About this mod
Wintersun adds religion and worship. Pray, worship at shrines and follow the tenets of your deity to strengthen your bond with the deity and eventually reward you with divine strength. In addition to the divines and daedric princes, the mod adds many other deities from Elder Scrolls lore with their own shrines.
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Skyrim Legendary Edition version available here
- Choose a deity to worship, either as a racial deity, at their shrine or by reading about them.
- Pray, worship at their shrines, follow their tenets and avoid their taboos to gain favor with your deity.
- Gain a basic ability for following a deity, and a more powerful devotee ability when your favor is high enough.
- Custom shrines with new shrine blessings.
- 50 deities total.
- Lightweight scripts, no save bloat.
- Can be installed during your playthrough.
Wintersun Review on Youtube
Following a deity
Whenever you use a shrine, a dialog box appears, allowing you to become a Follower of that deity. Followers receive a subtle gift, the Pray power, and a list of religious tenets. Some deities can only be worshipped by certain races or after completing a quest.
Adhering to the tenets, praying, and worshipping at their shrine will raise your favor with your deity. Upon reaching 100%, you become a Devotee and receive a second gift that is a dramatic manifestation of the deity's power on Tamriel. Ignoring your religious duties or violating their taboos will cause your favor with the deity to gradually diminish. If favor drops to 0%, the deity will abandon you.
You can only worship one deity at a time.
Prayer and worship
Use the Pray power to kneel and enter a meditative state, raising your favor and displaying your current favor. While you can pray as often as you wish, praying at least once a day is sufficient to raise your favor as fast as possible; there is no additional benefit to repeatedly praying in quick succession or praying for long amounts of time. Some deities may restrict prayer to specific times or locations.
You can also worship at the shrine of your deity. Worship is equivalent to prayer, but raises favor by a larger amount.
Your starting religion
At the start of your playthrough (after the intro sequence or when you reach level 2, same as Survival Mode), a dialog box appears, allowing you to choose a deity based on your race. This represents the religion your character followed before they arrived in Skyrim.
Although visiting their shrine is the most common way to become a follower of a deity, there are other ways. In particular, when you interact with a Daedric Prince during a quest or read about their deeds of might and glory, the Daedric Prince may offer you to immediately become their follower, regardless of your race or other requirements.
Should you decline the Temptation, the Daedric Prince will not ask again, so choose wisely. (If you decline, you can still become a follower of the Daedric Prince by visiting their shrine.)
Holy relics
Rare lost artifacts of holy or unholy power exist that will improve your relationship with your deity...
The Nine Divines
The Divines welcome any who would worship them into the fold, no matter their race or previous deities. Divine favor is slow to build, but the Divines are merciful and their faithful are unlikely to fall out of favor, unless they overtly commit crimes or ignore their religious duties for a long period of time.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Khajiit / Nord
“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Raise your character level. Absorb dragon souls. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”
- Shrine blessing - Increased Experience: Learn all skills 10% faster.
- Follower - Father of Dragons: Attacks, spells, scrolls, shouts and enchantments are X% better against dragons (based on favor with Akatosh).
- Devotee - Turn the Hourglass: Praying to Akatosh resets the cooldown of your most recently used shout and power.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Wood Elf
“Slay the undead and their summoners. Perform Arkay's Rites. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim. Never summon the undead or become one of them.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Health: Increases your Health by 25 points.
- Follower - Chalice of Life: Regenerate up to 5% of your maximum Health per second based on missing Health. Can perform Arkay's Rites.
- Devotee - Arkayn Cycle: Revive with full Health upon taking fatal damage. Must pray to use this ability again. Costs 15% favor.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord
“Persuade others. Receive the blessing of Lover's Comfort. Find a new Sybil for my Temple. Pray only in the nude. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Speech: Prices are 10% better.
- Follower - Afterglow: Lover's Comfort (gained by sleeping with one's spouse) also improves all skills by 5%.
- Devotee - Dibellan Arts: Activate a person in combat to make them unequip their items and follow you for 90 seconds. Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Imperial
“Master the skills of the Mage. Strive to raise your Magicka. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Magicka: Increases your Magicka by 25 points.
- Follower - Divine Student: Spells cost X% less to cast (based on favor with Julianos).
- Devotee - Temple of Logic: Spells and scrolls are X% more effective (based on favor with Julianos).
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Imperial / Khajiit / Nord
“Explore new locations. Strive to raise your Stamina. Receive the Voice of the Sky. Pray only outdoors. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Stamina: Increases your Stamina by 25 points.
- Follower - Windspeaker: The fierce spirit of Kyne increases movement speed by 10% in combat.
- Devotee - Kynareth’s Emissary: Pray to Kynareth to summon a sacred Sabre Cat mount.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Wood Elf
“Be married. Own one or more houses. Be generous to beggars and children. Receive the blessing of Lover's Comfort. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”
- Shrine blessing: Fortify Restoration: Restoration spells cost 10% less to cast.
- Follower - Cleansing: Pray to Mara to cure all diseases affecting you or allies within 40 feet.
- Devotee - Aura of Peace: Living allies within 40 feet are healed X points per second (based on favor with Mara).
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Imperial / Nord / Wood Elf
“Clear dungeons of evil. Slay daedra and the undead. Complete side quests for the people of Skyrim. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim. Never practice the foul summoning arts.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Block: Block 10% more damage.
- Follower - Sacred Resolve: Take X% less attack damage from daedra and undead (based on favor with Stendarr).
- Devotee - Channel Divinity: During prayer, you may spend 10% favor to gain X% improved attack, defense and healing (based on favor with Stendarr) for 5 minutes or 3 battles.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Imperial / Nord
“Bring the Civil War to a conclusion. Learn the dragon tongue. Absorb dragon souls. Slay elves and the Thalmor. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Shouts: Time between shouts is reduced 20%.
- Follower - Stormlord: Attacks, critical strikes and shouts are X% more effective against elves (based on favor with Talos).
- Devotee - Dragon of the North: Your remaining shout cooldown is halved whenever an enemy dies within 40 feet.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Breton / Imperial / Nord
“Invest in stores and merchants. Seek out skill training. Make weapons and armor. Never openly break the laws of Skyrim.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Smithing: Able to improve items 10% better.
- Follower - Work Ethic: Learn Smithing, Alchemy and Enchanting X% faster and they are X% better (based on favor with Zenithar).
- Devotee - Invisible Hand: Pray to Zenithar to buy and sell items directly.
The Daedric princes
Most Daedric Princes only accept the worship of those they deem worthy of their attention. Gaining favor is not too challenging, as long as one is willing to commit unsavoury acts, but favor also diminishes faster. As a result, prayer alone is not enough to reach devotee status and Daedra worshippers must actively follow their tenets to build up favor. There is no such thing as paying lip service to a Daedric Prince!
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Black Star”
Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit
“Trap souls in my name. Explore new locations. Pray only at twilight, preferably outside. Dark Elves and those skilled in Illusion are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Resist Magic: Resist 10% of magic.
- Follower - Twilight Shroud: Foes within 40 feet suffer X% reduced magic resistance (based on favor with Azura) and can't absorb spells.
- Devotee - Perfume of Moonshadow: Activate a person in combat below X% Health (based on favor with Azura) to paralyze them with 1 Health. Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "Boethiah’s Calling”
Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf
“Murder the innocent. Strike unseen with sneak attacks. Poison your weapons. Dark Elves are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify One-Handed: You are 10% more effective with one-handed weapons.
- Follower - Blood Throne: Your attacks deal X% more damage when fighting only one opponent (based on favor with Boethiah).
- Devotee - Assassinate: During prayer, you may invoke superior Daedric Invisibility for 90 seconds. If broken by a sneak attack, it deals 50% more damage. Costs 10% favor.
Clavicus Vile
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed “A Daedra’s Best Friend”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Pray to accept a Pact and complete it as written within the allotted time. Never break or ignore my Pacts.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Conjuration: Conjuration spells cost 10% less to cast.
- Follower - Pactmaker: Conjuration spells and effects last 10% longer. Pray to make a Pact to gain favor with Clavicus Vile.
- Devotee - Wishmaster: Pray to make a Wish, permanently gaining an additional perk point. Costs 30% favor.
Hermaeus Mora
Can follow this deity: Wood Elf / Everyone who completed "Discerning the Transmundane”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Read Eldritch Pages and bind them into Eldritch Tomes. Read books that teach new skills. Become my Champion at the Summit of Apocrypha.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Corpus: Spells and effects you cast on yourself last 15% longer.
- Follower - Demon of Knowledge: Find Eldritch Pages on corpses. Similar pages can be bound at a tanning rack to create Eldritch Tomes that improve your magic and shouts.
- Devotee - Omniscience: Pray to permanently raise a skill of your choice by one level. Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: Breton / Wood Elf / werewolf / everyone who completed "Ill Met by Moonlight”
Racial starting deity for: Wood Elf
“Slay the living in open combat, especially those stronger than you. Live as a werewolf. Pray in the wild. Those skilled in Light Armor are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Regenerate Stamina: Regenerate 2% of your maximum Stamina per second.
- Follower - Bitter Mercy: Hircine's gift doubles attack damage to living targets with X% or less Health (based on favor with Hircine)..
- Devotee - Posting of the Hunt: During prayer, invoke a Hunt against the living within 500 feet, revealing them and exposing them to Bitter Mercy. Costs 10% favor.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: none
“Activate my Obelisks of Order. Clear dungeons of evil. Slay daedra. Never serve Sheogorath. Those skilled in Heavy Armor are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Daedra Slayer: Deal 15% more attack damage and critical damage against daedra.
- Follower - Obelisks of Order: Generates 8 Obelisks of Order in Skyrim. Activating one grants 15 points of Health, Magicka and Stamina.
- Devotee - Stasis: Activate an opponent in combat to trap them in an inert but invulnerable state for 15 seconds. Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Orc / everyone who completed "The Cursed Tribe”
Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Orc
“Defeat epic foes. Improve weapons and armor. Never commit a crime against the strongholds. Orcs and those skilled in Smithing are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Power Attacks: Your power attacks cost 15% less Stamina.
- Follower - Deathbringer: Your power attacks deal X% more damage (based on favor with Malacath).
- Devotee - Bloodsoaked Triumph: When an enemy dies within 40 feet, their killer is healed by X% of the amount of overkill damage dealt (based on favor with Malacath).
Mehrunes Dagon
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "Pieces of the Past”
Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit
“Slay people who stand in your way. Defile the shrines of my enemies. Those skilled in Destruction are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Amplify Destruction: Destruction spells are 10% more effective.
- Follower - Self-Immolation: Daedric fire burns your spirit as you pray, draining Magicka. Stop praying at 20% or less to gain more favor and Burning Path activations.
- Devotee - Burning Path: Nearby foes burn for X damage and explode on death for X damage (based on favor with Mehrunes Dagon). Pray to recharge.
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Whispering Door”
Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit
“Poison your weapons. Strike unseen with sneak attacks. Intimidate the weak. Dark Elves are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Poisons: Poisons you mix are 15% more effective.
- Follower - Secret Murder: Sneak attacks deal X% more damage from behind (based on favor with Mephala).
- Devotee - Whispers of Betrayal: During prayer, seize control of the nearest person within 75 feet to fight for you. Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: High Elf / everyone who completed "The Break of Dawn”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Slay the undead. Never summon the undead or become one of them. High Elves and those skilled in Restoration are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Amplify Restoration: Restoration spells are 10% more effective.
- Follower - Purification: Attacks, spells, scrolls, shouts and enchantments are X% better against undead (based on favor with Meridia).
- Devotee - Supreme Light: Activate an undead opponent in combat to call down a solar strike to deal X damage (based on favor with Meridia) and half to nearby undead. Costs 10% favor.
