Current month so far

May 2024

April 2024

January 2024

December 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

  • Official russian terminology (Hobby World)
    • 1 Votes

    Official russian terminology (Hobby World)

    Last Update: 03 Dec 2022
    Author: ss7877
    Uploader: ss7877

    Правки терминологии РУ-версии Pathfinder Kingmaker с целью ее соответствия официально изданным Hobby World книгам по Pathfinder - Основной книге правил, Бестиарию, Путеводителю и Рунным властителям.

    • 6.5MB
    • 39
    • --

    Official russian terminology (Hobby World)

    Last Update: 03 Dec 2022
    Author: ss7877

    Правки терминологии РУ-версии Pathfinder Kingmaker с целью ее соответствия официально изданным Hobby World книгам по Pathfinder - Основной книге правил, Бестиарию, Путеводителю и Рунным властителям.

January 2023

December 2022

  • Omega Tweaks
    • 1 Votes

    Omega Tweaks

    Last Update: 17 Mar 2023
    Author: mebiustos
    Uploader: xfindx

    The following can settings in UMM.*Free Respec*No time loss for Respec*Cheep Cost Mercenaries (=250*Lv)*No Penalty Mercenary Advisor*Telepathy Anoriel (Respec in Rogue Like) (Default disabled)*Item sort by price per weight (Default disabled)*Building full price exchange (Default disabled)

    • 7KB
    • 39
    • --

    Omega Tweaks

    Last Update: 17 Mar 2023
    Author: xfindx

    The following can settings in UMM.*Free Respec*No time loss for Respec*Cheep Cost Mercenaries (=250*Lv)*No Penalty Mercenary Advisor*Telepathy Anoriel (Respec in Rogue Like) (Default disabled)*Item sort by price per weight (Default disabled)*Building full price exchange (Default disabled)

October 2022

September 2022

April 2022

January 2022

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021

August 2021

July 2021

June 2021

May 2021

  • PathfinderAutoBuff - Kingmaker
    • 1 Votes

    PathfinderAutoBuff - Kingmaker

    Last Update: 25 Oct 2021
    Author: ilkar399
    Uploader: ilkar399

    This is a mod Pathfinder: Kingmaker .It's an alternative to Buff Bot ( It provides a way to create (or record) a queue of actions (either the buff spells or ability usage) and execute it later.

    • 328KB
    • 160
    • --

    PathfinderAutoBuff - Kingmaker

    Last Update: 25 Oct 2021
    Author: ilkar399

    This is a mod Pathfinder: Kingmaker .It's an alternative to Buff Bot ( It provides a way to create (or record) a queue of actions (either the buff spells or ability usage) and execute it later.

  • Commander Shepard (Male) voicepack
    • 1 Votes

    Commander Shepard (Male) voicepack

    Last Update: 04 Dec 2018
    Author: ArgonBorn
    Uploader: ArgonBorn

    A voicepack that replaces the "Pragmatic" male character voice with Commander Shepard's from Mass Effect. Comes with a bonus portrait!

    • 10.2MB
    • 79
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    Commander Shepard (Male) voicepack

    Last Update: 04 Dec 2018
    Author: ArgonBorn

    A voicepack that replaces the "Pragmatic" male character voice with Commander Shepard's from Mass Effect. Comes with a bonus portrait!

March 2021

  • Sort by Category
    • 1 Votes

    Sort by Category

    Last Update: 01 Apr 2021
    Author: xoffmod
    Uploader: xoffmod

    A mod which changes how sorting by "Type" works: weapons/armors/shields are now sorted by a category (e.g. Bardiche, Tower Shield, Heavy Armor), then optionally by price and then by name.

    • 4KB
    • 284
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    Sort by Category

    Last Update: 01 Apr 2021
    Author: xoffmod

    A mod which changes how sorting by "Type" works: weapons/armors/shields are now sorted by a category (e.g. Bardiche, Tower Shield, Heavy Armor), then optionally by price and then by name.

