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About this mod

Project Proteus will redefine how you play Skyrim. Save characters, switch characters, spawn characters, and start new characters all within the same game world, on the same save game file. Additionally, make permanent or temporary edits to weapons, armors, spells, NPCs, weather, and more in-game.

Permissions and credits

This mod has
been replaced by:

Please install the linked mod above instead of this one if you are playing on Skyrim AE/SE/VR.

This page is primarily up for archival purposes.

Make sure all mod requirements are properly updated. See the comments section for more detailed instructions.

Project Proteus will redefine how you play Skyrim. Save characters, switch characters, spawn characters, and start new characters all within the same game world, on the same save game file. Additionally, make permanent or temporary edits to weapons, armors, spells, NPCs, weather, and more in-game. 

Normally to make these changes, one would have to use a set of console commands or use the Creation Kit to make a patch or new mod. This is no longer the case, you can make edits to content in-game without ever leaving your Skyrim instance. You can edit content found in vanilla Skrim as well as content found in any Skyrim mod.

This mod has several requirements that can be found in the next section.

Upon starting the game with Project Proteus installed, the player will automatically have the following powers added to their spells list.

Proteus - Wheel
  • Access all the Proteus spells listed below from a convenient and simple wheel menu

Proteus – Player Module
  • Save your player characters and create backups that can be loaded whenever in any save or game world
  • Swap between player characters in the same game world - create and play as multiple characters
  • Summon player characters as permanent followers
  • Quickly change the appearance preset being applied to your player character.
  • Easily create a new character within the same game world
  • View and edit the skills, attributes, and stats of the player
  • Toggle player factions (e.g., bandit, forsworn, dremora, thalmor, etc.)
  • Make the player perform any of 20+ idle animations
  • Add and equip 30+ outfits to the player (cheat function)
  • Obtain any vanilla spells as well as any spells added by magic mods that have associated Proteus patches (cheat function)

Proteus – NPC Module
  • Instantly control any NPC
  • Customize the appearance of NPCs using a combination of cosmetic menus and presets
  • View and edit the skills, attributes, and stats of any NPC
  • Teach spells to NPCs or make them forget spells they already know
  • Make NPCs recruitable and/or marriable
  • Change the combat style of any NPC
  • Change the voice types of NPCs. (especially useful for the playercharacter followers)
  • Edit the equipped outfit of any NPC
  • View and edit an NPC’s equipped items (make the changes temporary or permanent)
  • View and edit an NPC’s equipped spells (make the changes temporary or permanent)
  • Make NPCs perform any of 20+ idle animations
  • Change any NPC to be essential, protected, or killable
  • Modify an NPC’s AI behavior. (ex:assistance, confidence, aggression)
  • Resurrect dead NPCs or remove their bodies
  • Change the level of an NPC
  • Duplicate NPCs

Proteus – Spell Module
  • View and edit all attributes associated with a spell (ex: damage, duration, area, etc.)
  • Make edits temporary, permanent for 1 saved game, or permanent for all saved games
  • Unlearn spells and dispel active magic effects

Proteus – Weapon Module
  • View and edit all attributes associated with a weapon (ex: damage, speed, etc.)
  • Make edits temporary, permanent for 1 saved game, or permanent for all saved games
  • Apply 13 types of customizable enchants to weapons (ex: type out exact fire damage)
  • Duplicate weapons

Proteus – Armor Module
  • View and edit all attributes associated with clothing/armor (ex: armor rating, weight, etc.)
  • Make edits temporary, permanent for 1 saved game, or permanent for all saved games
  • Apply 35+ types of customizable enchants to clothing/armor (ex: type out exact frost resist)
  • Duplicate armors

Proteus – Weather Module
  • Instantly change the weather to any of 23 different options

Proteus – Utility Module
  • Spawner - set up battles and have the option to summon any number of 60+ creatures / monsters
  • Various utility functions that can help reset the appearance of NPCs and the player

These spells are cast like power/shout type spells as they are equipped in the power/shout equip slot.
I recommend adding these spells to your favorites menu for quick access! 

Project Proteus requires several mods that you must download and install:
  • SKSE - without it, not all features of Proteus will work as intended.
  • JContainers - without it, you will not be able to permanently save your edits.
  • UIExtensions - without it, none of the menus in this mod will properly work.
  • RaceMenu - without it, you wouldn't be able to make edits to the appearance of NPCs in-game or use the swap system.
  • ConsoleUtilSSE - without it you won't have access to several key script functions this mod relies upon.
  • SkyUI - without it the Mod Configuration Menu, where you can set hotkeys won't work.
  • Papyrus Extender - without it many parts of the NPC and Player module won't work properly.
Recommended Mods:

The below features can be assigned to a hotkey using the included Mod Configuration Menu.
(after you set up the hotkey you won't have to use the spell menu shown in the videos)

Save your player characters using Proteus and allow them to be loaded in their exact state at a later point in time. (in this playthrough, in a future playthrough, in a different playthrough, in a new game, in another character's game) This allows you easily save your characters and switch between them, more info on switching is in the section below. This is also a very useful feature if you want to backup your character in a corrupted save game that is constantly crashing and recreate them in a new game world / save file.

The first option in the player module spell menu list is "Save Character". 
This is an absolutely critical part of the Proteus system. You will frequently be saving your character into the Proteus system.
Any time you change your character appearance using RaceMenu, you should use the "Save Character" function.Upon loading a save, the Proteus system will load an appearance preset onto your player character. Therefore, it is very important that the latest appearance changes you make to the player character are saved into the Proteus system, otherwise, they will be overwritten upon game start. It's possible to disable this auto-loading of appearance on your character, but this is highly discouraged. Simply save your character into the Proteus system after making any appearance changes via RaceMenu.When switching between characters, the Proteus system will automatically save your character. (more on this in the next section)

Character Info Saved:
  • Appearance (including race and gender)
  • Skill Levels (including progression towards next level in a skill)
  • Attributes and Level (including progression towards next level)
  • Character Name
  • Perks (including vampire / werewolf perks, and unused perk points, works with perk mods editing the vanilla 18 skill trees)
  • Spells
  • Equipped & Unequipped Items (including enchants / upgrades if modifications were made within that game world / save file)
  • Location (when previously saved within that game world / save file)
  • Favorites (items and spells)

Saving of perks, items, and spells works on virtually all content in vanilla Skyrim as well as all content added by virtually every mod.

Character Info Not Saved:
  • Perks added by mods with new perk trees, new werewolf / vampire perks (patches available to fix this for many mods!)
  • Factions and specific relationships with NPCs (these will be specific to each game world and apply to all player characters in it)
  • Quest progression (quest progression is specific to each game world and apply to all player characters in it)
  • Shouts will also not transfer over. All player characters will have the same shouts and words of power that are unlocked in the game world. I will not be making individual player characters have access to different words of power and shouts than other player characters in the same game world as this could break many aspects of the main questline. Use discretion and ignore those shouts in your spells list if you are playing as a character that shouldn't have access to it.
  • Active magic effects currently impacting a character (these should be mostly cleared out or dispelled by Proteus)

Restrictions on Importing Characters From Other Game Worlds:
  • In addition to the above limitations, the below also apply.
  • Weapons/armors enchanted through Proteus weapon & armor modules will not transfer over correctly. The items themselves will transfer over, but they will not have their enchantments. You can easily reapply enchantments using the Proteus Weapon and Armor modules. Regular enchanted items you find in the world throughout your game should transfer over and save/load just fine into the Proteus system.
  • Enchantments you make to items at an enchanting station also will not get saved into the Proteus system. 
  • Upgrades to items made at a grindstone or workbench will also not be recognized when saving a character.
(Note that the limitations related to enchantments/upgrades only exist if importing player characters from another game world)

You can do the entire saving process through one convenient option called "Save PC". (Note: PC = Player Character)
You can also piecemeal save individual aspects of your character which can then be later loaded at a later point in time. 
The piecemeal feature is helpful in testing what part of the process isn't working if you happen to encounter any issues.

