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About this mod

A Seasons of Skyrim based mod focused on adding seasonal changes to Skyrim's snowy regions.

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  • French
Ever since Seasons of Skyrim released, I had an image in my mind of what a complete seasonal overhaul of the game could look like.
Since then, many mods have come out that pushed the game closer and closer to that ideal. Seasonal Landscapes was my own contribution to that goal.
However, I felt there was one missing piece to the puzzle : Skyrims's snow-covered areas.

Introducing : Seasonal landscapes - Unfrozen !

So what does this mod do ?

It introduces seasonal changes to Skyrim and Solstheim's snowy areas:
  • complete freezing during the winter;
  • partial thawing during spring and autumn;
  • complete unfreezing during summer.
In order to achieve this, it adds lush grass inspired by Seasonal Landscapes to these areas in increasing quantities the closer to summer you are.
However, since skyrim never intended grass to grow in these areas, it does not distinguish between wild terrain and terrain you are supposed to walk on (like roads and paths). Therefore Unfrozen also  modifies many landscape records in order to "clean" these textures and only get grass where it makes sense.

Why publish this as a standalone instead of just updating Seasonal Landscapes ?Well, for several reasons:

  • First, that mod changes Skyrim's look a lot, especially during summer. That is its goal after all. However this may not be to everyone's liking and I did not want to impose that change to everyone who is using Seasonal Landscapes.

  • Another benefit is that you can use this mod without Seasonal Landscapes. If you have another seasonal overhaul (or even a grass mod) you love and just want my changes to the snowy areas, you can use Unfrozen on its own.

  • Finally, there is the matter of compatibility. Seasonal Landscapes was made with maximum compatibility in mind. Therefore it does not modify any Worldspace record. Unfortunately I could not do the same for Unfrozen. The fact that I needed to remove grass from roads and paths forced me to edit landscape records here. This means Unfrozen is less compatible with other mods that Seasonal Landscapes is. Therefore I wanted to host it on a seperate page so I can have a dedicated place where I can track conflicts and publish patches without cluttering the original Seasonal Landscapes' page.


- Install Seasons of Skyrim and all its requirements
- Install Seasonal Landscapes (optional)
- Install Seasonal Landscapes - Unfrozen
- Run SSELodGen (with the seasons option checked)
- Run TexGen
- Run DynDOLOD (with the seasons option checked)
- Enjoy !


Seasonal Landscapes is of course completely compatible (this mod is designed as an addon to it after all)

- Grass mods : every grass mod out there should be compatible. If you use Unfrozen with a grass mod, you will get that mod's grasses everywhere, for all seasons, except in snowy areas. There you will get that mod's snow grass in the winter and Unfrozen's grass for all other seasons.

- Tree mods : every tree mod should be compatible. Unfrozen only swaps pine tree models between seasons. However, if you use a mod that adds new trees to any snowy area, these trees will not be unfrozen during summer and will require a specific patch.

Turn of the Seasons is compatible out of the box.

Seasonal Aspen Trees : is compatible out of the box.

- Ulvenwald : compatible, patch is provided in the FOMOD.

Nature of the Wild lands : version 1 (currently the ony seasonal one) is compatible. I will check version 2 once it gets seasonal.

- City overhauls : any overhaul that modifies the cities of Dawnstar, Morthal, Windhelm or Winterhold will require a patch. The currently available patches are :
- JK's Skyrim

- COTN Dawnstar
- COTN Morthal
- COTN Winterhold

- TGC Winterhold
- TGC Dawnstar
- TGC Morthal
- The Great Citis of JK's North
- Capital Windhelm Expansion
- ClefJ's Winterhold
- Legendary Cities - TES Arena
- Winterhold Restored
Other available patches :
- Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers
- No Snow Under the Roof
- Lux Via
- Obscure's College of Winterhold
- JK's college of Winterhold
- Cutting Room Floor
- Helgen Reborn
- Heljarchen Creek
- Whistling Mine
- Settlements Expanded
- Badersee
- Overstead
- Pirates of the North

- Telengard

Mods that (somewhat suprisingly) do not need a patch :
- Immersive College of Winterhold
- Dawn of Skyrim Director's Cut
- ClefJ's Morthal

Since Unfrozen edits landscape records, it should be loaded fairly high in your load order, and definitely above any mod that edits terrain in Skyrim's snowy areas (like city overhauls).