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TheBigLidowskiUploaded by
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About this mod
Pump-action shotgun with some tacticool additions as well as custom 1st and 3rd person animations, sounds and ammo switcher.
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Tired of spending 12 gauge shells with those fancy semi-auto magazine-fed shotguns? Want some old fashion way click-clack boom? Here you go. Proper click-clacking in both 1st and 3rd person.
I don't think I need to copypaste a wikipedia article about this gun here. It's a pump-action Mossberg, what else can I say.
Also, in order to get the best immersive experience, I highly recommend to use shavkacagarikia's Classic Holstered Weapons System

5 Receivers - Worn, Cleaned, Restored, Custom Improvements mk1 and Custom Improvements mk2 - define firepower and handling speeds;
2 Barrels - Short and Long - spread, recoil, AP cost;
1 Heatshield - reduce AP cost for a bit;
2 Ironsights - Simple and Advanced (with tritium);
2 Magazines - Standard 6-round and Extended 8-round;
4 Rail types - Standard and Ghost Ring are scope-only, Tactical gives additional left, right and bottom mount points, also separate Front Rails can be mounted on the magazine for the availability of additional mount points with Standard and Ghost Ring rails;
7 Stocks - Full Stock, B5 SOPMOD, MFT Minimalist, ACE Ultralite, DD Milspec, Magpul CTR, Vltor IMOD, no stock option is also available;
7 Optics - MBUS (tactical rail only), Holosun HS510C, Vortex Venom, Aimpoint PRO, Trijicon RX01, EOTech XPS3, Vortex SE (see-through).
4 Ammo types - Birdshot (18 pellets, wider spread, lower damage per pellet), Buckshot (9 pellets, narrow spread, higher damage per pellet), Slugs (single projectile, precision shots, a bit more damage, a bit less fun), Dragon's Breath (13 pellets, flammable, additional fire damage, requires crafting ammunition);
4 Attachments - SureFire M300C flashlight (can be mounted on top, bottom, left and right rails), SureFire M600 flashlight (bottom, left and right rails), Pinty Green laser sight (bottom, left and right rails), MAWL red laser sight (top rail only);
Damage modifiers - from -60% to +300%.
Ammo switcher item is available at the chemistry workbench, allows to switch ammo in the field.
Skins category is available starting from Cleaned receiver, but out of the box you'll find only Default and Custom skins there. For the custom skin you'll find an optional file in the downloads section which allows you to edit the diffuse (color) dds files yourself to add any painting you want (you'll need photoshop with intel texture works plugin for that). Also this category is set up for my buddy Ardent who wants to release a separate mod with skin sets for this Mossberg later like he did for the L96A1. Maybe I'll make some additional skins too later as an update, but not for the main release since it's 450MBs already.
Update 1.0c new skin - "Ol' Trusty" - wooden furniture, weathered metal for immersive wastelanders.

Fallout 4 version 1.10.163+, you will have problems running this mod on older versions.
Bullet Counted Reload System (soft requirement, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) to reload properly.
See Through Scopes (soft requirement) for Vortex and Reap-IR scopes to work properly.
Notice: the mod will work without both BCR and STS, you'll just lose some functionality: you will be forced to load all 6/8 shells even if you have spent just one if you won't install BCR, and you won't be able to use Vortex Strike Eagle scope if you won't install STS.

When your character will reach level 16, several pop-ups will ask you some questions regarding leveled list integration. Your options are:
- weapon to NPCs (bosses, high-ranking raiders and gunners, BoS soldiers, DC guards, random wastelanders, minutemen), Legendaries and Vendors;
- weapon to Legendaries and Vendors only;
- weapon to Vendors only;
- no weapon LL integration;
- mods to Vendors;
- no mods LL integration;
- cheat the gun to your inventory right away.
Also you can craft it at the Chemistry workbench under the Mossberg 500 category (as well as the ammo switcher chem and Dragon's Breath ammunition).
In order to cheat it with console, use "help Mossberg 4 weap" and "14.additem xx000f99".

When reloading not empty mag you'll see left hand clips through the pump - it's happening because vanilla Fallout 4 doesn't have support for bullet counted reload, and BCR mod cuts the animation after the shell is inserted so it's impossible to make a smooth transition for not-empty reloads. Nothing really can be done about it.
Also there's a bit of clipping in 3rd person on running and lowered gun animations - it's a vanilla animation blending issue and can be fixed only by moving the left hand further back to the point between the pump and the receiver - which will look ugly.

I'm always happy to see your images, endorsements and votes, so don't be shy :)
And if you're enjoying my work so much you want to support me and make a contribution to my future creations - you're warmly welcome to do so:

First and foremost - Ardent117 for allowing me to use his ported for Fallout 4 stuff from his upcoming M4 Custom mod - MBUS, Holosun HS510C, Vortex Venom, EOTech XPS3, Barska, Reap-IR, SureFire M300C, MAWL, ACE Ultralite, DD Milspec, Magpul CTR, Vltor IMOD;
Zephraim - for allowing me to use his Holosun HS510C;
Nova for the laser beam assets I'm using in my mods;
Ajhakra - cubemaps on several assets;
toounx - thermal imaging implementation method and texture
Drifter - for the screenshots;
Zenson - for the screenshots;
Little Light - for the screenshots.
Credits to the original creators of the stuff mentioned earlier:
zraider - Holosun HS510C, EOTech XPS3, MAWL;
Parallax Game Studios - Reap-IR, Barska, ACE Ultralite, DD Milspec, Magpul CTR, Vltor IMOD, SureFire M600C;
n3600 - Vortex Venom;
Sebastian Ujhazi - MBUS. for hosting my images for free for so long;
All the cool people from cool discord servers (so many of them).
Please let me know if I forgot to write someone here or wrote something wrong.
Have fun with the gun!