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About this mod

This mod integrates different tweaks and framework patches into a single plugin to allow for a seamless modding experience with little need for patching on the user's end. Originally designed for personal use, I'm now making it available for everyone to enjoy on nexus.

Permissions and credits

This mod integrates different tweaks and framework patches into a single plugin to allow for a seamless modding experience with little need for patching on the user's end. Originally designed for personal use, I'm now making it available for everyone to enjoy on nexus.

  • Weapons now use proper ammo from Caliber Complex and Explosives Complex where applicable. 
  • Weapons that have more than one rechambers have a new category in the Chemistry Workbench by the name of "Conversion Kits". Any and all rechambers can be crafted there.
  • Weapons that offer their own non-unique Ammo types (Meaning said ammo is a part of Caliber Complex) have had their ammo's removed so they don't spawn in the game world. Weapons with unique ammo types have been left untouched.
Weapon Sounds:
  • Weapons are patched to use sounds from JSRS, old patches have a few that require MWGS instead.
Tactical Reload Patches:
  • Integrates Tactical Reload (TR) patch keywords into the plugins for compatibility, ensuring that TR and these edits can coexist. Might work on non-TR versions of the plugins if requested.
Gun-play Tweaks:
  • Recoil has been boosted, recoil centering has been removed.
  • Iron Sights and non-magnification optics (e.g: Red Dots) no longer have any zoom. Optics have been changed to their actual magnification multipliers where applicable.
  • Automatic Receivers/Conversions no longer affect Damage. If your weapon deals 10 Damage in semi-auto, it'll still deal 10 damage when set to full auto. This goes hand in hand with the recoil tweaks to make automatic receivers punishing in a more believable way.
  • Crafting Recipes for weapons have been added. All weapons can be crafted in the new shared categories added to the chemistry workbench. This will make your workbench less bloated and offer a cleaner and more organized way of crafting your weapons. Weapons that already had crafting recipes have just been moved to the new categories.
Explosives Complex Expansion:
  • An expansion for the Explosives Complex mod has been integrated into the Shared Plugin. This expansion introduces different effects to the base explosives introduced by the original mod, you now have explosives that have Acidic, Nuclear, Cryogenic, Incendiary etc effects along with Regular, MIRV and Homing versions of each new ammo type.

The following mods in working condition:

  • I only support OldGen (1.10.163), and that is what my mods are tested on. This mod, in specific, however will work on any game version, new or old, as it only edits mods that are version independent.
  • Let my edits (Name of the mod - MZO Edit.esp) overwrite anything concerning that mod in specific, doing so will resolve most conflicts but as with anything it is still recommended to check the plugins in xEdit and resolve any remaining conflicts yourself.

This mod was built with the following mods in mind:
A few of my other mods: