About this mod
Are you a successful farmer or rancher? No time to make runs to the mines chasing monsters? Do what every other rich person does, PAY SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT FOR YOU!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
With this mod, you can buy more than 350 items previously unavailable in stores including monster drops as well as other more naturally occurring items.
New in v1.1 you will find 8 machines previously only craftable as well as over 40 recipes, both food and crafting, available for purchase early (as long as you have the cash!) Also, six additional dishes sold by Gus in the saloon.
In v1.2 you can now buy some resources directly from some non-shop NPCs. Actually just one NPC in 1.2.0 but rest assured, others are in development! The spoiler info is below if you want it. This change has necessitated my adding Content Patcher to the required mods list so be aware of that.
As of v1.3 if you so desire, you can purchase every single item needed to complete the Community Center, the Library, and the Archaeology Tent on Ginger Island without having you soil a single finger picking up ratty old dolls from the ground!
With v1.4 you'll find two new shops run by Leah and the Wizard with all sorts of goodies available
v1.5 adds a few things that have been requested but it mainly makes management easier as I can compile the mod file automatically from my spreadsheet. This allows me to more easily manage all the items and to sort and re-sort as needed. Because the json file is completely rebuilt in this version, I have done a LOT of testing but it certainly isn't exhaustive. If you run into any issues, please file a bug report here at the mod page or post in the discussion. I will leave v1.4 up as well so you can always go back if the issue is larger.
All of these things are sold in several shops around town, for a fair price of course, they need to make a living also.
I've tried to choose the best shop for each item based on what it is, who other than the player would be most likely to acquire it, and how it's generally used. While I've included a spoiler list of all the materials and where to buy them below, hopefully I've listed them at stores that make sense if you give it a little thought.
You'll be able to buy:
- Acorn
- Aerinite
- Aged Roe
- Alamite
- Albacore
- Amaranth
- Amethyst
- Amphibian Fossil
- Anchor
- Ancient Doll
- Ancient Drum
- Ancient Fruit
- Ancient Seed
- Ancient Sword
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aquamarine
- Arrowhead
- Artifact Trove
- Bait
- Barbed Hook
- Baryte
- Basalt
- Basic Fertilizer
- Basic Retaining Soil
- Bat Wing
- Battery Pack
- Bee House
- Beet
- Bixite
- Blackberry
- Blobfish
- Blue Jazz
- Blueberry
- Bone Flute
- Bone Fragment
- Bream
- Bug Meat
- Bullhead
- Cactus Fruit
- Calcite
- Carp
- Cask
- Catfish
- Cauliflower
- Cave Carrot
- Caviar
- Celestine
- Chanterelle
- Cheese
- Cheese Press
- Cherry
- Chewing Stick
- Chicken Statue
- Chipped Amphora
- Chub
- Clam
- Clay
- Cloth
- Cockle
- Coconut
- Common Mushroom
- Cookie
- Copper Bar
- Coral
- Cork Bobber
- Corn
- Corn (Gold)
- Crab
- Crab Pot
- Crayfish
- Crocus
- Crystal Fruit
- Curiosity-Lure
- Daffodil
- Dandelion
- Deluxe Fertilizer
- Deluxe Retaining Soil
- Deluxe Scarecrow
- Deluxe Speed-Gro
- Diamond
- Dinosaur Egg
- Dinosaur Mayonnaise
- Dish O' The Sea
- Dolomite
- Dragon Tooth
- Dressed Spinner
- Dried Starfish
- Duck Egg
- Duck Feather