Perk mods (like Ordinator, Adamant, Vokrii) that edit the vanilla Skyrim 18 perk skill trees should be compatible without patches!

There are some mods that require patches to work properly with the Proteus system. These patches help the Proteus system identify what perks to save / load for each character. These patches will enable you to switch between characters that have different perks and specializations. The patches are unfortunately esp files that count towards your total mod count. (they cannot be made into esl files without breaking the patch and causing it to no longer work)

Make sure Project Proteus patches are below both the associated mod being patched and below Project Proteus in your load order.

Vampire / Werewolf Patches (included in installer package)
Mods that add new vampire or werewolf perks will require patches  The below patches are currently available: 
Custom Skills Framework Patches (included in installer package)
Mods adding perks via Custom Skills Framework will require patches. The below patches are currently available:
Let me know which are your favorites so that I can better prioritize my time modding!

Religion Patches (included in installer package)
Mods adding religion mechanics that work by adding perks to the player will require patches. The below patches are currently available:

Race Patches (included in installer package)
Mods changing races and adding additional perks will require patches. The below patches are currently available:

(if there is a patch you would like me to make for a particular mod, please leave a comment here on the Nexus about it!)

Easily load your Proteus saved player characters instantly at any point in time in any saved game or playthrough.
Switching requires you to use the "Save Character" option that fully saves everything about your character. (the piecemeal saves may not work)

What will this allow you to do?
  • Rotate between player characters in the same game world. (same quest progression, same NPCs, same homes, containers, etc.)
  • This will unlock many roleplaying opportunities and allow you to switch between characters of different strength at any point in time.

How do I swap between my player characters?
  • Use the Proteus Player Module and select the option to "Save & Switch PC".  This will automatically save your current player character.
  • Select or type in the name of the player character you wish to switch to.
  • Proteus will then load up your character for you to enjoy in the same game-world as the previously loaded player character.

After swapping player characters, you may need to save and reload the game for your player name to update and display properly.

See the FAQ section for information regarding how to fix your player character's appearance if they are morphed and messed up in your ShowRaceMenu after swapping between saved characters or loading appearance presets.

If you just want to switch your character's appearance and not everything else about them, follow the below steps:
  • Use the Player Module's "ShowRaceMenu (Enhanced)" option to adjust the appearance of the player. Load presets onto them through RaceMenu or adjust sliders to your liking.
  • Go into the Proteus Player Module and choose the "Save Appearance Preset" option. Type in the name that you would like to save this appearance preset as. (if you are using a preset you've downloaded from the Nexus, I recommend using a name that is different so that Proteus doesn't overwrite the preset you downloaded)
  • You can later by using the hotkey configurable in the MCM or by selecting "Load Appearance Preset" in the Player Module menu, switch the appearance of your character. (without also changing items, perks, etc.) Simply type in the name of the preset you previously saved in step 2.

As of V.5.1.0, there is a Shared Stash that will allow you to share items between your player characters.

This option will allow you to create a new character without leaving the current game world.
You will retain all quest progression, faction ranks, relationships, discovered locations, but have a new character.

Upon creating a new character, there are several stages:
  • Stage 1: Pick starting outfit (~30 options)
  • Stage 2: Pick starting weapon (100+ vanilla weapon options, 200+ more if you have Immersive Weapons installed)
  • Stage 3: Pick starting spells (Pick from any vanilla spell or spell added by a mod with a Proteus patch)
  • Stage 4: ShowRaceMenu - adjust the appearance of the player character
  • Stage 5: Pick starting location (18 options)

Spawn copies of any of your player characters saved into the Proteus system! (can spawn them as a friendly NPC that can be a follower or as an enemy!)
The spawned followers are compatible with all major follower framework mods!

The spawns are loaded onto template NPCs that are unique and essential. You can edit anything about those NPCs through your follower framework mods or by using the Project Proteus NPC Module. At any time, you can overwrite one of your existing spawns. This will essentially remake the template NPC.

Steps to make your player character a follower:
  • Save the player character into the proteus system using the "Save Character" option (or use a previously saved character)
  • Select the "Spawn New Friendly PC"  option
  • Choose which player character you want to create a spawn / copy of
  • Choose whether to summon them with or without spells / perks
  • Choose which slot to place them on (support for up to 20 concurrent spawns)
  • Choose a combat style for the spawn (5 options currently available)
  • Talk to the new NPC and recruit them as a follower. (using whatever follower framework mod you are using, like AFT, NFF, or EFF)

Steps to spawn a player character as a hostile enemy:
  • Save the player character into the proteus system using the "Save Character" option
  • Select the "Spawn New Hostile PC"  option
  • Choose which player character you want to create a spawn / copy of
  • Choose an option to summon the character with or without spells / perks
  • Choose a combat style for the spawn (5 options currently available)
  • Fight them! (upon the hostile spawns death, they will disappear and return to the void)

Note on spawns and spells / perks:
Spawning the NPC without spells and perks is an available option for compatibility reasons as perhaps you will have some spells / perks that you don't want your followers using or that they cannot use. 

Note on spawn levels and scaling:
Player character spawns by default will have a fixed level that will not scale with the player. They will forever be the level of the player character that you based the spawn upon. Recreate the spawned character to update the character to have the latest stats of the player character.
Alternatively, you can adjust the level and/or stats of any NPC/follower using the "Proteus - NPC" spell. It will allow you to scale the stats of your player character followers as attributes like Health scale with level. 

How to edit spawns:
Use the Project Proteus NPC Module to change many things about the NPC after they have been created.
You can use the NPC module to change the following things about your spawned character:
  • Appearance & Size
  • Skills, Stats, Attributes
  • Combat Style
  • Voice Type
  • AI Behavior 
  • Outfit
  • Spells (add or remove)
  • Level Scaler (make a spawn equal the level of another character saved into the Proteus system)

Summon existing friendly spawns:
You can summon your existing player character spawns and teleport them instantly to the location of your current player character. This will take the NPC, no matter where they are in the world, and teleport them to you. This works even if the player character you are trying to summon is in "the void". (see the NPC section below for more details)

Swap between members of your party that are also player characters. (followers spawned using the above option)
Use the "Proteus - Player" module's swap option to switch to the character you are currently standing closest to.

When you swap between member's of your party here's what happens:
  • Proteus saves your current player-controlled character into proteus using the preset name last used to save or load this player character 
  • Proteus then loads the follower's most recent player character profile onto the player-controlled character (it identifies what preset the follower has applied and loads the most recent preset to the player-controlled character)
  • Proteus then loads the preset save made under #1 to the follower thereby completing the "swap" 

Note that this is not a true swap but more of an illusion of a swap. Only the player-controlled character has its stats saved into Proteus. The follower will be wiped and essentially recreated using all the stats of the preset you are loading. When swapping, you are essentially overwriting the follower and spawning the most recent player character under the preset. (which could have changed after you spawned the follower)

I would recommend that if you are constantly swapping characters, don't give items to your followers. Your followers will lose items not found in the preset they are loading upon swapping.

You can use your own player characters, or import player characters created by other Project Proteus users!
Below is a list of all the currently available character presets available for you to use:
For more information on how to create a mod like this, please see the section below titled "Creating Mods with Project Proteus".
Additionally, check out the template page I created here which you can copy and edit however you'd like.


