About this mod

This is a collection of my Rustic clutter item retextures. The mod includes RUSTIC DINNERWARE, RUSTIC POTTERY, and RUSTIC SILVERWARE. There are also a few other clutter items like mead bottles, wine bottles, the satchel, knapsack, coin purse, strongbox, safe, prisoner cage, and the dwemer lexicon cubes. 2K and 1K versions available.

Permissions and credits
RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTION is exactly what is sounds like, a collection of my recent RUSTIC series of retextures for clutter items in Skyrim. I didn't really have a plan to do all these items originally, but they just drew my attention as things that could use a facelift. Once I had completed a few of these Rustic retexture mods, I began getting requests to combine them for easier load management. They had grown to the extent that I felt it was time to fulfill that wish. I now brings these retextures to Skyrim Special Edition.

NOTE: If you are using SMIM, the textures for the SMIM tankards are included with this mod.

This is a collection of my Rustic clutter item retextures. This mod includes the RUSTIC DINNERWARE, RUSTIC POTTERY, and RUSTIC SILVERWARE mods. There are also a few more clutter items included like mead bottles, wine bottles, the satchel, knapsack, coin purse, strongbox, safe, prisoner cage, and the dwemer lexicon cubes. 2K and 1K versions available.

As always, pick the resolution that works for your system... 2K or 1K. I hope this makes for an easier installation for people who already use these mods. They all have a similar esthetic, so they compliment each other in game.
