About this mod
This mod adds the ASh-12.7, a high caliber urban battle rifle from Russia designed for high stopping power while reducing collateral damage with low penetration.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Mandarin
- French
- Donations

"Ashes to Ashes, Fun to Funky."
This mod adds the ASh-12.7, a high caliber urban battle rifle from Russia designed for high stopping power.
- Support for Scrivener's Scope Overlay Framework with custom scope overlays.
- Custom animations by i_code_i
- New Ammo Type (12.7x55mm) Crafted at a chemlab in the same section where you can craft the weapon.

Fallout 4 Version 1.10.162 or Higher
Due to recent changes in the latest updates to Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit that were done to expand the number of forms plugins can have means this mod and a majority of mods to release from now will not work in any version prior to 1.10.162, if you find your game crashing or
I also recommend using an ENB that replaces the vanilla bloom as it may over bloom the reticles in a way none of the ENBs used during testing do. I personally use Seasons of the Abyss and some colour tweaks in reshade.

- Crafting at a Chem Lab
- Finding the unique mentioned above.
- Console commands ("help ASh 4 WEAP" will give you the correct ID) or In-Game ESP Explorer
- Why use a new ammo type?
The closest (with some suspension of disbelief) ammo to the 12.7x55mm used by the real world ASh-12.7 is the standard .50MG in Fallout 4, issue is the shells that were being ejected were comically oversized so a new ammo was added but it's easy to get by crafting at a chem lab either by using raw materials, converting .308 or the option that has no requirements and gives 500 rounds for you to play with.
- Why no levelled lists?
Mainly because it's not really lore friendly and I find that most people would rather craft it or add it via console over buying it at vendors anyway. Also sorting out the custom ammo with levelled lists is a hassle.
- Patch for Horizon or other overhaul mods?
I won't be doing any patches for other mods, anyone is welcome to make and release their own as long as it's esp only.
- Xbox Version?
Anyone is welcome to port it to xbox, just send me a link so I can post it here.
- I can't find the unique?
It's located on one of the rooftops under a blue tarp:

i_code_i - Animations
Anton-DDDV - Base Model
Samuel Janech - Kobra sight models and textures.
Paul Yakushev - Night Vision Scope Model
Team Asxas™ - PR
Ajhakra - Cubemaps
OhDeer - Screenshots
Zachtan - Screenshots
LittleLight - Screenshots
Neto - Screenshots and Video
Navaro - Sounds
Lena - Sounds