Proteus also allows you to toggle the below factions for the player and NPCs!
  • Bandit, Forsworn, Necromancer, Vampire, Werewolf, Thalmor, Imperial Legion, Stormcloak, Cultist, Daedra, Dremora, Falmer, Hagraven, Tribal Orcs, Vigilant of Stendarr, Skeleton
As an example, toggling the bandit faction will enable the player to interact with others as though they were a bandit.

  • Attributes - Health, Stamina, Magicka, CarryWeight
  • Regen of Attributes - HealthRate, StaminaRate, MagickaRate
  • Skills - Alteration, Archery, Two-Handed, etc.
  • Resistance - FireResist, FrostResist, PoisonResist, ElectricResist, DiseaseResist
  • Size - Grow or shrink the size of the player

These skill and attribute edits are permanent. Be careful when changing these values as there is no going back unless you load a prior save. (You can always later increase or decrease a skill or attribute to adjust a character's stats.)

You can use the Player Module's level scaler function to get your currently loaded player character to equal the level of another character saved in the Proteus system. Very useful feature if you are playing with two or more characters and want to keep them all at the same level! You will be able to allocate skill points, attribute points, and gain perk points for impacted characters.

Additionally, there are several cheat options available within the Player Module:

  • Damage - how much damage does this weapon cause a target
  • Speed - how fast does the weapon swing
  • Reach - how far out does the weapon reach when you swing it
  • Critical Damage - how much additional damage this weapon does upon a crit occurring
  • Weight - how much will this item weigh in a character's inventory
  • Gold Value - how much is the sell value for this item - the actual amount will vary based on vendor and perks
  • Item Name - type out a custom name for your weapon! (changes the name of just that 1 instance you have equipped, not all items of that type)

As an example regarding how this works, If you edit an "Iron Sword", the edits you make will apply to every "Iron Sword" in the game - not just yours. (this is true for editing damage, speed, reach, critical damage, weight, and gold value of an item. Edits to item name as well as enchantments are unique and specific to the one instance in your inventory.) The editing feature is best used on unique items that other NPCs won't also carry unless you are fine with them also using the modified stats weapon in-combat.

If you want to edit the damage of just one particular instance of a common weapon, like one Elven Sword, then you should enchant it to do more damage instead of increasing the damage through the edit function. 

You can also duplicate any equipped weapon!

You can make edits temporary or save up to 500 edits permanently. Please see the "Temporary or Permanent" section below for more details.

Proteus will allow you to enchant your weapons and specify the strength of the enchantment.
Each enchantment comes with several ranks of power and an option for the player to type in a custom value for the enchantment strength.

There are currently 13 customizable weapon enchantment options available:
  • Fire/Frost/Shock Damage
  • Magicka/Stamina Damage
  • Health/Magicka/Stamina Absorb
  • Turn Undead
  • Soul Trap
  • Paralysis
  • Fear
  • Banish

You can only enchant weapons that are currently unenchanted or previously enchanted via Proteus.
You will not be able to enchant an already enchanted weapon or remove an enchantment that was not added via Proteus.

By default, your edits to weapons are temporary and will persist until you close out of Skyrim. 

You can also make your edits to weapons permanent.
If you would like the changes to a weapon to be permanent. You must select the "Permanently Save" option in the "Proteus - Weapon" menu. This will make Proteus save all the weapon's adjusted values to a text file. Make sure to save any changes you've made to the weapon before closing out of Skyrim.

The next time you launch Skyrim, Proteus will look at those text files you created, process them, and import their changes fluidly into the game world.

There are two options for saving weapon edits:

Option #1 - Permanently save weapon edit for this specific playthrough. (edits apply only to this specific character's world/playthrough)
First Important Note about Option 1: Let's say that "Player Character 1" has specific edits under Option 1 to "Glass Axe". If you switch to "Player Character 2" without closing out the Skyrim game first, "Player Character 2" will still have the edited "Glass Axe" stats. This is a game engine limitation. To make sure this doesn't happen, if switching from playing one character to playing another character, with each character having separate character-specific edits to weapons, you should completely close out of the Skyrim game and then relaunch to prevent overlaps of playthrough specific edits.
Second Important Note about Option 1: If you change the name of your character, you will lose all character-specific permanently saved weapon edits under Option 1. If you rename your character, you will have to recreate your weapon edits or directly alter the saved text files. (see text file section below) This is because the text files storing the weapon edits are saved under your player's name. If the name changes, Proteus doesn't know to still load in these player-specific weapon edits. If you swap player characters using "Proteus - Player" your character will change names and you will lose access to weapon saves under option #1.

Option #2 - Permanently save weapon edit for all playthroughs. (edits will apply to all player character's worlds/playthroughs)

Both Option 1 and Option 2 will allow you to make permanent edits for up to 500 weapons. Use this function sparingly as permanently saving many weapon edits could potentially cause the Proteus system to run slower. As your edited weapon values will be imported into the game upon first launching Skyrim, you may experience a small slowdown upon first loading your character if you have a large amount of permanently saved edits that need to be imported into your game world.

Option #1 could make you consistently lose access to edits if you are also using the "Proteus - Player" character swap functionality and are frequently changing character names. (as Option #1 saves edits under your character's name)

Text File Storage and Manipulation
  • The text files containing all of your saved stats for weapons can be found in the default directory for JContainers.
  • For me, this is "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\Proteus".
  • If you are careful about it, you can directly alter your weapon edits by adjusting the values in these text files.
  • To remove an edit you've made that you no longer want, select the option to clear edits in the weapon menu in-game.

  • Armor Rating - how much armor this item provides
  • Weight Class - is the armor/clothing piece light, heavy, or neither
  • Weight - how much will this item weigh in a character's inventory
  • Gold Value - how much is the sell value for this item - the actual amount will vary based on vendor and perks

You can also duplicate any equipped armor/clothing piece!

One neat feature is that using Proteus you can classify jewelry (amulets, necklaces, rings) as light armor or heavy armor. (by default they are neither)

As an example regarding how this works, If you edit an "Elven Helmet", the edits you make will apply to every "Elven Helmet" in the game - not just yours. (this is true for editing armor rating, weight class, weight, and gold value of an item. Edits to item name as well as enchantments are unique and specific to the one instance in your inventory.) The editing feature is best used on unique items that other NPCs won't also carry unless you are fine with them also using the modified stats armors in-combat.If you want to edit the armor rating of just one particular instance of a common armor, like one Elven Helmet in your inventory, then you should enchant it to increase armor rating instead of increasing the armor rating through the edit function. 
You can make edits temporary or save up to 500 edits permanently. Please see the "Temporary or Permanent" section below for more details.

Proteus will allow you to enchant your armor/clothing and specify the strength of the enchantment.
Each enchantment comes with several ranks of power and an option for the player to type in a custom value for the enchantment strength.

There are currently 35+ customizable armor enchantment options available:
  • Fortify Skills (18 variants covering all skills found in Skyrim - some increase skill level and some reduce Magicka cost of associate skill spells)
  • Fortify Health/Magicka/Stamina (3)
  • Fortify Regen of Health/Magicka/Stamina (3)
  • Fortify Carry Weight
  • Fortify Shout Time
  • Fortify Armor Rating
  • Resist Fire/Frost/Shock/Magic/Poison/Disease (6)
  • Muffle
  • Waterbreathing

By default, your edits to armors are temporary and will persist until you close out of Skyrim. 

You can also make your edits to armors permanent.
If you would like the changes to armor to be permanent. You must select the "Permanently Save" option in the "Proteus - Armor" menu. This will make Proteus save all the armor's adjusted values to a text file. Make sure to save any changes you've made to armor before closing out of Skyrim.