Molag Bal
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / vampire / everyone who completed "The House of Horrors”
Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf
“Slay people who stand in your way. Trap souls in my name. Live as a vampire and never seek a cure. Those skilled in Destruction are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Destruction: Destruction spells cost 10% less to cast.
- Follower - Eye of the Storm: Absorbs X Magicka and Stamina per second (based on favor with Molag Bal) from nearby enemies in combat.
- Devotee - Dragged to Oblivion: Activate a person in combat to banish them to Coldharbour. Pray to request the items. Costs 15% favor.
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "The Taste of Death”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Murder the innocent. Poison your weapons. Eat the corpses of the dead with my Ring. Be generous to beggars.”
- Shrine blessing - Resist Poison: Increases Poison Resistance by 50%.
- Follower - Creeping Decay: Reduces Poison Resist of all within 40 feet by X% (based on favor with Namira).
- Devotee - Necrophages: Poisoning a person or putting a Human Heart or Flesh into their inventory attracts insects, reducing armor by X% and dealing X disease damage (based on favor with Namira).
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed “Darkness Returns”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Pickpocket Mysterious Coinpurses. Pick locks successfully. Pray only at night, preferably in darkness. Those skilled in Sneak are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Sneak: You are 10% harder to detect.
- Follower - Vanish in the Night: Praying clears non-violent crime bounties up to X gold (based on favor with Nocturnal).
- Devotee - Raven’s Watch: During prayer, you may astrally observe the nearest person within 300 feet.
Can follow this deity: diseased / everyone who completed "The Only Cure”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Catch as many diseases as you can. Accept my Gifts of pestilence. Pray only while diseased. Never accept a cure for your afflictions.”
- Shrine blessing - Resist Disease: Increases Disease Resistance by 25%. (The shrine does not cure diseases if you are a Follower of Peryite.)
- Follower - Taskmaster: Learn all skills X% faster (based on favor with Peryite). Pray for Peryite's Gifts to gain favor.
- Devotee - Green Dragon’s Breath: Activate a living opponent in combat to inflict all of Peryite's Gifts you have on the target, plus 5 disease damage per second for each gift. Pray to recharge.
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "A Night to Remember”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Make mischief and commit misdemeanors and crimes worthy of a bounty. Indulge in mead, wine and ale. Find your own way out of jail.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Potions: Using beneficial potions and alchemical ingredients is 15% better.
- Follower - Be Merry: Health, Magicka and Stamina regenerate 50% faster while a potion, food item or ingredient is active.
- Devotee - Pandemonium: Can pray in combat, forcing the 5 nearest hostile people to dance for 20 seconds. Costs 10% favor.
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / Khajiit / everyone who completed "The Mind of Madness”
Racial starting deity for: Dark Elf / Khajiit
Pray often and receive Sheogorath's Touch of Madness. Never disrespect cheese.
- Shrine blessing - ???: Grants a random blessing!
- Follower - Touch of Madness: Praying grants a random Touch of Madness. High favor with Sheogorath yields more beneficial effects.
- Devotee - Lost to Madness: Receive a Touch of Madness whenever you enter combat.
Can follow this deity: Dark Elf / everyone who completed "Waking Nightmare”
Racial starting deity for: none
“Witness the death of those under your mind affecting spells. Kill people in their sleep. Sleep to pray. Those skilled in Illusion are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Illusion: Illusion spells cost 10% less to cast.
- Follower - Night Terrors: Mind affecting illusion spells work on targets X levels higher (based on favor with Vaermina).
- Devotee - Phantasmagoria: Activate a sleeping person to summon an illusion to accompany you for an hour. Costs 10% favor.
The Elven ancestors
Like the Divines, the sacred ancestors of the elven races reward long term relationships. Elven doctrine demands perfection in all things, but helping others is not usually a priority for the ancestors. As a result, they do not penalise you for committing crimes.
Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf
Racial starting deity for: High Elf / Wood Elf
“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Master all skills. Become my Champion at my sacred Chantry. High Elves are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Archery: You are 10% more effective with missile weapons.
