About this mod
2023 Plans Bunker to hold a few new MODestly Settled City Plans that require an additional 20 mods.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
20 Building Mods Required for current and future plans
One list of Add-ons
These will be the last plans I make with this specific modlist
Please, please don’t download these plans unless you have all the mods listed and are comfortable with multiple download locations. If you enjoy building and decorating, you likely have many of these already.
Why these plans are all level three:
Having over a dozen cities leveling while playing SS2 and (and soon, SS3), Diamond City Bleachers, (and soon, the Fens Sheriff Department), along with my 300+ mod list, can create script lag and stutter the game. I have found that by building some one-level plans, it can prevent some of the script lag. The downside is that a few of the plots just don’t build, even when I have the stats and the plans unlocked. Please see troubleshooting. (I’m currently playing with 9 leveled locations and 10 level 3 locations, along with my sanctuary blueprint and now, fully built location, with no issues in game. I’m on an upper-mid-level rig. HQ is in mid progress, and all remains well.)
Each of these plans will have a player home and will be survival playthrough friendly
The Vision of the builds:
I like to build spaces I think my character would be okay to have a home in -- and attempt to be sort of nice-ish. It’s rare for my settlers to build houses out of cars and such. That said, I see the Wastelands as being fluid. Sometimes you get a high-end, pre-war apartment. Other times, it’s a sleeping bag under a wood roof. Most of the time, folks are striving for something in between. Scavvers are the backbone of the Wastelands. You never know what you’re going to get.
To maintain a balance of nice and wasteland funky (and not completely bog down the workshop menu system), this mod list is what I came up with (please note the two CC requirements). I also highly recommend using SMM (Settlement Menu Manager):
Nexus Requirements
Advanced Settlement Turret Set Wireless turrets with a tiny bit of OP, but no wires. You’re welcome.
Alex’s Settlement Power Pylon Settlement-wide radiant power. No wires or poles. Less issues with the grid.
CvC Dead Wasteland My go-to, vanilla-style mod.
Immersive Fast Travel Motorcycle, Cars, Vertibird, etc. transport stations.
Looks Mirror An essential. Great companion to CWSS.
Lore Friendly Posters The game just needs them.
Settlement Activity Markers These provide more things for settlers to do (in addition to some important assets)
Snappy Housekit Sometimes I use it a lot, but I always use it a little.
Stained Glass Workshop Mod - Unicorn Farts and Godrays.
The Cozy Scavver This hidden gem has some neat furniture and clutter pieces that I depend on.
Whisper’s Extra Pieces and Snaps great shack walls, windows, railings, and more.
Woody’s Wasteland Stuff Recommend alternate textures to get the same look (I went with new floors, cabinets and unbroken glass). There’s a pic in his download. Choose what you prefer.
Xnjguy Filled Mods All-in-One Filled shelves and stuff.
CC Content Requirements: Yes, I know. But it will make your settlements happy. Literally. (also used by Jampads 2 and SS2 Superstructures, so these are good to have in general)
- Home Decorations Workshop Pack - Many pieces I consider essential. Happiness boosting too.
- Nuka Collector Workshop - Just has neat items.
Bethesda.net Requirements - Will be removed for future builds in 2023 (Just trying to simplify)
Creative Clutter
Do it Yourshelf
Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds (Rebuild Your Sanctuary) I use this more for the furniture, extras and especially ‘player only’ beds.
Off-Site Requirements (Easy Downloads)
CWSS Choose the download from the list on Steve40s Nexus Page.
V’s Stylish Decor The other essential clutter mod.
Individual Plan Requirements (Totally worth it):
Homeplate: Yagisan’s Homeplate Settlement - as such, plan file is an esp file (in order to be dependent on location mod) but will not use a slot.
Sanctuary: Bethesda.net mod, Sanctuary Lite by TheRealJenn - as such, plan is an esp file (in order to be dependent on location mod) but will not use a slot. *Important! Place this mod at the bottom of your load order, then install this plan. It should also drop to the bottom, loading after the location as a dependency.
Red Rocket: Repaired Red Rocket, both No Pumps Version (main file) and esp fix (main file) to allow for not breaking precombines.
You’ll want to have Designer’s Choice and Starting Plot Levels ON for these plans to build properly. In addition to the 20 mods and SS2 Hard Requirements, you’ll want to have the following 19 SS2 Plot Add-Ons installed if you want these plans to look the same (I will be adding at least one more when GwenstheName completes her latest add-on):
Sim Settlements 2
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 2
Workshop Framework
SS2 Addon - Bare Essentials
SS2 - Settlers at Play
Sim Settlements 2 - Junk Town 2 Addon Pack
SS2 Superstructures - A Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
Jampads 2 - a Sim Settlements 2 Add-on
Sim Settlements 2 - Pra's Random Addon 2
Vault-TecTools Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack Caravan Snatex
Wasteland Venturers Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - Far Harbor Expansion
Sim Settlements 2 - From Sanctuary to Concord - Building Plans Module
Sim Settlements 2 - Tiny Living
Plain Plans by MsB - SS2 Add-On Pack
Sim Settlements 2 - So I Made Plans Addon Pack
SS2 Industrial Revolution of the Wasteland (Add-on Pack)
SimHomestead 2 - A SimSettlements 2 addon
Sim Settlements 2 - Ruined Homes and Gardens 2.0
Sim Settlements 2 - Apocalyptic Additions Addon Pack
Sim Settlements 2 Scrappers
I want to thank Kinggath and the Sim Settlements 2 team for filling my secret gaming life with thousands of hours of fun and adventure! And a special thank you to that bunch of scrappy builders and kind moderators over at We Are Builders.
