens)
- Overhaul fixes to Dukov, Cherry, and Fantasia's dialogues (Example1, Example2)
- Fixed a few dialogues with Bleak involving talking about the Paradise Falls Guards (Example)
- Added Frag Mine from Anchorage and Cryo Mine from Mothership Zeta to the PerkDemolitionExpertWeapons list
- Added Paladin Hoss - Initiate Pek Fix by RoyBatterian
- Removed FormID 0002E027 so you will be able turn in BOS dog tags to Scribe Jameson
- Fixed 4 floating rocks near Paradise Falls (Example)
- Fixed a dialogue typo mismatch with Amata (Example)
- Removed/Fixed changes to the Chinese Stealth Helmet/Armor
- Added Fixed Tunnel Snake Jacket by elek2008
- Added Fixed Sewer Entrance Name by deanoman
- Removed everything that Point Lookout Goodies adds to the game and only kept the fixes (Sorry it took me so long to do this)
- Added Charon Scene Shotgun Fix (V1.1) by RoyBatterian
- Fixed a sinking cash register in Bailey's Crossroads Metro
- Fixed a sunken Vacuum Tube Light in the Market Square Downtown
- Added LOB Security Terminal Fix by DeJuanNOnley
- Added Zeta Turret and Drone Karma Fix by DeJuanNOnley
- Added Alien Captive Recorded Log 12 Fix by DeJuanNOnley
- Added Brand Fix by DeJuanNOnley
- Added Milo Dialogue Fix by DeJuanNOnley
- Expanded Stop Insulting Me Outcasts to the Operation Anchorage DLC. There were 27 dialogues that needed to be fixed along with various checks for wearing armor
- Fixed the following dialogue lines so they make sense and don't break immersion:
- Enclave strength is at 100%. They're getting reinforcements from somewhere, but we still haven't determined the location of their headquarters
- It appears the Enclave troops have moved beyond the purifier, into the surrounding Wasteland region. No telling how far they might spread
- There's been another Behemoth sighted in the Wasteland, in the Evergreen Mills region. That's heavy Raider country, so things could get interesting
- Super Mutant activity in D.C. is high, but nothing out of the ordinary. The area around Galaxy News Radio is... nearly secure
- Fixed a typo mismatch with Lucass Simms (Screen)
- Fixed Poplar's Hood and Maple's Garb's repair lists
- Fixed generic slave greetings in The Pitt, so named slaves will use their unique dialogue, even after player had started The Pitt fights (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Fixed a condition in Nola's dialogue, so the correct line is used when she had healed the player (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Fixed Lulu's greeting, so she gives player food more than once (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Fixed doctor's dialogues so they offer medical services in situation when player's health is full, but one or more of the limbs are damaged (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Scribe Yearling will no longer tell player about returning BoS dogtags, like she's in the Citadel, while she's actually at Arlington Library (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Fixed female ground mesh of Worn Slave Outfit from Pitt DLC to be the same as male one, instead of Wasteland Settler Outfit ground mesh which it was assigned for some reason (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Object Position Fixes to 10 placed references which are tool cabinets, rocks, rubble, tire piles, etc (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Fixed a wooden cabinet's mesh, Before/After screen (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Fixed 4 Nova Dialogue typos/mismatches (Screen1, Screen2, Screen3, Screen4)
- Fixed a dialogue mismatch with Colin (Screen)
- Fixed a typo with Leo Stahl (Screen)
- Fixed a dialogue option to only appear when the bomb hasn't been disarmed yet (Screen)
- Added Smoking NPC Bug Fix by DarknessSquall
- Fixed the Raven Rock door so you can't destroy it and it will only be destroyed at the appriopriate time, which is while you're escaping from Raven Rock
- Fixed Victoria Watts from finding you wherever you are in the Wasteland while advancing in the Replicated Man quest. She will only confront you in Rivet City
- Fixed a trap message typo (Screen)
- Fixed 7 dialogues in Rivet City to account for if Tammy Hargrave is dead
- Fixed a dialogue typo with Bryan Wilks (Screen)
- Added Head Of State Fix by Quazzy and Link_of_Hyrule (The attempted fix that was already in this patch didn't work)
- Fixed a dialogue mismatch with Doctor Lesko (Screen)