The next time you launch Skyrim, Proteus will look at those text files you created, process them, and import their changes fluidly into the game world.

There are two options for saving armor edits:

Option #1 - Permanently save armor edit for this specific playthrough. (edits apply only to this specific character's world/playthrough)
First Important Note about Option 1: Let's say that "Player Character 1" has specific edits under Option 1 to "Iron Armor". If you switch to "Player Character 2" without closing out the Skyrim game first, "Player Character 2" will still have the edited "Iron Armor" stats. This is a game engine limitation. To make sure this doesn't happen, if switching from playing one character to playing another character, with each character having separate character-specific edits to armors, you should completely close out of the Skyrim game and then relaunch to prevent overlaps of playthrough specific edits.
Second Important Note about Option 1: If you change the name of your character, you will lose all character-specific permanently saved armor edits under Option 1. If you rename your character, you will have to recreate your armor edits or directly alter the saved text files. (see text file section below) This is because the text files storing the armor edits are saved under your player's name. If the name changes, Proteus doesn't know to still load in these player-specific armor edits. If you swap player characters using "Proteus - Player" your character will change names and you will lose access to armor saves under option #1.

Option #2 - Permanently save armor edit for all playthroughs. (edits will apply to all player character's worlds/playthroughs)

Both Option 1 and Option 2 will allow you to make permanent edits for up to 500 armors. Use this function sparingly as permanently saving many armor edits could potentially cause the Proteus system to run slower. As your edited armor values will be imported into the game upon first launching Skyrim, you may experience a small slowdown upon first loading your character if you have a large amount of permanently saved edits that need to be imported into your game world.

Option #1 could make you consistently lose access to edits if you are also using the "Proteus - Player" character swap functionality and are frequently changing character names. (as Option #1 saves edits under your character's name)

Text File Storage and Manipulation
  • The text files containing all of your saved stats for armors can be found in the default directory for JContainers.
  • For me, this is "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\Proteus".
  • If you are careful about it, you can directly alter your armor edits by adjusting the values in these text files.
  • To remove an edit you've made that you no longer want, select the option to clear edits in the armor menu in-game.

Change the attributes of a spell's associated magic effects:
  • Magnitude - damage amount, healing amount, etc. - this is dependent on the type of spell selected
  • Duration - how long the spell's magic effect lasts
  • Area - does this effect get applied to an area? If so, this is how large of an area

By using Proteus, you will be able to see all of the magic effects associated with a spell and then you will be able to manipulate each of these effects. This will allow you to easily make your favorite spells weaker or stronger. You can even type in a custom value for magnitude, duration, and area and customize a spell exactly how you want.

You can make edits temporary or save up to 500 edits permanently. Please see the "Temporary or Permanent" section below for more details.

Using an intuitive menu system, you will be able to make the NPC or Player forgot/unlearn spells. Use this feature to remove spells that you no longer want a character to use. This can be especially useful if you are using lots of spell mods and want to try out spells but not be locked into having them on your spells list for the rest of your playthrough. Additionally, it can be used to remove spells from a follower that you no longer want them to cast. (Note: Spells added to a character at the start of a game, as well as race abilities, cannot be removed by this feature.)

Note: You will unfortunately not be able to remove default starting spells or racial abilities from an NPC.

You can also dispel active magic effects from the player or any NPC. This means you can do things like end a cloak spell sooner or quickly end certain hostile magic that has a long duration. (Note: This will not work on effects associated with abilities, diseases, or enchantments. It will only dispel magic effects from normal spells.)

By default, your edits to spells and associated magic effects are temporary and will persist until you close out of Skyrim. 

You can also make your edits to spells permanent.
If you would like the changes to a spell to be permanent. You must select the "Permanently Save" option in the "Proteus - Spell" menu. This will make Proteus save all the spell's adjusted values to a text file. Make sure to save any changes you've made to a spell before closing out of Skyrim.

The next time you launch Skyrim, Proteus will look at those text files you created, process them, and import their changes fluidly into the game world.

There are two options for saving spell edits:

Option #1 - Permanently save spell edit for this specific playthrough. (edits apply only to this specific character's world/playthrough)
First Important Note about Option 1: Let's say that "Player Character 1" has specific edits under Option 1 to "Flames". If you switch to "Player Character 2" without closing out the Skyrim game first, "Player Character 2" will still have the edited "Flames" stats. This is a game engine limitation. To make sure this doesn't happen, if switching from playing one character to playing another character, with each character having separate character-specific edits to spells, you should completely close out of the Skyrim game and then relaunch to prevent overlaps of playthrough specific edits.
Second Important Note about Option 1: If you change the name of your character, you will lose all character-specific permanently saved spell edits under Option 1. If you rename your character, you will have to recreate your spell edits or directly alter the saved text files. (see text file section below) This is because the text files storing the spell edits are saved under your player's name. If the name changes, Proteus doesn't know to still load in these player-specific spell edits. If you swap player characters using "Proteus - Player" your character will change names and you will lose access to spell saves under option #1.

Option #2 - Permanently save spell edit for all playthroughs. (edits will apply to all player character's worlds/playthroughs)

Both Option 1 and Option 2 will allow you to make permanent edits for up to 500 spells. Use this function sparingly as permanently saving many spell edits could potentially cause the Proteus system to run slower. As your edited spell values will be imported into the game upon first launching Skyrim, you may experience a small slowdown upon first loading your character if you have a large amount of permanently saved edits that need to be imported into your game world.

Option #1 could make you consistently lose access to edits if you are also using the "Proteus - Player" character swap functionality and are frequently changing character names. (as Option #1 saves edits under your character's name)

Text File Storage and Manipulation
  • The text files containing all of your saved stats for spells can be found in the default directory for JContainers.
  • For me, this is "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\Proteus".
  • If you are careful about it, you can directly alter your spells edits by adjusting the values in these text files.
  • To remove an edit you've made that you no longer want, select the option to clear edits in the spells menu in-game.

Take control of any NPC/creature instantly! The default hotkey is ";" (changeable in MCM)

For humanoids, you can currently walk, sprint, sneak, and jump. You cannot manually attack. The AI of the NPC will automatically attack hostile targets when you are next to them.

While this feature will work on any creature, with them automatically attacking hostile targets using their own combat AI, I've fleshed out features for a few specific creature types. (which I'll call advance creature support)

Advanced Support Creatures (can manually attack and perform special attack or animation when jump or ready weapon key is pressed)
  • Bears
  • Wolves
  • Sabrecats 
  • Mudcrabs
  • Giants
  • Mammoths
  • Hagravens
  • Flame Atronach
  • Frost Atronach
  • Storm Atronach
  • Horker
  • Chaurus
  • Ice Wraith
  • Spriggan
(The above creatures will still automatically attack if next to a hostile target.)
The above creatures will potentially have animations / attacks occur after pressing left attack key, right attack key, space / jump key, or the ready weapon key.

The factions for these NPCs/creatures will not change if controlled this way. (meaning if an NPC/creature is hostile to the player, it will remain hostile to the player even if controlled)

If a controlled NPC/creature dies, the system will switch back to the main player character.

  • Attributes - Health, Stamina, Magicka, CarryWeight
  • Regen of Attributes - HealthRate, StaminaRate, MagickaRate
  • Skills - Alteration, Archery, Two-Handed, etc.
  • Resistance - FireResist, FrostResist, PoisonResist, ElectricResist, DiseaseResist
  • Size - Grow or shrink an NPC
  • NPC AI Behavior - Aggression, Assistance, Confidence

These skill and attribute edits are permanent. Be careful when changing these values as there is no going back unless you load a prior save. (You can always later increase or decrease a skill or attribute to adjust a character's stats.)

