About this mod

(TMX version TO BE CHECKED?) Buildable functional Glass Dome Igloo / Greenhouse / Conservatory / Sunroom with functional indoor hot springs using TMXL Map Toolkit. 2 main styles. Exterior pool to represent indoor hot springs.

(design based on existing "Garden Igloo", conservatory/sunroom)

Permissions and credits
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I upload my mods ONLY on Nexusmods.com - Do NOT re-upload / download / re-distribute them anywhere else.

do NOT edit / trace over + share files | Can be edited for personal use only
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Solid Foundation version (started: 16 Oct 2022)

Garden igloo S closed (with indoor map) black / decked black / white / decked white exterior
  • interior black
  • interior white

Garden igloo L closed (with indoor map; interconnecting) black / decked black / white / decked white exterior
  • interior black
  • interior white

Garden igloo L open (without indoor map) black / decked black / white / decked white exterior
Garden igloo S open (undecided) black / decked black / white / decked white exterior
Sunroom S black new / black wood / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black 
  • interior white 

Sunroom L black new / black wood / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black
  • interior white 

Greenhouse S black new / black wood / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black
  • interior white 

Greenhouse L black new / black wood / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black 
  • interior white

Conservatory S black new / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black 
  • interior white

Conservatory L black new / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black 
  • interior white 

Onsen S black new / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black 
  • interior white 

Onsen L black new / white white / white wood exterior
  • interior black 
  • interior white 

  • Seasonal / outdoor window (sync window w outdoor weather animation?)
  • Aquarium / fish tank window (rock/sand base versions)
  • Seasonal building exterior?
  • Sauna room / window?
  • Actual pool version?
  • Better looking onsen?
  • Alternative onsen?
  • Alternative water sprout?

- FAQ -
Permanent difference between TMX and SF versions?
SF version :
  • has building shadow
  • building becomes translucent when you walk behind
    (TMX option to disable spawn behind opaque exterior roof tiles is irrelevant/obsolete here)
  • Vanilla/CP/DGA furniture + decorations will not disappear; as intended when i first made it
    (was a TMX indoor map thing that crushed it lol)
  • conservatory, onsen with 2 entrance/exit now share 1 indoor map (as intended)
    - instead of having 1 map each per entrance (was a TMX workaround/roundabout thing)
  • option to use massive fish tank window (DGA add on) with Aqua buildings
    (SF = vanilla + CP + DGA furniture-friendly indoor map)
  • can only be built on the farm (SF), instead of anywhere (TMX)
  • SF = from Robin/carpenter, TMX = buildable menu (F2 by default unless changed)

Temporary difference between TMX and SF versions?
(Features that might be added to TMX version at some point)

  • no gap between ground and building base (SF)
  • building with white exterior now have white window frames indoor (SF)
  • seasonal windows (CP integration) for non-aqua buildings - works automatically with world recolour mods (SF)

Can I only use 1 of the 2?
There's no conflict between the TMX version and SF version as far as i know;
but TMX version has some unresolved bugs for some people : 
  • building disappearance when it rains (requires exit to title reload)
  • no sync for co-op multiplayer gameplay

Know issues:
  • Building does not save with CF furniture in SF buildings; building disappears/is deleted

Not Tested:
  • JA stuff




How to use
By default, the TMXLoader hotkey for accessing buildables is F2. This can be changed from the TMXLoader config file, which will appear after you've run the game once with the mod installed.

Pressing F2/your chosen hotkey will pull up the Buildables menu on the lower right side of your screen.

Moving the buildable: You'll have to remove it using the buildables menu first (the tab on the right, or by pressing backspace), then place it again in your new location. TMX buildables can't be rotated like furniture added by custom furniture packs, as they're essentially placing a small map inside an existing game map.

  • The onsen/hot spring buildable is fully functional as a mini-bathhouse and will restore your stamina and health. Change to swimsuit, enter pool, change out of swimsuit; behind the bamboo.
  • You can refill your watering can, game's water flowing sound fx.
  • Go to sleep at bed tile or lounger.
  • Glowing hotspring flowers, glowing plants, and candle lanterns function as light sources.
  • Greenhouse, sunroom, and conservatory have diggable tiles, greenhouse map property and treated as outdoors map property.
  • Indoor Lighting changes: Daytime sunny, rainy/Night time b r e a t h i n g  light rays :P
  • Grows any season crops, including winter seeds.
  • Grows any season trees, wild trees will grow (trees can be tapped); fruit trees & wild trees requires non-dug tiles around tree to grow.
  • 65 bed overlay options for Sunroom Bed; 8 main options, 3-4 colour options,1-2 duvet/pillow options