- Follower - Father of Mer: Learn all skills X% faster (based on favor with Auriel).
- Devotee - Path to Alaxon: Attaining level 100 in a skill improves that skill by X% (based on favor with Auriel).
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: High Elf / Wood Elf
“Explore new locations. Read the stories of others. Hunt animals. Wood Elves are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Carry Weight: Carrying capacity increased by 25 points.
- Follower - Forest Stride: The unbounded spirit of Jephre increases movement speed by 10% when out of combat.
- Devotee - The Eternal Song: Stamina regenerates very quickly out of combat. Praying to Jephre brings clear weather.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf
“Practice magic successfully while praying. Safeguard the Eye of Magnus. Create enchanted items.”
- Shrine blessing - Spell Absorption: 10% chance to absorb a hostile spell and recharge your Magicka.
- Follower - Sight, Light and Insight: Magicka does not regenerate, but praying rapidly replenishes Magicka. Spells cost 75% less to cast.
- Devotee - Architect's Gift: Praying, automatically casts the (beneficial self targeted) spells in your hands for no Magicka and they last X% longer (based on favor with Magnus).
Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf
Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf
“Explore new locations. Find the standing stones of Skyrim. Harvest the fruits of nature. Bretons are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Alchemy: Potions and poisons you mix are 10% stronger.
- Follower - Shorter Strides: Health, Magicka and Stamina regenerate 100% faster when standing still but 50% slower when moving.
- Devotee - Elvenpath: During prayer, you may teleport back to the last location where you prayed. Costs 2% favor.
Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf
Racial starting deity for: High Elf
“Read books that teach new skills. Study a wide variety of spells. High Elves are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Regenerate Magicka: Regenerate 2% of your maximum Magicka per second.
- Follower - Knowledge Seeker: You are more likely to find spell tomes and scrolls on enemies you kill.
- Devotee - Reach for the Stars: Learn all Mage skills X% faster (based on favor with Syrabane).
Can follow this deity: High Elf / Orc / Wood Elf
Racial starting deity for: High Elf / Orc
“Slay humans. Defeat epic foes. Never accept Boethiah's blessing or serve her. Those skilled in Two-Handed are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Two-Handed: You are 10% more effective with two-handed weapons.6
- Follower - Tears of Man: Attacks deal X% more damage and critical damage to humans (based on favor with Trinimac).
- Devotee - Manifest Divinity: When praying, you may become ethereal and invulnerable until your next attack. Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf
Racial starting deity for: Breton / High Elf / Wood Elf
“Explore new locations. Read the stories of others. Study a wide variety of spells. Bretons are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Scrolls: Scrolls are 25% more effective.
- Follower - Scribe’s Insight: If you read a Skill Book while praying, Xarxes grants you an extra Skill Point in that skill.
- Devotee - Panopticon: During prayer, you may ascend in a trance, revealing all characters in a very large radius.
Can follow this deity: Wood Elf
Racial starting deity for: Wood Elf
“Bribe people as needed. Harvest the fruits of nature. Eat as much food as you want. Those skilled in Speech are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Alteration: Alteration spells cost 10% less to cast.
- Follower - Traveler’s Break: Beneficial potions, food and ingredients last twice as long and are X% better (based on favor with Z'en) if consumed while praying.
- Devotee - Merchant’s Knapsack: Pray to open an unlimited extradimensional storage space.
The Yokudan pantheon
The gods of the Redguards aid their followers in straightforward and effective ways. While many Redguard deities mirror the Imperial pantheon, Redguards also have their own unique deities that are not worshipped anywhere else on Nirn. The Yokudan pantheon does not penalise worshippers for committing crimes.
Can follow this deity: Redguard
Racial starting deity for: Redguard
“Bring the Civil War to a conclusion. Make and improve weapons. Master the skills of the Warrior.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Light Armor: Armor rating of light armor pieces is increased by 10%.
- Follower - Spirit Sword: Power attacks ignore X% of an opponent's armor (based on favor with Leki).