- Added Moriarty's Terminal Fixed by Tukka
- Fixed 8 GNR dialogues to be heard at level 20 and higher instead of only at level 20
- Fixed 38 GNR dialogues in Brokensteel to be heard at higher levels then what they were assigned to instead of only at a certain level
- Added Superheroes Use Their Weapons by phoenix0113
- Added Gary 23 Race Fixed by phoenix0113
- Added MZ - Paulsons Outfit Fix by Gloops (UUF3P already fixed some of these)
- Fixed the following Geck warnings:
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MS13FreedSlaveFaction' (06068A9C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MS13FreedSlaveFaction' (06068A9C). (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MS13FreedSlaveFaction' (06068A9C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'SlaveFaction' (0002F560), but Faction 'SlaveFaction' (0002F560) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MS13FreedSlaveFaction' (06068A9C)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MS13FreedSlaveFaction' (06068A9C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'ParadiseFallsSlaveFaction' (000389DE), but Faction 'ParadiseFallsSlaveFaction' (000389DE) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MS13FreedSlaveFaction' (06068A9C)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (020054FC) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (020054FB), but Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (020054FB) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (020054FC)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0200A7FB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0200A73B), but Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0200A73B) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0200A7FB)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'FreedSlaveFaction' (0002F561) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'SlaveFaction' (0002F560), but Faction 'SlaveFaction' (0002F560) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'FreedSlaveFaction' (0002F561)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'FreedSlaveFaction' (0002F561) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'ParadiseFallsSlaveFaction' (000389DE), but Faction 'ParadiseFallsSlaveFaction' (000389DE) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'FreedSlaveFaction' (0002F561).
- Fixed all merc grunt outfits to be repaired with each other. The unique versions are all exactly the same as the common ones so only the common ones are now used in game. Put the unique versions in the repair list in case other mods still use the pointless unique versions
- Added Underworld Chop Shop - Inaccessible Door Fix - Only included the door fix and not changing the creatures inside so they still won't attack you as intended
- Added hundreds of object placement fixes thanks to DCbug
- In progress of fixing all of Megaton to account for when npcs are dead for dialogues (Examples: Screen1, Screen2, Screen3)
- Improved and fixed more VATS camera path errors
- Fixed in the quest "Aiding the outcasts" the "enter the simulation pod" objective never gets completed
- Fixed an IV Stand with an empty blood pack that's used 5 times in the game that can be looted to obtain a full blood pack
- Fixed a dialogue with Tiffany Cheng to recognize you're a male (Example)
- Fixed a dialogue typo with Doctor Banfield (Example)
- Fixed 2 dialogues involving Butch and Officer Gomez in the Trouble on the Homefront quest
- Fixed another dialogue involving Moira Brown to account for all vault suits
- Fixed a dialogue typo involving Shakes
- Fixed 3 dialogues involving Daniel Littlehorn to recognize you have the Contract Killer perk
- Fixed a dialogue involving Sonora Cruz to recognize you have the Lawbringer perk
- Fixed Doctor Barrows terminal
- Fixed a dialogue typo involving Deputy Weld
- Fixed 3 dialogue typos involving Bannon
- Fixed a dialogue typo involving Walter
- Fixed a dialogue typo involving Zip
- Fixed a dialogue typo involving Milo, Shipping Foreman
- Fixed a dialogue typo involving Uncle Leo
- Fixed 2 dialogue conditions and a typo involving Mister Gutsy
- Fixed a dialogue to recognize you have the medic power armor equipped involving Mister Gutsy
- Fixed a dialogue typo involving Protector Casdin
- Fixed 48 notes/holodisks that had typos, missing icons/models
- Fixed 7 packages having incorrect flags/conditions/references
- Fixed 2 floating bushes