February 2021

January 2021

December 2020

  • Icewind Dale I and II Portraits
    • 1 Votes

    Icewind Dale I and II Portraits

    Last Update: 21 Dec 2020
    Author: Kinslayer
    Uploader: ddnixide

    This portrait pack gathers what high resolution images I could find for the character portraits in Icewind Dale I & II. They have been converted to the Kingmaker format. There are 21 portaits total.

    • 29.8MB
    • 125
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    Icewind Dale I and II Portraits

    Last Update: 21 Dec 2020
    Author: ddnixide

    This portrait pack gathers what high resolution images I could find for the character portraits in Icewind Dale I & II. They have been converted to the Kingmaker format. There are 21 portaits total.

  • NoHistory
    • 1 Votes


    Last Update: 26 Aug 2020
    Author: hambeard
    Uploader: hambeard

    Keeps the useless history file from getting huge in your saves for faster saving/loading times along with smaller save files overall.

    • 3KB
    • 568
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    Last Update: 26 Aug 2020
    Author: hambeard

    Keeps the useless history file from getting huge in your saves for faster saving/loading times along with smaller save files overall.

November 2020

October 2020

  • Portrait Manager
    • 1 Votes

    Portrait Manager

    Last Update: 02 Dec 2020
    Author: ilkar399
    Uploader: ilkar399

    Tag your custom portraits and filter them by tags during character creation. Also adds a portrait pack export/import functions with automatic tag merging, detecting portraits by their pseudohash.

    • 42KB
    • 98
    • --

    Portrait Manager

    Last Update: 02 Dec 2020
    Author: ilkar399

    Tag your custom portraits and filter them by tags during character creation. Also adds a portrait pack export/import functions with automatic tag merging, detecting portraits by their pseudohash.

September 2020

August 2020

July 2020

June 2020

May 2020

  • Fumi's Codex
    • 2 Votes

    Fumi's Codex

    Last Update: 12 May 2021
    Author: Fumihiko
    Uploader: Fumihiko123

    Small additions to Kineticists, Magus, and Monk.

    • 562KB
    • 270
    • --

    Fumi's Codex

    Last Update: 12 May 2021
    Author: Fumihiko123

    Small additions to Kineticists, Magus, and Monk.

  • Better Looking Valerie
    • 1 Votes

    Better Looking Valerie

    Last Update: 24 Nov 2019
    Author: Unikatze
    Uploader: Unikatze

    A simple image pack of a better looking Valerie. She's always described of being Heavenly beautiful, and yet she's kind of average. This actually makes her fit the way people react to her more accurate.Sure, she purposely cuts her hair to look bad and doesn't wear any makeup, but it's just very off putting for her to get so much praise.

    • 6.5MB
    • 660
    • --

    Better Looking Valerie

    Last Update: 24 Nov 2019
    Author: Unikatze

    A simple image pack of a better looking Valerie. She's always described of being Heavenly beautiful, and yet she's kind of average. This actually makes her fit the way people react to her more accurate.Sure, she purposely cuts her hair to look bad and doesn't wear any makeup, but it's just very off putting for her to get so much praise.

  • No Idle Slurp or Gulps
    • 1 Votes

    No Idle Slurp or Gulps

    Last Update: 26 May 2020
    Author: Stubbs
    Uploader: wovefish

    Character Idle sounds for drinking have been replaced with silence.

    • 74.7MB
    • 52
    • --

    No Idle Slurp or Gulps

    Last Update: 26 May 2020
    Author: wovefish

    Character Idle sounds for drinking have been replaced with silence.

April 2020

  • Pathfinder Iconics Portrait Pack
    • 1 Votes

    Pathfinder Iconics Portrait Pack

    Last Update: 19 Aug 2020
    Author: Nargemn
    Uploader: Sirnoname

    A collection of original character art by Wayne Reynolds of the iconic characters which represent the playable classes in the original tabletop roleplaying game Pathfinder, which Pathfinder: Kingmaker the video game is based off of.

    • 103.2MB
    • 655
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    Pathfinder Iconics Portrait Pack

    Last Update: 19 Aug 2020
    Author: Sirnoname

    A collection of original character art by Wayne Reynolds of the iconic characters which represent the playable classes in the original tabletop roleplaying game Pathfinder, which Pathfinder: Kingmaker the video game is based off of.

