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File information

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Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

Provides a conditions system mod authors can use, based on the game's event preconditions.

Permissions and credits
Provides a conditions system mod authors can use (based on the game's event preconditions), with a string format that can be used in content packs.


How to use (for players)
This mod does nothing on its own. Just install the mod, and it'll work automatically for the mods that use it.

How to use (for mod authors)
See the technical documentation for more info!

Common questions
Is the mod still compatible?
The mod is compatible with Stardew Valley 1.6.15 or later on Linux/macOS/Windows, both single-player and multiplayer.
Does the mod conflict with any others?
There are no known mod conflicts. Feel free to report compatibility issues in the mod comments.
Can I safely add/remove the mod anytime?
Yep, this mod doesn't make any changes to your saves. However you may need to remove mods that use it too when you remove this mod.

See also