You can also duplicate any selected NPC!
You can also toggle if an NPC is protected or essential!

You can also adjust the level of any NPC! (many stats/attributes scale for an NPC when their level goes up or down)

  • This will work on most NPCs in the vanilla game or those added by mods.
  • It may not work on certain NPCs with unique voice types that don't have recorded follower dialogue lines.

  • The "Proteus - NPC" spell can be cast on a dead NPC and will provide unique options.
  • You can choose to resurrect the NPC, which will bring them back to life.
  • You can also choose to disable the dead NPC, which effectively hides/removes their corpse.

Proteus lets you edit the appearance of the player or any NPC.
As of v.3.2.0, you can copy the appearance of an NPC onto the Player. (to mixed results, see v3.2.0 patch notes in updates section of this guide)
There are two ways to edit the appearance of an NPC in-game.

Option #1 - Cosmetic Menu
  • May need to use SSE Engine Fixes
  • For best results, use the edit appearance features on unique NPCs with unique names.
  • DO NOT USE THE SEARCH BAR in the RaceMenu, doing so will lock out the player controls after closing out of the menu. Not sure this can be fixed. Everything will work fine as long as you don't use the search bar.
  • To be clear, this isn't a full "showracemenu" editing system for NPCs. This mod provides some of the full functionality.
  • What works: Body Morphs, Scale Edits, Body/Hand/Foot paint and tattoos, and a few other things
  • What is not included: Face Sculpting, Face Edits, Hair Edits

Option #2 - Player and NPC Presets
  • Completely change pretty much every physical feature of an NPC's appearance using presets.
  • Watch the "Project Proteus - NPC Overview" YouTube guide above or follow the steps below to get it to work correctly.
  • This option is a bit more complicated than option #1 but it will allow you to do things like change hair, face, and more!
  • For best results, use this feature on unique NPCs with unique names and races that match the race of the preset.
Step-by-Step Guide:
  • Change your player's appearance using RaceMenu to match how you want an NPC to look. (don't save preset yet!)
  • Close RaceMenu after you are done editing your player like you normally would.
  • Use the "Proteus- NPC" spell and navigate from Main Menu => Appearance => Preset Menu
  • Click on the option to "Save Player Appearance as Preset".
  • You will be prompted with a text box to name this preset. This is important! Make it an easy-to-remember name or write it down if you will be using it often or revisiting the preset. 
  • Hit enter to finish saving this preset as an option with your specified name
  • In the "Proteus - NPC" menu, proceed to click "Set NPC Preset"
  • It will then ask you which preset you would like to use. Type in the name of the preset you saved earlier to finish the process of updating the NPC's appearance to match how the preset looks.

You must EXACTLY follow the steps above for the process to work. If you want to use Character Presets you've downloaded from the Nexus, you must first load them onto your player character under step 1 and then follow the rest of the subsequent steps.

How does this work? (How can something this awesome be done??) - I've utilized scripts from RaceMenu and fed them into my Proteus permanent save/load system that I use for weapons/armors/spells to ensure that upon loading your game all NPCs retain the appearance you want. Your NPCs will retain their modified appearance, even if you close out of the game and then reload it.

Do not duplicate NPCs that you have made appearance edits to.
The edits may not load 100% correctly on the duplicated character. For best results, try using a preset that matches the race and gender of the NPC you are targeting. If the NPC doesn't have the same gender or race as the preset you are loading, Proteus will do its best to get the preset to load by changing the NPC's race and/or gender. Additionally, for best results, this function should be used on unique NPCs. (not leveled actors like a template guard or bandit)

Having a large number of appearance-edited NPCs may slow down your game and cause you to lose FPS. Experiment with this and see if you see any considerable impact. Ideally, you should use this function only on unique NPCs. Be very careful using this feature, it will permanently alter the appearance of an NPC in your game world. It will not allow you to revert the changes. Make sure you 100% want to apply a preset to an NPC.

Instantly change an outfit that the NPC is wearing.
There are currently 120+ outfit options ranging from clothing to armors. (including none)

You can change an NPC's voice type to pretty much any voice type found in Skyrim. Use it to change the voice type of your follower / character spawns!

You can change an NPC's combat style to any of the below options:
  • Archer
  • Berserker
  • Mage
  • Tank
  • Warrior

Send an NPC to the void. This won't kill them but rather send them to a hidden interior cell.
You can use this on player character summons as they can later be summoned/teleported back to the player using the player module.
To go to the void, you can use the following console command: "coc ZZProteusVoid"

Proteus will allow you to force change the weather.
There are currently 23 options available:
  • Clear (4 variants)
  • Cloudy (4 variants)
  • Fog (3 variants)
  • Rain (2 variants)
  • Snowing
  • Blowing Wind
  • Ash
  • Apocrypha
  • Blackreach
  • Eclipse
  • Aurora
  • Sovngarde (3 variants)

The weather will eventually transition out and be replaced by whatever the game determines the next weather to be.

Summon 60+ types of creatures to fight. This includes almost every creature found in vanilla Skyrim and its DLC.
The spawner allows you to type in the exact number of each creature you would like to summon. (for example, you could summon 54 mudcrabs)
These creatures start at level 1 and scale to level 500. (they are all 1.0x the player character's level)

Teleporter -teleport the player character to any of 17 locations
Reload NPC Presets - this will reload all the presets on edited NPCs and/or player character summons. Helpful for fixing preset appearance errors!
Clear Player Facegen - can be helpful if your character is really messed up looking, it could also do nothing...
Add / Remove Proteus Spells - keep the wheel spell but remove other Proteus spells from your spells list (can add back spells later)

V.5.2.0 - More Voice Types & Outfits! (also shared stash improvements!)
  • NOTE: HDT SMP Hairs seem to be crashing for the latest versions of FasterHDT and Racemenu for Skyrim AE. For best results, in the meantime avoid using HDT SMP hairstyle on your Proteus characters. Hopefully, this issue will be resolved soon by those mods. I'm not sure honestly what is wrong. Let me know your experience in the comments if it's contradictory to this.
  • Significant expansion of the number of NPC module voice types. Many new options for Proteus spawns and NPCs. I have purposefully left out Male and Female child voice types. (do not ask for their inclusion)
  • It is now possible to make a female NPC have a male voice type and vice versa.
  • Significant expansion of the number of assignable NPC outfits. (increased from 30 to 120+)
  • Shared stash owner is now properly the player.
  • Shared stash now opens faster. (new code verifying matching cells)
  • Shared stash contents are now saved as as JSON file for each game world. (will be fleshed out further with import process in a future update)
  • Sped up player spawn creation process. (script improvement)
  • Fixed several NPC module bugs / issues.
  • Relationship Dialogue Overhaul is now a recommended mod. (enables follower dialogue for a broader array of voice types)

[5.1.3] Updated patch for Phenderix Magic World.
[5.1.2] Minor updates to several scripts. Weapon stat loading should be fixed.
[5.1.1] When using the new character / reset character function, now the current player character will be saved into the Proteus system automatically before being wiped and overwritten.
[5.1.1] Removed ability to edit NPC item and spell stats directly from NPC module.
[5.1.1] Added ability to piecemeal save inventory and piecemeal add inventory items from a saved preset file. (will not carry over most weapon / armor enchantments and upgrades)

V.5.1.0 - Shared Stash, ShowRaceMenu Enhanced
  • As noted in the V.5.0.0 patch notes, if you are using a version released prior to v.5.0.0, then you should start a new game to ensure this mod works properly.
  • New Shared Stash feature within Player Module to enable sharing of items easily across Proteus characters.
  • When using the ShowRaceMenu option contained within the Player Module menu, upon exiting the ShowRaceMenu, the character's appearance will automatically be saved into the Proteus system. (Recommend doing this! Do not use the console and type in showracemenu. Use the option in the Player Module!)
  • Two new hotkeys configurable within MCM for Player Module Main Menu and NPC Module Main Menu.
  • Fixed dragon souls cheat function. (Apologies to the user I told this wasn't an issue - I was wrong!)