- Fixed this: if you go into Tenpenny Penthose floor after completing Tenpenny Tower quest (in favor of tower residents), security guard there will use greeting dialogue from that quest, instead of his special greeting, making it impossible to use speech skill to gain acsess to Tenpenny suite. (thanks to qwertyasdfgh)
- Fixed Scribe Jameson to recognize you have dog tags
- Fixed the Enclave Hellfire Armor/Helmet repair lists
- Fixed the Chinese Stealth Armor so you can't wear hats with it
- Added Sleep in Megatons Common House by sparbog
- Added Enclave Radio Fix after MQ by xxxHACKERxxx
- Added Wasteland Landscape Patch by mimada (This patch already fixed a bunch of these)
- Fixed this: Screen
- Fixed 2 bugs with Bryan Wilks Dialogue (Example)
- Added Ghoul Moira Dialogue Fix by Yukichigai
- Added Protectron Fixes by Yukichigai
- Added The Pitt - Fixes by Yukichigai
- Added Vault 106 Fixes V2.1 by Yukichigai
- Added Franklin Metro Raider Bug Fix by Rooker75
- Added Fixed Suits by Arkngt
- Added Vault Utility Suit Fix by bluebellfairy
- Added Fawkes Dialogue Fix by bluebellfairy (Fixed it up)
- Added Tenderizer Fix by Yukichigai (Only needed the duration fix)
- Added Creature Companion Fixes - Dogmeat - RL-3 - Fawkes by Yukichigai
- Added Companion Dialog Fixes by Yukichigai
- Added Butch's Pistol has Infinite Ammo by Yukichigai (Oversight fix)
- Added Mesmetron and Enslavement Fixes by Yukichigai
- Added Tesla Cannon Vertibird One Shot Fix by Pr0bability (1.6.1 fix, no plugin changes)
- Fixed music type in Southern Shack
- Fixed the sink in the player's home at Megaton to be consistent. Megaton having a working water purification system, your sink produces sludge on par with what you find out in the wastes makes no sense and is an oversight (thanks to FOOK2)
- Added Anchorage Gauss Rifle VATS Damage Fix by coelomate (This fixes it by removing entirely the little 'explosion' graphic. The weapon now does proper damage under all circumstances (that I have tested...) and makes the same noises/has the same visuals, except for the small blast. A low price to pay for a working as intended gun)
- Added Ranger Helmet Texture Unlocker by aiglos357 (Only included the fix which is the esp texture change. The original UF3P already did this similar fix to the Talon Combat Helmet)
- Added Citadel Crane Fix by zedas (The UF3P one of course)
- Fixed Head Wrap's Object Effects to have +1 Perception bonus (The only head wear object in the game without a bonus to perception. Hats and bandanna's already have one so leaving out the Head Wrap is an oversight)
- Fixed a spelling error in the Dirty Pre-War Businesswear's Object Effect
- Added The Pitt - Everett Fix by svartberg
- Added Operation Anchorage - Fixes by Yukichigai (This patch already fixed a few of these)
- Fixed the Sacred Bog crash
- Fixed 2 fire types to have a light glow effect (thanks to polbashkisneslo)
- Added Mothership Zeta Wasteland Teleport Shader Fix by rad666a
- Added Fixed Eyeglasses by 1st Dagger
- Added Moriartys Key Restored by thegord (This patch already fixed this but the name of the key wasn't)
- Fixed all Aqua Pura Crates to be disabled/enabled at appropriate times. Some were missing enable parent triggers
- Fixed Faydra, Tobar, Catherine, and any other character having that problem of not staying in their position and wandering off to find you wherever the player is (Older FO3Edit versions caused this bug when cleaning the DLCs and saving them which stripped off important subrecords. Re-download the DLCs and clean them again with the newest FO3Edit version) credit: rickerhk
- Fixed all VATS Camera Path errors
- Form list fixes to FO3 + DLC esms (Mostly thanks to FOOK2)
- Removed abbreviation to effects
- Fixed Tobar and Catherine so they stay put near the Point Lookout Ferry Boat (This bug doesn't always happen and this only works on a new game, tested. Spotted by nemesis200767)
- Added The Pitt Reforged by xmlninja
- Fixed receiving the Armored Vault Suit twice
- Fixed looping generator sounds
- Fixed drinking sounds to sinks
- Fixed Strange Meat's model and icon
- Fixed all glasses flags so you can wear them with masks + Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Ghoul Mask's flags + repair list
- Fixed Pip-Boy Glove's Equipment Type
- Fixed Pre-War Baseball Cap's Object Effect
- Fixed Ballcap with Glasses's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Roving Trader Outfit's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Sheriff's Hat's Flags
