About this mod
Adds 100 Posters for your decorating pleasure. Lore Friendly.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- German
- French

This mod delivers 100 Standalone Posters for your decorating pleasure! I took the poster from the intro scene of the game as I was not satisfied with just using flags and the like. As of releasing this mod - it is the first of it's kind for FO4 - a Poster Pack!
I added most of the comics and magazines you find in the game as posters. I also added a few pin up and comical posters, too. You can find the Lore Friendly Posters in a custom section labelled "Lore Friendly Posters" in the "Wall Decorations" section. It shouldn't conflict with Homemaker/Ssex mods etc. The posters are 2k resolution and given a worn/jaded feel to them.
Simply download with NMM and let it do the work, or if you wish to download manually, extract he files into your Data folder.
I will not remake the posters from scratch to look new or different. This mod and the posters with in it were made to look weary and jaded as it is the post apocalypse and pre-war gear won't be in a pristine condition for the most part.
Enjoy :)
For compatibility patches, got to Compatibility Patches for ABP and FOW