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About this mod

This mod adds the Pathfinder tabletop feats Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Arms and Armor and Forge Ring, allowing crafting of regular and custom magic items of those types. Crafting costs gold (as well as any expensive material components required by the prerequisite spell(s)), and takes time.

Permissions and credits
The latest version of this mod requires Kingmaker version 2.0+, and Unity Mod Manager version 0.14.1+

This mod adds the tabletop Pathfinder magic item crafting feats Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Arms and Armor and Forge Ring.  As per tabletop Pathfinder, these feats have a minimum caster level prerequisite the character must attain before the feat becomes available.

The mod also allows the crafting of mundane weapons, shields and armor using special materials, such as silver or adamantite.

The Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion and Craft Wand feats allow you to create scrolls, potions and wands that cast spells that your casters can cast.  This is useful for having contingency copies of spells that you don't regularly prepare but might want at short notice, or to cast spells beyond your normal caster limits, at the cost of gold and time.  Given that the game doesn't support Wizards and other book-spellcasters copying spells from each others' spellbooks, creating scrolls also provides a way to share spells between your characters.

If you want a mod to add scrolls with spells that your characters do not already have, check out Bag of Tricks or Give Me Scrolls.

The Craft Wondrous Items feat covers enchanting magic items like cloaks, boots, belts, headbands and gloves, as well as "slotless" items which can go in the five belt slots.  It does not include rings, which are covered by the Forge Ring feat.  You can use Craft Wondrous Items to upgrade existing items, or to create new wondrous items from scratch.  In the latter case, the new item's image/model is chosen randomly from other items that use the same slot.

The Craft Arms and Armor feat covers the enchanting of weapons, shields and suits of armor.  This feat only supports upgrading existing items... you cannot create new weapons, shields and armor from scratch, although you can enchant mundane weapons, shields and armor to make them magical.  Mundane weapons to be enchanted must be of masterwork quality.  The same restriction normally applies for shields and armor in the tabletop game, but the CRPG does not appear to give the player any masterwork shields or suits of armor, so the mod allows the enchanting of regular mundane shields and armor.

The Forge Ring feat covers the enchanting of rings.  Only a few enchantments are currently supported, but some of these are effects which are not available in items in the base game at all - you can craft a Ring of Regeneration, which provides constant Fast Healing 1, or a Ring of Sustenance, which allows the wearer to fill two roles in camp (because they get the benefit of 8 hours of sleep in just 2 hours) and saves them from having to eat rations.

In addition, characters that have the Bonded Object class feature can select an amulet, a weapon or a ring in their inventory to bond with.  A bonded object can be enchanted by the character as if they had the corresponding crafting feat, as long as they also meet the caster level prerequisite for that feat.


1. Install the Unity Mod Manager.
2. Download this mod (a zip archive).
3. Either run the Unity Mod Manager installer and install the mod from the "Mods" tab, or manually install the mod by unzipping it to your game's mod folder (e.g. '\Steam\steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Mods').
4. After starting Kingmaker, you can open the in-game Unity Mod Manager UI by pressing Control + F10.
5. See the Usage section below for more information on using the mod.


 This mod adds feats and allows you to create items that do not exist in the base game.  As such, there will be IDs in your save game which are not supported by the game without this mod.  If you want to remove this mod, you need to follow the below steps, or your saves may become unloadable!

EDIT: Unfortunately, uninstallation isn't as seamless as I'd originally hoped :(

1. Start Kingmaker, and open the in-game Unity Mod Manager UI by pressing Control + F10.
2. Disable "Craft Magic Items" using the On/Off button.
3. Load the saved game you wish to continue using.  Any custom items in the save will revert to items that exist in the base game, and custom feats will become Metamagic feats.
4. Save your game.  You can now safely delete the "Craft Magic Items" mod from your Mods folder.
4. Unfortunately, custom content from this mod may remain in unloaded regions after the above procedure.  For example, the mod adds a bonus Craft Potion feat to alchemists, so if a map contains an NPC alchemist, the feat will only be cleaned up when you return to that region.  You will need to leave the mod installed but disabled as you travel around to clean up everything.
5. Doubly unfortunately, UMM will not load anything from a mod that is disabled when the game loads, so you will need to toggle the mod on and off again whenever you restart the game (or at least, before you enter a location that is crashing).


In the current version, the crafting UI is entirely inside Unity Mod Manager.  Press control-F10 to open the Unity Mod Manager GUI and expand "Craft Magic Items".

When you are adventuring, only characters that are in your party are available to craft.  If you at Oleg's (during Act I) or your capital (during Acts II+), all of your companions are available.

Crafting Magic Items

Crafting a magic item requires the character to have the corresponding feat, unless a cheat is enabled.

