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Enai Siaion

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About this mod

Trua is a minimal mod that adds the ability to pray for an extended shrine bonus, and overhauls shrine bonuses.

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Trua - Minimalistic Faiths of Skyrim

❱❱❱ Features

  • Improved shrine blessings.
  • Pray or worship to extend the duration of your shrine blessings.
  • Remains in the background and does not take over the game.

❱❱❱ Worship and prayer

Using a shrine now gives you the option to worship the deity. If you accept, you kneel in reverence and receive the deity's blessing and the Pray power, allowing you to pray to them anywhere.

Blessings last for a shorter time than in vanilla Skyrim: four hours instead of eight. However, until the blessing runs out, you can pray using the power to reset the duration to two hours, or worship at their shrine to reset the duration to four hours. You can keep the blessing up indefinitely in this fashion.

If you do let the blessing wear off, you lose the power and need to return to their shrine and choose to worship them again.

❱❱❱ Blessings

  • Akatosh - Dragon Soul: Increases armor by 75 points. Pray to quickly regenerate Stamina.
  • Arkay - Arkay's Blood: Increases Health by 25 points. Healing potions consumed while praying are 50% stronger.
  • Dibella - Pleasures: Prices are 10% better. Food and potions consumed while praying last 25% longer.
  • Julianos - Inspiration: Increases Magicka by 25 points. Pray to quickly regenerate Magicka.
  • Kynareth - Wanderlust: Increases Stamina by 25 points. Pray to discover nearby map markers.
  • Mara - Hearth Healer: Healing spells and effects heal 10% more. Pray to cure diseases affecting you and allies.
  • Stendarr - Holy Fire: Deal 15% extra attack damage to undead, daedra and dragons. While praying, they can be seen through walls.
  • Talos - Stormlord: Shout cooldown is reduced by 20%. Pray to finish your shout cooldown instantly.
  • Zenithar - Spirit of Enterprise: Enchanting and smithing are 10% better. Pray to indicate the 15 nearest ore veins and plants.
  • Azura - Petals of Moonshadow: Resist 10% of magic. While praying, weapons can be recharged 25% more.
  • Boethiah - Assassinate: Deal 10% extra sneak attack damage. While praying, nearby people can be seen through walls.
  • Mephala - Venom: Poisons you mix are 15% better. Poisons applied to weapons while praying last for 2 extra hits.
  • Nocturnal - Mysteries: You are 10% harder to detect while sneaking. Pray to indicate the 15 nearest containers, doors and keys.
  • Auriel - Perception: Learn all skills 10% faster. Pray to sense the presence or absence of nearby opponents.