- Dwarf Gadget
- Dwarf Scroll I
- Dwarf scroll II
- Dwarf Scroll III
- Dwarf Scroll IV
- Dwarvish Helm
- Dwarvish Translation Guide
- Earth Crystal
- Eel
- Egg
- Eggplant
- Elvish Jewelry
- Emerald
- Esperite
- Fairy Rose
- Fairy Stone
- Fall Seeds
- Farmer's Lunch
- Fiber
- Fiddlehead Fern
- Fire Opal
- Fire Quartz
- Fluorapatite
- Fossilized Leg
- Fossilized Ribs
- Fossilized Skull
- Fossilized Spine
- Fossilized Tail
- Fried Egg
- Frozen Geode
- Frozen Tear
- Geminite
- Geode
- Ghost Crystal
- Ghost Fish
- Ghostfish
- Glass Shards
- Glowstone Ring
- Goat Cheese
- Goat Milk
- Gold Bar
- Golden Mask
- Golden Relic
- Granite
- Grape
- Green Bean
- Green Tea
- Hardwood
- Hazelnut
- Helvite
- Hematite
- Holly
- Honey
- Hops
- Hot Pepper
- Hyper Speed-Gro
- Ice Cream
- Iridium Band
- Iridium Bar
- Iridium Ore
- Iridium Sprinkler
- Iron Bar
- Jade
- Jagoite
- Jamborite
- Jasper
- Jelly
- Juice
- Keg
- Kyanite
- L. Goat Milk
- Large Egg
- Large Milk
- Largemouth Bass
- Largemouth Bass (Gold)
- Lava Eel
- Leek
- Lemon Stone
- Limestone
- Lobster
- Loom
- Lucky Purple Shorts
- Lunarite
- Magma Geode
- Magnet
- Mahogany Seed
- Maki Roll
- Malachite
- Maple Seed
- Maple Syrup
- Marble
- Mayonnaise Machine
- Mead
- Melon
- Melon (Gold)
- Milk
- Miner's Treat
- Morel
- Mudstone
- Mummified Bat
- Mummified Frog
- Mussel
- Nautilus Fossil
- Nautilus Shell
- Nekoite
- Neptunite
- Oak Resin
- Obsidian
- Ocean Stone
- Octopus
- Oil Maker
- Omni Geode
- Opal
- Orange
- Ornamental Fan
- Orpiment
- Oyster
- Pale Ale
- Palm Fossil
- Parsnip
- Parsnip (Gold)
- Peach
- Periwinkle
- Petrified Slime
- Pickles
- Pine Cone
- Pine Tar
- Pink Cake
- Pomegranate
- Poppy
- Potato
- Prehistoric Handaxe
- Prehistoric Rib
- Prehistoric Scapula
- Prehistoric Skull
- Prehistoric Tibia
- Prehistoric Tool
- Prehistoric Vertebra
- Preserves Jar
- Prismatic Shard
- Pufferfish
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin (Gold)
- Purple Mushroom
- Pyrite
- Quality Bobber
- Quality Fertilizer
- Quality Retaining Soil
- Quartz
- Rabbit's Foot
- Rainbow Shell
- Rare Disc
- Recycling Machine
- Red Cabbage
- Red Mushroom
- Red Snapper
- Ring of Yoba
- Roe
- Roots Platter
- Ruby
- Rusty Cog
- Rusty Spoon
- Rusty Spur
- Salmonberry
- Sandfish
- Sandstone
- Sap
- Sardine
- Scarecrow
- Scorpion Carp
- Sea Urchin
- Seaweed
- Seed Maker
- Shad
- Shad (Gold)
- Shashimi
- Shrimp
- Skeletal Hand
- Skeletal Tail
- Slate
- Slime
- Slime
- Snail
- Snake Skull
- Snake Vertebrae
- Snow Yam
- Soapstone
- Solar Essence
- Speed-Gro
- Spice Berry
- Spinner
- Spring Onion
- Spring Seeds
- Squid
- Squid Ink
- Staircase
- Star Shards
- Starfruit
- Strange Doll (1)
- Strange Doll (2)
- Sturdy Ring
- Sturgeon
- Summer Seeds
- Summer Spangle
- Sunfish
- Sunflower
- Survival Burger
- Sweet Gem Berry
- Sweet Pea
- Thorns Ring
- Thunder Egg
- Tiger Trout
- Tigerseye
- Tilapia
- Tomato
- Topaz
- Trap Bobber
- Treasure Hunter
- Trilobite
- Truffle
- Truffle Oil
- Tulip
- Tuna
- Tuna (Gold)
- Void Essence
- Void Salmon
- Walleye
- Walleye (Gold)
- Warrior Ring
- Wedding Ring
- Wheat
- Wheat Flour
- White Algae
- Wild Bait
- Wild Horseradish
- Wild Plum
- Wine
- Winter Root
- Winter Seeds
- Woodskip
- Wool
- Yam
If you really want to know where you'll find everything, here's that list:
- Apple
- Apricot
- Basic Fertilizer
- Basic Retaining Soil
- Battery Pack
- Beet
- Blue Jazz
- Blueberry
- Cauliflower
- Cheese
- Cherry
- Cloth
- Corn
- Corn (Gold)
- Deluxe Fertilizer