Spell-Based Crafting (Scrolls, Potions, Wands)

Select the type of item you wish to craft, class (if the character has more than one spellcasting class) and spell level of the spell you want to use for crafting.  Optionally, you can use the slider to set the item's caster level, if your current caster level is above the minimum required to cast the spell.  For prepared casters, you also can toggle whether to see only the spells they have prepared, or all spells they know.

The spells for the selected class and spell level will appear in a list, along with the cost of crafting that spell into the selected type of item.  Crafting costs an amount of gold for the ingredients used, as well as consuming any expensive material components required to cast the spell.  For wands, you need to spend 50 times the expensive material components, since a new wand has 50 charges.

Click the button to start a project to scribe the scroll, brew the potion or craft the wand.  Doing so will spend the gold and material items up front, although if you later cancel the project before it completes you will be refunded the full amount.

Recipe-Based Crafting (Wondrous Items, Arms and Armor, Forge Ring, Rod)

Select the slot of the item to be crafted.  You will be shown the items that are available to enchant (equipped by the crafting character or other characters in the same location as them, plus any that are in the party's shared stash).  Selecting an existing item will allow you to upgrade the item with improved or new abilities.  You can also select "(new item)" to create a new Wondrous Item or Ring from scratch.

Select the enchantment you wish to work on next.  Some categories of enchantments have additional choices - for example, if you choose "Abilities", you will then need to select which ability (Strength, Dexterity etc) will be augmented by the item, and many enchantments grant a numeric bonus you will need to select.

The prerequisites for your crafting are shown next, including the required caster level and any prerequisite spells that should be cast during the crafting process (for example, to craft a Natural Armour bonus, the crafter needs to cast Barkskin).  Certain enchantments may have additional prerequisites (for example, creating a Holy weapon has a prerequisite that the crafter's alignment is Good).

Failing to meet the prerequisites for recipe-based crafting does not automatically prevent the caster from crafting the item, but each missing prerequisite will raise the crafting DC by 5.  This increase in DC may make the item too difficult for them to craft with their current skill at all, and at the very least will slow down the rate they complete the item.  A character whose caster level is below the prerequisite caster level for the item is considered to be missing a prerequisite for each level they fall short of the prerequisite (for example, a character with a caster level of 7 is considered to be missing three prerequisites when crafting an item with a prerequisite caster level of 10, increasing the DC by 15).

If you are upgrading an item or creating a new item which does not exist in the base game, you will be given the chance to customise your item's name.

Click the button that details the cost of the new item or the upgrade to spend the required gold and begin the project.


The caster will attempt to make progress on their crafting projects whenever they start to rest, such as when you camp (if they are adventuring) or you skip a day in the Kingdom interface.  They will take 10 on a Knowledge (Arcana) skill check, versus the project's DC (which is the item's caster level + 5).  A normal success nets 500 gold worth of progress towards the item's crafting price for each day that they have had to work on it, and each 1 by which they beat the DC will increase this by another 100 gold.  Once they accumulate progress equal to or greater than the item's crafting price, they complete the item.

In order to enchant an item, the crafter must be able to access the item they want to enchant.  Items in the shared stash are available to all characters, whether they're back in the capital or out adventuring with the party, but equipped items are only accessible to characters in the same location - either in the capital or with the adventuring party.

Crafting while adventuring is more challenging than doing it in the safety of the capital.  For one thing, the character cannot dedicate as much of their time towards crafting, and so make only 25% of the progress each day (125 gold for beating the DC, plus another 125 gold for each 5 they succeed by).  For another, they will try to cast the prerequisite spell when they start to rest - if they cast it during the day (for prepared spell casters), or ran out of spell slots (for spontaneous casters), they will not be able to cast it.  By contrast, a prepared caster in the capital is assumed to be able to change their spell selection as required, and thus you do not have to manually change their prepared spells for them to work on crafting projects.

If a caster is not able to cast a prerequisite spell for whatever reason, but has an item that can cast the spell equipped, they will use the item to meet the prerequisite.  Items which recover their charges every day are preferred, and items with more charges are preferred over those with fewer.  Note that the item must be equipped - a scroll or wand of the appropriate type sitting in the party's shared stash will not be used.

If the prerequisite spell is not cast by the character doing the casting, they will fail to meet that prerequisite that day.  This will prevent progress on the project for spell-based crafting, and raise the DC of the day's work for recipe-based crafting.

If a caster cannot make progress towards a project, such as if they are adventuring and cannot cast the prerequisite spell or they cannot make the DC by taking 10, they will attempt to work through later projects in their queue.

You can bring up the UI to craft items even if you are in the Kingdom screen.