    • 1 Votes


    Last Update: 29 Sep 2020
    Author: JOHN HUGHES
    Uploader: ezekiel1588


    • 4.0MB
    • 72
    • --


    Last Update: 29 Sep 2020
    Author: ezekiel1588


  • Better Vendors
    • 1 Votes

    Better Vendors

    Last Update: 16 Feb 2021
    Author: Hambeard
    Uploader: hambeard

    Adds many different vendors and convenience to the base game, includes the functionality of highlight unlearned scrolls as this mod patches the same method and the broken vendor progression.

    • 84KB
    • 1.1k
    • --

    Better Vendors

    Last Update: 16 Feb 2021
    Author: hambeard

    Adds many different vendors and convenience to the base game, includes the functionality of highlight unlearned scrolls as this mod patches the same method and the broken vendor progression.

March 2020

January 2020

December 2019

November 2019

  • The Lost Grimoire
    • 1 Votes

    The Lost Grimoire

    Last Update: 12 Dec 2019
    Author: Nemorga
    Uploader: Nemorga

    A mod that add new option for wizards (Arcane Discoveries, Spell and Archetype)The scope of this mod is to add more option to wizard character and to make the wizard class a bit better so that it isn't simply a "bad sorcerer".

    • 4.6MB
    • 300
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    The Lost Grimoire

    Last Update: 12 Dec 2019
    Author: Nemorga

    A mod that add new option for wizards (Arcane Discoveries, Spell and Archetype)The scope of this mod is to add more option to wizard character and to make the wizard class a bit better so that it isn't simply a "bad sorcerer".

  • Fix Loading Bug
    • 1 Votes

    Fix Loading Bug

    Last Update: 21 Jul 2019
    Author: Soldier9
    Uploader: soldier9

    Fixes "Error: Access to the path ..." error when loading a savegame

    • 3KB
    • 125
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    Fix Loading Bug

    Last Update: 21 Jul 2019
    Author: soldier9

    Fixes "Error: Access to the path ..." error when loading a savegame

October 2019

September 2019

August 2019

  • Kingmaker Buff Bot
    • 3 Votes

    Kingmaker Buff Bot

    Last Update: 19 Apr 2021
    Author: Balkoth
    Uploader: Balkoth56

    Set-and-forget solution to casting buffs on your party.

    • 25KB
    • 665
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    Kingmaker Buff Bot

    Last Update: 19 Apr 2021
    Author: Balkoth56

    Set-and-forget solution to casting buffs on your party.

  • Closer To Tabletop
    • 3 Votes

    Closer To Tabletop

    Last Update: 25 Aug 2019
    Author: Castar
    Uploader: Castar

    Fixes several mechanics to be more in line with their tabletop version, included flanking (and feats and features related to it), combat maneuvers (anyone can use maneuvers, but they provoke attacks of opportunity without the respective Improved feat), and the addition of soft cover. Recommended to be used alongside the Turn-Based Combat mod.

    • 36KB
    • 657
    • --

    Closer To Tabletop

    Last Update: 25 Aug 2019
    Author: Castar

    Fixes several mechanics to be more in line with their tabletop version, included flanking (and feats and features related to it), combat maneuvers (anyone can use maneuvers, but they provoke attacks of opportunity without the respective Improved feat), and the addition of soft cover. Recommended to be used alongside the Turn-Based Combat mod.

  • Kaziel's Outfits
    • 1 Votes

    Kaziel's Outfits

    Last Update: 07 Aug 2019
    Author: Kaziel and Spacehamster
    Uploader: KAZ1EL

    This mod contains multiple Armour re-textures and was made with the intention that it is used in tandem with Spacehamster's Visual Adjustments mod. See description below for more details.

    • 1.3MB
    • 187
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    Kaziel's Outfits

    Last Update: 07 Aug 2019
    Author: KAZ1EL

    This mod contains multiple Armour re-textures and was made with the intention that it is used in tandem with Spacehamster's Visual Adjustments mod. See description below for more details.