- Fixed Hockey Mask's flags
- Fixed Doctor Li's Outfit's Object Effect
- Fixed Oasis Robe's Object Effect
- Fixed Oasis Villager Robe's Object Effect
- Fixed all type of bandana's Repair lists + Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed all type of headwrap's Repair lists + Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Eulogy Jones' Hat's Repair list
- Fixed Party Hat's Repair list
- Fixed Raider Blastmaster Helmet's flags
- Fixed Outcast Recon Helmet's flags
- Fixed Tesla Armor's name to Tesla Power Armor
- Fixed Tesla Helmet's name to Tesla Power Helmet
- Fixed Ledoux's Hockey Mask's Flags + Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Brotherhood Power Armor's Ragdoll Constraint Template
- Fixed Raider Arclight Helmet's flags
- Fixed Chinese Commando Hat's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Enclave Officer Hat's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Roving Trader Hat's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Dad's Wasteland Outfit's Flags + Weight
- Fixed Elder Lyons' Robe's Repair List
- Fixed Tenpenny's Suit's Repair List
- Fixed Biker Goggles's Flags
- Fixed Stormchaser Hat's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Road Rascal Leather Armor's Object Effect
- Fixed The Devil's Pigtails's Icon
- Fixed Pyro Helmet's Object Effect + Flags
- Fixed Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit name to Dirty Chinese Commando Jumpsuit
- Fixed Hat of the People name to Chinese Commando Hat + Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Paulson's Hat's Repair list + Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed all Ant Refuse Pile's opening + closing sounds
- Fixed Antique Nuka-Cola Fridge's opening + closing sounds
- Fixed Button's Supply Desk's opening + closing sounds
- Fixed Federalist Lounge Liquor Cabinet's opening + closing sounds
- Fixed Nuka-Cola fridge's opening + closing sounds
- Fixed Mechanic's class tag skills
- Fixed Scribe's class tag skills
- Fixed music type in Evergreen Mills Bazaar
- Fixed 2 naked raider npc inventories in the Evergreen Mills Bazaar
- Fixed music type in Evergreen Mills Foundry
- Fixed/Removed Paladin Vargas being set to non-essential in the Following in His Footsteps Quest
- Fixed Leo Stahl's Drug container to require only a key to open instead of very hard lock level, otherwise Leo's barter will break after picking the lock (spotted by polbashkisneslo)
- Added Bring Back Bael by dragontwosix (Removed the pointless popup message)
- Merged all files into one ESM thanks to Tommy
- Added Error Corrections - Reduce CTD by Tommy (hairylegs222), Error Fixes list
- Fixed Archive Invalidation was previously only being installed when point lookout DLC option was selected
- Installer warns if fallout executable not found. Detects version and warns if old, displaying link to 1.7 update. Displays detected dlc
- Fixed old installer's Fallout.ini updating code to work with Windows 7 & 8
- Removed all -300000 coordinates which can cause a nasty glitch
- Instead of initially disabling placed references and then adding them in the same cell, the disabled record has been replaced with the added one, and the added one is removed (FO3Edit's compare feature makes this simple to do)
- Fixed Feral Ghoul Reaver's losing their radioactive glow effect (UF3PReaverGlowFixScript applied to DLC04CrFeralGhoul4A)
- Fixed missing bottle sounds for beer, purified water, and unpurified water
- Fixed all 10mm Submachine Gun's 2D/3D sounds
- Fixed BB Gun's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Pulse Grenade's Reload Animation type
- Fixed Bottlecap Mine, Frag Mine, Plasma Mine, Pulse Mine's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed all Powerfist's 2D/3D firing + block sounds
- Fixed Sawed-Off Shotgun's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Switchblade's Reload Animation type + swing sound
- Fixed Chinese Officer's Sword's Reload Animation type
- Fixed Blackhawk's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Repellent Stick's Blocking sound + Reload Animation type + Impactdataset
- Fixed all robot's 2D firing sounds
- Fixed all Centaur's 3D firing sound + Resistance Type
- Fixed Blackhawk's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Black Bart's Bane's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed The Kneecapper's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Xuanlong Assault Rifle's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Plasma Grenade's Equip/Unequip sounds