- Deluxe Retaining Soil
- Deluxe Scarecrow
- Deluxe Speed-Gro
- Eggplant
- Fairy Rose
- Goat Cheese
- Green Bean
- Honey
- Hot Pepper
- Hyper Speed-Gro
- Iridium Sprinkler
- Jelly
- Melon
- Melon (Gold)
- Orange
- Parsnip
- Parsnip (Gold)
- Peach
- Pickles
- Pomegranate
- Poppy
- Potato
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin (Gold)
- Quality Fertilizer
- Quality Retaining Soil
- Red Cabbage
- Scarecrow
- Seed Maker
- Speed-Gro
- Starfruit
- Summer Spangle
- Sunflower
- Sweet Gem Berry
- Tomato
- Tulip
- Wheat
- Wheat Flour
- Yam
- Bat Wing
- Bug Meat
- Ghostfish
- Glowstone Ring (Item & Recipe)
- Iridium Band (Item & Recipe)
- Ring of Yoba (Item & Recipe)
- Slime
- Solar Essence
- Sturdy Ring (Item & Recipe)
- Thorns Ring (Item & Recipe)
- Void Essence
- Warrior Ring (Item & Recipe)
- Wild Bait
- Acorn
- Cask
- Hardwood
- Loom
- Mahogany Seed
- Maple Seed
- Oak Resin
- Pine Cone
- Pine Tar
- Sap
- Staircase
- Cactus Fruit
- Coconut
- Sandfish
- Albacore
- Anchor
- Bait
- Barbed Hook
- Blobfish
- Bream
- Bullhead
- Carp
- Catfish
- Caviar
- Chub
- Cork Bobber
- Crab
- Crab Pot
- Crayfish
- Curiosity-Lure
- Dressed Spinner
- Dried Starfish
- Eel
- Largemouth Bass
- Largemouth Bass (Gold)
- Lobster
- Magnet
- Octopus
- Pufferfish
- Quality Bobber
- Recycling Machine
- Red Snapper
- Roe
- Sardine
- Shad
- Shad (Gold)
- Shrimp
- Squid
- Squid Ink
- Sturgeon
- Sunfish
- Tiger Trout
- Tilapia
- Trap Bobber
- Treasure Hunter
- Tuna
- Tuna (Gold)
- Walleye
- Walleye (Gold)
- White Algae
- Woodskip
- Aged Roe
- Cheese Press
- Cookie
- Dish O' The Sea
- Farmer's Lunch
- Fried Egg
- Green Tea
- Hops
- Ice Cream
- Juice
- Keg
- Large Egg
- Maki Roll
- Maple Syrup
- Mayonnaise Machine
- Mead
- Milk
- Miner's Treat
- Oil Maker
- Pale Ale
- Pink Cake
- Preserves Jar
- Roots Platter
- Shashimi
- Survival Burger
- Truffle
- Truffle Oil
- Wine
- Amaranth
- Bee House
- Duck Egg
- Duck Feather
- Egg
- Fiber
- Goat Milk
- L. Goat Milk
- Large Milk
- Rabbit's Foot
- Wool
- Aerinite
- Alamite
- Amethyst
- Aquamarine
- Artifact Trove
- Baryte
- Basalt
- Bixite
- Calcite
- Celestine
- Clay
- Copper Bar
- Diamond
- Dolomite
- Earth Crystal
- Emerald
- Esperite
- Fairy Stone
- Fire Opal
- Fire Quartz
- Fluorapatite
- Frozen Geode
- Frozen Tear
- Geminite
- Geode
- Gold Bar
- Granite
- Helvite
- Hematite
- Iridium Bar
- Iridium Ore
- Iron Bar
- Jade
- Jagoite
- Jamborite
- Jasper
- Kyanite
- Lemon Stone
- Limestone
- Lunarite
- Magma Geode
- Malachite
- Marble
- Mudstone
- Nekoite
- Neptunite
- Obsidian
- Ocean Stone
- Omni Geode
- Opal
- Orpiment
- Petrified Slime
- Prismatic Shard
- Pyrite
- Quartz
- Ruby
- Sandstone
- Slate
- Soapstone
- Star Shards
- Tigerseye
- Topaz
- Trilobite
- Wedding Ring (Recipe)
- Blackberry
- Chanterelle
- Clam
- Cockle
- Common Mushroom
- Coral
- Crocus
- Crystal Fruit
- Daffodil
- Dandelion
- Fall Seeds
- Fiddlehead Fern
- Glass Shards
- Grape
- Hazelnut
- Holly
- Leek
- Morel
- Mussel
- Nautilus Shell
- Oyster
- Periwinkle
- Purple Mushroom
- Rainbow Shell
- Red Mushroom
- Salmonberry
- Sea Urchin
- Seaweed
- Snail
- Snow Yam
- Spice Berry
- Spinner
- Spring Onion
- Spring Seeds
- Summer Seeds
- Sweet Pea
- Wild Bait
- Wild Horseradish
- Wild Plum
- Winter Root
- Winter Seeds
Materials are intentionally priced so that you'll pay a premium for someone else to do your work, but that's sort of the point here. Everything is, however, priced so that buying materials and then improving them (make cheese from milk or oil from the truffles, for example) will net a profit but not nearly as much as if you had produced your own materials.
