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- Forgotten Retex Project
Forgotten Retex Project
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JDAnchorUploaded by
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About this mod
This is an effort at remembering and revisiting the often-overlooked objects in the world of Skyrim. This project retextures and provides some new meshes for quest rewards, clutter, and other smaller items to work alongside large landscape and city texture overhaul mods so that your Skyrim can look its best.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Aetherial Crown by Saerileth - Plugin Replacer (WACCF Compatibility and ESL) You need either Aetherial Crown OR Forgotten Retex Projects. BENDr Forgotten Retex Project 4K-2K - Upscaled Textures - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
Donation Points system
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- Changelogs
Version 8.4
- Small Optimizations and various minor fixes - Last update before JDAnchor's return
Version 8.3
- Hopefully Fixed FOMOD now for all users. Added "Meshes Only" version to be used with upscaled textures by XilaMonstrr
Version 8.2
- XilaMonstrr worked magic and put a FOMOD with photos and reconfigured to hopefully fix all issues from previous one. Tested working so far.
Version 8.0
- XilaMonstrr made one of JDAnchor's dreams come true....a FOMOD to pick and choose what you want installed in the pack. Thanks XilaMonstrr!
- Files have been sorted
- Textures have been cleaned of compression artifacts and recompressed into the BC7 format
- Edited texture file paths on 2 textures and deleted unused texture files
Version 7.2
- Uploading some normalmap fixes provided by various Mod Authors
Version 7.1
- Should fix FOMOD not installing the new files
Version 7.0
- Added Crispy Dragon Bones by SavrenX
- Added Blades Sword Replacer, Woodcutter's Axe, & Pickaxe by billyro
- Added Skidmarks by sgtpetterzon
- Added Dandelion Seeds by Ramccoid
- Added Sawdust by Pfuscher
- Added Clams/Oysters, Falmer Ear, Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, Torture Rack, & Dog Meat by IWantATardis
- Added Model Ship by Sync67
Version 6.2
- Added Nightingale Bow and Sword by lKocMoHaBTl
Version 6.0
- Added Shein, Mazte, Flin, & Sujamma by Remiros
- Added Giant Toe (Matching Kajuan's Giant Mod) by IWantATardis
- Added Civil War Map Flags by XNFRain
- Added Pearls, Honningbrew Decanter by SummerrainRose
- Replaced my Clothes Iron with SummerrainRose's version
- Added Flagon & Bloody Rags by Qwafee
- Added Spider Egg Sac (White version) by Mautze
- Added Burned Book by ThranduilElvenKind
- Removed Blacksmith markers + Anvil for compatibility with other mods (Let me know if you experience any issues)
Version 5.3
- Added optimization fixes - Thanks to Sirjesto
Version 5.2
- Optimized textures in BC7 Format and optimized meshes bringing overall file size down without loss of quality
- Added "Ants" by Rallyeator
- Added "Scathecraw" by Rallyeator
Version 5.1
- Removed Coin Piles for the time being due to CTD concerns
Version 5.0
- Uploaded the remastered versions of HalkHogan's Baskets, Woodcuttter's Axe, Tongs, Anvil, Hammer, Troll Skull, Miscellaneous Food Items, Leather Strips, etc.
- Added Billyro's Rusted Ancient Nordic Pickaxe, Pickaxe, and Soul Gem Stand
- Uploaded Aetherial Crown by Saerileth
- Added Deathbell by FadingSignal
- Add Septim HD mod by Crypton (Original Version)
Version 4.6
- For now, just updated Woodcutter's Axe & Baskets to HalkHogan's latest remastered versions
- Added optional file to include patches for the Woodcutter's axe to be used by Campfire & Frostfall mods
Version 4.4
- Just a bug-fix Update for now!
- Removed Linens Sheets/Wraps due to collision issues when items were placed on these
- Removed scabbard texture that was accidentally added when Renthal's pickaxe was adopted into the project
Version 4.3
- Removed newly added shovel for the time being as I troubleshoot an issue with the animated version of it
Version 4.2
- Replaced previous Pickaxe with a higher quality mesh and textures from Renthal311. A sharper edge, and looks more like a real Pickaxe
- Added one of two Shovels in the game from Renthal311
- Added Blacksmith Hammer from Renthal 311
Version 4.0
- Added Barenziah's Glory (Barenziah Stone Jewelry Boxes & Crown) & White Phial Mods from Saerileth
- Added Hoe, Hook, & Ruins Linens/Sheets from Renthal311
- Added Spigot from RonnieMagnum
- Added Ruined Book from themaster19
Version 3.3
- Recreated and enhanced ALL NormalMaps!!!
- Fixed Seam on Sweet Roll
- Desaturated Torture Tools to better fit in the world around it.