- Devotee - Battle Meditation: During prayer, you may spend 5% favor to gain X% melee damage (based on favor with Leki) for 10 minutes or 5 battles. Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: Redguard
Racial starting deity for: Redguard
“Be married. Receive the blessing of Lover's Comfort. Harvest the fruits of nature. Eat as much food as you want.”
- Shrine blessing: Fortify Healing: Healing spells restore 15% more Health.
- Follower - Healer of the Sands: Praying restores X Health per second for you and nearby allies (based on favor with Morwha).
- Devotee - Fertile Growth: Praying to Morwha blesses you with enchanted fruit that restores or fortifies an attribute.
Can follow this deity: Redguard
Racial starting deity for: Redguard
“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Strive to raise your Health. Absorb dragon souls.”
- Shrine blessing - Regenerate Health: Regenerate 2% of your maximum Health per second.
- Follower - World Egg: Shrine blessings from other gods are X% more effective and last X% longer (based on favor with Satakal).
- Devotee - Ouroboros: Pray to become reborn as a different person, moving points between your attributes. Costs 15% favor.
Tall Papa
Can follow this deity: Redguard
Racial starting deity for: Redguard
“Touch the Fractures scattered around Skyrim. Create enchanted items. Those skilled in Enchanting are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Enchanting: Items are enchanted 10% stronger.
- Follower - Metaphysical Insight: Weapon enchantments drain X% less charge (based on favor with Tall Papa).
- Devotee - Glimpse the Shores: On death, enter an ethereal ascended state. If combat ends within X seconds, brings you back to life (based on favor with Tall Papa) for 10% favor. Pray to reset.
The HoonDing
Can follow this deity: Redguard
Racial starting deity for: Redguard
“Slay your foes in open combat, especially those stronger than you. Those skilled in One-Handed are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing: Fortify Stagger: Stagger from attacks and bashes is 50% more effective.
- Follower - Make Way: Staggering an opponent reduces armor by X points for 5 seconds (based on favor with the HoonDing).
- Devotee - Perseverance: X% chance to resist stagger from attacks and bashes (based on favor with the HoonDing).
The Khajiiti pantheon
The Khajiit worship many deities, most of which are different aspects of the Divines and Daedric Princes, but they also have several deities that represent their own challenges and unique role in the world. Survival in the foreign land of Skyrim is tough, so their deities do not penalize them for committing crimes, and may in fact reward them.
Can follow this deity: Khajiit
Racial starting deity for: Khajiit
“Explore new locations. Bribe people as needed. Pick locks successfully. Those skilled in Lockpicking are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Lockpicking: Lockpicking is 10% easier.
- Follower - Rajhin’s Tales: Find additional gold in many containers, with a chance to find a large amount of additional gold.
- Devotee - Prayer of Unlocking: Pray to Rajhin to break a lock within 20 feet. Costs 5% favor. No effect on locks that can’t be picked.
Can follow this deity: Khajiit
Racial starting deity for: Khajiit
“Master the skills of the Warrior, Thief and Mage. Strive to raise your Health, Magicka and Stamina. Each is as important as the others. Pray only at night.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Unarmed Damage: Unarmed strikes do 10 additional damage.
- Follower - Path to Llesw’er: All skills are improved X% (based on favor with the Riddle'Thar).
- Devotee - Beseech the Manes: During prayer, an ancient Mane will grant a blessing they believe to be appropriate for the challenges you are about to face.
Miscellaneous deities
In addition to the established pantheons, the common denizens of Tamriel worship many local or less powerful deities. While the power of the Divines and Daedric Princes is unmistakeable, a quick prayer to a minor deity may also bring success in trade, travel or thievery.
Baan Dar
Can follow this deity: Khajiit / Wood Elf
Racial starting deity for: none
“Pick locks and pockets successfully. Khajiit and those skilled in Archery are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Pickpocket: Pickpocketing is 10% easier.
- Follower - Pariah: Buying items from other races is X% more expensive, but pickpocketing is X% easier (based on favor with Baan Dar).