- Fixed Chinese Assault Rifle's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Chinese Dragoon Assault Rifle's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Jingwei's Shocksword's Critical Effect + Resistance type + Removed Player Only flag
- Fixed Callahan's Magnum's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed Radioactive Gore's Resistance Type
- Fixed Bio-Gas Canister's Icon/Pickup Drop sounds/Flags/Resistance Type
- Fixed Cryo Mine's Pickup/Drop sounds
- Fixed all sword's blocking sounds
- Fixed when you receive ordinary power armor from Sarah to receiving the Lyons Pride Power Armor instead. It didn't make sense with what sarah says when she gives you the power armor and you weren't able to receive this armor in the game
- Fixed when you receive ordinary recon armor from Sarah to receiving the Composite Recon Armor instead. You weren't able to receive this armor in the game
- Ownership fixes to Murphy's place in the Northwest Seneca Station
- Fixed the beggars so they die or not when giving them Aqua Pura depending on if the FEV was inserted into the purifier
- Fixed Haley in PL so he restocks his inventory
- Fixed Sawbones so he restocks his inventory
- Fixed Wasteland Doctors so they restock their inventory's
- Fixed Wasteland Junkies so they restock their inventory's
- Fixed Wasteland Merchants so they restock their inventory's
- Fixed Scavengers so they restock their inventory's
- Fixed a couple dialogue lines with Holly that didn't check the pc's sex type (Screen)
- Added The Pitt's Flamer to the Pyromaniac Perk list
- Added the Laser Rifle to the Tri-beam Laser Rifle's repair list
- Fixed Doctor Li's inventory so she has her glasses on
- Many fixes to all 3 of General Chase's Overcoat + Colonel Autumn's Uniform
- Fixed prevention of the Enclave appearing at the start of the game
- Fixed Panada to no longer hover over the leaningon wall
- Fixed In the A Meeting of the Minds quest the Reward Vault Key now opens the Reward Vault instead of it opening automatically, and if desmond dies you still get the key
- Fixed Mister Burke hitsquad to not attack you when you charmed him with the Black Widow Perk
- Fixed all T-51b's repair lists
- Fixed Ash and Goo Piles to disable on next cell load
- Fixed all Effects to be abbreviated
- Fixed the auto-completion bug in the This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough quest (Thanks to FOOK2)
- 21 leveled item fixes with incorrect flags/armor/etc
- Fixed Electro-Suppressor's Object Effect/Block + Melee + Equip + Unequip sounds/Resistance Type
- Fixed Shock Baton's Melee + Block sounds + Resistance type
- Fixed Spanner's ImpactDataset + Block sound
- Fixed Super Sledge's Block sound
- Fixed Discharge Hammer's Block sound
- Fixed Mister Handy Buzzsaw's Impactdataset + 3D looping sound
- Fixed Spiked Knuckle's Swing + Block sounds
- Fixed Fawkes' Sledgehammer's Swing sound
- Fixed Shishkebab's Pickup/Drop/Block/Equip/Unequip sounds + Resistance Type
- Fixed Rolling Pin's Impactdataset + swing sound
- Fixed Ripper's Impactdataset
- Fixed Love Tap's Swing + Block sounds + Impactdataset + OnHit
- Fixed Jack's Impactdataset
- Fixed Star Paladin Cross so she follows you again if you told her to wait
- Fixed missing compass markers in The Replicated Man quest
- Fixed the music type in the Rivet City bow
- Fixed 2 door names in the Rivet City bow along with re-naming Pinkerton to Horace Pinkerton to go with the door names + fixed his class type since he's more of a doctor then a mechanic
- Fixed the name of the Broken Bow cell to Rivet City Broken Bow
- Adde
- d sialivis object placement fixes by sialivi
- Added Broken Steel GNR broadcast fix by LLJKTechnogeek
- Added Holy Water Pamphlets Disabler by bigmill (Changed so that when you successfully complete the Holy Water quest, all the pamphlets get disabled. This fix disabled 1 out of 4)
- Added Point Lookout Goodies by explosivo666
- Added They let me play with their pucks by prensa
- Added Point Lookout - No more silent Doors by prensa
- Added Super-Duper Non Bleeding Checkout by prensa
- Added Outcasts fix by Papadopoulos
- Added Stop Insulting Me Outcasts by Lawlder
- Added SuperDuper Mart Aisle Sign Fix by Marcius
- Added BeardEyebrowFix by gengrimm
- Geck Warning Fixes:
- Ref (00041EA8) to base object LvlScavenger (000302CA) in cell MetroCenter03 (0, 0) (0001A285) should be persistent but is not