I was cruising the SS2 forums one night and saw THIS building challenge post from Master Yagisan.
I didn’t catch at first that it was from last year! I did realize my error before I actually started building, but then I thought I’d love the challenge, so I decided to make it fun and make it a MODestly Settled location. So here we are.[spoiler]
REQUIRED: Yagisan’s Homeplate Settlement - as such, plan is an esp file (in order to be dependent on location mod) but will not use a slot.
This settlement is for three random settlers you choose to send to Homeplate. There are just three job plots: Mayor’s desk, Gardener (agricultural), Relaxation (recreational). There are two residential plots. The rest… is all yours.
*Follower Version: This is a version with no plots, but a room and gardening job for one companion you'd like to assign.
**Both Versions: You will need to move the workbench a bit with a tool like Place Everywhere. See first picture for location.
Sure, it’s a little swampy, but the home is nice, and everyone seems really happy here. Room for 19 settlers.
The following plot types are included as level 3:
3 Agri, 1 Comm, 2 Indust, 2 Martial, 5 Muni, 1 Rec, 5 Res
REQUIRED: Bethesda.net mod, Sanctuary Lite by TheRealJenn - as such, plan is an esp file (in order to be dependent on location mod) but will not use a slot. *Important! Place this mod at the bottom of your load order, then install this plan. It should also drop to the bottom, loading after the location as a dependency.
The following plot types are included at level 3:
3 Agri, 4 Comm, 2 Indust, 2 Martial, 3 Muni, 4 Rec, 10 Res + 2 Vanilla beds
I’ve played SS2 often enough that I like to cheat and skip a bit. This settlement is currently designed for 21 settlers, but there are plenty of jobs if you use the same plots. Honestly, this can get tricky as sometimes not all plots will build as designed (it just happens). I used 2 Bonks by D-D-D-Decade upstairs in the house and two of Ohnno’s plots (Scrapheap Skyrise and Two-Story Shack) against the fence, which together make 12 beds. As long as you have those, you’re all good.
Recommendations for an SS2 Cheat Start:
I use my Vault 111 Blueprint for a player home, but you could easily remove the plot inside either house and make one of them a player home. You’ll just want to change the plan on one of the houses to a multi-settler plot.
- Next, to avoid essential characters not showing up later, I wait to build and do the first quests (making Jake show up and killing raiders, grabbing Preston & crew).
- Then I head back to Sanctuary, get Preston to assign me Tenpines and do first talk with Sturges.
- Next, I build each type of plot for Jake until Old Paul and then Lily show up. They want to do more so send me to Jake. That’s when I skip - usually to Picking Up the Pieces, so I can wrap that all up and get into HQ. Of course, you may choose something sooner; but I’d refrain from trying to skip more than this at once.
No plots here! Just a very well protected player home with beds and jobs for four followers. Additional Mod Required: Repaired Red Rocket, both No Pumps Version (main file) and esp fix (main file) to allow for not breaking precombines. This location is designed to allow you to build freely at Sanctuary and Abernathy Farm while avoiding the dreaded Triangle of Death.
Note: The follower quarters are intentionally plain. I like to decorate in game according to the followers I send there.
Note: Inevitably, in all city plans, minor issues arise some of the time with no clear consistency. There are just so many scripts.
- Power likes to break. I usually start with one generator and Alex’s settlement power pylon. Check that connection first.
- If you see plots with no power, start by grabbing any plot displaying the unpowered icon and then let it go - to snap back into place. This resets the plot and usually forces it to find the radiant power.
- Rarely, you might want to throw in some direct power. You can always use the mod, Very Small Generators and place as needed.
Sometimes plots don’t build as intended. Honestly, there is no rhyme or reason beyond the obvious:
- You may not have the plots unlocked and if the plan got stuck, you won’t be able to build the correct plot, even if there are two and one didn’t build.
- I’m afraid the only way to get a plot you don’t yet have unlocked is to cheat and load all of the plot types. You can drop a desk and find it there in the console. tools/cheats/etc.
Because I use these plans myself, I still like to sprinkle in little touches on each playthrough. Here’s a few that didn’t make my MODestly Settled list:
Art Connoisseur System - A Framework Love this mod and you will too (oodles of pictures, calendars).
Climbable Ladders So cool.
Lighting Series - All In One I don’t play without it.
Seasons by frogprincessQ4. I am using Autum right now with this settlement and it’s so pretty. Yes, I’ve tried the others. And they are awesome. But I really like that I can:
1) install and change the seasons on a whim (and not break my save) and
2) it’s just one mod for grasses and trees and comes with LOD. For most of my city plans, you’ll want to consider using something green and if you don’t use Seasons, perhaps use something like Delightful Ivy.
Settlement Repair Bot The bot repairs your damaged turrets and stuff while you’re away
Settlement Tidy Bot Undertaker bot that cleans up those pesky dead bodies
V’s Books Retexture - Changes all book covers in game. Great way to improve the vanilla clutter assets.
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