- Devotee - Skooma Trick: Put skooma bottles in people's inventory, then pray to Baan Dar to ignite them within 200 feet for X damage (based on favor with Baan Dar). Costs 5% favor.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: none
“Slay daedra. Defeat epic foes. Complete miscellaneous quests for the people of Skyrim. Those skilled in Block are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Heavy Armor: Armor rating of heavy armor pieces is increased by 10%.
- Follower - Enemy of the Daedra: Attacks and critical strikes are X% more effective against daedra and those who summon them (based on favor with Ebonarm).
- Devotee - Raven’s Harvest: Reduces the armor of enemies within 40 feet by X points (based on favor with Ebonarm) and you gain the total amount. Doubled against daedra.
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: none
“Trap souls in my name. Pray only at night. Never accept Arkay's blessing. Those skilled in Conjuration are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Amplify Conjuration: Conjuration spells are 10% more effective.
- Follower - Dark Moon: Undead conjured at night last X% longer (based on favor with Mannimarco).
- Devotee - Nocturne: Allied conjured undead deal X% more attack damage and regenerate Health (based on favor with Mannimarco).
Can follow this deity: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Redguard
Racial starting deity for: Nord
“Fulfill your destiny by saving Tamriel. Master the skills of the Warrior. Slay elves. Defeat epic foes.”
- Shrine blessing - Elf Slayer: Deal 15% more attack damage and critical damage against elves.
- Follower - Another Name for Freedom: Take X% less attack damage and stagger from elves (based on favor with Shor).
- Devotee - Destiny: When entering combat with a mighty foe, Shor sends a Shield-Thane to assist you. Pray to recharge.
Can follow this deity: Argonian / everyone who completed “Innocence Lost”
Racial starting deity for: Argonian
“Murder the innocent. Pray while sacrificing a Human Heart or Human Flesh. Send your victims to the Void. Argonians are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Sneak Attacks: Sneak attacks deal 15% more damage.
- Follower - Primal Darkness: Up to 25% harder to detect by those within 30 feet. Chance to find Human Hearts on people you kill.
- Devotee - Call of the Void: While sneaking, activate a door to briefly turn it into a Void portal. Targets within 60 feet who are not detecting you are pulled in and killed. Costs 5% favor.
St. Alessia
Can follow this deity: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Redguard
Racial starting deity for: none
“Have a follower at your side. Slay elves. Receive the blessing of a Divine.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Followers: Followers within 20 feet gain 50 points of armor and 10% magic resistance.
- [Follower - Covenant of Man: Pray for a Divine blessing of your choice. Divine blessings are X% better (based on favor with St. Alessia).
- Devotee - Dragonblood Empress: While under the effects of a Divine blessing, can talk to most non-hostile humans to make them a friend and potential follower. Costs 10% favor.
The All-Maker
Can follow this deity: Breton / Imperial / Nord / Redguard
Racial starting deity for: none
“Cleanse the All-Maker Stones. Hunt animals. Explore new locations. Pray only outdoors. Nords are most deserving of my favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Animal Hunter: Deal 15% more attack damage and critical damage against animals.
- Follower - Wellspring of Life: Healing spells restore X% more Health (based on favor with the All-Maker).
- Devotee - World Shaman: After using an All-Maker Stone power, pray to the All-Maker to have it restored to you.
The Hist
Can follow this deity: Argonian
Racial starting deity for: Argonian
“Explore new locations. Slay daedra. Pray only outdoors. Never summon a daedra.”
- Shrine blessing - Fortify Armor: Tough scales increase armor by 50 points.
- Follower - Symbiosis: Pray to gain a X point bonus to all attributes for X seconds (based on favor with the Hist).
- Devotee - Deep Roots: Absorb X% of the Magicka and Stamina of dead creatures and people within 60 feet (based on favor with the Hist).
The Magna-Ge
Can follow this deity: everyone
Racial starting deity for: none
“Create enchanted items. Explore new locations. Pray only outdoors at night. High Elves and those skilled in Alteration are most deserving of our favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Amplify Alteration: Alteration spells are 10% more effective.