Applying Multiple Enchantments

An item can be enchanted more than once, and even worked on by different casters, but only one project can be in progress on the item at a time.  Once you create a project to upgrade an item, the UI will treat that item as if it has already been upgraded when creating further projects... when starting a new project and selecting an existing item to upgrade, you will see the anticipated final version of the item once all current projects complete.  This allows the mod to correctly calculate the enchantments of the resulting item and the cost of each upgrade.

The upgrades will be applied to the item in the order you create the projects; if the first upgrade is unable to progress for whatever reason, the others will not attempt to begin their work.  Also, if you cancel an upgrade project of an item which further crafting projects depend on, all of those subsequent crafting projects for that item will also be cancelled.

Crafting Mundane Items

Crafting of mundane weapons, shields and armor works much the same as crafting magic items, with a few key differences.

  • Characters do not need to have any specific feat to craft mundane items.
  • The skill used to craft mundane items is Knowledge (World) rather than Knowledge (Arcana).
  • The cost to craft mundane items is actually less than the resale value of the items crafted (two thirds of the sale price), allowing a small profit over time.
  • The DC to craft mundane items depends on the item being crafted.  More protective armor and more exotic weapons are harder to craft that less protective or simpler items.  Also, crafting masterwork weapons or items with special materials increases the DC.
  • For weapons, you might want to apply several different options, such as a Masterwork Silver greatsword or an Oversized Admanatine longsword.  Since you can't apply mundane crafting as an upgrade to an existing item, the UI for crafting weapons is slightly different to other crafting in the mod.  Once you select the weapon you wish to craft, you may apply zero or more upgrades/options to the weapon, and when you are happy with the result, click the button to begin crafting.
  • Crafting progress, in terms of gold, is much slower.  A bare success when crafting in the capital nets 5 gold of progress a day, rather than 500 when crafting magic items.  Each 1 by which the check exceeds the DC increases this by 1 gold.  On the plus side, crafting using special materials does not increase the required progress, although the higher DC will still result in the project taking longer to complete.

Work in Progress

This section of the UI shows all projects the selected character is working on, including their percentage progress towards completion and the last message relating to that project.  There are also buttons to cancel projects (refunding the crafting costs in full), and to move a later project to the top of the list.

Feat Reassignment

Since your characters did not have the opportunity to learn crafting feats before loading this mod, this section allows you to re-assign previous feat selections without having to do a full respec of your characters.  You can't reassign crafting feats once you've set them, and you can't assign other types of feats, so do your assignments carefully.


Not everyone wants the same experience from the game.  This section allows you to disable various requirements and costs imposed by this mod, if you do not want crafting to work as it does in tabletop Pathfinder.

Future Plans
  • Adding more crafting feats: Craft Rod.
  • Add more Wondrous Item recipes, including Ioun Stones, Robes.
  • Add the Fabricate spell, which would allow mundane crafting projects to complete instantly, and/or allow the changing of existing items to use special materials (converting a found suit of armor to mithral, for example).
  • I don't know how feasible this is, but I'd like to build a native UI, allowing you to start crafting projects and view your progress without opening Unity Mod Manager.  The options to reassign feats and to enable cheats will remain in the Unity Mod Manager UI.

Item Pricing

The cost in gold to craft an item is equal to the sale price of the item.  Because Owlcat's Pathfinder: Kingmaker makes the sale price of items 25% of the purchase price (as opposed to the tabletop Pathfinder rules, where the sale price of items is 50% of the purchase price), I had to decide which rate to go with.  My decision to make the crafting price equal the sale price follows what I believe to be the spirit of the Pathfinder rules for the item creation feats - if you create a magic item and then sell it, you will end up with as much gold as you had before you started, which means you neither lose nor gain money in the exercise.

There is a configuration setting under "Cheats" which allows you to customize the price of enchanting, including setting it to the Tabletop rate (200% of the Owlcat prices).  This will also adjust the sale price of the crafted items, making custom item prices mysteriously different to the price of equivalent items in the game world.  Also, if you craft an item which exists in the base game and the mod uses that instead of creating a custom item, the crafted item will retain Owlcat's item price, potentially creating a price difference between crafting cost and item sale price.

For Wondrous Items and Rings, adding more than one enchantment to a single item means the item's cost is that of the most expensive enchantment plus 150% of all other enchantments.  For example, a belt that adds +2 to one ability costs 1,000 gold.  A belt that adds +2 to two abilities costs 2,500 gold, the sum of 1,000 and 150% of 1,000.

Enchanting Wondrous Items which are "slotless" (i.e. that go in one of your five belt slots) costs double the price of adding the same enchantment to an item which occupies a specific slot.

