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Simon Magus and Colinswrath

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About this mod

Manbeast is a complete overhaul of Skyrim’s Werewolf system designed to balance existing Werewolf mechanics and add powerful new lycanthropic abilities to the game.

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Manbeast - A Werewolf Overhaul

Manbeast is a complete overhaul of Skyrim’s Werewolf system designed to balance existing Werewolf mechanics and add powerful new lycanthropic abilities to the game. In the Vanilla game, Werewolves are largely forgettable. Becoming a Werewolf has no effect on your human form, and transforming is rarely a good idea due to their low damage and their lack of healing. Manbeast addresses these and other problems by overhauling the Werewolf perk tree, expanding the Werewolf’s selection of Howls, adding new passives to mortal form, and introducing a forced transformation mechanic for Werewolves who try to suppress the beast within.

Manbeast requires SKSE, and comes with its own implementation of Simple Werewolf Favorite Howls. Please uninstall this mod before installing Manbeast.

Mortal Form

All werewolves benefit from the following powers and passives while in mortal form. Additional passives can be unlocked from the Werewolf perk tree.

Animal Senses - For 60 seconds, you have improved night vision and you can detect nearby living creatures.

Lycanthrope - As a werewolf, your Poison Resistance is reduced by 50%, but your Disease Resistance is increased by 100%.

Beast Form 

In the Vanilla game, the Werewolves gain extra Armor Rating and Unarmed Damage as they level. I have extended this mechanic to include Health, Stamina, and Magic Resistance (like their counterparts, the Vampire Lords). This ensures that Werewolves stay relevant at higher levels of play. The 50% Weakness to Poison that Werewolves experience in mortal form is increased to 100% in beast form. Werewolves also benefit from several miscellaneous bonuses, such as reduced fall damage and increased power attack damage.

Scaling Breakpoints:

  • Level 10: +100 Health and Stamina
  • Level 15: +125 Health and Stamina, +50 Armor Rating, +10% Magic Resistance, +5 Unarmed Damage 
  • Level 20: +150 Health and Stamina, +100 Armor Rating, +15% Magic Resistance, +10 Unarmed Damage
  • Level 25: +175 Health and Stamina, +150 Armor Rating, +20% Magic Resistance, +15 Unarmed Damage
  • Level 30: +200 Health and Stamina, +200 Armor Rating, +25% Magic Resistance, +20 Unarmed Damage
  • Level 35: +225 Health and Stamina, +250 Armor Rating, +25% Magic Resistance, +25 Unarmed Damage
  • Level 40: +250 Health and Stamina, +300 Armor Rating, +25% Magic Resistance, +30 Unarmed Damage
  • Level 45: +275 Health and Stamina, +300 Armor Rating, +25% Magic Resistance, +35 Unarmed Damage
  • Level 50: +300 Health and Stamina, +300 Armor Rating, +25% Magic Resistance, +40 Unarmed Damage

Werewolf Perks 

In addition to these changes, the Werewolf perk tree has been overhauled significantly. Perks such as Primal Instinct and Pack Leader add new Howls for Werewolves to use in combat. Perks such as Hircine’s Rage and Hircine’s Bounty give Werewolves boosted survivability to balance out their inability to heal. Perks such as Animal Strength and Animal Vigor add passive bonuses that work both in beast form and in mortal form.

Manbeast: As a Werewolf, you deal 25/50% extra damage. 

Animal Vitality: Your Stamina Regeneration is increased by 50/100% in beast form and by 25/50% in mortal form.
Animal Strength: Your Health Regeneration is increased by 50/100% in beast form and by 25/50% in mortal form.
Animal Vigor: Your unarmed damage is increased by 10 / and your Movement Speed is increased by 10% in mortal form and in beast form.

Hircine’s Bounty: As a Werewolf, your Health regenerates twice as fast when you fall below half Health.
Hircine’s Rage: As a Werewolf, you resist 25% of all incoming damage when you fall below half Health.

Feral Speed: As a Werewolf, your Movement Speed is increased by 20%.
Beastly Might: As a Werewolf, your Health and Stamina are increased by 100 in beast form.
Thick Hide: As a Werewolf, your Armor Rating is increased by 100 and your Magic Resistance is increased by 25%.
Bloody Claws: As a Werewolf, your claw attacks deal Bleeding damage / extra Bleeding damage over 10 seconds.
Savage Strength: As a Werewolf, your power attacks have a 50% chance to knock down enemies who fall below half Health.

Primal Instinct: You learn the  Howl of Terror / and the Howl of Rage.
Pack Leader: You learn the Howl of the Pack / and the Howl of the Moon.
Call of the Blood: Your Werewolf Howl cooldown is reduced by 25/50%.