  • Weapon Set Hotkeys
    • 1 Votes

    Weapon Set Hotkeys

    Last Update: 18 Sep 2020
    Author: apocc
    Uploader: apocc

    As the name says, the mod adds the option to set a specific hotkey for each weapon set and a hotkey to cycle through them.

    • 6KB
    • 95
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    Weapon Set Hotkeys

    Last Update: 18 Sep 2020
    Author: apocc

    As the name says, the mod adds the option to set a specific hotkey for each weapon set and a hotkey to cycle through them.

  • SkipIntro
    • 1 Votes


    Last Update: 28 Aug 2020
    Author: gnivler
    Uploader: gnivler

    (almost) Immediately starts loading the game and displays the main menu without any animation.

    • 9KB
    • 1.1k
    • --


    Last Update: 28 Aug 2020
    Author: gnivler

    (almost) Immediately starts loading the game and displays the main menu without any animation.

July 2019

  • Eldritch arcana updated
    • 5 Votes

    Eldritch arcana updated

    Last Update: 02 Aug 2022
    Author: Elmindra_joostjasper
    Uploader: joostjasper

    This is an updated version of the eldrich arcana mod.made by Elmindra now being updated by joostjasper

    • 1.2MB
    • 1.9k
    • --

    Eldritch arcana updated

    Last Update: 02 Aug 2022
    Author: joostjasper

    This is an updated version of the eldrich arcana mod.made by Elmindra now being updated by joostjasper

  • No image found
    • 4 Votes

    Mod unavailable

    This mod is no longer available, possibly because it has been hidden or deleted.

  • Highlight learnable scrolls
    • 4 Votes

    Highlight learnable scrolls

    Last Update: 05 Nov 2020
    Author: Alsford
    Uploader: Alsford

    Highlights scrolls that are learnable by the active character.

    • 3KB
    • 1.4k
    • --

    Highlight learnable scrolls

    Last Update: 05 Nov 2020
    Author: Alsford

    Highlights scrolls that are learnable by the active character.

  • Remove Area Effects
    • 3 Votes

    Remove Area Effects

    Last Update: 30 Dec 2022
    Author: v1ld
    Uploader: v1ld

    Pressing the L key removes area effects like Web and Entangle outside of combat so you don't have to wait a long time for those area effects to expire.

    • 15KB
    • 630
    • --

    Remove Area Effects

    Last Update: 30 Dec 2022
    Author: v1ld

    Pressing the L key removes area effects like Web and Entangle outside of combat so you don't have to wait a long time for those area effects to expire.

  • Custom Map Markers
    • 3 Votes

    Custom Map Markers

    Last Update: 28 Jan 2022
    Author: v1ld
    Uploader: v1ld

    Shift click to add your own persistent markers to the global or local map. These custom markers can be given their own notes, titles, colors, and icons from the mod menu. They can also be hidden and deleted from the menu.

    • 22KB
    • 469
    • --

    Custom Map Markers

    Last Update: 28 Jan 2022
    Author: v1ld

    Shift click to add your own persistent markers to the global or local map. These custom markers can be given their own notes, titles, colors, and icons from the mod menu. They can also be hidden and deleted from the menu.

June 2019

  • Call of the Wild
    • 7 Votes

    Call of the Wild

    Last Update: 23 Jul 2022
    Author: Holic92
    Uploader: Holic92

    This mod adds Antipaladin, Arcanist, Brawler, Hunter, Occultist, Oracle, Witch, Skald, Warpriest, Bloodrager, Shaman, Investigator, Summoner, Psychic, Spiritualist, Hinterlander, Dawnflower Anchorite, and Holy Vindicator classes, and lots of new feats, spells and other class abilities.

    • 44.8MB
    • 4.4k
    • --

    Call of the Wild

    Last Update: 23 Jul 2022
    Author: Holic92

    This mod adds Antipaladin, Arcanist, Brawler, Hunter, Occultist, Oracle, Witch, Skald, Warpriest, Bloodrager, Shaman, Investigator, Summoner, Psychic, Spiritualist, Hinterlander, Dawnflower Anchorite, and Holy Vindicator classes, and lots of new feats, spells and other class abilities.