Things to note indoors

  • Sprinklers WILL work (the day after from the day you loaded when you launch the game)
  • Grass WILL NOT grow beyond the area you planted it.
  • Unable to grow giant crop(?), have yet to see a giant crop.
  • Bee house DOES NOT work.
  • Water source WILL count as body of water to irrigate rice shoots. Excluding bed & onsen versions.(v1.0.5 onwards)
  • Split building has 2x indoor maps, 1 indoor map per entrance, double the space.
  • Placing multiple glass buildables within an indoor buildable is possible, but clicking remove from the buildable menu DOES NOT update until AFTER you save + reload from desktop.
  • Bed overlay options have to be positioned accurately; undoing map = F2 (buildable menu) > remove tab > click to remove > save game > exit to desktop > reload > original indoor map restored


Things to note outdoors

  • Both entrances and exits for split buildings work, but you will always warp exit outside the door you entered initially; (i.e. enter from left doors > exit right nook > warps to front of left doors)
  • Buildable buildings does not become translucent when walking behind building, main file has blocked spawning of debris, trees, and player tree/stops tree growth on tiles that have been covered by building's wall or roof by at least 50% of tile, any spawn will peek through the glass walls.
  • If the buildable does not appear in "remove" list > place the identical building over > will overwrite / replace buildable > refresh buildables missing from the "remove" list > clicking the buildable under remove list will "remove" the buildable


To be tested eventually....
  • whether spawning of debris behind/on top of external building map has been properly disabled

Next update :

  • Seasonal roofs/exterior?
  • Seasonal windows?
  • Igloo Glass Dome indoor large expanded multi interconnected domes system
  • Decorate external glass dome/igloo building map; under the igloo
  • DGA / AT / SF versions (started: 16 Oct 2022)

Known Issues :
  • Furniture in modded maps disappears upon game reload (TMX and/or PYTK error issue with the 1.5 SDV update)
  • Buildings might disappear when it rains (reloading from title screen may fix issue); tmx/pytk issue


If SMAPI shows an error, please go to SMAPI Log Parser, follow instructions, and post the link.

Reduce stalling lag :
  • Use <Main> OR 1 of the <Optional> file; <Optional> file "Alt" is an alternative to reduce number of loadable BED assets = reduce stalling / lag
  • Add a " . " in front of folder name to quick-deactivate the mod to exclude either <main> or <alternative> version (you need to delete in-game buildables (BEDs only) of the initial version from your game and save before switching/migrating from main/alternative version to the other)


  • Copy 1~10 choices from "inactive" folder (same file names .TMX + .PNG format) > paste in "BedOptions" folder > sort by name > rename your chosen files (.TMX & .PNG) replace the files in "BedOptions" folder

[TMX] More Glass Buildings - Alt > assets > BedOptions > Inactive

current 10 options in "BedOptions" folder

More Glass Buildings =
loads all 65 beds (may be cause of lag / stall) + with nospawn properties for outdoor opaque roof/wall tiles
More Glass Buildings - B =
loads all 65 beds (may be cause of lag / stall) + without nospawn properties for outdoor opaque roof/wall tiles

More Glass Buildings - Alt =
loads 10 beds (customisable) + with nospawn properties for outdoor opaque roof/wall tiles
More Glass Buildings - Alt B =
loads 10 beds (customisable) + without nospawn properties for outdoor opaque roof/wall tiles

    copy everything (or selective buildings + corresponding icons) from respective folders > paste into assets folder > replace existing > done \o/
  • PRICE/COST :  
    The default price for all items = 1000g 10g(updated). If you want more balanced prices, you may edit the "Price" fields for each item in the "content.json" file using any text editor (save it as a .json and not a text file).
  • Design & decorate your very own greenhouse / conservatory / Sunroom and upload under user images \o/

Items that won't disappear upon reload :
plants, craftables, and unique items like stone statues and others that you need a pickaxe/axe to remove (items that DO NOT have "decoration" or "furniture" written in the tooltip)


Mods used together in game; compatibility :
(included but not limited to)

Flowers for horse mane and tail
Elle's New Horses
Elle's Seasonal Buildings

Pethouse (JA)
DGA Pet Bed
Custom Pet Beds

Pet Cat Robot Vacuum (CP) + Charging Dock Station (-)

Storage Containers
Travel Trunk

Kitty Channels
Modern TVs (AT) - transparent glass OLED TVs

Summoning Circles (CP)(AT)
Outdoor BBQ (CP)(AT)
Curved tanks (CP)(AT)
Music stuff (CP)(AT)

More glass buildable (SF)
More glass buildable (TMX)
Wren's Expanded Greenhouse
Hot Spring Farm Cave