Ok, you say you want the list of costs for everything too?
You're really demanding...
Regarding using this item to buy things and them not showing up in the "Collections" tabs:
- Any bought item can be donated and will count as a donation for the purpose of the Museum, Community Center, NPC Quests, and other [REDACTED] places.
- As for the collections tabs: The "Items shipped" and "Recipes known" items can be bought and will count toward those collections.
- However, the "Fish caught", "Artifacts found", and "Minerals found" CANNOT be bought, they must be caught/found to count by design. (I bought Halibut and made it for my irl family last week. I cannot tell my friends that I have caught a halibut irl!)
While compatible with Diverse Stardew Valley, "Marigold sits on top of Linus' bag but it is still accessible. You just can't interact with Marigold until she moves to a new spot." Thanks to lapeocon for reporting this, the quote is theirs.
- You'll need Smapi like other mods
- You'll also need Shop Tile Framework installed
- Extract the zip file for Buy More Materials into your Mods folder
- Run Stardew Valley using Smapi
Plans for future development:
- Add optional support for Stardew Valley Expanded. Please note, this mod works fine with SVE, by optional support I mean expanding what you can buy from Sophia and adding new custom shops from other SVE NPCs
- [DONE!] Add even more materials such that you could essentially buy the Community Center bundles if you wanted
- [DONE - but may expand further] I have made a new custom shop to buy forage directly from Linus (or his tent). As long as that goes well with wider testing I'll implement that for other NPCs that I've been hoping to get to since I started...
- Other things I haven't thought of yet, feel free to post your suggestions on the discussion tab
Feel free to edit the shops.json file as you see fit for your own playstyle. If you add more or change items (or think I should), I'd love to hear about it, maybe I'll incorporate it into the next version update (and credit you, of course, for your help)
Special thanks to:
- CherryChain for both making STF that this uses as well as taking the time to answer a multitude of questions!
- Pathoschild for, obviously making Smapi to make modding easier but also for personally answering a question or two along the way (though their answer was related to a future update... spoilers)
- NightBlade561 for their mod Easy Mode Store which served as the initial spark of an idea that became Buy More Materials
- The following users for their helping with actual coding or modding issues either directly to me or just helping others in the Posts tab: padawanjedi, Lordanar1337, vexxen23
- The following users for their suggestions for future updates, you've truly helped make Buy More Materials better! Aldodrem, Shador, HaliaxOfTheSeven, johannshah, MithranArkanere, AnotherWolfysue, LiLaTLuv, foggywizard, Maxwellmgs, nintonen, vexxen23
- Other people on the SDV Modding Discord server for answering what were probably rather mundane questions. You all are great.
- And thanks to you, dear player, for reading all the way to the bottom. I wish I could buy YOU a coffee...
- Either this is way more interesting than I thought or you're really bored, either way I hope your day picks up!!