  • No image found
    • 3 Votes

    Mod unavailable

    This mod is no longer available, possibly because it has been hidden or deleted.

  • Pathfinder Kingmaker saved game
    • 1 Votes

    Pathfinder Kingmaker saved game

    Last Update: 18 Oct 2018
    Author: Owen
    Uploader: Owen2016

    Pathfinder Kingmaker save at the beginning of prologue, cheated character:

    • 771KB
    • 35
    • --

    Pathfinder Kingmaker saved game

    Last Update: 18 Oct 2018
    Author: Owen2016

    Pathfinder Kingmaker save at the beginning of prologue, cheated character:

  • Hair Unlocker
    • 1 Votes

    Hair Unlocker

    Last Update: 31 Aug 2020
    Author: Spacehamster
    Uploader: Spacehamster2

    Unlocks hair options of difference races. Use Human hair with an Aasimar.

    • 7KB
    • 1.9k
    • --

    Hair Unlocker

    Last Update: 31 Aug 2020

    Unlocks hair options of difference races. Use Human hair with an Aasimar.

  • Toggle AI and Stealth Hotkey
    • 1 Votes

    Toggle AI and Stealth Hotkey

    Last Update: 17 Feb 2019
    Author: apocc
    Uploader: apocc

    Simply adds the option to toggle the AI and Stealth buttons by pressing a key.

    • 5KB
    • 205
    • --

    Toggle AI and Stealth Hotkey

    Last Update: 17 Feb 2019
    Author: apocc

    Simply adds the option to toggle the AI and Stealth buttons by pressing a key.

May 2019

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

  • PlayerBiography
    • 2 Votes


    Last Update: 04 May 2019
    Author: SnowyJune
    Uploader: SnowyJune

    This mod allows you to add biography to custom companions and the player himself/herself. It's quite unimmersive when you find custom companions has a blank biography, isn't it?

    • 11KB
    • 365
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    Last Update: 04 May 2019
    Author: SnowyJune

    This mod allows you to add biography to custom companions and the player himself/herself. It's quite unimmersive when you find custom companions has a blank biography, isn't it?

  • Faster Menu Book Zoom
    • 1 Votes

    Faster Menu Book Zoom

    Last Update: 16 Dec 2018
    Author: Rob Rendell
    Uploader: RobRendell

    This mod speeds up the fade in and zoom on the book containing the main menu when the game first starts up.

    • 3KB
    • 725
    • --

    Faster Menu Book Zoom

    Last Update: 16 Dec 2018
    Author: RobRendell

    This mod speeds up the fade in and zoom on the book containing the main menu when the game first starts up.

January 2019

  • Eldritch Arcana
    • 25 Votes

    Eldritch Arcana

    Last Update: 04 Apr 2019
    Author: Elmindra
    Uploader: Elmindra

    This mod adds the Oracle class, new spells, magic-themed feats, character traits, and other fun things from PnP Pathfinder.NOTE: this mod was developed against the 1.2 beta. Some features may not work on 1.1.6.

    • 202KB
    • 1.4k
    • --

    Eldritch Arcana

    Last Update: 04 Apr 2019
    Author: Elmindra

    This mod adds the Oracle class, new spells, magic-themed feats, character traits, and other fun things from PnP Pathfinder.NOTE: this mod was developed against the 1.2 beta. Some features may not work on 1.1.6.

  • Pathfinder Kingmaker Rich Ironman Start
    • 1 Votes

    Pathfinder Kingmaker Rich Ironman Start

    Last Update: 10 Jan 2019
    Author: Gamerworf
    Uploader: gamerworf

    An Air bending Kineticists With an Large assortment of weapons, gear, potions and armor to make Gorum weep tears of joy. strong enough to destroy any thing from the First World and Golarion as if Groetus was guiding your hand. fast enough to dodge arrows mid-flight, can out-charm trick, debate and advise anyone in the stolen lands and beyond

    • 919KB
    • 36
    • --

    Pathfinder Kingmaker Rich Ironman Start

    Last Update: 10 Jan 2019
    Author: gamerworf

    An Air bending Kineticists With an Large assortment of weapons, gear, potions and armor to make Gorum weep tears of joy. strong enough to destroy any thing from the First World and Golarion as if Groetus was guiding your hand. fast enough to dodge arrows mid-flight, can out-charm trick, debate and advise anyone in the stolen lands and beyond