[5.0.1] Fixed bug where favorited spells / items would be cleared out of favorites list if the switch character function was cancelled.
[5.0.1] Also, some of the previous incompatibilities - like Vokriinator Black, may have been fixed with V5.

  • Completely overhauled perk saving / loading process. (now much more accurate and captures every perk the player knows across all mods - even ones without patches)
  • Significantly faster removal of spells during the player character switch and swap process.
  • Significant bug fix for Armor / Weapon / Spell permanent edits. (Edits you made to armors, weapons, or spells added by mods that you later uninstalled will no longer break the entire Proteus system)
  • Rewrote many player module functions and introduced many efficiency improvements.
  • Changed default hotkey for Player module functions. You may need to reset your hotkey settings in the MCM.
  • Advanced creature support added for Flame Atronach. (Firebolt and Flames)
  • Advanced creature support added for Spriggans. (Bug Spray)
  • Updated Sacrosanct and Wintersun patches.

[4.2.2] Potentially fixed reported issue of NPC's names / appearances not loading correctly.
[4.2.2] Immersive Weapons compatibility patch. (200+ new options in weapon cheat / new character)
[4.2.2] Script improvements to reset character and other player functions.
[4.2.1] You no longer need to type yes or no for loading perks and spells when creating a NPC spawn. There is now a message box where instead you either click yes or no. (this should now work in Skyrim VR)
[4.2.1] Bug fix for piecemeal save and piecemeal load (now checks for active mods with compatibility patches like the normal save / load process)

  • Finally fixed an issue that this mod has had for a long time....the correct player appearance preset will be applied to your player character upon loading a saved game. (This includes the latest saved game as well as past saves)
  • For example, now you can load an older save and not have appearance mismatches if you had later switched characters.
  • This will work going forward - meaning this will work for every save you make post installing v.4.2.0. This won't work retroactively for your old saves.
  • As a reminder, Project Proteus supports up to 50 player characters. (that you can switch to or spawn in as followers / enemies)
  • Added baked-in compatibility support for AddItemsMenu. (misc items will remain in inventory when resetting characters)

[4.1.1] Several improvements to reset character function. Can now select multiple starting weapons, instead of just one.
[4.1.1] At the end of the reset character function, the character is now automatically saved into the Proteus system.
[4.1.1] Removed ability to edit weapon type. This was causing crashes and I can't figure out a way to fix it. This may be reintroduced in a future update
[4.1.1] Added 5 new teleporter options. (Blackreach, Raven Rock, Skaal Village, Sovngarde, Tel Mithryn)
[4.1.1] Improved Player Module's cheat weapon function to allow the user to add multiple weapons much faster.

  • Complete overhaul of inventory saving / loading process. It is now faster and has had many bugs fixed, including the quest item duplication bug. (quest items will not be removed from inventory and will be shared across all player characters)
  • Overhauled loading of level, skills, attributes. This info will now load properly on spawned NPC characters. To increase the level of a spawn, use the level scaler function within the NPC module.
  • Properly increased max unequipped items being captured from 1,000 items to 2,000 items.
  • Removed hats from random outfits given to Proteus character spawns.

(note: you may need to resave / redo any weapon and armor edits you made to make them work within version 4.0.0)
  • This mod now requires powerofthree's Papyrus Extender. 
  • The Player module can now recognize, save, and load the favorited items/spells of different player characters saved into the Proteus system! Huge improvement! 
  • New level scaler feature within the Player and NPC module. Scale any character's level up to match the level of another character saved into the Proteus system. (will allow you to distribute attribute points, skill points, and perks) 
  • Huge improvement to Armor Module! You can now properly convert any armor/clothing piece's weight class to light armor, heavy armor, or clothing. (works with appropriate perks/menus) These changes are temporary for one playthrough unless the user chooses the permanent save option. Use permanent save to make your armor/clothing type changes persist. 
  • Huge improvement to Weapon Module! You can now properly convert any weapon's type to battleaxe, bow, dagger, greatsword, mace, staff, sword, waraxe, or warhammer. (works with appropriate perks/menus) These changes are temporary for one playthrough unless the user chooses the permanent save option. Use permanent save to make your weapon type changes persist. 
  • Significantly improved NPC Module "Copy NPC Appearance to Player" function. Should no longer cause crashes and should be more accurate. It will still require a bit of finessing in showracemenu. (included support for COTR male/female copying) 
  • Added option to temporarily change the color of an NPC's hair. (lasts for one game session)
  • Added option to teleport NPCs to any of the locations the player can teleport to. 
  • Changed default outfit for Proteus spawns to FarmClothesRandom. (instead of prisoner rags) 
  • Significant bug fix of improper race sometimes being loaded onto Proteus impacted NPCs at game start / load. 
  • Several bug fixes with checking active perk mods in hotkey functions. 
  • Fixed Bloodmoon Rising patch in FOMOD installer.

  • New Player Reset stage allowing you to pick the character's starting location. (18 options currently available)
  • Added Teleporter Utility Module function. (17 options currently available)
  • Added a stop time spell that is cast when saving, switching, spawning, or swapping player characters. (while these processes still are not fast, you can now use them in situations like combat and not worry about dying)
  • Fixed proper default voice type loading to PC spawn when using a COTR race or when using a vampire race.
  • Minor improvements to NPC Module Copy Appearance function.
  • Minor improvements to NPC Control script.

  • When saving a character into the Proteus system, there will now be backups made of their appearance named "ZZProteusBackup" + some numbers. These backups should be viewable in your RaceMenu presets list. If you accidentally mess up a preset appearance, you should be able to load the backup to restore the character's previous appearance.
  • New green explosion that emits from the player character when loading an appearance preset. (toggleable on/off in the MCM)
  • New cheat function to add and equip any of 100+ vanilla weapons to your character.
  • When resetting / starting a new character using Project Proteus, now if you choose to start with a Bow or Crossbow, you will also start with either 30 Steel Arrows or 30 Steel Bolts.
  • Fixed modifying player and NPC skills, attributes, regen values to use the BaseAV as the initial value. (may also help fix CarryWeight issues)
  • Simplified Player Module menu by putting several options into a new sub-menu.
  • Added 8 bandit options to the utility spawner menu at the bottom of the list.
  • New error notifications will output when saving / loading a player character if the user is missing either RaceMenu or UIExtensions.
  • New error notification that will output when trying to swap characters with no eligible swap candidate nearby.

  • New option in Player module to save player character appearance as a preset that can be instantly loaded onto the player at a later point in time either through the player module menu or through a new hotkey. (instant appearance shapeshifting!)
  • Added ability to assign a hotkey to the player module's load appearance preset function in the MCM.
  • Added option to disable Project Proteus hotkeys in the MCM.
  • Presets now load twice onto the player and NPCs upon loading your game, this may fix issues some people had with script lag.

To quickly load an appearance preset onto the Player, follow these steps:
  • Use RaceMenu to adjust the appearance of the player. Load presets onto them through RaceMenu or adjust sliders to your liking.
  • Go into the Proteus Player Module and choose the "Save Appearance Preset Option". Type in the name that you would like to save this appearance preset as. (if you are using a preset you've downloaded from the Nexus, I recommend using a name that is different so that Proteus doesn't overwrite the preset you downloaded)
  • You can now later by using the hotkey configurable in the MCM or by selecting "Load Appearance Preset" in the Player Module menu, switch the appearance of your character. (without also changing items, perks, etc.) Simply type in the name of the preset you previously saved in step 2.