Personal Traveling Cart
Enchanted Carriage for Personal Traveling Cart
Pumpkin Carriage (PTC)(CP)

Sleep Anywhere Buildables (TMX)
Modern Bathroom North West NW Upper Room (CP)
Modern Bathroom North East NE Corner Room (CP)
Modern Bathroom Spouse Rooms
Buildable Modern Bathroom (DGA)

Buildable Modern Bathroom (TMX)

Fish Ponds - 3 options - CP

Natural Aquarium Project - Decoration Additions
Natural Terrarium Project - Critter Reskin
Natural Terrarium Project - Critter Additions
Succulents for Json Assets
Natural Terrarium Project - Succulent Compatibility
Beetle World
Natural Terrarium Project - Beetle World Compatibility
Natural Aquarium Project - Freshwater Additions
Natural Aquarium Project - Saltwater Additions

Natural Aquarium Project - Fish Reskin
Better Fishing and Beach Foraging
Fish and Aquarium reskin for -Better Fishing and Beach Foraging-
Better Fishing Additions for Better Fishing and Beach Foraging Mod

Tractor Mod
TRON Light Cycle Tractors
Stable and tractor garage - CP

Visible Fish - see catchable fish in the water
Fish Tank Bubble Toggle
Dynamic Reflections
Fish Info

Esca's Modding Plugins (EMP)
Farm Type Manager (FTM)
Fashion Sense

Better Beehouses
Expanded Storage

Automatic Gates
Better Chests
More Grass

Sprinkler Mod
Scarecrows As Sprinklers
Immersive Sprinklers

Generic Mod Config Menu
Dynamic Game Assets
Alternative Textures
Extra Map Layers
Lookup Anything
CJB Cheats Menu
Noclip Mode
Debug Mode

NPC Map Locations
Villager Compass

Lux's Food Mod
Chic Cute Kitchen
Warm Cozy Fireplace
brullov's fire animation
Online and Home Shopping
Tanga log Mailbox
Elegant Craftables
Elegant Craftables for Alternative Textures
Chest and Minifridges as Japanese-ish Bamboo Baskets

(SF) Shyzie's String Lights
(DGA) Tenthousandcats' Firefly Lamps

StarAmy's Wild Greenhouse Furniture for DGA
StarAmy's Cozy Rustic Furniture for DGA
StarAmy's Camping Furniture for DGA
StarAmy's Fairytale Furniture for DGA
Bar and Cafe Furniture for DGA
Fancy Fish Tanks for DGA
Butterfly Garden for DGA

Divine Decor
Gedian's swing
Lune's Offerings
Casual Furniture Set
Asters Festival Kotatsu
Flower Power Furniture
Yomi's cute furniture_CP_AT
Hanging Flower Baskets - AT
West Elm Furniture (AT) by Atlas
(AT) Nano's Retro Style Furniture
(AT)Hayao Miyazaki style furniture
Witch's Garden Flowers for AT and DGA

Industrial Furniture Set - CF
(DGA) Industrial Furniture Set by DustBeauty

DustBeauty's Rustic Country Walls Floors (AT)

(CP)(AT) Floors and Walls by Mila
Modern Stone Tile Floors for AT and CP
Hojichas Seaside Furniture and Wall Floors
Aster and Nari's Japanese Wallpaper and Flooring

Wildflower Grass Field
Seasonal Path and Flooring
Stardew Foliage Redone - A Nature Toned Map Recolour
Rustic Country Town Interiors

Dialogue Box Redesign
Baechu's Portraits
Portrait Accurate NPC Sprites

Daily hairstyles
Luoli's FS Hair Pack
Luoli's FS Hair Pack2
More Elegant Farmer body

Credits :
DoubleBeds: Vickamoose / profile
Steam: DevilBro / profile
Glowing plant: Mana and Saambell / profile
Waterfalls: Maleha[/center]

My Other Mods:

Up next:

Personal travelling cart
  • 13 reskins

  • International chess
  • Chinese chess
  • Japanese chess

Modern architectural pet house
  • deauville - white+black
  • larvik - white+black
  • Stacked House - light+mid+dark
  • Condo
  • Dwell house - light+dark

More glass structures/buildings
  • AT version (structure)

Modern bathroom versions
  • Adds a new space to farm house as bathroom
  • CP
  • South Bathroom (CP)

  • Beds AT 
  • Horses
  • Dogs CP 
  • Scarecrows
  • Coffee Tea
  • Lamps
  • Obelisk + Clock

Overall stuff
  • Town interior
  • World recolour
  • Furniture
  • My dream home as farmhouse/ginger island farmhouse

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- Do not redistribute to other sites / file sharing -
- Do not change / edit / trace over + share files -
- Can be edited for personal use only -
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