- Follower - Shimmering Light: Gain 5 points of weapon charge per second, up to their charge level when last equipped or recharged.
- Devotee - Starlit Path: During prayer, you may let the Magna-Ge carry you to a location within line of sight. Costs 4% favor.
The Old Ways
Can follow this deity: Breton / Nord
Racial starting deity for: none
“Slay people who stand in your way. Absorb dragon souls. Assume our powers through prayer. Nords are most deserving of our favor.”
- Shrine blessing - Animal Slayer: Deal 15% more attack damage and critical damage against animals.
- Follower - Totem Worship: Pray while sacrificing 100 gold worth of gemstones to assume the powers of an animal god.
- Devotee - Dragon Cult: Able to assume the powers of the Dragon. Costs 2% favor per hour.
Anniversary Edition
To integrate the new shrines added by the Creation Club content in the Skyrim Anniversary Edition (specifically the Ghosts of the Tribunal and Gallow's Hall Creations), use this mod (thanks to NovaCoru).
See here for a list of (in)compatible mods.
This mod can be installed during a playthrough. Add the mod to your load order and activate it. Note that if you are next to a vanilla non-functional shrine that is turned into a functional shrine by this mod (Azura, Hircine, Peryite) when you install the mod, you may experience graphical glitches because loaded objects can't be moved or disabled. This will fix itself after a cell reset.
This mod can be removed during a playthrough. Make sure you are not worshipping Arkay or Kynareth and don't have a shrine blessing active, then remove the mod.
- The dialog to follow a Divine does not show up when I activate their shrine You have another mod that modifies shrine blessings and is loaded after Wintersun.
- My favor keeps going down: Make sure you are praying at least once every 24 hours. A reminder notification appears 24 hours after your last prayer session. Note that favor depletes much faster in versions of Wintersun before 3.0.0, especially for Daedric Princes.
- I spam pray but my favor barely increases: Praying at least once every 24 hours is sufficient to gain the maximum amount of favor from praying. Praying more often than that does not yield more favor.
- I heard you can only worship a deity once / I got abandoned, did I lose the deity forever: Incorrect. You can follow a deity at their shrine an unlimited number of times, even if the deity abandons you. Some Daedric Princes will offer you to follow them immediately when you read about them, and this can only occur once, but if you decline, you can always follow them at their shrine at a later time.
- Abilities are excessively strong / I do far too much damage / this mod is OP: This mod uses the "VoicePoints" and "VoiceRate" unused actor values to implement favor scaling, and having another mod that uses these actor values in your load order will result in a conflict. The outcome of such a conflict is that follower abilities and/or shrine blessings are much more powerful than the ability description claims.
- How do I use "during prayer" abilities such as Stendarr's Channel Divinity: While praying, a luminous glow appears in front of you. Activate it with the Activate button, like opening a chest.
- How do I use "activate a target in combat" abilities such as Meridia's Supreme Light: In melee range, activate the target with the Activate button, like opening a chest.
- Can I worship multiple deities: No. Implementing this would require removing most forms of favor scaling, and if you can worship several deities, each of them would need a major nerf, making it pointless to worship just one (or any less than 50). Lore wise, while commoners may worship "the nine", clergy are typically dedicated to one deity only.
- My favor is stuck at 0%: If you use the MCM to disable abandonment, your favor can become negative, which is displayed as 0% because many worshipper abilities scale with favor and would become drawbacks at negative favor. Either gain enough favor to get back above 0%, or disable the MCM option to get abandoned and return to their shrine to follow them again with a fresh 15% favor.
Shrine resources (Jephre banner, Hircine banner, Shrine of Azura, Shrine of Hermaeus Mora) by: nickorasu and Colt17
Shrine resources (Elven shrines, many other resources) by: Oaristys
Shrine resources (Shrine of Sithis, Yokudan shrines) by: Runspect
Fruit resources (Morwha) by: bfadragon
Eldritch literature resources by: Blary