[3.5.2] - New Player Reset stage allowing you to pick the character's starting weapon(s).[3.5.2] - Compatibility patch added for Arcanum - A New Age of Magic and Elemental Destruction Magic.[3.5.1] - Compatibility patch added for Mysticism, Ace Blood Magic, and Shadow Spell Package.

  • Massive improvement! All existing patches converted to ESL files. (no longer each take up a spot in your load order)
  • Enhanced and updated almost every patch (20+) to also include lists for spells they add, so that they can be added / removed by the Proteus system. This and the above ESL change was not a fun or quick process...I hope you all appreciate this update.
  • Compatibility patch added for Imperious - Races of Skyrim.
  • Compatibility patch added for Aetherius - A Race Overhaul.
  • Compatibility patch added for Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim.
  • May have fixed CarryWeight error when switching characters. Let me know if this fix is working for you! (provided you even had this issue)

  • New FOMOD installer! Install the main file and all applicable patches easily! (remove all Proteus files and patches you had prior to 3.4.0!)
  • Heavily updated and modified the guide / description page for this mod. (and still making changes!)
  • Compatibility patch added for Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.
  • Compatibility patch added for Triumvirate - Mage Archetypes.
  • Refined script check for installed custom perk tree mods with Proteus patches. (now checks for both the mod and the associated patch - may fix some crashes that occurred if user did not have patch installed)
  • Added a new notification that will output if the user doesn't have some of the appropriate patches installed.
  • New in-depth Player Module and NPC Module videos will release soon.

[3.3.1] Refined script check for spell mods. (now checks for both the mod and the associated patch)
[3.3.1] Fix to capitalization of string names in new spell lists.
[3.3.1] Added compatibility patch for Phenderix Magic Evolved and Elemental Destruction Magic Redux.

Player Reset Function Improvements
  • New stage allowing you to pick the character's starting outfit.
  • New stage allowing you to pick the character's starting spells. (Pick from any vanilla spell or spell added by a mod with a Proteus patch)
  • All vanilla spells will be removed from the player upon character reset.
  • Spells added by mods will also be removed from the player upon character reset, provided the appropriate patch is installed. (Currently supported spell mods: Phenderix Magic World, Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim)
  • The system will also try to remove all actorbase spells and race spells from your character upon resetting them. (a couple spells may be retained depending on your mod setup)
  • Utility / menu spells added by mods will be retained and not removed when creating a new character.
  • After removal of all items from existing character, certain / special items from mods are added to the new character's inventory. (let me know if there is an item you want added to my compatibility list!)
Player Cheat Function New Features
  • New function to add and equip any of 30 outfits to your character.
  • New function to add any of 110+ vanilla spells to the Player from a list within the spells option.
  • The new Phenderix Magic World patch will add an additional ~170 spells to pick from.
  • The new Apocalypse patch will add an additional ~150 spells to pick from.
NPC Control Function Improvements:
  • New creature control feature! In addition to left and right attack, some creatures with advanced support will have a special attack that can be triggered by pressing the "Ready Weapon" keyboard button! (3 attack types total now for some advanced support creatures)
  • New special attack for creatures already with advanced support: wolves, mammoths, bears, sabrecats, mudcrabs.
  • Advanced creature support added for Frost Atronach.
  • Advanced creature support added for Storm Atronach.
  • Advanced creature support added for Horker.
  • Advanced creature support added for Chaurus.
  • Advanced creature support added for Ice Wraith.
  • Ready weapon animation for NPCs now associated with the proper key. (bug fix)
Compatibility Patches

You can now make the player look like any NPC in the game.
This new feature is accessed in the NPC module's appearance function.This works with mixed results depending on the type of NPC targeted.

The Proteus system will automatically change the player's gender and race to match with the target.
The system will attempt to copy the NPC's mouth, scars, hair, eyes, brows, facial hair and other face parts.
The system will not accurately port over makeup, tints, or other kinds of overlays / morphs.

After the copy process is complete, stand next to the NPC you copied, open up RaceMenu and adjust the player's tints, makeup, hair color, etc. to make it more accurately match the NPC. Depending on the NPC copied, entering RaceMenu may completely reset the appearance of the player and cause the player to no longer look like the NPC.

You may need to use the copy appearance function several times, experiment with RaceMenu, and do some tinkering to get to your desired outcome.

I'm including the source code in the comments section here. If you know how to help improve this script, please please let me know!

[3.1.2] Significant fix of NPC control that broke player AI package from being able to interact with objects. (cooking pots, woodblock, etc.)
All custom follower NPCs added by this mod now have a default sandbox AI package.
[3.1.1] Added new utility function that removes all Proteus spells from player's spell list besides "Proteus - Wheel".
[3.1.1] Added new utility function that adds all Proteus spells to player's spell list.
[3.1.1] Added 1 second delay when creating a new character spawn that allows them to spawn in successfully with appropriate items equipped.

I previously commented here and on Reddit that I was "retiring from Skyrim modding"...which I guess was a lie given this update and potential future updates.  If I have a continued interest in further developing Project Proteus, then I will continue to release updates.
  • Significant bug fix regarding improper preset appearances loading onto player character at game start. (can now easily go to previous saves without breaking Proteus system)
  • Improved saving and loading of character appearance. (less mismatches)
  • Significantly improved efficiency of several Player Module scripts.
  • Several fixes to custom perk patch integration in perk save / load system. 
  • Improved several tips and in-game messages to hopefully better inform and guide the user.
  • Expanded max proteus system perk recognition from 1,000 to 2,000.
  • Expanded max proteus system spell recognition from 1,000 to 2,000.
  • Expanded max proteus system unequipped items recognition from 1,000 to 2,000.
  • The above changes may fix potential issues users were encountering on complex character saves / builds.
  • Added compatibility patch for Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim by EnaiSiaion.
  • Added compatibility patch for Trua - Minimalistic Faiths of Skyrim by EnaiSiaion.
  • Added compatibility patch for Pilgrim - A Religion Overhaul by SimonMagus616.
  • Added compatibility patch for Dragonborn - Shouts Perk Tree by DeltaRider.
  • Added compatibility patch for Bloodlines of Tamriel - A Vampire Overhaul by EddieTheEagle.
  • Added compatibility patch for Vampyrium-Resurrected (Vampire Overhaul) by BatStranger.
  • There are now 60+ options in the spawner function.
  • Added domesticated animals to utility spawner function. (Chicken, Dog, Dog (Husky), Cow, Goat)
  • Added additional wild animals and creatures / monsters to utility spawner function. (Ash Hopper, Ash Guardian, Atronach (Flame), Atronach (Frost), Atronach (Storm), Bear (Snow), Bristleback, Chaurus, Chaurus Hunter, Corrupted Shade, Death Hound, Deer, Dragon, Dragon (Serpentine), Dragon (Skeletal), Dragon Priest, Draugr (Archer), Dremora (Archer), Dremora (Warrior), Dwarven Ballista, Falmer (Warrior), Falmer (Archer), Elk, Fox, Fox (Snow) Ice Wraith, Lurker, Mudcrab, Netch, Rabbit, Sabrecat (Snowy), Sabrecat (Vale), Seeker, Spriggan (Burnt), Spriggan (Matron), Werebear, Werewolf, Wispmother, Wolf (Ice)

[3.0.1] Added compatibility support for Lupine - Werewolf Perk Expansion by DomainWolf.
[3.0.1] Added compatibility support for Custom Skills - Unarmoured Defense by Vicn.