Werewolf Howls 

In Manbeast, Werewolves gain access to five different Howls. Unlike in the Vanilla game, new Howls are unlocked directly through the perk menu. In addition, you have access to a “Howl menu” while in beast form. To activate the Howl menu, press the “Favorites” button (Q by default). You start with the Howl of the Hunt, as well as the ability to revert back to your mortal form.

Howl of the Hunt - For 60 seconds, you have improved night vision and can detect nearby living creatures. Has a cooldown of 5 seconds. Howl again to cancel this effect.

Howl of Terror - Enemies up to level 50/75 are staggered and flee in terror for 30 seconds. Has a 60 second cooldown.

Howl of Rage - For 60 seconds, your Movement Speed is increased by 20%, and your Health and Stamina Regeneration are increased by 100%. Has a cooldown for 120 seconds. 

Howl of the Pack - For sixty seconds, you summon a pair of wolves/ice wolves/werewolves to aid you in battle. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.

Howl of the Moon - For 30 seconds, you cannot be seen or heard, and your critical chance is increased by 100%. Attacking will break this effect. Has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

Werewolf Totems 

When you complete the Companions questline, you will have the opportunity to collect up to three Werewolf Totems. Each Totem offers a special, mutually exclusive blessing from the Hunt-Father. Manbeast also makes small changes to the lore book Totems of Hircine to support this mechanic.

Blessing of the Bone - As a Werewolf, you resist 50% of incoming damage while power attacking.

Blessing of the Skin - As a Werewolf, your claw attacks reduce enemy Armor Rating by 150 for 10 seconds.

Blessing of the Skull - As a Werewolf, your Howl cooldown is reduced by 25%.

Werewolf Artifacts

Manbeast also covers four Werewolf-themed artifacts, the Frostmoon Rings. These artifacts work in both mortal and in beast form, but their bonus is doubled in beast form. Note that due to the altered base stats of the Werewolf, bonuses to Health and Stamina Regeneration are significantly stronger in Werewolf form than in mortal form.

Ring of Bloodlust: Your Health Regeneration is increased by 50% in mortal form and by 100% in beast form.

Ring of Instinct: Your Stamina Regeneration is increased by 50% in mortal form and by 100% in beast form.

Ring of the Hunt: Your Movement Speed is increased by 10% in mortal form and by 20% in beast form.

Ring of the Moon: Your Armor Rating is increased by 100 in mortal form and by 200 in beast form.

Forced Transformations

As a Werewolf, if you refuse to feed the beast within, you will start to lose control of your transformations. After five days without transforming, you will receive a warning that the beast is stirring. After seven days without transforming, you will be forced to transform. Wearing the Ring of Hircine prevents you from being affected by the Forced Transformation mechanic.  

Unarmed Damage 

In Aetherius, Argonians and Khajiit receive an extra +5 base unarmed damage, in addition to their normal passives. Manbeast gives an extra +5 to all other races when they become Werewolves, representing their transformation to be more like the beast races. This works nicely with mods that give non-beast races the beast race “claw” animation for unarmed attacks when they become a werewolf.


Manbeast requires a new game, or a save where you have never become a Werewolf. I will not offer any support for users who attempt to install this mod on a game where they are already a Werewolf.


Manbeast is a streamlined Werewolf overhaul that only touches records relevant to Werewolves. Manbeast will be incompatible with any mod that that changes Werewolves. However, it will not cause compatibility issues with any other mods. Note that Manbeast does change the Werewolf race record, and may need to be loaded after mods such as Mortal Enemies which also change the Werewolf race records.

The Simonrim Team 

Simon Magus (Nexus / Patreon) 
DeltaRider (Nexus / Patreon)
Oreo (Nexus / Patreon)
Colinswrath (Nexus / Patreon)

The Simonrim Suite

Aetherius - A Race Overhaul
Mundus - A Standing Stone Overhaul
Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
Adamant - A Perk Overhaul
Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon
Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul
Arena - An Encounter Zone Overhaul
Scion - A Vampire Overhaul
Manbeast - A Werewolf Overhaul
Stormcrown - A Shout Overhaul
Pilgrim - A Religion Overhaul
Thaumaturgy - An Enchanting Overhaul
Artificer - An Artifact Overhaul
Sorcerer - A Staff and Scroll Overhaul
Apothecary - An Alchemy Overhaul
Gourmet - A Cooking Overhaul
Journeyman - A Fast Travel Overhaul
Candlehearth - An Inn Overhaul
Starfrost - A Survival Overhaul