  • Arcemi Pathfinder Kingmaker Editor
    • 1 Votes

    Arcemi Pathfinder Kingmaker Editor

    Last Update: 01 Jul 2024
    Author: Arcemi
    Uploader: JGuM

    A save game editor which can edit party inventory, shared stash, money, kingdom data, attributes, character name, level, attributes, skills, portrait, feats, spellbooks. Now works for Windows, Linux and Mac

    • 175.2MB
    • 1.6k
    • --

    Arcemi Pathfinder Kingmaker Editor

    Last Update: 01 Jul 2024
    Author: JGuM

    A save game editor which can edit party inventory, shared stash, money, kingdom data, attributes, character name, level, attributes, skills, portrait, feats, spellbooks. Now works for Windows, Linux and Mac

  • The XYZ Portraits
    • 1 Votes

    The XYZ Portraits

    Last Update: 16 Oct 2018
    Author: dimzki
    Uploader: dimzki

    This mod will add 70 more custom portraits for you to play with.

    • 14.2MB
    • 1.5k
    • --

    The XYZ Portraits

    Last Update: 16 Oct 2018
    Author: dimzki

    This mod will add 70 more custom portraits for you to play with.

December 2018

November 2018

  • Kingdom Resolution
    • 8 Votes

    Kingdom Resolution

    Last Update: 19 Aug 2020
    Author: Spacehamster
    Uploader: Spacehamster2

    Resolve Kingdom Events in one day. Remove requirement for baron to spend 14 days to level up advisors.Modify Event DC for better rewards.Manage Kingdom outside of claimed regions.

    • 35KB
    • 5.0k
    • --

    Kingdom Resolution

    Last Update: 19 Aug 2020

    Resolve Kingdom Events in one day. Remove requirement for baron to spend 14 days to level up advisors.Modify Event DC for better rewards.Manage Kingdom outside of claimed regions.

  • Pathfinder Editor
    • 5 Votes

    Pathfinder Editor

    Last Update: 07 Jan 2019
    Author: digitalares
    Uploader: digitalares

    This is a simple mod that allows a user to edit their save games. Note there is one file for Mac and one file for Windows!

    • 38.0MB
    • 3.1k
    • --

    Pathfinder Editor

    Last Update: 07 Jan 2019
    Author: digitalares

    This is a simple mod that allows a user to edit their save games. Note there is one file for Mac and one file for Windows!

  • Craft Magic Items
    • 3 Votes

    Craft Magic Items

    Last Update: 24 May 2021
    Author: RobRendell
    Uploader: RobRendell

    This mod adds the Pathfinder tabletop feats Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Arms and Armor and Forge Ring, allowing crafting of regular and custom magic items of those types. Crafting costs gold (as well as any expensive material components required by the prerequisite spell(s)), and takes time.

    • 139KB
    • 3.1k
    • --

    Craft Magic Items

    Last Update: 24 May 2021
    Author: RobRendell

    This mod adds the Pathfinder tabletop feats Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Arms and Armor and Forge Ring, allowing crafting of regular and custom magic items of those types. Crafting costs gold (as well as any expensive material components required by the prerequisite spell(s)), and takes time.

  • Fast Travel
    • 3 Votes

    Fast Travel

    Last Update: 23 Aug 2020
    Author: newman55
    Uploader: newman55

    Mod changes game and party speed in different modes.

    • 5KB
    • 2.4k
    • --

    Fast Travel

    Last Update: 23 Aug 2020
    Author: newman55

    Mod changes game and party speed in different modes.

  • Cleaner
    • 1 Votes


    Last Update: 06 Jul 2019
    Author: newman55
    Uploader: newman55

    Mod reduces size of save files and slightly reduces memory usage in game.

    • 9KB
    • 2.0k
    • --


    Last Update: 06 Jul 2019
    Author: newman55

    Mod reduces size of save files and slightly reduces memory usage in game.

October 2018