  • The Proteus system will now properly save/load enchanted items as well as upgraded items.
  • This improvement is enabled via Proteus storing the player character items in containers in a hidden interior cell. (the items in the containers are added back to the player character's inventory when they are loaded)
  • The max number of characters that can have their inventory tracked is 50. (the same limit for location tracking too) So basically, don't ever go 50 characters if you want this mod to work properly.
  • This massive improvement is only applicable for player characters created in the same game world. Characters imported from other game worlds will not have custom enchantments and upgraded weapons carry over when loading them into a new game world.
  • In the latest version, the system may potentially not equip the correct weapon to the corresponding equip slot upon switching to one of your characters, but the item will be in your inventory.
  • Removed ability to save player character as anything other than the player character's name. Saving your character will save them using the character's name. You can no longer type in a custom name.
  • Change your character's name before saving them into Proteus if you want to have different variants of one character. (or separate backups of a character)
  • Removed ability to switch characters without saving. You will now automatically save your character (using the character's name) before switching to any other character in the Proteus system.
  • Removed the ability to piecemeal save/load inventory. (won't work with the latest system)
  • Notification added to tell the player that the delete character function worked properly and ran.

For update logs for versions released before v.4.0.0, please check out the changelog tab.

Q: Where do I get the Proteus spells?
A: Upon successful installation of Proteus, they should be automatically added to your spell list.

Q: Will this mod ever be released for XB1 or PS4?
A: Unfortunately, no. This mod requires SKSE, RaceMenu, ConsoleUtil, JContainers, and UIExtensions which are not available on consoles.

Q: Is this mod compatible with perk mods like Ordinator, Vokrii, and Adamant?
A: Yes, they should be compatible with Project Proteus. Any mod that that adds perks to the 18 traditional perk trees will work automatically with this mod. Mods that add additional perks to the vampire or werewolf perk trees will need patches. Mods that add new perk trees altogether, a rather new feature of the Skyrim modding scene, will also need patches made. Please let me know what mods you want patched or if you have any issues with any perks added by perk mods!

Q: Is this mod compatible with custom race mods?
A: Yes, it should be mostly compatible with custom race mods. Let me know if you encounter any issues!

Q: Didn't you release a mod like this in 2020?
A: In June of 2020, I released the initial version of Proteus. It had some interesting features and I added more to it over the course of June/July but ultimately stopped its development. I've always thought that this mod could have amazing potential and the ability to change the way that every single person plays Skyrim. Recently, my interest rose in expanding this mod and making it reach its full potential. The newest version has many more features, is more polished, is prettier to look at, and is more efficient. It is an absolutely massive enhancement from the initial version of SIGE that I released in June 2020.

Q: My weapon damage and armor rating are different in my inventory menu. Why is that?
A: When you edit base weapon damage for a weapon or an armor's armor rating, you are changing that item's base value. That value is then increased or decreased by perks, enchantments, spells, and perhaps even racial bonuses for your character.

Q: My weapon doesn't show its increased damage in my inventory. Why is that?
A: If you increase the weapon base damage for a weapon extremely high, sometimes the true current damage of the weapon will not properly show in your character's inventory. To get the most accurate picture of what the base damage is, use "Proteus - Weapon" and generate the stat summary.

Q: My character's appearance is messed up in ShowRaceMenu now? How do I fix it?
A: Try toggling between races/genders and moving the warpaint and skin tone sliders. One good way to reset the player's body is to select the Argonian race and then close out of the ShowRaceMenu as an Argonian. Then you can go back into the ShowRaceMenu and change to a human race type and hopefully everything will be working fine again. Do the opposite process if you are trying to make a non-human character.

Q: Where can I find the saved text files used by Proteus for the permanently saved edits for weapons/armors/spells?
A: They should be in a folder called "Proteus" in the default directory where JContainers was installed. For me, this is "C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\Proteus". If necessary, you can edit values directly here that would then get imported into the system upon loading your game. If you wish to uninstall a particular edit, you must delete the associated files located in this directory for the edit.

Q: My mods Nether's Follower Framework (NFF) & Jaxonz Renamer have conflicts with Project Proteus! What do I do??
If your mod manager shows conflicts, ignore them. It is completely okay to overwrite the files found in these mods. The files being overwritten and shared between the mods are UILib files that should be identical in all the mods. This means overwriting them won't matter. You would essentially be overwriting a file with an identical file.

Q: Is it okay to install this mod mid-game?
Yes - completely fine and encouraged!

The instructions below are for if you would like to share your player characters for other people to use. (please share your characters on the Nexus!)
Please see the template page HERE. Feel free to copy and paste the structure of this template mod page. (recommended)

You will need to upload two zip files in the file you share on the Skyrim Nexus.

Character appearance file, meaning the preset used and created by RaceMenu.
The folder structure should be the following:

You would zip a folder structure exactly like the above. If you don't do it EXACTLY like this, then it will not work.
To locate your saved player characters preset file search in the directory above.
(The jslot appearance file may be in your overwrite folder if you are using Mod Organizer)

This should be installed by the user like any other mod. Install like you would a regular mod.

If the character has a purple face, open RaceMenu and load the appearance preset onto your character using showracemenu. Afterwards, be sure to save them into the Proteus system using the Player module spell. That should fix the purple face issue if you encounter it.

A collection of JSON files will need to be extracted to the user's JSON directory. For me it is the below directory:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\Proteus
You need to include the following JSON files in your upload for the character to be imported into someone's game world successfully:
  • ProteusC_UnequippedInventory_CHARACTERNAME (include all parts if there are other JSON perk part files)
  • ProteusC_EquippedInventory_CHARACTERNAME
  • ProteusCSkills_M1_CHARACTERNAME
  • ProteusCGeneral_M2_CHARACTERNAME
  • ProteusCSpellForm_M1_CHARACTERNAME (include all parts if there are other JSON perk part files)
  • ProteusCPerkForm_M1_CHARACTERNAME  (include all parts if there are other JSON perk part files)

Do not include any other JSON files in the zip file you are sharing on the Skyrim Nexus. (ONLY INCLUDE THE 7 FILES LISTED ABOVE)

You may want to edit the individual JSON files listed above before sharing your characters on the Skyrim Nexus.
For instance, you can remove quest items, keys, utility spells, and more from your player character before sharing. 

I find Excel to be a good tool to filter the JSON files and remove unwanted rows of data. Simply copy and paste the edited data.
Just make sure you keep the structure of each JSON file intact. Each line ends in a comma. (except for the last line, where there is no comma. If you have a comma on the last line of the JSON file, your player character shared preset won't work)
Check out the template page I've created and the JSON files I've shared in the files section for a template to help guide you.

Any content found in your player character's JSON files that references content found in mods that the user who is loading your character doesn't have will be skipped. For example, if your player character has the spell "Water - Geyser" found in the mod Phenderix Magic World, and if a user who installs your character preset attempts to load your player character into their game world and doesn't have Phenderix Magic World installed, the character import process will still work fine, this spell will just be skipped and not added to the spells list.

The user should place the JSON files found in the PART 2 zip in their JSON directory. For me it is the below directory:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\JCUser\Proteus

phenderix - created all content not otherwise noted below

expired6978 - created the amazing UIExtensions and RaceMenu mod which many Proteus menus rely upon to function properly
silvericed - created JContainers which is a framework Proteus uses to permanently save and load edits to armors, weapons, and spells
SKSE - adds many features to the game that make a mod like Proteus possible
SkyUILib - adds the text entry menu that many features of Proteus rely upon (these files are included in the Project Proteus mod)


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