- Ran all meshes through SE Nif Optimizer
- Added new meshes and textures for Pickaxe, Woodcutter's Axe, Tongs, & Baskets (Thanks to HalkHogan)
- Removed Shadowmarks for the time being as I work on optimizing them
- Finally fixed small texture overlapping on Torture Tools
Version 3.2
- Added Keys from "Keys to Your Heart" Mod by Tsukinomi
Version 3.1
- Added Hot Iron - Inspired by Jimtownirish
- Fixed Texture bleeding on new Torture Tools
Version 3.0
- Now includes assets from the True Touch of Color Mod by Jimtownirish (So far: Helgi's Coffin, Sweet Roll, Shadowmarks, and Torch)
- Torture Tools now fully meshed (Thanks to Exoclyps)
- Torture Tools Optional Removed
- Fixed Normalmap on Draw Knife Optional
Version 2.4
- Enhanced Normalmap for Wooden Sword (WIP)
- Enhanced Normalmap for Embalming Tools (Less Glossy)
- Enhanced Normalmap for Clothes Iron (Less Glossy, smaller bump texture)
- Enhanced Normalmap for Saw (Less Glossy)
Version 2.3
- Added Ancient Nordic Pickaxe
- Fixed Normalmap on Draw Knife and added some dirt to the blade
Version 2.2
- Added Kettle
Version 2.1
- XilaMonstrr worked magic to create a FOMOD with photos and fixed previous errors. This is a version with half resolution of all files for those you need it. It's mainly 1K/512 textures
Version 2.0
- Now includes FOMOD Installer with Photos and Optionals - Thanks XilaMonstrr for the help! - Hopefully fixed version
Version 1.7
- Added Essence Extractor
Version 1.6
- Added Initiate's Ewer
- Added missing holes on buckle strap for Torture Tools
Version 1.5c
- Added missing holes on buckle strap for Torture Tools
Version 1.5
- Added Torture Tools
Version 1.4
- Added Wooden Sword
Version 1.3
- Added Clothes Iron
Version 1.2
- Generated Mipmaps for all files
- Generated Alpha Normalmaps for all files for less glossiness
- Replaced Silver Mold with more immersive version removing the silver frame - Now Optional Download
Version 1.1
- -Added Burned Book
- Donations
Straight donations accepted

While wandering the vast world of Skyrim,
did you ever come across an item that was
so poorly textured that it literally was
responsible for removing all immersion?
A Quest item you fought 30 bandits
or 50 Draugr to get to? Or perhaps,
a common object that constantly throws
its unimpressive textures at you?
This project is an effort at remembering these
forgotten items and bringing them
into a new, appreciated light.

-Draw Knife JDAnchor
-Silver Mold JDAnchor
-Embalming Scalpel JDAnchor
-Embalming Scissors JDAnchor
-Embalming Hook JDAnchor
-Embalming Instrument JDAnchor
-Saw JDAnchor
-Burned Book ThranduilElvenKind
-Ruined Book ThranduilElvenKind
-Clothes Iron SummerrainRose
-Pearls SummerrainRose
-Honningbrew Decanter SummerrainRose
-Giant Toe (Kajuan Style) IWantATardis
-Wooden Sword JDAnchor
-Flin Remiros
-Sujamma Remiros
-Mazte Remiros
-Shein Remiros
-Civil War Map Flags XNFRain
-Flagon Qwafee
-Bloody Rags Qwafee
-Spider Egg Sac Mautz
-Torture Tools Exoclyps
-Initiate's Ewer JDAnchor
-Essence Extractor JDAnchor
-Drum JDAnchor
-Kettle JDAnchor
-Cauldron JDAnchor
-Ancient Nordic Pickaxe Billyro
-Soulgem Stand Billyro
-Helgi's Coffin Jimtownirish
-Sweet Roll Jimtownirish
-Torch Jimtownirish
-Keys Tsukinomi
-Woodcutter's Axe Billyro
-Tongs HalkHogan
-Baskets HalkHogan
-Hoe Renthal311
-Hook Renthal311
-Spigot RonnieMagnum
-Crown of Barenziah Saerileth
-Stones of Barenziah Saerileth
-Aetherial Crown Saerileth
-White Phial Saerileth
-Hammer HalkHogan
-Shovel Renthal311
-Pickaxe Billyro
-Eidar Cheese HalkHogan
-Cooked Salmon Steak HalkHogan
-Pie HalkHogan
-Rabbit Meat HalkHogan
-Salmon Meat HalkHogan
-Charred Skeever Meat HalkHogan
-Boiled Creme Treat HalkHogan
-Cooked Beef/Beef HalkHogan
-Cast Iron Pot Small/Medium HalkHogan
-Troll Skull HalkHogan
-Leather Strips HalkHogan
-Deathbell FadingSignal
-Septim Crypton
-Ants Rallyeator
-Scathecraw Rallyeator
-Nightingale Bow IKocMoHaBTI
-Nightingale Sword IKocMoHaBTI
-Dragon Bones SavrenX
-Blades Sword Billyro
-Skidmarks sgtpetteron
-Dandelion Seeds Ramccoid
-Sawdust Pfuscher
-Clams/Oysters IWantATardis
-Falmer Ear IWantATardis
-Horn of Jurgen Windcaller IWantATardis
-Torture Rack IWantATardis
-Dog Meat IWantATardis
-Model Ship Sync67
Feel free to send me a private message.
Any ideas, kudos, votes, endorsements,
added photos, or comments are very
welcome and might inspire me.
Thanks for everything!