For magical weapons, shields and armor, the enchantment cost increases with the square of the item's bonus.  For example, the enhancement bonus of a +2 weapon is four times as expensive as that of a +1 weapon.  Many other enchantments, such as flaming, increase the effective bonus of the item... a +1 flaming weapon is the same effective bonus as a +2 weapon, and so adding the "flaming" enchantment to a +1 weapon costs the same as upgrading it from +1 to +2.  The total effective bonus on a weapon, shield or suit of armor cannot exceed +10.

Available Enchantments

  • Recipes available for Wondrous Item:
    • Enhancement bonus to attributes (Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) from +1 to +6
    • Enhancement bonus to skills from +1 to +10
    • Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor from +1 to +5
    • Resistance bonus to saving throws from +1 to +6
    • Enhancement bonus to Unarmed Attacks (e.g. Gloves of Mighty Fists) from +1 to +5 (new in 1.8.5)
    • Armor bonus to AC (e.g. Bracers of Armor) from +1 to +8 (new in 1.8.5)
    • Constant Feather Step (e.g. Slippers of Feather Step) (new in 1.8.5)
    • Enhancement bonus to movement speed (e.g. Boots of Springing and Striding) from +5 to +30 (new in 1.8.5)
    • Cast a Spell N times a day (new in 1.8.6)
    • +1d6 or +2d6 to Channel Positive/Negative Energy (new in 1.8.8)
    • Bag of Holding (not the small version) (new in 1.8.10)
  • Recipes available for Rings:
    • Deflection bonus to AC (e.g. Ring of Protection) from +1 to +5
    • Evasion, as the feat (e.g. Ring of Evasion)
    • Constant Freedom of Movement (e.g. Ring of Freedom of Movement)
    • Constant Fast Healing 1 (e.g. Ring of Regeneration)
    • Energy Resistance (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic) from 10 to 30
    • Sustenance (don't need to eat, can perform two roles in camp)
    • Enhancement bonus to attributes (Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) from +1 to +6 (new for Rings in 1.8.5)
    • Enhancement bonus to skills from +1 to +10 (new for Rings in 1.8.5)
    • Cast a Spell N times a day (new in 1.8.6)
  • Recipes available for Arms and Armor:
    • Enhancement bonus to armor, shields or weapons from +1 to +5
    • Energy Resistance for armor and shields (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic) from 10 to 30
    • Celestial armor enchantment (requires metal armor with +3 or better enhancement bonus) (new in 1.8.5)
    • Agile weapon enchantment (requires finessable weapon)
    • Anarchic weapon enchantment
    • Axiomatic weapon enchantment
    • Bane weapon enchantment
    • Brilliant Energy weapon enchantment
    • Energy damage (Corrosive, Flaming, Frost, Shock) and corresponding Burst upgrade weapon enchantments (Corrosive Burst new in 1.8.6)
    • Disruption weapon enchantment (requires bludgeoning melee weapon)
    • Furious weapon enchantment
    • Ghost Touch weapon enchantment
    • Holy weapon enchantment
    • Impact weapon enchantment (requires a weapon which is not light) (new in 1.8.5)
    • Keen weapon enchantment (requires slashing or piercing melee weapon)
    • Speed weapon enchantment
    • Thundering weapon enchantment
    • Unholy weapon enchantment
    • Vicious weapon enchantment
    • Cast a Spell N times a day (new in 1.8.6)
  • Recipes available for Rod:
    • Metamagic Rods (new in 1.10.7)
  • Recipes for mundane crafting:
    • Standard weapons, armor, shields
    • Masterwork weapons
    • Mithral armor and shields[/size]
    • Mithral spiked shields, with cold iron, mithral, and adamantine shield spikes (new in 1.10.6)
    • Adamantite armor and weapons
    • Cold Iron weapons
    • Silver weapons
    • Oversize weapons (new in 1.8.5)
    • Quivers (new in 1.10.8)

Items Available from Vendors
As of version 1.8.10, some custom magic items are available to purchase from certain vendors.  The idea with these is that they are either relatively standard Pathfinder items which are mysteriously absent from the vendors, or they are items which this mod makes possible which should therefore exist somewhere in the larger world as well. Below is a list of the items, as well as the vendors who sell them, concealed with spoiler tags.
  • Boots of Springing and Striding
    Bartholemew the sadistic mage
  • Masterwork Silver Dagger
    Oleg Leviton
  • Mithral Breastplate
    Verdel, the smith in your capital square
  • Mithral Chain Shirt
    Verdel, the smith in your capital square
  • Ring of Regeneration
    Pitax merchant
  • Ring of Sustenance
    The Old Beldame
  • Silver Bastard Sword +1
    Verdel, the smith in your capital square
  • Silver Longsword +1
    Verdel, the smith in your capital square
  • Wand of Shock
    (useful for a certain elemental puzzle, if you lack a caster in your party who can cast this cantrip)