Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

ENB preset inspired by my love of analog film photography, cross-processing, and 35 mm cinematography.

Permissions and credits
There are a lot of amazing ENB presets out there, but I couldn't find one that fit exactly what I was imagining, so I decided to take a crack at making my own. Designed with Obsidian Weathers & Seasons (100% weaker sunlight option), Luminosity Lighting Overhaul or Lux (a patch in optional files), and an HDR monitor.

Inspired by my love of analog film photography, cross-processing, and 35 mm cinematography, I aim to make a preset with as minimal a performance impact possible without sacrificing the visual fidelity required by my vision. This is still a work in progress since I am fine-tuning it while enjoying a playthrough. I plan on updating as I get more time to fine-tune the parameters as well as receive any feedback from users.

- Vignetting, chromatic abrasion, sharpening, RGB glitch, and film grain using enbeffectpostprocess.fx from eVx ENB by Sevenence
McFly's Depth of Field for ENB - Skyrim SE (DX11) by Marty McFly

Please, give these mods an endorsement if you like this ENB preset! This preset wouldn't be possible without their hard work!

- Minimal performance impact possible without sacrificing visual fidelity
(I'm playing at 1440/60 with 0 fps hit. i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 16gb RAM, Geforce RTX 2080 TI)
- Keep it as lightweight as possible, including the mods I pick for the base (weather, lighting, etc.), making sure it is as easy as possible for users to achieve the best results
- Capture a feel inspired by analog film 
- Subtle nuance in all parameters and FX used
- Painstaking attention to detail
- Balance between realism and fantasy
- Dark feels dark while basic navigation is still possible without an extra light source


  • Make sure you have the latest ENB binaries installed
  • Extract contents from .zip file
  • Place all files within the extracted directory into the game folder containing Skyrim.exe
  • Overwrite duplicate files and merge enbseries directory if needed
  • In the vanilla Skyrim launcher options, turn off Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.
  • (optional, but recommended) In-game use the Options: Obsidian Weathers power, set Filter to default, Season FX on, and Weaker Sunlight option to 100%.
  • Enjoy!

Highly Recommended Mods for Best Results
- Obsidian Weathers & Seasons
(If you try this with different weather mods/vanilla, feel free to post some screenshots so I can see how it looks)
- Luminosity Lighting Overhaul (or Lux with the patch available in optional files)
- Optimize the game's shadow settings
- Horse Riding Camera Tweak (to avoid DoF focusing close when on horseback)
- Simply Better Torches
- Water for ENB (Seasons of Skyrim option)
- Embers XD
- Rudy HQ - Falling Leaves and Needles for ENB SE
- Dimmer Fog and More (Main Off, Optionals Not Installed)
SE Snow Shader Patch 
Real-Life Snowflakes SSE
- Better Dynamic Snow + Real Ice and Snow + RIS-BDS Diffuse Patch
- Project Clarity - Effects Textures Redone
- Storm Lightning for SSE and VR (Minty Lightning 2019)

My Mod List

ENB Analog Film Series
Black and White Film - An ENB Preset

Check Out My Music!
(I'll love you forever)

Black Feather Meadowlark