- Ref (000C53FD) to base object LvlScavenger (000302CA) in cell zGeorgetownRadiationKing (0, 0) (00061F8D) should be persistent but is not
- Ref (00020EDE) to base object LvlScavenger (000302CA) in cell zLuckyGrocery (0, 0) (0001FEC5) should be persistent but is not
- Ref (0400EA80) to base object DLC04Haley (0400EA7D) in cell DLC04ShackHardwareStore (0, 0) (0400811E) should be persistent but is not
- Ref (000CC73A) to base object LvlScavengerGuardEditorLoc (000CC766) in cell Wilderness (-3, -15) (00001190) should be persistent but is not
- Ref (0004E5B9) to base object PotomacFisherman (0004E5B8) in cell Wilderness (9, -9) (00000CC0) should be persistent but is not
- Ref (0006DD19) to base object LvlScavenger (000302CA) in cell FFEnclaveCamp19 (-29, 20) (00000EFA) should be persistent but is not
- Ref (0002694D) to base object LvlScavenger (000302CA) in cell MQ11KeyBridge03 (12, -11) (00000CFB) should be persistent but is not
- Reference attached to wrong cell for its location: REFR Form 'UF3PTwilightZone' (060384F3) to STAT form 'AirRaidAlarm01' (000AFC2F) in Cell (null)
- Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchD' (0400DE04) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly
- Activate parent 'DLC04PuzSwitchA' (0400DE03) is not in same cell. Activation may not work properly
- Errors were encountered during InitItem for reference: Base: 'DLC04FF05AviaryPuzzle03ControlBox' (0400DE0E) Ref: '' (0400DE02) Cell: 'Aviary' (04000887) (3, -3) in world 'DLC4Pointlookout' (04000802)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC05NPCFollowerFaction' (050068DF)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (04006645) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (04006645)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0400C1EB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (04006645), but Faction 'DLC04DesmondFaction' (04006645) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC04PetDogFaction' (0400C1EB)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (030064CB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03PresMetroRobotFaction' (030064CB)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0300674A) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendFaction' (0300674A)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (03008CCE) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseRobotFaction' (03008CCE)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0300946C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD), but Faction 'EnclaveFaction' (0001D3FD) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03EnclaveBaseDClawFaction' (0300946C)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0300B30E) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC03WQ01PlayerFriendTrackCrimeFaction' (0300B30E)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0200375B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01CombatSlaves' (0200375B)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (020054FB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (020054FC), but Faction 'DLC01RadioTowerRaiderFaction' (020054FC) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01WernherFaction' (020054FB)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0200A73B) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0200A7FB), but Faction 'DLC01SlaveFrontGateFaction' (0200A7FB) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC01RaiderFrontGateFaction' (0200A73B)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF), but Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2), but Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7), but Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003)
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7).
- (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TraderFaction' (00065374) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TraderFaction' (00065374)
- Rivet City save crash fix
- Optimized textures to save space in the BSA
- Plugins reduced to 2 files thanks to BenWah

Permissions and Team
Ask us first through PM please. Making patches to be compatible with other mods is fine, no need to ask permission first.
hairylegs222 - Merging/Fixes bugs/Backporting/Description Page/fomod installer
BenWah - Founder
prisoner416 - Finds bugs
Tale Of Two Wastelands
Programs Used
GECK Extender
FOMOD Creation Tool
BSA Browser